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P.O.B 175, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.

Individual Research Paper- Goal Setting and Decision Making

An Assignment
Presented in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
BHSC490 Introduction to Work Experience

INSTRUCTOR: - Sinead Joseph


Saralee Sookoo

December 4, 2023



Goal setting and decision making are two extremely important skills which are both

necessary assets for achieving success and fulfillment. While these skills can be applied to both

personal and professional aspects of life, this paper focuses on its significance with regard to

careers and work experience.

Establishing goals in the workplace encourages individuals to stay motivated and push

themselves towards what they want to achieve. It grants individuals guidance and a feeling of

purpose, empowering them to make choices that support their professional goals. Goal-setting

enables persons to track their development and make the required modifications throughout their

progress to guarantee ongoing improvement and growth.

Making decisions facilitates goal achievement, problem-solving , and the avoidance of

errors. Evaluating the circumstances, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each

alternative, and choosing the option that offers the greatest rewards in addition to reducing risks

are all part of the decision-making process.



Setting goals is an essential skill for personal and professional success. Goals help us to
define our vision, plan our actions, and measure our progress. According to positive psychology,
goal setting has many benefits and advantages, such as triggering new behaviors, guiding our
focus, and promoting self-mastery (, 2023). Moreover, goal setting can
help us to clarify our future, increase our motivation, and enhance our confidence (Lucemi
Consulting, 2021).
Decision making, according to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, is the cognitive
process of selecting between two or more possibilities, ranging from basic to complex. While
certain decisions are complicated, risky, and may cause worry and anxiety, others are so
straightforward one may hardly notice while making them. It is a vital asset that plays a major
part in daily life. The more complicated the issue, the more factors there will be to evaluate
before making a decision.
Goal setting and decision making are not only crucial skills, but also habits that can be
cultivated and improved over time. By setting goals regularly and appropriately, and by
maximizing the decision making process, we may accomplish our goals while leading more
fulfilled lives.

Setting Goals

Establishing long-term professional goals is essential for work experience given that it

supplies direction and purpose. One way to break down long-term goals into attainable

milestones is for individuals to set short-term goals for their career development. Additionally,

setting priorities for goals according to their relevance and plausibility enables persons to

concentrate on what is most crucial and doable.

Identifying long-term career objectives

Effective decision-making for work experience begins with identifying long-term goals

for the future. People can influence their career path and aim for their ideal future by establishing

specific goals. This requires putting the individual's main professional goals and desires into

perspective. Long-term professional goals aid in offering persons a feeling of purpose and

direction, directing them in their behaviors and decision-making. By determining these goals,

persons are able to make sure that they are continuously moving toward their ideal career

trajectory by aligning their short-term goals with those targets in mind.

Establishing short-term goals for professional growth

Establishing short-term professional goals will change the way people approach their

profession and their goals. Setting and achieving goals boosts motivation and engagement, which

in turn promotes productivity and job satisfaction (Perry, 2022). Prioritizing each of these goals

according to their relevance and practicality is crucial while setting them. This guarantees that

the objectives are realistic and in accordance with the person's intended career path.

Additionally, individuals may successfully assess their alternatives and make well-informed

judgments regarding their job path by having well-defined short-term goals.

Prioritizing goals based on relevance and feasibility

In the realm of work experience, setting priorities for goals according to their importance

and viability is a crucial initial move toward achievement. Through meticulous assessment and

selection of both the importance and possibility of various goals, individuals may be able to

distribute their resources and endeavors efficiently. This approach entails weighing each goal's

importance in relation to the career trajectory as a whole and selecting the ones that most

accurately match the goals of the individual and the state of the profession in question. These

goals will also become more attainable upon developing reasonable initiatives to achieve them.

In fact, individuals are more inclined to persevere when they perceive progress and reach minor

goals, which boosts both contentment and efficiency (Perry, 2022). Individuals may also

strategically concentrate their efforts and increase their likelihood of success in the constantly

evolving work environment by prioritizing goals .

The Importance of Evaluating Options

Persons must consider their alternatives when they are exposed to the many career routes

and chances that are accessible to them in the workplace. This entails carefully weighing the

advantages and disadvantages of every option. Personal beliefs and preferences should also be

taken into account in order to make sound decisions. By taking these things into account, people

may make decisions that are in line with their long-term professional goals. Making the best

decisions for professional success and progress ultimately demands a careful analysis of the

possibilities that are accessible, balancing the advantages and disadvantages, and taking personal

preferences into account.


SWOT Analysis or Risk and Reward Analysis

The SWOT analysis, which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats,

is a tool used by decision-makers to assess the potential outcomes of various situations. With a

thorough, comprehensive analysis, this approach can assist in determining the benefits and

drawbacks of various options (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022). Through risk mitigation,

individuals can lessen the effect that potential risks may have on their ultimate goals. Likewise,

acknowledging the potential advantages assists individuals to determine whether the decision

corresponds to their goals for both the short and long term. People are able to make decisions

that are in line with their career goals by using this analysis, which offers a thorough grasp of the

effects of every option. Ultimately, the process of analyzing risks and rewards plays a vital role

in guiding individuals towards optimal decision making in the context of their work experience.

