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Praise For The World’s Most Powerful Leadership Principle "Aas ead renting and promecie ede” Denne lie, CED emer td coon AES Capron "The Gleb Per Company” “Thshookchathepomertotrarmboth ear and minds” John Bales deer, Sve Dal Cy Foanaton “Syn icommied o developing sera eer a his greet ‘eokwllbes epi tol Iiss rve pond, companies dour world” “James Blanchard chairman snd CEO, Syuors Fnacal Carport, Ths book olga etiems emo fendamentl pipe that fel de engines of contin Arrsing business: Lenders trues er charter and bry and sre, and — Rell president, (Gas Geo, Gunn Isis Carportion “Tien ee bcos eed in TM Sewanee teeth fondu a oes decor of people developmen ‘apes HealthCare Fo rans “10 Best Companies 0 Wed For" andeeient of he2005 Maem Barge Nasional Quay Aad “as hag fan of fn et book, Te Sean eit eller manger [partic emoyed she emphasis on spat his vote “or Flr present, Meny Mais adusion of Sere aster “Trelytethisbook Sernarlesesip i for people faction. nd thio ss praca guide toscuonable servant easerip.” ck Lowe}e,CEO, ‘Tindesnes, $300 Frew’ 120 Best Companinto Work Fo aad oad Chic Genet Cee for Servant Lenderip Our company has profited bal om there rat eae niles Ths book provides che rout map? making it ease {ean these benefr acai” Devin McCay. CEO, Prank ndusies “Thre gra book and a conmontenespreach aden It Is tine frees to see e 8 morghing tee’ —ee co be the eer tei people eed ad deere™ ale Moore chaieman and CEO, Mootes etic Mecancl Convio ‘Thisbook isthe mos pact and sf book Thave read on se vant eaderstip™ James eee) esCEO, ‘Catmeant Eat Corporation “Ie ierefeshing rad a once hook that you bow imple mentee hans aking theo” Kent Moore, hems, CEO 2nd founder, “Andy Cheeni fe Checebrge “Otherlendeip books ae incomparion,Onecompany ade in Hamer’ fist book Te Sean, requ’ reading This book seotherhome at” “Dare skgen,CED “Amuse! Thi Book oe only decries what 2 sera leader looks ike bu io provides us with a gid to move uses rome ecm eae” Cag senor manager of harman ens, ‘Garo FoodSeiee rhe principle st forth ath bok re mele. They ate pa of ‘heel ons wetenint the very naar kind” enn Sai J, president, ae Dowson Company This book ix home ru The ft rns fa review oft leaden and ear the mop ofmplementton The second nd eads ae for 4 Dench 0 one commitment to cng James Sexton, president and CEO, "Hen FordWyandote Heri “Ap rom servant leader Clea comprehensive Tew side yoo conyourjurney toward sera lade” ‘Georg Sevan Leader Allance cellent! Tis bok ight on target in ofeing prac ways to powered tgs cima, exci cmmie, ‘Sjroras Fnac Corporation, on Foie “oo Best Compares to Work For” Ths practi book provide erchingyou need oko beg _npoving your evan leadersipefireness nay” John Vala, president of mang, Nestle Pare Peace Copy This bok copes he clement of le resin ony omni servant ender at every eel This book teaches tthe Pcl appa ofthe pci oferta.” Joe Wee amas and CEO, [Nestle USA Fries Most Amie Pod Company The World’s fuse runes canara Most Powerful The Servant END Principle HOW TO BECOME ‘A SERVANT LEADER James C. Hunter Cop © 2004 brlanesC. Hanser At igheraernd Nop orb yee ‘aninindinanyomerty oem cctrnc cr mech, tel poping corde cryaynonation trad Pe y Cane ses New Now ork Nerf Guna Grup. (CROWN BUSINESS trademarked Ring Sun colonise ‘epinend ender of Reds Howe a, Design ty Kaen Miner Hone jamee “The wel mos powellseship pip: ht become ser lee umes Hate ISBN 4000-594 To the One who first taught me chat to lead is to serve. CONTENTS Prologue: Another Leadership Book? » On Leadership (On Power and Authority ‘On Building Authoriey ” (On Leadership and Love ‘On Fiugging and Spanking m (On Human Nacure rm OnGhancicraediiomanChange Oatmplemestaios The World’s Most Powerful Ge Motivation and Other Eacatals Leadership Principle OnaPersonal Note s Appendics ™ Appendix . Appendix a” Appendix ™ Acknowledgments ™ Index m ovocue Another Leadership Book? People need 10 be reminded ‘more aften than they need tbe instructed Santunt Jounson corporite Ametica rite this at atime when CEO has becomea fourletter ‘word in many citles. We ae inthe midst of corporate sean- dal involving the likes of Adelphia, Arthur Andersen, Enron, Global Crossing, Teo, and WorliCom. Just today 1 read a USA Tady/CNN/Gallup Pol stating that seven in ten Americans any they distrust CEOs of large corpors ‘ions Fully eight inten believe top executives f large com- panies wil take "improper actions” to help themselves at the expense of thei companies. Credibility for business leaders may wellbe a an al-cime low. ‘These conporate scandals lave me feling arsivalent. (On the one hand, am pleased that corporate crooks ate geting what they have coming and thatthe system i Teas in part, working. On the other hand fel sa forthe -many many good, hardworking nd honest CEOs who ace being painted with the same broad brs, Indeed, have met far more honest CEOs than dishonest ones. As one pri pu i, saying all CEOs are crooks i ike saying all rests ar pedophiles WHERE ARE ALL THE LEADERS? Asan avid student and educator on the topic of leadership and specifically servant leadership, I often wonder if chete isanythingle tobe sad on the topic ‘A search on reveals more than 280,000 tithes on leadership and management! Tens of thousands of ages ae written about leadership in magazines and jour= ralseachyear, ‘Thee-quarters of American corporations send people off eo leadership classes each year and spend an estimated Sis iin on training nd consulting for thos on thei ead ‘ership eeams. Yee more chan 90 percent of he leadership traning and development courses organizations are spend- ing billions on each yea are a waste of time and money Yes, ‘he managers wll receive seformaton about leadership; they wil probably lave the training fecing excited, wat, and fay; yee less than 20 pencene wall actually change their behavior asa result ofthe raining, ‘Wehaveoaghly25 milion graduated M.B.A sin Amer ‘ea toda, and we wil graduate another 0/000 MBAsthis year Sadly have observed many horshor MRA entering Peeocue atorace eeasm 00K? owpaizations eh of our nations best campuses trying to impress everyone withhow mach hey nove seemingly civ jos to che simple truth that people do oe care what you now uni they know eat you cae. have met fr 00 many MRA whose ittomanay but unfieo kad, Recent studies conducted bythe Gallop organization show thas beter chan two thieds of people who leave thee jobs resign because ofan ineffective or incompetent man ager. Pur another way, the sigaiiane majority of people who leave thee ganization do not quit their company they quit chicas ‘So we ative ata mgjor disconnect ‘With this abundaaceofresoarces directed toward devel: coping bere leaders, one coud easy assume tha rea ea rs, orat east goodones, would abound Ye where ae they? worry that ifthe proverbial vitar from Marsever arrives and demands, “Take me to your leadee we wos have a elve ‘where rotake him G0. Ikis obvious to me and to many others thar something fsmising. ‘Something very big ‘EARNING FOR MORE Inthe six years since my Rest book, The Seroamy, an allegory about servant leadership, was published, Ihave been com ‘acted what seems ike countless times by people searching for ways to implemen the values and principles of servant leadership in thei organizations andor personal lives. Many 1 Tee onus most poner Dues Pre In leadership postions donot appear in aced of any more convincing tha ervane leadership is the right way to lead and live, because the principe of servant edership ar self ‘evident. What many ae seeking iss pln, a guidebook, or map on how to implement the principles ino thie Lives. They ae saying, “Show mic how Tellme what must do" ‘There are many in leadership positions yearing to be the leaders they know their people need and deserve, Many long co be beter parents, couches, spouses, reachers, ps tors, oF managers. Many in leadership positions genuinely este aligament between their beliefs nd gond intentions and theiractal behavior and performance. From fisthand experience, I know there ate many thousands inleadership positions who know they ar fling their people and desperstely desire help in developing elective leadership kill. Many have lng ago secogniced that the old ways ofleading through command-and-contral and barking orders are largely ineffective when working with a diverse workforce of 78 milion baby boomers, 50 millon Generation Xes, and So million Generation Yrs, the vast majority of whom do no rus pomes people." Tnaddicion to these yearnings, there aninwardsearch- ing going oa around the world, as evidenced by phenomena such a the Million Man March, Mel Gibsons movie The Pasion, cwelve-step programs, and Promixe Keepers, to name jusea fe Even Bacinecok magazine recent devoted its ‘cover toa story titled “Spsiuality in the Workplace” The ‘vents ofSeprember 1, 2001 have made words like chara Proosut:anoucecaeasne noon. tar bryer, God, ad ladenbip fashionable once agai, Vhave ko found in my seminars ears looking fr way to inte trate their spiritual beliefs into practical application at work nd in thee personal lives, The success of The Serant Is also convinced me ofthat fc: Agi, ics obvious to me that people need something ‘Thatiewhy I wrote this book THE GOOD NEWS “The good news i that the timeless principles of servant leadership meet the rough challenges facing those in eader- ship postions today. “The good aews i that we have the “technology” of how to become «servant leader not oaly in "head knowledge” ‘bot inbehavio and actions aswell. The good news is tha che sil of servan leadership ‘can be learned and applied by most people who have the willand intent to change, grow. and improve The good news is that organizations around the work ae changing thei atiudes toward leadership, people, and relationships. Relational and values-based leadership has been writen and talked bout fr decades, with reat authors Aefning ein diferent ways and calling it diferent things. Inthe end, mos of thes folks have been talking about the same things And that isthe simple truth that leadership and life are about people and relationships, Consequently, servant leadership is emerging on a grand scale in many 1 re wou’ not Pore Kania PMCRLE parts ofthe wold. The evidence ofthis is that many ofthe ‘most admised and successfl organizations on the planet are now practicing the disciplines of servant leadership Forte magazine is Famous for its “sts,” the most ‘famous of which she Foreune 509, a which American con nies are rakeordered by revenue, Forte als compiles ‘wo other popular ists annually the "soo Best Companies to Work For" and "America's Most Admired Companies” In Fores ecene nsaliment ofthe "100 Best Compa fies to Work For” more chan one-hit, thirty five-plus organizations, ar involved inthe seevant leadership move: ment andlor specifically identify errant leadership as acoce ‘operating principle, Four ofthe cop five onthe list specif cally practice servant kadership: the Container Store, Syn ‘ows Financial, TDindusties, and Southwest Astines ‘The lates ‘Americas Mose Admized Companies” lis reveals ten organizations practicing servint adrship, ‘cluding wellknown organization such at Federal Express, Marsioct International, Mederoni, Pella, Herman Muler, ServiceMaster, and Neste USA. In fac, oo ofthe top ten “admired companies" practice servae leadership, including the plane’ largest business organization, Wal-Mart, with -moce than $350 billon in annual sles and more thaa 1.4 nilion employes, and Southwest Airlines. one ofthe most succesful atines nthe wold otacu: anova aoe NOW FOR THE BAD NEWS Are youready? will et acme beter leader by reading this boot you are till eading hese lines after that statement, thanks for hanging in there a ite longer Please understand that nobody ever became a beter leader by reading a book, listening ro an muciospe, watch ing raining video, or attending yet another class on lea ership. You can certainly lear alu leadership by doing ‘those things, but you will newer come a beter leader by simply doing those things ‘Becoming skilled leader is analogous ro becoming 4 skied doctor, che nye, pianist, oF golfer You may gain information and insight into a subject by reading a book oF siting inca, but appliation and practice sb key No ‘one ever learned to swimby reading book. Developing the skills of servant leadership i dificult work and comes witha price. Becoming a servant leader equies a grea deal of moiation, feedback and extended practice, a does any worthwhile discipline. Becoming a beter leader ie not something that is rasped intellectually, like leaning algebra or how to read a balance sheet. We ‘become leaders by applying ou learning, knowledge, fed back, and experience ro our everyday lives: “Tobecome ahete leader one mst be willing nd mos ‘ated to change and grow: To develo leadership sil, one must be motivated eck ot andreeive sometimes pink feedback fom others so ane can se oesef more cleat To become amore sill leader one must be wing ogo down eep toexpor old scrips habits, and behaviors that need o beidentfed and changed. Tobecome amore effective leader, ‘one must be motiatedrobreak oldhabis nd beginlearing ew ones. There ar few things more diffi in life than breaking deep seated habits, which is why few benefit from, simply aking clas o workshop oa leadership Most people believe that smoking caa kill you over ‘ume, But that head knowledge alone has done itl o di sade the 25 percen of the population still smoking inthis ‘country Inc, a coupe of thousand people wil ie today, ‘many with a cgarete sil hanging in cheie mouth, who ‘ow smoking il, ‘More, mach more, than ntllecrul agreement about ‘certain proposition like “smoking kill” or “servant ead. Ship is the right hing ro dois needed. GOALS FoR THIS 800K My goal for thie book are ewofol, My frst goal sto articulate ee principles of servant leadership as Thave come to know and understand them in simple, concise, and straightforward manne, _My second goal is to provide 2 guidebook and a map slong wth 2 simple process people can use to implement ‘he principles of servan leadership into thei lies and/or organization, osu: AoaGRCABASHPROOKT 2 6oal #1—Clary Defining Servant Leadership Some may question the value ofthis gal, wondering if it has already heen accomplished by other authors or even by ‘my fst book Infact, wha hear mos often about Te Ser ‘vant race for making a somewha dfficul copie ro arciculte easier to grasp Yee I fel compelled to redefine and ceartiulate the principles of servant leadership for several reasons First, Iam convinced that more information is needed con the powerfl and timeless principles of servant leader ‘ship. Thou the principles are centuries old relatively few esouces are availble on the topic. A seach on Amazon “com revealsamere twenty cight cleson servant leadership, swith oly a dozen or so silin print, OF chose in print, the majority ate dete primasly toward religions audiences. Second, we need ra be coatinalyseminded about the bases andabout doing the rg ching Think ofthe milion dolar athletes in pring taining going over the basic funda- rentals again and again, [am immersed in the word of servant leadership on an almost dily bass, yet T often find T am preaching ca mytelf when I speak o wie, Tknow from, personal experience Uh we cannot hear these principles enough, Ive nt acved in sy development as leader, parent, coach, or husband. [am