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’s important to pop our Plosives is because it allows us to finish our words. By finishing
and completing each word in the sentence, we enable our audience (the interviewer, co-worker,
professionals) to understand every bit of what we’re saying.
When we don’t pop our plosives, we risk blurring and mashing our words together. When this
happens and our words are incomprehensible, people will simply not be able to understand the
crux of what we’re trying to communicate.
Now, when you pop your Plosives, you’re not going to go over the top and make a big popping
sound. That would make you sound strange. We want to pop our Plosives subtly so that we finish
the word but don’t draw unnecessary attention to the sounds.
In addition to being understood, popping your Plosives gives the Interviewer the impression that
you are confident and know what you’re talking about. When we blur our words together, which
creates the sound of mumbling, we come across as weak, unsure and not self-confident.
Confidence is one of the key components that employers look for in potential candidates. So,
popping Plosives is crucial to conveying confidence.
Plosives are also a way to lean into the mentality of an American English speaker. Remember,
Americans generally start their sentences soft and end strong. It doesn’t mean they are low on
volume and get louder, it means they end their sentences with a punch and strength. That is why
we must finish our words so we can end strong.

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“ ”

1 ’ ’

2 ’ ’

3 ’


’ ’

2 ?
3 ?
4 ? ?
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7 ?

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