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Little Red Hen -An Excerpt

Girls: Chickens in the yard ..working hard (2x)

Chickens in the yard going clak !clak! clak! Clak!

Boys: ( big voice) Roosters in the yard… working hard (2x)

Roosters in the yard going cock-a-doodle-do

Girls: ( Small Voice) Chicks in the yard working hard (2x)

Chicks in the yard doing Pip! Pip! Pip! Pip!

All : Clak! Clak! Pip! Pip! Cock-a –doodle-do! (2x)

Chickens in the yard… working hard (2x)

Solo 1: Once upon a time there was a little red hen

Who worked very hard from nine to ten
She started every morning at nine o’clock
And worked every evening till ten

All: Little red hen 2x

She worked very hard from nine to ten
Going scratch ( 4x )…pick it up, pick it up
Scratch ( 4x) …pick it up, pick it up
Day or night from nine to ten
She worked very hard the little red hen

Solo 2: There was a dog/ in the yard with the little red hen.
A lazy dog went bow wow wow.

Solo 3: There was a cat/ in the yard with the little red hen.
A crazy cat went meow meow meow.

All: Lazy dog, crazy cat, very lazy dog with the little red hen

Solo 4: There was a duck in the yard with the little red hen
The noisy duck went quack (5x).
All: Lazy dog, Crazy cat, and the noisy duck says quack (5x)
But the little red hen, the little red hen
She worked very hard from nine to ten
Going scratch ( 4x) pick it up, pick it up
Scratch ( 4x) pick it up, pick it up
Day or night from nine to ten
She worked very hard, the little red hen.

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