certainly not where [want tobe, but Iam further long than I used oe. We need to hea the principles agin and again and agai; we really do nee tobe reminded more than we need be instructed ‘Third, Te Servant wae written seven years prior this book being released, Dusing that sme, {have continued to bbe immersed in the fed of servant leadership and have leaned new insights and experiences that I am anxious to share with ny readers, Folly writing an allegory lke The Sorat pectin ‘onstrins on how wellI could enpress concept or make a point ad stilleave the story readable ad enjoyable. fa his "sins book” formar, Thave much more freedom inthe ‘way can go about articulating thre rimless principles, you donot desire further education onthe principles ‘of servant leadership, 1 would suggest you skip chapters 1 ‘rough 5 and ge right nto the application potion ofthe book, eginninginchapecr 6 and continuing tothe end. Goal £2—Proviing a Map fr Implemestation Education in leadership principles without application is, "ater sees, so I atend to mave fom discussing servant leadership to discussing che practical aplication ofits rncipes, T often ask participants in my leadership seminars co rate thee hands if they believe in continuous improve ‘ment. Virally everyone will dutifully ease their hands in response to this question. In my hometown of Detroit, f have even had busines groups sing me their organization’ jingle about continuous improvement! [ mean, eveyone believes in continuous improvement these days, dont they? paeocntsaNouceLAEHSHP BOOK? 2s 1 then ask how many of them believe that continuous Improvement applies to them peronally. Predictably the hands wigan ise Finally I pose the tough question: By definition, can you improve ifyos do aot change?” “The audience usually looks blankly at me for afew montents before slowly shaking their heads. A his point, ‘ill mind them of ce definition of insaniy "continuing to owhat youve always done and hoping or diferent results” Teonclade by saying, If yu all Believe ia continuous Improvement, chen each of you must, by definition, be seadyand wing to change corre OF course, they willie and say "Ys unison. Like the weather, change iseffocless to talk about, but doing something shout itis another matter. Change is if cal and cequies effort as we move fiom the familar and comfortable to the unfuiiar and uncomfortable In this book, one of the primary themes that ader- ip decclopmnt and sharacterdrelopment are on. Building character requires change andi therefore much easier sid than done. The work and even the pin of changing the per sony are breaking old habits, and becoming someone di ferent than we are roy s no easy task Let me sy ic agin: Leadership development and character development are ‘oe. Mare ou that ate. In this book, [will provide an uncomplicated, aight forward, three-step change process that I have seen 2 WE vous nos: poner ances rate successflly employed by iterly thousands of leaders to effec change inthis ves and organizations, ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE READY FOR THIS? Before you venture any farther into this work, T strongly suggest yousearch che depths of your being to answer three ceracal questions: 1 Ate you fray commited to personal continuous improvement and being a move effective leader? If your answer isyes, then you must understand and agee that per- sonal change willbe equiedin order vo accomplish thi 2 Canyour ego handle receiving feedback, even emo- tionally painful feedback, fom others, inching subordi- nates, o better determine che gaps between where you are ‘now a leader versus where you need tobe as leader? 4 Are you willing todo the necetary work, tae the necessary rks, and suffer the necessity pin in order to close the gsps between where you cutrenly are asa leader and where you need tobe asa leader? your answer to any f these questions is no, there is prob- bly no poin in reading another page in this book. 1 your answer to these questions is x committed yes, then this book contains some ofthe mose significant andi _changinginformation you may have readin avery longtime. CHAPTER OWE On Leadership ‘There are no weak platoons — only weak leaders. Genenat Winutas Cazecn in the field of labor and emplayce relations. My tersitory ‘was the same area where I was bora and nised: Detroit, also known asthe Motor City, the home of the American labor movement and arguably one of the toughest labor seas inthe United Sates. Tn my late eweatis, [lef private company after ser ing as personnel director (hat what chey called chem back then) and becamean independent bor eaions consultant working with organizations experiencing labor problems. ‘The typical “employee problems" were union organi drives, strikes, violence, sabotage low morale, low commit- ment, high abrentecism and excessive turnover, ‘Asa relatively young business consultant, fle inti dated upon entering potential client organizations. would often find myself siesing nervously across from powerfal (CFs, invariably mea, svng arrogantly behind an expen sive mahogany desk, denied to the max, and sometimes ven puffing onthe proverbial cigar, They would usually begin by saying something like “Weve got some prety serious problems here, sn.” ager to please my potential cients, I would politely ‘nod my head in agreement aI peered out their windows a the violence and the ies burning down below. Yes, sig” T would eply trying to sound confident and selfassared. “We do seem to have some probes here, I think we should begin...” As f not heaving a word I sad, chey would intereupe with “Let me tell you what we need to do het, son” and then proceed to ell me wh “the prblesn was," fllowed. by, ofcourse the solation to the problem, These epomai- ‘acs always ad everyeing figured out. Ht made me wonder why they evencalled ein, Or problem is that troublemaker named Chucky out ‘here driving the fork, the bigmouth handing out the union eards. Once we shut him up, oar problems wil be solved, everyone wll be happy here, and we willbe back to business as usual! Chueky onthe forklift or Norma Jean in the warehouse, or Bill in customer service. I discovered cover the ye the forkli” who aceded a be “fixed and all fou pro lems would be sohed. that everyone seemed to havea "Chucky on And used obelievettwouldthink,“Nowonderyou'te ‘he CEO and making the ighcks What brian So T spent several seasons running around organize sions trying to sence the Chuckys of the word. T even have some scars to provi. ‘Over time, I came tothe surprising coacusion thet ‘Chucky was noe dhe problem. Tn fic, Chucky was usually the only person inthe place teling the truth! Teeven got to the point that when I entered dysfunctional ogaization, 1 asked specifically to speak to Chacky so I could igure out ‘what the heck was realy going on! I sore wasne going to fad out in the frome office, They were generally clueless upthere, ‘Overtime, Tbecame convinced that 95 times ut of 0 when T entered a dysfunctional organization, ist day, ist Interview; talking to the big dog in the big chai, I was speaking rectly tothe problem. Tn order to face mysel inthe mirror each morning, I fete compelled to tell the leader that he was paying me well to address the symptoms but not the prolen So Iwoulcon- ce a dog-and-pony show over 2 couple of weeks to carn the right to tell the leader that he was che problem, As you can probably surmise, a ew assignments were cut short fol lowing those coasersatons My wife sa peychologist who as abo dale with or nizations for many years namely marriages and families. [Any time two or more people ae gathered together fora 2 tment most wee Ben Pace Purpose, an ovganizaton exits and there is an opportunity forleadership. Inher practice, patents often bring in thee hidren pleading, "You've gor to fixthese kids! These ids are acting out tern Early in her career as a neophyte shrink” Denise would accept the assessment of the parents and begin "ax ‘ng the kids” while the parenes wen oft diner. Ta short ‘order, she came othe stme conclusion Thad— namely that ‘the problem invariably resides the leadership team, not in the expressed symptoms being acted outin the organiza tion, Now the kids go off tothe plyzoom while she goes to ‘work onthe parents, There is another phenomenon that occurs in out re- spective businesses. We both tad to work with the extremes of very dystianctionl organizations and very healthy orga nizations organizations or individuals with such severe symptoms that they mus each ost for help and organi ‘dons or individuals that ae “doing quite well, thank you” bout want an even better edge as they strive for contisuous Jmprovemest and being the best they canbe ‘We have observed a similarity between healthy orga nizations and unkealehy organizations healthy mattages and unhealthy marsages, healhy churches and uahealthy ‘huches, healthy fais and dysfunctional families. And the similarity revolves around leadership. We have found the single greatese predictor of organizational health or \ysfunction tobe leadershipor ack thereof onwuorsur Aout fifteen years go, T made 2 decision vo sop try- ing to fi the symptoms and begin Focusing on the 100% of the problem. Ihave been teaching the principles of servant leadership ever since. “Everything rises and als on leadership.” ell seaeesa the rp.” ‘No weak plarooas,only weak leaders.” Could these actully be something to these old cliches? LEADERSHIP IM OUR INSTITUTIONS Ine cael inthe corporate word Iam troubled when 1 observe far too many “managers” concerned about doing things the sight way and looking good for thee boss rather than striving todo the right thing fr the people they lead “ook at our great nation’s capital and see many of out lected politicians analyzing polling data and making poi: cal eakeulations based upon what people wunt rather than providing leadership and seeking to ive their constituents what they ne Mercfilly, dere is evidence this may be changingina post September x wodd, As President Harry ‘Truman putit*Hlw far would Moseshave gone fhe ad taken apolin Egypt” 1 observe fr too many parents attempting tobe best buddy” othe cildon by euaiog around eying to gril their neverending wants rather chan providing the leader ship they need, Leadership tht provides boundaries, ove, ‘feedback, and discipline that chien o desperately med to be the best chey canbe. Ise parents more concerned with 31 WE Won st wsarL aaeseD pace spoiling and hvishing upon their childen the material things they chemseives didnt receive growing up wile ling co Provide them with the important things they did recive from deieparents | encounter far too many professionals in our educa tional institution who see thee roles primarily s impart. ing book knowledge toa"bunch of ids” they dont realy ‘ate much for. They ate more interested in rshing to get everything “covered” before the semester ends rather than seeing themselves in leadership cols with the responsibil fnyof serving thei tents and ssitng them in develop ing heir characte, so necessary inorder tolivea sucess life. Theodore Roosevelt sid it best: “To educate «person {nmind butnot in moralsisto educate amenace to soceny” ‘We must never forge that the horors of Nazi Geemaay ‘arose from the educated and eefined land of Nietzsche, Beethoven, Einstein, and Mercedes-Benz observe coaches intent upon winning a allcosts rather ‘than mentoring and leading out young people in their char acter development, utilizing the great metaphors athletics can provide, iknow leaders in churches and synagoes who appear ‘more coacermed withthe weekly head count andbudgetcon- siderations than in providing ee leadership their congregs tions need mos. Lobserve religions leaders more intent on ‘saying the things people want tear rather than having the ‘moral courage to sy the things they ned 0 hear for fear of owucioerser 5 upsetting them, resting in their winking consba- siosandlor spore Tahoe, observe far soo mann leadership postions failing do the igh thing fo those they lead. To oft Tears ae taking the path of at esitance and tying to “avoid thease? “Tis widespread lack of edeship safe of chara ccrwhich is why leadership has eveything do with char acter, Characters about doing the right thing, Leadership s ‘boot doing the ight hing. I has even ee oggested that managers do hing ight wheleaders do he igh thing "Te good eis hat we ca al choose odo some- thing abou our charset we can choose to gow ‘vr character util leadership nd doing the sight thingbe ‘come second nature, LEADERSHIP DEFINED In The Serat {defined leadership as: “The sill of influencing people to enthusiastically work toward goss identified as being forthe common good, ‘Over the past several yeas, have mosiied this definition somewhat as my knowledge and experience in leadership hasbeen evolving “Tada define leadership as TE wou’ nest Porat casas react ‘The sills of infuening people to enthusiastically ‘work toward goals identified as bing forthe common good, with charactor that inspires confidence. ‘The operative words inthis definition ar il, influencing and character which willbe explored late. But before we go there, les explore what leadership LEADERSHIP 1S NOT MANAGEMENT ‘When conducting leadership seminars, often begin by say ing, “Tam gong oFeve! the playing eld ight from the tart ‘this morning, My basic assarpion will be that you a all cencllent manager, have slid technical abies, and are skilledacaccomplishing tasks. IwilgiveeachofyouanA-phs ‘in management skis right ou ofthe chute chismoening “Infact, chances re you rose toa position ofeadership ‘in your organization by being proficient at those things. IF you came co hear about being a better manager today you se inthe wrong room, Today, we are gong to talk about leadership, not management.” ‘Management i abou the things we do: the planning, the budgeting, che organizing, the problem-solving, being {in control, maintaining oder, developing strategies, and a host of other things Management is what we de Leadership iswhowe are have known many great managers who were tain ‘wrecks when it came to lading ather human beings and ovuetsesa inspiring them todo grat things. Conversely have known, some highly effective leaders who were not particularly astute managers. Few have ever accused Winston Church, FDR, or Ronald Reagan ofbeinga good manager. Good manager" often have a syle chat is authort tive and comman-and-control because they mistakenly believe they muse ave all the answers, ical ofthe prob- Jems, and, above allele, maintain coatzl. Mos leadership ‘raining, if they rceve any a als simply more manage ‘ment traning turning aut people capable of managing things bue not producing people capable of leading and inspiring others action. ‘imply knowing how todo the jo wel has lee to do with developing che skills necessary to inspire otters to do the job well The technical and eskoriented skill that managers work so hard fo develop and that have served them well in rising to leadenthip positions do not seme them well in becoming effective lesders.A whole diferent skillet i requited. Leadership ivoles getting people fom the neck up. Leadership is influencing people to contrbate thei hearts, nnd spirts, creavig and excellence and ogve ther all for thsi tear, Leadership is getting people to commit t0 the mission, to take the hill o be all they canbe ‘When Ross Perot ean for president in 1992, he made a rca seaeene that Twill piraphte: You donot manage ‘people; if you mat something to manage, go manage your Jnventory your checkbook, oryoursle. You do not manage peop ‘You ad people. LEADERSHIP IS NOT ABOUT BEING THE BOSS In America, we all oo often confie god utnesspeople with good leaders. A saccesfal businessperson does not define a socessfil leader. Oberves famous investor War ren Buffet, “Tve seen alot of notvery-good human beings succeed in busines. wish itwere otherwise." The media loves to idolize and demonize succesful businesspeople of our day and glaily them on the covers ‘of magazines Busines “leader” are often defined as great visionaries, sategi planners, onganiational gurus and tac ‘ical geniuses. These maybe important management kil, but they have litle to do with excellent leadership and influencing poople to give ther allt the mission, “This tendency toglosifyand complicate leadership only serves 10 make leadership more remoce and seemingly ‘attainable to the average supervsoy, parent, coach, pa tor or teacher out therein the teaches trying to ead his or her group of rather stubborn and defiant Generation Xers. Please note that one does mo have to be in charge of ‘others or ina position of power ro moet the criteria of our Aefnicion of leadership. We ave all met people in oxga- zations with litle no positional power wit daily iafu- ence others tobe more enthusiastic, more comnited, and ‘more willing tobe the best they an be. Again, one ofthe operative word in our leadership definitions the abiliryto influence hers for good. Ihas been si that tral effective teams ae never led by dictators or aatocets, Te has even been sugested that enuine commonites are leaded, but itis probably more accurate to say thatthe most effecive teams are groups of all leaders in which everyone staking poral responsibil. ity for dhe sucess of cei eam. Indeed, anyone who ever said marsage wa solso probably was not maried fr long [A successful mariage, like any successfl organization, i roo(too and requies the players to get their heads fll in the game. Everyone on the team is infvencing others and leaves their mark on the team. The only question is what kind of markeach member willave behind 1 witnessed this principle cently while ravling of Southwest Aiines. As mentioned eater, Southwest is serranleadeship organization andi ltedom the New Yok ‘Seock Exchange under the ticker symbol LUV. One of its famous slogansis“The sitine thatlove bale” Living near Detroit means I travel Northwest Ailines slmost exclusively because Deets a Northwest hub. On business trip wo year ago, hal the good forune of get- ‘ing bamped off Northwese snd ended up with a tiket oa Southwest. [was excited by this because I ad heard the stories ofthe company’s servan leadership and ofthe fight attendants doing eazy tings ke hiding in overhead com partments and pulling practical okes on passengers. Twas 1 Mt moms ost ower Hoesen ager to see ifany ofthis servant leadership ston South sees wn relly eve 1 checked in and secuved my plas boarding cad. 1 temember being abi surprised that there was no seat sig ‘ment on the care wen suddenly somebody ele, “Gol” [Not being sled inthis new way of boarding aa air plane, I got pushed and shoved around until I ended wp in ‘he back ow ina mide seat To say che est, Iwas not 100 impressed. Jusc before the cabia door was closed for departure, a preteen boy jumped onto the plane, his arms filled with large bores of candy, che type sold by schoolchikiren for fundeasers ‘There may have been onear two empty seats efton the plane, and the oveshesd-sorage availability had long been depleted, Asa very Frequent yer, Ive been aun ny share of rabby and les-thamelpfl fight attendant, and Twa re this kid wa going to get sted with the wal "Those boxes will need o be checked below' Cat you see ‘we are ou of room bck here? But chats noe what happened Instead this young High attendane ssked the boy fhe would like assistance in selling his caady OF couse, the hoySseveslieup ashe ad, Suse.” “The Nigh attendant then procecded to take the candy and pu it into the cockpit with the pilots! Thad never seen 4 flight attendant put 3 passenger’ belongings ico the cockpit before, aor ave [since that day owuunorisn 37 The nex thing I knew; we were at croisingaltitude, and the fig attendant was on the overhead PA system ‘announcing that candy bass were going be passed down the ase for Se per bat The fight attendant concluded the announcement ying that she wanted t know who would be the first petson nr to buy one so she could inform the esto the passengers stay clear ofthe grump in seat 10C! “The plane roared with aughee Of course, the candy was gone before the boxes reached the halfway point inthe foselage. he Might atten dan then had 0 del with the ernky passengers who did ut get a chance co buy sme candy! One guy yelled aerss the ssl and offered $5 over the selling price to another ‘who lay refined him. I mean, we had eBay going on right inthe aisles at thirty-seven thousand fee! Tam not kidding yo The whole plane was involved in chis hing! "That was an act of lesdership on the pat of one fight atendant wh had no positional powerin hercompany She ‘went the extra mile with that boy and nlanced chat entire sleplne am sure Iwas ot the ony one om that sieplane who would never forget the look om that boys face as he held he empry bones anda tick wa of cash My experiences with Southwest Aiulines since that day havebeen consistent inthis regard. Whenever fy chat ar line I continually finda group of people working together to do whatever is necessary to accomplish the mission, including influencing the customers and one another, On many occasions have watched a this "group of al lenders” do whatever is necessary to make the fight success, including encouraging one another, pushing one anothes, using humor, working enthusiastically and soon. Doing, watever is necessary to get poople tobe the best they can be. Doing whatever i necessry to fle the customers ‘experience "Now some could try to dismiss Southwest asa wacky off: thewall, ay onpanization, eng forthe fact that Southwest is anual the most succes aitine in America if ot the ‘word today Inabighlyunionized industry. one in which tis Aiicule tobe profitable, Southwest has a had an unpeo itable year in more than thirty yes, incdng the nealy ‘hee years since September 200%, which have been dias trace forthe ine inde. ‘And some could ery to write Southwest off as an abersi- tion, excep forthe fet that Southwest's market eaptaiz ‘on 5 I pen these words is $x billion, nearly two tims the market capitalization of the "Big ix" US-based tines ‘combined, which inclodes American, United, Delta, North west, Continental and US Aways, When an organization is success in geting its mem bers to take leadership responsibly eo understand that ‘verge is responsible for the sucess ofthe team, i is an awesome sight to behold, Unfortunatly this largely un ‘appl esource ies dormant in most of the organizations in ‘the world, Thankally there are sigs that this ischanging. Agtin, one need not have positional power inorder to positively influence others, We all leave our mark on the ouucanerst 51 organizations we choose to become a part of The only _questions, what kind of mark wile leave? “With hac said want olay that forthe purposes of «his work, will generally be speaking about those i rad tional positions of leadership within their organizations who have che customary responsibilities of the growch, evelopment nd performance of those they lead. ‘Let me further add to on defation of leadership by stating what eadership LEADERSHIP IS AN AWESOME RESPONSIBILITY Reflect fora moment onall fhe diferent leadership roles for which people “sign up" in eheir lifetime: manages, spouse, parent, coat teacher, leg and many many more. Never forget: When we "signed up" tobi theleader, we ‘yolunteered for an awesome responsibility Human beings have been entrusted to our cae, and! much isa stake. I ever cease to be amazed at how casually nd nonchalantly people proach dei leadership roles. T heep saying “signed wp,” because we are allleadership volunceers. Presumably, nobody coerces us to mary Forces 1s to be parents, or mhes us take a paycheck from the stockholder or taxpayer every ocher week, We signed p fot these tours oft, We come freely and we are fee to eve “The point is, we signed up for something big and some thing very important. “Think about the cole of « manager inan organization. Employees wil spend half oftheir waking hous living and working in an environment created by this manager Employees wll spend mote waking ime with this manager and one another than they wll with thei fails Further, this manager bas been entrusted with the careers of other peopl. Think of that! Will these people row and develop a a result of che leader's influence? Will they be better human beings a «result of having contact with his leader? Wil they be inspire odo the right thing and develop thir character? Indeed, the ultimate test of leadership is this: Are the people better off when they leave ‘than when they gor there? ‘Think about the awesome responsibly of being apar cent, As a kid, stuck with you forthe cet of ny life! ‘can getaway from that. Do you think that’ big responsi- bility, Mom Who about you, Dad? iow about teacher, pastor, coach, abbi? Ever had a person influence you positively oF negatively for life? I have. As leaders, we need ta sflect for a moment on the impact weare having on other people andthe responsibility inherent inthis position of rust, iow we behave as the bos t work today aes what 968 on around the dinner table in other peoples homes ‘oright. Anyone who has ever had ad bose can certaily relate co what T am talking about. As Max Depre, author of Leadersip san Art aa Ladeeip Je, fond of saying, “Leadership... ia serious meddling in the lves of others 1 believe this is where servant leadership begin. We need co rflect regularly on this awesome responsibility for oneanersa 0 which we signed up and recognize that our choices and ‘behaviors are impacting lives. I have found eh getting people ta eecc upon the awesome responsibility inherent in theic leadership sles is an important fist step toward ‘growth and change ‘Many years ago, {had a frend tell me that he believed being an ordained pastor wa a “high calliog” agreed but said I abo believed being upeevsor was 2 “high calling” [Just think how one manager ean positively or negatively influence the lives of others simply by how he or she lachaves on a daily basis. Says basketball coaching legend John Wooden, ‘A leader. basa most powerful infence ‘on those he o she leas, perhaps more than anyone outside ofthe family. Teonsderitasacred erst.” LEADERSHIP IS A SKILL ‘Are leadersborn, orare leaders mad ‘Theage-old question “My grandpa eas lousy supervisor, thats why Tam 4 lousy supervisor” or “My mama was a poor wife and smother, and that’s why Um a poor wife and mother T jst Aidt ge those leadecthip genes in my DNA strands Is leadership genetic? Ie leadership merely a series of molecular, self replicating materials that are che main con stiraent of chromosomes either present or absent in your genetiemakeup? Masagement gurs Peter Drocker fsty states that while there may be some "born leaders there are surely ‘00 few to depend on them, “Leadership is something hat smustbelearned” ‘Adds Warren Benn, "The most dangerous leadership myth s tha leaders ae born—that there a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either Ihave certain chaismatie qualities or not. That's nonsense; in fact, the opposite strc. Leaders are made rather than bon” ‘Whether they are born or made i a crucial point because if we believe leadership isase of traits we are born with o without, then we do not have to take responsibilty fort. We can jus blame our ancestars.Oace we accept the fact tha leadership isk, we're onthe hook. What are ‘we doing to develop char sillto the best of or ability? “ienty five years ago, Iwasa o sure leadership was shill. I believed that effective leadership was some combi nation of genetic ad envionmental factors, ned in with 4 song personality anda good education, A dozen years agp, I started to become convinced that leadership was 2 shillas I watched myself and others knew develop che skill through edvcation and appliation. Toda, after watching hundreds of committed managers grow ad become more effective leaders, there is no doube in my mind that eae ships skill— thats, learned or acquired ability: Indeed, 1 now how tha the vast majority of the population can develop the sil ofleadership Jn addition, with the high probability chat vec onucnoresn everyone wil gsume one or more traditional leadership roles in theitliftime ax parent, spouses, managers, coaches, teachers et cetera, havea dfficltime believing thar the ‘good Lard would reserve the essential skills necessary to beinganeffctve leader to thor fortunate few blessed with just the right DNA composition. In his bestelling book, Goad to Great Jin Collins dis cusses the highest performing leaders in the erly great companies and refers ro them ae “Level s"laders. Says Me Colin "believe that potential Levels leaders exis all around ws, we jut know what co look fos, and that many people have the porential co evolve ato Level" T do believe there are people incapable of becoming cffective leaders, but Ielieve the percentage eles ean 10 percent This small group would ince those sufering from severe personality or character disorders and other serious mental emotional deficiencies who may not have che raw material necessary to develop or sustain healthy _elatonship with other human beings atrng serious mental or emotional deficiencies, [am convinced that the seeds of leadership are present and salable othe vast majority ofthe population, Leadership isa latent ll witingo be developedin most people Robert Greeneaaoted consultant lectures, and author, ‘wrote about servant leadership decades before i became fashionable in busines circles, He recognized this latent leadership potential when he wroe, "Many, many teachers at both secondary and college levels have suficient latitude Jin dealing with hie students that they could, on their own, help nurture the servantlesder potential that I beliee, is latene to some degree in almost every young person.” -My dictionary defines a skill 6 learned or acqired abilcg” If leadership és » sil that definition would cer tainly imply that itis available to most people. As stated «ales, developing eadeship skills analogous to develop ing other skil such a learaing to shoot baskers, pla the piano hit golfbll, rly an smplane, To be sure, not every ‘oe can play basketball like Michac Jord, play piano like George Winston, play golf like Tiger Woods, or fly an ae plane ike Chuck Yeager Nevertheless, most ofthe popu tom cond become more sie a shooting baskets, paying ‘the pao, hitting ago ball or Nyngan sirplane chan they ate today. Certainly it would take a le of motivation, extended practice, and discipline, But we could drastically Improve our skils in nest any ara ifwe combined proper desire, proper tol, and proper actions, Similac, developing leadership skills may nox sean we ill beable co lead General Motors or the United ‘America anytine soon, bur everyone can be the best leader he orshe is capable of tecoming, (Our past choices define the leader we are today and tes of may define the leader we willbe tomorrow —but ao neces sarily, We can chase to develop