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ISBN : 978-979-495-955-8


6 - 7 September 2017
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara 27 -29

At STKIP PGRI Pasuruan

Pasuruan, Indonesia, September 6th - 7th 2017




At STKIP PGRI Pasuruan

Pasuruan, Indonesia, September 6th - 7th 2017

Plennary Speakers
Prof. Amb. Dr. Soo-il Kim
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea(Rep.)

Prof. Dr. Kyoko Funada.

Kanda University of International Studies, Japan

Nhelbourne K. Mohammad, M.Ed

State University of Cottabato, Philippines

Vido Cappelletto, MBA, GradDipMgmt, MEdStud, BTeach, AssDipIndElec.

TAFESA South Australia

Prof. Dr. Maryaeni, M.Pd

State University of Malang

Universitas Negeri Malang

Anggota IKAPI No. 059 / JTI / 89
Jl. Semarang 5 (Jl. Gombong 1) Malang, Kode Pos 65145
Kotak Pos 13, MLG /IKIP Telp. (0341) 562391, 551312 psw 453

Proceedings International Conference on Lnguage and Education ––Cet. I- Universitas
Negeri Malang, 2017.

xii, 470 hlm; 21,5 x 28 cm

ISBN: 978-979-495-955-8



Plennary Speakers
Prof. Amb. Dr. Soo-il Kim (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea (Rep.))
Prof. Kyoko Funada (Kanda University of International Studies, Japan)
Dr. Nhelbourne K. Mohammad, M.Ed (State University of Cottabato, Philippines)
Viddo Cappeletto, , MBA, GradDipMgmt, MEdStud, BTeach, AssDipIndElec. (TAFESA
South Australia)
Prof. Dr. Maryaeni, M.Pd (State University of Malang)

 Hak cipta yang dilindungi :

Undang-undang pada : Pengarang

Hak penerbitan pada : Universitas Negeri Malang
Dicetak oleh : Universitas Negeri Malang

Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak dalam bentuk apapun tanpa izin tertulis dari

 Universitas Negeri Malang

Anggota IKAPI No. 059 / JTI / 89
Jl. Semarang 5 (Jl. Gombong 1) Malang, Kode Pos 65145 Kotak Pos 13, MLG /IKIP Telp.
(0341) 562391, 551312 psw 453

 Cetakan I : 2017


This International Conference held by STKIP PGRI Pasuruan the only Education Institution
in Pasuruan. It is held on 6-7 September 2017, with some keynote speakers from South Korea,
Australia, Japan, Philippines and Indonesia. We can share knowledges and researches here
from civilization, humanity, language, psychology and ICT area.
Thanks to Allah for The Merciful and Guidence given to all of us, so this proceeding can be
published with the ISBN number. Thanks to the Dean of STKIP PGRI Pasuruan, Mrs.
Mardiningsih for the suggestion and the advice. Thanks to the reviewers, Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir.
Benhard Sitohang for reviewing the ICT area, Prof. Suyoto as the reviewer in Language area,
and Prof. Anang Santoso, M. Pd for reviewing the Education area, and all the editors team.
Thanks to all the commitee for the great work. Thanks to all the presenters and participants
of this International Conference. Hopefully this proceeding can be useful for all of us.


Welcome Message

This is the First Internatiobnal Conference held by STKIP

PGRI Pasurun which is located in Ki Hajar Dewantara
Street No. 27-29 Pasuruan. This event held on September 6-7
2017. STKIP PGRI Pasuruan has its vision “To be a
competitive and qualified institution of education to have and
produce the qualified, religious and professional teachers in
2020” to reach this vision, we provide the coorporation with
Pasuruan Government, TAFESA South Australia,
University of Cotabato Philippines, Daegu Unyversity South
Korea, Kanda University japan and State university of
Here we can share the knowledge with the researchers all
around the world and Indonesia. We will get and develop the
knowledge about psychology, citizenship, humanity,
language and education.
Finally, this First International Conference is our way to
gain and share knowledge and get interesting experience.

The Head of STKIP PGRI Pasuruan

Table of Content

Cover page i
Preface iv
Welcome Message v

Ke Arah Pendidikan Karakter yang Ideal 1

Prof. Dr. Maryaeni, M. Pd

Development in the Basic Education in Philippines 11

Dr. Nheilbourne K. Mohammad, M. Ed

Budaya Jepang dan Pengaruhnya 31

Prof. Dr. Kyoko Funada

The Development of education in Australia 38

Vido Cappelletto

The Activation Strategy to Promote Overseas University Exchanges:Focusing 39

on Korean case
Prof. Amb. Dr. Soo-il Kim

Model Pembelajaran Agama Islam Dalam Kerangka Pendidikan Karakter Percaya 40

Diri, Kedisiplinan dan Kejujuran Murid (Studi di SMP Luar Biasa –A Surabaya)
Abd. Hasyim

Pesantren Rakyat Pendidikan Merakyat dan Bermartabat 52

Abdulloh SAM

Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Organizational Mediation in the 70

Effect of Transglobal Leadership on Employee Performance
Adya Hermawati, Rahayu Puji Suci

Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Akademik Perguruan Tinggi 95

Anang Dwi Putransu Aspranawa

Pembelajaran Sastra Lisan Jawa di Sekolah: Upaya Penguatan Pendidikan 105

Karakter dan Humanisme
Anas Ahmadi

Pengembangan Modul Berjenjang Kalkulus 2 Untuk Mahasiswa STKIP PGRI 118

Andika Setyo Budi Lestari, Rif’atul Khusniah

Quality Improvement of Secondary Vocational School Students through Skill 130


Penerapan Metode Penemuan Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar 138
Bendot Tri Utomo

Amandemen UUD 1945 Menuju Pemerintahan Yang Lebih Demokratis 147

(Sebuah Catatan Ketatanegaraan Pasca Amandemen 1 Terhadap UUD 1945)

Psychological Settings in Andrea Hirata’s Laskar Pelangi 159

Durrotun Nafisah, M.Bayu Firmansyah

Students’ Acquisition of Part of Speech on Suffix Words at advance level Palapa 176
English College (PEC) Sumenep
Elda Yulia Ryandini

A Study on Students’ Proof Construction by Using (𝐻 → 𝐻1)˄(¬𝐶 → ¬𝐻1) → 𝐶 187

Against The Proof Form
Fuat, Toto Nusantara, Edy Bambang Irawan, Santi Irawati

The Implementation of Numbered Head Together on Students’ Learning Motivation 195

Fery Setiawan

Building Indonesian Character Through Optimizationof Lecturer’s Role in Learning 205

Hein Wangania, Mardiningsih

The first Year Students Mathematisation in Solving Mathematics Literacy Problems 218
Lestariningsh, Siti. M. Amin, Agung Lukito, M. Lutfianto

Hasil LSBS Berbasis PTK dan PTK dan Tindak Lanjutnya Dalam Upaya 228
Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa Melalui LSBS
M. Firdaus Efendi

Persepsi Guru Terhadap Kurikulum 2013 (Study Kasus MTs Negeri Rejoso) 236
Mochamad Taufiq, Lailatul Fitria

Hamka and His Thoughts about the Relationship of Human Fitra and Academic 246
Morality in Higher Education
Mohammad Aufin, Ana Ahsana El Sulukiyyah

The Context In Javanese Syiir Of The Principal Character Creation Of Syekh 253
Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad

Meningkatkan Motivasi Memecahkan Masalah Siswa SMPN 2 Grati Melalui 266

Pemebelajaran IPA Pokok Bahasan Hukum I Newton dengan Media Koin dan
Korek Api
Muchammad Muchlis

Rebuilding the Value of Gotong Royong Through Empowermentthat Based on 273
Local Community Perception and Participation
Muhamad Abdul Roziq Asrori

Teaching Vocabulary for Adult Learners 284

Ninik Suryatiningsih

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran 2R2 untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar 292

Matematika Siswa
Nonik Indrawatiningsih, Maya Rayungsari

A Mobile Augmented Reality for Introducing Three-Dimensional Shapes and 300

Its Properties
Olief Ilmandira Ratu Farisi,Gulpi Qorik Oktagalu Pratamasunu,
R. Abi Mayu Bie Rahman

The Effectiveness of Two Stay Two Stray Strategy In Teaching Reading 310
Comprehension As Observed From Students With Different Learning Styles
Rasyidah Nur Aisyah

Effort of Waste Material Use of Glass Material as a Raw Material Development 321
of Product in Small Glass Making in Malang
Rudy Setiawan, Purnomo

Integrating Local-Based Tourism Contents for ESP Instructional Materials 325

Development : A Needs Analysis in English for Tourism Course
Siti Maria Ulfah

Politeness Strategies as Identities of Customer in Doing Transactions (Case 332

Study on Language “Nyaor Ngalak” in Traditional Market Mayangan)
Siti Masluha

An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Writing Recount Text 342

Siti Khodijah, Yudi Hari Rayanto, Barotun Mabaroh

Kearifan Perempuan Tegger dalam Folklor 363

Sony Sukmawan, M. Andhy Nurmansyah, Maulfi Syaiful Rizal

Development Of “Physical-Mental Double Therapy Method”To Prevent 372

Healing Diseases Of Physical-Mental Comorbid Diseases
Sudjiwanati, Suparno

Build a Sufi Character in the Middle of Modern City 380

(The Study of Modern Sufistic Expression of Human Poetry Indonesia)

Design of Geographical Information Systems of Primary Health Care in the 388

District and Pasuruan City with QGIS
Sulistyanto, Amalia Herlina

Dunia Kehidupan (Lebenswelt) Tokoh Prosa Kreatif Sebagai Conditio Sine 395
Qua Non

The Effectiveness of Formulator Tarsia Workshop on Mathematics Teacher 414

Candidates Confidence in Teaching Using Technology
Supriyo, Nur Qomaria

Schemata Applied in Learning and Comprehending to Read through Literature 423

Stage Based for the Students of BIPA LPPI PT Jedang Indonesia Jombang District
(CJI) in Jombang
Susi Darihastining

Screencast O’ Matic As A Language Teaching Media In Digital Era 437

Yepi Sedya Purwananti

“Talk Active 3” Textbook Analysis for Senior High School Based on BSNP 447
Yuni Kurniati, Ninik Suryatiningsih

Food Package Improvement Using QFD Method to Increase Distribution 466

Channels for MSME Food Products
Yuswono Hadi, Rika Amartha Wulandari, Aditya Nirwana

Recount Text Instructional Materials for Tenth Graders of SMA Yayasan Pandaan 475
Yuyun Lutfiatin, Lestari Setyowati, Diah Anita Pusparini

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Prof. Dr. Maryaeni, M. Hum

Universitas Negeri Malang

Abstrak: Apakah perubahan perilaku, pola pikir, dan gaya hidup disebabkan
oleh globalisasi yang tanpa batas? Apakah karakter bangsa ini telah hanyut
dan terkikis oleh pajanan-pajanan yang terpampang bebas di sekeliling kita?
Bagaimana peran dan fungsi lembaga pendidikan di tengah derasnya arus
“kebebasan” di segala bidang?

Kata kunci:perilaku, tanpa batas, karakter

Hasil analisis para pakar kelas dunia tenang kecenderungan umum masa kini dan masa
depan yang berdampak dan mempengaruhi sendi-sendi kehidupan sudah bisa dirasakan saat
ini. Prediksi Marshall McLuhan (1968) tentang datangnya era globalisasi yang membuat
dunia menjadi sebuah dusun global (global village) karena antarbagian dunia ini – baik
pelosok dan terpencil maupun perkotaan – sudah terjalin hubungan yang harmonis dan efektif,
saling berkaitan dan saling terbuka. Pada awal Abad XXI, era globalisasi yang factual tak
terbantahkan ini ditandai oleh kedudukan pengetahuan di atas segalanya. Abad XXI
merupakan abad pengetahuan yang mempersyaratkan kemampuan tertentu yang “canggih”.
Akibat yang dimunculkan dari pengutamaan pengetahuan sebagai bagian dari kehidupan yang
mutlak dimiliki oleh individu di pelosok dunia adalah perubahan pola pikir, gaya hidup, dan
pergeseran fungsi lembaga pendidikan yang berdampak pula pada perubahan mindset dan
perilaku berkehidupan.
Tidak salah jika kita cermati kembali pandangan Dryden dan Vos tentang 16
kecenderungan utama yang akan membentuk masa depan kita. Kecenderungan yang
dimaksud adalah (1) berkembangnya komunikasi serba instan, (2) timbulnya dunia tanpa
batas-batas ekonomi, (3) terjadinya empat lompatan besar menuju ekonomi dunia-tunggal
[menyatu], (4) berkembangnya perdagangan dan pembelajaran melalui internet, (5)
berkembangnya masyarakat layanan baru, (6) terjadinya penyatuan antara yang global dan
lokal, (7) makin kuatnya era baru kesenangan dan kegembiraan, (8) terjadinya perubahan
mendasar bentuk kerja, (9) maraknya perempuan sebagai pemimpin, (10) makin
bervariasitemuan terkini tentang peran dan fungsi otak yang luar biasa, (11) menguatnya
nasionalisme budaya, (12) tercipta kelas bawah yang sangat besar, (13) semakin besarnya

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

jumlah lansia, (14) terjadinya ledakan praktik-mandiri-otonom, (15) berkembangnya

perusahaan kooperatif, dan (16) bangkitnya kekuatan dan tanggung jawab individu.
Mari kita lihat, tengok, pandang, dan tatap dampak dunia tanpa batas yang mampu
“memporak-porandakan” sendi-sendi kehidupan yang bersifat lokalitas, kebersamaan, santun,
dan bersahaja. Gadget dan alat komunikasi lain yang tidak dimanfaatkan sebagaimana
mestinya akan memiliki dampak negatif jangka pendek dan panjang. Dampak jangka pendek
yang bisa kita amati adalah perubahan perilaku, pola pikir, dan gaya hidup.

Perubahan perilaku, pola pikir, dan gaya hidup

Perubahan perilaku, pola pikir, dan gaya hidup bisa disebabkan oleh dua faktor, yaitu
internal dan eksternal. Perubahanan perilaku yang diakibatkan oleh faktor internal adalah
dorongan-dorongan dari dalam diri individu, artinya ada keinginan untuk berubah. Sementara
faktor eksternal bisa dicermati karena pengaruh faktor di luar diri, misalnya lingkungan,
pendidikan, dan kebudayaan. Daya tahan seseorang mungkin tidak stabil, faktor usia dan
kematangan sangat dominan untuk bisa tidaknya individu berubah atau terkena dampak
perubahan global. Kita cermati gaya hidup masyarakat kita saat ini yang cenderung “gila”
gadget dan condong kearah hedonis. Hedonisme adalah pandangan hidup yang menganggap
bahwa orang akan menjadi bahagia dengan mencari kebahagiaan sebanyak mungkin dan
sedapat mungkin menghindari perasaan-perasaan yang menyakitkan.Hedonisme merupakan
ajaran atau pandangan bahwa kesenangan atau kenikmatan merupakan tujuan hidup dan
tindakan manusia. Pengertian hedonisme semula berasal dari Bahasa Yunani “hedone” yang
berarti “kepuasan”. Dalam Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, “Hedonism” diartikan
sebagai “the belief that pleasure should be the main aim in life.“
Dalam hubungannya dengan perubahan perilaku dan gaya hidup generasi muda, bukan
hanya remaja, saat ini betapa berbedanya dengan zaman sebelum gadget menjamur. Mulai
usia sekolah dasar sampai dengan perguruan tinggi, mulai anak-anak sampai dengan orang
tua, tidak luput dengan gadget di saku/tas. Gadget inilah yang mengubah perilaku individu
secara tidak sadar. Seluruh program dalam gadget diikuti dan dimainkan sehingga gadget
mampu menggeser kedudukan dan fungsi teman, sahabat, bahkan saudara. Kita perhatikan
saja perilaku generasi muda di jalan raya, di kafe/warung, di kantor, dan di mana pun, selalu
“bersanding” dengan gadget, seolah gadget adalah pengganti teman hidup yang siap
menemani dan melayanainya sepanjang waktu, pagi, siang, sore, dan malam. Hal ini sangat
berpengaruh negatif pada generasi muda, khususnya usia sekolah. Ada kecenderugan belajar

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

melalui gadget, bukan lagi buku dan sumber pustaka cetak lainnya. Apa yang ditawarkan
dalam gadget selalu menjadi idola. Perkembangan teknologi di bidang selular selalu diikuti
dan harus bisa mengikuti perkembangan selular setiap tahun. Inilah yang dimaknai sebagai
hedonism dalam peri kehidupan kita saat ini.
Akhirnya, kita sampai pada satu kesimpulan pada era globlisasi dan teknologi bahwa
semua aspek yang ada di dalamnya sangat berpengaruh kepada perilaku dan gaya hidup
individu, dan akan atau sudah masuk dalam kategori mengubah pola pikir individu yang
praktis-efisien-egois. Dalam suasana penuh canda tawa dan penuh persahabatan tiba-tiba
senyap dan egois karena berkutat dengan gadget masing-masing. Slogan akhir-akhir ini
tentang penggunaan gadget adalah: yang dekat terasa jauh, yang jauh terasa dekat.Kesantunan
dan kebersamaan menjadi hal yang unik dan aneh. Perubahan perilaku dan gaya hidup dari
hal yang bersahaja dan sederhana menjadi glamour dan hedon secara pelahan akan
mengaburkan makna etika. Apakah kondisi seperti tersebut di atas akan dibiarkan? Secara
makro bagaimana kondisi karakter bangsa yang ideal, di Indonesia khususnya?

Karakter dan Pendidikan Karakter

Karakter berasal dari bahasa Latin kharakter,kharassein, kharax, dalam bahasa Inggris:
character dan Indonesia karakter, berarti membuat tajam, membuat dalam. Dalam Kamus
Poerwadarminta, karakter diartikan sebagai tabiat, watak, sifat-sifat kejiwaan, akhlak atau
budi pekerti yang membedakan seseorang dengan yang lain. Karakter merupakan nama lain
dari jumlah seluruh ciri pribadi yang meliputi hal-hal seperti perilaku, kebiasaan, kesukaan,
ketidaksukaan, kemampuan, kecenderungan, potensi, nilai-nilai, dan pola-pola pemikiran.
Hornby & Parnwell menyebutkan karakter adalah kualitas mental atau moral, kekuatan moral,
nama atau reputasi. Adapun Kertajaya (2010:3) mendefinisikan karakter adalah “ciri khas”
yang dimiliki oleh suatu benda atau individu, di mana ciri khas tersebut adalah asli dan
mengakar pada kepribadian benda atau individu tersebut dan merupakan “mesin” pendorong
bagaimana seorang bertindak, bersikap, berujar, dan merespon sesuatu.
Karakter adalah watak, sifat, atau hal-hal yang memang sangat mendasar yang ada pada
diri seseorang. Hal-hal yang sangat abstrak yang ada pada diri seseorang. Orang sering
menyebut karakter dengan tabiat atau perangai.Apa pun sebutannya menurut Majid
(2011:12), karakter adalah sifat batin manusia yang memengaruhi segenap pikiran dan
perbuatannya. Banyak yang memandang atau mengartikannya identik dengan kepribadian.
Karakter ini lebih sempit dari kepribadian dan hanya merupakan salah satu aspek kepribadian

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

sebagaimana juga temperamen. Watak dan karakter berkenaan dengan kecenderungan

penilaian tingkah laku individu berdasarkan standar-standar moral dan etika.
Karakter sebagaimana didefinisikan oleh Ryan dan Bohlin (dalam Majid, 2011:11),
mengandung tiga unsur pokok yaitu mengetahui kebaikan (knowing the good), mencintai
kebaikan (loving the good), dan melakukan kebaikan (doing the good). Dalam karakter
bangsa, kebaikan sering kali dirangkum dalam sederet sifat-sifat baik. Dengan demikian,
karakter bangsa adalah sebuah upaya untuk membimbing perilaku manusia menuju standar-
standar baku. Fokus karakter bangsa adalah pada tujuan-tujuan etika, dengan praktiknya
meliputi penguatan kecakapan-kecakapan yang penting yang mencakup perkembangan
Dengan karakter (watak, sifat, tabiat ataupun perangai) seseorang dapat memperkirakan
reaksi-reaksi dirinya terhadap berbagai fenomena yang muncul dalam diri ataupun
hubungannya dengan orang lain, dalam berbagai keadaan serta bagaimana
mengendalikannya. Karakter dapat ditemukan dalam sikap-sikap seseorang terhadap dirinya,
terhadap orang lain, terhadap tugas-tugas yang dipercayakan padanya dan dalam situasi-
situasi yang lainnya.
Dalam istilah Arab karakter ini mirip dengan ahklah (akar kata dari khuluk), yaitu tabiat
atau kebiasaan melakukan hal yang baik. Al Ghazali menggambarkan bahwa akhlak adalah
tingkah laku seseorang yang berasal dari hati yang baik. Oleh karena itu karakter bangsa
adalah usaha aktif untuk membentuk kebiasaan baik (habit), sehingga sifat anak sudah terukir
sejak kecil. Tuhan menurunkan petunjuk melalui para Nabi dan Rasul-Nya untuk manusia
agar senantiasa berperilaku sesuai dengan yang diinginkan Tuhan sebagai wakil Tuhan di
muka bumi ini.Berdasarkan sudut pengertian, ternyata karakter dan akhlak tidak memiliki
perbedaan yang signifikan. Keduanya didefinisikan sebagai suatu tindakan yang terjadi tanpa
ada lagi pemikiran karena sudah tertanam dalam pikiran, dan dengan kata lain, keduanya
dapat disebut dengan kebiasaan.
Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan bagi suatu bangsa, bagaimanapun mesti diprioritaskan.
Bukankah Salah satu indikator negara maju adalah sistem pendidikan yang baik. Ini
disampaikan oleh Bapak Pendidikan Indonesia, Ki Hajar Dewantara. SDM atau manusia yang
berkualitaslah yang akan dapat menyongsong dan bertahan hidup di masa yang akan datang.
Selain itu, kualitas SDM yang handal adalah manusia-manusia yang mampu bersaing secara
kompetetitif sesuai dengan bidang keahlian masing-masing. SDM yang demikianlah yang
diharapkandapat bepartisipasi dalam percaturan dunia yang selalu berubah dan berkembang,
dan penuh teka-teki .
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Namun demikian, kehandalan kualitas tidak bisa dipandang dari satu sisi, ibarat mata
uang maka kedua sisi haruslah seimbang. Kualitas SDM selayaknya dilihat dari IQ, SQ, dan
EQ. Hal ini setara dengan pendidikan karakter bangsa ini. Karakter adalah cara berpikir dan
berperilaku yang menjadi ciri khas tiap individu untuk hidup dan bekerjasama, baik dalam
lingkup keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Individu yang berkarakter baik adalah
individu yang bisa membuat keputusan dan siap mempertanggungjawabkan tiap akibat dari
keputusan yang ia buat. (Suyanto, 2009). Pendidikan Karakter adalah pemberian pandangan
mengenai berbagai jenis nilai hidup, seperti kejujuran, kecerdasan, kepedulian, tanggung
jawab, kebenaran, keindahan, kebaikan, dan keimanan. Dengan demikian, pendidikan
berbasis karakter dapat mengintegrasikan informasi yang diperolehnya selama dalam
pendidikan untuk dijadikan pandangan hidup yang berguna bagi upaya penanggulangan
persoalan hidupnya. (Rizkyana, 2010). Pendidikan berbasis karakter akan menghasilkan
karakter khas ketimuran sebagai manusia yang sadar bahwa dirinya sebagai makhluk,
manusia, warga Negara yang berbudaya, dalam arti sempit berkarakter.
Terkait dengan pendidikan karakter, 4 pilar pendidikan yang dicanangkan UNESCO,
yakni: (1) Learning to know, (2) Learning to do, (3) Learning to be, dan (4) Learning to live
together. Pilar ke tiga berimplikasi belajar untuk mandiri, menjadi orang yang bertanggung
jawab untuk mewujudkan tujuan bersama dan pilar ke empat berarti belajar memahami dan
menghargai orang lain, sejarah mereka, etnis mereka, nilai-nilai, agama mereka. Pilar
keempat ini itujukan dan diterapkan, terutama bagi negera-negara yang sedang berkembang.
Satu hal yang perlu dicermati adalah pilar ke 4, yaitu learning to live together. Dengan
pertimbangan tertentu, pilar ke empat tersebut bisa diterapkan pada semua jenjang
pendidikan, mulai sekolah dasar sampai dengan perguruan tinggi. Hidup bersama,
berdampingan, sama-sama menjadi siswa/mahasiswa, saling membantu, saling menolong,
dan bekerja sama itu nafas yang perlu dipahami secara praktis, bukan melulu teoretis.
Pembentukan sikap positif dan saling menghargai sesama, antarindividu, antaretnis, dan
antarbangsa. Permasalahan yang muncul berdasarkan pembentukan sikap dan saling
menghargai tersebut adalah bagaimana kita memahami dan menghargai sesama, terutama
semakin tampak dengan jelas campur etnis dalam satu praktik pembelajaran. Hal ini terkait
dengan pemahaman kita terhadap istilah multiculturalisme yang mestinya diterapkan secara
nyata di lembaga pendidikan mana pun.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Peran dan Fungsi Lembaga Pendidikan

Karakter bangsa tanpa identifikasi karakter hanya akan menjadi sebuah perjalanan tanpa
akhir. Organisasi mana pun di dunia ini yang menaruh perhatian besar terhadap karakter
bangsa selalu mengidentifikasi karakter-karakter dasar yang akan menjadi pilar perilaku
individu.Merujuk pada buku Pedoman Umum Nilai-Nilai Budi Pekerti untuk Pendidikan
Dasar dan Menengah dirumuskan 18 nilai-nilai budi pekerti yang harus dimiliki warga
sekolah, bukan hanya dimiliki siswa, sebagai berikut.
1) Religius : Sikap dan perilaku yang patuh dalam melaksanakan ajaran agama yang
dianutnya, toleran terhadap pelaksanaan ibadah agama lain, dan selalu hidup rukun
dengan pemeluk agama lain.
2) Jujur : Perilaku yang didasarkan pada upaya menjadikan dirinya sebagai orang yang
dapat dipercaya dalam perkataan, tindakan dan pekerjaan.
3) Toleransi : Sikap dan tindakan yang menghargai perbedaan agama, suku, etnis,
pendapat, sikap dan tindakan orang lain yang berbeda dari dirinya.
4) Disiplin : Tindakan yang menunjukan perilaku tertib dan patuh pada berbagai ketentuan
dan peraturan.
5) Kerja Keras : Perilaku yang menunjukan upaya sungguh-sungguh dalam mengatasi
berbagai hambatan belajar dan tugas, serta menyelesaikan tugas dengan sebaik-baiknya.
6) Kreatif : Berpikir dan melakukan sesuatu untuk menghasilkan cara atau hasil baru dari
sesuatu yang telah dimiliki.
7) Mandiri : Sikap dan perilaku yang tidak mudah tergantung pada orang lain dalam
menyelesaikan tugas-tugas.
8) Demokratis : Cara berpikir, bersikap dan bertindak yang menilai sama hak dan
kewajiban dirinya dan orang lain.
9) Rasa Ingin Tahu : Sikap dan tindakan yang selalu berupaya untuk mengetahui lebih
mendalam dan meluas dari sesuatu yang dipelajari, dilihat dan didengar.
10) Semangat Kebangsaan : Cara berpikir, bertindak dan berwawasan yang menempatkan
kepentingan bangsa dan negara diatas kepentingan diri dan kelompoknya.
11) Cinta Tanah Air : Cara berpikir, bersikap dan berbuat yang menunjukan rasa kesetiaan,
kepedulian dan penghargaan yang tinggi terhadap bahasa, lingkungan fisik, sosial,
budaya, ekonomi, dan politik bangsa.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

12) Menghargai Prestasi : Sikap dan tindakan yang mendorong dirinya untuk
menghasilkan sesuatu yang berguna bagi masyarakat, dan mengakui, serta menghormati
keberhasilan orang lain.
13) Bersahabat/Komunikatif : Tindakan yang memperlihatkan rasa senang berbicara,
bergaul, dan bekerja sama dengan orang lain.
14) Cinta Damai: Sikap, perkataan dan tindakan yang menyebabkan orang lain merasa
senang dan aman atas kehadiran dirinya.
15) Gemar membaca : Kebiasaan menyediakan waktu untuk membaca berbagai bacaan
yang memberikan kebajikan bagi dirinya.
16) Peduli Lingkungan : Sikap dan tindakan yang selalu berupaya mencegah kerusakan
pada lingkungan alam di sekitarnya, dan mengembangkan upaya-upaya untuk
memperbaiki kerusakan alam yang sudah terjadi.
17) Peduli Sosial : Sikap dan tindakan yang selalu ingin memberi bantuan pada orang lain
dan masyarakat yang membutuhkan.
18) Tanggung Jawab: Sikap dan perilaku seseorang untuk melaksanakan tugas dan
kewajibannya, yang seharusnya dia lakukan, terhadap diri sendiri, masyarakat,
lingkungan (alam, sosial dan budaya), negara dan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Pendidikan karakter adalah suatu proses pembentukan watak dan kebiasaan yang baik
yang memerlukan waktu cukup panjang untuk melihat dan menilai hasilnya. Implementasi
pendidikan 18 jenis karakter tersebut bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dilakukan. Pendidikan
karakter suatu bangsa akan berhasil jika dilakukan secara terus-menerus dan setiap saat, baik
di rumah maupun di sekolah. Pendidikan karakter akan berhasil di sekolah jika guru memberi
contoh dan keteladanan hal-hal yang baik di depan siswanya. Pendidikan karakter harusnya
masuk ke dalam setiap mata pelajaran dan setiap guru mata pelajaran, apa pun
karenaCharacter education is an umbrella term loosely used to describe the teaching of
children in a manner that will help them develop variously as moral, civic, good, mannered,
behaved, non-bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, compliant or socially
acceptable beings.
Jika dirunut tujuan pendidikan, baik nasional maupun UNESCO, maka akan diperoleh
informasi seperti pada kutipan berikut.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional dalam UUD 1945 (versi Amandemen)

1. Pasal 31, ayat 3 menyebutkan, “Pemerintah mengusahakan dan menyelenggarakan

satu sistem pendidikan nasional, yang meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan serta
ahlak mulia dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, yang diatur dengan
2. Pasal 31, ayat 5 menyebutkan, “Pemerintah memajukan ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi dengan menunjang tinggi nilai-nilai agama dan persatuan bangsa untuk
kemajuan peradaban serta kesejahteraan umat manusia.”

Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional dalam Undang-Undang No. 20, Tahun 2003

Jabaran UUD 1945 tentang pendidikan dituangkan dalam Undang-Undang No. 20, Tahun
2003. Pasal 3 menyebutkan, “Pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan
dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka
mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar
menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak
mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis
serta bertanggung jawab.”

Tujuan Pendidikan Menurut UNESCO

Dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas suatu bangsa, tidak ada cara lain kecuali melalui
peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Berangkat dari pemikiran itu, Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
(PBB) melalui lembaga UNESCO (United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization) mencanangkan empat pilar pendidikan baik untuk masa sekarang maupun
masa depan, yakni: (1) learning to Know, (2) learning to do (3) learning to be, dan (4)
learning to live together. Dimana keempat pilar pendidikan tersebut menggabungkan tujuan-
tujuan IQ, EQ dan SQ
Beberapa frasa kunci penting terkait dengan pendidikan karakter yang tertera dalam tujuan
pendidikan Nasional tersebut adalah (1) meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan serta ahlak
mulia, (2) menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai agama, (3) membentuk watak serta peradaban
bangsa, (4) menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,
berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan (5) menjadi warga negara yang
demokratis serta bertanggung jawab.Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa betapa penting dan utama

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pendidikan watak menuju ahlak mulia disertai ketakwan dan tanggung jawab yang tinggi pula.
Karena itu, peran dan fungsi lembaga pendidikan, baik keluarga, sekolah, maupun
masyarakat, hendaknya secara bersama-sama terlibat dalam proses pendidikan karakter.
Dengan demikian, selain IQ, EQ dan SQ tetap menjadi tujuan utama pendidikan nasional.
Keterlibatan semua unsur dan pihak dalam rangka mencapai cita-cita luhur bangsa akan
menjadi tolok ukur keberhasilan pendidikan karakter yang dimaksud. Penanaman budi pekerti
tentu saja dimulai dari keluarga karena keluarga adalah “rumah” pertama individu dan dari
rumah utama itulah wajah-wajah asli individu dapat dilihat, dicemati, dan dinilai. Sekolah dan
masyarakat adalah “rumah” kedua yang juga diharapkan mampu menghasilkan individu yang
bermartabat. Tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadi hal-hal yang menyimpang ketika individu
bersentuhan dengan masyarakat. Individu adalah kertas putih dan lingkungalah yang akan


Perubahan perilaku dan gaya hidup dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal.
Semakin kuat unsur yang berpengaruh akan semakin kuat pula perubahannya dan akan
berdampak pula pada cara berpikir. Pajanan-pajanan yang ada akan sangat besar pengaruhnya
pada masyarakat, terutama anak didik. Jarak komunikasi semakin jelas, keakraban mulai
berkurang, etika sopan santun mulai terkikis oleh alat komunikasi yang kita gunakan setiap
Gadget akan bermanfaat jika digunakan sesuai dengan keperluan. Di sisi lain, gadget
akan sangat mengganggu dan dapat memporak-porandakan sendi-sendi kehidupan jika
digunakan di luar batas. Pajanan-pajanan yang indah selalu terpampang di seluler yang bisa
menjerumuskan generasi muda. Dari sisi ini, karakter yang baik bisa berubah kea rah yang
tidak diinginkan.
Lembaga pendidikan dimulai dari keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat. Keluarga
merupakan rumah utama yang mampu mewarnai karakter anak, disusul kemudian sekolah
yang juga mampu mengarahkan dan menguatkan karakter mulia seperti yang diharapkan.
Sementara masyarakat merupakan ladang ujian, individu akan diuji kekuatan, iman, takwa,
etika, dan toleransinya di masyarakat. Karena itu, pendidikan karakter selayaknya ditanamkan
sejak dini dan dilakukan secara terus-menerus tanpa kenal waktu.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Kertajaya H .2010.Pendidikan Karakter.Jakarta: Gramedia

McLuhan, M. 1968. War and Peace in the Global Village. New York: Gingko Press
Majid, A dan Andayani,D. 2011. Karakter Bangsa Perspektif Islam. Bandung: PT Remaja
Putri, RZ. 2010. Pendidikan Berbasis Pembangunan Karakter. [onlinehttp://putrizkyana. [diakses pada15 Maret 2012].
https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Character_education

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Case Study: Mangsee National High School Schools Division of Palawan

Nhelbourne K. Mohammad
English and Arabic Lecturer, State Universiyy of Cottabato, Philippines

Abstract: The research aims to determine and describe the perception of the
parents, students and the community on the implementation of K–12 Basic
Education Curriculum (BEC) in the District of Balabac Schools Davison of Palawan
at Mangsee National High School (MNHS), Philippines. The researcher has
encountered varieties perceptions or understanding of the parents, students and the
community. Some of the informant has a positive and negative reaction on the said
program. The objectives of the study is to contribute the progressive and
development of Mangsee National High School and to advocate the main purposes
of the program to the parents, students and the community in the District of Balabac
as well as in the entire country since this K – 12 Program is new curriculum that
implemented by the Department of Education (DepEd) in 2013. The research is
done by using qualitativeapproach.

Keywords: Educational Development, New Curriculum, Global Competitive, Job

Opportunity and Economic Education.


