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The inspiring journey of


4 min read·6 days ago


From hackathon to 1500 onboarded users.

Announcing Syncra on the Aleph Zero ecosystem
In the spirit of the upcoming mainnet launch, it’s a perfect moment

to share the compelling journey behind Syncra — the first DAO

management platform in the Aleph Zero ecosystem.

Syncra’s genesis: from HackOnChain to the mainnet

Syncra, initially known as zkVote or LiberumDAO, was born out

of a successful stint at the HackOnChain hackathon during the

Next Block Expo in November 2022. Our enduring mission is to

enhance the Aleph Zero protocols by easing the complexities of

contract development and offering no-code tools for intuitive

interactions. With Syncra, protocols can in the near future establish

their DAOs swiftly and start leveraging them instantly.

First shape of the platform

Our solution, built on the Aleph Zero framework, offers an

innovative way to manage DAOs efficiently. The main aim is to

streamline the setup and management of DAOs, making it possible

to do so quickly, often in just minutes. We’re committed to

providing an exceptional user experience in the DAO market.

This platform allows for customization according to specific needs,

with various features available as easy-to-integrate modules. A

key feature of our solution is its emphasis on privacy, particularly

through the implementation of anonymous voting, ensuring a

secure and private decision-making process.

Decoding DAOs
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are at the

forefront of blockchain innovation. These organizations don’t have

the usual management layers and operate on their own on the

blockchain using smart contracts. These contracts automatically

make decisions based on pre-established rules. In DAOs, everyone

who holds tokens has a say in decision-making, making the process

more democratic. This system offers a new way of influence and

making choices. DAOs are changing the way organizations are

structured, creating communities where coding and working

together lead to a new era.

Overcoming challenges: the road to mainnet

Starting a part-time startup is really challenging. It means juggling

a regular job and working on a project you’re passionate about. We

faced this tough situation and succeeded. Launching our public beta
testnet was a big step forward and made us more confident about

our future. Our initial idea for Syncra has changed a lot.

As part of our journey in developing this platform, we realized the

importance of understanding DAOs deeply to ensure our platform

aligns with user needs. Our commitment to learning and

improvement is ongoing. We’re continuously enhancing our

platform by resolving existing issues and introducing new features

to simplify the user experience.

Current testnet platform state

We’re excited to announce that the launch of our main

product, the mainnet, is tentatively scheduled between the

end of the second quarter and the beginning of the third

quarter of 2024. This launch is a significant milestone for us and,

we hope, for you too.

To further ensure the quality and security of our platform, we have

preliminarily scheduled an audit. This step is crucial for

maintaining the highest standards. Additionally, we’re about to

start collaborating with a design studio to enhance our platform’s

designs and overall user perception. This collaboration aims to not

only refine the aesthetics but also to improve the functionality and

user interaction, making sure that the platform is not only robust

and secure but also user-friendly and visually appealing. These

initiatives are part of our ongoing efforts to deliver a top-notch

product in the DAO space.

Your opportunity awaits at the next hackathon

Hackathons are an excellent platform for blockchain enthusiasts to

test and refine their ideas. Build it, ship it, and if it resonates, you

might just see your concept turn into a fully functional product. The

Aleph Zero team is an exemplary partner in this journey. At Syncra,

our experiences with AZERO.ID are prime examples of how a

project born from a hackathon can evolve into a substantial


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