the ski of leadership. We ‘can choose to farther develop ou characte: We can choose tobe someone diferencia the fue than Weare today. once SAYING IT'S SO DOESN'T MAKE IT SO Most of the decision-makers I meetin organizations today sey they believe leadership tobe a skill set br behave asi ‘they do not really believe it The evidence clearly shows that the vast majority of ‘managers in tis country are promoted into leadership positions with ite or no trainingin how wo effectively ead their organization mos valuable resource andaset—that is, its people All roo often, people ge promoted because “She's great with the numbers” or "He's a good solen” or “Hes asloyalas they come.” Iehas become a broken record in far too any organizations, We promote our best sales person tobe the sles manager, nd now we've last our best salesperson and we've got alousy eae! ‘Most every executive I have ever met has tokd me emphatically that employees ae anonganization’s most al able ase If that were really rv, would they just hire of promete"loyal"or good aumbers'peopletoleadand service this great asset? Hlardly Yee this is precisely how most ‘organizations behav. They hireor promote people intolead- ership positions, send them to daylong supervisory sks" seminar touch them with ther magic wand, and chen com. chem lose! Recent studies suggest that spot taining can actually haves npetiveimpact o leadership performance. |Agtn, once we acept the face that leadership i sl swe ave the responsibilty sos to it hat we are develop- ing thove sls If we are decision-makers in an organiza~ tion, we havea responsibly, even 2 mora obligation, co ensure that our greatest assets are propery cared for and that the members of the leadership team hae all the tools they need to succeed in theit awesome responsibilty as leaders, LEADERSHIP 1S INFLUENCE One Minate Manage author Ken Blanchard states, “Whats leadership esa inflaence process” Leadership is inflvencing people owing even enthu- sistically, contibure theic heats, minds, creative exe lence, and other esources toward mutual toward mutually beneficial goals. “Leadership i influencing people to commit tothe mission, Leadership is influencing people to become the best hey. ae capable of becoming. Accordingly Jeadership is not sy ‘onymous with management. Leadership is snonymovs with inflvence In the old days, he who knew the most about the comt- pany’ technology ae was the best manages got to be king "Not so anymore. You now egal see op executives of For une 500 companies switching indies. Low Gerster, (CEO ducing IBM dramatic turnaround, previously made ‘cookies at Nabieo; che CEO of Burger King used to run Northwest Aitines; che lesder of Home Depot ran the Powersystems division at General Electric, tn fact, many ‘excellent organizations these days are “irng for characes, tring for skll” Leadership is somewhat nalogoas to being the con octor of an orchestra. We can teach you muse theory and cwvetoesn a how to play a msical instrument. But who has te kill 0 eta variety of different people plying differen instr rents to align and play che music in hasmony? Who can fnfluence others to play with their heads inthe game? Who brings thse the party? etme give youan example ofleaing through infvenc. ‘Herb Kelleher, che recently retired CEO of Southwest i= lines, once sent memo to his employes informing them tha the company was about to have an unprofitable quate Ta that memo, he asked each of them to save 85a day Tedidat rmacerfyou were Dying the sieplanes, serving the coe oF changing che tres. Everyone needed to plltogetherand save ‘speed He signed che mem, “LUV, Heth” Southwest Aiines cut $6 pescent from is operating expenses that quarter ugeamount that allowed the com pany tobe profitable “That is leadership. When be spoke, he had his people fiom the neck up. How many CEOs do you know who could asthe masses to save $5 day? You can almost hear the" Yeah, whaceveas they crumple che memo and throw iinehe tashorevenon the flor. John Maxwell the prolife leadership author, sums up leadership by saying, “Leadership is influence —noching more and nothing ess. LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT CHARACTER Life is 2 series of choices we face dil and you and T have rade hundeeds of choices today [read that one psyhoogit We wens mst pert anensne Paine ‘estimated cha che average person makes fifteen thousand choices inthe average day Now, 1am not clking about what color shoes or under wear we choose to wear or where we will have hich today "im talking about the hundreds af choices we make daily shout how we will behave toward the people who will eross ‘or paths, Tam ealking bous choices of characte ‘You know, choices like: Wil be patent or impatient? Kindo unkind? Pufed up boss sd aergantz or humble? Respectil or disrespectful Seles or selfish? Forgiving of ‘nfongving? Honest or dishonest? Committed or jas in volved? Remember Paych rr with Pavow’s dogs and stimulus- snd-response? Theresa smal world of choice between the stimulus we fice nie andthe response we choose to make ‘the stimu coming a us. This ee word is che world we must get ahold of i we aspire tobe more effective lead «sand better human beings. And there is a lot of stil coming at us is ehere? Blt, bosses, retizement planning health issues, childrens” college education co plan fr rade and incelerant people, sad ‘onandon. Yerwe have the power choose out sponte to any simlus. One person goes to Vietnam, loses his arm tnd eps, returns home, and burns out on heroin, Another Person goes to Vietnam and loses those same limbs, yet Fetus home and serves asthe Unite Seates senator from Goorgia. Same stimulus, itferent response. In fact, the oker I get, the mare Iam convinced that onuioasar life is not so much what happens cus os it i how we respond to what happens us. his word between stimulus and response isthe world of character Character i our moral maturity and commit- tment to doing the right thing regardless of the personal costs. Character involves the will to respond to stim according wo values and principle rather than o appetites, iges whims or impulees. We are no animals Remember; leadership i character in ation, and ead ership development and character development are one Characters doing the right thing. Leadership is doing che right thing, Chapter is devoted tothe topic of character and how we build ‘THE ULTIMATE TEST “Thetre test ofthe effectivenes ofthe lederis tis Areyour people better ffwhen theyleave chan when they arrived? ‘Are you children going tobe effective human beings, capable of being loving pazents, capable ofleadingand serv ing others? Are your employees more employable, bette people, and have they grown more as ares of you leader ship and influence? As a wie general pt it,"The fist daty any leader isto exeate more leaders.” Ins 970 esay"The Serantas eats fea summed this point up by saying “Do those served grow ‘as persons? Do they while being served, become healthies, ‘wiser, fee, more autonomous, more likely themsehes ro Robert Green become servants? [Remember the leader avays leaves his or her mark ‘The oaly question is what type of mask lef behind. Are people berter or worse off because the leader was there? Larry Bossidy former CEO of AliedSgnal and coasthor of Execaton The Diino Geting Tings Don puts this ‘way. “You wort remember when you retire what you di in the fist quarter of 994, oc the third What youl remember {is how many people you developed. How many people you helped hare abextercarerbecause of your interest and your dedication to their development... When confused as to how you're doingas lea, Fd ot how the people you lead redoing Youll know the answer” 1S SERVANT LEADERSHIP FOR WIMPS? In my travels, T find many in leadership positions who are skeptical about servant leadership because they believe i tobe some sor of namby-pamby warm and fuzzy, passive style of leadership. Many skepies get a horrific mental image of inverting the organizational pyramid and “turning ‘he asylum overt the inmates” Servant leadership fsanything butt. Servant leaders can be very “pyramid” minded, even socratic, when comes to certain aspect of runing an conpinization. Aspects like the mission (where are we headed, values hat ae the rules ofthe house governing lichavior on our journey, sandads (how wil we define snd measure excellence, and accountability Ghat hap pens if there are gape between standatde and perfor onwonsnr 9) mance?) The gest servant leaders ve known can be quite ictatoril when ic comes ro threes. Servant leadership does notallow one to abdiatehisor her leadership responsibility to define the mission, er the rales governing behavior, set standards and define acount siley The servant leader doesnot commission a poll, con ct a commicee mecting, oF ave a democratic vote co determine the answers to these questions. Indeed, people Took to theleader to provide this direction. However, once this direction has been provided, it becomes time to tu the organizational seructure upside down and help people win! The leadership now becomes esponsve to chose being led by identifi and meeting thee legitimate needs so they can become the best they are capable of becoming and effectively eccomplish the stated caper tH0 On Power and Authority The valu of coercive power Rowen? Greentzar “taxes,” Benjamin Franklin once declared, “ee ‘ere kit ‘Therese eon ite Setting com rua ihe wou nthe Pc Nove whoa Cesc eon? The ny we es ee dh nde, Suc Keep the Dash pipes pte "The ly of ca ty deride deemed he gulf ay aces When we edu tet eit we meh St ie Now atheehe oma ter ches Ancwe gigolo eager nonce araonry 36 The vast majority of traditional leadership roles comes prepackaged with power. But relatively few leaders ever develop the authority to accompany the power with which theyhave been encrusted ‘Power and asthoriny Whatisthediference? POWER DEFINED you have ever taken a class in sociology, you will probably recogrize the name of Max Weber, one ofthe founders of that field of dy. Almost a hunded year ago, Weber wrote ook entitled Tbe Theory of Sail and Economie Orgoniza tio, i which he articulated the ferences between power and authority and we till use there definitions widely ody. Power isthe ability to force or coerce others todo your will even they would choose not to, because of your post ‘ion or your might. A simple paraphrase of Weber's defini- ‘ton of power woud be “Do i or els!" IFT have the bility ‘to spank you, bomb you, beat you up, write you up, o ire yo, Lean compelyouto do mw ‘Asone of my favorite Gestapo style managers loves to bark, Ies power wold baby!” AUTHORITY DEFINED Axthorisy on the other hand, i something quite different ‘han power Authority isthe abill—there' that word agai — of getting others willingly co do your wll because of your persona influence. A simple paraphrase of Weber's def toa of authority wuld be“ dot foryou” St won.’ not poner abies rote Another way ¢0 look at power and authority is this, Power can be bought and sold, given and taken away. just because youhappen to bemy sisteria-avg I ean put youina position of power by sppointing you vce president. Ifyou were bom with the right genes, you gt tobe the prince. If you inheri the most money, you get to be the ages share holder. History is liter with clueless rules, czars, and managers "Not so with authority Authority fs never bought or sold, never given o taken ra Authotity x about who you. are as a peson. To inspite me, the person thet you are Authority ie about your character ‘One ofthe themes ofthis book ie shat legitimate lead «ship must bebuile upon authority To develop this theme, lets examine power anit ute inalitle more depth, POWER AND RELATIONSHIPS Let there be no mistake: Power works, 1 tel my child cocake out the garbage or my employee to write that report or there wil be heck to pay, the job will probably get done, Powee does work, and one can get few seasons ou of power However, there ea downside to power—asather major downside. The downside of power is that it damages relationships Ifyou power your ehildren or spouse around, overtime you wl begin to see some nasty symptoms arse, My wife spent large part of her counseling career desing with hose symptoms co power ax auTaonTy 55 ltyou power your employes around, soon you wil see some nasty lite behaviors start coming out ofthe wall on yo, I spent one half of my consulting career dealing wth those symptom in organisations, icleding strikes, violence, sabotage, union devs, turnover, absenteeism, low commit- ment, ow morale pick your symptom. The "kids" will start acting out allover the pce. ‘The Unive Seates military learned this decades ao. “Thy will put you in boot eamp with some screaming dil instructor, but only for sean, perhaps six or eight weeks, “Then they pt you ina squadron or platoon headed up bya leader, Why? Because overtime power begins ro damage telationships. RELATIONSHIPS AND BUSINESS Believeicor not, Ihave had poplesaytome,*Weare inthe tomobile supply industry What do damaged relation ships have ro dowith mybusiness” Everything. [No matter what product or service your organization produces, you ae i the relationship business. Have you Fignred this out yet? Ie role me twenty years vo understand that al ife is all business eis series of relationships. ‘Without people, heres no business. In my leadership seminars I often ask, "Why does your organization exis?” ‘Of cours, I ge the wual “To make a profi! response, sometimes even shouted out in unison, ‘Achat point, Iwill bangthe table make aloud buzzer noise, and shout,“ Wronganswet! Tha’ not why your ore nization exists, but hank you fr playing!” 