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NAME: ………………. DATE: ………….
ROLL NO: ………… DAY: …………….
TIME: 45 MIN. MM.: 20
General Instructions:
i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) Each question carries one mark.
iii) Read the questions carefully then answer it.
Q.1)Tick the correct answers 12*1=12
1-Edward Jenner developed a vaccine for
a. Rabies b. Chicken pox c. Cowpox

2-Who invented the zero?

a. Mother Teresa b. Aryabhata c. Tagore

3-The temperature of a human body is measured using a

a clinical thermometer b. X-ray machine c. Vaccine

4. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established the

a. Nirmal Hridaya b. Aligarh Muslim University c. Shanti Nagar

5-The units used to measure human body temperature-

a. Celsius or Fahrenheit b. Centimetre c. Barometer

6-What is sushruta referred to as?

a. The father of nation b. The father of medicine c. The Father of surgery

7-The drug given to patients to make them unconscious before surgery is-
a. Chloroform b. Penicillin c. Antibiotic
8-Who was given the title the lion of India?
a. Bal Gangadhar Tilak b. Aryabhata c. Chanakya

9-Rabindranath Tagore received the Nobel prize for literature for-

a. Anand math b. Gitanjali c. Arthshastra

10-Who gave the slogan “Swaraj is my birthright and I sell have it”?
a. Bhagat Singh b. Bal Gangadhar Tilak c. Subhash Chandra Bose

11-Who made the first microscope?

a. Edward Janner b. James young Simpson c. Galileo

12-Who was the great mathematician and an astronomer?

a Chanakya b. Sushruta c. Aryabhatt

Q-2 Write the one word answer- 4*1=4

1-The author of the books sanhita
2-Surgery in which an infected limb is cut off
3-The birthplace of Bal Gangadhar Tilak
4-The first antibiotic discovered

Q-3 Case study- 4*1=4

Chanakya also known as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta, was born in Patliputra, Magadh (present
day Bihar). He was a professor of political science at the Takshashila University and later
became the Prime Minister of Emperor Chandragupta Maurya. He is regarded as one of the
earliest known political thinkers .He compiled his political as well as economic ideas into the
Arthshastra ,one of the world’s earliest treatises on politics. He also wrote Chanakya niti and
Neeti Shastra.

1-Chanakya was also known as-

a. Kautilya b. Aryabhata c. Chandragupta Maurya
2-Chanakya was a professor of which subject at the takshila University?
a. History b. Sanskrit c. Political science
3-Chanakya became the Prime Minister of-
a. Chandragupt Maurya b. Ashoka c. Bindusara
4-which politics book was known as the world's earliest treatises on politics?
a. Chanakya Neeti b. Neeti Shastra c. Arthshastra

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