At present, the Philippines is the only country in Asia and among the three remaining
countries in the world that uses a 10-year basic education cycle. According to the presentation
made by the South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO-INNOTECH)
on Additional Years in Philippine Basic Education (2010), the comparative data on duration
of Basic and Pre- University Education in Asia shows that the Philippines allots 10 years not
just for the basic education cycle but also for the pre-university education while all the other
countries have either 11 or 12 years in their basic educationcycle.
Achievement scores highlight our students’ poor performance in national
examinations. The National Achievement Test (NAT) results for grade 6 in SY 2009-2010
showed only a 69.21% passing rate while the NAT results for high school is at a low 46.38%.
Moreover, international tests results in 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science
study (TIMSS) show that the Philippines ranked 34th out of 38 countries in HS Math and 43rd

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

out of 46 countries in HS II Science. Moreover, the Philippines ranked the lowest in 2008
even with only the science high schools joining the Advanced Mathematics category.
Faced with difficulty economic competition and worried about the skills of the future
work forces, the government lead by the President of the Philippines and his Department of
Education Secretary Armin A. Luistro are trying to connect education from pre-school
through post- secondary so that more students are prepared for further study and work. On 5
October2010,the recent program on Philippine Education as part of President Benigno
“Noynoy” Aquino III’s Educational Reform Program was instituting of the K - 12 Education
Plan. From his 10-point Educational Agenda he cited: 12-Year Basic Education Cycle, I will
expand the basic education cycle, from a 10-year cycle to a globally comparable 12 years, for
our public schoolchildren.
Presently, those who can afford basic education get into the best universities and the
best jobs after graduation. Universal pre-schooling for all public schools children will have
preschool as their introduction to formal schooling by 2016, and we will make this available
to all children regardless of income. The Pinoy Administration believes that adding more
years to basic education in the Philippines could help solve the problems of unemployment,
keep with global standards, and help Pilipino students to have more time to choose the career
that best suits their skills (Jennilyn,2013).
Psychologically speaking, the short education program affects human development of
the Pilipino children. A Pilipino is legally a child before he or she turns 18 years old.
Psychologists and educators say that children under 18 are generally not emotionally prepared
for entrepreneurship or employment or higher education disciplines. Commonly, Grade six
pupils graduate at the age ranging from 11-13 years old, and fourth year high school students
graduates at the range of 15-17 years old. Therefore, these learners are still considered
children and they are not capable to handles erious situations like decision-making and work
task. In the Philippines, there is a harvesting practice which is called, “Hinog sa Bunga”,
meaning a fruit which was taken from the trunk of the tree.
The ripened fruits which were taken from the trunk of the tree are more sweet and
tasty compared to fruits which were taken ahead of time. The goal of the K - 12 Basic
Education Program is to create a functional basic education system that will produce
productive and responsible citizens equipped with the essential competencies and skills for
both life–long learning and employment. This program will enhance the basic education
system to full functionality to fulfill the basic learning needs of students. This is in line with

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

the agenda of the PresidentAquino of having quality education as a long term solution to
poverty, in order to achieve these goals (DepEd,2013).
The most perceived problems on K-12 Implementation of the students in Luzon
Elementary School, Tagkawayan Quezon. The operation of our educational system revolves
around laws legislated by congress. The primary source of these laws is the 1987 constitution.
A separate Article of education is provided in the 1987 constitution. It prescribes that the state
shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and ensures that teaching will attract
and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate remuneration and
other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment (Tan,2011).
Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) as part of our K-12 reform, this is not a
purely pedagogical strategy for language but a learner-centered approach. By using the
language students are comfortable with, the MTB-MLE in the enhanced curriculum helps
them develop the language skills they need to learn the fundamentals of various subjects from
kindergarten to third grade,and to move seamlessly from home to school. Children clearly
learn best when we use the language they understand, especially in elementary education.
Additionally, prior to the launch of MTBMLE, studies had shown that language skills
mastered with the mother tongue can enable students to learn second and subsequent
Over the last three and a half years the DepEd has been addressing gaps in basic inputs
– namely, classrooms, teachers, textbooks, seats, and water and sanitation facilities. We have
fully accounted for backlogs of these in all 47,000 schools from 2010, and will continue to
build more infrastructures, hire more teachers and buy more learning materials and tools for
the K-12program. Senior high school (SHS) will be introduced nationwide starting with grade
11 in 2016 followed by grade 12 in 2017. We expect 1.4m students percohort to enter grade11,
more than 1mof them from public junior highschools.
The department will fulfill the requirements both by building capacity at publichighs
chools and by tapping available capacities at private schools and other state-funded
institutions. Starting in 2016, an SHS voucher program will provide financial subsidies to
public junior high graduates wishing to attend private SHS or schools managed by public
institutions. The program will also expand the financial assistance program, which benefits
over half of the nation’s private junior high students (Luistro,2013).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Statement of theProblems
This study aimed to determine the understanding of the parents and students about the
implementation of the K – 12 Program. Specifically, the study sought answers to the
following questions:
1. What are the parent’s sources of information about K – 12Program?
2. What are the parent’s understandings about the implementation of the K – 12 Program
when it comes torationale?
3. What are the student’s understandings about the implementation of the K – 12 Program
when it comes torationale?

Significance of theStudy
Learning is the aspect of development that connotes modification of behavior, skills
and knowledge that results from practice and experience which sought for quality
education. The generalization of this presents tudy would be agreat contribution to the vast
knowledge in relation to student’sachievements.

Some terms are defined, namely K which refers to Kindergarten, and 12 which
refers to 12 years Basic Education Curriculum (six years of elementary school, four years
of junior high school and two years of senior high school).


The K - 12 Basic Education Program is the flagship program of the Department of

Education in its desires to offer a curriculum which is attuned to the 21st century. This is in
the pursuance of the reform thrusts of the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda, a package
of policy reforms that seeks to systematically improve critical regulatory, institutional,
structural, financial, physical, cultural and information conditions effecting basic education
provision access and delivery on the ground. The department seeks to create basic education
sector that’s capable of attainting the country’s Education for all Objectives and the
Millennium Development Goals by the year 2015and President Noynoy Aquino’s 10-point
Basic Education Agenda by 2016. This policy reformsare expected to introduce critical
changes necessary to further accelerate, broaden, deepen and sustain the department’s effort
in improving the quality of basic education. (Esther & Ethel, 2012) The K-12 education
system is the public education system that most people are familiar with today. Comprised of
13 grades, kindergarten through 12th, it refers to the public school system in all of the United

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and parts of Europe as well. It is difficult to pinpoint the
exact history of education, as it has been occurring in some form for centuries in all parts of
the world. The K-12 Program has been initiated by the Aquino administration where students
will have to undergo a new system of education.
The Enhanced K-12 Basic Education Program is a DepEd program that will improve
the standard of education and give more opportunities for graduating students. Last school
year 2012, Philippine education officially implemented the K-12 curriculum. Everyone knows
the country (in public schools preferably) is drastically left behind in terms of curriculum
adjustments. Grade 1 entrants in SY 2012–2013 are the first batch to fully undergo the
program, and current 1st year Junior High School students (or Grade7) are the first to undergo
the enhanced secondary education program (Kynemarie,2013).
Nolledo (1992) Article XIV of the constitution which focused on education in which
sectionI states that “the state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality
education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to
all”. The K - 12 Program “We are the last country in Asia and one of only three countries in
the world with a 10- year pre-university program” (SEAMEO, 2011) The Department of
Education has formally launch editsK-12Program,which adds 2 years to basic education in
the country. This means that aside from kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, and 4 years of
high school, students will have to undergo an additional 2 years of study in senior high school.
The Department of Education (DepEd) is currently implementing mother-tongue
based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) as part of our K-12 reform. This is not a purely
pedagogical strategy for language but a learner-centered approach. By using the language
students are comfortable with, the MTB-MLE in the enhanced curriculum helps them develop
the language skills they need to learn the fundamentals of various subjects from kindergarten
to third grade,and to move seamlessly from home to school. Children clearly learn best when
we use the language they understand, especially in elementary education. Additionally, prior
to the launch of MTBMLE, studies had shown that language skills mastered with the mother
tongue can enable students to learn a second and subsequent languagefaster.
The program has the following twin objectives : To give every student as opportunity
to receive quality education based on an enhanced and decongested curriculum that is
internationally recognized and comparable; Develop a curriculum that is rational and focus
on excellence; Produce a pool of highly qualified and adequately trained teachers; Achieve
high academic standards, especially in Mathematics, Scienceand English at all levels ;
Produce graduates who are globally competitive and whose credential are recognized
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

internationally; To change public perception that high school education is just a preparation
for college; rather, it should allow one to take advantage of opportunities for gainful career or
employment and/or self-employment in a rapidly changing and increasingly globalized
environment; produce graduates who possess skills and competencies that will allow them to
be productive members of the society or pursue higher education; through coordination
between the academic and business sectors, to change industry hiring practices into account
the enhance skills and competencies of K - 12 graduates (DepEd, 2010).
The goal of implementing the K - 12 Basic Education Program is to create a
functional basic system that will produce productive and responsible citizens equipped with
the essential learning and employment. This is in line with the agenda of the President Aquino
of having quality education as along term solution to poverty. The K-12 Education vision
from the Department of Education (DepEd, 2010) every graduate of the Enhanced K - 12
Basic Education Program is an empowered individual who has learned through a program
that is rooted on sound principles and geared towards excellence. Truly, the implementation
of K-12 program of the Department of Education is a great help to every students. But, some
which has a noble purpose for every Pilipino pupil or student. From their own point of view
or perspective this is another burden on the part of the students and parents. It will add to the
financial problem of the individual family, and the advantage of implementing this program
are for the people who wants to continue studying or work abroad because the curriculum is
almost parallel to another country. This is some of the problems that this study is going to
focus on and to hear the sentiment soft the parents regarding the implementation of K-12
program (Jennilyn,2013).
One of the aims of the Department of Education is to prepare the students to be
globally competitive. To achieve this, educational reforms of the government must also focus
into the mastery of English as these condlanguage. Such attempt will greatly help to harness
the productive capacity of the country’s human resource base towards international
competitiveness. Competitiveness may be gauged from sociolinguistic competence of a
person. Sociolinguistic competence is the ability to use language appropriate to a given
communicative context taking into account the roles of the participants, the setting and the
purpose of interaction. It is the ability to use and respond to language appropriately, given the
setting, the topic,and the relationships among the people communicating, particularly the
lingua franca of the educational society and community, in its various contexts and
dimensions relatively guarantees the teachers competitive advantage in the complex society
like the Philippines (Alatis,2009).
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Education Secretary Armin A. Luistro (2011) says the additional 2 years will help
students decide what course they will take in college. It will also help high school students to
be given a chance to specialize in science and technology, music and arts, agriculture,
fisheries, sports, business entrepreneurship, and others. K - 12 Program aims to make basic
education sufficient enough so that anyone who graduates can be gainfully employed and
have a productive life. K –
12 Program will look at the possibility of specialized education such as a high school
or community, which will focus on the arts or agriculture. Bro. Armin said that the proposal
will make high school graduates employable, making tertiary education unnecessary to get a
job.That proposal of Department of Education to add two more years to basic education drew
mixed reactions in the Senate. Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile (2011) expressed support
to the DepEd’s K - 12 Program as he agrees with the proposal because the country needs to
increase its competitiveness at the international level, he said: We are underrated by other
countries, our educational system. It is painful for others. But for the country we have to do
it.To implement the program,the DepEdhas to work with Congress to amend the existing law,
Batas Pambansa 232 or the “Education Act of 1982,” which states that the basic formal
education is a 10-yearprogram.
ers to their Academic Performance this studies cited by the researchers have also shown that
the country’s education program is equivalent to the 12-year education cycle followed abroad
except that it is being completed in only 10 years. These researches analyze and study what
will be the effects of the K-12 Educational Systems to the country, parents, and students. This
study becomes related to my study in the sense that it is concerned on theeffects of K-12
Program to the parents. The only difference is that this study is focused on the effects of K -
12 Program to the students whose parents are working abroad, and how it affects to their
Marston (2011) Conducted a related study about the perception of students and
parents involved in primary to secondary school transition programs of different formats and
complexities, based on both Australian and international research, have been introduced in
some schools to facilitate transition. The aims of this research were to investigate and compare
the perceptions of students, parents and teachers involved in several of these programs and to
examine the extent to which transition programs can alleviate issues associated with transition
between primary and secondaryschools.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Zellman (2012) conducted a study about the implementation of the K - 12 Education

Reform in Qatar’s Schools, this study is are form of education for anewera, because it view
seducationas the key to the nation' seconomic and social progress. This study,one of a number
of RAND studies that trace and document the reform process in Qatar, was designed to assess
progress made in the first years of the K - 12 Reform's Implementation in Qatar's schools and
the perception of the parents on the Implementation of the K - 12 Program. This study has a
relation to the researchers study because it also gets the perception of the parents on the K –
12 Implementation.
Senate Majority Floor Leader Vicente "Tito" Sotto (2011) explained why he opposed
the proposal of the Department of Education (DepEd) to amend the law on the country’s basic
education to increase the number of school years to12 from the present10-yearprogram. "I
oppose the addition of two years to basic education. There is no clear benefit to adding two
years tobasic education," Sotto said in a privilege speech at the Senate. He added that the
national budget can't even provide sufficient funds to maintain the present number of years of
basic education, butnow the DepEd wants to add more to it. According to him, adding two
years to basic education will further increase our budget deficit. We need quality education,
not quantity of years in education. We need more schools, not more years inschool.
The Philippines is the only country in the world that still follows a 10–year basic
education cycle. And so Last October 2010, President Noynoy Aquino proposed the
Kindergarten plus 12 on the K - 12 Program to catch up with the rest of world having a 12–
year basic education cycle. However, with all the issues on education the country is still has,
parents expressed theiropinions on the President Aquino’s plan of strengthening the
Philippine education system through the K – 12 Program. It is amust to hear the parents’
opinions regarding the K-12 Program as they are one of the stakeholders of schools and
respected parents of the students who are involved on loving and caring for the future of

“The reality on the ground is that schools even have to divide their classes to
morning and afternoon sessions to accommodate more students… We need to
modernize our public school system management priority to expanding the cycle
of our basic education program”

The approach of the study is done by using qualitative, showing how the researcher
came to the necessary place to collect the data for this study, and how the data was analyzed,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

interpreted and presented in the easiest way. The study utilized to survey is the most important
in order to achieve the purpose of this study which is to determine and describe the opinions,
thoughts and feelings of parents of Grade VII Students of Mangsee National High School. It
is descriptive in a sense that the data obtained were analyzed and described. The researcher
used his survey questionnaire as his instrument. Based on the result of the survey conducted,
he was able to determine the details of this study.
The purpose of this study is to determine and describe the understanding of parents of
Grade II students in Mangsee National High School, Mangsee, Balabac. It is descriptive in a
sense that the data obtained were analyzed and described. The researcher used questionnaire,
oral interview and observation as hisinstrument.

Research Instruments
The researcher prepared a questionnaire to determine the understanding of the parents
and students regarding the Implementation of K – 12 Program. This can be determined such
as the respondents’ profile preparedness of parents in terms of emotional and financial aspect.
The primary instrument use in conducting the study is the questionnaires; the second
instrument used an actual interview on the respondent and third is an actual observation during
classes in Grade VII students.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data for the study were collected using questionnaire and oral interview. The
researcher has followed certain procedures in conducting the study:

1. Choose the certaintitle.

2. Oral interviewed and observation during classes in Grade - VI Section 1students.
3. The researcher prepared somequestions:

1) What are the parents’ sources of information on K – 12Program?

2) What are the understanding of the parents and students on implementation of K
– 12 Program?

Parent’s Sources of Information about K – 12Program
The following sources of information about the K - 12 Program that the parents have
gotten information about the K-12 Program is one of the latest programs of the Department

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

of Education. Since this is new, many Pilipino particularly parents were asking and
wondering what was all about it. In this study, there are some sources of information about
the implementation on K –12 Program. These were from: PTAMeetings, Television,
Newspapers and magazines, Books, Radio, Internet, Friends, Relatives, Teachers or School
Administrators and OrientationConferences.

The foregoing data implied that the source of information of the parents about K–12
Program came from PTA Meetings, and Orientation Conferences. Parents from Barangay
Mangsee don’t have an access of internet. There for etheyrely on the people who will
discussin formation suchas the K–12 Program. These people are usually in Department of
Education who arek nowledgeable regarding the K – 12Program.

“The parents’ sources of the implementation about the K - 12 Program is not

totally clear, because they just got the information without well explanation
like; workshop, seminar for the parents or school community by the local

Parent’s Understanding about the Implementation of K – 12Program.

This study there searcher was asking the opinion and viewed of the parent son the
said program to know the perception of the parents.Some of the parents have positive and
negative opinion,but mostly in positive opinion and viewed.

During th esurveyed theparents were still commenting and asking so many questions
as if K - 12 is a new program. Is K - 12 really needed or necessary? Is the additional two
years the answer to the emerging problems in our country? “Why not invest on teachers’
education and on their salary to be able to hire competent ones instead of adding two more
years?” These are the same questions asked several times especially by the parents. Some
believe, simply adding two more years in the education of a child does not guaranty that the
child will have the skills they hope to achieve.

And school, especially in elementary incessantly explain the advantages of K-12

program and the rationale of additional two years in high school, for the students to
decide on what course to take in college. Furthermore, this will also equip them to get a job
or be employed after completing senior high school since in this phase students are given the
chance to enroll in specialization courses in science and technology, music and arts,
agriculture, fisheries, sports, business entrepreneurship, andothers.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

On the otherside, some a greed that10-year education program is becoming outdated.

Itistrue that it will cause financial difficulty to everybody especially to the poor but as a
nation that is hoping to stand out in the global market, we need to invest to our children’s
education. Our graduates need quality education that our country can be proud of.

In line with this change, additional classrooms and infrastructures are the priority of
the Department of Education to be able to house senior high school students in the school
years to come. More extension positions for teachers are filled. The department said to have
allotted more or less P63 billion for this program. However, the DepEd secretary, Bro. Armin
Luistro on the second year of K - 12 is ever positive about this program although he admitted
that K-12 is not that perfect and will be subjected to further study and monitoring especially
on the curriculum materials. What is important is the concentrated effort of the DepEd family
and the government supports for this program to fully effect a quality basic education for the
Filipino children.

“The current administration under the President Benigno Aquino, III with his
Educational Secretary Armin Luistro were enforced to implement the K – 12
Program in the country since last school year 2013”

During observation the researcher asked one of the teachers at Mangsee National
High School Sir Marbert B. Garganya, He said, as a parent to his children this K – 12
Program was designed by the current administration aimed to solve the problems about the
crowded population in the country especially for the Pilipino People who graduated from
bachelor’s degree and most of were jobless or some Pilipinos couldn’t afford to pursuing
their studies into higher education due to financial problems. In my point of viewed
regarding this program if we will analyzing on the program it is so good, it will change the
educational situation in our country in terms of rational. Why? Because, the high school
graduates students have an opportunity to find a job after their high school, while before
even those who graduated bachelor’s degree they are really hard tofind ajob.

Also hesaid,some of the teachers were encountered to their students are very well
competitive to any field of their subjects, but it is unfortunately for those students in the rural
areas or like Barangay Mangsee one of the last island in the country that there is no even
internet connection for surfing, while in the urban areas they have complete facilities interms
of technologies.So,the government should plan how the students from the rural or island
areas can have an access to the internet so that they can be global competitive students. Or

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

else, the government should providea complete and enough sources of textbook for

Sir Chan S. Alsad one of the elementary teachers at Mangsee Elementary School he
said, as a parents to his children he believed the government has a better plan for the Pilipino
children in terms of education to become globally competitive.

As ordinary citizen concerned MelvonS.Marcianosaid,theK–12 Program is not an easy

to adapt especially to the parents in terms of financially, because it takes another long time
in basic education.So,each process like transportation, project will add to their financial
management.But they believed the K – 12 Program is also can give their children easy to
find ajob. Why? Because according to the current administration or Education Secretary
Luistro, one of the aims of this program is after the graduation in senior high school the
graduates students can have opportunity to find ajob.

“In an interview with the public school teachers who are students at the
Graduate School teachers were made to make beautiful lesson plans and
perfect reports to satisfy school heads who in turn submit the set of the
higher authorities in the division, regional and central offices. It takes many
hours to produce a detailed lesson planas well as make the necessary visual
aids. Most of the time the teachers would sit down and write while letting
the pupils writes the lessons on the board.They have no more time to explain
the lessons to thepupils.”

The respondents and they said, we have different opinions about this matter but you
mustfirst realize the advantages and disadvantages of this program. Let's first talk about the
disadvantage; yes what you are saying is true that around 70,000 or more will be
unemployed.But this will only be for 2 years as for 2 years is added to the basic education.
College employed personnel will definitelyneedto adjust to this for they will be having their
jobs back after the 2 years adjustment (I know this because I my cousin told me about this2
years that they will have no job)buthedidn't complained about it because it will be for the kids
benefit. And it is high time that we need to implement this because we need higher quality
education and we need to adapt to this change for we are the only country in Asia that hasn't
yet implementedthis.
Next disadvantage is adding 2 years of basic education will mean added 2 years of
money to

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

it.Yesthisisdefinitelytruebutforthosewhoareinpublicyouneednottoworryabouttheadded 2
years because it will still be definitely Free of Tuition. A lot of us didn't even think about the
advantages of it. First, the quality education second, you can choose your specialization for
your future choice of job third,will produce globally competitive graduates and the
fourth,students will learn easily and it will benefit them if they proceed to their tertiary
education. And lastly it will reduce the unemployment rate because student that will graduate
in high school will already be equipped with their knowledge and will be ready to enter
workforce immediately. Even if our country is in poverty or even if we have this corrupt
government,I am sure that this will definitely help us improve our lives not just individual but
as a wholecountry.
Mangsee National High School (MNHS) is a public secondary school which is located
at the center part of Barangay Mangsee. MNHS is an annex secondary school of Bugsuk
National High School particularly in Municipality of Balabac, Palawan is where the results of
this study shall serve as reference in the materialization of the Department of Education
(DepEd) program particularlytheK–12.Community was also play a vital role in the
development of every learner. The school is part of the community so every parent of the
learners mustk now what the problems of the school are. So that they will understand what is
happening and what is the good solution to thatproblem.

“The implementation of K – 12 Program at Mangsee Natonal High School was

fully implemented by the (DepEd) local and national government of the
Philippines in 2013. The school itself is not yet ready, because of lacking the
teachers and shortage the rooms or buildings, and instructional materials.”

The Department of Education (DepEd) have formally implemented K-12 Program since
last school year 2013 which as everybody knew aims to have an additional two more years
of basic education in the country. On its second year, all the grade two teachers in elementary
and grade eight teachers in high school were required to attend a five–day training.This is
the continuation of the training which was attended by the grade one and grade seven
teachers last year. The training for all grade levels is expected to finish in 2017 where in the
old curriculum from grades one to twelve will be totally replaced by K-12 Curriculum.

This is another major challenge of the Department of Education is retaining those in

school,particularly those at risk of falling out of thesystem.Those who are at risk of
droppingout are those who encounter difficult circumstances in life – poverty, cases of

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

teenage pregnancies, student laborers, children whose parents were poorly schooled, slum
dwellers, families who live in areas with peace and order problems and learners with various
forms ofdisabilities. In an interviewed, many parents disapprove of the proposed K - 12
Education system by the Department of Education,as it is means additional burden for both
parents and students,evenmore so for the marginalized sector of the community. There are
some issues raised by different individual on this matter which are the possibility of
Additional 2 years added cost to parents, DepEd lacks of educational resources such as
classroom and teachers and someparentscan’twait to have their children startworking.

In descending order were the parents perceived problem regarding the implementation
of the program.These were the following indicators with their corresponding weighted
mean:There will be shortage of classroom, teachers and non-teaching personnel, there are
lots of facilities lacking like computerla boratory, library and others,this will cause additional
financial problem,additional dependency to parents, additional burden to the parents and
students, it will prolong the years of stay of the students in school, this will cause confusion
to the student what course to get, it will detrain their plan of having their children to work
early to be able to help them financially, it will deprive the other siblings to study and

“The implementation of K – 12 Program at Mangsee National High School is

more complicated. Some parentswere viewing in the negative viewed or the
disadvantages of the current curriculum. For them this program is another
burden for the students. Some parents were viewing in positive viewed, but
very few of them or even the teachers and the students in the whole
community were mostly viewing in negativeviewed.”

Student’s Understanding about K – 12 Program

of the elementary school and secondary school in Mangsee about the Implementing of K-12
Program in terms of instructional materials they have not yet enough instructional materials.
This information was validated by the researcher through personal interviewed with

The respondents’ explained that the Department of Education prepared and distribute
instructional materials to all elementary school in Palawan Schools Division to prepared

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

teachers in the implementation of the K-12 Program. Further, the respondents shows some
of the instructional materials provided by the DepEd in preparation for the implementation
of the K-12 curriculum like teachers guide manual, text books and hand book for the pupils.
Specifically,therespondents rated elementary school in Palawan Schools Division ready like
general references is less ready.

Later the researcher went to the teachers and pupils to survey the reading materials
which is used in case there assignment given by the teachers. However, text books rated less
ready and handouts were also rated less ready. The teachers’ respondents explained that text
books and handouts were not enough to cater the needs of the pupils. Moreover, modules
and teachers guide were rated ready with a low average. This implied that the elementary
school in Palawan Schools Division has enough modules and teachers guide to make
teaching and learning process more productive. Likewise, workbook was rated as very much
ready. As showed by the respondents during the ocular visits of the researcher to the teachers
he noticed the classroom there were big numbers of workbook displayed in the bookshelves
in the classroom. There were visual aids also rated as ready for lecture. However, audio-
visual aids were rated less ready also.

According to Nograles, the son of former House Speaker Prospero Nograles he noted
that the government’s public school system does not have enough classrooms, teachers and
well- equipped educational facilities which are required for the effective implementation of
the proposal. The younger Nograles said: The reality on the ground is that some schools even
have to divide their classes to morning and afternoon sessions to accommodate more students
…We need to modernize our public school system first before we could even consider
expanding the cycle of our basic education system. He added that with the current 10-year
basic education cycle,schools even lack teachers who will provide quality education as
higher salaries encourage them to pursue work abroad. He said: Once we are assured that
there are no longer classrooms under the trees, then we are ready to have a 12 – year basic

Senator Chiz Escudero (2011), also against about the implementation of K-12
Education Plan and he pointed out that it is not in the length of educational years, but the
quality of education a student can acquire. And this has to begin by training teachers to be
competitive, create more classrooms and improve learning facilities, and provide budget

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

“Most of the students were surprising on the Implementation of K -12

Program, because of being enforcement in implementing the program and
they were not yet ready or well informed the program especially from the rural
or island areas like Barangay Mangsee.”

Mangsee National High School, specifically the parents of the Grade VII students
were encountered problems in the Implementation of K – 12 Program, they have variety
opinions or thoughts about the said program. Some parents were viewing this program in
negative viewed, because this will be another burden for the man for their children both
physically and financially, but some parents overviewed the program positively and thinking
that this will help the learners choose and decide the career which best suits to their skills,
and best preparation for their higher education.

Enhance the quality of basic education in the Philippines is urgent and critical. Thus
we have to come up with a proposal to enhance our basic education in a manner that is least
disruptive to the current curriculum, most afford able to government and families,and aligned
within ternational practice.The poor quality of basic education is reflected in the low
achievement scores of Filipino students. Many students who finish basic education do not
possess sufficient mastery of basic competencies. One reasons the students do not adequate
instructional time or time ontask.

Rationale. The current educational system does not possess the basic competencies.
K -12 program was only concerned with the students who are not yet ready to enter the world
of works. This program will pave way to a generation of graduates who are equipped not
only with knowledge but also with skills which are relevant as they go on with their daily
life experiences for futures sustainable development.

Personal. This K – 12 Program will be a burden on the part of parents and students,
not just for emotional, physical reason but also in financial aspect because this program will
prolong the years of stay in school of the students.

This K – 12 Program main goals is to equip the graduates with knowledge and skills
that will arm Pilipino graduates to be at a solid ground where if not for excellence with
foreign countries but at least, quality workers.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

StudentsWelfare.ThisK–12 Program is a breast with new idea to fully develop and

cultivate the skills of students, so that they will not become liabilities to the country but
instead, these will be a valuable citizen of thiscountry.

Stakeholders. The parents have also evaluated the disadvantages of the

Implementation of K– 12 Program will the most perceived problems is that these could be a
shortage of classroom, teachers and non – teaching personnel. This is true as we have seen
and observed it today.

The role of the private sector in education has always been apparent in the
Philippines, particularly due to the dominance of private tertiary institutions that were
established before state institutions arrived to provide more affordable options and as a result
of this history, past and present governments have been able to consistently work together
with private sector entities, both domestic and foreign, to the benefit of the sector.It is
important to note that this extends far beyond educational institutions, but as a more general
participation of a variety of players from different industries. Such participation has been
aided by encouraging and enabling legislation set out by the Department of Education
(DepEd), such as the Adopt a-School Act and the Republic Act 8525 of 1988, which
provided a way for the private sector to participate in nation-building via the education

The following recommendations are derived from the findings and conclusions:
1. For further researchers must conduct a study on the Implementation, Effectiveness and
Readiness of K – 12Program.
2. The government should include subjects which will boost the students’ personality
toface the problems generated from economic crisis and environmental dilemma.
3. The school and parents should help each other for the sake of the students to have an
incomegeneratingprojectsuchas“GulayansaPaaralan”(which can be sold in the
market), and students should be encouraged to savemoney.
4. The community should watch the programs from television which can help them to
get a better understanding about K – 12 Program. If they have suggestion and
clarification, the government should entertain it and be open to the public and
different schools of giving the right information regarding the newprogram.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


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Prof. Dr. Kyoko Funada

Kanda University of International Studies, Japan

Abstrak: Makalah ini mengulas topik “Budaya Jepang dan

Pegaruhnya terhadap Pendidikan”. Kebudayaan Jepang terbentuk dari
sifat masyarakat, kepercayaan, agama, adat istiadat, kebiasaan, alam,
iklim, dan sebagainya. Shinto adalah kepercayaan yang
mengedepankan pemujian dan penghormatan kepada Tuhan dan
nenek moyang. Selain itu, juga menjunjung tinggi disiplin
terhadap diri sendiri untuk menjalankan hidup yang baik. Oleh karena
itu, kebudayaan Jepang sangat mempengaruhi pendidikan, baik dalam
lingkup keluarga maupun sekolah. Melalui pendidikan, kebudayaan
baru akan tercipta.

Kata Kunci: Shinto, Do, budaya tradisional

Budaya Jepang
Bagi orang Jepang, kata “kebudayaan” memiliki dua arti. Pertama, sesuatu yang
dihasilkan oleh manusia, dan sudah mencapai penghasilan tinggi, seperti kesenian, ilmu
pengetahuan, dan lain-lain. Boleh dikatakan “high culture” dalam bahasa Inggris.
Kedua, sistem kebiasaan, tingkah laku, dan adat yang sudah lama dibentuk sedikit demi
sedikit oleh masyarakat, semisal moral, agama, politik, ekonomi, sandang, pangan, dan papan.
Sistem ini sangat bergantung pada kejiwaan dan moral seseorang.
Kebudayaan Jepang terbentuk oleh sifat masyarakat, iklim, kepercayaan, dan
sebagainya. Tentu saja ada pengaruh dari luar negeri. Sejak abad ke-1 sudah ada hubungan
antara Jepang dan Cina, dan pada abad ke-6 (538) agama masyarakat Cina pada waktu itu,
yaitu agama Budha masuk ke Jepang melalui Korea. Pada mulanya huruf Kanji, bangunan,
tenunan dan agama dimasukkan. Sebelumnya, kepercayaan Shinto dianut oleh masyarakat
Jepang. Abad ke-7, Jepang mulai menerima budaya Cina langsung dari Cina. Sejak itu Jepang
sangat dipengaruhi oleh Cina, baik di bidang sastra, pemikiran, budaya maupun politik sampai
Zaman Edo .
Sejak Zaman Meiji , Jepang dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan Eropa dan Amerika. Orang
Jepang pada waktu itu pandai menerima dan memilih hal-hal yang diperlukan dari
kebudayaan luar negeri. Masyarakat Jepang mengembangkan kebudayaan Jepang sekaligus

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

menerima kebudayaan dari negeri lain, sehingga terbentuklah budaya khas Jepang. Meskipun
dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan negeri lain, landasan dasar kebudayaan Jepang adalah Shinto.
Shinto adalah kepercayaan yang terlahir dan berkembang antara abad ke-10 SM – abad
ke-5 masehi di Jepang. Periode penegasnya dari akhir abad ke-7 hingga abad ke-8.
Kepercayaan Shinto menghormati dan memuji dewa-dewa/nenek moyang di dalam dongeng
tuhan, dan mempercayai bahwa tuhan berada di dalam alam dan gejala alam, misalnya di
gunung, sungai, jalan perempatan, pohon, batu, hutan, yang disebut politeisme. Untuk
mewujudkan hubungan yang konkret antara tuhan dan manusia yakni melalui ritual-ritual (=
tata cara dalam upacara keagamaan) semacam perayaan. Dan tempatnya adalah “kuil” . Orang
Jepang menerima segala sesuatu, dan menganggapnya sebagai tuhan atau pikiran tuhan. Boleh
dikatakan Shinto adalah kepercayaan yang mempengaruhi pendirian/pembentukan negara
Jepang. Shinto tidak memiliki kitab dan nabi, dan dianggap kepercayaan yang bertujuan
melindungi komunitas (sedesa dan/atau sesuku), yaitu suatu cara pikiran/ide yang muncul
spontan berdasarkan adat, kebiasaan kehidupan dan iklim di Jepang.
Sifat kepercayaan ini adil, bersih dan ceria. Dan memuji jiwa nenek moyang, dan
mementingkan perayaan itu. Ajarannya disebarkan di dalam kuil dan lokasi perayaannya pun
di kuil. Pemerintah Meiji menerima Shinto sebagai agama negara untuk mempersatukan
bangsa Jepang yang tunduk /berpusat pada Kaisar. Sejak tahun 1881 “Amaterasu
Oominokami ” menjadi Tuhan/Dewa tertinggi dalam agama Shinto. Pada tahun 1930-an
Shinto sebagai agama dikukuhkan. Kini, di seluruh Jepang terdapat 85.000 kuil.

Pada zaman klasik di Jepang masyarakat mempercayai animisme. Karena ajarannya
yang memuji dan menghormati nenek moyang, alam, jiwa/roh, disebut politeisme. Di
samping itu, agama Budha masuk ke Jepang pada abad ke-6. Karena adat istiadat Jepang pada
waktu itu sangat sejalan dengan ajaran agama Budha, maka agama Budha khas Jepang
berkembang di Jepang. Agama Budha khas Jepang dan kepercayaan Shinto saling
mempengaruhi satu sama lain.

Cara berpikir
Tanpa Shinto kita tidak dapat mengetahui cara berpikir masyarakat Jepang. Moral,
perayaan, sopan santun, kesenian tradisional, upacara tradisi, pertanian, perhutanan,
perikanan, dan setiap “Do” berasal dari cara berpikir Shinto. Dan tanpa “Do”, kita tidak dapat

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

mengerti kebudayaan Jepang. Arti kata “Do” ialah jalan. “Do” merupakan ajaran moral dan
kepercayaan dari Shinto dan agama Budha. Pelaksanaannya adalah jalan yang harus
dilakukan dan dilalui sebagai manusia. “Do” membimbing dan mengarahkan manusia ke
jalan/tujuan yang sebenarnya.
Ajaran “Do” dimasukkan ke dalam kesenian dan olah raga di bawah ini. Dianggap
bahwa “Do” tercapai jika menguasai keahlian masing-masing bidang.
Budo (olah raga) terdiri dari Judo, Kendo, Karate-do, Aikido, Kyudo, dan lain-lain. Arti
Budo sebenarnya “Do” yang harus dikuasai oleh Samurai/Bushi. Aikido ialah budo yang
gerakannya hanya untuk melindungi diri dari orang lain/ musuh secara pasif, bukan secara
aktif. Pelakunya harus menyesuaikan diri dengan alam. Kyudo ialah panahan (olahraga
memanah) Jepang. Zaman dahulu Samurai harus mahir memanah. Melalui Kyudo diharapkan
pelakunya dapat memusatkan jiwa sendiri.

Geido (kesenian) terdiri dari Kado[華道], Sado, Shodo, Kado[歌道], Kodo dan Geido

(kesenian). Kado[華道]ialah seni merangkai bunga. Sado ialah Upacara minum teh.

Memusatkan diri atau berfokus untuk membuat dan menghidangkan teh kepada tamu, dan
tamu yang meminum teh tersebut juga hanya fokus pada teh yang diminumnya. Shodo ialah

seni menulis kaligrafi. Kado[歌道]adalah cara membuat puisi klasik Jepang (Waka ). Kodo

ialah cara mencium kayu wangi. Sedangkan Geido ialah jalan pemikiran melalui kesenian
yang ditingkatkan dengan ajaran jiwa. Dengan peningkatan kemahiran diri harus ditingkatkan
perikemanusiaan diri. Geido terdiri dari Nogaku, Kabuki, Ningyo Joruri, Hogaku, dan
Nogaku terdiri dari No dan Kyogen. No adalah opera tradisi Jepang yang tokoh-
tokohnya menggunakan topeng. Dan Kyogen adalah opera komedi yang dimainkan di antara
babak No dan No. Nogaku ditetapkan sebagai warisan budaya bukan benda. Kabuki ialah
sandiwara khas Jepang dalam kesenian tradisi, dan dimainkan oleh lelaki saja. Kabuki juga
sudah ditetapkan sebagai warisan budaya bukan benda oleh UNESCO pada tahun 2009.
Ningyo Joruri ialah sandiwara boneka di panggung dengan iringan alat musik Shamisen.
Hogaku adalah aneka macam musik tradisionil Jepang. Hogaku terdiri dari musik kaisar,
musik religi, musik rakyat, dan lain-lain. Alat musik yang digunakan ialah Koto , Shakuhachi
, Biwa , drum, Shamisen , dan sebagainya. “Do” yang tersebut di atas berdasarkan Shinto.
Oleh karena itu “Do” memiliki filsafat dan jiwa meskipun “Do” merupakan budaya.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Pengaruh Kebudayaan Jepang terhadap Pendidikan

Hubungan antara pendidikan dan kebudayaan bersifat interaktif. Sebagaimana sudah
uraikan di atas tentang budaya Jepang, masyarakat Jepang mempelajari moral tanpa sadar di
dalam budaya karena budaya Jepang dipengaruhi Shinto. Masyarakat Jepang sudah lama
menganggap bahwa menahan perasaan diri adalah moral yang baik. Orang Jepang berpikir
tidak perlu menerangkan dirinya kepada orang lain, karena orang lain pasti mengerti perasaan,
pendapat, usaha, dan bakatnya meskipun tidak menjelaskan melalui perkataan. Menonjolkan
diri atau merasa lebih dari orang lain, dianggap tidak baik. Menganggap diri sama dengan
orang lain adalah lebih baik. Ini alasan yang orang Jepang diam dan tidak menjelaskan
pendapat sendiri.
Sopan Santun yang berasal dari moral
Berikut ini adalah beberapa bentuk sopan santun yang berasal dari moral, yang menjadi
penanda perilaku orang Jepang.
a. Membungkuk badan (Ojigi)
Menghormati orang yang lebih tua daripada diri sendiri atau atasan. Waktu bertemu
dan berpisah dengan lawan bicara, orang Jepang membungkukkan badan untuk
memperlihatkan sikap rendah hati. Jepang adalah masyarakat vertikal.
b. Memberi salam (Aisatsu)
Mengucapkan, “Itadakimasu” – waktu mulai makan
Arti sebenarnya: menerima jiwa flora dan fauna

“Gochisosamadeshita” – waktu selesai makan

Arti sebenarnya: makan mewah

“Ojamashimasu” – waktu masuk ke dalam rumah/kamar/ruang orang lain

Arti sebenarnya: mengganggu

“Shitsureishimasu” –waktu masuk dan keluar dari kamar

Arti sebenarnya: permisi

“Itterasshai” – kepada orang yang berangkat dari rumah

Arti sebenarnya: silakan pergi

“Ittekimasu” – saya akan pergi

“Tadaima” – waktu kembali ke rumah dari luar

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

“Okaerinasai” – kepada orang yang kembali ke rumah dari luar

Arti sebenarnya: selamat kembali

Ucapan-ucapan di atas digunakan untuk melekatkan /mengakrabkan hubungan dengan
lawan bicara.
c. Tempat duduk (Kamiza,Shimoza)
Waktu berkumpul untuk makan bersama atau rapat, orang Jepang harus bisa
menempatkan diri (memikir duduk di mana). Biasanya tempat duduk untuk orang
yang dihormati posisinya jauh dari pintu atau dekat hiasan kamar. Tempat duduk
untuk orang yang dihormati disebut “Kamiza”, dan sebaliknya “Shimoza”.
d. Niat sebenarnya dan sikap public
Orang Jepang biasanya tidak menyatakan niat sendiri, dan berbicara secara umum.
Lawan bicaranya perlu memahami niat sebenarnya. Bagi orang Jepang, tidak baik
menyatakan niat sendiri di depan publik.