1 goon toexplain thatthe only reason any organization ests because t meets a humaa need, When your orgei- zation fis to meet those nec or your competition meets those needs beter than you do, you will no longer exist. Profit isan essential component ofa helt onginization, butitisnoewhy a organization exit. An analogy woul be lifeitselé We mest have oxygen (profit) to survive, butts not why wesist ‘Healthy organizations consist of healthy relationships beoween customers, employees, owners (Gharchodets, tx ayerset),andsigufcanotherssuchas vendors, supplier, ‘he community unions and the government. Healthy rel 'onsips, healthy business bad relationships, bad busines, How does one go about developing healthy reation- ships with these eroupe? By identifjing and meting thei legitimate needs. Serving chem. Not by doing what they ‘want and being shves rather by providing what they need for he long-term interests ofall ‘We have been slowly discovering over the past thirty ears oro thatthe power tyle of management gives ise to nasty collateral activities inelading head gues, adversarial {sm ow rst eroyism, political games and ahost of other nal behaviors damaging co relationships and conse «quently damaging tothe organization Excessive command usomce so anaonry 59 and conteol eles eeate fear and undermine trust, which ‘imately destroys lationship and growth. “Apowercolrurein the new mlleaniom is simply unable to compete with a culture of excellence, speed, quality innovation—in short, with «cuure ia which people are playing with her heads in the game, A power cleure Iter ally sucks the lifespirie” ou of an organization (OLD PARADIGHS Ac I evel to diferent parts of he word teaching the prin ciples of servant leadership, Ihave lee difculky geting audiences excited and bough ito the concepts and pin ciples involved, Indeed, the principles are vel evident. The Aifcley les notin geting people excited about the new things but in geting people co ee goof the old things — namely the paradigms they operate from. Tn my previous book, I devored an entie chapter to paradigms and the influence our paradigms have over us. ‘When t comes to leadership, many of us are saddled with ‘old ideas and models cha perhaps once served usefal purpose bu may not be a good model fr leading employ ‘esinanew andeeverchanging word The old command-and-control power” sje of leader ship has been aroun for thousands of ears andi alive and swell today. They bul the great pyramids in Egype using power, and this style of leadership has been wed in most organizations around the world ever siace. I wonder: Were the great pyramids bu to honor the pyramid syle of man agement? After our great successes in World War I and World Worl, many Americans assumed that the militay pyramid style was the best way to run my organization, and i was ‘therefore sanserred into most onpasizations Inthe home: Dad ache top, Mom in the middle, and then the kids at the bottom, although this has changed roa large degree in our ‘country in the pas couple of decides nthe church: pope 1 the top then cardinals, bishops, priests; and finally the lai In organizations: CEO a the topthen VPs, managers, supervisors; and finally a the bottom, what we in ove enlightened age now cll“assocates.” Of course, the word was much diferent immediately ‘fier World War TI than i is today. Most of che civilized ‘wot from Europe to Asia had been bombed 10 ruins, and ‘consequently we inthe United State ad ltde competition for our products and services. The United States reigned supreme in he global marketplace and could do ite wrong, 8 simple enough task when there iittle or no competition Power appeared 10 work splendidly in the workplace for the fist couple of postwar decades. The rule of manage- ‘ment was “I dont wane you think Trane yout just do ‘what I sy!" Translation T want you from the neck dow) "When I want your opinion Il giv it co you!" The Miushe 00m Theory of Managemen: was the ge with its motto, ‘Keep your employees in the datk, and throw los of ‘mate on them.” Many managers could relate tothe char- cn rowen am guv4onry 58 ‘acters in the movie Live Stry—because being the boss meant neverhaving to sy you'e sors “The tre belief about people in che workplace was well ‘expressed by a term often uted to describe employees “hired hands” Heney Ford summed up this paradigm when he said,“ Why isi Talay get the whole person when lI really wants pair ofhands?” In a pyramid culture, the inertia of the organization looks upward to making the boss happy and being espon- sive to what he or she wants. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric burly states, “While employees are look ing up the food chain worshipping the kiag and queen, cheyve oe their assesto the custome” Tina pyramid culture, people pet promored according vo heir technical or Finetional eperise or beeause they ae good soller.” And even wore in this eulare people ate often promoted to ther level oF incompetence, a practice dubbed the Peter Principle. The assumption, of cous, is that people whoa technically trong orcan do thejob best can get others tod thejob welbyelling hem how todo it low ridiculous Just because a person can do the job well doesnot mean that he or she ca inspire and inflvence others co dothe jb well Anew way of thinking and anew and different sil star requized. As Albert Finsein put ia, "You cannot achieve & ne goal by epplying the same levelof thinking that got you where you are day” Tskorented,echnialy or Sunexonally strong employ- ts promoted to eaderibip positions face another bare. ‘he pas, chy fe fle good when they kfe work a night ‘because of ill the"thing” they accomplished al the “fies™ they put ut Ina leadership position, the measuring sick of sucess changes Efforts made odo right by people deposits madetin ‘motional ban accounts, oeforts made in coaching teach ing, and encouraging people may not show (eit for weeks, ‘months, even years Thiscan be very diicul for peuple who se used to immediate gaifcation and quantifiable resus atthe end ofthe diy So hey often resort o what they know bestto get resuts:"Do ie this and do ica!” ‘We would laugh at a farmer who planted is crop in "November andthen complained eae the cue faledcoarive before the snow came, With leadership cheteis no cramming for finals Leadership requires cat we develop the esential life sll of delaying grateaton and being patent, trusting in the law ofthe harvest and having fit that if we do our art he Crit will come. We must be willing to bear the ria ‘fF not knowing when the fri wil ave o even if the rut ‘willever be evident in some people. This can be very dificult for ask minded managerswho want results nw. ‘With this i mind, i should be ao mystery why the words tered with so many bad bosses, (0PS, THE WORLD CHANGED There isan od saying in eh Fa East “When the gos wish destroys, hey fst give us forty yeas of prosperity” Tor a fw decades, nobody could eelly argue with the uprated success that American busines was eajoying domestically and internationally The pyramid syle of man agement mista been working! We could dono wrong. "Then the wot changed, Many ofthe couatses that had ben defeated and largely destroyed began co rebuild and were soon challenging Arnescs in the marketplace. Before Tong, Gesmaa, Japanese, Korean, and other fierce competi- tors were beating the United States in the maskerlace by whipping ws inefficiency, quali and service Japanese man agement, through team concepes quality ntaives ksizan, Kanban, justin-time, and other programs, showed us how imporcant twa o get people fom the neck up, Neck down wasn longer good enough “Thanklly by the late 19708, many organizations in America began to wakeup. Many other organizations have yettowake up, POWER CAN BE EXPENSIVE And the world continoes to change In today’s word, having power style manages runing an onganization ean be very costly. “These ae the days of Opa, welve-step programs, po tecting our inner chil, and standing up for our eights. These ae the days when people donot take mater nto their own hands they akeem to court! Employment tigation exploding nationwide, charging (WE won most pear eanesa rcee harassment, defamation, battery intentional infliction of ‘motional distress, discrimination, and abusive and hostile work environments. Indeed, every state in America recog izes sme form of the common law of intentional inf ‘ion of emotional distes, which ea frequent companion lim made in dscrinination and harassment suits, Inlc- ionofemotional distress clams generally involve con dace that is intentional and offensive co generally accepted standards of behavior and cases severe emotional distress. vc of control managers can even be personally sued, According to Jory Verdict Reseutch, the median ‘compensatory-damage avard for employment suits is $150,000. Compensatory damages do mit inchile attorney ‘es, and the loser often muse pay plamiff and defendant atzomney fees, which rua $50,000 to $0,000 per sie in ‘ypical suits. Even more scary compensatory damages ste Separate from punitive damages, which cane astronomical. Hiaving “offensive condact” being defined by asympa- ‘thetic jury. long with she significant cost associated wich mounting defense, can give a defendant manager, and ‘hose nis orher organization, many sleepless nights, EXERCISING POWER [Now ese you think Iam opposed to the use of power, I want to make it lear that secognize there are times when omer mustbe exercised by the leader. In our homes, ic may be necessary to apply the “board rower ano savHontT 6s of education to the sea of learning” At work, there willbe ‘mes when we eed to tll Chuck, “You no longer get t0 work here (Ceresinly, there are legitimate wes of power: Indeed, power is sometimes necessary 0 ect the leptimare needs of an individual or the arganization we are serving, How eves, whenever Iam called apon vo exercise power, thats cesually a bad day fr me asthe leader. Why? Because my avthortyhas broken dowa and I had to reso tomy power TInhis inaugural address on Ue to undredth anniver- saryof the presidency a January 1989, new president Geonge Bash offered a pryer about the use of power. "Heavenly Father. write on our hares these words: "Use power © help people’ For we are given power not to advance ove ‘own purposes, orto make a great show in che world ora name. Thee is but one just use of power, and itis to serve people. Help to rememberit, Lord. Amen.” [AUTHORITY AND INFLUENCE Authority hasbeen defined as he hil of geting others to ‘willingly do your will because of your personal influence. Having power over people is one thing, Having authority svth people is quite another. My mother could ask me to do most anyehing, and T would not think twice abou Now Jer me assure you that ny mother bas no powerI can run fster than she can now: Bot Mors has alot of authors I would do anything for ‘Mom. Where did she get her author from What superv sr sil seminar did she attend? What new management bok has she been reading? Mom sre, My fst boss in business weny-ive years ago, was @ ‘ugh bos. Iti have nightmares of him eying his favorite line to me:"Medvct, mediocre, mediocre, jin. That port you submitted was very mediocre” ie would drive me nots making me constantly edo assignments. Now, deep down, I knew he was tight. I got ‘through igh school and college doingeverthing athe ast minute [vas just smart enovgh to ge by doing the bare Bot tac wasnt good enough for thie guy He was rl os, and he often ticked me off {am sure he was bothered when T complained, pouted, and dda tak to him for & week, because he was avery nice man who did aot enjoy conflict Bue he was more concerned about me being the ‘est was capable becoming, He wasalsoa geet listener and would listen to allof ny excuses before telling me what we were going to do; he appreciated me repulaeyteated me with respect (ike an Jimportane person), and wae generally very tuned into my needs ‘To this day this former bose could cll me on the tele- phone for help, 24/65, and I would be on the next air plane. My former bossis aa ald man now ands no power ow rowce ano ataonty os lover me. But he has a great deal of authority with me.I would do most anything he needed, Where did he gt that authority fom? What busines bookkhas he been eading? Hesreed, I dike him moc for the feeton he provided me at the time but Hove him frit now If iwaset for his con- ‘stan peoding and pushing, I woud probably sl be just _gettingby doing the bare minimum. Oa second thought by ow I probably would not be doing moch at all because Z ‘was moving inthe wrong direction By sox I would probe biy be lying on «couch somewhere watching Das of Our Lives and eating ce cteam and potato chips witha "back condition He cared too moch toallow that to happen. WoRAL AUTHORITY “We hive several examples of hit distinction herween power and authority going on in America today. ‘When polvcians ae caught in scandals, partcualy sencapades, the press and pandsts will often dedare that the person involved has ost his “moral authority” Toy we reheating these words sbout the Roman Cathoic Church pundits reguhly declare that the Chorchis osingits*moea authority” because of he priest scandal [Now what & “moral authority”? That is classic Max ‘Weber speak igh decades old If a politician caught in sexual shenanigans gave 2 specch on funy values and the importance of maria 66 ewan.’ mast poner cases prt fidelity, what would be the likely response? Ie would be ll wwe could do %0 Keep a straight face. Would that speech likely in uence anybody stening? Bur chat is exacely what leadership is. When the leader speaks, people are infiuenced and become inspired osc. For the past decade or two in America, I dont think we have been much interested in leadership in Washington, DC. Good management, es, When we elect politicians think, many of sare intezested in people who ean manage ‘things wel:"Dow't mess up the economy dont screw upamy 401; ty to pass some laws try to ge along with each other ryt sty ot of jai” Ba are we looking for people to inflvenceu, inspite ns ‘action, and sis usin ving sccesful lives? In 1964, nee ou of four people in America suid they ‘usted their goverment todo the righ thing. receat sur ‘vey asking the same question showed that 8 percent ess ‘than one in fie) erst their government to do the sight ‘thing. Infivence ue? My goodness, we laugh and make jokes, shout our politica eaders. Did you hese about the two el desl women who were walking aan overcrowded cemetery ‘and came upon 2 grave marked “Hee Lies John Smith, 2 Politician and an Honest Man"? “How awful” said one ‘woman tothe other, “that cheyhad to bury evo people inthe same grave” ‘Many say "Ie the economy spi, and define the sc es or flare of politicians by how the stack make is doing. Yer, in the year 2000, surveys revealed that more cv rowee ano undorny than go percet ofAmerican believed ourcountry was suf fering from an erosion of moral and ethical ales. Remember, the ulate rest of leadership s whether people are better off when the leader leaves than when he or the got there. Are the people realy being well served by our politicians? Are we geting what we want grea returns oa ‘our 40x balance —oewhat we ally need suchasa country of caracer built upon strong moral and ethical vais? (Charles de Gale, the ate French president, once sid, ‘when times are good and people take fe easly, people pay lip service to character and keep it t amis length. But the world clamoreforie when danger theaters.” “Think ofthe last fifteen yearsor so in Ameries No cold war, word war orrace its good economy; collapse ofthe Ion Curtain, Americs becoming he only superpower “Times have been good, and consequently good manage ment has been all we wanted. Since September 11, 200%, ‘things have changed in America. Words ike prayer coum, flog leaker, sd patriotism are popular once again. ‘The military is well avare that armies do fine with ecent management during peacetime. Not so in wat. Cas you imagine a military leader “managing” his or her troops ineo bate? Again, leadership is influence. There was time in our ‘county when the president spoke from the ballypulpit and people responded. Think of World War I nd FDR asking people to sacrifice, And they actualy dia! Thar’sleadersip, Legitimate authority Gnfluence) mast be earned and oes not come from ajob title, nameplate or specie perks, ones going be in the leadership game for more chan a few seasons, hoe she had bes learn how ebuild authority with people. Yes, you can get 2 Few seasons out of power, betifyou are building you leadership style on power ew sec become & houte of cards, and the symptoms wil be coming on ~if hey havent acved alread. Teisumportan tounderstard that building inuence not about manipulating, persuading or pressuring people for permal benef. Leadership is influencing people for mutual bene Leadership i the willingness to extend one self and meet the needs of another human being, The choice to sec the greatest good of those one leads is a choice that i freely made and freely given. Leadership the choice one makes hecause ics the tight thing ro do, egarilesof the return tha may or may not come one's way searesule “The good sews is that authority can be built by most people who have the wil