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A 250 µm × 57 µm Microscale Opto-electronically

Transduced Electrodes (MOTEs) for
Neural Recording
Sunwoo Lee , Member, IEEE, Alejandro Javier Cortese, Aasta Parin Gandhi, Elizabeth Rose Agger,
Paul L. McEuen, and Alyosha Christopher Molnar, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Recording neural activity in live animals in vivo with While large-scale parallel recording of neural activity through
minimal tissue damage is one of the major barriers to understand- densely packed planar micro-electrode arrays (MEAs) has revo-
ing the nervous system. This paper presents the technology for a
lutionized the study of some neural circuits [4], [5], such systems
tetherless opto-electronic neural interface based on 180 nm CMOS
circuits, heterogeneously integrated with an AlGaAs diode that are limited to in vitro studies and are too large to be inserted into
functions as both a photovoltaic and light emitting diode. These intact tissue. For in vivo studies, multi-electrode probe shanks
microscale opto-electrically transduced electrodes (MOTEs) are [6]–[8] have shown promise. However, such techniques typ-
powered by and communicate through an optical interface, simul- ically require electrodes to be tethered to the outside world
taneously enabling high temporal-resolution electrical measure-
directly via a wire, or indirectly via an RF coil [9]–[11], which
ments without a tether or a bulky RF coil. The MOTE presented
here is 250 µm × 57 µm, consumes 1 µW of electrical power, and is much larger than the electrodes themselves and must reside
is capable of capturing and encoding neural signals before trans- outside the brain. Tethered implants, however, result in residual
mitting the encoded signals. The measured noise floor is as low as motion between neurons and electrodes as the brain moves, lim-
15 µVR M S at a 15 kHz bandwidth. iting recording stability and exacerbating gliosis [12]. Further-
Index Terms—Neural interface, neurophysiology, PVLED, more, such tools stand in the way of recording from peripheral
tetherless neural recording. nerves in moving animals, in particular in smaller organisms
such as zebra fish or fruit flies.
I. INTRODUCTION Recently, there have been increasing efforts to build mi-
croscale untethered neural implants: the main challenge in such

E LUCIDATING how the brain works is a grand scientific

challenge and will help us better understand neurological
diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s [1]. Decades of
cases is delivering power and communicating data wirelessly.
For example, microscale RF systems have been designed with
integrated coils, but still require a cross section of 200 μm ×
research have provided us with a sound understanding of how
200 μm to capture enough RF magnetic flux [13].
neurons function, individually or in small numbers. Meanwhile,
Ultrasonic (US) has gained interest as a modality for wire-
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides knowl-
less power transfer and communication for neural implants
edge of brain activities over large volumes at second-to-minute
[14], [15]. While US provides better focusing of energy than
time scales [2]. Naturally, there is a strong interest in bridging
RF, the transduction between the US signals in tissue and the
this gap in understanding by chronically recording from large
voltage from piezoelectric material is not efficient, especially
populations of neurons in awake, behaving animals [3].
as the piezoelectric transducers fall below the US wavelength
(∼100s μm for medical US frequencies) [14]. Furthermore, the
Manuscript received July 19, 2018; revised September 12, 2018; accepted US power and communications require rectification of high fre-
October 6, 2018. Date of publication October 15, 2018; date of current ver-
sion December 31, 2018. This work was supported by the National Institutes of quency, further degrading efficiency.
Health under award number 1R21EY027581. This work was performed in part at Optical imaging techniques, on the other hand, based on volt-
the Cornell NanoScale Facility, a member of the National Nanotechnology Co- age or calcium sensitive dyes and/or proteins allow noninvasive
ordinated Infrastructure, which is supported by the National Science Foundation
under Grant ECCS-1542081, and made use of the Cornell Center for Materials imaging of larger numbers of neurons’ activities [16], [17]. But
Research Facilities supported by the National Science Foundation under award such techniques are often limited to subsets of neurons in any
number DMR-1120296. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor given organism, are impeded by scattering of the excitation light
M. Ghovanloo. (Corresponding author: Sunwoo Lee.)
S. Lee, A. P. Gandhi, E. R. Agger, and A. C. Molnar are with the Department and emitted fluorescence, and are limited to low temporal reso-
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 lution [18]. Thus, there is a need for small, tetherless systems to
USA (e-mail:,;;; record electrical signals while minimally displacing tissue, and,
A. J. Cortese and P. L. McEuen are with the Department of Physics, ideally, minimally obstructing optical signals for simultaneous
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA (e-mail:,; electrical and optical recording. In this work, we attempt to combine the merits of opti-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at cal and electronic modalities. We present a micro-scale opto-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBCAS.2018.2876069 electronically transduced electrode (MOTE) for an untethered
1932-4545 © 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution
requires IEEE permission. See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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