Pendidikan Keluarga
Sebagai pendidikan masyarakat, orangtua mengajari anak-anaknya sedemikian rupa,
supaya menghormati orang yang lebih tua, dan menaati moral. Misalnya, harus menaati
peraturan dan janji yang sudah diucapkan, tidak boleh datang terlambat dari waktunya, harus
mengantre pada waktu menunggu kendaraan, dan sejenisnya, tidak boleh mengganggu orang,
tidak boleh membuang sampah di jalan, memberi pertolongan apabila seseorang
memerlukannya, dan lain-lain.
Karena moral di atas sudah ditanamkan oleh para orang tua kepada anak-anaknya sejak
usia dini, disiplin bagi orang Jepang merupakan hal yang biasa dan menjadi satu keharusan.
Pendidikan Sekolah
Selain mata pelajaran/ ilmu pengetahuan, anak-anak (para siswa) Jepang mempelajari budaya
di sekolah dengan berbagai aktivitas.
Taman Kanak-Kanak
Murid TK belajar memberi salam, berbaris, berkomunikasi
dengan teman-teman, mengikuti peraturan yang berlaku di TK, dan sebagainya.
Sekolah Dasar
Dalam mata pelajaran moral, siswa-siswa mempelajari moral Jepang dengan
menonton acara TV dan berdiskusi tentang tayangan di TV tersebut. Selain mata pelajaran
moral, mereka juga mempelajari Shodo (Kaligrafi). Setelah jam pelajaran usai, mereka harus

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

membersihkan ruang kelas sendiri. Ruang dan benda yang dipakai untuk belajar, harus
dibersihkan kembali dengan rasa terima kasih. Kegiatan membersihkan ruang kelas juga
merupakan pembelajaran moral.
Sekolah Menengah Pertama dan Sekolah Menengah Atas/Umum
Di SMP dan SMA/SMU pelajar laki-laki mempelajari Judo atau Kendo dalam mata
pelajaran olahraga, dan Shodo. Dan pelajar perempuan belajar merangkai bunga dan upacara
minum teh, serta Shodo . Dari hal-hal tersebut di atas, bisa diketahui bahwa di sekolah Jepang
setiap murid harus mengerti budaya Jepang termasuk moral. Pengaruh budaya sangat besar di
dalam pendidikan.

Kebudayaan tradisional terdiri dari kesenian, kepercayaan, agama, kebiasaan,
olahraga, permainan, sandang, pangan dan papan dan sebagainya
Di Jepang, kebudayaan tradisional berdasarkan Shinto. Oleh karena itu orang Jepang
dapat mempelajari moral dan pikiran sehat tanpa sadar jika mempelajari kebudayaan
tradisional Jepang.
Hubungan budaya dan pendidikan saling mempengaruhi.
Melalui budaya, dapat mempelajari moral, dan memanfaatkannya di bidang pendidikan. Dan
dalam pendidikan, orang Jepang menerima dan melaksanakan budaya Jepang. Pengaruh
budaya pada pendidikan sangat besar. Sebaliknya dalam pendidikan, budaya tradisional
dilindungi, dan hal-hal yang dipelajari dalam pendidikan melahirkan budaya baru. Pengaruh
pendidikan terhadap budaya juga besar sekali.
Dari hal-hal tersebut di atas, boleh dikatakan bahwa kebudayaan dan pendidikan
saling mempengaruhi/berkaitan satu sama lain.
Akhir-akhir ini di Jepang muncul kebudayaan baru seperti banyak jenis animasi,
game, J-pop, karaoke, kosplay, dan lain-lain. Kebudayaan baru ini merupakan cerminan
kehidupan masyarakat Jepang masa kini. Akan tetapi kebudayaan tradisional tidak mati. Ia
tetap eksis, tetap dilindungi, baik di masyarakat maupun di bidang pendidikan. Melalui
pendidikan, kebudayaan baru berkembang.
Kebudayaan tradisional mempengaruhi pendidikan, dan mutu pendidikan meningkat
karena kebudayaan tradisional. Kemudian hasil pendidikan menciptakan kebudayaan baru.
Kebudayaan dan pendidikan interaktif, lekat satu sama lain, tidak bisa dipisahkan.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Shinto towa/Shinto Kokusai Gakkai

Sugiura Yoichi, John K. Giollespie,2004, Nihon Bunka wo Eigo de Syokaisuru Jiten (Kamus
Perkenalan Kebudayaan Jepang Dalam Bahasa Inggris), Tokyo: Natsumesha.
Ueda Ichizo, 2009, Eigo de Setsumeisuru Nihon no Bunka (Budaya Jepang Yang diterangkan
Dalam Bahasa Inggris), Tokyo: Goken. (23, 24, 27 Agustus 2015)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Vido Cappelletto

Education means a form of learning in which knowledge, skills and habits are transferred
from one generation to the next generation. Education is the driving force for the national
development and economic growth very strongly depends on education, these both play a
great role in developing a country. It gives people the skills they need to help themselves out
of poverty and into prosperity. Research shows education and training is at the heart of cutting
poverty and if all adults completed their high school certificate it could cut the global poverty
rate by more than half. Education and training provides skills to boost employment
opportunities and therefore incomes, while helping to protect people from socio-economic
vulnerabilities, such as inequality.
Education does make a difference it transforms lives, it is a key to the development of
individuals, households, communities and societies. In Australia, education is compulsory,
the Australian education system is distinguished from many other countries by the Australian
Qualifications Framework (AQF). The AQF was established in 1995 and has 10 levels, which
links schools, vocational and university qualifications in the one national system.
Keywords: development, education, Australia

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Prof. Amb. Dr. Soo-il Kim

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea (Rep.)

Abstract : This study explains about the activation strategy to promote overseas university
exchanges in Korea. The purpose of this study are to promote exchanging students,
professors, educational materials, and programs with foreign universities, to cultivate
talented manpower able to use their knowledge globally with global competence such as
global mind, thinking, and foreign language skills. As the finding, the activation results of
exchanging are Lack of quality jobs in Korea due to relocatingfactories to S.E. Asian
countries and ChinaRapid automation in 4th revolutionary era could cause massive
unemployment of university graduates: Half of paid work to be replaced by machines within
10 years (Mackenzie Report, 2017). In conclusion, to delop roadmap and action, exchanges
must Establish short, medium, and long term exchangeplans and should be agreed prior to
the MOU, budget must be reflected in the roadmap MOUs should be planned and
implemented in a predictable way
Keywords : promote, overseas, university exchange

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


(Studi di SMP Luar Biasa- A SURABAYA)

Abd. Hasyim

Abstrak:Pembelajaran Agama Islam adalah pondasi pendidikan normatif

bukan empiris. Khususnya di Indonesia pendidikan agama melalui
berbagai institusi dan media belum mencapai hasil sebagaimana yang
diharapkan. Penelitian ini berada di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Luar
Biasa- A Surabaya, Sekolah dimana murid- muridnya penyandang
disabilitas tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara
mendalam seberapa jauh model pembelajaran agama Islam dalam
kerangka pendidikan karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran.
Untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang mendukung dan yang menghambat
pembelajaran agama Islam dan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara
karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran murid murid SMP Luar
Biasa-A Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
metode kualitatif yang mana menekankan pada tata cara penggunaan alat
dan teknik yang berorientasi pada paradigma alamiah Dengan model
pembelajaran agama Islam dalam kerangka pendidikan karakter percaya
diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran murid SMP Luar Biasa-A Surabaya dapat
disimpulkan bahwa murid- murid walau mereka tidak bisa melihat (tuna
netra) dengan mata yang dimiliki tetapi mereka bisa melihat dengan hati.
Mereka hafal Asmaul husna lengkap 99 nama Allah beserta artinya. Dapat
melaksanakan Ibadah Wudhu dengan sempurna, Shalat Zuhur dan
membaca al- Qur’an.

Kata Kunci: agama Islam, model pembelajaran, pendidikan luar biasa


Pendidikan agama Islam diartikan sebagai usaha sadar untuk menyiapkan peserta
didik dalam meyakini, memahami, menghayati, dan mengamalkan agama Islam melalui
kegiatan, bimbingan pengajaran, maupun latihan dengan memperhatikan tuntutan untuk
menghormat agama lain dan hubungan antar umat beragama dalam masyarakat untuk
mewujudkan persatuan nasional (Shaleh, 2000: 31) dalam Undang-undang Sistem Pendidikan
Nasional No. 20 Tahun 2003, yaitu: Pendidikan Nasional bertujuan untuk berkembangnya
potensi murid agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha
Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menjadi warga negara yang
demokratis serta bertanggung jawab (Shaleh, 2000). Fakir miskin, anak terlantar, dan semua
warga indonesia di lindungi dan jamin oleh negara, baik dalam segi pendidikan maupun

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Begitu juga dengan anak disabilitas merupakan bagian dari anak yang membutuhkan
perlindungan khusus (child in need of special protection) memiliki hak-hak dasar seperti: hak
untuk hidup, tumbuh kembang, partisipasi dan mendapatkan perlindungan dari tindak
kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Pemenuhan hak-hak anak dimaknai sebagai upaya dan kerangka
perlindungan sosial bagi disabilitas sejajar dengan anak pada umumnya.
Pelayanan dan rehabilitasi sosial anak disabilitas diorientasikan pada keberfungsian
anak dan keluarganya dalam mengatasi berbagai permasalahan serta mengembangkan
potensinya dalam kerangka kemandirian. Sehingga, anak dengan disabilitas dapat tumbuh
kembang secara optimal dalam kehidupan masyarakat serta memenuhi harapan terwujudnya
masyarakat yang memiliki penerimaan yang penuh dan non diskriminatif (Shaleh, 2000).
Dalam konteks r ehabilitasi, Undang- undang No. 4 Tahun 1997, pasal 17 tentang
disabilitas dengan lugas mengamanatkan bahwa rehabilitasi diarahkan untuk mengfungsikan
kembali dan mengembangkan kemampuan fisik, mentall dan sosial disabilitas agar dapat
melaksanakan fungsi sosialnya secara wajar sesuai dengan bakat, kemampuan, pendidikan
dan pengalamannya. bahwa setiap anak disabilitas berhak memperoleh rehabilitasi, bantuan
sosial dan pemeliharaan taraf kesejahteraan sosial (Shaleh, 2000).
Pakar pendidikan seperti Joyce dan Marsha Weil’s menyebutkan bahwa model
pembelajaran adalah suatu rancangan atau pola yang dapat digunakan untuk membentuk
kurikulum (pembelajaran dalam jangka waktu lama), untuk mendesain bahan-bahan
pembelajaran dan untuk mengarahkan guru mengajar serta setting lainnya di dalam kelas agar
kelas tercipta rasa nyaman (Shaleh, 2000).
Model pembelajaran dapat Peneliti simpulkan menjadi suatu rancangan atau pola yang
didesain oleh pendidik dalam mengajar untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Dengan adanya
model pembelajaran, pendidik dapat menentukan pembelajaran yang ingin dilakukan
untukmembuat murid nyaman dalam belajar dan paham dengan apa yang diajarkanya, untuk
mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran agama Islam di SMP- LB A YPAB
Surabaya dengan percaya diri, disiplin dan jujur YAKIN PASTI AKAN BERHASIL
Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, Penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian mengenai
tentang model pembelajaran agama Islam dalam kerangka pendidikan karakter. Begitu juga
dengan faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat serta bagaimana keterkaitan antara
percaya diri, disiplin dan kejujuran dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran agama Islam murid pada
SMP Luar Biasa-A Surabaya.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Rumusan Masalah
Bertolak dari latar belakang masalah yang diuraikan di atas, rumusan masalah yang diajukan
dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Bagaimanakah model pembelajaran agama Islam dalam kerangka pendidikan karakter
percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran murid pada SMP Luar Biasa-A Surabaya?
2. Faktor-faktor apa saja yang mendukung dan yang menghambat Model pembelajaran
agama Islam dalam kerangka pendidikan karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan
kejujuran murid pada SMP Luar Biasa-A Surabaya?
3. Bagaimanakah keterkaitan antara karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran dalam
pelaksanaan pembelajaran agama Islam murid pada SMP Luar Biasa-A Surabaya?

Tujuan Penelitian
Berdasarkan pemahaman tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan sebagai berikut :
1. Untuk mengkaji secara mendalam model pembelajaran agama Islam dalam kerangka
pendidikan karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran murid pada SMP Luar
Biasa-A Surabaya.
2. Untuk mengetahui factor-faktor yang mendukung dan yang menghambat pembelajaran
agama Islam dalam kerangka karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran murid
SMP Luar Biasa-A Surabaya.
3. Untuk mengetahuii hubungan antara karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran
dalam pembelajaran agama Islam pada murid SMP Luar Biasa-A Surabaya.
Selanjutnya hasil Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna untuk :
a) Memberikan sumbangan pemikiran dan wawasan keilmuan, khususnya bagi praktisi
pendidikan dan sosial dalam melaksanakan tugas sehari-hari, sekaligus mengelola
lembaga pendidikan para penyandang cacat tuna netra.
b) Memberikan sumbangan pemikiran kepada instansi Pemerintah atau swasta bahwa
disabilitas berhak mendapatkan pekerjaan layak.
c) Memberikan sumbangan pemikiran kepada orang tua/ wali murid dalam memberikan
pengasuhan kepada disabilitas agar bisa mandiri, percaya diri, disiplin dan jujur.

Pembelajaran Agama Islam
Pengertian Pembelajaran Agama Islam

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Pembelajaran menurut Oemar Hamalik: “sebagai suatu kombinasi yang tersusun,

meliputi unsur-unsur manusiawi, fasilitas, perlengkapan dan prosedur yang saling
mempengaruhi untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran” (Hamalik, 2011). Adapun pembelajaran
Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) menurut Muhaimin adalah “suatu upaya membuat peserta
didik dapat belajar, butuh belajar, terdorong belajar, mau belajar dan tertarik untuk terus-
menerus mempelajari agama Islam, baik untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara beragama yang
benar maupun mempelajari Islam sebagai pengetahuan.” (Muhaimin, 2002).
Menurut Dradjat (tanpa tahun) bahwa pendidikan agama mempunyai tujuan yang
berintikan tiga aspek, yaitu aspek iman, ilmu dan amal, yang pada dasarnya berisi:
1. Menumbuh suburkan dan mengembangkan serta membentuk sikap positip dan
disiplin serta cinta terhadap agama dalam pelbagai kehidupan anak yang nantinya
diharapkan menjadi manusia yang bertakwa kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya.
2. Ketaatan kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya merupakan motivasi intrinsik terhadap
pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang harus dimiliki anak. Berkat pemahaman
tentang pentingnya agama dan ilmu pengetahuan (agama dan umum) maka anak
menyadari keharusan menjadi seorang hamba Allah yang beriman dan berilmu
pengetahuan. Karenanya, ia tidak pernah mengenal henti untuk mengejar ilmu
dan teknologi baru dalam rangka mencari keridaan Allah. Dengan iman dan ilmu
itu semakin hari semakin menjadi lebih bertakwa kepada Allah sesuai dengan tuntunan
3. Menumbuhkan dan membina keterampilan beragama dalam semua lapangan hidup
dan kehidupan serta dapat memahami dan menghayati ajaran agama Islam secara
mendalam dan bersifat menyeluruh, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman
hidup, baik dalam hubungan dirinya dengan Allah melalui ibadah shalat umpamanya
dan dalam hubungannya dengan sesama manusia yang tercermin dalam akhlak
perbuatan serta dalam hubungan dirinya dengan alam sekitar melalui cara
pemeliharaan dan pengolahan alam serta pemanfaatan hasil usahanya (Daradjat, tanpa
tahun: 89-90)

Dengan demikian pembelajaran PAI dapat diartikan sebagai upaya membuat peserta
didik dapat belajar, terdorong belajar, mau belajar dan tertarik untuk terus menerus
mempelajari apa yang teraktualisasikan dalam kurikulum agama Islam sebagai kebutuhan
peserta didik secara menyeluruh yang mengakibatkan beberapa perubahan yang relatif tetap

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dalam tingkah laku seseorang baik dalam kognitif, efektif dan psikomotorik (Majid &
Andayani, 2005)
Pemaknaan pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam merupakan bimbingan menjadi
muslim yang tangguh dan mampu merealisasikan ajaran Pendidikan agama Islam dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga menjadi insan kamil. Untuk itu penanaman Pembelajaran PAI
sangat penting dalam membentuk dan mendasari peserta didik. Dengan penanaman
pembelajaran PAI sejak dini diharapkan mampu membentuk pribadi yang kokoh, kuat dan
mandiri untuk berpedoman pada agama Islam.

Tujuan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam

Tujuan pendidikan secara formal diartikan sebagai rumusan kualifikasi, pengetahuan,
kemampuan dan sikap yang harus dimiliki oleh anak didik setelah selesai suatu pelajaran di
sekolah, karena tujuan berfungsi mengarahkan, mengontrol dan memudahkan evaluasi suatu
aktivitas sebab tujuan pendidikan itu adalah identik dengan tujuan hidup manusia.
Standar Proses adalah kriteria mengenai pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada satuan
pendidikan untuk mencapai Standar Kompetensi Lulusan. Standar Proses dikembangkan
mengacu pada StandarKompetensi Lulusan dan Standar Isi yang telah ditetapkan sesuai
dengan ketentuan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar
Nasional Pendidikan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan PeraturanPemerintahNomor 32
Tahun 2013 Tentang Perubahanatas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang
Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Proses Pembelajaran pada satuan pendidikan diselenggarakan
secara interaktif, inspiratif, menyenangkan, menantang, memotivasi peserta didik untuk
berpartisipasi aktif, serta memberikan ruang yang cukup bagi prakarsa, kreativitas, dan
kemandirian sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan perkembangan fisik serta psikologis peserta
didik. Untuk itu setiap satuan pendidikan melakukan perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan
proses pembelajaran serta penilaian proses pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan
efektivitas ketercapaian kompetensi lulusan (Permendiknas, 2013)

Pendidikan Karakter
Pengertian Pendidikan Karakter
Pendidikan karakter merupakan gabungan dari dua kata, yaitu pendidikan dan
karakter. Pengertian pendidikan begitu banyak versi yang menyebutkan. Salah satunya adalah
Ki Hadjar Dewantara dalam Kongres Taman Siswa yang pertama tahun 1930 mengatakan
bahwa pendidikan umumnya berarti daya upaya untuk memajukan bertumbuhnya budi pekerti
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

(kekuatan batin, karakter), pikiran (intelek),dan tubuh anak; dalam Taman Siswatidak boleh
dipisahkan bagian-bagian itu untuk memajukan kesem purnaan hidup, kehidupan dan
penghidupan anak-anak yang kita didik selaras dengan dunianya (Pendidikan Karakter.word
press, Oktober 2016)

Tujuan, dan Prinsip Pendidikan Karakter

Tujuan Pendidikan Karakter
a) Mengembangkan potensi afektif peserta didik sebagai manusia dan Warga Negara
yang memiliki nilai-nilai pancasila.
b) Mengembangkan Kebiasaan dan perilaku peserta didik yang terpuji dan sejalan
dengan nilai-nilai universal dan pancasila.
c) Menanamkan jiwa kepemimpinan dan tanggung jawab peserta didik sebagai generasi
penerus bangsa.
d) Mengembangkan kemampuan peserta didik menjadi manusia yang mandiri,kreatif,
berwawasan kebangsaan dan
e) Mengembangkan lingkungan kehidupan sekolah sebagai lingkungan belajar
yangaman, jujur, penuh kreativitas dan persahabatan, serta dengan rasa
kebangsaanyang tinggi dan penuh kekuatan. Secara singkatnya pendidikan karakter
bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan pesertadidik menjadi warga negara yang lebih baik,
yaitu warga negara yang memilikikemampuan, kemauan, dan menerapkan nilai-nilai
Pancasila dalam kehidupan. Pendidikan Karakter juga bertujuan meningkatkan mutu
penyelenggaraan dan hasil pendidikan di sekolah yang mengarah pada pencapaian
pembentukan karakter dan akhlak mulia peserta didik secara utuh, terpadu, dan
seimbang sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kelulusan.
f) Melalui pendidikan karakter, diharapkan peserta didik mampu secara mandiri
meningkatkan dan menggunakan pengetahuaannya, mengkaji dan menginternalisasi
serta mempersonalisasi nilai-nilai karakter dan akhlak mulia sehingga terwujud dalam
perilaku sehari-hari (UU RI Sisdiknas , 2006)

Prinsip Pendidikan Karakter

Character Education Quality Standards merekomendasikan sebelas prinsip untuk
mewujudkan pendidikan karakter yang efektif. (Ahmadsudrajat.wordpress, September 2013)
sebagai berikut:
1) Mempromosikan nilai-nilai dasar etika sebagai basis karakter.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

2) Mengidentifikasikan karakter secara komprehensif mencakup pemikiran, perasaan

dan perilaku.
3) Mengguanakan pendekatan yang tajam, proaktif dan efektif untuk
4) Menciptakan komunitas sekolah yang memiliki kepedulian
5) Memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menunjukkan perilaku yang baik.
6) Memiliki cakupan terhadap kurikulum yang bermakna dan menantang
yangmenghargai semua siswa, membangun karakter mereka dan membantu
merekauntuk sukses.
7) Mengusahakan tumbuhnya motivasi diri para siswa.
8) Memfungsikan seluruh staf sekolah sebagai komunitas moral yang berbagitanggung
jawab untuk pendidikan karakter yang setia kepada nilai dasar yangsama.
9) Adanya pembagian kepimpinan moral dan dukungan luas dalam membanguninisiatif
pendidikan karakter.
10) Memfungsikan keluarga dan anggota masyarakat sebagai mitra dalam
usahamembangun karakter.
11) Mengevaluasi karakter sekolah, fungsi staf sekolah sebagai guru-guru karakter, dan
manifestasi karakter positif dalam kehidupan siswa.

Karakter Percaya Diri, Kedisiplinan, dan Kejujuran

1. Membangun Karakter Rasa Percaya Diri Pada Anak.
Percaya diri adalah sikap yang dimiliki anak dari anak anak balita hingga dewasa. Karakter
percaya diri sebenarnya tidak termasuk dalam 18 nilai karakter versi kemendikbud. Namun
karakter Percaya diri inilah yang merupakan andalan SMPLB-A YPAB Surabaya. Yakin Pasti
Akan Berhasil sebagai MOTTO Yayasan Pendidikan Anak-Anak Buta .Inilah diantara upaya-
upaya menanamkan karakter Percaya Diri yaitu (Doni, tanpa tahun: 34).
a. Bicara dengan anak dan cari tahu apa masalahnya
b. Bantu anak menemukan kegiatan yang membuat ia senang
c. Jadilah pemaaf kepada orang lain dan tunjukkan anak Anda bahwa kasih sayang
merupakan kebaikan
d. Ajarkan anak untuk fokus dalam membangun hubungan bermakna, mencari
kebahagiaan dalam hal kecil dan berusaha sukses
e. Ajarkan anak menetapkan cita-cita yang akan dicapai
f. Ajarkan anak bagaimana teratur dan belajar untuk hasil terbaik
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

g. Daftarkan anak Anda di kelas yang fokus pada aktivitas fisik

h. Bermain dengan anak setiap ada kesempatan
i. Menjadi teladan baik dengan mempraktikkan apa yang Anda katakan
j. Ajarkan anak tanggung jawab dan nilai kerja keras. Dan lain sebagainya.
2. Membangun Karakter Disiplin
Resiman and Payne (dalam Ari, 2007) mengemukakan strategi umum mendisiplinkan peserta
didik sebagai berikut :
a. Konsep diri (self-concept); strategi ini menekankan bahwa konsep-konsep diri peserta
didik merupakan faktor penting dari setiap perilaku.
b. Ketrampilan berkomunikasi (communication skill); guru harus memiliki ketrampilan
komunikasi yang efektif agar mampu menerima semua perasaan, dan mendorong
timbulnya kepatuhan peserta didik.
c. Konsekuensi-konsekuensi logis dan alami (natural and logical consequent); perilaku-
perilaku yang salah terjadi karena peserta didik telah mengembangkan kepercayaan
yang salah terhadap dirinya. Hal ini mendorong munculnya perilaku-perilaku salah.
3. Membangun Karakter Jujur
Jujur merupakan sutu karakter yang patut ditanamkan dalam jiwa setiap insan manusia.
Pembentukan karakter ini membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan tidak dapat dilakukan secara
instan. Masa anak-anak merupakan masa yang paling tepat untuk pembangunan karakter,
karenanya sikap ini sudah dikenalkan sejak kanak-kanak. Tujuannya agar saat dewasa anak
tersebut memiliki karakter jujur yang kuat dan tidak mudah goyah (Doni, tanpa tahun:75)
Proses pengenalan sikap ini diawali dari orang tua. Orang tua sebagai sarana utama dan
pertama dapat memberi contoh perilaku-perilaku jujur kepada anak secara langsung maupun
tidak. Misalnya dengan membacakan dongeng yang mengandung pesan tentang kejujuran.
Pihak lain yang membantu pembentukan nilai jujur adalah guru. Guru adalah pengganti orang
tua di sekolah. Selain bertugas mengajarkan ilmu pengetahuan, guru juga berkewajiban
mengajarkan tentang budi pekerti seperti sikap jujur. Guru juga dapat menambahkan tentang
alasan-alasan seseorang harus berbuat jujur serta dampak jika seseorang tidak berbuat jujur.

Adapun strategi atau penyususanan penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan peneliti dengan
menggunakan beberapa metode penelitian, diantaranya : 1. Metode kualitatif, dalam
penelitian ini dikenal satu istilah, yaitu ‘audit trail’ arti audit sudah kita ketahui yaitu
memeriksa kembali. Artinya melakukan analisis atau penelusuran kembali semua berkas yang
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

terkumpul dari rangkaian kegiatan penelitian, penelitian tersebut dilakukan bersama dalam
bentuk diskusi antar sejawat (Arikunto, 2006). Selanjutnya dengan jenis penelitian sumber
data. Yang termasuk sumber data pada Penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Kepala SMP Luar Biasa- A Surabaya
b. Dewan guru SMP Luar Biasa- A Surabaya.
c. Murid SMP Luar Biasa- A Kelas 7, 8 dan 9
Ketiga dengan mengumpulkan data-data dengan cara mengobservasi, Keadaan
pelaksanaan model pembelajaran agama Islam dalam kerangka pendidikan karakter percaya
diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran murid SMP Luar Biasa-A Surabaya, Faktor-faktor yang
mendukung dan yang menghambat pelaksanaan model pembelajaran agama Islam dalam
membangun karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran murid SMPLB- A YPAB
Surabaya. Selanjutnya dokumentasi, Data yang terkait dengan metode dokumentasi ini antara
lain :
1. Keadaan umum Yayasan Pendidikan Anak-Anak Buta (YPAB) Surabaya
2. Keadaan guru dan murid SMP Luar Biasa- A YPAB Surabaya.
3. Buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan kurikulum dll.
4. Metode interview ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan data tentang gambaran umum YPAB
Surabaya, pelaksanaan dukungan keluarga terhadap kemandirian anak, dan hal yang
berkaitan dengan dukungan dari instansi pemerintah atau swasta terhadap penerimaan
pegawai dilingkungannya.
Kemudian di lanjutkan dengan metode interview ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan
data tentang gambaran umum YPAB Surabaya, pelaksanaan dukungan keluarga terhadap
kemandirian anak, dan hal yang berkaitan dengan dukungan dari instansi pemerintah atau
swasta terhadap penerimaan pegawai dilingkungannya. Keempat dengan metode analisis
data, Setelah semua data terkumpul, data tersebut kemudian diolah dengan
mengklasifikasikannya kedalam kerangka teori dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif
kualitatif yaitu mengeksplorasi dan mendeskripsi fakta-fakta tertentu dan kemudian
diwujudkan sebagai data analisis. Sedangkan yang ke lima merupakan ke absahan data, untuk
menetapkan keabsahan (trustworthiness) data diperlukan teknik pemeriksaan. Pelaksanaan
teknik pemeriksaan didasarkan atas sejumlah kreteria tertentu. Ada empat kriteria yang
digunakan , yaitu derajat kepercayaan (cridibility), keteralihan (transferability),
kebergantungan (dependability), dan kepastian (confirmability).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Analisis data
Analisis data kualitaif adalah upaya yang dilakukan dengan jalan bekerja dengan data,
mengorganisasikan data, memilah-milahnya menjadi satuan yang dapat dikelolah,
mensintesiskannya, mencari dan menemukan pola, menemukan apa yang penting dan apa
yang dipelajari, dan memutuskan apa yang dapat diceritakan kepada orang lain (Moloeng,
Analisis data itu dilakukan dengan mendasarkan diri pada penelitian lapangan apakah: satu
atau lebih dari satu situs. Jadi seorang analis sewaktu hendak mengadakan analisis data harus
menelaah terlebih dahulu apakah pengumpulan data yang telah dilakukannya satu situs atau
dua situs atau lebih dari dua situs (Moeloeng, 308).
Penelitian model pembelajaran agama Islam dalam kerangka pendidikan karakter
percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran di SMP Luar Biasa- YPAB ini adalah Penelitian
kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran dengan karakteristik-
karakteristik subyek Penelitian. Setelah data terkumpul dari hasil pengumpulan data perlu
segera digarap oleh staf Peneliti, khususnya yang bertugas untuk mengolah data. Didalam
buku buku lain sering disebut pengolahan data. Ada yang menyebut data preparation, ada
pula data analysis.


Model pembelajaran agama Islam yang dikembangkan di SMP Luar Biasa-A YPAB
Surabaya dalam penguatan karakter percaya diri menggunakanmodel Classroom Meeting,
karena para dewan guru berhasil membina kehangatan hubungan antar pribadi. Guru memiliki
rasa keterlibatan yang mendalam, guru dan murid berani menghadapi realitas dan berani
menolak perilaku yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan murid mau belajar dengan cara-cara yang
lebih baik.
Dalam penguatan karakter kedisiplinan menggunakan model Cooperative Learning.
Model ini membagi murid dalam kelompok- kelompok diskusi, dimana satu kelompok terdiri
dari 4 atau 5 orang. Masing-masing bertugas menyelesaikan / memecahkan suatu
permasalahan yang dipilih. Keberhasilan kelompok sangat ditentukan oleh tanggung jawab
setiap anggota. Model ini dikembangkan oleh Robert E Slavin.
Adapun penguatan karakter kejujuran menggunakan model Integrated Learning.
Pembelajaran terpadu merupakan suatu sistem pembelajaran yang memungkinkan murid
baik secara individu maupun kelompok untuk aktif mencari, menggali dan menemukan
konsep serta prinsip keilmuan secara holistik, bermakna dan otentik. Pembelajaran terpadu
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

salah satu diantaranya juga adalah memadukan pokok bahasan atau sub pokok bahasan antar
bidang studi atau yang disebut juga lintas kurikulum atau lintas bidang studi.
Faktor yang mendukung. pelaksanaan model pembelajaran agama Islam dalam
membangun karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujuran murid SMPLB- A YPAB
Surabaya. Diantaranya adalah sarana dan prasarana PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam) yang
tersedia / lengkap. ruangan yang cukup, ada ruang Laboratorium computer, Al-Quran Braell,
Mushalla dan Perpustakaan. Adanya Guru PAI ABK( Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus)
pendidikan S2 Magester Studi Islam. Adanya kebijakan Kepala Sekolah yang mendukung
kegiatan – kegiatan sekolah.Sedangkan factor yang menghambat adalah Waktu belajar PAI
di sekolah yang terbatas dari jam 07.30 – 12.30 setiap hari Senin s/d Sabtu. Siswa- siswi minat
belajar kurang / kurang berlatih dan atau tidak punya pendamping belajar atau memang
kurang semangat dalam belajarnya. Selain itu faktor keterbatasan penglihatan sehingga harus
ekstra hati- hati dan teliti dalam bertindak.

Hubungan antara karakter percaya diri, kedisiplinan dan kejujurandalam pelaksanaan
pembelajaran agama Islam murid pada SMP Luar Biasa-A Surabaya.Hubungan
antarapendidikan karakter percaya diri dengan kedisiplinan dan kejujuran, saling berkaitan
dan melengkapi, karena karakter percaya diri dibangun dari jiwa Ar- Ruuh dimana potensi
diri atau aktualisasi potensi sangat dominan. Kedisiplinandibangun dari jiwa Al- Aqlu
kebutuhan harga diri saling menghormati dan menghargai.Sedang kejujuranadalah dibangun
dari jiwa Al- Fitrah kebutuhan kepercayaan dan keyakinan yang pasti .

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta:
Renika Cipta
Ari, Novan ari. 2007. Pendidikan Karakter disiplin. Jakarta: Grasindo.
Daradjat, Zakiah. Tanpa Tahun. , Op. Cit., hlm. 89-90
Doni. Tanpa Tahun. Pendidikan karakter strategi mendidik anak di zaman global. Jakarta:
Hamalik, Oemar. 2011.Kurikulum Dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
Muhaimin. 2002. Peradigma Pendidikan Islam, Upaya Mengefektifkan PAI di Sekolah,
Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
Majid, Abdul dan Andayani, Dina. 2005. Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Kompetensi,
Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya
Moleong, Lexy J. 2009. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, Nomor 65 Tahun 2013

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Shaleh, Abdul Rahman. 2000. Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan: Visi,Misi, Dan Aksi.
Jakarta: PT Gemawindu Pancaperkasa.
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No.20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan
Nasional.2006. Bandung: Citra Umbara.
http;// di akses pada tanggal 2 oktober 2016 jam 19.00 diakses
padatanggal 10 September 2013 pukul 16.44

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Abdullah SAM
Pesantren Rakyat, Sumber Pucung Malang

Abstrak: Pesantren harus terus berbenah untuk tidak tergerus dengan era
globalisasi dan arus bebas informasi saat ini. Pesanten memiliki tantangan
untuk tetap konsisten menjadi sentrum pendidikan yang mengajarkan dan
mengembangkan nilai-nilai Islam serta untuk lebih terbuka dan dapat menyatu
dengan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, Pesantren Rakyat lahir pada 25 Juni 2008
di Kabupaten Malang dengan pengembangan strategi dakwah Islamiyah ala
Ahlussunnah Wal Jama’ah. Lahirnya pesantren ini diharapkan bisa menembus
semua kalangan dengan kurikulum, komponen, dan panca rukun yang menjadi
dasar dalam Pesantren Rakyat. Kajian ini merupakan kajian deskriptif tentang
pengembangan strategi dakwah yang digalangkan oleh Pesantren Rakyat yang
dapat menjadi inspirasi, penyesuaian, dan transformasi gerakan pesantren yang
berterima di kalangan masyarakat. Seiring dengan tujuan mulia dakwah
Islamiyah, kajian ini juga diharapkan bisa menjadi bekal mempertahankan
eksistensi pesantren dalam menyikapi kebutuhan dan memberi solusi atas
permasalahan yang dihadapi rakyat saat ini.