to serve others. Seephen Covey, suthor of Toe Seven Habit of Highly Effie Ppl pa it this way: "Anyone canbe aservantleader. Anyone of scan ‘ake initiative ourself i does require thar we be appoinced A leader, bt it does require chat we operate ftom moral authority The spire of vervantleadership isthe spirit oF moral authority” Ti relatonship built upon authority, when discipline is required all the leader may need todo is look the fl Towerin cheeyeandsay"Iam disappointed inyou" on powin an utwonty 6s Ina lationship built wpon authority the follower would probably prefer tobe yelled a or writen up than 0 have disappointed the leader And rest assured: The fo Tower is not going to want co disappoinc che leader again any ime soon “That, fll, isthe most powerful form of human moti- ‘ation onthe planet, ree TH On Building Authority Anyone wanting tbe a leader among you ‘mus first be tbe servant. you choose to lead, you must serve. Jesus Cums ‘on of books neatly arranged on bookshelves. you were to ook more closely you woud find the vast majority of those books tobe on the ropic of leadership, Ihave been infata sted with eadership for more than titty ive years. Leading with power wasa concept I ssi grasped and was practicing effectively by the age of two, By the time I reached adolescence, lleimd that there were consequences for using power knuckle sandwiches, exte chores and bro- ‘ken relationships, name afew. T therfore turned my attention toa diferent type of leadership. The question I came intrigued by was tis How wore the great leaders in history able to get people wlll 0 do thee will or commit to cause, even if it owuuonc auton meant death? Or more simply put, how did the great lead- cexsofthe past et people fromthe neck up"? Kaowing fom experience snd common sense thatthe vse of power is limited in is scope, my quest became "What isthe sre essence ofleadership”™ “To answer this question, Ihave studied great leaders fom many Feld, inludng the military education religion, polic, businest, and athletes, looking forthe answes. T have studied mysces and sages fom the past an present in my search touncover the tue esenceofleadership. “Then one day it dawned on me that I should lok at ‘what Jesus had to say about leadership. THE GREATEST LEADER EVER Why di I pick Jesus? For a very pragmatic reason, According to jus about any definition of leadership, cis man wasa great leader. IF leadership is shove influence, which we know itis T chal lenge anyone to name « human being ia the history ofthe world who has had more inflsence haa this one san, "Name one wha cven comes dose. 1. G. Wels he famous author, historian, and atheist, ‘was a harsh eric of Chelan yet he once emarked,“L aman historian, [am nota believer but T must confessasan historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is lesevocbly the very center of history Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure inal history” “Today one-third of che plane's popalation, more than 1 billion peopl, identify themselves as Christians, Fight and a half out of 10 Americans self identity a8 Christians. slam, che nex-agest word religion, has half the followers of Chustianey Many countries around the work! have ational holidays based upon events in Jesu’ fe, Our ea endar measures the passing of ime fom the days He lived sn walked the earth, Noinllectully honest person can deny that this solitary fe had great influence in history And He sill has today. ‘The French general Napoléon Bonaparte put it thie ‘way "Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and Ihave founded, ‘empires. But onwhat did we ret the creations of our genius? Upon force Jesus Chris founded hisempire uponove, and 2 thishour, millon would deform” THE ESSENCE OF LEADERSHIP Inthe book of Mathew in the New Testament, Jesus makes His definitive statement about leadership. The passage hat been paraphrased in various ways, but in substance He says ‘hat anyone who wishes to be the leader must irs be the seevane youchoose tolead, you mus serve [Novs tobe completely honest, the firs time read those ‘words Ithoughe i was anice concept for Sunday at church or forthe hereafter but had litle relevance to leadership ‘oda feral we lv ina power world, dont we? You have to bein contol in charge, of they wil walk all ver you. Serve? Thave heen breaking my back fo teen yeas trying cn suo utsonry 1s to make allo my bosses happy and now I become the boss, andyoa tel me Thave to serve agai? No way! ‘One of my favorite provers teaches, “When the stu- ent isready the teacher arrives" Notlong after Tread Jesus words came across Max Weber and came ro understand the diference between power and authori: Ifyou cannot rap the difference berween power and authority you will ‘never understand the point Jesus was trying to make Jems certainly was not talking aboot leading with power when Heid chat tend to serve Afterall, He id not poses traditional power Caesar, Herod, the Romans, Pilate, and the chief priests —thos ols had all the power _Jesoswas talking about leading with athorineInessence, He was saying that ifyou want to get people to comeing if you want co influence people From the neck up, then you must serve. Legitimate leadership, iflence, s but upon serving sacrificing, nd seeking the greatest good of those being ld. Eflueace doesnot come because of ate or an army. Inflvence mos beearned Ther are no shortcuts. Tiny previous work, I detail several examples of eeat ‘word leaders who had no porer but operated from a posi tion ofauthorty and accomplished things that changed the ‘work Leaders like Mabatma Gandhi, Martin Lother King ‘Je, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa 1 want to say i gun: Inshuece, legitimate leadership, isbiltupon service and sacrifice. Talking about serving and sacrificing tobusinss audiences these days ean beastretch, when there are many employees who define “sacrifice” as having to pay S10 a month more fr ther heslth-nsarance benef! “To forterlustrat this pong, L was watching the Super ovrecentlyandbserveda milion per yearathleteonthe sidelines holdingupahandwrten sign tht read,"t ¥ Wo" whileyelingatthetopofhisngs,“Hi Mom hi, Mom! ‘Whaeisup with that? Peta you know che old saying thatthe bese way to gta brawl going inthe lca eavezn is simply by making derogatory comment about somebody's mother. That will ‘sully ger the chaies and tables ying! ‘Whaeis up with that? Twlltell you what isup wth tha, ‘Mom has served, THE LAW OF THE HARVEST Folks, this is noe rocket science. Thave taught these principles to schookage children, and they easly grasp the concept. It is simply the “Law of the Harvest" that i, you reap what you sow, You sow service and sacrifice; you extend yourselves far others and sec cei greatest good: you wil ld inflance wth hem Aste cliché goes, "You go tothe wall forme, and FI gato he wall for you ‘Suppose you have a six-foot tee in your bickyard thac as been dead so long that it has lost ts bark ad has ‘ured gra: You would like to have professionally emoved bbutcannot afford the serious expense involved. consume avaonry as (One Saturday morning, your neighbor, the one who kind of bugs 700, shows up with his chainsaw and sap, “Lets take that bad boy down You and me. Nowe” “He spends the entice weekend with you sawing cating, chopping, stacking, and raking He even helps you dig out the seomp. Now, iti Sanday nighe and you are ia your garage with him kicking back and sipping a sods, How do ‘you fel sour your neighbor now? 1 don't know about you, but everytime Idrive by my neighbor's howe, L willbe loking a his yard, ying toi sure away ro helphim out. 1willactcuh seek out opportuni ties to be of service to him. Again, cis isnot quantum mechanics. Youserve me Lserveyo. ‘BEWARE THE 10 PERCENT For the ife of me, I cannot understand why moce leaders cannot grap the simple truth tha if you get your people what ehey need, they will getyou everything you need, Our leadership will be defined not by what we accompli but by what we get accomplished through others. IF we gee people what they need, they wil make wslok great! Do you believe this? Do you believe inthe law ofthe harvest?” Do you believe cae we really doreap what wesow? Pthaps you are skepical Because you know that people sometimes will no respond to authorty—and this istrue In ny seminar, tll audiences that predictably 10 percent of 30 of the people you lead will nt only not respond to your authority but wil ry to sabotage you and 1 won’ most powcar cues race everythingyouare crying to build Thee are some bad folks Gut there f you had ay illusions about that, I hope Sep- tember 1, 200%, shattered them, Pleasebe careful ofbecominga skeptic andcynicbeatte ofthe few bad apples out there, Ihave known many, many managers who have been beaten down by the 10 peseent and begin painting everyone with the same broad brs: “You ‘care est anyone anymore,” oF People are ao longer mote or “People won't werk hard fora ving.” or “These young kids dont know what loaly is” What a shame that ‘most organizations draft interminable policies, procedures, and handbooks fr the 10 percent of che flks who probably shouldbe there anys Myadtice to my audiences is ifthey have any ofthat 10 percent inthe group they lead get them outa 00m spor sible. As one of my favorite CEOs, who alo happens co bea servancleader kes to say whene fees one athe, you, and Pi mis you Even in your home, if your son takes the family car and cx ‘there comes a point in time when you have os, "You no longer get ‘olive bere son.” That is known 28 tough lve, ad my experience that it is mot exercised nearly enough in the vase majority of onganiestions cody. Hove cards every Friday ight without permission, ov auuois auronte 97 VPN NOT MOTHER TERESA (One ofthe dangees of ving historical and sometimes dra matic examples of great leaders of authority is thar people can quickly comer the conelusion (excuse) that obviossly they can never aspire to that evel of greatness, sowhatsthe poincafeven trying? In my seminars, when I mention these great leaders from the past I sometimes ge outbursts lke "What am I supposed odo, defor my people ke Jesus? Go ona hunger fast bike Gandhi? Find some lepers in our cafeteria to help like Mother Teresa? must a spervisor a Seats, for good- es sake. Give me abreak” _Myresponse usualy goes something like this. ‘se dramatic examples fom hittory to get people's attention, The good news is tha anytime we extend our. sels, sacrifice, and serve others, we build authosty and thereby influence. Nobody is aking anyone ro die atthe office or evento give blood to the Red Cross. But how shout extending ourselves to appreciate our people? What out treating them lke important people? Peshaps we could sacrifice by taking litle more time to Hsten wo them, ow about workingon being more trusting and less contol ling? Maybe we could lend a hand and assist people tobe the best they ae capable of becoming Can we give that much at the ofc” 1 We wont st pce nese PnacaE ANYONE CAN SERVE ‘Martin Luther King Je. recognized this eth; “Pverbody can be great because anybody ean serve. You dont have to have a college degree wo serve, You don have to make your subject and veeb agree to seve... You dont have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve, ‘Youonly needa hear fl of grace. sul generated by love” Serving and sacrificing fr others can be accomplished in many, many ways. Whea we are dedicated to identifying and meeting the legitimate neods of others (ervng), we will often be put into the position of having ra make sacri fics, We may have to sacrifice our ego, out lst for power, ‘ur pride and her seEinterests for the greater good. We may hve to saerifice our need tobe ike, our bad abit of voiding confi, our desive to have all of the answers, t0 look good, to aheays be right. When we serve others, we ‘ill have to forgive, apologize, and give others credit even when we donot fel ike i. When we extend ourselves for ‘others, we will be rejected, underappreciated, nd even ‘ahem advanage of at times. ned, we will have co sacri fice and subordinate anything that gets in the way of doing ‘he right hing with ad for people Unfortunatly many in leadership positions find this too high a pice eo pay Many believe that once they have arrived asthe leader iis thr urn co be served, Says Peter Druckes, "Noleaderi¢ wort his sale who wont setup chai.” ‘The good news that anyone can serve others Eachof ‘ushas the capacity o makes difference in another person’ ov auuoms auton 7 ite an his is expecially true for those of us in leadership positions ‘Anne Prank, who died in one of Hite’ death camps, stated thi poi eloguently when she sid, "How wonderfal itis that nobody need wait single moment before starting to impeove the wor” EMOTIONAL TWO-YEAR-OLDS Ifyou want ro understand what the basic nature of human, beings looks ike, just observe two-year lds inaction. Their character canbe summed up in two woeds:"Me ist!” “This base ature of humankind is cute ina woyear- cold beater uly ina fifty year ol have spent a career dealing with many exectives and managers who have never succesflly gotten over their “terrible twos.” Behind all ee nice trappings —charm, wit Inelgence, and an Artin sit—is a rwo-yeareld stating, “Me isthe heck wth you!” (My wife, in her counseling practice, often deals with emotionsltwo-yearols People come through her door, wal lowing in me. "My needs, my waats, ay deste, my issues, ‘my nner hild—me mae, ne!” People totally consumed with me, My wife wil ol you tha these people are some of the most unhappy and miverale sous se has ever known. Its another on of those strange and beautiful paradoxes of tie that whenwe breakoutof"me" andewendousehesforothers and meet their egiiate needs, our needs wll also be met, 1 we desir to become effective leaders and human we wons mst pwcert anes Pact being, we mt ge over that “ne fst problems, We most ‘row up. When we sign up tobe the leader, other people's neds become primary. To this day inthe US, military the ‘soopseat first, officers ast. Phil Jackson i famous bsketall coach know forget ‘ing superstars and difcule personales to work together to win championships Inhishook Sard Hop: Spiritual Lesons ofa Haroocd Warrior be wes, "The mos effective way to foxge winning eam to allon the player nee to connect ‘with something larger than themselves. Even for those who on’ consider themselves ‘sprain a conventional ens, creating a suceesflteam—wheter its aa NBA champion ‘ora reconsttng sles force—Is essentially a spiral act. [requires the individuals involved to surtender their elf lwerest forthe greater good so that the who adds up to ‘more than the sum ofits pasts” Some have sid rome aver the years“ Well, just not {nro hat serving-and-sactficing ja. Ive got tolook out for numero un, because if] done noone ele wil” fyouare stck ince ‘me fst” mode, that isa choice If $0, pease dont make another choice ~of signing up to bea leader. Please dont have children if you are into that “me fis” mind-set Please don get married and have someone entrust his or her if eo you. Please done make employees spend s0 percent oftheir waking hours working for someone with a*me Makea diferent choice! Take solo silboat rip around the world and write often. As poet W. H. Auden once ‘ora “my career" agenda on suum sumionty at uipped, “We're here on earth to do good for others. What the others ar here for, I don'tknove” THE JOY IN SERVING ‘Asnotedearier when we