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Vegetable crops production business plan


Bililign A.
Nigusie T.
Kokob G

May, 2020

Southern Ethiopia

Wolaita Sodo
1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3
2. SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................................................5
3. Mission, Vision and Values...................................................................................................................6
4. Market Assessment..............................................................................................................................7
Target market........................................................................................................................................7
5. CUSTOMER ASSESSMENT...............................................................................................................7
6. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE...........................................................................................................8
7. Work Plan..............................................................................................................................................8
8. Logistics..................................................................................................................................................9
8.1 input cost..........................................................................................................................................9
8.2 Logistics..........................................................................................................................................10
8.3 Budget summary............................................................................................................................10
9. Cost Benefit Analysis...........................................................................................................................11
10. Recommendation...............................................................................................................................11

Vegetables are a complex group of a wide variety of different types of plants. Some species grow
from year to year; others-grow and die within one or two years. They have diverse forms of
propagation: by seeds or vegetative parts. They may be herbaceous, viny, shrubby, or tree in
growth habit. They differ in growth requirements. Many vegetables can be grown under a wide
range of conditions; while others have more exacting requirements for water, temperature, and
light. Thus, in one place several species can be grown throughout the year, but there are others
that can be grown only during certain times of the year. Irrigation is an absolute necessity for
many species, but a few can be grown under rain fed conditions. In general, developing countries
like Ethiopia utilize more parts of a particular plant as a vegetable. Most vegetables are high in
water which makes them bulky and highly perishable, particularly the leafy ones.
Vegetables have been used in many parts of the world for hundreds of years as herbal medicines
with broad ranges of nutritional and therapeutic values.
Recent studies indicate that consumption of adequate amounts of vegetables may have disease-
preventive properties.
The demand for varieties of vegetables has expanded in the country market place recently. The
situation is due not only to increases in the population, but also to significant interest from the
general public, with their higher standard of living and their desire to have a variety of healthy
foods in their diet. On the other hand, consumers are well-aware that consumption of a variety of
vegetables is as important as the quantity consumed, as no single vegetable provides all of the
nutrients needed.
Vegetables also straddle agriculture and horticulture. Some are grown on a field scale; many are
grown in sophisticated areas, while all are grown by smallholders and in domestic gardens.
Vegetables give higher total yield per unit area per unit time than cereals and other crops.
Ethiopia government has launched a strategic plan to sustain food security, by increasing
production and productivity of agricultural crops, with collaboration of different agricultural
institutions. Wolaita Sodo ATVET College is one of the agricultural institutions in Ethiopia and
that trains students in different level in different agricultural fields/occupations. The duty of the
college is to improve and employ middle level agricultural workers, which are equipped with
knowledge, skill, and attitude, competent and self-reliant.

Now day Wolaita Sodo ATVET college is trying to meet above targeted goals, by implementing
different agricultural activities that facilitates learning and teaching process and builds the
capacity of students’ by knowledge, skill, attitudes, independent, experienced, innovative,
productive and competent in the labour market.

Ethiopia’s vegetable productions and exports play a significant role in the local economy as a
means of earning livelihoods for farmers, creating jobs and generating foreign exchange

Wolaita zone is one of densely populated per unit area in SNNPR. In this zone there is shortage
of land per household. But agro-ecology of the zone is suitable for different vegetables crops
On other hand, production and productivity of the crops are very low. This is due to several
factors. Among the major problems, using low yielding varieties, lack of awareness on
vegetables crops production, lack of extension services, poor management practices, lack of
proper pre and post-harvest handling practices, poor marketing system, lack of appropriate
modern technologies for processing and low attention of government policy on selected
vegetable crops production etc. are those make low productivity of the crop. To tackle this
problem, establishing different selected vegetable crops production farm at Wolaita sodo
ATVET farm.
Therefore, the project aims to achieve the following objectives:
 To enhance college income (selling seedlings);
 To produce well equipped learner (expert) by seedling multiplication and vegetable
 To capacitate vegetable producing community through training
 To create job opportunity for community ;

 To make awareness of the importance of vegetables, horticultural crops

 To extend production technologies of individual crops listed so as our farmers will
produce vegetables and fruit crops in quantity and quality
 To have access to get vegetables and for supplying balanced diet

2. SWOT Analysis
• Strength

- High level of skilled man power,

- farm security,
- managerial skills,
- Availability of infrastructures etc….
 Weakness
-Under potential utilization

 Opportunity
- Access to market
- Agro ecology
- Support from donors
- Availability material (seeds)
- Presence small scale irrigation system
- Income generation, job creation, practical skill scale up for trainees.