Kata Kunci: Pesantren, Pendidikan, Merakyat

Dalam suatu proses perubahan sosial-intelektual di Indonesia, pesantren memiliki peran
strategis yang tidak boleh dikesampingkan. Di awal kemunculannya, pesantren dikenal
sebagai sarana penyebaran agama Islam di Indonesia yang saat itu dibawa oleh Wali Songo.
Pada prosesnya, pesantren tidak hanya menjadi tempat penggemblengan dalam urusan
ubudiyah atau keagamaan. Setelah setengah milenium berjalannya waktu, peran dan fungsi
pesantren telah berkembang lebih luas dan tidak statis dalam urusan keagamaan saja.
Menurut Nurcholish Madjid, pesantren memiliki arti sebagai tempat para santri atau
murid pesantren. Sedangkan kata "santri" diduga berasal dari istilah sansekerta "sastri" yang
berarti "melek huruf", atau dari bahasa Jawa "cantrik" yang berarti seorang yang mengikuti
gurunya kemana pun pergi. Pengertian pesantren secara definitif tidak dapat diberi batasan.
Dengan kata lain, pesantren memiliki fleksibilitas pengertian sesuai dengan arus dinamika
zaman, definisi serta persepsi terhadap pesantren menjadi berubah pula1. Jika pada awalnya

Nurcholish Madjid, Bilik-bilik Pesantre; Sebuah potret perjalanan, 19-20.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pesantren diberi makna dan pengertian sebagai lembaga pendidikan tradisional, hari ini
pengertian tersebut sudah tak lagi sesuai dengan zamannya.
Dalam menghadapi tantangan zaman, pesantren harus terus berbenah untuk tidak
tergerus dengan era globalisasi dan arus bebas informasi saat ini. Pesanten memiliki tantangan
untuk tetap konsisten menjadi sentrum pendidikan yang mengajarkan dan mengembangkan
nilai-nilai Islam. Lebih daripada itu, pesantren juga menghadapi tantangan kondisi sosio-
ekonomi dan perkembangan masyarakat modern. Untuk itu, pesantren dituntut untuk lebih
terbuka dan dapat menyatu dengan masyarakat seperti model pesantren dahulu. Pesantren
tidak hanya terbatas pada kompleksnya sendiri atau terpagar, sehingga interaksi dengan
masyarakat sangat terbatas yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan kesenjangan sosial antara
pesantren dengan masyarakat.
Pesantren Rakyat adalah sebuah pesantren yang memiliki model gerakan yang berbeda
dengan pesantren lainnya. Pesantren Rakyat lahir pada 25 Juni 2008 di sebuah desa yang
berada di barat ibu kota Kabupaten Malang, tepatnya Desa Sumberpucung namanya. Di
tempat ini masyarakatnya dikenal plural atau heterogen baik agama, pekerjaan, budaya dan
kebiasaanya. Berkenaan dengan itu, Pesantren Rakyat terus pengembangan strategi dakwah
Islamiyah ala Ahlussunnah Wal Jama’ah untuk bisa menembus kalangan yang paling hitam,
terpinggirkan, ekonomi lemah dan pendidikan rendah, yang justru sering terlupakan. Selama
ini kita tahu pendidikan baik formal atau Pesantren kebanyakan di rasa menakutkan karena
beberapa syarat dan biaya yang cukup rumit dan tinggi untuk kalangan orang awam,
(kemungkinanya semakin kecil anaknya orang tidak punya (miskin) bisa mengenyam
pendidikan mahal) sehingga potensi-potensi jiwa agamawan dan negarawan yang ada pada
anak rakyat kecil tidak tersentuh dan tidak banyak perkembangan. Padahal banyak mutiara-
mutiara, emas permata besar yang terpendam di keluarga-keluarga lemah yang selama ini
mengalami jalan buntu dalam menembus ruang kehidupan yang lebih bermartabat.
Pesantren Rakyat ini hanyalah kubangan air keruh lagi kecil yang berada di padang pasir
di bawah panasnya terik sinar matahari dimana di sekelilingnya banyak unta-unta haus dan
kaflah-kaflah yang sedang melakukan perjalanan jauh sehingga kubangan air tersebut terasa
lebih berharga dari pada emas permata yang mereka bawa. Begitu pula Pesantren Rakyat,
yang tumbuh dan berkembang di tengah-tengah lingkungan masyarakat stasiun, pasar,
perjudian, togel, perselingkuhan, tempat wisata, penginapan gelap dan di dae-rah prostitusi
terbesar di Kabupaten Malang, dimana masyarakatnya sangat plural atau heterogen sehingga
mempengaruhi mental dan prilaku keseharian masyarakat dan generasi muda di sekelilingnya.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Dengan kekuatan modal dan kemampuan yang serba minimalis, keluarga kecil
Pesantren Rakyat ingin ambil bagian dalam proses perubahan sosial ke arah yang lebih baik
demi terciptanya masyarakat yang saling memanusiakan manusia dan bertaqwa kepada Allah
SWT, demi terwujudnya cita-cita bangsa Indonesia menjadi negara ‘Baldatun Thoiyibatun
Warabbun Ghofur atau gemah ripah loh jinawe toto tentrem kerto raharjo’. Langkah kami
tidak selalu berwujud formal dan serba mentereng, tetapi selalu berusaha sinergi dengan alam,
budaya dan lingkungan (bagaikan air yang selalu menyesuaikan dengan tempatnya, bisa
menembus lubang-lubang kecil, memberi tekanan ke atas, menguap jika dipanaskan,
membeku jika didingankan, tawaduk selalu mencari tempat yang rendah dan jika dibendung
secara paksa maka air akan melakukan perlawanan yang hebat). Pesantren Rakyat mulai dari
yang kecil, sepele, remeh, tidak terlihat, sederhana, terpinggirkan/termarjinalkan, ndeso,
tradisional, kampungan, katrok, tidak menarik dan tidak dihiraukan orang, kemudian kita
kumpulkan jadi satu, kita manage dan kita ubah menjadi suatu kekuatan yang dahsyat untuk
melaku-kan proses akselerasi revolusi sosial ke arah yang lebih baik. Kita belajar dengan
adanya angin sepoi yang menidurkan, air lembut yang menyejukkan, tetapi jika menjadi satu
dalam jumlah yang besar serta bersamaan maka akan mampu meru-bah keadaan sekitarnya
berbalik 180 derajat (tsunami, puting beliung, tornado dll), ini hanya perumpamaan.
Untuk itu Pesantren Rakyat dalam rangka menyantrikan rakyat, maka membuat semua
kurikulum ala rakyat, ngaji kebutuhan rakyat, perekonomian ala rakyat, pertemuan atau
diskusi ala rakyat, pendidikan ala rakyat, manajemen ala rakyat, pakaian ala rakyat, pergaulan
ala rakyat dan dalam berbagai aspek bidang kehidupan konsepnya selalu ala rakyat, cuma kita
tumpangi dengan nilai-nilai Islam yang sesuai dengan ajaran Allah SWT dan Nabi
Muhammad SAW serta para ulama’ terdahulu, baik dalam tataran syari’at, tharekat, hakikat
atau ma’rifatnya.
Dengan sudah berdirinya 130 Pesantren Rakyat di Indonesia semoga betul-betul bisa
mewadahi rakyat yang belum bisa mengakses pendidikan yang di inginkan. Pesantren Rakyat
menjadi sekoci-sekoci dan kepanjangan tangan pondok-pondok pesantren besar. Dalam
segala aktifitasnya, Pesantren Rakyat mengusung jargon merakyat, bermartabat.

Pendidikan Formal Pesantren Rakyat

Perjalanan panjang bangsa Indonesia telah menorehkan tinta dalam sejarah dunia.
Dimana anak-anak bangsa Indonesia mampu menunjukan dimata dunia bahwa negara ini
mampu berdiri diera dunia global. Indonesia tidak bisa dianggap sebelah mata walaupun
masih lemah disebagian bidang. Indonesia mampu menunjukkan kwalitas pemikiran ilmu
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pengetahuan yang tentunya tidak kalah dengan bangsa lain. Lembaga Pendidikan di negara
tercinta ini menjamur dimana-mana dengan variasi, inovasi yang beraneka ragam macamnya.
Setiap lembaga berlomba-lomba untuk menjadi yang terbaik walaupun ditempuh dengan
dengan berbagai cara.
Seiring dengan hal itu, tidak jarang pula pendidikan di Indonesia terkesan sebagai
pendidikan yang mahal dan rumit. Tak jarang, demi menuju lembaga pendidikan yang unggul,
biaya yang dibebankan untuk mendapatkan pendidikan amatlah mahal dengan dalih berbagai
macam. Mahalnya pendidikan menjadi momok yang menakutkan untuk masyarakat
pinggiran. Sehingga potensi-potensi yang sebenarnya unggul pada anak bangsa banyak yang
tidak terjamah yang berakhir dengan sia-sia dan hilang begu saja. Mahal serta rumitnya
pendidikan menjadikan asumsi bahwa masyarakat yang kurang mampu dilarang untuk pintar,
mengapa demikian? padahal menurut Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 Pasal 31 “Setiap warga
negara barhak mendapatkan pendidikan”2.
Fenomena perkembangan abad mutakhir menghendaki adanya model pendidikan yang
komprehensif. Karena perkembangan masyarakat dewasa ini menghendaki adanya
pembinaan anak didik yang dilaksanakan seimbang antara nilai dan sikap, pengetahuan,
kecerdasan dan keterampilan, serta kemampuan komunikasi dan kesadaran akan ekologi
Pesantren Rakyat dengan “merakyat, bermartabat” nyatanya selalu berusaha
menjalankan niat untuk mencerdaskan anak bangsa dengan gaya yang khas yaitu ala rakyat
tetapi bermartabat. Tidak hanya pendidikan nonformal seperti ngaji, diniyah, mbalah kitab,
Tpq, hafalan Al-Qur’an, sholawatan, tetapi juga terdapat pendidikan formal seperti
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), Taman Kanan-Kanak (TK) bahkan Sekolah Dasar Islam
Integratif yang berintegrasi dengan lingkungan, dengan teknologi, sopan santun, local
wisdom, bahasa, juga penanaman nilai keislaman sejak dini.
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin merupakan permintaan
dari masyarakat sekitar yang gelisah terhadap mahalnya pendidikan anak usia dini yang
mencapai hingga Rp 200.000,- setiap bulan. Masyarakat umum pedesaan yang mayoritas
bekerja sebagai buruh tani, asongan, nelayan dan lain sebagainya merasa kurang mampu
mencukupi hal tersebut. Sejak anak dilahirkan hingga memasuki pendidikan dasar merupakan

2 UUD’45.Anugrah.Surabaya. hal 22
3 I’anatut Thoifah. 2013.Model Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin di Sumberpucung Kabupaten Malang. Tesis tidak
diterbitkan. Malang : Program Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Islam Negri
Maulana Malik ibrahim Malang

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

masa keemasan atau disebut “golden age”. Masa ini merupakan masa dimana anak mulai
tumbuh kembang, sehingga tepat untuk meletakkan dasar-dasar pengembangan kemampuan
fisik, bahasa, sosial – emosional, konsep diri (mental), seni, moral maupun nilai-nilai agama
(spiritual), yang bermuara pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak yang sehat, cerdas dan
mandiri. Pada usia dini (0-6 tahun) tersebut, otak menerima dan menyerap berbagai macam
informasi4. Kemudian dari kegelisahan tersebut munculah gagasan untuk meneruskan cita-
cita besar Pesantren Rakyat Al- Amin didalam mencerdaskan anak bangsa melalui pendidikan
murah tetapi berkualitas tidak lepas dari Pesantren Rakyat yang Merakyat Bermartabat. Maka
lahirlah lembaga formal pertama untuk menjadi pondasi awal yaitu PAUD/TK Pesantren
Rakyat Al-Amin.
Pada pembukaan awal PAUD Pesantren Rakyat sudah menerima 26 peserta didik,
Permainannya tidak kurang dari 50 jenis permainan, baik modern atau tradisional
Jumlah Guru di PAUD sudah ada 7 Orang, dari profesional, sarjana dan satu ahli psikologi.
dan PAUD Pesantren Rakyat menjadi satu-satunya PAUD di Kecamatan Sumberpucung yang
memiliki ahli Psikologi.
PAUD/TK Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin ini ternyata disambut baik oleh warga sekitar
bahkan luar daerah Sumberpucung. Dinas Pendidikan setempat, Dosen, peneliti, Universitas
Negri dan swasta. Dukungan untuk PAUD Pesantren Rakyat dari dunia Universitas juga
dibuktikan dengan bersedianya Bapak Ilhamuddin Nukman Dosen Psikologi UNIBRAW dan
DR. Maghfur dari Fakultas Psikologi UIN Malang. serta Dr. Mualifah UIN Malang untuk
menjadi pembina, bahkan lingkungan dan wartawan yang selalu tidak tertinggal menulis
tenteng perkembangan PAUD Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin. Pendidikan murah berkualitas
benar-benar dilakukan disini.
Ada kualifikasi didalam pembiayaan setiap bulannya. Siswa yang tergolong mampu
hanya membayar Rp 15.000 saja, kemudian untuk yang kurang mampu hanya membayar
setengahnya yaitu Rp 7.500 bahkan yatim piatu atau yang sangat miskin bebas biaya. Tidak
diwajibkan memakai seragam sekolah dan sepatu sehingga anak belajar menerima kebebasan
dan perbedaan cara berpaian serta tidak mempersulit masyarakat yang ingin menyekolahkan
anaknya yang masih usia dini.
PAUD Pesantren Rakyat juga terdapat Koperasi yang menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan
pokok seperti beras, air, minyak, kopi, pulsa, dan lain sebagainya yang dijalankan oleh wali
murid dan tenaga ahli dibidang managemen kemudian hasilnya adalah untuk pembiayaan

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

tambahan seperti study banding, kegiatan pisah kenang, pembelian alat dan kelengkapan
praktik anak, serta tambahan fasilitas lain sehingga tidak lagi menarik iuran wali murid.
Paud Pesantren Rakyat memiliki terobosan terobosan kurikulum yang unik, memasukan
materi musik tradisional Gamelan Jawa, lagu-lagu dolanan didalam materi wajib. Dengan
preaktik memainkan alat musik gamelan jawa yang terdiri dari banyak alat musik dan suara
berbeda, kebutuhan kognitif tercukupi dengan menghafal not angka, kebutuhan afektif
terpenuhi dengan merespon suara yang dihasilkan dari keselarasan suara yang ditimbulkan
dari permainan secara harmoni, kebutuhan psikomotorik terpenuhi dengan skill anak anak
bermain alat musik.
Kemudian dengan potensi lokal, misalnya untuk setiap hari jum’at, untuk memahami
dan mengenalkan kereta api di ajak langsung ke Stasiun bahkan naik dari stasiun terdekat
kemudian kembali. Dipersawahan anak mengenal sekaligus mengetahui, terlibat secara
langsung aktifitas pertanian dan turun kesawah untuk praktik menanam, memberi makan
hewan ternak, di pos sumberpucung anak anak belajar menempelkan perangko, belajar
budaya antree dan lain sebagainya. Dengan harapan anak-anak Indonesia ke depan tidak
hanya mengenal alam lingkungannya dari buku saja. Bahkan sekarang kerjasama dengan
Fakultas Psikologi UIN MALIKI Malang mengembangkan Bank permainan tradisional yang
selama ini mulai terpendam dengan permainan-permainan elektronik yang tidak semuanya
berdampak baik terhadap perkembangan anak di kemudian hari5. Dengan keterjangkauan dan
kemudahan tersebut, PAUD Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin menjadi percontohan kurikulum yang
mudah diterima serta dengan jumlah siswa terbanyak sekecamatan Sumberpucung. Output
dari PAUD/TK Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin tertanya tidak kalah dengan sekolah sudah lama.
Terbukti alumni dari sekolah ini mampu diterima di sekolah negeri bahkan sekolah favorit.
Selain lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), di Pesantren Rakyat juga ada
Sekolah Dasar Islam Integratif Pesantren Rakyat. SDI INTEGRATIF ini merupakan Sekolah
Dasar yang lahir dari kegelisahan yang mendalam dari liftik-liftik sekolahan yang
menawarkan diri sebagai sekolah taraf internasional, yang ternyata hanya tarifnya yang
menginternasional. Misalnya saja ada alumni sekolah Islam hebat ngajinya akan tetapi ketika
di rumah tidak pernah adzan atau iqomat di mushola samping rumahnya, sekolahnya di
lembaga agama tetapi tetangganya meninggal ya tetap sekolah, jika tidak masuk dianggap
tidak tertib, begitu juga anak yang nilai IPA nya 9 tetapi tidak paham bedanya bayam dan


International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

sawi, kambing etawa dan kambing jawa, kemudian juga semakin jauh dengan potensi-potensi
lokal yang seharusnya harus tetap di jaga.
Belajar di kelas baik, tetapi di SD Islam Integratif ini memahami semua tempat adalah
Kelas, Semua Orang adalah Guru, semua Gejala alam dan Sosial adalah pelajaran. Untuk itu
anak-anak di komunikasikan dengan tokoh-tokoh agama setempat, agar maghrib sampai isya’
tidak pulang dari Mushola setempat, karena empat poin nilai agama tidak di ambil dari hafalan
sholat dan Al-Qur’an, tetapi di ambil dari siswa ikut pujian di mushola atau ikut iqomah adzan
di lingkungan masing-masing.
Ketika tetangga atau saudara di lingkunganya meninggal, sekolah mempersilahkan anak
untuk ikut takziah orang tuanya dengan tetap berseragam sesuai harinya, sehingga Islam tidak
hanya menajadi sebuah nilai yang hanya di pahami secara kognitif saja.
Hafalan Qur’an dengan metode menyenangkan, tanpa beban, tanpa paksaan di lakukan 1 jam
di awal masuk, kemudian sholat duha, dan wajib sholat dhuhur berjamaah.
Anak anak kita buatkan puluhan laboratorium yang di sinergikan dengan potensi sumberdaya
yang ada di lingkungan sekitar, ada kelas sapi, kelas, ikan, kelas kambing, kelas ayam, kelas
sayur, kelas kantor, kelas pertanian, kelas teknologi, kelas IT, kelas music modern, kelas
music islami, music tridisional jawa , kelas bahasa arab dan Inggris dan juga ada kelas bahasa
jawa. Yang semuanya sudah tertata dengan rapi di lingkungan masing-masing.
Untuk mewujudkan semua ini pihak Yayasan Pesantren Rakyat Al Amin tidak banyak
mengeluarkan biaya, karena sinergi dengan semua tokoh di Lingkungan SDII dan Sinergi
dengan semua potensi yang sudah ada walau kurikulumnya berkelas Internasional tetap biaya
yang sangat terjangkau misalnya saja dengan gedung yang bertingkat, fasilitas yang penuh
tetap, pendaftran gratis, uang gedung geratis, seragam empat setel geratis, infaq semacam spp
di tentukan oleh orang tua sendiri, dan andaikata anaknya kepingin mondok sekalian juga
mondoknyanya makanya juga geratis.
SDII Pesantren rakyat yang memiliki jargon merakyat dan bermartabat, memang di
desain sebagai Lembaga SD yang melampaui cita-cita masyarakat kebanyakan tetapi
terjangkau oleh semua lapisan masyarakat, yang selama ini telah banyak praktik home
Industri Pendidikan, Industrialisasi Pendidikan, sehingga tidak mungkin orang miskin, orang
pinggir, orang tidak punya bisa mengenyam pendidikan yang bermartabat. Maka SDII ini
mencoba ikut menjawab jeritan hati bangsa Indonesia yang masih kurang beruntung dalam
Sifatnya SDII adalah melengkapi lembaga-lembaga yang sudah ada, dan semoga 131
pesantren rakyat yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia ikut serta memdirikan lembaga yang
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

merakyat tetapi tetap bermartabat, dan murah tapi tidak murahan. Untuk tahun pertama kita
targetkan minimat menerima siswa baru 15 siswa, akan tetapi Alhamdulillah sudah ada 16
siswa, dan memiliki 9 guru. Sebaran siswa juga sudah bagus, yaitu dari Ngawi 1 siswa, dari
Irian Jaya 1 orang, Dari Kota Malang 1 Orang, dari Kepanjen 1 orang, dari sambigede 2 orang,
dari karangkates 3 orang, sisanya dari desa Sumberpucung sendiri. Kita punya jaminan anak
kelas 1 semester awal sudah hafal waqiah, kelas 2 sudah menguasai doa dan praktik sholat
lima waktu, kelas 3 sudah selesai Al-Quran. Sehingga kelas 4 tinggal menggembleng di
bidang matematika, IPA IPS dan materi-materi lain.
Di SDII Pesantren Rakyat seperti materi Musik Tradisional, bahasa Jawa, Musik Islami,
Musik Moderen, Sekolah Alam tidak menjadi Ekstrakurikuler, tetapi masuk Materi Wajib.
Dan Guru-Guru yang mengajar kita wajibkan menguasai minimal satu bahasa Asing. Untuk
tahun ajaran 2018/2019 sudah ada yang inden 10 siswa, target maksimal untuk tahun depan
maksimal 28 siswa. Kita tidak mengadakan tes, siapa saja yang daftar duluan, berarti
menghargai SDII Pesantren Rakyat, maka itu yang di terima, bagi SDII sekolah yang
mengadakan TES hanya sekolah yang hanya minta enaknya saja. La terus di kemanakan
mereka yang tidak lulus tes, padahal kecerdasan tulis dan wawancara tidak bisa mengalahkan
ketentuan Allah SWT.

Pendidikan Non-Formal
Pesantren sebagai lembaga tertua yang ada di Nusantara. Pesantren merupakan tempat
yang memberikan pendidikan dan pengajaran serta pengembangan dan menyebarluaskan
ilmu agama Islam, dan setiap orang yang belajar di pesantren disebut santri. Baik itu yang
menetap setiap hari dipesantren atau yang pulang kerumahnya masing-masing, dalam hal ini
disebut santri kalong. Hal ini yang menjadi dasar bentuk dari pesantren yang saat ini sudah
menjadi berbagai macam model dan bentuk. Mulai yang menjaga tradisi tradisional pesantren,
mulai merambah kearah pendidikan modern seperti halnya sekolah formal yang
diselenggarakan negara, dan juga ada yang mengembangkan keduanya masih menjaga budaya
tradisional tetapi juga mengembangakan budaya modern.
Dengan perkembangan zaman saatini muncul berbagai macam model pendidikan
mualai dari yang formal dan nonformal. Ada juga yang memadukan keduanya. Semuanya
mempunyai tujuan yang sama seperti yang diamanahkan dalam UUD 45, pendidikan
bertujuan untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Dan yang peling penting lagi adalah
pendidikan adalah hak seluruh rakyat. Dalam perkembangan yang panjang dan berliku dari
sumberpucung muncul Pesantren Rakyat yang muncul dari kerisauan dan kebutuhan akan
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pendidikan yang belum merata. Kenapa disebut “Pesantren Rakyat” karena segala aktivitas
dan kurikulumnya ala rakyat. Tidak merubah kebiasaan masyarakat secara langsung tetapi
memasukan nilai-nilai ke-Islaman, ke-Indonesia dan kemanusiaan kedalam aspek
Dalam melakukan pendidikan Pesantren Rakyat mempunyai perbedaan dengan
pesantren salaf atau modern pada umumnya. Ide pembentukan Pesantren Rakyat juga tak
lepas dari maraknya perjudian, prostitusi, premanisme, makelarisme, dan berbagai kejahatan
lain. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi Pesantren Rakyat untuk menyentuh lapisan masyarakat
tersebut dengan syariat Islam tentunya tidak bisa secara langsung blak-blakan tetapi dengan
berbagai macam strategi agar bisa menembus semua lapisan masyarakat.
Pesantren Rakyat, yang tumbuh dan berkembang ditengah-tengah lingkungan
masyarakat stasiun, pasar, perjudian, perselingkuhan, tempat wisata, penginapan gelap dan
daerah prostitusi terbesar se-Kabupaten Malang, dimana keadaan masyarakat yang sangat
heterogen, yang mana mempengaruhi tumbuh kembanganya mental dan perilaku keseharian
masyarakat dan generasi muda disekelilingnya. Dengan berbekal keyakinan yang teguh,
Pesantren Rakyat ingin mengambil peran dalam proses pengembangan sosial masyarakat
kearah yang lebih baik. Demi terciptanya kehidupan masyarakat yang saling memanusiakan
manusia dan bertaqwa kepada Allah SWT.
Dalam prakteknya Pesantren Rakyat tidak selalu berwujud pendidikan didalam kelas
atau pengajian sebagaimana pesantren pada umumnya, tetapi selalu bersinergi dengan alam,
budaya, dan lingkungan sekitar pesantren. Menjadi seperti air yang selalu menempati ruang,
menembul lubang-lubang kecil, memberikan tekanan ke atas, menguap jika dipanaskan,
membeku jika didinginkan, tawaduk selalu mencari tempat yang rendah dan jika dibendung
secara paksa akan melakukan perlawanan yang hebat. Jadi pesantren rakyat mulai dari hal
yang paling kecil, sepele, remeh, tidak terlihat, sederhana, terpinggirkan/termarginalkan,
ndeso, tradisional, kampungan, katrok, tidak menarik dan tidak dihiraukan orang. Kemudian
dikumpulkjan menjadi satu ditata dan diubah menjadi sesuatu kekuatan yang dasyat untuk
melakukan proses akselerasi revolusi mental kearah yang lebih baik.
Pesantren Rakyat yang pola pengembangan pembelajaran ala raktyat, diharapkan akan
seperti angin yang sepoi-sepoi yang menidurkan atau air lembut yang menyejukan, hingga
tidak terasa masyarat telah berubah 180 derajat dari kebiasaan jahililyah menuju Islam. Untuk
itu Pesantren Rakyat dalam rangka bertujuan untuk menyantrikan rakyat, maka perlunya
membuat kurikulum yang sesuai dengan berbagai macam keadaan masyarakat. terbentuklah
pesantren rakyat yang kurikulum dan aktifitasnya ala rakyat. Sehingga dapat menyentuh
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

kehidupan rakyat mulai dari keadaan sosial masyarakat, perekonomian, dan kebudayaan

Model Pesantren Rakyat

Pesantren Rakyat mempunyai keunikan dibanding dengan pesantren yang lain, selain
sama-sama menimban ilmu agama. Di Pesantren Rakyat mempunyai dasar yang berbeda,
yaitu mempunyai beberapa dasar yang pertama; kekuatan kolaborasi modal sosial yang
dikembangkan melalui pendampingan secara istiqomah berorientasi pada pemberdayaan
masyarakat. Kedua; budaya yang bernuansa tradisi lokal, yang mana kental dengan simbol
kerakyatan sehingga membuat nyaman khususnya santri pendukung. Ketiga; dengan
pendekatan dengan multi level strategi, yang luwes dan berbasis kearifan lokal. Keempat;
pemimpin yang mempunyai kredibilitas, integratif, komitmen yang kuat, istiqomah dalam
berjuang serta mampu menjadi tokoh inspiratif bagi santrinya, dan yang kelima; dukungan
dari jejaring stakeholder, yang memiliki dediakasi yang tinggi dalam mengembangkan

Komponem pesantren menurut teori dari Manfred Zimek dan Zamakhsari Dhofier. Pada
gambar dibawah ini:

Ruangan- Masjid,
ruangan Mushola
Belajar atau Surau Kyai Masjid

ondok tinggal
Santri kitab

Empat komponen pesantren menurut Lima komponen pesantren menurut

Manfred Ziemek Zamakhsyari Dhofier

Sedangkan yang terjadi dalam pesantren Rakyat mempunyai komponen yang berbeda,
karena komponen tersebut tidak selalu penting dalam perkembangan Pesantren Rakyat, yang

6 Mufida, ch.2012.Pesantren Rakyat(el harokah VOL.14 No. 1)hlm.159

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

mana Pesantren Mempunyai kurikulum dan kegiatan ala rakyat. Komponen yang ada dalam
Pesantren Rakyat:


an kitab-


Selain komponen diatas dalam Pesantren Rakyat merupaka medan budaya yang di-
Islamkan tanpa mengurangi nuansa lokal yang masih dipertahankan. Walau hanya dengan
tiga komponen yang sebagai Inti dari Pesantren Rakyat tetapi sebenarnya komponen yang lain
yang ada dalam teori pesantren pada umumnya tetap ada tetapi tidak menjadi keharusan
karena Pesantren Rakyat adalah milik rakyat, oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat. Jadi hal-hal yang
menjadi sarana dan prasarana tersedia dalam lingkungan masyarakat.
Pesantren yang kental dengan nuansa asrama atau pondok atau gedung sebagai tempat
tinggal santri, memjadi hal yang sangat penting dalam pesantren konfensional. Tetapi dalam
pesantren rakyat juga tidak menjadi keharusan seperti dalam skema dibawah ini:
pesantren dan
berada kemashura
Kemayuran didesa-
Kyai n Kyai
Adanya desa, meski menarik
menarik tidak ada
sikap para santi para santri
timbal balik perumahan dari jauh
dari jauh tetapi ada
antara Kyai adanya
dan santri pesantren rumah
timbal balik
berada di rakyat
desa-desa pesantren
dimana dengan
tidak rakyat

Rumah Rakyat

Berdasarkan skema diatas terdapat jelas adanya perbedaan dan pengembangan

pesantren, yang mana pada umumnya “PONDOK” menjadi hal yang harus ada sebagai tempat
tinggal dan sarana timbal balik antara santri dengan Kyai. Sedangkan dalam Pesantren
Rakyat, tidak harus mempunyai bangunan pondok untuk sarana timbal balik anatara santri
dengan Kyai. Tetapi seluruh rakyat yang bergabung dengan pesantren menjadi santri
Pesantren Rakyat. Dan tempat tinggal mereka menjadi “PONDOK”.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Panca Rukun Pesantren Rakyat

Selain kurikulum dan komponen yang ada dalam Pesantren Rakyat juga ada yang
menjadi dasar dalam Pesantren Rakyat, yaitu panca rukun pesantren Rakyat yang dicetuskan
dalam pertemuan ke-2 Pesantren Rakyat Nasional.

Jagong Maton
Jagong Maton adalah program utama dalam setiap kegiatan Pesantren Rakyat. Hal ini
mengadopsi dari dakwah sunan kalijaga yang mana dakwah melalui kekuatan budaya
jagongan, gamelan, yang dimodifikasi dan tembang-tembang bermuatan filosofi kehidupan.
Aktifitas jagong maton dengan simbol tradisi jawa, jargon-jargon yang membentuk karakter
santri. Jagongmaton yang menjadi Sarana komunikasi yang dapat menjadi solusi dalam semua
masalah. Karena didalam jagong maton kita mempunyai pembahasan yang bertujuan mencari
solusi semua permasalahan. Dan solusi untuk program pemberdayaan rakyat. Jadi tidak ada
informasi kerakyatan yang tertinggal.

Lumbung Pesantren Rakyat

Lumbung Pesantren Rakyat ini melatih agar rakyat kembali gemar menyimpan
cadangan makanan seperti orang terdahulu. Hal ini menjadi solusi kenaikan bahan pokok yang
sering tidak terduga. Ketika Pesantren rakyat menjadi pelopor membuat lumbung, dan diikuti
rakyat, pastilah masalah perekonomian Indonesia akan teratasi. Karena tidak ada orang yang
kekurangan bahan makanan.

Celengan ini menjadi wajib karena secbagaui penyokong pendanaan pesantren. Tidak
terasa uang receh-receh bila dikumpulkan akan menjadi sumber pendanaan Pesantren Rakyat.
Setiap orang jumlahnya memang tidak banyak tetapi bila dikumpulkamakan menjadi sangat

Ngaji Nguruk
Ngaji ngluruk yang menjadi salah satu panca rukun pesantren rakyat. Hal ini yang juga
membedakan dengan Pesantren lain. Yang mana pada pesantren konfensional pesantren
sebagai pusat pendidikan sedangkan dipesantren rakyat lebih menggunakan ngaji ngluruk
atau memanfaatkan pondok sekitar dan masjid sekitar untuk sarana pendidikan. Contohnya
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dalam pesantren rakyat al-Amin Sumberpucung, ketika santri hafalan al-Qur’an berada di
PONPES Barokatul Qur’an, mengaji Tafsir al-Qur’an di tempatnya Abah Zaenal Arifin,
pengajian ta’lim berada di Mushola al-Amin yang berada dipemungkiman warga. Dan masih
banyak pusat pendidikan lainnya. Dimanapun kita duduk adalah kelas kita untuk
memngembangkan diri.

Dzikir al-Fatehah
Menjadi dzikir wajib Pesantren Rakyat, yang mana umul Qur’an ini menjadi ikatan
pemersatu antar Pesantren Rakyat.

Pengembangan Pendidikan Pesantren Rakyat dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Pesantren Rakyat yang lahir untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan rakyat, yang
mengajarkan memanusiakan manusia. Dengan menghadirkan pendidikan yang merakyat
bermartabat. Artinya pendidikan yang murah ramah dengan penghasilan rakyat pada
umumnya tetapi tidak murahan. Sebagai lembaga pendidikan non formal yang berperan
sebagai agen of cange dan agen of conserfative tentunya dapat mengikuti transformatif yang
terjadi dalam bidang sosial, budaya, ekonomi, pendidikan, agama, dan seni. Oleh karena itu
dalam rangka pengembangan Pesantren Rakyat mempunyai programn yang bersinergi dengan
kebutuhan masyrakat sekitar. Pesantren menyelenggarakan beberapa bidang kegiatan, antara
lain adalah:

Seni Budaya
Selalu berusaha menjaga dan merawat potensi-potensi seni dan budaya yang sudah ada
dilingkungan sekitar. Misalnya seni sholawat, banjari, gamelan, kentrung, grup musik
tradisional dan modern.

Pemuda dan Olahraga

Mengadakan pelatihan-pelatihan kepemimpinan, outbon, organisasi kepemudaan,
mendirikan team sepakbola, volyball, catur, dan futsal.

Dalam kegiatan bidang perekonomian kerakyatan, Pesantren Rakyat melakukan
berbagai bentuk pemberdayaan, antara lain: melakukan berbagai macam pelatihan dan
memberikan bantuan modal dengan bekerja sama multipihak.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Pertanian, Peternakan, dan Perikanan

Penanaman pepaya dipinggir sungai irigasi, dekat rel kereta api, dan lahan-lahan kosong
milik jamaah. Penanaman sayur didepan-depan rumah jamaah serta pengembangan tanaman
organik dan TOGA serta bahan-bahan bumbu lainnya. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memberikan
pengetahuan bahwa dengan menanam sayuran dan TOGA. Disamping lebih hemat secara
ekonomis juga tidak ada lahan-lahan yang tidak dimanfaatkan. Selain itu ada juga ternak
kambing, ayam, jangkrik dan lain sebagainya.

Dalam bidang pendidikan, Pesantren Rakyat juga melakukan berbagai program seperti
menyetarakan ijasah kepada santri yang putus sekolah, melalui kejar paket dan
menguliyahkan santri. Mengkomunikasikan beasiswa anak usia SLTA, mengkomunikasikan
biaya masuk di SMP Negrri terhadap santri yang kurang mampu, mengadakan les ba’da
maghrib secara gratis dengan ganti mengaji dan memiliki perpustakaan yang koleksi bukunya
1000 buku dan 3000 judul ebook.

