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Shanee M Sheard
Materials :
A bowl or box
Timer or Stopwatch
Emotion Cards with Picture
How to play the Game:
Place all the emotion cards in a bowl or container.
Give the container a shuffle to mix up the emotions.
Choose a starting player (parent or child).
The chosen player randomly picks an emotion card from the bowl without
showing it to the others.
Without speaking, the player must act out the emotion on the card through
facial expressions, body language, and gestures.
The other participants (parents or siblings) observe the performance and guess
the portrayed emotion.
Set a timer for a designated time (e.g., 1-2 minutes) for each round.
Rotate turns so that each participant has the opportunity to act out emotions.
Feel free to modify the rules based on the age and preferences of the
After each round, take a moment to discuss the chosen emotion. Ask
questions such as:
"Why did you act out that emotion that way?"
"Have you every had that emotion?"
"What will you do if your friends have that emotion?"
Encourage open and honest communication, fostering a safe space for
discussing emotions.
Emotional Awareness: Participants become more aware of diverse emotions and
how they are expressed.
Communication Skills: Non-verbal communication and expression are emphasized,
enhancing communication skills.
Empathy: Observing and guessing others' emotions fosters empathy and
Bonding: The shared experience of the game strengthens the bond between those
This interactive "Emotion Charades" activity provides an enjoyable way for parents and
children to connect and creates a supportive environment for openly exploring and
discussing emotions. It encourages a positive approach to understanding and
expressing feelings within the family unit.

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