serve others and seek cheirgreatest 00d, ewillofen become necessary to extend ourselves and secrifce. eis dificult wrk and no for the fit of heat. you sty great leaders of authority fom the pas ike JJvos, Gandhi, and Mother Teresa, you often find them speaking about the gest jy they derive from serving ther. “The late, great Amesican prychinrse and author Karl Menninger lived tobe nesrya hunded years od. Before he ied in 199, he was asked what he would recommend 102 person about to afer a nervous breakdown. He replied, Lock up your howe, go scros thera ack, find some one nnd, and do something fr them." Go get out of°me”fora while, snd”me" will tart doing alocberer once watched Larry King Liv, when his guests were Christopher Reeve and his lovely wife, Dana. Asyou proba by know, Reeve broke his neckin freak horsebaceriding, accident and bas been paralyzed from the neck down for ‘many years I cannot imagine what this coupe has been ‘through and continues to endure. Here is pare ofthe dialogue chat evening ana xis: Arent there days when you get dows? DANA REEVE: When were feling sorry for ourselves the Fist thing we sy toda is seach os to lp someone ewan most pear canesa Pac tse Andie’ amaing how you can start fecing etter because ofthat ‘musropten neBvE: Take action. Get the attention off yourself That's umber one. Abraham Linco, nis simple concise wa sid, “When T do good, 1 fee good” ‘So we'te hack to choices again, We must decide if we sillehooseroserv others or merely xerveoursles Inthe end, we must choose becween being a servant leader anda self-serving leader, canner Four On Leadership and Love What's love got todo with it? Tia Tonven 1 made achoice over a dazen years ago co introduce the concep of"iove"iato my business seminars Now, where I come from (Detroit, thac’ «prety big, Fisk, especially with ay male audiences! They can be cght with me even cheering me on until ge to lve. Then their ‘yes begin to gaze over eheir chins dop other chests, and they nervously begin kicking the carpet. ‘eras have sudied the reat leaders of authority fom, Jesus to Martin Luther King J, from Gandhi to Mother “Teresa, fom Herb Kelleher co Jack Welch Iam struck by how these leaders constandly ak and write about tha ede fourleter word: lve. Geoffey Colvin of Fortune wrote avery special article in [November 2001 eniked “What Love Got to Do with Fo" 14 won.'s nest porns caine Pence in which he talked about Southwest Kelleher and GE's ‘Welch ad their fanatical we ofthe word doe (Youn find the article a hups/tajameshuntercomn) Ym convinced chat che discomfort many fel around the word low, particully in basnese settings, is because ‘we are thinking about love at feeling. The English Lan guage ac butchered the word becasce we almost always associate love with postive Fectngs, withthe exception of ‘when we are paying tennis, For example, I can lve my fob, my dog, my cars, my _Srlftend, and my'68 Camaro. Aslong 2s Tel good” about something, Ican sy [love i If we do not fel good about something, we probably wosld not associate the word lve witht LOVE THE VERB ‘Vince Lombard, the legendary football coach, once com- dont necessarily have co lly my asocites, but 25ampag 1 mus le them? Love? Now wait a minute wast Lombardi the tough {897 who loved to sy “Winning ian everthing, it’ the only thing”? Many are unaware that Lombarh tried very hard to distance himself from that quote ater ini, saying, “T wish (o hell 1 never std the damned thing... I meaat the effort. having a goa... T sure a hell dda’ mean for people so crush human vahies and morality” Lombard clealy understood the distinction between the love of fe ing (emeion) and the love ofthe wil roition). mented, on .EADesn AND Lowes motional love, with ts pasion, romance and warm fuzzies, is the language of love, the fruit of love, the expres sion oflve. Btitis not what love ‘Vltional lve is he lave ofthe wl Vltional loves __ hehehe wlingoesof person co eatentne othe Teginate needs, bee interests, ad wel of another, requis of how he or se happens o elon certain dye ofmy fie utr ithe ag Egan poe Sc mbar and Chitin apologist CS Lewis Levis wrote tha lye “doesnot mean an emotion tate nc of the feng bt of thew tht sao he wl which we ave ‘uur abot oases and mst era fave abo ther people... Itmeans that we wish Geek] our own gpd.” ‘Remember, any scum of the earth can lave people they tke. ie Sen and Saddam Hosein were wonder the people ve ed and othe people who coulddosome- ching for them. Anyone can ks up t inportne people Batloving peopl we daar ke? ‘This is the Ope of love Vince Lombard was taking about Lombord once id hare ands payers ight ot Te each tke atime, but he was commited demand ing exceence and posing his payer ob the best chy couldbe. Thats how mach e cae He sid ove woud beret may find his ificlt co bebeve, bt thes, ciixny wif docs et ime ery ch, Bush et hae nothing to do with wheter she continues to Jag me, Her fealngs have nothing do withthe choice she aes 0 remain kind, especful, forgiving, and committed —all of the chings love even though old Jimbo is acting lke a jek thisweek. Are you with me? [As mentioned esis, ev is 2 word wed feequenty at Southwest Aiines. In fcr, the compaay’ advertising jingle for many years wee "The iin that love bul." Southwest’ people not only talk about love they work hr to behave ‘With ove. Heeb Kelleher, Southwest’ founded "Acom- pany strongerifitisbound bylove rather than by feat” willbe sing the word lve quite abit inthis book, so 1 ‘want you tobe clear what Iam alkingabout when Lust. am certainly noc talking about how we fel about people or suggesting we volte semuaharsstment laws, Iam talking shout how we ihe everyday Are we interested in helping people grow and become the best they can be? Are we ‘extending ourselves for thers even when we may not feel ice i Are we seeking che greatest good of those we lead? For the pusposes ofthis book, lve will be defined a “The act) of extending yourself for ahers by ident Singand mecting thei egitimate needs and secking ‘hee greatest good. “The proper paraphrase oflove i "Loveisas love docs.” ov nen ann are DON'T TELL ME—SHOW ME” [Neary eight hundzed years ago, Saint Francs of Assisi sid to have exhorted his ellwers to “preach the Gospel at slleimses, but only vse wordsif necessary” can remeruber in my younger nd wilder days runing. around with friends carousing in bars and other places T probably shouldnt have been, Iewould strike me rather odd ‘when my marred buddy wool say a dhtee clock inthe ‘morsing "better get home tomy wife. sore love sha ga” Tcan remember thinking, “You loveherand you'r out until allhoursdoingthisseuf?” ‘Another dsconnece ro me was when abddly with chile rca would cellmehow much he loved his kids but coulda't carve out an hour a week tobe ith them He woul lectare me incessantly about the importance of che uaiy of ime, not the quantity of time, [remember wondering is love 38 love 78 aris love as love does? ‘Back inthe “dark years of my consulting work, when T was fighting ions and wosking with some vey dtune ‘ional onpanizations, used o pce bets with my partner on how lng it woul take before we Beard the assee speech from the CEO. ‘You know how that speech goes: “Jim, before we get started, you need to know something very important. You need to know that our employees are oar greatest asset, We love ourpeopleher.” ‘Whenever I was on the receiving end of the asset (Memon st wear eanesh acne speech, fle like blurting out: Ob, is that so? May I speak ‘0 Chucky on the forklift and see if thats rue? We wil be able to diagnose this in about thirty seconds By the way, theline should mabe “employees are our greatest asset” but rather ‘the right employees ae our greatest ase.) People ace alike in tha they wil generally say the right things. But must cones tha as getoldes, Lam much more impressed wich whae peopl do chan with what hey. ‘Ralph Waldo Emerton pute succinctly when he sid "What you ae shouts so loudly in my ears I can heat what yousay™ THE QUALITIES OF LOVE AND LEADERSHIP _My seminar and workshop participants over the years have covered the fll spectrum, rom press operators to schoo childeea, fom sanitation workers to phy Scouts to Fortne 509 dveetors, Often in my seminars, T would ask participants to list for me the qualities ofa great leader was interested in knowing the collective wisdom of lage group around cians, from Boy war mattered most when came to leadership 1 was inically surprised to ind the “Leadership Qual ties" lists tobe veeally the same from one group to the next The common responses woud inchide being honest, respectful frm bu ur; appreciative; having good comma ication skills being commitced; and being predictable Doring this same time period, I attended the wedding ofa close fiend Jus before the couple recited their wed en teaoaste a Lore os ding vows, the pasta ead the famous passage that is spo- ken at nearly every Christian wedding: 1 Corinthian 15, better known as the "Love Passage” [Now had heard these words spoken a hundted times before and even hd them read at my own weing. Bu for some reson, I heard the words differen this time. Per- haps the sradene was Sally ready. “This is what the pastor said Love spat, ove hind, ts aot putfed up or ave- gant bumble it does nos ac unbecomingly (respec), it does aot seek its own Golfer), it does not take into account averong suffered (orgving) it doesnot sjcice in unsight ‘eousnessbut rejoices inthe ruth Gone), bears things, endures things, ie ever il Commie), “The lst he rea to the charming coupe was vera the same ist Twas hearing in my leadership seminars! Here vasa two-thousind.yearold definition of love and leader ship as relevant and applicable today as ever I semember ‘thinking a the time tha perhaps thete rally was nothing ew under the sun. "Now where on that st do you see any feelings? Where isthe part about “ove i romance, love is passion, love is Aowers and candy” in that definition? I dos’ know about you, but I see alot of work on tha st. chink chat why that list i read so often at weddings—onc the feelings pass fora season its time to get towork.AsToay Campo, ‘the wellknown professor, thos and speaker, has sd, "At every wedding we ave an opportunity for marsage. Bat ote wou’ wast sonar eens Pacpus we never really know what we've got uni the feelings pass foritime-Thenwesee.” ‘Anyone can do courtship and honeymoon, Ampbody can alk shout love. I think it was Zsa Zsa Gabor who once said, “Twenty men in one yer, piece of cake, datink. One rman for twenty years, that areal problem.” ‘The same is tru with leadership. Anyone cansiga upto be a spouse, parent, bos, couch, or teacher, but when the ing gets ough, thea we ee what we've got ‘What havecometobeleveaboutchese eight qualities ‘ofloveisthat not only are they asplendid definition oflove, they also epitomize the very esenceofleadership. And not ‘only do these ques define leadership —they embody the ‘true meaning of choc. Infact, these ar che same quli= ties we've been teaching or litde eight yearald for seven years sow Over and over and over asin, More about the ‘pork ofbiding charseterlater + 77> Loving others is about doing che right thing, Leader- ship isaboue doing the right hing. Character i about doing ‘the right thing Again, leadership development and charac- ter development are oe THE ESSENTIALS DEFINED [After that wedding many yeas ago, I could not wait to get home and compare that worthousind year-old definition to the "Leadership Qualities lists from my seminas co confirm the neanperfect match. This compelled me t0 ‘open my dictionary to better define these behaviors. Leas egies Paine “The defiivon of pence isco"showslcomsol” V/ Tstis quality of character inporanfora lea? Not ony sie importants exentia becae atene and sf contol re the sel buling block of care, tnd ence leader. Tbekew selecontol i beter described sing he phrase "nule contol” We are eachng impo contol {0 our file il everyday by concn het respond not According to wha sh fel” ike dong bot according to shat isthe ight ting do “Wichutconolover urbe desis whi appetites, and other ues we hae itl ope of behaving with chase tern fil stains A habe se be developed by epoading from principles rates than sn ner for sto beetetive lees Inshor, we mag owns under control: We us gt he a lug in care of he fear empins Pence and econo areca ta ey ele siashps Ifyou doubt ths, then ask youre thi question: Do you hve good elatonpe wih people who ae ou of contol? Paden ands conta ae bath aboot being consi: sent and pedicle in mood ad actions Are yo. a wie “person? Ean 0 be wie Approachable Can you handle onary opinion? Cc? ‘Now {am ot suggesting sat we cannot be pasion axe in what we do or that we have no emotions. Pssion (ommitmen isan esta leader quay that we will Acs rer We can evry passionate inwhat we do while rainaning our pateace ad seco wih peopl. IF you ate nota sae pert for people to redilyapprosch with the bad news as wea the good oak out ~°Tafien get people ny seminar whe readily adi co having bad erpers and wil even ami that they some times age at people and have iappropite oubuts They are usualy quick to defend ther behavior by saying hing ike “That's he way Tam" oes you can ee, a redhead or*T'mjuse key father was? ‘When Thes this, uml respondby saying “Sowhen ‘wns the ast ime yon ost’ and ha with the CEO of the company? How about with avalied cettomer™ ‘Why never To which I respond, “nti intresting that you can unl youself wih the CEO or acaomer bt no with ‘he people working for you? Why do you think cha i?” [know of «guy who payed adulleague softball for many years aterhigh school. He was great a but nor coaately forthe umpires he had temper that was th joke ofthe league fa qustionabl cll wat made, he ied ately would be ling and spraying salir allover he poor ump, sully singin jection fom the ane ‘One yay, the league hired new unpre who st hap pened tobe the pastor at loca hare, You guesed tI happened tobe the dificuleplaer’spastor Nowhow many OF coun, they answer {games do you think he was thrown out ofthat yea? You rested itagan. Ze, “When asked how he achieved the feat of goings whole season without geting kicked out of a single game, bis response watsinply “Heck youcankyellat che puta” Now you ellen Ar patience adsl control choice? ‘Angers a natural and heathy emerion, nd pasion wonder qualty o pores a we wile ater. Hower acting out on ange O pasion and widating the rights of others is inappropriate and damages relationships. Thi i the par that ean aod must be como Leadershn Reaues Kings ‘The dictionary definition of Lindness is to gve attention, _appsssiation, apd egcoorpgement te people.” The second ‘efiiion listed is "so duplay common cosrres:sa usher.” Kindness san act oF lve verb) because i requies us how sega This includes extending ourselves fr oe Dy appreciating them, encourspig them. being courteous, listening well and giving cred andl praie fo efforts made ‘Wilirn James, che great Americen philosopher and peychologs, ugh cha human beings at dhe core of thle gecsonalinyhavechesndso beappssiated— Tiave you been appreciating your kids lacey? Your Se woes mst wear an spouse? Your boss? Your employees, who spend one-half of thee waking hours giving efforts under your leadership? ‘Yourteammates? Mather Teresa often sid that people crave _aporeciation more an they eave b “Effective leaders encourage those sound them to be_ ie wilingnes to sare che koowledge tad “experiences and ae a constant, positive