Pengembangan IPTEK Pesantren Rakyat

Masyarakat masa kini umumnya sudah akrab menggunakan berbagai produk teknologi
informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), bahkan sudah menjadi kebutuhan hidup dalam beraktivitas
sehari-hari. Kondisi tersebut tidak hanya terjadi di perkotaan, melainkan juga di pedesaan,
bahkan di daerah-daerah terpencil. Secara khusus, anak-anak dan remaja generasi sekarang
relatif cepat dan mahir menggunakan berbagai produk TIK (gadget).
Seiring dengan tuntutan dan perkembangan masyarakat, pengembangan dan
pemanfaatan TIK untuk pendidikan tidak hanya dilakukan pada pendidikan formal, melainkan
juga dilakukan pada lembaga pendidikan nonformal. Lembaga pendidikan nonformal yang
sudah mengakar dalam masyarakat di antaranya adalah pondok pesantren. Pada era global
pondok pesantren relatif sudah banyak yang memanfaatkan TIK untuk pendidikan dan
pembelajaran, baik dalam bentuk web, pesantren online, dakwah melalui sms, dan media
sosial, serta menjadikan TIK sebagai salah satu sumber belajar. Pesantren tersebut tidak
terbatas pada pesantren modern melainkan juga pada pesantren tradisional (salafiah). Dalam
hal ini Pesantren Rakyat juga terus mengikuti perkembangan zaman dengan memanfaatkan
kecanggihan teknologi.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Nyatanya walau berada di kawasan pedesaan, Pesantren Rakyat serta secara

infrastruktur TIK masih relatif sederhana tetapi sudah memanfaatkannya untuk pembelajaran
para santrinya. Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin dipimpin memiliki visi dalam mendidik santrinya.
Pesantren Rakyat sadar bahwa tantangan anak didiknya ke depan harus mampu bersaing tidak
hanya pada tataran lokal di wilayah Jawa Timur, melainkan juga nasional dan global.
Walupun lokasinya jauh dari perkotaan, Pesantren Rakyat memiliki visi dan pemikiran global.
Harapannya bahwa semua santri yang belajar di Pesantren Rakyat ini tidak tertinggal oleh
perkembangan zaman. Umat Islam khususnya para santrinya harus memiliki pengetahuan,
wawasan, dan cara berpikir global. Oleh karena itu, semua santri harus dibiasakan belajar
dengan berbagai sumber belajar, termasuk menggunakan TIK.
Keterbatasan dana, sarana, dan infrastruktur tidak menjadi halangan bagi pesantren
rakyat untuk memanfaatkan TIK dalam pembelajaran utamaya dalam penyediaan fasilitas
internet. Para santri dapat mengakses internet secara gratis, bahkan tanpa menggunakan
password. Begitu pula masyarakat di sekitar pesantren bisa mengakses internet. Perangkat
TIK yang dimiliki oleh para santri dan masyarakat, seperti handphone, smartphone, laptop,
dan sejenisnya secara optimal dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung pembelajaran di
pesantren tersebut. Melalui perangkat TIK pribadi tersebut, para santri dapat berkomunikasi
dan mengakses berbagai konten pembelajaran yang disajikan pihak pesantren dan konten
lainnya yang tersedia dalam internet.
Sistem aplikasi yang dimanfaatkan dalam mengoptimalkan TIK masih sederhana, yaitu
memanfaatkan jejaring sosial facebook. Facebook ini terutama ditujukan bagi komunitas
santri dan masyarakat sekitar. Para santri didorong untuk memiliki acount facebook serta
bergabung dengan facebook Pesantren Rakyat. Facebook ini berfungsi sebagai wahana
komunikasi internal terutama antarsantri, mentor, dan juga ustadz. Untuk komunikasi dengan
pihak luar, lebih banyak menggunakan web Pesantren Rakyat. Pembuatan web ini
menggunakan alamat Jika memperhatikan web ini, sudah ada kemajuan
karena bukan menggunakan web gratis tetapi menggunakan web institusi resmi dan berbayar.
Walaupun dalam desain web masih menggu-nakan template standar yang tersedia pada
internet, tidak menggunakan desain dengan programmer khusus.
Facebook dan web pesantren rakyat juga berfungsi sebagai media pembelajaran.
Sebagian materi-materi pembelajaran dishare melalui media ini. Beberapa tugas yang
diberikan oleh ustadz dan mentor seringkali menggunakan fasilitas media ini. Umumnya para
santri yang terdiri dari usia anak-anak dan remaja menyukai model pembelajaran agama
dengan menggunakan internet melalui handphone, smartphone atau jenis tablet lainnya ini.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Kegiatan pembelajaran setiap malam setelah shalat Isya, belajar tentang tajwid, belajar
nahwu shorof, qiroat, ahlaq (malam Jumat), belajar bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab. Setiap
hari Sabtu sore dan Minggu siang diselenggarakan kampung Inggris dan Kampung Arab.
Kampung Inggris artinya pada waktu yang disepakati semua santri wajib berkomunikasi
menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Begitu pula ketika tiba waktu Kampung Arab, maka semua
santri wajib berbicara menggunakan bahasa Arab. Adanya kampung Arab dan Inggris ini
dirasakan cukup efektif untuk melatih dan membiasakan para santri dalam berkomunikasi
bahasa asing tersebut. Melatih bahasa asing ini juga sangat dibantu oleh konten video dan
audio yang mereka peroleh dari internet. Hari Sabtu dan Minggu juga para santri belajar
menggunakan berbagai aplikasi TIK, misalnya membuat film dokumenter, adobe premier,
membuat bahan presentasi dengan aplikasi power point, dan sistem aplikasi lainnya.
Konten TIK yang digunakan juga tidak hanya yang terkait dengan pembelajaran
pesantren, tetapi informasi tentang pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengentasan kemiskinan,
berita-berita dunia internasional, termasuk yang berbahasa asing yang selanjutnya diter-
jemahkan dan dilaporkan sebagai bahan dan pengetahuan para santri, kemudian dise-
barluaskan lewat media sosial facebook. Informasi ini sangat menginspirasi santri. Pesantren
Rakyat berusaha hadir memberikan informasi kepada santri dan masyarakat, untuk
memberikan wawasan dan cara berpikir yang luas dan global. Kondisi ini merupakan sebuah
tuntutan zaman, sehingga para santri dan umat Islam di masa mendatang bisa hidup eksis
sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman yaitu zaman teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.
Semua santri didorong untuk menggunakan TIK sebagai media pembelajaran. Mereka
juga tidak sekedar aktif menggunakan konten TIK yang telah ada di internet, tetapi didorong
untuk aktif berlatih dan dibiasakan membuat konten sendiri. Pembiasaan membuat konten
TIK ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan menulis tentang membuat laporan setiap kegiatan di
pesantren, merangkum materi yang disampaikan ustadz, membuat rangkuman hasil kegiatan
Jagong Maton, atau mengerjakan tugas-tugas. Semua bentuk tulisan hasil karya santri tersebut
selanjutnya di-upload melalui media sosial facebook atau melalui web pesantren yang
dilakukan oleh santri yang bersangkutan. Hasil karya para santri yang di-upload lewat internet
tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan oleh komunitas santri dan juga masyarakat luas. Pemanfaatan
web ini memang masih terbatas sebagai media komunikasi. Sebagai tahap awal kondisi
tersebut sudah baik. Tahap selanjutnya optimalisasi web ini dapat dikembangkan untuk
menyajikan bahan-bahan pembelajaran, tugas-tugas santri yang dirancang oleh ustadz dan
timnya, sehingga para santri dapat belajar berbasis internet (online).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Untuk mendukung kegiatan dakwah dan pembelajaran santri, pesantren rakyat juga
telah merintis stasiun radio FM yang diberi nama “Radio Pesantren Rakyat”. Walaupun
stasiun radio ini dalam rintisan dan izinnya masih dalam proses, tetapi sudah mengudara mulai
pukul 05.00 s.d. 02.00 WIB. Studio radio dipancarkan dari lantai dua pesantren dengan
kondisi bangunan dan peralatan yang relatif masih sederhana. Radio pesantren rakyat FM ini
menyiarkan berbagai acara, antara lain pengajian, Jagong Maton, ceramah, lawak, berbagai
acara diskusi keagamaan, dan siaran kunjungan tamu pesantren. Radio ini secara khusus
menyiarkan acara-acara di pesantren secara live, antara lain kegiatan ceramah, pengajian,
acara Jagong Maton, diskusi, dan lainnya. Radio ini juga menyiarkan lagu-lagu pop untuk
remaja, campursari, kartolo, dan juga acara hiburan lokal lainnya.
Radio Pesantren Rakyat juga memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan kepada
masyarakat sekitar terkait dengan amaliah keagamaan, informasi pesantren, berbagai
informasi pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengentasan kemiskinan, serta menjadi media syiar
dan forum komunikasi masyarakat. Manfaat lain dari siaran radio ini adalah santri yang tidak
bisa datang ke pesantren bisa mengikuti berbagai kegiatan yang dilaksanakan pesantren.
Pengelola dan penyiar radio adalah para santri inti, yaitu santri yang bermukim di pesantren.
Mereka didorong untuk bisa mengoperasikan radio, menjadi penyiar radio, atau menjadi
reporter ketika ada tamu-tamu yang berdatangan. Adapun kelemahan yang dirasakan para
pengelola radio ini adalah belum ada izin operasional, keterbatasan infrastruktur, serta
keterbatasan SDM yang terlatih dalam pengelolaan stasiun radio. Selain itu dengan adanya
fasilitas internet, pesantren rakyat dapat mengem-bangkan radio streaming (internet),
sehingga jangkauan siaran dapat lebih luas dan efisien. Faktor komitmen pimpinan pesantren
dan semangat para santri sebagai kekuatan utama dalam mengoperasikan radio pesantren
rakyat ini sangat perlu dipertahankan dan terus ditingkatkan.
Kehadiran TIK pada lembaga Pesantren Rakyat ini secara nyata telah mengubah budaya
belajar para santri di pesantren. Belajar pada pesantren tradisional/salafi biasanya bergantung
pada sumber belajar, yaitu Sang Kiai dan Kitab Kuning. Kehadiran TIK menunjukkan bahwa
para santri dapat belajar dengan aneka sumber. Para santri tidak hanya belajar bersama ustadz
saja, melainkan juga belajar melalui berbagai sumber belajar di internet, melalui siaran radio,
bahkan mengoptimalkan santri senior dan masyarakat setempat menjadi sumber belajar.
Begitu pula konten pembelajaran menjadi beragam, tidak hanya berbasis teks atau huruf,
tetapi dapat berupa audio, gambar/foto, video, animasi, bahkan simulasi. Waktu dan tempat
belajar juga menjadi lebih fleksibel. Bagi santri yang tidak menginap (santri kalong) jika
berhalangan datang ke pesantren, dapat tetap belajar di rumahnya melalui siaran radio dan
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

melalui internet. Santri dapat belajar secara fleksibel, kapan saja setiap ada kesempatan.
Komitmen pimpinan dalam pemanfaatan TIK sangat penting. Pembelajaran agama menjadi
dinamis dan menarik khususnya bagi anak-anak muda. Ini terkait dengan pemanfaatan gadget
yang sesuai dengan tuntutan generasi masa kini (digital native). Keterbatasan intrastruktur
bukan merupakan halangan dalam pemanfaatan TIK. Keterbatasan infrastruktur bisa diatasi
dengan mengptimalkan infrastruktur yang dimiliki para santri dan masyarakat setempat. Para
santri dilibatkan secara aktif dalam pemanfaatan TIK, mulai dari mencari konten, dibiasakan
membuat konten, dimulai dari konten relatif sederhana (berbasis teks), serta melakukan
berbagi konten karya santri melalui internet. Kondisi ini merupakan sebuah lompatan
kemajuan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman pada lingkungan pesantren

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Adya Hermawati, Rahayu Puji Suci

Postgraduate Program, Magister of Management, Widyagama University Malang

Abstract: This research is a development progress from previous researches

performed by Hermawati either alone or with her colleagues, such as:Hermawati
(2011) in title of “Optimization of Employee Performance Achievement Based
on Quality of Work Life”, Hermawati (2013 &2014a) in “The Effect of
Empowerment on Quality of Work Life and Organizational Trust”,
Hermawati(2015a) in “The Implementation of Transglobal Leadership as the
Strategy to Achieve Excellent Organizational Performance”, Hermawati &Puji
Suci (2015b) in “Empowerment, Quality of Work Life and Trust as Important
Factors to Achieve Organizational Success”, and Hermawati &Nasarudin (2016)
in “Organizational Citizenship Behavior as a Factor of Mediation for Quality of
Work Life and Job Involvement as Strategies to Develop Optimum
Organizational Performance”. Therefore, this current research could be said as a
continuance of the achievement of Hermawati in her researches from 2011 to
2016. The objective of this research is (a) to obtain the expected model and
strategy of organizational performance development for all cooperatives in East
Java Province; and (b) to examine and analyze the resulted model and strategy.
Method of research uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. Sampling
technique is purposive sampling applied against the employees of cooperatives
in several regencies/towns of East Java Province. ImportancePerformance
Analysis(IPA) and Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) are used as analysis
techniques to produce model recommended to be the strategy of organizational
performance development for all cooperatives in East Java Province. Result of
research indicates the proper strategy of organizational performance
development for all cooperatives in East Java Province has been obtained.
Organizational citizenship behavior is a factor or also a priority scale that must
be improved by the cooperative. Employee performance, conversely, is the
variable with the most exaggeration. Therefore, the cooperative must allocate
the existing resources to improve main priority while still keeping other factors
on customer expectation. This result should provide meaningful information for
the management in order to have a proper implementation of human resource
development. It also helps organization type observed by this research,
especially cooperative in East Java Province, to have their activities accelerated
to attain successful progress.

Keywords: Transglobal Leadership, OCB, Employee Performance

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


The declining of market economic has led to the unexpected level of unemployment
and poverty. Cooperative is then emerged as the savior for the marginalized communities
from the cruelty of capitalist economic. Cooperative has developed then to become a
meaningful livelihood source for 91.25 millions people who mostly live in rural. Business
sector can only absorb 2.52 millions people (Nasution in Izzati, 2011). Subyakto (1996)
reported that the most fundamental issue challenging the cooperative is human resource. As
indicated by Hermawati (2011, 2013, 2014a, 2015a), good organization with prospective
growth and development is one with great emphasis on human resource development to
produce optimum, effective, and efficient function of organization.
In the other hand, Loyd (2001) suggested that some criteria must be considered if
organization wants to achieve its competitive advantage. These criteria include having a
visionary leadership, being able to read the trend of market, updating on the progress of
technology, and adapting with the change of competitive pattern. Leader must also have
proper leadership style to help organization to solve its human resource problem. Parolin
(2004) in Adler, (2000) declared that the role of leader has been interesting topic for any
researchers who focus their study on organizational behavior. Sharkey, (2012) had
analyzed theoretical problem occuring when both transactional and transformational
leadership styles were assigned into a grand category called local type leadership. In the
beginning, local version of leadership style was definitely not global. However,
Holt&Seki(2012), and Sharkey,(2012) proposed a more global leadership known by a
term “transglobal leadership”. This new term is referring to a visionary leadership behavior
which is more complex, adaptive to new environment, and with consistent outcome, including
employee performance. There are six dimensions underlying this leadership behavior, such
as: Cognitive Intelligence, Moral Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence,
Business Intelligence, and Global Intelligence.
Hermawati(2015a) also examined transglobal leadershipin her research entitled “The
Mediation Effect of Quality of Work Life and JobInvolvementinRelationshipof Transglobal
Leadershipto Employee Performance: CaseStudyof ShariaBanking in EastJava,Indonesia”.
She found that transglobal leadership had indirect effect on employee performance. It means
that transglobal leadership can improve employee performance only through the
implementation of quality of work life(QWL) and job involvement. However, the mediation

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

effect by QWL and job involvement is still attaining weak performance, less maximum
outcome, and even quite off targets.
As shown by Hermawati (2015a), both consistency and generalization of transglobal
leadership for the optimization of employee performance had a great contribution to
organizational performance. Improvement Theory was used by Hermawati (2016) in her study
by making organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as a factor of mediation. Her survey on
real phenomena indicated that employee performance in various leading cooperatives in East
Java Province was experiencing a decline. One reasons was related with lower level of OCB.
In the studies previously done by Hermawati (2011, 2013, 2014a, and 2015a), she declared
that managerial approach with humanist perspective was always considering human resource
as a central factor with a reliability to produce competitive advantage. This statement should
be relevant to organizational manager who finds necessary for optimizing employee
performance because employee performance has great contribution to the optimization of
organizational performance (Hermawati, 2011,2013,2014a, and 2015a).

Previous Empirical Studies
Previous studies have inspired current research. Empirical studies done by Hermawati
(2011, 2014a) supported theories suggested among others by Luthans(2006),Robbins(2006),
Tett&Meyer(1993),Bernadin(1993), and Jewell &Siegal(2000). Two-Factor Theory
generated by Frederick, Hezberg, and Thomas(2001) was used in this current research. This
theory said that if employees’ needs were satisfied, then the sense of satisfaction would arise
among them and their OCB would positively impact on employee performance.
Hermawati (2015a) analyzed some propositions, such as the effect of QWL on
employee performance, job satisfaction, and job motivation, and job; the effect of job
motivation on employee performance; and the effect of job satisfaction on employee
performance. She had few findings, such as: QWL was indeed influencing job satisfaction;
job satisfaction contributed greatly to the optimization of employee performance; and the
optimum employee performance could increase organizational performance. However, she
perceived that the findings were not robust, and therefore, she recommended OCB as a factor
that must be improved.
Theoretical findings suggested by Smith &Organ (1983),,
(1997),Efraty&Wolfe(1988), and Eastman(1994),confirmed the relationship between
employee performance and OCB. These were supported by Alotaibi(2001), Pattnaik&Biswas
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

(2005), and Biswas&Varma(2007) through their findings such as: employee OCB have
significant effect on employee performance; OCB has positive effect on employee
performance; and there is a relationship between OCB and job quantity of employee group
but not for job quality. Result of empirical study by Hayward (2005) was consistent with Loke
(2001) and Kacmar, (1999) who found that there was a positive relationship between
leadership behavior and individual performance.

Research Design
Some policy models are recommended to be the proper strategies for developing and
improving organizational performance of cooperatives in East Java Province.
Population and Sample of Research
Population of research is all employees in the cooperatives of East Java Province. The
selection of cooperative employees are the subject of research is done with some criteria, such
as: (1) employees have discretion to explain anything relevant with research variable; and (2)
employees act as the tip of spear of the organization because employees touch directly with
other organizational members, consumers, and community around. Both quantitative and
qualitative approaches are used in this research. Sampling technique is purposive sampling.
The sample is derived from employees of cooperatives in regencies/towns of East Java
Province. The size of sample is determined using Slovin Equation at precision level of 5%,
and it results in 445 persons.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Data Analysis Method Performance Development

IPA AHP Low High Strategy for Cooperatives
Performance Performance
High High
Importance Importance Focus in East Java Province

Low High
Performance Performance
Low Low
Importance Importance

Level Level Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4

Importance Perfor

Assessment : Actor A1 A2 A3 A4
 TransglobalLe
adership Target T1 T2 T3 T4
 QualityofWork
Life Strategy ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT
 Job
 Employee

Figure 1
Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Analytic Hirarchical Process (AHP)
To Produce the Organizational Performance Development Strategy for Cooperatives
in East Java Province.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Figure 1 displays two methods used to analyze research data. These methods
areImportance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Analytic Hirarchical Process (AHP) which
are used to examine results of current research comprehensively by taking into consideration
any aspects of development strategy for cooperatives in East Java Province.


This research attempts to examine and analyze the proper strategy to develop
organizational performance of cooperatives in East Java Province. Type of research is
explorative without hypothesis testing. Explorative review is conducted in a certain order,
respectively: (1) importance and performance levels of each variable, precisely transglobal
leadership, quality of work life, OCB and employee performance, are estimated; and (2)
Analytic Hierarchical Process is conducted to obtain the recommendation of proper
performance development strategy for cooperatives in East Java Province.

Result of Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA)

Importance level of variables, precisely transglobal leadership, quality of work life,
OCB and employee performance, is representing how important is each variable in the
proposed relationship. Performance level is measured in term of satisfaction felt with these
variables. Results of the analysis on each variable are described in the following.

IPA on Transglobal Leadership

Transglobal leadership is measured with six indicators, such as Cognitive Intelligence
(X1.1), Emotional Intelligence (X1.2), Business Intelligence (X1.3), Cultural Intelligence
(X1.4), Global Intelligence (X1.5), and Moral Intelligence (X1.6). After given to 445
respondents for assessment, both table and graphic of IPA result for transglobal leadership
are given in the following.

Table 1
IPA Result for Transglobal Leadership
Indicator Performance Importance
Cognitive Intelligence (X1.1) 3.48 3.70 -0.22
Emotional Intelligence (X1.2) 3.41 4.07 -0.66
Business Intelligence (X1.3) 3.27 4.18 -0.91

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Cultural Intelligence (X1.4) 3.38 3.14 0.24

Global Intelligence (X1.5) 3.43 3.22 0.21
Moral Intelligence (X1.6) 3.43 4.30 -0.87

Figure 2
IPA Result for Transglobal Leadership

Of six indicators for transglobal leadership, one indicator, Business Intelligence

(X1.3), is apparent at Quadrant I. This position means that this indicator should be a factor or
an attribute considered as important by customers but it is not yet performed well by
organization. Two indicators, precisely Emotional Intelligence (X1.2) and Moral Intelligence
(X1.6), enter Quadrant II. Both indicators are considered as important by customers because
these are successfully satisfying them which also means that these indicators are performed
well by organization. One indicator, respectively Cultural Intelligence (X1.4), is found in
Quadrant III. This indicator is considered as less important by customers and also not yet
performed well by organization. Two remaining indicators, precisely Cognitive Intelligence
(X1.1) and Global Intelligence (X1.5), exist in Quadrant IV, meaning that these indicators are
considered by organization as less important but managed very well or even excessively well
by organization.
Review on both table and graphic shows that Business Intelligence (X1.3) is the main
priority scale that must be improved by organization. Meanwhile, Cognitive Intelligence
(X1.1) and Global Intelligence (X1.5) are the indicators performed in exaggeration, and
therefore, the organization should allocate the existing resources firstly for improving the
main priority.

IPA on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has five indicators, such as:
Sportmanship (M3.1), Civic Virtue (M3.2), Conscientiousness (M3.3), Altruism (M3.4) and
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Courtesy (M3.5). After given to 445 respondents for assessment, both table and graphic of
IPA result for organizational citizenship behavior are shown in the following.
Table 2
IPA Result for Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
Indicator Performance Importance
Sportmanship (M3.1) 3.40 2.58 0.82
Civic Virtue (M3.2) 3.38 3.51 -0.13
3.30 3.89 -0.59
Altruism (M3.4) 3.41 3.21 0.20
Courtesy (M3.5) 3.28 3.20 0.08

Figure 3
IPA Result for Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

From five indicators constituting organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), one

indicator, Conscientiousness (M3.3), exists in Quadrant I, which means that this indicator is
a factor or an attribute considered as important by customer but not yet performed well by
organization. Quadrant II is only occupied by one indicator, Civic Virtue (M3.2), which means
that this indicator is important, satisfying customers, and performed well by organization.
Quadrant III is also contained by one indicator, Courtesy (M3.5), meaning that customer
perceives this indicator as less important and it is not yet performed well by organization. Two
other indicators, Sportmanship (M3.1) and Altruism (M3.4), remain in Quadrant IV, meaning
that organization thinks these indicators as less important but the implementation is too good
or even exaggerated by organization.
As shown by the review on both table and graphic, Conscientiousness (M3.3) is the
indicator determined as the main priority scale that should be improved by organization.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Sportmanship (M3.1) and Altruism (M3.4) are performed excessively, and it would better if
organization allocates the resource to improve main priority.

IPA on Employee Performance

Employee performance is measured by three indicators, respectively: Job Outcome
(Y1), Job Behavior (Y2) and Personal Trait (Y3). The measurement is done by 445
respondents. Both table and graphic of IPA result for employee performance are displayed as

Table 3
IPA Result for Employee Performance
Indicator Performance Importance
Job Outcome (Y1) 3.37 2.78 0.59
Job Behavior (Y2) 3.36 3.55 -0.19
Personal Trait (Y3) 3.43 3.67 -0.24

Figure 4
IPA Result for Employee Performance

Six indicators are involved in employee performance. One indicator, Job Behavior
(Y2), shows up in Quadrant I. This means that this indicator is a factor or an attribute
considered as important by customers but not yet well performed by organization. In Quadrant
II, there is one indicator, Personal Trait (Y3), which means that this indicator is considered as
important, satisfying the customers, and already well performed by organization. Quadrant III
is occupied by one indicator, Job Outcome (Y1), which is considered as less important by
customers and not well performed by organization.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

After reviewing both table and graphic, it is shown that Job Behavior (Y2) is the main
priority scale that must be improved by organization. Personal Trait (Y3) should be kept in
well performance by organization to achieve better result. Each organization always has a
distinctive priority scale for improving Job Outcome (Y1).

IPA on Overall
The following table shows IPA result on all variables observed, precisely transglobal
leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, and employee performance.
Table 4
IPA Result on Overall
Indicator Performance Importance
Transglobal Leadership 3.40 3.77 -0.37
Citizenship Behavior 3.35 3.28 0.07
Employee Performance 3.39 3.33 0.06

Organizational citizenship behavior has entered Quadrant I and III. Its entry in
Quadrant I means that this variable is a factor or an attribute considered by customers as
important but is not yet well performed by organization. Quadrant II contains with transglobal
leadership, which makes this variable as important factor because it successfully satisfies
customers and is well performed by organization. One remaining variable, Employee
Performance, is found in Quadrant IV, which means that this indicator is considered as less
important by organization, but it is performed very good or excessively good.
Result of review indicates that organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) represents
the main priority scale to be improved. Employee Performance is a variable with exaggeration,
and thus, it would be better if organization allocates resources firstly to improve main priority
while still maintaining other variables favored by customers.

Result of Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP)

Functional hierarchy is very helpful to bring certain system into the expected direction.
Current research, thus, uses functional hierarchy. It involves five levels. First level is function,
represented by the analysis of performance development strategy that should be used by

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

cooperatives in East Java Province. Second level is criteria, which consists of four criteria,
such as K1, K2, K3 and K4. Third level is actor, and it contains four actors, shown by A1,
A2, A3, and A4. Fourth level is target which comprises of T1, T2, T3 and T4. Fifth level is
strategy alternative, and thus, the component includes Alt1, Alt2, Alt3, and Alt4.

Load Determination and Consistency Test

Criteria Loading
Four criteria determines performance development strategy for cooperatives in East Java
Province, and this include K1, K2, K3, and K4. The load of each criterion is counted using
Software Expert Choice. Load rate and consistency ratio of each criterion are indicated as

Table 5. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across Criteria
Criterion Load
C1 0.353
C2 0.316
C3 0.273
C4 0.058
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.008

Result of AHP on paired comparison matrix across criteria has produced Consistency Ratio
(CR) of 0.008, which means that the matrix could be said as consistent because CR is valued
< 10%. Criterion “C1” has the highest load of 0.353or 35.3%. Second position is Criterion
”C2” loaded at 0.316 (31.6%). Third place is Criterion ”C3” with load of 0.273 (27.3%).
Fourth rank is Criterion “C4” loaded at 0.058 (5.8%).

Actor Loading
The criteria are assessed by four actors shown by A1, A2, A3 and A4. Actor loading
is done with Software Expert Choice, and the result is indicated in the following table.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Table 6.
Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across Actors Based on
Criterion C1
Actor Load
A1 0.408
A2 0.288
A3 0.184
A4 0.120
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.002

The operation of AHP on paired comparison matrix across actors based on Criterion C1 has
resulted in Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.002, meaning that the matrix is consistent because
CR is < 10%. Actor “A1” has the highest load at 0.408 (40.8%).

Table 7. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Actors Based on Criterion C2
Actor Load
A1 0.410
A2 0.283
A3 0.180
A4 0.127
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.006

The result of AHP on paired comparison matrix across actors based on Criterion C1 indicates
Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.006, meaning that the matrix is consistent because CR is < 10%.
Actor “A1” gets the highest load at 0.410 (41.0%).

Table 8. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Actors Based on Criterion C3
Actor Load
A1 0.374
A2 0.302
A3 0.196

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

A4 0.128
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.002

Pursuant to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across actors based on Criterion C1,
Consistency Ratio (CR) is obtained as 0.002, which means that the matrix is consistent
because CR is < 10%. Actor “A1” attains the highest load at 0.374 (37.4%).
Table 9. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Actors Based on Criterion C4
Actor Load
A1 0.483
A2 0.278
A3 0.158
A4 0.081
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.002

Regarding to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across actors based on Criterion C1,
Consistency Ratio (CR) is derived as 0.002, meaning that the matrix is consistent because CR
is < 10%. Actor “A1” obtains the highest load at 0.483 (48.3%).

Target Loading
Four targets are available for each criterion. These targets include T1, T2, T3, and T4.
The process of target loading is supported by Software Expert Choice, and the result is shown
as following.

Table 10. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C1 and Actor A1
Target Load
T1 0.233
T2 0.278
T3 0.332
T4 0.157
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.002

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The operation of AHP on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion C1 and
Actor A1 has resulted in Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.002, meaning that the matrix is
consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.332 (33.2%) is gotten by Target “T3”.

Table 11. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C1 and Actor A2
Target Load
T1 0.352
T2 0.272
T3 0.247
T4 0.129
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.010

The result of AHP on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion C1 and
Actor A2 has indicated Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.010, which means that the matrix is
consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.352 (35.2%) is attained by Target “T1”.

Table 12. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C1 and Actor A3
Target Load
T1 0.306
T2 0.394
T3 0.120
T4 0.180
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.002

Pursuant to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion C1 and
Actor A3, Consistency Ratio (CR) has been obtained as 0.002, meaning that the matrix is
consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.394 (39.4%) has been achieved by
Target “T2”.

Table 13. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C1 and Actor A4
Target Load
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

T1 0.303
T2 0.402
T3 0.222
T4 0.073
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.010

Regarding to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion C1
and Actor 4, Consistency Ratio (CR) has been derived as 0.002, which means that the matrix
is consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.402 (40.2%) is obtained by Target
Table 14. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C2 and Actor A1
Target Load
T1 0.264
T2 0.253
T3 0.354
T4 0.129
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.000

The operation of AHP on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion
C2 and Actor 1 has resulted in Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.000, meaning that the matrix is
consistent because CR is < 10%. Target “T3” gets the highest load at 0.354 (35.4%).

Table 15. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C2 and Actor A2
Target Load
T1 0.352
T2 0.181
T3 0.243
T4 0.224
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.010

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The result of AHP on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion C2
and A2 indicates Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.010, which means that the matrix is consistent
because CR is < 10%. Target “T1” has the highest load at 0.352 (35.2%).

Table 16. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C2 and Actor A3
Target Load
T1 0.290
T2 0.390
T3 0.140
T4 0.180
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.002

Pursuant to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion
C2 and Actor A3, Consistency Ratio (CR) is obtained as 0.002, which means that the matrix
is consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.390 (39.0%) is attained by Target

Table 17. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C2 and Actor A4
Target Load
T1 0.302
T2 0.388
T3 0.135
T4 0.175
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.010

Regarding to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across targets based on

Criterion C2 and Actor A4, Consistency Ratio (CR) is derived as 0.010, meaning that the
matrix is consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.388 (38.8%) is achieved by
Target “T2”.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Table 18. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C3 and Actor A1
Target Load
T1 0.268
T2 0.249
T3 0.259
T4 0.224
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.000

The operation of AHP on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion
C3 and Actor A1 has resulted in Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.000, meaning that the matrix is
consistent because CR is < 10%. Target “T1” gets the highest load at 0.268 (26.8%).
Table 19. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C3 and Actor A2
Target Load
T1 0.302
T2 0.277
T3 0.247
T4 0.174
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.010
The result of AHP on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion C3
and Actor A2 has indicated Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.010, which means that the matrix is
consistent because CR is < 10%. Target “T1” has the highest load at 0.302 (30.2%).

Table 20. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C3 and Actor A3
Target Load
T1 0.290
T2 0.299
T3 0.220
T4 0.191
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.002

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Pursuant to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion
C3 and Actor A3, Consistency Ratio (CR) is obtained as 0.002, which means that the matrix
is consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.299 (29.9%) is attained by Target

Table 21. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C3 and Actor A4
Target Load
T1 0.303
T2 0.382
T3 0.140
T4 0.175
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.009

Regarding to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across targets based on

Criterion C3 and Actor A4, Consistency Ratio (CR) is derived as 0.009, meaning that the
matrix is consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.382 (38.2%) is achieved by
Target “T2”.

Table 22. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C4 and Actor A1
Target Load
T1 0.258
T2 0.239
T3 0.279
T4 0.224
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.000

The operation of AHP on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion
C4 and Actor A1 has resulted in Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.000, meaning that the matrix is
consistent because CR is < 10%. Target “T3” gets the highest load at 0.279 (27.9%).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Table 23. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C4 and Actor A2
Target Load
T1 0.352
T2 0.177
T3 0.247
T4 0.224
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.010

The result of AHP on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion C4
and Actor A2 indicates Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.010, which means that the matrix is
consistent because CR is < 10%. Target “T1” has the highest load at 0.352 (35.2%).
Table 24. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C4 and Actor A3
Target Load
T1 0.306
T2 0.294
T3 0.220
T4 0.180
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.002
Pursuant to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across targets based on Criterion
C4 and Actor A3, Consistency Ratio (CR) is obtained as 0.002, which means that the matrix
is consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.306 (30.6%) is attained by Target

Table 25. Load Rate and Consistency Ratio of Paired Comparison Matrix Across
Targets Based on Criterion C4 and Actor A4
Target Load
T1 0.303
T2 0.386
T3 0.236
T4 0.075
CR (Consistency Ratio) 0.009

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Regarding to AHP result on paired comparison matrix across targets based on

Criterion C4 and Actor A4, Consistency Ratio (CR) is derived as 0.009, meaning that the
matrix is consistent because CR is < 10%. The highest load at 0.386 (38.6%) is achieved by
Target “T2”.

Strategy Alternative Loading Based on Criteria

Strategy alternatives are compared based on criteria. The load of each strategy
alternative based on criteria is shown in the following table.

Table 26. Alternative Strategy Priority on Criteria

Alternative Strategy C1 C2 C3 C4
ALT1 0.230 0.280 0.282 0.260
ALT2 0.386 0.390 0.396 0.393
ALT3 0.188 0.142 0.141 0.160
ALT4 0.196 0.188 0.181 0.187
Consistency Ratio (CR) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

The result of AHP on paired comparison matrix across criteria has indicated
Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.002, which means that the matrix is consistent because CR is <
10%. It is also known that Alternative “Alt1” has the highest load in overall criteria, and
therefore, this alternative should be put into the topmost priority.

Key Priority / Overall Priority

Key Priority / Overall Priority is the final conclusion of some priorities determined
based on criteria, actors and targets. The loading of overall priority is shown in Table 27.
Table 27. Overall Priority
Strategy Alternative Load Priority
ALT1 0.232 2
ALT2 0.380 1
ALT3 0.189 4
ALT4 0.199 3

All results in Table 27 can be depicted into the following graphic.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Overall Priority

0.3 0.232
0.189 0.199




Figure 5. Graphic of Overall Priority

Based on loads in Table 27 and its depiction in Figure 5, the priority for strategy alternatives
can be ordered as follows:
1. ALT2
2. ALT1
3. ALT4
4. ALT3
If both table and figure above are reviewed more deeply, it is shown that second
alternative, ALT2, has the biggest overall load of 0.380 (38.0%) which means that this
strategy alternative must be put on first priority. Based on such analysis, some findings have
been derived. This current research has obtained the proper order of strategies for developing
organizational performance of cooperatives in East Java Province. Organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB) is a factor or also a priority scale that must be improved by the cooperative.
It is said so because OCB is a factor or an attribute considered as important by customers but
not well performed by the cooperative. In the other hand, transglobal leadership is a factor
considered by customers as important and successfully satisfying them, and has been
performed well by the cooperative. Employee performance is less important variable but is
performed by the cooperative in very good way or even with exaggeration.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a priority scale that must be improved
by the cooperative. Employee performance, conversely, is a variable with exaggeration. The
cooperative should allocate the existing resources to improve main priority while still keeping
other factors on customer expectation.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

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International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Anang Dwi Putransu Aspranawa

Universitas Islam Balitar Blitar

Abstract: The development of global’s era and competition targeting the world of
education requires universities is to try to improve the quality of education. It is
also not apart from the active role of the entire academic community to jointly
realize the quality culture. University managers are required to realize and improve
the quality of their institutions in order to respond to various challenges of
globalization, through the implementation of internal quality assurance system. The
academicians have the responsibility and the duty to create a culture of quality and
build a strong foundation to be able to compete at national and international level.
The Higher Education is an institution that organizes and realizes that what we
called “Tri Dharma PerguruanTinggi” which includes education and teaching,
research and community service based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia on
National Education System, number 20 year 2003, so the academic internal quality
assurance system must be held by each university.
Keywords:Quality assurance system, academic, Higher Education.

Perkembangan dewasa ini menunjukan semakin cepatnya perubahan disegala
bidang, akibat dari efek globalisasi serta pengembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat
akseeratif. Kondisi ini jelas mengakibatkan perlunya cara- cara baru dalam menyikapi
semua yang terjadi agar dapat tetap survive. Penekanan akan makin pentingnya yang
terbaik, yang bermutu dan yang berkualitas dengan standar mutu harus dimiliki. Salah satu
respon dalam menyikapi perubahan tersebut. memerlukan upaya- upaya untuk menciptakan
budaya mutu serta peningkatan dan pengendalian.
Dalam dunia pendidikan baik jenjang pendidikan formal maupun non formal yang
merupakan salah satu wadah untuk memproses membentuk dan menumbuh kembangkan
keahlian, ketrampilan dengan cara pandang berfikir secara intelek dan ilmiah.Memproses
bukan sekedar ucapan adu argumentasi melainkan meski dilaksanakan dan didukung dengan
bentuk nyata ketatalaksanaan/ kepengurusan atau lebih tepatnya disebut dengan Manajemen
yaitu suatu proses dalamrangkamencapaitujuanyang implementasinya bekerja bersama
melalui sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya selebihnya dalam suatu sistem yang terbentuk
pada organisasi tersebut.
Penyelenggaraan pendidikan dilingkungan perguruan tinggi merupakan bentuk
pengelolaan bidang manajemen pendidikan, utamanya dalam pengelolaan upaya pencapaian

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

tujuan yang telah ditetapkan, Pendidikan adalah sebuah organisasi, sebuah sistem, yang
didalamnya terdapat komponen sistem. Setiap komponen itu memiliki fungsinya yang
masing-masing saling terkait untuk pencapaian tujuan.Dalam Sisdiknas terdiir 3 (tiga) Standar
Nasional Pendikan Tinggi meliputi Standar Nasional Pendikan/Pemgajaran, Standar Nasional
Penelitian, Standar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang masing-masing ada 8
(delapan) komponen yang saling terkait, mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Riset Teknogi dan
PendidikanT inggiRepublik Indonesia No 44 Th 2015 tentangStandarNasional.

Fokus Kajian
Berdasarkangambaranlatarbelakang yang telahdisajikan, fokuskajian tentang sistem
penjaminan mutu akademik di perguruan tinggi dalam rincian sebagai berikut:
1. Bagaimana Pelaksanaan Penjamian Mutu Internal Bidang Akademik ?
2. Bagaimana PenetapanStandarMutuPendidikan ?
3. BagaimanapelaksanaanEvaluasi Standar MutuPendidikan ?
4. BagiamanapelaksanaanPeningkatan dan Pengendalian Standar Mutu Pendidikan ?

