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Ramon Hiram Garcia Velasquez

Kate McCain

OGL 300

09 August 2022

The case of Ted Shade

Galactic Chips is a company located in the New York metropolitan area. The company is

a small manufacturer of microchips for different products starting from PCs, printers, Fax

machines, telephones, etc. The company grow rapidly since it was formed in the 1970s by

Patrick Rivers. There was not much business like that since it was something relatively new.

Before continuing, it is important to understand the background of the company. Patrick river's

main vision was to create and maintain an organizational commitment in which the company

could provide the customer needs, stay on the cutting edge of technology and create a respectful

and friendly workplace among all the employees. The company was growing so fast having

Rivers as a leader. Galactic statistics showed an increase of $150 million in annual revenues over

a 25-year period. Later on, Rivers decided to spend more time with his family and relinquished

the CEO duties but remained the Chair of the Board of Trustees.

The new CEO in charge of leading was Ted Shade a 49-year old-white male born and

raised in Abilene, texas. His leadership and vision were the opposite compared to rivers, it was

an autocratic leadership with many complaints from employees, since he took that position the

revenues and profits from Galactic dropped significantly. The board requested rivers to return to

his position as a CEO, he agree to get back and face the new challenge that was to come.

The vice president for human resources, Alex Donovan requested an analysis of morale,

attitudes, and culture. The idea of Donovan was to understand better what kind of

employees/managers they were dealing with. He provided coaching and counseling by an

industrial psychologist for managers. Ted shade results showed that his family background and

previous work might be tied to why his leadership style is not the best fit for the company. He

lost his father at the age of 16 and later on, he lost his two brothers in an accident. Even with

these devastating events, Ted finished his degree and master's at the Chemistry Virginia

polytechnic institute. Later on, he served in the military for three years as an Environmental and

chemical supervisor of nerve gas.

The results from different employee comments showed that Ted was not a role model to

follow (good leader) “At meetings he would sometimes attack people, even calling their ideas or

thoughts stupid. He's very insensitive about people's feelings. He's often a nitpicker, always

involved in the small details. It is often better for someone to solve a problem without going to

Ted. He would be prone to blow things out of proportion. But one can truly trust him.”. Ted

doesn't have a good trait approach to his colleagues and followers, he also presented a lack of

emotional intelligence. To have effective leadership, you must have emotional intelligence since

it's important to know how to treat followers, the leader must know when to raise the voice or be

softer with each person. “Emotional intelligence entails the ability to understand personal

emotions with accuracy, generate emotions to assist the thought process, and to contemplatively

control emotions to enhance emotional and intellectual development (Gleeson, 2014;

Shahhosseini, Silong, Ismaill&Uli, 2012). Having poor emotional intelligence is the result of

miscommunication, negative impact on employees, and low productivity.


The following statement supports the problem presented before “EI conceptualizations

share is that they all describe one or more aspects of personality. At the same time, suggest that

the different EI models all revolve around the premise that it is an emotional ability, that similar

to cognitive ability and competency, must be considered in the prediction of successful

adaptation.” (Pachulia ,G and Henderson ,2009).

“Ted doesn't listen very well, probably because he talks too much. And he used to curse a

lot to the point where people got turned off. That's inappropriate for a vice president and

especially in public at meetings. He also doesn't look at people when he talks with them. He

seems to be preoccupied with his thoughts. He shows no interest in the person or what they are

saying.” It looks like Ted is not having a good behavioral approach to the personal. The

behavioral approach focuses on what leaders do and how they act. A leader needs to be aware of

what they do and how they are acting since he is a role model to follow. This approach has two

categories which both apply to this case “ Task-oriented leader behaviors involve structuring the

roles of subordinates, providing them with instructions, and behaving in ways that will increase

the performance of the group. People-oriented leader behaviors include showing concern for

employee feelings and treating employees with respect. “(House & Aditya, 1997).

The diagram shows that the relationship between leader and employee has to be mutual but

mainly depends on the leader and how effective is to combine these traits.” Task and relation are

highly tied”(Steve Peng, 2020). Giving a positive work environment will maximize the

productivity of the company.

Ted has positive comments that helped other colleagues to grow, but there are certain

areas he must improve with some training. Ted had a bad trait approach to his colleagues with a

lack of emotional intelligence creating a negative environment between the leader and follower.

This can be corrected by focusing on the leaders' traits since the problem starts from there. He

doesn't have the ability to influence other people's behaviors or the capacity to structure social

interaction systems. Ted doesn't engage at all in the two primary types of behaviors which are:

Task behavior and relationship behaviors. He doesn't communicate well with his employees and

followers, he doesn't allow his personnel knows the system, procedure, and policies. Followers

are not feeling comfortable in the situation they find because the relationship between leader and

employee is damaged. The idea is that leaders can influence followers to reach a goal and make

them feel comfortable. Relocating him to a different position and reducing their tasks will have a

positive impact on the company. A leadership behavior questionnaire is definitely something that

will help to detect the two major types of leadership(task and relation). Depending on the results

will indicate what are you more likely to lead and your leadership style. A high range starts from

40-50, moderate 30-39, and 10-29 low. The score refers to how you make followers feel about

themselves, each other, and as a whole group.

Works Cited

Pachulia, G. and Henderson, L. (2009) The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence

and Entrepreneurial Orientation Observed within Owner-Managers Who Lead

Small, High-Tech Firms in Sweden. Jonkoping University, Sweden.

House, R. J., & Aditya, R. N. (1997). The social scientific study of leadership: Quo

Vadis? Journal of Management, 23, 409–473

Steve Peng. (2020) Task vs relationship leadership

Shahhosseini, M., Silong, A., Ismaill, I.,& Uli (2012). The role of emotional intelligence on

job performance. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 3 (21), 39-61

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