infvence to the ‘people around chem. Remember, you dont have to be the “boss orencourageandiaihuence others, Common eourtenys doing te lds things that make a was wrong Lie tings "Good morning” inthe halle. ~ Kindessis the WD 40 of human relationships. Leadership Reguies Humility ‘My dieionary defines hamiey as“ ride arrogance, or pretense; behaving authentically” unity, ke love, 18 another word that has been buchered inthe English language. The opposite of humility ‘is arrogance, boastflness, or pride. Many people therefore mistakenly associate being humble with being patie, ovedly modest, sel facing or evens "poor piu me” ype. = Tothe contrary, bumble leaders are no aflicted with Some unbalanced sene of thee inferior: Humble ledere ‘eanbess bold asalion when tcomesto theirsendeof vas, yingan absence of ov eisesnn ano ne $5 pi ball when comes to styng foeused and on mson, Neng arin tres adhlingpeoplescountble adr ase simpy hoe who ave stopped facing theses about hey eal Humble len es Sar tty ptt at he oy eiyone ce They kno tha they a only oar or two ava om the botiom ofthe pl. They hao tha hey “cymes he worl wth noting ad wl eave with eh ing ou wil ever Se afer hearse pling Cas lone laden have gten ever themis and hei temble vs Humbleleders bare gown ep unbleletes dia wlinges vena cageres colsen othe pinion of othe dar ie open cr tay opinion Hunks tane they doa ave “fave allah answers and hey ae perry oay with hat “Tngshnic John Rishinobewed ely get ent 4 evn lg thatthe grates is atin she, ba “howd them Therefore they ar hamble™ Humble less do wot ake thus or ret 00 souls Hope eades xe ie ah a ewsches” tnd the eh ich so ino inane hve etedofare on Humble endear quckroaie cet others and do not seek out credit and adulats ehh sre secure in whoand va they ae, have bet may many pope nade postions suo seem nepal of saying things ke“ dont no” or “When yurhink" or Challenge my hang" am organ ding hing | Hunt som Iwas wrong” ot “You did that mach better han 1 ouldhare” Afr geting know thes peopl, general Fn ht hey ae insecure and uncomfrable inher mn skins hn Gen Great, Jin Cols reer the highest per foxming eve fees, wha he bls Level and soy Ler sade embody a pando mil personal tui nd poe They ae ambi to be Sore but ambitious fsa foremost de company it “thensehes Humble leader view their leadership san awesome responsing They view leadership 2 postion of st fd seers and tak having people ered othe “are ery vey They are ot oes on their“manage- tment iso do they wake a ight woryng book fice pois and who wil gt the corer office. Rather, they ate fcwseonthiledeship rosie acoen lay awake a aight hiking about wheter hey re fe cely meeting ned ofthe people "Humble ede ae utenti, They donot wi sand wearing "ve get all gtr” mas Humble ade are ‘nga bcopenanvlerabieecase the ees nvr col and do noc operate from delsos of grandes bekiving they ae indispensable their onpzations They _ UW ewelaaethtcemeeearfllofindipense people Humbe leaders ate scere in Knowing they have {| seis and timitarins, knowing al wel at hee are Uy others who could do the jb wel 6 bei a on uanasir av ove 7 So ttt tact f “ng errors and ae conscious tha the grea : “believing you have none . A wise mystic centuries ago commented, “IF we could truly se ourselves for what we realy are, we would be very ‘rome indeed." ‘Dust co dust, aches to ashes I once head a pastor at 2 uneral say, "Nobody i gering ov of this thing alive.” “Humble leaders are able to keep things in perspective Acadership Requires Respect, My diomay defies respect seating people Wk they _areimportant.” p= The people around the leer know fall well hat he or ‘sheiscapableof respecting others a they sec himorher do i every rime someone important comes around. But what shou thelitele people othe challenging ones? Do they get that same respect? hel Waters, the wellknown bck sage and actress of the 120s, was fond of saying, “God dont create no junk ejustereates people with behavior problems” So tue. And guess what? You and Ihave some of those ‘behavior problems, too. tel peoplein my seminars, “you ont chink you have any behavior problems chat you can ‘work on and improve, put arrogance a she top of yori And ifyou sil thnk you have no isues to work on, sind {up now and well have the people on your team pont them ‘outro you!" Am effective way tha leaders can give respect and build __ sis by developing tie i degatingesponslices 16 ARE 0 they can grow and develop, Proper delegating ‘communicates respect for another person's sil and abi ‘es. Delegatngresponsibiltesisawonderfl way ta demon- strate rust which, of coer, ga trwoaway sect Irwe dre trust fom others, we must give rust to chem. The disre tion and independent judgment we want our people opos- sess only come by exercising discretion and independent judgment once had semine participant say co me, “My daddy ‘aught me respect is earned. Therefore, I respect only people who have eamedany respect!” "Your daly ied was ny response <_ Respects carmid when you are che leader—respectis _ver when you are the leader Doate people get fspect for being human? Don’ people ge respect for working or the same organization that you do? In face, if was a shae- holder, I could argue tha the leader’ job i to help bis oF her people win and be successful The leer will respect them when they eam t?And when night that be? Recall the definition of ove. Love isa choice, the wil ingnese ro extend oneself for others and week their greatest good rege of whether they have earned it or have gti coming, Love Jeadership) does nos pause to createan Excel, spreadsheet, puting peopl’ plses and nnses in colanns ‘before hitting the avtosam buston co determine iFrespect _behave poorly oF ‘nde Rather, the ade gives expect. The ear cos to reat all peopie like"important poople, even when they loatdeserveit” ‘fective lenders understand that everyones important _atdadd valve to a organization. And if they do not add “Jab tothe organization, whese fale is hae? Why ae they sul there? Again, everyone is important. The oaly die nce is that people have different job responsibllies aad ww the marke compensates those responsibilities diferently Pu another way, think of servant ladership as prima inter pares, eonalated a “Bis ampong equal.” Agtn, Hex Kelleher of Southwest Aitkines “My mother taught me that postions and tiles mean absolucely nothing. Theyre inst adornments; they don't represent the substance of anybody... She eaught me that every person andeveryob ‘sworthasmuch as anyother person and any otherjob” sgzlsof ethers During seminars, Iam often asked, “Even before my cv need to which I espnd, “Even before your own ead grassboppe:” ‘When you signed upto be the adr, thats what you signed op 0 do ‘Tew serve and serie foroher th wings ) etaside our wants and needsn seckingthe greatest good ie fawhat i mean phe eles. Thysis wha be the leader Toten ge chalga servings by inant people wintering oon get ot You drt new ny bos? oo vost ke ny pe "Yeadon know the ind ofempnyes am deg” Teena wsprty sng ey mos wrk kot sikh eeseeyaveaedionthewong ck Thera seman ede het _ zor change ober charg TratGaNes Ronan snl rae ‘Prey win oc he wl bt moan ams oe Shang mss “Howe! Our wld changes when we change Resides hate da noe have the power to change other peopl. As Aloha Anonymous wil eats Sl person you can change ep cor wn rd we would soonkave alan et lf. each of us cleared the fash from Service and sacrifice were more thoroughly discussed in chapter 0 rather tha be redundant, we will move on (eadeshin Requires oraveness, My ditionary defines forgiveness “letting goof resent ‘People often remake that chey believe forgivenes tobe ‘strange character silt have om leadership is, yet 1 remain convinced tis one ofthe most important hangingandimpror._ “when people hurt ws or let ve dew. fer all, nyo ead pesiecr peopl, aly there were any Why? Because when you are the leades, people are going to make mistakes. lo n Your boss, your pers, your subordinates, your spouse, your kid, your teammates are soing co serew up, make mises and let you down, People ‘ill hort you, sometimes deeply: Many will noe make the | elors you lieve they should or eae as deeply as you do, ‘Some wil ito respond eo all ehe effort you have put a. A fowl eyo take advancage ofy0e Which why itis essential for the leader o develop the {HL Gubid) of accepting limiaions in ers andthe {pei (oleate imperfection, The leader must deson {he silo lsng go of che resentment that often gers ce conld [etn goof resentment js aot about being passive, a doormat forthe world, Letinggo isnot about letting people getaway with bd behavior a pretending the bad behavior isacceptabl. To do thre thing: would nt be behaving with inegricg. Rather, forgivenes involves going to people and com- _monicatingasertvely how what they have done has affected you, dealing wih it, and then letting go of any lingering resentment. Badly Hackett put ic well" While you're cary Inga grudge theyre out dancing!” sty of characer can be developed Tullo develop tecause when oor pride and fecings ae ever forgive. Forgiveness hurt, we give ourselves many justifications for not letting people off the hook. Ieakes a secure, mature individual to develo this skill As Gandhi once observed, “The weak can issheateribute ofthe song" “Liha known many manages who have ruined thei avers because ther felings and pride got in the way and ‘hey could noe forgive others and let go oftheir resentment. _ Any decent pychologt wil tl you dat resentment Siyoys the human personaly: People who hacor resent ‘ment, who seek revenge and obsess about wha others have done co them, get consumed and often become hatefl and _ spiteful human beings. Author Hermann Hesse, whose wie ngs inspired Robere Greenleat once wrote, "Whenever we hhate someooe itis because we hae some part ofourshes in hisimage We dont get exited about anything chatis notin courses” Some may sy "Thats easy for you to say Bu whae if ! sce people in whatever they have chosen todo Servant _ _adersip eequsescommiement and pasion fo prion” and onganieational contiouous improvement. I, equies 2 “esto dng ys our ing flow doing the ght hing and being the eb the ex hey an en Tees nt aber tobe the bs y ‘0TH oni’ wes ponte Anas PRG «~ Commitment ils about being lal to peopleon the sam and ing het or oters when hey flor whea they cela ep Onna eet aky—doingthe righ hing bray romps aly once had an executive sy to me,*When they want todogood theyask uso haveintgity andwhen they want _uttodobad they asks tohave loyal” How sad oeemimens vig te mor courage wo do she a Se ouag san ner srengr the wil Tenia he ine / tsi of conscience dhe we doch eg even if zope somes with pool risk Moral courage _sshessoietbordinwesything tat gs ine way . inuimesof challenge and contonersy™ FAKE ITTO MAKE IT Thivehad manages ell me that there are people they work ‘with whom they donor even fike—how ean they morte up theefforero lov them? “My respons iso tll chem to fake i to make it. Dont worry about che felings—practice the bdseors of love Gesdership). Hoes A LOVE .S Lewis remarked, "Do noe waste time botesing whether you love’ your neighbor, act as ifyou did. As soon aswedo this we find one ofthe great secrets. When youare behaving a if youloved someone, you wil presently come (Sirens ‘Notlongagowasworkingwitheighry managers oman extremely ysfncionl organization, and pray thro ny discussion abou lve a young woman sised her hand. called on her, and shea T pti know what yout ry ing do ere with us. You're eying to ge o allstar ik ingeach other moc, aren you? “No, thats are” quickly replied “Tam noting get youto fil ech other Tam rying to get yo to fe each ‘othe.’ aot concerned with how ou abouceach othe, bat Lam concerned withhow youre toward each ote, eget abou the feelings and for ao focus on how we ate _treatngeah the Yul ind thet che feeling wi foloy = canter rie On Hugging and Spanking ove you Tn your Biggest fn! Jack Wetcn ro Jurraey lnseeur You just bad the worst year in the company... Tim going to toke you ou if you can't gti fied. Jaci Wetcn ro Jareney Inoteer people skill in the workplace. His simple reply? “Good ‘inthis chapter, am goingeo farther develop two ofthe ‘character sills discusedin chapter 4, amely kindness and honesty or, in business speak, people skills and accountabil ity My experience is that these are the places where most leaders lot cheirbalance — ~ Tofien receive cals from human resources people who are frustrated and desperate "Come quick, Me Huntee! Our -managesand supervisor ae train wrecks when iecomes 0 people sil. Please elp us teach them some interpersonal skill, Please come quickly” Huns AND SaRENG ‘When that happens, I love ro respond by saying, "Your supervsorshave fine people skis” “Thete will be silence at the other end before a pre dlictable response of How can you say that? You dont even know our people. Why you've never even been here” “That's right” I wil quickly respond, “Bat I bet you your paycheck that I could take ll of your managers with “bad people skill and put them into an envionment where there ze some important people like an executive cocktail party ora training session, and what do you chink Iwill observe? That sights wondesfl, respect, kssing-up behavior allday long, Your felksknow how tobehave. They have just developed a had habit of behaving poody with {alks they donot think are really important. And your org ization has allowed that bad behavior to exist and con tinue, Now thts something we can gotowork on.” 1 am coavinced that we should videotape the interview process of every new hire in our organizations so we can show the eape to them ater a year or oon che ob. “Say, Dalene isnt that you on the video? Look how nice you were! Look atthe wonderful interpersonal skill you is- played that day If Took closely youwill see youareeven smiling itl! See, we know you can do it—we know you hae the skill! Whatever happened to tht person?” ‘When coaching Gestspo-sryle, insensitive managers, I often sy Jost work on being kind fora while. T know you lenow how to do it. T cold ak your spouse or significant other what you were like ack when you were Rising up and trying to impees them They would tel me alabout the sweet, loving, Kindhearted, well-mannered, goodlistening, ‘hougheful pervon you were back then. Thats the person weneedyourobe asthe leader” ‘George Washington Carver sd we shouldbe kind co others: $How far you goin fe depends on your being tender ch the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong, Because someday in ie you willhave Been all ofthese.” ARE YOU LISTEMING? (vr cefntion of Kindess in chapter 4 inladed giving tention to others. Fa and amay che greatest opportunity ‘we have everyday fo pay attention tp othes iin how we, choos __Are you a good listener? Many of ws believe we are isty decent listenes, bu the reality isthat mos of safe ath poor lsteners The majority of peopl, if they bother ~e listen a al, isten selectively, thinking, “When i Bob ing te sop takings I can give him the sghtanswee?* or "When is my son going stop talking vo can give him my autobiographical response” or“How can I manipulate this, conversation around tothe way I want to go?" ¢ tolisten, Will Rogers once said chat if we dd know ie was our ‘ur to talk next, nobody would listen, I don't know if hat istrucor not, but Ido think the pod Lord gave us two ears andone mouth forareason. (WRUNG AD SPAMNG ns «

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