Tujuan dan Kegunaan

Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah: untuk mendeskripsikan secara rinci tentang Sistem
Manajemen Penjaminan Mutu Internal di perguruan tinggi, meliputi:
1. Pelaksanaan Penjamian Mutu Internal Bidang Akademik
2. Penetapan Standar Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi.
3. Evaluasi Standar MutuPendidikantinggi.
4. Peningkatan dan Pengendalian Standar Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi.
KegunaanTeoritis: Menambah wawasan teori tentang sistem manajemen penjaminan
mutu akademik di perguruan tinggi, sedangkan kegunaan praktis adalah:
1. BagiPerguruanTinggisecaraumum yang masih dalam tahap nilai minimal secara
konsepsual dapat memberikan masukan serta dapat digunakan mengembangkan mutu.
2. Bagi Lembaga dan/atau Unit Penjaminan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi dapat digunakan
referensi konsep model penjaminan mutu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan
3. Bagi peneliti lanjutan hasil kajian ini dapatmemberikangambaran secara deskriptif
mengenaisistem penjaminan mutu akademik dilingkungan perguruan tinggi.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Konsep Mutu
Pemahaman sederhana dengan secara singkat pengertian “Mutu” dapat disebutkan
dengan berbagai istilah dalam kalimattergantung dari kegunaan padapenerapan
rangkaian/sistem kata dalam tata bahasanya dan cara memaknainya. Mutu dapat di
artikan: sesuai standar, sesuaiharapan, sesuai perjanjian’ sesuai persyaratan dan lain-
lainya. Untuk memastikan arti mutu dalam keterangan diatas perlu diketahui lebih dulu
asal bahasanya, Secara etimologis kata “Mutu” berasal dari bahasa latin “Qualis”yang
berarti “what kind of” dalam arti mutu memiliki arti yang bervariasi. Untuk lebih lengkap
dan etisnya disamping dengan pernyataan diatas di kutipkan beberapa pendapat
pengertian mutu.
Menurut Jay Schlickman, 2003:19; “Mutu merupakan sesuatu yang tidak mutlak
tetapi lebih kepada apa yang dapat diterima dari sisi pelanggan, hanya saja mutu tidak
hanya berdasarkan atas apa yang dibutuhkan oleh pelanggan tetapi juga berdasarkan atas
apa yang pelanggan harapkan”. Menurut Juran (1989) “Mutu adalah kecocokan dengan
produk”, menurut Goetsch dan Davis (1994) mendifinisikan mutu atau kualitas suatu
kondisi dinamis yang berhubungan dengan produk jasa, manusia, proses dan lingkungan
yang memenuhi atau melebihi harapan, ISO 9000:2000 dalam buku Hoyle (2007:10):
“mutu adalah kemampuan serangkaian karakteristik yang dimiliki produk untuk
memenuhi persyaratan/kebutuhan”.
Dari beberapa pendapat jika di analisa terdapat 2 (dua) aspek, pertama sesuai
dengan spesifikasi dan/atau standar yang telah ditetapkan, Kedua pemenuhan kebutuhan
produk barang/jasa terhadap pengguna. jadi dapat disebutkan bahwa Mutu adalah hasil
dari suatu proses produksi yang dihasilkan berupa barang dan/atau jasa sesuai dengan
standar yang telah ditetapkan guna pemenuhan akan kebutuhan bagi pengguna pemakai
dan/atau yang berkepentingann. Dan aplikatipnya mutu terhadap pendidikan khususnya
dilingkungan perguruan tinggi adalah tingkat kesesuaian antara penyelenggaraan
pendidikan tinggi dengan Standar Pendidikan Tinggi yang telah ditetapkan

Memastikan bahwa semua karakteristik dan kinerja sesuai dengan
standar/harapan/persyaratan disebut dengan penjaminan mutu (Quality Assurance).
Berdasarkan buku pedoman penjaminan mutu perguruan tinggi difinisi penjaminan mutu

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

di kelompokan menjadi 2 (dua) yaitu arti penjaminan mutu umum dan arti penjaminan
mutu khusus.
Penjaminan mutu pengertian umumadalah proses penetapan dan pemenuhan
standar mutu pengelolaan secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan, sehingga konsumen,
produsen, dan pihak lain yang berkepentingan memperoleh kepuasan. Sedangkan
penjaminan mutu dalam arti khusus Pendidikan Tinggi adalah proses penetapan dan
pemenuhan standar mutu pengelolaan pendidikan tinggi secara konsisten dan
berkelanjutan, sehingga stakeholders (mahasiswa, orang tua, dunia kerja, pemerintah,
dosen, tenaga penunjang, serta pihak lain yang berkepentingan) memperoleh kepuasan.
Pengelolaan dan pengendalian mutuyang dilakukan oleh pihak internal perguruan
tinggi, dalam rangka untuk memberikan penjaminan mutu pada semua aspek yang terkait
dengan layanan pendidikan yangdiberikan diharapkan dapat mencapaisuatu standar
mutu,“Perguruan tinggi dinyatakan bermutu dan berkualitas apabila penyelenggaraan
perguruan tinggimampu menyesuaikan dengan standar yang ditetapkan berdasarkan visi
dan kebutuhan daripara pihak yang berkepentingan (stakeholders)” Dir. Akademik Dirjen
Dikti, (2009).
Melengkapi uraian diatas dikutipkan beberapa pendapat menurut Elliot (1993):
“penjaminan kualitas adalah seluruh rencana dan tindakan sistematis yang penting untuk
menyediakan kepercayaan yang digunakan untuk memuaskan kebutuhan tertentu”. Dan
kebutuhan tersebut merupakan refleksi dari kebutuhan pelanggan. Sedangkan menurut
Gryna (1988), penjaminan kualitas merupakan kegiatan untuk memberikan bukti-bukti
untuk membangun kepercayaan bahwa kualitas dapat berfungsi secara efektif. Diperjelas
Cartin (1999:312) dalam batasanya sebagai berikut: “Quality Assurance is all planned
and systematic activities implemented within the the quality system that can be
demonstrated to provide confidence that a product or service will fulfill requirements for
Berdasarkan beberapa difinisi tersebut, dapat dipahami bahwa penjaminan mutu
(quality assurance) secara universal adalah proses penetapan dan pemenuhan standar
mutu dengan pengelolaan secara konsisten, sistematis dan berkelanjutan, sehingga
konsumen, produsen, dan pihak lain yang berkepentingan memperoleh kepuasan dan
kepercayaaan terhadap produk yang ditawarkan. Secara khusus bidang pendidikan
dilingkungan perguruan Tinggi, Penjaminan mutu (quality assurance) adalah proses
perencanaan, penetapan, pengendalian, dan pengembangan standar mutu pengelolaan
pendidikan tinggi secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan, sehingga stakeholders internal

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

(mahasiswa, dosen dan karyawan) dan eksternal (masyarakat, dunia usaha, asosiasi
profesi, pemerintah) dari perguruan tinggi memperoleh kepuasan” (Direktorat Akademik
Dikti; 2009).

SistemPenjaminanMutuPendidikanTinggi (SPM-PT)
Struktur Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi (SPM-PT) diklasifikasi
menjadi 2 (dua) susunan: Pertama, Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI):
merupakan kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanakan, pengendalian , dan pemgembangan
mutu pendidikan yang dilakukan oleh institusi perguruan tinggi sendiri dengan parameter
dan metoda mengukur hasil ditetapkan sesuai visi dan misi perguruan tinggi. Kedua,
Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Eksternal (SPME) merupakan kegiatan perencanakan,
pelaksanaan, pegendalian, dan pengembangan oleh Lembaga akreditasi (Nasional: antara
lain BAN PT dan/atau LAM, Internasional

Guna memperoleh gambaran secara utuh dan benar tentang Sistem Penjaminan
Mutu Akademik Perguruan Tinggi, serta memperoleh hasil kajian yang bermanfaat.
Metode dan Teknik Kajian menggunakan ScientificGrounded Theory Approach adalah
sebuahmetodekajianteori yang berorientasitindakan/interaksi. Analisis kualitatifdalam
alurnyadilakukandenganmembaca,mengamati, menalar dan mengkajibagian-bagian dari
seperangkatteks (catatanlapangan, transkripwawancara, dan/ataudokumen-dokumen yang
relevanmengacupadasumberrujukan), yang secaraseksamajuga dilakukan kajian -ulang
untuk membuktikan kebenarannya.
Diperjelas dengan pendapatnyasosiolog Barney Glaser dan Anselm Strauss(1978)
Grounded Theory Approach merupakan “metode ilmiah karena prosedur kerjanya yang
dirancang secara cermat sehingga memenuhi keriteria metodeilmiah. Keriteria dimaksud
adalah adanya signikansi, kesesuaian antara teori dan observasi, dapat digeneralisasikan,
dapat diteliti ulang, adanya ketepatan dan ketelitian, serta bisa dibuktikan”.
Pendekatan system (system approach) menggunakan teknikGrounded Theoryyang
meliputitigatahapyakniopen coding, axial codingdanselective coding. Langkah langkah kajian
melalui 4 (empat) tahapan : (1) Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode libery
Research yaitu Studi Dokumen, (2)mendeskripsikan konsep-konsep (3) Reduksi data (data
reduction) identifikasi data dengan menggolongkan, mengarahkan, memfokuskan,
pengkodean dan mengorganisasikan (4) Penarikan kesimpulan (Conclusion drawing), hasil

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

kajian data disimpulkan yang merupakan hasil akhir kajian yang telah menjawab dalam
suatu masalah yang dirumuskan dan tujuan kajian.


Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI-PT)

Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI-PT), yaitu kegiatan sistemik penjaminan
mutu pendidikan tinggi oleh setiap perguruan tinggi secara otonom atau mandiri untuk
mengendalikan dan meningkatkan penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi secara berencana
dan berkelanjutan.Tata kelola penjaminan mutu internal didasarkan atas 2 (dua)
Dokumen, yaitu (1) Dokumen akademikmemuat tentang arah/kebijakan, visi-misi,
standar pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian pada masyarakat, serta Pedoman
Akademik yang memuat: peraturan akademik, Capaian Pembelajaran,
KompetensiLulusan, Learning Outcome. (2) Dokumen mutu: sebagai instrumen untuk
mencapai dan memenuhi standar yang telah ditetapkan, Subtansi Dokumen mutu terdiri
dari Kebijakan mutu, manual prosedur, instruksi kerja, dokumen pendukung, dan borang
sebagai rencana atau standar dokumen akademik
Dilaksanakan Penjaminan Mutu Internal Perguruan Tinggi bertujuan menjamin
pemenuhan Standar Pendidikan Tinggi secara sistemik, dengan harapan dapat menumbuh
kembangkan budaya mutu yang berkelanjutan, disamping itu pula berfungsi
mengendalikan penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi yang bermutu.

Pelaksanaan Penjaminan Mutu Internal Bidang Akademik

Implementasi SPMI bidang akademik adalah tindakan konkrit setiap perguruan
tinggi yang di awali dari penyusunan dan penetapan standar mutu pendidikan terhadap
seluruh Dokumen SPMI meliputi; Dokumen Mutu Kebijakan, Dokumen Mutu Manual,
Dokumen Mutu Standar, dan Dokumen Mutu Formulir. Disamping itu dilakukan
Sistempenjaminanmutu Internal secara berjenjang mulai Institusi (Universitas), Fakultas,
hinggajurusan/ program studidan/atau unit lainya,Dalam buku pedoman Sistem
penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan tinggi (2017) disebutkan bahwa pelaksanaan penjaminan
mutu digambarkan sebuah siklus yang mencakup Penetapan, Pelaksanaan, Evaluasi
pelaksanaan, Pengendalian, dan Peningkatan (PPEPP) Standar Dikti sebagaimana
dimaksud dalam perundang undangan, yang digambarkan sebagai berikut:

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

P= Penetapan Standar Pendidikan Tinggi
P P P= Pelaksanaan Standar Pendidikan Tinggi
E= EvaluasiStandar Pendidikan Tinggi
P= Pengendalian Standar Pendidikan Tinggi
E \
P P= Peningkatan Standar Pendidikan Tinggi

Gambar: Siklus Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI)

Sumber: Kemenristek Dikti Dirjen Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Direktorat
Penjaminan Mutu 2017.

Secara umum yang dimaksud dengan penjaminan mutu adalah proses penetapan dan
pemenuhan standar pengelolaan secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan sehingga
pemangkukepentinganmemperoleh kepuasan. Sebagaidasar standard
mutupendidikansangatdiperlukanbagipenjaminanmutuperguruantinggi, karena (1)
Standarmerupakanacauan dasar dalam rangka mewujudkan visi dan menjalankan
misinya.(2) standar juga dimaksudkan memacu agar dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya
dalam memberikan layanan yang bermutu dan sebagai perangkat untuk mendorong
terwujudnya transparansi dan akuntabilitas publik dalam penyelenggaraan tugas pokoknya,
(3) Standar mutu juga merupakan kompetensi/kualitas-mutuyang dituntut dari lulusan,
yang dapat diukur dan dapat diuraikan menjadi parameter dan indikator.
Standar Pendidikan Tinggi yang ditetapkan dan digunakan sebagai pedoman dasar
pelaksanaan proses penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi dalam kontek Sistem penjaminan
mutu Internal ada yang diatur/ditetapkan Pemerintah melalui Kemenristek Dikti atau
lembaga lain yang dilegaskan.Selain itu terdapat Standar mutu pendidikan tinggi yang
diatur/ditetapkan non pemerintah berupa standar mutu pendidikam dariluarnegeri.
Standar Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi bagi
PerguruanTinggi, seperti Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi (SN-DIKTI), Badan
Akreditasi Nasional Peguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) dan/atau standard
mutupendidikandariluarnegeriantara lain:ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance
(AUN-QA), Japanese Accreditation Board Engineering Education (JABEE),, ASIIN
( Akkreditierungsagenturfür Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik,
der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik) dan lain-lain, yang secara universal
masing-masing standar tersebut tidak banyak berbeda satu dengan lainnya karena
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

subtansinya memuat unsur-unsur aktivitas yang menjadikan peguruan tinggi yang

Perguruan tinggi memiliki otonomi untuk memilih, merumuskan dan menetapkan
sendiri standar mutu yang akan dijadikan pedoman. Berbagai macam cara yang dapat
dilakukan serta rujukan yang bisa digunakan sebagai pilihan standar mutu pendidikan
tinggi, tetapi yang perlu diperhatikan dan sifatnya baku, bahwa atas pilihan tersebut harus
sesuai dengan karakteristik Perguruan Tinggi yang bersangkutan, dalam arti jumlah butir
standar untuk setiap jenis standar akan ditentukan oleh perguruan tinggi harus disesuaikan
dengan visi, kebutuhan stakeholders serta urgensi dan kemampuan perguruan
tinggi/program studi yang bersangkutan.

Evaluasi Standar MutuPendidikanTinggi.

Evaluasi mutu pendidikan tinggi merupakan tindakan sistematik menghimpun
dan mengolah data dari hasil pelaksanaan penerapan standar mutu pendidikan. Tujuan
evaluasi adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan mutu pendidikan sedangkan kegunaan
evaluasi dapat digunakan kerangka dasar perumusan peningkatan dan pengendalian mutu
Evaluasi mutu akademik dapat dilakukan dengan kegiatan monitoring internal
(MONEFIN) dan Audit Mutu Internal (AMI). Implementasi Monitoring dan Audit Mutu
Internal dalam satuan pendidikan tinggi dilakukan oleh unit organisasi internal independen
Penjaminan Mutu sedangkan dalam monotoring dan Audit Mutu Eksternal dilakukan oleh
unit organisasi independen dari luar seperti Badan Akreditasi Negara Perguruan Tinggi
(BAN-PT) atau organisasi lainya.Kegiatan Monitoring dan Audit Mutu Internal aktivitas
op-rasionalnya berupa angket (mengedarkan kuisioner) kepada sivitas akademika
(mahasiswa, dosen (tenaga pendidik) dan Tenaga non pendidik dalam setiap semester 1
(satu) atau 2 (dua) kali kegiatan evaluasi.

Pengendaliandan PeningkatanStandarMutuPendidikanTinggi.
Di dalam kerangka pengawalan dan memonetor kegiatan akademik berupa
perwujudan Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi meliputi pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian
masyarakat dalam proses pemenuhan standar, perludilakukan pemantauan dengan
aktivitas pengendalian pelaksanaan standar mutu pendidikan. Melalui
pengendaliankinerja satuan pendidikan selalu terpantau sehingga menjadi efektifdan

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Dalam buku pedoman Sistem penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan tinggi (2017)

disebutkan “Terdapat beberapa jenis tindakan korektif sebagai langkah Pengendalian
Pelaksanaan Standar Dikti, yaitu mulai dari penyelenggaraan rapat pimpinan yang khusus
membahas hasil evaluasi hingga penjatuhan tindakan korektif tertentu,misalny ainstruksi,
teguran, peringatan, penghentian perbuatan/kegiatan, investigasi atau pemeriksaan
mendalam,dan penjatuhan sanksi ringan, sedang, hinggaberat”
Perbaikan danp engembangan yang berkelanjutan dalam konteks peningkatan
standar rmerupakan Kegiatan yang disebut continuous quality improvement, dan
dilakukan apabila Standar Dikti telah terpenuhi. Yang secara umum untuk mengukur
hasil pencapaian terhadap standard utu yang ditetapkan, ada 2 (dua) pertanyaan mendasar
dalam proses perbaikan dan pengembangan berkelanjutan: (1) Apakah kegiatan
akademik telah dijalankan sesuai standar? (Evaluasi Diri) (2) Bagaimanacara terbaik
penyesuaian terhadap standar mutu yang telah ditetapkan (KoreksiRencanaTindakan),
TEK dan tuntutan kebutuhan pemangku kepentingan.Perbaikan dan pengembangan yang
dijalankan merupakan peningkatan sasaran mutu yang dapat dilakukan setiap tahun
akademik dari hasil monitoring dan Audit Mutu Internal (AMI).

Berdasarkan hasil kajian yang telah disajikan sebelumnya, maka dapat diatarik
kesimpulan mengenai sistem penjaminan mutu internal bidang akademik adalah sebagai
1. Pelaksanaan penjaminan mutu Internal bidang akademik digambarkan sebuah siklus
yang mencakup Penetapan, Pelaksanaan, Evaluasi pelaksanaan, Pengendalian, dan
2. PenetapanstandarmutuPedidikanTinggimemiliki otonomi untuk memilih,
merumuskan dan menetapkan sendiri standar mutu yang akan dijadikan pedoman.
Berbagai macam cara yang dapat dilakukan serta rujukan yang bisa digunakan
sebagai pilihan standar mutu pendidikan tinggi, tetapi yang perlu diperhatikan dan
sifatnya baku, bahwa atas pilihan tersebut harus sesuai dengan karakteristik
Perguruan Tinggi yang bersangkutan, dalam arti jumlah butir standar untuk setiap
jenis standar akan ditentukan oleh perguruan tinggi harus disesuaikan dengan visi,
kebutuhan stakeholders serta urgensi dan kemampuan perguruan tinggi/program studi
yang bersangkutan.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

3. Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Standar MutuPendidikantinggi dapat dilakukan dengan

kegiatan monitoring internal (MONEVIN) dan Audit Mutu Internal (AMI).
Implementasi Monitoring dan Audit Mutu Internal dalam satuan pendidikan tinggi
dilakukan oleh unit organisasi internal independen Penjaminan Mutu sedangkan
dalam monotoring dan Audit Mutu Eksternal dilakukan oleh unit organisasi
independen dari luar seperti Badan Akreditasi Negara Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT)
atau organisasi lainya.
4. Pengendaliandan PeningkatanStandarMutuPendidikanTinggi
Proses pemenuhan standar, perludilakukan pemantauan dengan aktivitas
pengendalian berupa tindakan korektifakan mendapatkan hasil efektifdan efisien.
ndarDikti, antara lain: instruksi, teguran, peringatan, penghentian perbuatan/kegiatan,
investigasi atau pemeriksaan mendalam,dan penjatuhan sanksi ringan, sedang,
hinggaberat” Perbaikan dan pengembangan yang berkelanjutan dalam konteks
peningkatan standard merupakan Kegiatanyang disebut continuous quality
improvement,dilakukan apabila Standar Dikti telah terpenuhi.


Cartin, Thomas J. 1999. Principles and Practices of Organizational Performance. Excellence.

Wisconsin: ASQ Quality Press.
Ditjen Dikti. 2003, Pedoman Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi,Departemen Pendidikan
Nasional, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi
Direktorat Akademik Dirjen Dikti, 2009, Praktik Baik Dalam Penjaminan MutuPendidikan
tinggi Buku XIII Manajemen Kelembagaan DepartemenPendidikan Nasional
Elliot.1993. “Management of Quality in Computing Systems Education: ISO
Goetsch, D.L & Davis, S, 1994 Introduction to Total Quality, Quality,
Productivity,Competitiveness, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall International Inc
Hoyle, David.,2007. Quality. ManagemantEssentials. Jordan Hill: Elseiver Limited
Jay Schlickman 2003; GLP Quality Audit Manual, 3rd Edition.
Joseph M. Juran. 1989. Quality Control Handbook. New York. Mc. Grow Hill
Jackson, N. 1998 Understanding standard based qualitative assurance part II, nuts bolts of
dearing policy work. Qualitative assurance in education v6
_______________. 2015. Peraturan Menteri Riset dan Teknologi Pendidikan Tinggi,nomor
44 tahun 2015 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan
_________________. 2017. Kemenristek Dikti Dirjen Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan
Direktorat Penjaminan Mutu 2017

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Anas Ahmadi
Program Doktor-Universitas Negeri Malang

Abstrak: Sastra lisan sebagai local knowledge merupakan warisan budaya

yang harus dipertahankan agar tidak tergerus oleh modernisme. Salah satu
sastr alisan yang mulai ditinggalkan adalah Sastra Lisan Jawa. Padahal,
melalui Sastra lisan Jawa tersebut unsure pendidikan karakter dan humanism
banyak tertanam di dalamnya. Karenaitu, dalam tulisan ini dieksplorasi
penguatan pendidikan karakter dan humanism dalamSastra Lisan Jawa.

Kata kunci: sastra lisan Jawa, penguatan pendidikan karakter, humanisme

Saat ini, pamor bahasa Jawa mulai menggeliat lagi. Padahal, jika kita merunut ke
belakang, sekitar tahun 2004-an, muncul wacana penghilangan bahasa Jawa sebagai muatan
lokal di SMP. Hal tersebut semakin menguat dengan wacana yang menyatakan bahwa
Jurusan/Prodi Bahasa Jawa akan ditutup. Hal tersebut disebabkan peminat bahasa Jawa
semakin berkurang. Mengapa demikian? Karena wacana yang merebak di kalangan
masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa pengangkatan CPNS dari guru bahasa Jawa akan ditutup
seiring dengan dihilangkannya mata pelajaran bahasa Jawa di sekolah. Wacana tersebut tidak
hanya berimbas pada masyarakat umum, tetapi dosen pengajar di Jurusan Bahasa Jawa juga
sempat kelabakan dan bingung sebab mereka akan dipindah ke jurusan lain.
Namun, kebingungan dan ketakutan itu tidak berlalu lama sebab saat ini kondisinya
sudah berubah. Kini, pemerintah membuka lagi lowongan CPNS untuk guru bahasa Jawa.
Mata pelajaran bahasa Jawa dimunculkan lagi. Bahkan, di Surabaya ada sekolah yang
memiliki hari wajib berbahasa Jawa. Mengapa demikian? Saat ini sedang mengemuka
konsepsi berpikir global, bertindak lokal (act local, think global). Karena itu, optimalisasi
kelokalan sangatlah diperlukan agar masyarakat (Jawa) Indonesia mampu bersaing di kancah
Jika ditilik lebih jauh, bahasa Jawa yang merupakan bahasa daerah menduduki
peringkat ke-12 dunia dengan 75,6 juta penutur (Kisyani, 2009:4). Karena itu, seharusnya kita
bangga menggunakan bahasa Jawa. Bahkan, dalam ceramah di hari pendidikan nasional di
salah satu televisi swasta, tanggal 20 Mei 2010, Emha Ainun Najib mengungkapkan dengan
lantang bahwa bahasa Jawa layak diusulkan menjadi bahasa PBB. Mengapa demikian?

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Karena bahasa Jawa merupakan bahasa yang kompleks dan mempunyai banyak khasanah
Bertolak dari itu, pemantapan bahasa Jawa sangat diperlukan. Salah satu di antaranya
adalah menggunakan bahasa Jawa sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam pendidikan. Hal itu sejalan
dengan pandangan Alwi (2000:69) yang mengungkapkan bahwa bahasa Jawa bisa digunakan
sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam pendidikan. Jika hal tersebut berjalan dengan baik, bahasa
Jawa bisa menjadi medium pengetahuan semesta dan pengetahuan budaya (Muadz, 2000:77).
Dengan begitu, pemantapan bahasa Jawa memiliki dua sisi yang sangat bagus, yakni
pengetahuan dan pemeliharaan kebudayaan lokal (local culture) Goodenough, 1981:97) dan
pengetahuan lokal (local knowledge) (Geertz, 2003).
Penanganan yang serius terhadap bahasa Jawa memang mulai digalakkan sebab saat
ini masyarakat Indonesia kecenderungan (1) lebih tertarik menggunakan bahasa asing
(terutama bahasa Inggris) daripada menggunakan bahasa daerah; (2) pesatnya pengetahuan
dan teknologi semakin mengikis identitas kedaerahan; (3) penggunaan bahasa Jawa di
kalangan anak-anak kecil mulai tergantikan dengan bahasa nasional dan/atau bahasa asing;
dan (4) kurangnya minat dan perhatian di kalangan generasi muda sekarang ini terhadap
kebudayaan daerahnya merupakan hambatan yang belum dapat diatasi dalam rangka
mewujudkan bahasa Jawa dalam hubungannya dengan bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat
pendukung kebudayaan daerah (Taha, 2000:34). Sejalan dengan pandangan Thomas &
Wareing (1999:185), pemikiran yang stigmatis terhadap bahasa tersebut akan memengaruhi
pola budaya (pattern of culture) masyarakat. Karena itu, jika dibiarkan, pemikiran yang
stigmatis terhadap bahasa Jawa semakin lama akan mengikis eksistensi budaya Jawa di masa
yang akan datang.
Sebenarnya, pemantapan terhadap bahasa Jawa dalam rangka pelestarian bahasa
daerah yang mulai terkikis sudah sangat bagus dilakukan oleh seluruh segmen masyarakat,
mulai dari pemerintah, peneliti, dan masyarakat. Namun, ada satu celah kecil yang belum
terbidik dengan optimal dan hampir terlupakan, yaitu sastra lisan Jawa. Karena itu, tidak salah
jika Hutomo (1991) menyatakan mutiara yang terlupakan untuk penyebutan terhadap sastra
lisan Jawa yang mulai dilupakan dan terlupakan oleh masyarakat Jawa. Bertolak dari
fenomena itu, dalam tulisan ini difokuskan pada pembelajaran sastra lisan Jawa di sekolah
sebagai alternatif pendidikan karakter (character education).
Sastra Lisan Jawa Masa Kini
Sastra lisan pada hakikatnya ialah sastra yang diperdengarkan (Bartlett, 1965:244--
245). Karena itu, ciri penanda sastra lisan, yakni (1) anonim, (2) materi cerita kolektif,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

tradisional, dan berfungsi khas bagi masyarakatnya, (3) memunyai bentuk tertentu dan varian,
(4) berkaitan dengan kepercayaan, dan (5) hidup pada masyarakat yang belum mengenal
tulisan (Hutomo, 1986:1). Saat ini, pembicaraan sastra lisan mulai mengemuka seiring
dengan munculnya konsepsi tentang kearifan lokal (local wisdom) (Ahmadi, 2010:17) yang
berusaha menggali dunia lokal agar tidak hilang dan tergerus oleh arus modernisme yang
Sejak lama, sastra lisan Jawa telah menyedot perhatian orang. Karena itu, sastra lisan
dipandang memeliki keunikan. Dilihat dari aspek bentuk maupun kandungan makna, sastra
lisan memiliki perbedaan dengan sastra tulis. Peranan sastra lisan dalam pembentukan budaya
masyarakat Jawa sangat menonjol. Karena sastra lisan jawa merupakan warisan leluhur, di
dalamnya tertanam pesan leluhur yang istimewa (Endraswara, 2005:14). Dengan demikian,
kekuatan sastra lisan Jawa memang benar-benar memberikan efek filosofis yang mendalam
bagi masyarakat Jawa (sebagai masyarakat kolektif).
Di era modernisme sekarang ini, sastra lisan Jawa mengalami dua hal besar. Pertama,
pergeseran masyarakat pendukung. Jika dulu, banyak yang menyukai sastra lisan Jawa, tetapi
sekarang berkurang seiring dengan kepesatan teknologi (TV, internet, dan HP), budaya lokal
(local culture), pengetahuan lokal (local knowledge), dan kearifan lokal (local wisdom) mulai
ditinggalkan Dunia yang kini serba virtual dan digital menggiring manusia ke arah budaya
massa (populer culture) yang akan membuat individu menjadi manusia superior (Ahmadi,
2010:460). Penganut ketradisionalan kini akan dianggap sebagai individu-individu yang
inferior. Dengan begitu, tidak menutup kemungkinan, generasi muda di masa depan tidak
mengenal lagi pantun (parikan), peribahasa (bebasan), ataupun cerita rakyat (crito rakyat).
Mereka hanya kenal dengan tokoh modern, misal Harry Potter, Superman, Transformer yang
kesemuanya berbau asing. Mereka tidak kenal dengan tokoh Bawang Merah dan Bawang
Putih, Sarip Tambak Oso, Nyi Roro Kidul.
Kedua, sastra lisan Jawa mengalami tranformasi. Pentransformasian sastra lisan
tersebut dilakukan oleh para pencerita/tukang cerita dan atau masyarakat dengan cara
mengganbungkan ketradisionalan dengan kemodernan, misal penceritaan sastra lisan
menggunakan media panggung boneka. Dengan begitu, diharapkan anak-anak yang
mendengarkan sastra lisan tidak jenuh sebab ada media tambahan, yakni boneka. Selain itu,
sastra lisan juga dibukukan agar tidak punah. Dalam konteks ini, sastra lisan tersebut disebut
dengan istilah sastra lisan sekunder.
Terobosan-terobosan yang mengusung sastra lisan Jawa kini diperkuat oleh berbagai
pihak dengan harapan sastra lisan Jawa tetap eksis di masa datang. Terobosan tersebut, yakni

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

perlombaan sastra lisan Jawa di sekolah dan/atau di kampus Jurusan Bahasa Jawa; kongres
Bahasa Jawa; dan pemberian penghargaan pada anak-anak muda/orang yang berprestasi di
bidang kesastralisanan Jawa. Dengan begitu, pandangan Koentjaraningrat (1992:118) tentang
sastra daerah Jawa adalah kesusastraan terbesar dan terpanjang di bandingkan dengan sastra
daerah lainnya.

Pembelajaran Sastra Lisan Jawa di Sekolah sebagai Alternatif Pembentukan Karakter

Pantun (Parikan)
Istilah parikan memang asli Jawa. Parikan identik dengan pantun dalam bahasa
Indonesia. Karena genre ini memuat banyak pari, kemudian disebut dengan parikan (artinya;
memuat banyak pari). Di dalamnya terkandung sampiran dan isi (Endraswara, 2005:59).
Parikan tersebut merepresentasikan pendidikan karakter di dalamnya. Pendidikan karakter
yang muncul dalam parikan adalah salah satu alternatif pembentukan pendidikan karakter
pada anak-anak di sekolah.
Berkait dengan pendidikan karakter, Hidayatullah (2010:13) memaparkan bahwa
pendidikan karakter berkait dengan kualitas atau kekuatan mental seseorang yang berbeda
dengan orang lain. Lebih jauh, Baedhowi mengungkapkan bahwa pendidikan karakter secara
universal, antara lain (1) kedamaian (peace), (2) menghargai (respect), (3) kerja sama
(cooperation), (4) kebebasan (freedom), (5) kebahagiaan (happines), (6) jujur (honesty), (7)
kerendahan hati (huminity), (8) kasih sayang (love), (9) tanggung jawab (responsibility), dan
(10) kesederhanaan (simplicity), (11) toeleransi (tolerance), dan (12) persatuan (unity)
(Baedhowi, 2010:3). Berikut dipaparkan contoh parikan yang didalamnya merepresentasikan
pendidikan karakter (Daryanto, 1999:143—144).

Manuk tuhu menclok pager

Yen sinau mesthi pinter

Ngasah arit nganthi landhep

Dadi murid kudu sing sregep

Jemek-jemek gulo jawa

Aja sok ngenyek karo kanca

Parikan Manuk tuhu menclok pager, Yen sinau mesthi pinter (burung Tuhu hinggap di
pagar, jika belajar, pasti pintar) merepresentasikan pendidikan karakter kegigihan dalam
belajar. Jika belajar, pastilah pintar. Filosofi tersebut sangat dalam sebab saat ini kebanyakan
murid-murid lebih suka nge-game daripada belajar. Mereka –para murid-- lebih disibukkan
dengan dunia maya (facebook-an, chatting-an, BBM-an) yang sekarang sedang menjadi trend
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

di Indonesia. Jika tidak mengikuti trend seperti itu, mereka dianggap jadul/ketinggalan
zaman, kuper. ParikanNgasah arit nganthi landhe, Dadi murid kudu sing sregep (Mengasah
sabit sampai tajam, Jadi murid harus rajin). Parikan tersebut merepresentasikan pendidikan
karakter yang berkait dengan kerajinan/keuletan dalam menimba ilmu di sekolah. Parikan
Jemek-jemek gulo jawa, Aja sok ngenyek karo kanca (becek-becek gula jawa, jangan
menghina sesama teman) merepresentasikan pendidikan karakter toeleransi dengan sesama
teman. Dengan begitu, sesama teman mereka tidak mudah bermusuhan/bertengkar satu sama
lain. Selain itu, pendidikan karakter rasa persatuan dengan sesama teman pun muncul dalam
parikan tersebut.

Pepatah (Bebhasan)
Pepatah (bebhasan) merupakan perumpamaan/ungkapan-ungkapan rakyat yang
memiliki nilai filosofis. Bebhasan tersebut dituturkan oleh orang tua sebagai (1) wejangan
luhur yang diberikan kepada anak-anaknya berkait dengan masalah duniawi atau ukhrowi dan
(2) sindiran/kritikan terhadap orang yang akan/telah melakukan perbuatan yang dianggap
melanggar etika masyarakat. Melalui bebhasan, diharapkan orang yang melanggar tersebut
tidak merasa terlalu dihakimi.

Sluman slumun slamet

Tandang tanduke tansah ngati-ati

Sepi ing pamrih rame ing gawe

Tumandang gawe tanpa duwek melik

Pager mangan tanduran

Dipercaya malah ngrusak

Becik ketitik ala ketara

Becik ala bakal ketara ing mburine

Esuk dele, sore tempe

Ora teteg atine

Bebhasan-bebhasan tersebut merepresentasikan pendidikan karakter sebagai berikut.

Bebhasan Sluman slumun slamet, Tandang tanduke tansah ngati-ati (sluman slumun slamet,
tindak tanduknya selalu berhati-hati) merepresentasikan pendidikan karakter keberhati-hatian
dalam melakukan segala tindakan. Hal tersebut sangatlah perlu dilakukan agar kita tidak
melanggar etika di masyarakat. BebhasanSepi ing pamrih rame ing gawe, Tumandang gawe
tanpa duwek melik (sepi di pamrih, ramai di pekerjaan, bekerja tanpa mengharapkan imbalan
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

yang besar) merepresentasikan pendidikan karakter kerendahhatian. Meskipun kita telah

bekerja dengan sekuat tenaga dan maksimal, tetapi tidak tidak mengharapkan imbalan yang
besar. BebhasanPager mangan tanduran, Dipercaya malah ngrusak (pagar makan tanaman,
dipercaya malah merusak) merepresentaskan pendidikan karakter tanggung jawab. Jadi,
ketika kita diserahi tanggung jawab untuk menjaga sesuatu kita tidak boleh merusaknya.
Bebhasan Becik ketitik ala ketara, Becik ala bakal ketara ing mburine (Bagus tampak dan
jelek kelihatan, bagus jelek akan terlihat/terbongkar suatu saat) merepresentasikan pendidikan
karakter menjunjung kebenaran dan kebaikan sebab kebenaran dan kebaikan atau keburukan
pasti akan kelihatan kelak. Bebhasan Esuk dele, sore tempe, Ora teteg atine (pagi kedelai,
sore tempe, orang yang plin-plan) merepresentasikan pendidikan karakter kejujuran. Karakter
kejujuran saat ini sangatlah diperlukan agar kelak ke depan bangsa Indonesia menjadi bangsa
yang penuh dengan manusia-manusia yang jujur, bukan penipu, pembual, pembohong, atau
pengorup. Selain itu, di zaman sekarang banyak orang-orang yang memliki intelektualitas
tinggi, tetapi mereka tidak memiliki kejujuran. Jika dibiarkan demikian, bangsa dan negara
mudah hancur. Karena itu, dibutuhkan orang-orang yang berintelektualitas tinggi dan
memiliki kejujuran yang tinggi pula.

Cerita rakyat (Crito Rakyat)

Cerita rakyat pada hakikatnya berkait dengan cerita yang diperdengarkan/dilisankan
oleh sang penutur. Cerita rakyat dalam pandangan Danandjaja (1997:50) merupakan genre
sastra lisan yang paling banyak dikaji. Faktor penyebab banyaknya pengajian terhadap cerita
rakyat, antara lain (1) data yang lebih kompleks jika dibandingkan dengan data genre sastra
lisan yang lain, misal teka-teki, ungkapan rakyat, puisi rakyat, pantun rakyat; cerita rakyat
masih lebih eksis di kalangan masyakat masa kini (meskipun sekarang mengalami
penurunan); dan (3) teori-teori sastra lisan yang dimunculkan oleh para teoretisi cenderung
mengarah pada cerita rakyat.
Seiring dengan perkembangan dunia penelitian dan zaman, cerita rakyat hampir sama
dengan sastra lisan lainnya, menjadi sastra lisan sekunder (dibukukan/ditulis). Hal tersebut
dilakukan dengan harapan agar cerita rakyat tidak punah seiring dengan meninggalnya para
penutur aktif sastra lisan.

Menghargai (respect)
Representasi pendidikan karakter yang berkait dengan rasa menghargai tampak
dominan pada cerita “Asal Usul Cianjur” (Jawa Barat). Dalam cerita tersebut diksahkan

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

seorang laki-laki kaya raya yang kikir. Ia sangat tidak menghargai orang miskin yang ada di

“Tuan, berilah hambamu sedekah, walau hanya sesuap nasi,” ungkap seorang
nenek tua.
“Apa! sedekah, kau kira untuk menanak nasi tidak perelu jerih payah?”
“Berilah hambamu ini sedikit saja dari harta tuan yang melimpah,”
“Tidak! cepat pergi dari sini . kalau tidak, aku akan suruh tukang pukul untuk
menghajarmu!” (Rahimsyah, tt:52).

Bertolak dari kutipan tersebut tampak secara implisit bahwa orang yang kaya raya
tersebut tidak menghargai si miskin. Karena itu, filosofinya, secara catharsis, kita harus
menghargai orang-orang, meskipun orang tersebut orang miskin. Kebanyakan, masyarakat
sekarang sangat menghargai orang kaya, sedangkan orang miskin sangat tidak dihargai. Hal
tersebut tidak lepas dari pepatah lama, ada gula ada semut, di mana ada susuatu yang yang
manis/menguntungkan, orang akan datang berduyun-duyun ke sana. Namun, sebaliknya, jika
ada sesuatu yang tidak menguntungkan, orang akan berusaha untuh menjauhinya.
Dalam cerita Nyi Roro Kidul (Jawa Barat) dikisahkan bahwa seorang perempuan putri
raja, Dewi Suwido namanya, memiliki wajah yang buruk. Selain itu, ia mengidap penyakit
lepra, penyakit yang sangat ditakuti oleh masyarakat sebab penyakit tersebut menular dna
menimbulkan bau busuk. Karena mengidap penyakit tersebut, Dewi Suwido tidak disukai
orang lain. Bahkan, mereka tidak mau menjumpai putri tersebut.

“Ah, Nak. Kamu mengidap penyakit lepra. Penyakit itu adalah penyakit yang
berbahaya dan dihantui. Kau akan kuasingkan dari istana” (Hidayat, 2000:40).