Considering personal values and interests in decision making

Establishing goals and making decisions in the context of work experience require careful

consideration of individual values and aspirations. A person's interests reveal their passions and

motivation, but their personal values act as benchmarks for deciding what matters and has

significance for them. Working in ways that are consistent with your values makes it easier to set

priorities and decreases the likelihood that you would second-guess your judgments. Using your

values to create a productive workplace for others contributes to a greater overall performance

culture in addition to improving your own performance (Room, 2023).


The Decision Making Process

The decision-making process involves several key steps that are essential for making

well-informed choices and reaching optimal conclusions. Firstly, it is crucial to clearly identify

the nature of the decision (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2021). Then, meticulously

gather a comprehensive range of relevant information and data from multiple credible sources.

This enables a thorough understanding of the various options and possibilities available,

facilitating a more comprehensive assessment of their viability and potential outcomes. This

entails not only researching different career paths and opportunities but also delving into in-

depth analysis of each alternative.


Upon gathering the necessary information, it is important to scrutinize and evaluate the

pros and cons of each choice. This requires a thoughtful and critical examination of all available

data, considering both the short-term and long-term implications of each option. Weighting the

advantages and disadvantages of each choice aids in forming a clearer perspective and preparing

for potential challenges that may arise along the way.

This paves the way for the next step which is generating alternatives. Exploring wider

options allows us to view the situation from different perspectives. Using creative thinking

techniques like brainstorming helps with generating new ideas and innovative solutions. Upon

doing so, it is easy to transition into the following step of weighing the evidence (University of

Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2021). Each alternative must be assessed in terms of possibility, risk

and repercussion.

Next, select the best solution . After analyzing the alternatives, a decision must be made.

This can even be a combination of alternatives (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2021).

However, before putting the decision made into practice, it must first be reviewed thoroughly to

ensure that the information used when making the final decision is reliable. Additionally, this

will aid in avoiding any possible mistakes in the future.

Effectively informing those who will be impacted by the decision made and the reasoning

behind it is equally crucial. Providing details on the risks and rewards will make the situation

easier for others to embrace and encourage the decision as well as become involved in its


Reflection and Continuous Improvement

In the context of work experience, a significant component involves recognizing areas for

improvement in decision-making processes. Gaining knowledge from mistakes and accepting

failure is fundamental to developing as a professional while further developing your decision-

making skills (Bortz, n.d). This entails critically examining the advantages and disadvantages of

the decision-making process as well as reflecting on the previous decisions and the outcomes

they generated. By doing this, individuals may pinpoint areas in which they might enhance their

ability to make decisions, whether it is by obtaining more pertinent information and data, taking

into account other viewpoints, or asking mentors or reliable colleagues for advice. Persistent

growth and development depend on putting these areas for improvement into practice, learning

from mistakes, and adapting.The ability to make better decisions can ultimately result in

increased effectiveness as well as productivity, which will help individuals and organizations


Moreover, consulting mentors or reliable associates for guidance and insights might be

crucial during this decision-making process. It's acceptable to seek assistance if you need to

tackle a challenge outside of your area of expertise (Bortz, n.d.). It is possible to integrate

different viewpoints and experiences through open conversations and consultations, which may

reveal original ideas which could have gone unnoticed. Reputable mentors can also provide

direction based on their personal experiences, offering invaluable knowledge as well as helpful



In conclusion, effective decision making and goal setting are crucial components of a
successful work experience. By identifying long-term career objectives and establishing short-
term goals, individuals can prioritize their efforts and ensure professional growth. Evaluating
different options, including assessing potential risks and rewards, helps in making informed
decisions that align with personal values and interests. The decision-making process involves
gathering relevant information, weighing pros and cons, and seeking advice from mentors or
colleagues. It is important to align personal goals with the organization's mission and vision,
identifying areas where personal growth can contribute to the company's success. Ethical
considerations should always be evaluated,along with balancing personal and organizational

values. Reflecting on past decisions and implementing improvements, as well as learning from
mistakes are essential in contributing to continuous growth and success in decision making.


APA Dictionary of Psychology. (n.d.). Decision making.

Bortz, D. (n.d.). Steps to improve your Decision-Making Skills.

Indeed Editorial Team. (2022). 11 Decision-Making Tools To Help You Succeed in the
Workplace. Indeed.

Lucemi Consulting. (2021). The importance of goal setting: 9 reasons to set goals.

Perry, El. (2022). Short-Term Professional Goals: How to Set Them. Better up:
Professional Development.

Perry, E. (2022). What is a long-term goal and how can I achieve it? Better up: Well-
GOAL SETTING AND DECISION MAKING 11 (2023). The importance, benefits, and value of goal setting.

Room, S. (2023). How personal values determine professional success and fulfilment. Susan

Room: The Business Voice Coach.

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. (2022). Decision-making process. UMass


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