• Threats

- Disease
- Climate variability

3. Mission, Vision and Values

• Vision

By 2012/13 seeing strong vegetable crop production with potential to meet the demand of
customers and promote market.

• Mission

Create a modern and highly productive vegetable crop farm to achieve demand of

• Values
o Commitment

o Efficiency & Effectiveness

o Transparency & Accountability

o Giving value to indigenous knowledge

o participatory

4. Market Assessment
Target market
• farmers in Wolaita zone (districts)
• governmental and non-governmental organizations
• Local community

Market Opportunities and Potential

• High demand for vegetable in Ethiopia


Target Customers

• Local community
• Staffs and trainees
• Government organizations
• Cooperatives
• Private sectors

Customer Demand and Sales Opportunities

Very high customer demand of vegetables and hence the college can sell any amount produced
with a good and attractive market.

Key Competitors
• Farmers in the locality
• Private sectors
• Governmental organizations and non-government organizations.
Competitive Advantage
Trust of the customers due to existence of skilled man power and provision of healthy products.
Promotion Strategy
- Advertising on notice board
Sales and Distribution Strategy
- Products will be sold directly to final customer.

7. Work Plan
S.N Activity Time Table/Deadline Remark
1 Site
- selection July - august mid 2020
- Land Preparation August- September mid 2020
- seed bed preparation September 1st week 2020
- seedling on bed/win strip/ August - September 2nd week
2 Main field preparation
-Lay out September 2nd week 2020
- prepare hole for September 2nd week -October
transplanting 1st week 2020
3 Transplanting seedling October 2nd week - November
2nd week
4 Fertilizer application / September - December 2020 At planning, after
management/ 2week and one month
if necessary
5 Harvesting November - January 2021
6 Marketing January 2021

8. Logistics
8.1 input cost
S. measur Quantity Unit
N Material /item/ ement price Total price Remark
1 Seed
Tomato kg 2 1200 2400
Onion kg 2 1500 3000
Cabbage kg 2 850 1700
Pepper hot kg 2 1300 2600
2 Fertilizer
-Kcl Q/t 3 2000 6000
- Urea Q/t 3 1436 4308
- NPS Q/t 3 1415 4245
3 Chemicals
- Nimbecidine lit 2 250 500
- karate lit 2 1000 2000
- Nativo lit 2 1680 3360
- Fungozeb kg 2 220 440
- Trace lit 1 10500 10500
- Funguran OH 50 Wp kg 2 260 520

8.2 Logistics
No Item Amount birr Remark

1 Personnel cost/ perduim/

100 day 9x10x2x204=36720 July 2020 – June 2021
- Instructor / 2 expert/
30 day 6x5x1x171=5130 July 2020 – June 2021
- irrigation expert
30 day 6x5x1x171=5130 July 2020 – June 2021
- Assistance 1
30 day 3x10x1x182= 5460 2 times
- Driver 1
30 day 2x15x1x204= 6120 2 times
- Purchaser
2 Travel cost

Liter 500x20= 10000

- Fuel
5 Labor cost

75000 10x30x10x25
- Daily labor 3daily
- Masonry
- Water installation 5000 Drip irrigation

NB: Budget transfer from one item cost to the other will be possible on the basis of the actual

8.3 Budget summary

No Remark
Description of the cost (Birr)

1 Cost of inputs and materials 41573.00

2 Personnel cost 63560

3 Travel cost 15000

4 Labor cost 75,000

5 Builder 20,000

Total cost 215133

9. Cost Benefit Analysis
Direct selling tomato and cabbage to Wolaita soddo ATVET staffs, farmers, and local
Income Statement

Revenue Budget Forecast Remarks

2012/13 2013E.C
Sale of tomato 30000 100000
Sale cabbage 45000 70000
Sale pepper 32000 63000
Sale of onion 86000 80000
Total revenue 193000 313000
Cost of inputs and materials 41573.00 83146
Personnel cost 63560 64500
Travel cost 15000
Labor cost 75,000 100,000
Builder 20,000 -
Total expenses 215133 247646
Net income 65353

10. Recommendation
From the above Income statement we can see the vegetable farm helps the college not only to
become profitable but also sustainable source of income.

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