Berdasarkan pada kutipan tersebut tampak bahwa seorang ayah sama sekali tidak
menghargai anaknya. Ia rela membuang anaknya gara-gara anaknya terkena penyakit lepra.
Padahal, seburuk-buruknya anak, tetap harus klita anggap anak. Kita tidak boleh
membuangnya sebab anak adalah anugerah dari Tuhan. Fenomena tidak menghargai yang
dimunculkan dalam cerita tersebut mempunyai filosofi bahwa kita harus menghargai siapa
saja, meskipun orang tersebut mempunyai kecacatan/keburukan.
Dalam cerita “Situ Bagendit” (Jawa Barat) dikisahkan tentang seorang perempuan
janda yang sangat kikir. Sebagai orang yang sangat kaya raya, sudah selayaknya ia membantu
orang lain yang membutuhkan pertolongan. Namun, ia malah menghina orang-orang yang
membutuhkan pertolongan Ia juga tidak menghargai orang lain, terutama orang miskin.
Gambaran tersebut tampak pada kutipan berikut.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Hai mau apa kau pengemis busuk! Pergi kau dari rumahku ! dengan gusar Nyi
Endit membentak (Hidayat, 2000:43).

Binatang! Hai pengawalku, ayo kepruk dan cincang pengemis busuk itu!”
teriak Nyi Endit (Hidayat, 2000:43).

Nyi Bagendit tidak hanya mencaki-maki pengemis yang meminta sedekah kepadanya.
Nyi Bagendit juga menyuruh para pengawalnya untuk menghajar pengemis tersebut. Rasa
belas kasihan ataupun rasa mengharagai sama sekali tidak tebersit dalam benak Nyi Endit.
Karakter yang tidak menghargai tersebut hampir sama dengan kisah “Asal-usul Cianjur” dan
“Nyi Roro Kidul”. Fenomena tersebut tidak jauh berbeda dengan cerita “Batu Raden” (Jawa
Tengah). Dalam cerita tersebut dikisahkna tentang seorang perempuan anak adipati yang
mencintai seorang pembantu. Namun, keluarga adipati sangat tidak setuju jika si putri
menikah dengan anak pembantu tersebut.

“Dia hanya anak pembantu! Sedangkan dirimu putri seorang adipati. Kau tak
boleh menikah dengannya, anakku!” kata sang adipati (Hidayat, 2000:33).

Sang adipati sama sekali tidak menghargai percintaan yang sedang melanda putrinya.
Padahal, putrinya, sangat mencintai Suta, anak pembantu. Karena itu, dalam konteks ini, rasa
menghargai sebenarnya harus dijalin dengan kuat, bukannya malah melarang sang putri
menikah dengan Suta. Dengan begitu, pendidikan karakter yang berkait dengan rasa saling
menghargai perlu ditingkatkan agar tidak menyakiti perasaan orang lain.

Jujur (honesty)
Representasi pendidikan karakter yang berkait dengan kejujuran tampak dominan
dalam cerita “Asal-usul Industri Kretek” (Jawa Tengah). Dalam cerita rakyat tersebut
berkisah tentang seorang pelukis kerajaan yang dituduh melarikan putri kerajaan. Karena
pelukis tersebut tidak melarikan si putri, ia berkata dengan jujur bahwa dirinya tidak
melarikan tuan putri.
Ketika mendengar peristiwa tersebut, Ki Ageng Luwih hanya dapat memohon
ampun dan menegaskan ketidaktahuannya karena memang sudah sekian lama tidak
sempat menghadap sang prabu. Akan tetapi, jawaban itu tidak didengar oleh sang
patih. Kemudian, terjadilah perdebatan sengit dan berkembang menjadi perang yang
seru. Karena kekuatan Ki Patih berlebih, pada akhirnya Ki Ageng Luwih terpaksa
menyerak kalah dan bersedia dihadapkan ke istana Majapahit. Di hadapan
persidangan tersebut, Ki Ageng Luwih tetap bertahan pada pendiriannya bahwa
dirinya memang tidak mengetahui sama sekali tentang kisah hilangnya Dewi
Nawangsekar (Yudiono & Kismarmiati, 2001:9).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Berdasarkan kutipan tersebut, Ki Ageng Luwih merupakan orang yang memegang

kejujuran. Ia secara jujur mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya tidak tahu-menahu tentang
hilangnya tuan putri. Meskipun demikian, ia rela dihukum oleh sang raja jika ternyata dia
terbukti bersalah atas hilangnya tuan putri. Kejujuran memang harus dipegang teguh. Melalui
kejujuranlah martabat seseorang akan terlihat. Saat ini, sangatlah sulit menemukan orang yang
benar-benar jujur. Karena itu, perlu penanaman pendidikan karakter yang berkait dengan
kejujuran pada anak-anak sejak usia dini agar mereka menjadi bibit unggul yang jujur dan

Tanggung jawab (responsibility)

Representasi pendidikan karakter yang berkait dengan tanggung jawab (responsibility)
tampak dominan dalam cerita “Kasada” (Jawa Timur). Cerita tersebut berkisah tentang Jaka
Seger yang berjanji akan mengorbankan anak yang bungsu jika mereka bisa mempunyai anak.
Janji tersebut dimunculkan oleh Jaka Seger sebab ia belum mempunyai anak setelah menikah
selama belasan tahun dengan Rara Anteng. Tatkala ia mempunyai anak yang berjumlah
sepuluh, ia pun teringat akan janjinya untuk mengorbankan sang anak. Namun, sebagai orang
tua ia juga mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk menceritakan hal tersebut kepada anaknya.
Karena itu, ia menceritakan kepada anaknya bahwa dulu dirinya pernah berjanji akan
mengorbankan anak yang terakhir jika dikaruniai anak.
“Dia benar-benar menagih janji sumpah kita!” kata Ki Seger pelan. Matanya
kosong menatap puncak gunung Bromo yang menggelegak mengeluarkan lava panas.
Ucapan Ki Seger menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu anak-anaknya. Karena tak
punya pilihan lagi, maka Ki Seger terpaksa membeberkan rahasia yang selama ini
Mendengar cerita itu, Kesuma tersenyum bangga. Sementara saudara-
saudaranya yang lain merasa sedih (Hidayat, 2000: 24).

Sebagai seorang ayah, Jaka Seger berrtanggung jawab pada kehidupan anak dan
istrinya. Namun, sebagai seorang pemimpin masyarakat, ia juga mempunyai tanggung jawab
kepada masyarakatnya. Dengan demikian, Jaka Seger harus bertanggung jawab pada
keduanya, keluarga dan masyarakat. Namun, dalam rangka pemenuhan janji yang berkait
dengan pengorbanan sang anak, ia mengalami dilema. Di sisi lain, jika anak tidak
dikorbankan, Gunung Bromo akan meletus sebagai bentuk kemarahan para dewa yang
menagih janji Jaka Seger. Di sisi lain, yang harus dikorbankan adalah anaknya sendiri yang
paling dicintainya. Tanggung jawab yang dipikul oleh Jaka Seger. Tetapi, dia tetap
bertanggung jawab. Ia mengatakan pada anaknya bahwa sang anak harus dikorbankan ke
Gunung Bromo.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Dalam cerita “Roro Jongrang” (Jawa Barat) dikisahkan bahwa Roro Jongrangtidak
menyukai laki-laki yang bernama Jaka Bandung sebab laki-laki tersebut telah membunuh
ayah Roro Jongrang. Namun, Roro Jongrang tidak mampu menolaknya. Akhirnya, ia
memberi satu permintaan kepada Jaka bandung. Ia meminta Jaka bandung membuat seribu
candi dalam waktu semalam. Ia berpikir bahwa Jaka Bandung tidak mungkin menyanggupi
hal tersebut. Namun, ternyata Jaka Bandung menyanggupinya. Dalam pengerjaan membuat
candi, Jaka Bandung hampir menyelesaikan seribu candi dalam satu malam. Melihat hal
tersebut, Roro Jongrang takut. Karena itu, dia mencari cara agar Jaka Bandung tidak mampu
menyelesaikan pembuatan seribu candi.

Roro Jonggrang menjadi kecut hatinya. Ia khawatir Joko bandung akan mampu
menyelesaikan syarat yang dimintanya. Dengan demikian ia akan menjadi istri lelaki
yang dibencinya, lelaki pembunuh orang tuanya. Roro Jonggrang kemudian
membangunkan gadis-gadis desa di kerajaan Prambanan. Mereka diperintahkan
menyalakan obor dan memukul-mukulkan alu pada lesung. Maka terdengarlah suara
yang riuh dan suasana yang terang, sehingga ayam jantan pun berkokok sahut-
menyahut. Mendengar suara itu, para makhluk halus itu segera meninggalkan
pekerjaannya. Disangkanya hari telah pagi dan matahari akan segera terbit (Hidayat,
2000: 11).

Berdasarkan kutipan tersebut tampak secara implisit bahwa si Roro Jongrang tidak
bertanggung jawab terhadap janji yang diberikan kepada Jaka Bandung. Semula, ia berjanji
bahwa dirinya mau menikah dengan Jaka Bandung jika Jaka Bandung mampu membangun
seribu candi untuk dirinya. Namun, ketika Jaka Bandung akan menyelesaikan seribu candi,
Roro Jongrang mencari cara untuk menggagalkan pembuatan seribu candi. Hal tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa Roro Jongrang tidak bertanggung jawab sama sekali.

Pembelajaran Sastra Lisan Jawa di Sekolah sebagai Alternatif Pembentukan Karakter:

Menatap (Tantangan) Esok
Pembelajaran sastra lisan Jawa di sekolah merupakan alternatif terobosan baru
pengenalan sastra lisan untuk anak-anak zaman sekarang. Anak-anak sekarang yang mulai
pudar mentalitas lokalitasnya, haruslah sesegera mungkin dikuatkan lagi mentalitas
lokalitasnya. Dengan begitu, kesadaran akan budaya lokal tetap akan terjaga. Melalui
pembelajaran sastra lisan di sekolah,diharapkan pendidikan karakter yang ada di dalamnya
bisa digunakan untuk membentuk karakter siswa/siswi agar menjadi manusia yang cerdas
dan beretika.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Berkait dengan hal tersebut, dalam perjalanan pembelajaran sastra lisan Jawa di
sekolah, terdapat beberapa tantangan yang harus dilalui. Pertama, dari pihak guru, saat ini
jarang ditemukan guru yang menyukai sastra, terutama sastra lisan. Hal ini ditegaskan oleh
Taufiq Ismail bahwa kita adalah bangsa yang rabun sastra sebab masyarakat Indonesia kurang
begitu menyukai masalah kesastraan (Ismail, 2000:673). Begitu pula dengan sastra daerah,
sastra lisan Jawa, tidak begitu banyak orang yang memahaminya. Padahal, Jawa adalah daerah
yang sangat kaya akan sastra lisan. Guru yang kurang optimal dalam bidang kesastralisanan
Jawa secara tidak langsung akan meminggirkan sastra lisan sebab mereka tidak mengajarkan
sastra lisan Jawa di sekolah dengan optimal. Karena itu, guru-guru bahasa Jawa diharapkan
mendapatkan input yang berkait dengan sastra lisan Jawa, misal sarasehan, seminar, dan
kuliah ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi.
Kedua, peserta didik, saat ini peserta didik lebih berminat dengan suatu yang modern,
mereka kurang suka dengan ketradisionalan, salah satunya sastra lisan. Dengan demikian,
sastra lisan Jawa haruslah dioptimalkan agar tidak ketinggalan zaman, salah satu caranya
dengan penghibridasian sastra lisan Jawa dengan media yang lain.

Sastra Lisan dan Pendidikan Humanisme

Pendidikan humanisme tidak lepas dari filsafat dan psikologi humanisme. Dalam
konteks filsafat humanisme, manusia adalah sosok memiliki nilai kemanusiaan yang tinggi.
Dalam konteks psikologi humanisme, manusia dianggap sebagai sosok yang unik. Karena
itu, psikologi humanisme dianggap sebagai psikologi yang holistis. Keholistisan itu,
pandangan Maslow menyangkut faktor internal dan eksternal manusia. Seorang manusia atau
ilmuwan haruslah memunyai rasa aman, percaya diri, dan berjiwa sehat agar memiliki
persepsi yang baik tentang realitas yang sedang diselidikinya. Seorang ilmuwan harus
mendekati persoalan-persoalan dengan hati dan pikiran yang terbuka. Ia harus berorientasi
pada masalah bukan berorientasi pada selera pribadi dan kepentingan pribadi. Sebagai seorang
psikolog, manusia harus lebih berpikiran filosofis, lebih kreatif, lebih luwes, lebih intuitif,
dan mampu melihat realitas secara keseluruhan dengan bagus dan mampu meneliti psike
manusia secara menyeluruh bukan bidang per bidang (Hall dan Linzey, 1990:41).
Dalam kaitannya dengan sastra lisan Jawa, dalam sastra lisan tersebut dimunculkan
nilai-nilai yang berkait dengan humanisme. Nilai humanisme tersebut tecermin dalam
gambaran tokoh-tokoh legendaris cerita rakyat Jawa, misal saja Joko Tarub, Joko Dolog, Joko
Tingkir, Kek Lesap, Sarip Tambak Oso. Tokoh tersebut merepresentasikan sosok manusia
yang memiliki nilai humanisme tinggi dalam masalah kepemimpinan.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Berdasarkan pemaparan di muka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sastra lisan Jawa sangatlah
penting dalam kaitannya dengan pembentukan karakter pada anak siswa/siswi di sekolah.
Karena itu, diharapkan, ada sinergi antara guru, murid, masyarakat, dan penentu kebijakan
dalam kaitannya dengan pembelajaran sastra lisan di sekolah. Jika sastra lisan Jawa diajarkan
di sekolah, anak-anak akan mengenal secara implisit/eksplisit representasi pendidikan
karakter yang ada di sekolah. Dengan demikian, akan terbentuk karakter yang cerdas,
beretika, beriman, dan humanisme yang tertanam dalam diri siswa.


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International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Andika Setyo Budi Lestari, Rif’atul Khusniah

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, STKIP PGRI Pasuruan

Abstrak: Mata kuliah kalkulus 2 merupakan mata kuliah prasyarat untuk dari
mata kuliah yang lain. Proses perkuliahan kalkulus 2 yang selama ini
dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah. Bedasarkan pengamatan
peneliti, pada saat mahamahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan kalkulus 2 yang
terjadi adalah mahamahasiswa melakukan 3 D dengan harapan materi bisa
dipahami namun akibatnya mahamahasiswa tidak punya catatan untuk
dipelajari ulang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengembangkan modul
berjenjang mata kuliah kalkulus 2. Metode untuk mengembangkan modul
kalkulus 2 dengan menggunakan 4-D Thiagarajan. Yang menjadi subjek
penelitian adalah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika kelas
mengulang 1. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh beberapa kesimpulan
sebagai berikut:Hasil pengembangan modul kalkulus 2 dengan
menggunakan 4-D Thiagarajan. Keempat langkat tersebut adalah: Define
(Pendefinisisan) tahap ini terdiri dari analisis awal-akhir, analisis siswa,
analisis materi, analisis tugas. Tahap analisis awal-akhir diperoleh informasi
bahwa kegiatan pembelajaran yang selama ini dilakukan masih bersifat
terpusat pada dosen, mahasiswa masih belum terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan
pembelajaran. Design (Perancangan) tahap ini terdiri dari penyususnan tes,
pemilihan media, pemilihan format, dan rancangan awal perangkat
pembelajaran.. Develop (Pengembangan) tahap ini terdiri dari uji validasi
oleh para ahli dan uji coba lapangan. Hasil uji validasi oleh para ahli
dinyatakan baik dengan adanya sedikit revisi dan layak digunakan. Setelah
dilakukan revisi selanjutnya dilakukan ujin keterbacaan dan uji coba
lapangan. Pada uji keterbacaan tidak ada revisi dan pada uji coba lapangan
mendapatkan respon positif dari mahasiswa terhadap modul kalkulus 2.
Disseminate (Penyebaran) pada tahap ini peneliti, melakukan penyebaran
terbatas di lingkup STKIP PGRI Pasuruan khususnya pada mahasiswa
program studi pendidikan Matematika.

Kata Kunci : pengembangan, modul, kalkulus 2.

Fungsi pendidikan nasional seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Undang-Undang Republik
Indonesia No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (UUSPN) adalah
mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang
bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk
mengembangkan potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa
kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan
menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggungjawab.Berbicara tentang
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, pendidikan memiliki jangkauan dan kajian yang sangat

Salah satu pelajaran yang memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pencerdasan dan
pencerahan kehidupan bangsa sekaligus turut memanusiakan bangsa Indonesia dalam arti dan
cakupan yang lebih luas yakni matematika. Kalkulus merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu
dalam bidang matematika. Kalkulus memiliki peran yang besar dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi serta dalam kehidupan nyata. Kalkulus juga sebagai alat bantu dalam
menyelesaiakan masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Perkuliahan kalkulus di STKIP PGRI
pasuruan divbagi dalam tiga tahap, yaitu kalkulus 1, kalulus 2, dan kalkulus peubah banyak.
Kalkulus 1 merupakan kalkulus diferensial, kalkulus 2 merupakan kalkulus integral
sedangkan kaluus peubah banyak merupakan aplikasi dari konsep diferensial dan integral.
Konsep utama pada mata kuliah kalkulus 2 adalah membahas mengenai integral serta
aplikasi konsep integral. Cakupan materi yang perlu dibahas adalah tentang integral tak tenu,
sifat-sifat integral, pengintegralan dengan subtitusi, integral beberpa fungsi, integral dengan
subtitusi yang merasionalkan, integral parsial, integral tertentu, luas daerah, volume benda
putar, sistem koordinat kutub, grafik persamaan kutub dan koordinatnya.
Kalkulus 2 termasuk matakuliah keilmuan dan ketrampilan dengan bobot 3 sks. Mata
kuliah kalkulus 2 merupakan mata kuliah prasyarat untuk dari mta kuliah yang lain. Sehingga
diharapkan mahamahasiswa memiliki pemahaman yang benar-benar bagus agar tidak
mengalami nkesulitan ketika menempuh mata kuliah lain serta dapat mengembangkan
kemampuan berpikir kritis, serta mampu memecahan masalah. Mahamahasiswa diharapkan
mampu memahami mata kuliah ini secara keseluruhan tidak hanya parsial. Pemahaman
mahasiwa tersebut didapatkan dari belajar mandiri tanpa mengharapkan dosen mentransfer
seluruh materi secara keseluruhan. Hal ini disebabkan karena proses belajar di perguruan
tinggi berbeda dengan proses bljar di bangku sekolah dasar dan menengah. Pada perguruan
tinggi mahamahasiswa dituntuk untuk lebih mandiri, dimana dosen berperan sebagai mediator
dan fasilitator. Diharapkan dengan kemadirian tersebut akan tertanam konsep denagn baik
sehingga hasil belajar yang didapat memuaskan.
Kenyataan yang terjadi di Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika STKIP PGRI
Pasuruan adalah masih banyak mahamahasiswa yang memperoleh nilai rendah. Untuk
angkatan 2014 prosentase kelulusan untuk mata kuliah kalkulus 2 sebesar 20%. Berikut akan
disajikan dalam tabel nilai kalkulus 2mahamahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika
STKIP PGRI Pasuruan tahun pelajaran 2014/2015.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Nilai Jumlah %
A 1 0.8333
B 5 4.1667
C 18 15
D 81 78.3333
E 2 1.6667
Jumlah Mahamahasiwa 107 100

Tabel di atas menunjukkan bahwa mahamahasiswa yang memperoleh nilai kurang dari
65 (kategori C, D, dan E) sebesar 95%. Kenyataan ini masih jauh dari apa yang diharapkan.
Bedasarkan pengamatan peneliti, pada saat mahamahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan
kalkulus 2, mahamahasiswa mengalami kegalauan. Kegalauan yang terjadi adalah jika
mahamahasiswa melakukan 3 D dengan harapan materi bisa dipahami namun akibatnya
mahamahasiswa tidak punya catatan untuk dipelajari ulang. Jika mahamahasiswa mencatat
agar punya dokumen untuk dipelajari kembali, dampaknya adalah mahamahasiswa tidak
mengerti. Hal ini menyebabkan mahamahasiswa tidak termotivasi untuk belajar mandiri.
Mahamahasiswa tidak aktif dalam proses perkuliahan karena konsentrasi mahamahasiswa
menjadi terpecah, disatu sisi inginmendengarkan disisi lain mahamahasiswa ingin punya
catatan. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ang dilakukan seperti ini dosen tidak lagi berfungsi
sebagai fasilitator tetapi berfungsi sebagai pentransfer seluruh ilmu tanpa menyadari
bahawa mahamahasiswa sudah mempunyai pengetahuan yang dimili sebelumnya.
Penggunaan metode ceramah dapat mengakibatkan rendahnya kemampuan berpikir
kritis dan pemecahan masalah.Agar muncul kemandirian dari mahamahasiswa sehingga
diharapkan kemampuan berpiir kritis dan pemecahan masalah menjadi lebih terassah
berdampak penguasaan materi yang baik sehingga hasil belajar yang dicapai dapat
maksimal, maka akan dibuat modul untuk mata kuliah kalkulus peubah banyak. Tujuan
penenlitian ini adlaah untuk mengembangkan modul kalkulus 2.

Modul merupakan bahan ajar cetak yang dirancang untuk dapat dipelajari secara
mandiri oleh peserta pembelajaran. Modul disebut juga media untuk belajar mandiri karena
di dalamnya telah dilengkapi petunjuk untuk belajar sendiri. Artinya, pembaca dapat
melakukan kegiatan belajar tanpa kehadiran pengajar secara langsung. Bahasa, pola, dan sifat
kelengkapan lainnya yang terdapat dalam modul ini diatur sehingga ia seolah-olah merupakan
"bahasa pengajar" atau bahasa dosen yang sedang memberikan pengajaran kepada
mahamahasiswanya. Maka dari itulah, media ini sering disebut bahan instruksional mandiri.
Dosen tidak secara langsung memberi pelajaran atau mengajarkan sesuatu kepada para
mahamahasiswa dengan tatap muka, tetapi cukup dengan modul-modul ini.Modul merupakan
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

alat atau sarana pembelajaran yang berisi materi, metode, batasan-batasan, dan cara
mengevaluasi yang dirancang secara sistematis dan menarik untuk mencapai kompetensi yang
diharapkan sesuai dengan tingkat kompleksitasnya. Sebuah modul bisa dikatakan baik dan
menarik apabila terdapat karakteristik sebagai berikut:

1. Self Instructional; yaitu melalui modul tersebut seseorang atau peserta belajar mampu
membelajarkan diri sendiri, tidak tergantung pada pihak lain. Untuk memenuhi karakter self
instructional, maka dalam modul harus:

a. berisi tujuan yang dirumuskan dengan jelas;

b. berisi materi pembelajaran yang dikemas ke dalam unit-unit kecil/ spesifik sehingga
memudahkan belajar secara tuntas;
c. menyediakan contoh dan ilustrasi yang mendukung kejelasan pemaparan materi
d. menampilkan soal-soal latihan, tugas dan sejenisnya yang memungkinkan pengguna
memberikan respon dan mengukur tingkat penguasannya;
e. kontekstual yaitu materi-materi yang disajikan terkait dengan suasana atau konteks tugas
dan lingkungan penggunanya;
f. menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana dan komunikatif;
g. terdapat rangkuman materi;
h. terdapat instrumen penilaian/assessment, yang memungkinkan penggunaan diklat
melakukan ‘self assessment’;
2. Self Contained; yaitu seluruh materi dari satu unit kompetensi atau sub kompetensi yang
dipelajari terdapat di dalam satu modul secara utuh. Tujuan dari konsep ini adalah
memberikan kesempatan pembelajar mempelajari materi pembelajaran yang tuntas, karena
materi dikemas ke dalam satu kesatuan yang utuh. Jika harus dilakukan pembagian atau
pemisahan materi dari satu unit kompetensi harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati dan
memperhatikan keluasan kompetensi yang harus dikuasai.
3. Stand Alone (berdiri sendiri); yaitu modul yang dikembangkan tidak tergantung pada
media lain atau tidak harus digunakan bersama-sama dengan media pembelajaran lain.
Dengan menggunakan modul, pebelajar tidak tergantung dan harus menggunakan media
yang lain untuk mempe- lajari dan atau mengerjakan tugas pada modul tersebut. Jika masih
menggunakan dan bergantung pada media lain selain modul yang digunakan, maka media
tersebut tidak dikategorikan sebagai media yang berdiri sendiri.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

4. Adaptive; modul hendaknya memiliki daya adaptif yang tinggi terhadap perkembangan
ilmu dan teknologi. Dikatakan adaptif jika modul dapat menyesuaikan perkembangan ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi, serta fleksibel digunakan. Dengan memperhatikan percepatan
perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi pengembangan modul multimedia hendaknya tetap "up
to date". Modul yang adaptif adalah jika isi materi pembelajaran dapat digunakan sampai
dengan kurun waktu tertentu.
5. User Friendly; modul hendaknya bersahabat dengan pemakainya. Setiap instruksi dan
paparan informasi yang tampil bersifat membantu dan bersahabat dengan pemakainya,
termasuk kemudahan pemakai dalam merespon, mengakses sesuai dengan keinginan.
Penggunaan bahasa yang sederhana, mudah dimengerti serta menggunakan istilah yang
umum digunakan merupakan salah satu bentuk user friendly.
Menurut kamus bahasa Indonesia, arti kata berjenjang adalah bertahap. Sehingga
pengertian dari modul berjenjang adalah modul yang dibuat dengan tahapan mulai dari tingkat
kesulitan rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Penyusunan modul berjenjang dengan harapan
mahasiswa lebih mudah dalam memahami materi.

Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian, maka jenis penelitian yang akan dilakukan
dikategorikan sebagai penelitian pengembangan. Dikatakan sebagai penelitian pengembangan
karena penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan modul. Modul yang akan dikembangkan
adalah berupa materi, contoh soal dan latihan soal. Sedangkan yang dimaksud penelitian
pengembangan adalah penelitian yang dikakukan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran.
Prosedur penelitian pengembangan yang akan dilakukan terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu
tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, tahap analisis data, dan tahap penulisan laporan.
1. Tahap persiapan, kegiatan yang dilakukan pada tahap ini adalah:
a. Mengembangkan modul.
b. Uji coba modul.
c. Menganalisis hasil uji coba modul dengan tujuan untuk merevisi modul.
2. Tahap pelaksanaan, kegiatan yang dilakukan pada tahap ini adalah:
a. Menentukan/memilih subjek
b. Menerapkan modul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
c. Memberikan angket respon kepada mahasiswa.
3. Analisis data, kegiatan pada tahap ini adalah menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari tahap

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

4. Tahap penulisan laporan, kegiatan pada tahap ini adalah menulis laporan kegiatan
penelitian dari tahap perencanaan hingga tahap pelaksanaan dan analisis data.

Pengembangan Modul
Porsedur Pengembangan Modul

Modul merupakan salah satu dari bagian perangkat pembelajaran. Ada beberapa
model pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yaitu: pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran
Model Dick& Carey, pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran Model Kemp dan
pengembangan perangkat pembelajran Model Four-D (Trianto, 2009:53).
Penelitian ini menggunakan model Thiagarajan dkk (Thiagarajan, Semmel dan
Semmel, 1974:5) yang juga dikenal dengan Fur-D Model atau model 4-D yang telah
dimodifikasi. Adapun alasan menggunakan Model Four-D adalah Model Four-D memang
khusus sebagai model pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, sedangkan model lain
merupakan model pengembangan sistem pembelajaran dan Model Four-D lebih sistematis
dan lebih mudah untuk diterapkan.
Model pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajran Model Four-D atau 4-D disarankan
oleh Thiagarajan, Semmel dan Semmel (1974) yang terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu
Pendefinisian (Difine), Perancangan (Design), Pengembangan (Develop), Penyebaran
(Disseminate). Berikut ini merupakan uraian dari masing-masing tahap pengembangan
perangkat pembelajaran di dalam model 4-D.
Prosedur penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitan ini mengacu pada model
pengembangan Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel yaitu model 4-D yang digunakan khusus
untuk mengembangkan modul yang secara detail menjelaskan langkah-langkah operasional
pengembangan perangkat yaitu berupa modul (Thiagarajan, 1974). Dalam penelitian ini
nantinya, dilakukan beberapa modifikasi pada model 4-D, yaitu:
a. Analisis konsep diganti dengan analisis materi karena materi cakupannya lebih luas
dari pada konsep.
b. Analisis materi dilakukan sebelum analisis tugas, karena dalam matematika materinya
terstruktur sehingga urutan tugas bergantung pada urutan materi.
Modifikasi pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran model 4-D dalam penelitian yang
akan dilakukan disajikan dalam Diagram 3. 1 sebagai berikut.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Analisis Awal-Akhir Analisis Materi
Analisis Tugas

Draf I
emilihan format Perancangan Awal


Valid? Validasi/Penilaian Ahli


Draf II Revisi Draft I(i), i≥ 1, i ∈ N

Uji Keterbacaan Analisis Uji keterbacaan Revisi (Jika Perlu)

Analisi Hasil Uji Coba Uji coba ke-j, j ≥ 1, j ∈ N Draf IIIj

Tidak Darf III

Baik? Revisi


Modul final

Diagram 3.1 Alur Pengembangan Perangkat modulyang mengadaptasi model Thiagarajan,

Semmel and Semmel

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan Modul Kalulus 2 yang baik di STKIP
PGRI Pasuruan dengan harapan agar kemampuan kalulus 2 mahasiswa dapat meningkat.
Prosedur pengembangan Modul dengan model 4-D memiliki langkah-langkah yaitu
pendefinisisan (Define), perancangan (Design), pengembangan (Develop), penyebaran

Deskripsi Hasil Tahap Pendefinisian (Define)

Analisis Awal-Akhir

Analisi awal-akhir bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah yang dibutuhkan dalam

pengembangan modul. Masalah mendasar yang perlu diupayakan dalam pembelajaran adalah
membuat cara penyajian pembelajaran dan membangun suasana pembelajaran yang
memungkinkan untukmahasiswa merasa senang belajar serta membelajarkan mahasiswa
bagaimana cara belajar. Kegiatan pembelajaran yang selama ini dilakukan masih bersifat
terpusat pada dosen, mahasiswa masih belum terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
Kesadaran mahasiswa untuk menambah buku referensi secara mandiri masih rendah.
Analisis Mahasiswa
Berdasarkan hasil analisis mahasiswa ditemukan beberapa hal berikut ini:
1. Mahasiswa di STKIP PGRI Pasuruan sebagian besar berasal dari wilayah Pasuruan
baik kota maupun kabupaten.
2. Input mahasiswa di Prodi Pendidikan Matematika jauh berbeda dengan perguruan
tinggi negeri.
3. Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Matematika di STKIP PGRI Pasuruan secara
personal masih belum memiliki buku pegangan pada matakuliah kalkulus 2.
Analisis Materi

Materi yang disajikan pada mata kuliah kalkulus 2 secara garis besar membahas
mengenai integral. Secara terperinci materi yang dibahas dalam modul adalah mengenai
integral tak tentu, metode pengintegralan, integral tertentu, Persamaan linier, persamaan
kuadrat, luas daerah, volume/ isi benda putar, titik berat, integral fungsi rasional, integral
fungsi irrassional, integral parsial, integral fungsi trigonometri.

Analisis Tugas

Hal utama yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa adalah sudah menguasai materi
sebelumnya yaitu kalkulus 1 dan setiap akhir materi diberikan contoh soal untuk membantu

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan latihan soal yang diberikan pada modul. Latihan soal dan
tugas yang diberikan terkait dengan materi integral tak tentu, metode pengintegralan, integral
tertentu, Persamaan linier, persamaan kuadrat, luas daerah, volume/ isi benda putar, titik berat,
integral fungsi rasional, integral fungsi irrassional, integral parsial, integral fungsi

Deskripsi Hasil Tahap Perancangan (Design)

Merancang Tes (constructing criterion-referenced tests)

Dalam merancang dan menyusun tes, soal dibuat secara berjenjang yang artinya
disusun mulai dari yang yang mudah hingga yang sulit.

Pemilihan Media (media selection)

Pemilihan media disesuaikan dengan karakteristik mahasiswa, yaitu dengan

menggunkan kertas berukuran A4.

Pemilihan Format (format selection)

Kegiatan pada tahap ini meliputi pemilihan format untuk mendesain atau merancang
modul. Untuk jens huruf iyang digunakan dalam modul dengan menggunakan beberapa jenis
huruf dengan harapan agar tampilan dalam modul lebih menarik.
Perancangan awal (initial design)
Perencanaan awal adalah menyajikan modul yang disesuikan dengan urutan
pembelajaran yang dilakukan. Pada modul kalkulus 2 ini urutan materi yang diberikan dimulai
dari integral tak tentu, metode pengintegralan, integral tertentu, Persamaan linier, persamaan
kuadrat, luas daerah, volume/ isi benda putar, titik berat, integral fungsi rasional, integral
fungsi irrassional, integral parsial, integral fungsi trigonometri.

Deskripsi Hasil Tahap Pengembangan (Develop)

Hasil Validasi ahli

Hasil validasi para ahli digunakan sebagai dasar untuk melakukan revisi dan
penyempurnaan terhadap modul kalkulus 2. Validator yang memvalidasi modul terdiri dari
dua orang, yaitu Wahyuni Ningsih, M.Si. dan Maya Rayungsari M.Si. Berdasarkan hasil
valiadasi modul oleh validator didapatkan hasil bahwa modul layak untuk digunakan dan
revisi yang dilakukan tidak banyak terkait dengan kesalahan penulisan. Berdasarkan
masukan dari validator, maka dilakukan beberapa revisi terhadap modul kalkulus 2 sehingga
dihasilkan modul draf II.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Uji Keterbacaan

Pada tahap uji keterbacaan, peneliti memilih enam orang mahasiswa program studi
pendidikan matematika angkatan 2014. Pemilihan enam mahasiswa tersebut dengan
mempertimbangkan kemampuan akademik, yakni dua orang mahasiswa berkemampuan
akademik tinggi, dua orang berkemampuan akademik sedang dan dua orang berkemampuan
akademik rendah. Uji keterbacaan juga dilakukan dengan dosen lain yang serumpun.
Pada tahap ini mahaiswa dan dosen diminta untuk membaca modul dengan seksama,
kemudian dari setiap mahasiswa diminta untuk menanggapi respon dan ditanya seputar materi
maupun soal yang ada di modul. Jika ada keterangan berupa penjelasan materi maupun soal
yang diberikan dianggap belum jelas, mahasiswa maupun dosen diminta untuk memberikan
masukan. Berdasarkan hasil uji keterbacaan pada modul yang dikembangkan tidak ada hal
yang perlu direvisi sehingga modul siap untuk diuji cobakan.
Uji coba Lapangan

Modul kalkulus 2 ini diujicobakan pada mahasiwa kelas mengulang 2. Modul

kalkulus 2 diujicobakan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan modul yang baik serta untuk
mengetahui respon mahasiswa terhadap modul yang dikembangkan. Pada tahap uji coba ini
dilakkan oleh dosen mitra. Data hasil respon mahasiswa terhadap uji coba modul sebagai

No. Pertanyaan Respon

1. Proses Pembelajaran S TS
Bagaimana perasaanmu selama mengikuti kegiatan 93,11 % 6,89%
Saat mengikuti pembelajaran ini,saya dapat mempelajari 79,32 % 20,68%
materi dan saya ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang materi.
2. Self Instructional Iya Tidak
Modul berisi materi pembelajaran yang dikemas ke dalam 82,75% 17,25%
unit-unit kecil/ spesifik sehingga memudahkan belajar
secara tuntas.
Modul menyediakan contoh dan ilustrasi yang mendukung 86,20% 13,80%
kejelasan pemaparan materi pembelajaran.
Modul menampilkan soal-soal latihan, tugas dan 89,65% 10,35%
Materi-materi yang disajikan dalam modul terkait dengan 82,75% 17,25%
suasana atau konteks tugas dan lingkungan penggunanya.
Modul menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana dan 93,11% 6,89%
Terdapat rangkuman materi. 86,20% 13,80%
3. Self Contained(Materi dikemas ke dalam satu kesatuan 86,20% 13,80%
yang utuh).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

4. Stand Alone (Modul yang dikembangkan tidak tergantung 89,65% 10,35%

pada media lain atau tidak harus digunakan bersama-sama
dengan media pembelajaran lain).
5. Adaptive (Modul dapat menyesuaikan perkembangan ilmu 82,75% 17,25%
pengetahuan dan teknologi, serta fleksibel digunakan).
6. User Friendly (Menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana, 93,11% 6,89%
mudah dimengerti serta menggunakan istilah yang umum).
Keterangan :
TS : Tidak Setuju, S : Setuju

Berdasarkan data-data di atas, menunjukkan bahawa respon mahasiswa terhadap

modul kalkulus 2 mendapatkan respon yang positif karena semua aspek mendapat
prosentase diatas 75%. Berdasarkan hasil tes untuk kelas uji coba secara klasikal lebih dari
50% mahasiswa telah memenuhi kriteria kelulusan.

Deskripsi Hasil Tahap Penyebaran (Disseminate)

Modul kalkulus 2 setelah memalului beberapa tahap, diantaranya validasi, uji coba
dan uji keterbacaan dan dilakukan revisi selanjutnya adalah dilakukan pencetakan untuk
disebarkan. Penyebaran modul kalkulus 2 masih terbatas di lingkungan STKIP PGRI
Pasuruan saja khususnya Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika.


Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut:
Hasil pengembangan modul kalkulus 2 dengan menggunakan 4-D Thiagarajan. Keempat
langkat tersebut adalah:
a. Define (Pendefinisisan)
Tahap ini terdiri dari analisis awal-akhir, analisis siswa, analisis materi, analisis
tugas. Tahap analisis awal-akhir diperoleh informasi bahwa kegiatan pembelajaran yang
selama ini dilakukan masih bersifat terpusat pada dosen, mahasiswa masih belum terlibat
aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Kesadaran mahasiswa untuk menambah buku referensi
secara mandiri masih rendah.
b. Design (Perancangan)
Tahap ini terdiri dari penyususnan tes, pemilihan media, pemilihan format, dan rancangan
awal perangkat pembelajaran. Pada tahap pemilihan media, peneliti menentukan media
yang digunakan disesuaikan dengan karakteristik mahasiswa.
c. Develop (Pengembangan)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Tahap ini terdiri dari uji validasi oleh para ahli dan uji coba lapangan. Hasil uji validasi
oleh para ahli dinyatakan baik dengan adanya sedikit revisi dan layak digunakan. Setelah
dilakukan revisi selanjutnya dilakukan ujin keterbacaan dan uji coba lapangan. Pada uji
keterbacaan tidak ada revisi dan pada uji coba lapangan mendapatkan respon positif dari
mahasiswa terhadap modul kalkulus 2.
d. Disseminate (Penyebaran)
Pada tahap ini peneliti, melakukan penyebaran terbatas di lingkup STKIP PGRI Pasuruan
khususnya pada mahasiswa program studi pendidikan Matematika.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka dapat disarankan kepada dosen pengampu mata
kuliah untuk selalu memberikan motivasi kepada mahasiswa agar tetap semangat belajar.
Selain itu, mahasiswa agar lebih rajin mengerjakan latihan soal yang disajikan dalam modul
serta memperbanyak diskusi bersama teman.

Arends, RI. 2008. Learning To Teach. Belajar untuk Mengajar. Buku dua (Penterjemah:Helly
Prayitno Soetjipto dan Sri Mulyatini Soetjipto). Yogyakarta: PUSTAKA PELAJAR.
Arikunto, S. 2000. Manajemen Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Azwar, S. 2000. Reabilitas dan Validitas. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Depdiknas, 2007. Peraturan Mentri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomer 41
Tahun 2007 Tentang Standar Proses Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan
Menengah. Jakarta : Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Departemen Pendidikan
Dimyati, M. 2009. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta
Lestari, A.S.B. 2013. Penerapan Lesson study Pada Mata Kuliah Kalkulus II di Program Studi
Pendidikan Matematika STKIP PGRI PasuruanJurnal Ilmiah
Edukasi&Sosial.STKIP PGRI Pasuruan. Vol. 4 (1):1-7.
Lestari, A.S.B. 2015. Analisis Kesalahan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
STKIP PGRI Pasuruan Pada Pokok Bahasan Teknik Pengintegralan.Jurnal
Psikologi. Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan. 3 (01): 20-27.
Lestari, A.S.B.2012. Pengembangan Perangkat Dan Keefektifan Pembelajaran Kooperatif
Tipe Think-Pair-Share Dengan Pendekatan Problem Posing Pada Materi Segitiga Di
Kelas Vii Smp Negeri I Bangil. Tesis. Pendidikan Matematika UNESA, Surabaya.
Novia, W. Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia. Surabaya : Kashiko
Pastowo, A. 2011. Panduan Kreatif Membuat Bahan Ajar Inovatif. Jogyakarta: Diva Press
Thiagarajan, S, Semmel,P.P and Semmel M. I. 1947. Instruction Development for Training
Teacher Ofexceptional Children. Indiana University.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8




Abstract: The recent educational paradigm gives schools authority

through the principal to develop the schools to achieve their goals.
Vocational high school as an institution that prepares its students to
work and compete in the globalization era must equip the competence
of students' skills in facing the world of work. This research is a multi-
site qualitative research. The analysis used in this research is induction
of modified analysis carried out by doing analysis of the research
findings that have similarities then the final conclusion can be drawn.
The results showed that in improving the competence of the students'
skills were arranged based on the school’s target of quality through
improving the quality of learning both in the forms of face to face and
practice in business world and industry and be able to do

Keywords: skill, study, work

A new paradigm preparation requires a breakthrough process especially, when quality
outcomes are desired in order to be able to compete in the world of work which is completely
open (Tilaar, 1999). In this case industrial organizations must go along with the developments
related to quality assurance, both service quality and professionalism since quality products
and services are only produced by qualified people.
Formal education instills a virtue, norms, behavior, and aspirations, which are always
related, directly or indirectly, to the interests of the nation's development. The educational
system is highly influential and influenced by the overall nature of the basic, level of progress,
and characters of the national development process being undertaken (Djohar, 2003). The role
of formal education is not only limited to providing knowledge and expertise to each
individual to be able to work as a good economic change agent for the community but also
must establish the identity of each individual.
Vocational High School (SMK) graduates must have certification of international
standard eligibility to compete with other countries’ graduates. At least, the certification of
competence has been recognized by MEA. Vocational secondary school is also an educational
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

institution that prepares students to become productive human beings, able to work
independently, ready to work in accordance with their competence, have strategic and
professional policies in management, leading to the development of standard competency in
order to be able to produce acceptable outputs in both domestic and foreign countries.

This research focuses on the policy of quality improvement of vocational high school
therefore this research is designed in qualitative approach. Qualitative method aims to
understand the actualities, social realities, and human perceptions that present without any
interferes by the prominent nature of the previously established formal measurements. Since
this research focuses on tracing the phenomena naturally occurring in the background of the
research, this research uses a qualitative approach which is commonly referred to as
naturalistic approach (Nasution, 1998). Bogdan & Biklen, 1998 state that qualitative research
has the actual setting as a source of direct data and researchers as a key instrument.
In accordance with the approach, this study focused on improving the quality of
vocational high school students through skill competence. This research was conducted at
State Vocational High Schools which have a distinctive base on the fields of economics,
machinery and hospitality. The main data source in this qualitative research was in the form
of words and actions, with additional data such as documents. The data source in this research
was human or informant, event or activity, place or location, recording and archive or
document. Spradley (2007) suggests several criteria: (1) long and intensive with the
information they will provide; (2) fully involved with informed activities; (3) have adequate
time to provide information; (4) they are not conditioned or dictated in providing information;
and (5) they are ready to provide information such as quality management representatives
with experience. The first informant or key informant in this study was selected based on the
knowledge and expertise possessed as suggested by Guba and Lincoln (1981), key informant
is someone with special knowledge or information, or close to the situation of the research
focus, and having a special status. Based on these criteria, the key informant in each research
background was the representative of quality management at the research location. Not only
can the key informants provide information about something to the researcher, but also they
can advise on other supporting sources of evidence, and create access to the relevant source
(Yin, 2007). The informants in this study were the principal, vice principal, Head of Quality
Assurance Unit, Head of Majors and students. The technique of collecting data in qualitative
research, as stated by Bogdan and Bilken (1982), Yin (1994), and Nasution (1988) the holistic

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

and integrative data collection is done by data collection technique through: (1) Deep
interview, 2) Documentation study, and (3) Participant observation.
The on-site analysis process is done by taking into account the instructions of Miles
& Huberman (1984) and Bogdan and Biklen (1982) that are started from or in conjunction
with data collection and after data collection is completed. Data analysis performed in
conjunction with data collection includes activities (1) determination of research focus, (2)
preparation of findings, (3) data collection planning based on previous findings, (4)
development of analytic questions and (5) targeting of subsequent data collection in
improving school quality. All collected data is analyzed and coding category, grouping and
sorting data, and data conclusion at each site.


Based on the results of observation and documentation of quality objectives on
teaching and learning activities related to the skills competence then it can be seen in the
Table 1 Quality Objectives Student Expertise Site 1
Parameter Skill Competency
Target Productive Value 75
Achievement Strategies Increasing the quality of teaching and learning
activities through the addition of lesson time
Person in charge - Vice Principal of Curriculum
- Head of Expert Coordinator
Measurement Frequency Monthly
Measurement Method The score of the students’ achievement on
Competency Test with target value

In quality objectives that came in contact with the expertise of the Office
Administration, Accounting, Marketing, Computer Engineering and Networking, Software
Engineering targets taken were 75.
The strategy taken to achieve the above target which was to improve the quality of
teaching and learning was the addition of time to learn. In carrying out this program the Vice
Head Master of Curriculum was assisted by the Head of Skills Competency.
Evaluation of quality objectives was done monthly to monitor early deficiencies that
might hamper the achievement of the targets that had been determined. If this goal was

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

achieved then the average value of the final examination of the semester would be more
Table 2 Target Quality of Entrepreneur Student Site 1
Parameter Establish Own Enterprises
Target 20%
Achievement Strategies Looking for more market share trend
Person in charge – Deputy Head of Public
– Deputy Head of Industrial
Employment Relations
Measurement Frequency Semester

Measurement Method Number of students who set up their

businesses and the like.

The remainder of the students who had been targeted to continue their high-level
education by 30% and work by 50%, i.e. 20% of Site 1's graduate students were encouraged
and accompanied to open employment as entrepreneurs. 20% of the students were directed to
establish their own business for their own benefit and helped the government program to open
The person in charge of this program was the Deputy Head of Public Relations and
Industrial Relations Relationship which is evaluated every semester. Deputy Head of public
relations and industrial working relationships listed students who were interested in
establishing their own business, and then provided the necessary assistance in starting an
entrepreneurial profession.
On site 2 the results of research on the quality objectives of teaching and learning
activities related to work can be seen in Table 3 below.
Table 3 Site Quality Goals Site 2
Parameter Work
Target 60%
Achievement Strategies – Improving student skills
– Providing broad access to the
information of world of business
/ world of industry
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Person in charge – Vice principal of the curriculum

– Vice Principal of Student Affairs
Measurement Frequency Semester
Measurement Method The number of students who graduated
compared with the students who
continue working

For students who could not continue because of various constraints would be directed
to work. Site 2 targets 60% of the total (other than continuing students) should have a plan
and a view would work as what and where to work. The strategy used was to improve the
students’ skills and expand information on world of business / world of education. The person
in charge of this activity was the Vice Head Master of Curriculum and the Vice Head Master
of Students Affair. Measurements were made in each semester with reference to the target set.
Quality objectives Teaching and learning activities related to entrepreneurship can be
seen in Table 4 below.
Table 4. Website Entrepreneurship Quality Target 2
Parameter Establishing Own Business
Target 15%
Achievement Strategies – Providing expertise to students
of economic value based on the
condition of Indonesia
– Provide real experience with
regard to entrepreneurial
Person in charge – Deputy head of public relations
– Industrial Working Relations
Measurement Frequency Semester

Measurement Method Number of students who set up their

businesses and types

Site 2 set 15% as an entrepreneurial target. The strategy used by Site 2 was to provide
economically valuable expertise to market share in Indonesia. The students were given the
opportunity to experience their own entrepreneurial activities. The person in charge of this
activity was the Deputy Head of Public Relations who cooperated with the industrial working
relationship. Measurements are conducted every semester as an evaluation activity.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

In addition to the Site Quality Guidelines 2 found the following chapters of Quality
Achievement Strategies.
A. Material
(1) Every teacher has at least 1 teaching materials per semester / subject
(2) Every learner must have productive teaching materials
(3) RPP and syllabus include character values
(4) Local content prioritizes superior products and regional needs
B. Machine
Comparison of machines / tools with learners is 1 to 3 (1: 3)
C. Method
(1) There are exercises to do the National Examination at least once a month for each subject
that is tested in class XII
(2) Holding the sharpening of competence to learners who are interested in certification
(3) Holding an internship / apprenticing in work of industry for at least 3 months
(4) Special guidance for Grade XII for the preparation of the Main National Examination and
National Exam Practice before the exam is executed
D. Man
(1) Qualified teachers of S2 is 15%
(2) Educators who are certified as assessors 15 persons
(3) Educators are developed for training of at least 10 persons per year
(4) Educators who qualified S1 100%
(5) Educators have a computer training certificate of at least 100%
(6) Teachers who are certified at least 5 teachers per year
E. Money
Improving the quality of school management through funds:
(1) Regional and Provincial Governments
(2) School Committee
(3) Block Grant
A) Skills Competency Site 3
Quality objectives Teaching and learning activities related to the skills of Site 3 can
be seen in the following Table 5.
Table 5 Quality Objectives of Site Skills Competence 3
Parameter Skill Competency
Target 8,44

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Achievement Strategies – Improved learning process from

planning, implementation, and
– Providing skills issues in
previous years and grid
questions as a material for
learning in a classical or
– Providing additional hours for
those who need improvements in
expertise materials
Person in charge – Vice principal of the Curriculum
– Chief expert coordinator
Measurement Frequency Monthly and per semester
Measurement Method The value of student achievement on
Competency Test with target value

Site 3 determines the average score of skill exams is 8.44 (eight point forty-four)
achieved by strategy (1) improvement of learning process starting from planning, execution,
and evaluation, (2) providing skills problems in previous years And the grid matter as a
classical or independent learning material, and (3) provide additional hours for those who
need improvement in the skill material.
The Vice Head Master of Curriculum and the Head of Skill and Competence as the
responsible person should carry out measurements every month and per semester.
Measurements are made to evaluate whether a predetermined target is reached or not.
The quality objectives of working on world of business / world of education in Site 3 can be
seen in Table 6 below.
Table 6 Quality Target Site Works 3
Parameter Work
Target 40%
Achievement Strategies – Building a broad relationship
with business / world of industry
– Improve graduates' expertise in
accordance with business / world
of industry demands
Person in charge Vice Principal of Public Relations and
industrial relationships
Measurement Frequency Annual
Measurement Method Number of students who graduated
compared to students who continue to

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

For students who could not continue because of various constraints would be directed
to work. Site 3 targets 40% of the whole (other than continuing students) should have a plan
and a view would work as to what and where to work.
The strategy adopted by Site 3 was to build a broad relationship with world of business
/ world of industry, and improve the skills of graduates in accordance with business / world
of industry demands.
The people in charge of this activity were community relations, industrial working
relationships, and the Head of Skill and Competence who evaluated each year to see what
needs to be improved, maintained and developed.

Based on the results of analysis of research data and overall discussion as described in
advance, it can be drawn conclusion that is as follows:
1. Quality improvement through the students’ skills was done in improving the process
of the students’ learning activities in schools and the teacher competence in teaching.
Increasing the teachers’ competence in teaching was done through training and
improvement of teacher education.
2. The Skills of the students in the work was done through work practices in the business
world and industry conducted from class X to class XII in order to make synergies
between the provision of knowledge gained in the classroom and practice in the
business and industry.

Asmoni. 2017. Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu SMK berbasis ISO 9001;2008. Disertasi tidak
diterbitkan. Malang: PPS Universitas Negeri Malang.
Bogdan, R.C. danBiklen, S.K.1982.Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to
Theoryand Methodes.London: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
Depdiknas. 2006. NaskahPengembangan SMK Bertaraf Internasional, Jakarta:
DirektoratPembinaan SMK.
Dunn & William, N. 2003. Pengantar Analisis Kebijakan Publik. Yogyakarta. Gajah Mada
University Press.
Spreadley, J.P. 1980. Participant Observation. NewYork: Holt, Rinehartand Winston.
Tilaar, H.A.R dan Nugroho, R. 2009. Kebijakan Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar.
Tilaar, H.A.R. 1999. Beberapa Agenda Reformasi Pendidikan Nasional. Magelang :
Indonesia Tera.
Yin, R.K. 1994. CaseStudy: Research Design and Method. London: Sage Publication, Ltd.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Bendot Tri Utomo

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, STKIP PGRI Lumajang

Abstrak: Selama ini dapat diamati betapa pendidikan telah diredusir sebagai
proses untuk lulus UAS atau UN (Ujian Nasional), tetapi tidak diarahkan kepada
membentuk masyarakat yang bermoral dan beradab. Seiring dengan
diberlakukannya kurikulum yang dikenal dengan K13 dan kemajuan teknologi
pembelajaran, khususnya mata pelajaran matematika, maka paradigma
pembelajaran yang berfokus pada isi (content) harus beralih ke proses. Peneliti
mencoba menawarkan alternatif lain kegiatan pembelajaran yang lebih
mendorong siswa untuk mau mempelajari suatu bahasan dengan motivasi tinggi,
yaitu dengan penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing. Rumusan masalah
penelitian ini adalah : “Apakah penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing dapat
meningkatkan Hasil Belajar matematika pokok bahasan volum bangun ruang
pada siswa kelas 3B semester 1 SMP Negeri 1 Rambipuji tahun pelajaran
2016/2017”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar
matematika pokok bahasan volum bangun ruang pada siswa kelas 3B semester 1
SMP Negeri 1 Rambipuji dengan penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing.
Penelitian ini menerapkan metode pembelajaran, yakni metode penemuan
terbimbing. Hasil rata-rata prosentase penilaian proses pembelajaran pada materi
volum kubus dan balok adalah 91,45%, dan rata-rata persentase banyaknya siswa
yang menjawab benar dari penilaian hasil belajar pada materi volum kubus dan
balok 88%. Kesimpulan bahwa Penerapan pembelajaran dengan metode
penemuan terbimbing bila dilaksanakan dengan benar dapat meningkatkan hasil
belajar matematika.

Kata kunci : Metode Penemuan Terbimbing, Hasil Belajar

Pada dasarnya paradigma pendidikan nasional yang baru harus dapat mengembangkan
tingkah laku yang menjawab tantangan internal dan global. Paradigma tersebut haruslah
mengarah kepada lahirnya suatu bangsa Indonesia yang bersatu serta demokratis. Oleh sebab
itu, penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang sentralistik baik di dalam manajemen maupun di dalam
penyusunan kurikulum harus diubah dan disesuaikan kepada tuntutan pendidikan yang.
demokratis. Demikian pula di dalam menghadapi kehidupan global yang kompetitif dan
inovatif, maka proses pendidikan haruslah mampu mengembangkan kemampuan untuk
berkompetisi di dalam kerja sama, mengembangkan sikap inovatif dan ingin selalu mening-
katkan kualitas.
Demikian pula paradigma pendidikan baru bukanlah mematikan kebhinnekaan
malahan mengembangkan kebhinnekaan menuju kepada terciptanya suatu masyarakat
Indonesia yang bersatu di atas kekayaan kebhinnekaan masyarakat dan bangsa Indonesia.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Paradigma baru pendidikan nasional haruslah dituangkan dan dijabarkan di dalam berbagai
program pengembangan pendidikan nasional secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan
Selama ini dapat diamati betapa pendidikan telah diredusir sebagai proses untuk lulus
UAS atau UN (Ujian Nasional), tetapi tidak diarahkan kepada membentuk masyarakat yang
bermoral dan beradab. Sesuai dengan UUD 1945, pendidikan seharusnya mencerdaskan
kehidupan bangsa. Hal ini berarti pendidikan adalah usaha untuk memberdayakan manusia.
Manusia yang berdaya adalah manusia yang dapat berpikir kreatif, yang mandiri, dan yang
dapat membangun dirinya dan masyarakat. Manusia yang berdaya adalah manusia yang
Seiring dengan diberlakukannya kurikulum yang dikenal dengan K13 dan kemajuan
teknologi pembelajaran, khususnya mata pelajaran matematika, maka paradigma
pembelajaran yang berfokus pada isi (content) harus beralih ke proses, dalam arti bahwa
kegiatan pembelajaran klasikal dengan “teacher centered” ke kegiatan pembelajaran yang
lebih mendorong siswa untuk mau mempelajari suatu bahasan dengan motivasi tinggi.
Kenyataannya paradigma pembelajaran yang berfokus pada proses menjadi masalah yang
cukup sulit bagi guru. Kesulitan yang pertama dikarenakan guru sudah terbiasa mengajar
dengan menggunakan paradigma lama yang berfokus pada isi. Kesulitan kedua yang
dirasakan oleh guru adalah para siswa mempunyai karakter yang unik, dan kehidupan sosial
dengan latar belakang yang berlainan, dan kesulitan ketiga adalah fasilitas sarana prasarana
dan waktu kegiatan pembelajaran sangat terbatas.
Terkait hal tersebut di atas, peneliti mencoba menawarkan alternatif lain kegiatan
pembelajaran yang lebih mendorong siswa untuk mau mempelajari suatu bahasan dengan
motivasi tinggi, sehingga hasil belajar khususnya mata pelajaran matematika SMP meningkat.
Alternatif tersebut adalah penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing pada pokok bahasan
volum bangun ruang pada siswa kelas 3B semester 1. Saat ini menurut data dari guru
matematika, rata-rata persentase banyaknya siswa yang menjawab benar dari penilaian hasil
belajar siswa adalah 72%.

Rumusan Masalah
Penulis menentukan rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: “Apakah
penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing dapat meningkatkan Hasil Belajar matematika
pokok bahasan volum bangun ruang pada siswa kelas 3B semester 1 SMP Negeri 1 Rambipuji
tahun pelajaran 2016/2017” ?

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika pokok
bahasan volum bangun ruang pada siswa kelas 3B semester 1 SMP Negeri 1 Rambipuji
dengan penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing
Manfaat Penelitian
Penelitian ini akan bermanfaat,
1) bagi guru dapat menambah variasi pembelajaran, dan
2) bagi siswa dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar.

Metode penemuan yang dipandu atau dibantu oleh guru sering disebut dengan metode
pembelajaran dengan metode penemuan terbimbing. Pembelajaran dengan metode ini dapat
diselenggarakan secara individu atau kelompok. Guru membimbing siswa jika diperlukan dan
siswa didorong untuk berpikir sendiri sehingga dapat menemukan prinsip umum berdasarkan
bahan yang disediakan oleh guru dan sampai seberapa jauh siswa dibimbing tergantung pada
kemampuannya dan materi yang sedang dipelajari. Mayer (2003:288) menyatakan: “Guided
Discovery. The student recieves problems to solve, but the teacher provides hints and
directions about how to solve the problem to keep the student on track”. Penemuan terbimbing
membantu siswa untuk memecahkan masalah, tugas guru memberikan petunjuk dan arahan
tentang bagaimana untuk memecahkan masalah tetapi tidak memberikan jawabannya.
Kegiatan pembelajaran penemuan terbimbing menekankan pada pengalaman belajar
secara langsung melalui kegiatan penyelidikan, menemukan konsep dan kemudian
menerapkan konsep yang telah diperoleh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sedangkan kegiatan
belajar yang berorientasi pada keterampilan proses menekankan pada pengalaman belajar
langsung, keterlibatan siswa aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, dan penerapan konsep dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari, dengan demikian bahwa penemuan terbimbing dengan keterampilan
proses ada hubungan yang erat. Sebab kegiatan penyelidikan, menemukan konsep harus
melalui keterampilan proses.
Dengan metode penemuan terbimbing ini, siswa dihadapkan kepada situasi dimana
siswa bebas menyelidiki dan menarik kesimpulan. Terkaan, intuisi dan mencoba-coba (trial
and error), hendaknya dianjurkan. Guru sebagai penunjuk jalan dalam membantu siswa agar
mempergunakan ide, konsep dan ketrampilan yang sudah mereka pelajari untuk menemukan
pengetahuan yang baru.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Selanjutnya Moore (2005) menjelaskan ada lima tahap kegiatan utama yang dapat
diterapkan dalam pembelajaran penemuan. Proses penemuan dimulai dari identifikasi
masalah, pengembangan kemungkinan pemecahan, pengumpulan data, analisis dan
interpretasi data, selanjutnya tes hasil pemecahan masalah. Penyajian masalah yang akan
dipecahkan oleh siswa dilakukan pada tahap pertama.
Carin & Sund (1985) memberikan petunjuk dalam merencanakan dan menyiapkan
pembelajaran penemuan terbimbing sebagai berikut.
a) Menentukan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dipelajari oleh siswa
b) Memilih metode yang sesuai dengan kegiatan penemuan
c) Menentukan lembar pengamatan untuk siswa
d) Menyiapkan alat dan bahan secara lengkap
e) Menentukan dengan cermat apakah siswa akan bekerja secara individu atau secara
kelompok yang terdiri dari 2, 3 atau 4 siswa
f) Mencoba terlebih dahulu kegiatan yang akan dikerjakan oleh siswa untuk mengetahui
kesulitan yang mungkin timbul atau kemungkinan untuk modifikasi.
Berdasarkan adaptasi sintaks pembelajaran Moore (2005) dan Carin & Sund (1985),
dalam penelitian ini sintaks pembelajaran dengan metode penemuan terbimbing pada mata
pelajaran matematika yang akan dilaksanakan mencakup langkah-langkah sebagai berikut.
Langkah 1. Pemberian masalah
Pada langkah pertama guru memberi masalah kepada siswa dengan data secukupnya,
perumusan masalahnya jelas, dihindari pernyataan yang menimbulkan salah tafsir sehingga
arah yang ditempuh siswa tidak salah. Siswa diminta memahami masalah yang diberikan guru
dan diberi kesempatan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dengan dibantu oleh guru tetapi
pada tingkat terbatas tidak langsung diberi tahu jawabannya.

Langkah 2 Latihan pengembangan

Guru memberikan lembar kerja siswa (LKS) sebagai bahan latihan pengembangan
bagi siswa. Dari latihan yang diberikan guru, siswa menyusun, memproses, mengorganisir
dan menganalisis soal tersebut.Pada langkah ini, guru memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa,
sejauh yang diperlukan saja yaitu memberikan bimbingan latihan pengembangan dimulai dari
yang paling sederhana kepada siswa yang memerlukan. Seterusnya bimbingan dapat
dikembangkan namun harus selalu dihubungkan dengan masalah yang ada.
Bagi siswa yang tidak perlu bimbingan, maka siswa dapat langsung membuat prediksi

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Langkah 3 Membuat prediksi

Pada langkah ke tiga siswa menyusun prediksi (prakiraan) jawaban dari hasil analisis
yang dilakukannya. Siswa diberi kesempatan berdiskusi dengan teman kelompoknya untuk
membuat prediksi jawaban berdasarkan pola yang ada pada lembar latihan untuk diskusi.

Langkah 4 Memeriksa prediksi

Pada langkah ke empat, bila dipandang perlu, prediksi jawaban yang telah dibuat siswa
tersebut diatas diperiksa oleh guru. Hal ini penting dilakukan untuk meyakinkan kebenaran
prakiraan jawaban siswa, sehingga akan menuju arah yang hendak dicapai. Caranya adalah
guru memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa untuk membuktikan bahwa prediksi jawaban yang
telah dibuat apakah sudah benar. Apabila prediksi jawaban tidak sesuai dengan data yang ada,
maka guru meminta siswa memberikan alasan penyangkal.

Langkah 5 Pemeriksaan hasil

Apabila telah diperoleh kepastian tentang prediksi jawaban tersebut, guru meminta
siswa memeriksa ulang langkah demi langkah yang telah dilakukan sehingga akan
memudahkan siswa saat melakukan pengorganisasian kembali.
Pengorganisasian kembali berkaitan tentang hal-hal yang dapat disimpulkan atau
dibuat lebih umum, dan bahkan mungkin dapat dikembangkan menjadi suatu aturan atau
rumus. Pengorganisasian kembali diserahkan juga kepada siswa untuk menyusunnya. Di
samping itu perlu diingat pula bahwa kesimpulan tidak menjamin 100% kebenaran prediksi.
Guru dapat memberikan bimbingan kembali (bila diperlukan).

Langkah 6 Latihan tambahan

Sesudah siswa menemukan rumus atau aturan yang telah dicari, guru hendaknya
menyediakan soal latihan atau soal tambahan untuk melatih dan memeriksa apakah hasil
penemuan itu benar.

Penelitian ini menerapkan metode pembelajaran, yakni metode penemuan terbimbing.
Dengan demikian, guru di kelas mengajar sesuai skenario pembelajaran yang telah ditetapkan
oleh peneliti. Jumlah siswa kelas 3B adalah 37 anak, terdiri atas laki-laki berjumlah 17 siswa
dan perempuan berjumlah 20 siswa Saat proses pembelajaran diamati oleh peneliti.
Adapun Skenario Tindakan adalah :

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

1. Guru memotivasi siswa untuk belajar matematika khususnya pada pokok bahasan volum,
karena pentingnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
2. Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang penggunaan Volum pada kehidupan sehari-hari.
3. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.
4. Menjelaskan tugas yang harus dikerjakan oleh siswa
5. Siswa diminta untuk berkelompok (6 orang perkelompok)
6. Guru menyediakan kubus dari mika transparan dengan ukuran 10cmX10cmX10cm
7. Guru meminta siswa dalam satu kelompok untuk mengukur volum kubus yang telah
disediakan, yaitu dengan cara mengisi kubus dengan air kemudian diukur dengan gelas
ukur dan mencatatnya.
8. Guru menanyakan berapa volum kubus itu
9. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengukur panjang dari rusuk-rusuk kubus tersebut.
10. Siswa diminta menghitung perkalian dari rusuk-rusuk yang telah diukur tersebut.
11. Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa satuan volum baku, yaitu 1cm3, 1dm3, dan 1m3.
1dm3 = 1 liter
1dm3 = 1dm X 1dm X 1dm
1dm3 = 10 cm X 10 cm X 10 cm
12. Siswa diminta untuk menulis rumus volum kubus yang telah ditemukan.
13. (15 menit sebelum batas waktu) guru meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan soal.
14. Guru memeriksa secara sepintas dan memberi stimulus positif atas hasil yang telah
15. Guru melaksanakan evaluasi dengan memberikan 4 soal untuk dikerjakan
Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data adalah :
a. Catatan lapangan guru dari hasil observasi
b. Pengamatan pada proses pembelajaran dalam kelompok yang meliputi (a) kerja sama
dan distribusi kerja, (b) keaktifan dan keseriusan, (c) keberanian dan ketertiban.
c. Wawancara dengan siswa setelah selesai kegiatan belajar mengajar.
d. Soal tes yang diberikan kepada siswa


Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menyajikan pembelajaran di kelas 3B untuk menemukan
rumus volum kubus dan volum balok. Adapun hasil penelitiannya adalah sebagai berikut :

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Tabel 1
Hasil Rekapitulasi Penilaian Proses Pembelajaran Pada Materi Volum Kubus dan Balok
No Perilaku Yang Muncul Penilaian Prosentase
Positif Negatif
1 Kerja sama dan distribusi kerja 36 1 97,3%
2 Keaktifan dan keseriusan
a. Antusiasme dalam menerima 35 2 94,6%
pelajaran matematika
b. Aktif bertanya dan menjawab 30 7 81,1%
pertanyaan guru
c. Aktif melakukan diskusi untuk 35 2 94,6%
menyelesaian masalah (soal)
d. Aktif membantu teman-teman 37 0 100%
dalam kelompok maupun di luar
3 Keberanian dan ketertiban 30 7 81,1%

Tabel 2 :
Persentase Banyaknya Siswa Yang Menjawab Benar Dari Penilaian Hasil Belajar
Pada Materi Volum Kubus Dan Balok

Nomor Soal Jumlah Siswa Yang Menjawab Benar Persentase

1 37 100%
2 34 91,9%
3 30 81,1%
4 29 78,4%

Dari proses pembelajaran dengan metode penemuan terbimbing, nampak kemajuan
belajar siswa terlihat secara jelas. Peningkatan hasil belajar tersebut dikarenakan guru dalam
mengimplementasikan pembelajaran secara benar, yaitu:
a. Guru telah mengkonstruksi pikiran siswa, yaitu dengan membangun pengetahuan sedikit
demi sedikit yang hasilnya diperluas melalui konteks yang terbatas dan tidak sekonyong-
konyong. Dengan kegiatan di luar kelas dan siswa diajak untuk mengalami atau
melakukan sendiri kegiatan belajar, maka siswa mampu mengkonstruksi pengetahuan itu
dan memberi makna melalui pengalaman nyata yang dilakukannya. Jadi pengetahuan
tumbuh dan berkembang melalui pengalaman.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

b. Dalam menemukan rumus volum, siswa menemukannya sendiri bukan dari hasil
mengingat. Guru hanya membimbing dalam prosesnya, misalnya cara mengobservasi,
mengumpulkan data dan langkah untuk menyimpulkan hasil.
c. Dari pengalaman yang didapat, siswa cenderung bertanya tentang hasil yang dia
dapatkan, sehngga membantu siswa merevisi hasil pekerjaan siswa, misalnya dalam
mengerjakan tugas atau mengerjakan latihan soal.
d. Guru telah membentuk kelompok-kelompok belajar, sehingga dalam belajar bisa
melibatkan siswa untuk berdiskusi, saling bekerjasama dan terjadi distribusi kerja.
Terjadilah komunikasi kulti arah. Siswa yang terlibat dalam diskusi ini ada yang memberi
informasi yang diperlukan oleh teman bicaranya dan sekaligus juga meminta informasi
yang diperlukan dari teman belajarnya. Disini siswa menjadi sumber belajar, berarti setiap
siswa akan kaya dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman, serta menyediakan peluang
adanya komunikasi yang terbuka dalam kemajuan belajar matematika.
e. Pemberian model balok dari mika transparan memudahkan siswa belajar. Siswa tinggal
menggunakannya sesuai perintah yang telah diberikan guru. Siswa tidak kesulitan dalam
menerapkan model itu, sehingga siswa merasa ingin mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan
f. Sebelum penilaian akhir dilaksanakan, guru memberikan latihan untuk siswa, yaitu soal
tambahan yang harus dikerjakan. Latihan ini merupakan respon terhadap kejadian,
aktivitas, atau pengetahuan yang baru diterima. Siswa diminta memberikan jawaban soal
latihan tersebut.
g. Memberikan gambaran lengkap tentang pencapaian hasil belajar matematika siswa dan
perkembangannya. Penilaian dilakukan secara transparan. Kriteria penilaian dijelaskan
diawal dan selalu diingatkan selama proses pembelajaran. Kriteria yang jelas tentang hal-
hal apa saja yang akan dinilai memberikan keuntungan bagi siswa

Penerapan pembelajaran dengan metode penemuan terbimbing bila dilaksanakan
dengan benar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika. Terbukti hasil penilaian aspek
kerja sama dan distribusi kerja, keaktifan dan keseriusan, keberanian dan ketertiban siswa
menunjukkan penilaian positip yang tinggi. Dan tampak pada penilaian hasil belajar siswa
dalam mengerjakan soal di akhir pelajaran jumlah siswa yang menjawab benar sudah cukup
tinggi. Ini membuktikan bahwa penerapan metode penemuan terbimbing dapat meningkatkan

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

hasil belajar matematika kelas 3B semester 1 SMP Negeri 1 Rambipuji, khususnya pada
materi volum kubus dan balok
Setiap mengajar hendaknya menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang lebih
menekankan pada pembentukan kognitif siswa secara mandiri (kontruktivisme), sehingga
pengetahuan yang terbentuk merupakan hasil kreasi siswa sendiri. Demikian pula dari pihak
sekolah hendaknya dapat membantu pengadaan media pembelajaran yang lebih representatif
dan variatif sehingga munculnya kejenuhan dalam proses belajar dapat dihindarkan.

Abbas, N. 2001. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah (Problem Based
Instruction) dalam Pembelajaran Matenatika di SMU. Tesis tidak dipublikasikan.
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika PPS UNESA. Surabaya.
Budiningsih, A. 2005. Belajar dan pembelajaran. Rineka Cipta: Jakarta.
Carin, A. A. & Sund, R. B., 1985. Teaching Science Through Discovery, London: A Bell &
Howell Company
Mayer, R, E. 2003. Learning and Instruction. New Jersey: Merril Prentice Hall
Misbah, 2004. Matematika Dalam Realita. Malang: UM Press
Moore K D. 2005. Effective Instructional Strategies from Theory to Practice. London: Sage
Shambaugh, N. & Magliaro, S. G. 2006. Instructional design. Boston: Pearson Education,
Smaldino, S.E, Russell, J.D.,Heinich, R., & Molenda, M. 2005. Instructional technology and
media for learning (8th edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Smith K. 1996. Guided Discovery, Visualization, and Technology Applied to the New
Curriculum for Secondary Mathematics. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and
Science Teaching Volume: 15 Issue: 4 Page 383-399
Suryabrata, S. 2003. Metodologi penelitian. Jakarta: PT Rajagrafindo Persada.
Uno, HB, 2007. Model Pembelajaran menciptakan proses belajar mengajar yang kreatif dan
efektif. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


(Sebuah catatan Ketatanegaraan Pasca Amandemen 1 terhadap UUD 1945)


Abstrak : Ketidak puasan terhadap sistem ketatanegaraan yang telah

dianggap mempolitisir kelemahan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 untuk
kepentingan pemerintahan yang berkuasa serta kurang pekanya
penyelenggara negara terhadap situasi dan kondisi, telah membangkitkan
terjadinya gerakan reformasi di seluruh tanah air yang dipelopori oleh
mahasiswa, berakibat tumbangnya rezim Orde Baru yang otoriter. Konstitusi
atau Undang-Undang Dasar kita belum mampu memberikan acuan praktis
dalam kehidupan ketetenegaraan, khususnya mengenai hubungan antara
lembaga tinggi negara, pembatasan kekuasaan kepala negara, serta kontrol
terhadap penyelenggaranegara dan pembangungan. Sehingga sanagtlah logis
dan realistis apabila usulan perubahan atau amandemen terhadap Undang-
Undang Dasar 1945 direalisasikan oleh wakil rakyat selaku lembaga normatif
yang berwenang untuk itu sesuai dengan amanat pasal 37 Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945. Sementara itu materi perubahan atau amandemen lebih diarahkan
pada pasal-pasal yang dinilai kurang relevan dengan tuntutan perkembangan
pemerintahan yang semakin demokratis. Mengingat begitu penting dan
dominannya peranan mengubah atau mengamandemen Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945 terhadap proses ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, maka penulis
tertarik untuk mengkaji secara ilmiah beberapa hal yang terkait dengan proses
dan hasil dari perubahan atau amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 tahap
kesatu yang ditetapkan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia
tanggal 19 Oktober 1999, dalam sebuah artikel yang berjudul “Amandemen
Terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 Sebagai Langkah Konstitusional
Menuju Pemerintahan Yang Demokratis”.Kesimpulan yang bisa ditarik,
Pertama, perubahan atau Amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
yang dilakukan oleh Majelis Permusyawaratan rakyat Republik Indonesia,
merupakan langkah yang konstutisional karena sesuai dengan ketentuan
perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Kedua, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
merupakan hukum dasar (grundnorm) di Indonesia, yang berisi ketentuan
pokok bagaimana proses ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia dilaksanakaN.
Sehingga apabila terjadi penyimpangan pelaksanaan proses ketatanegaraan,
maka sepatutnyalah apabila sumber hukum pelaksanaan proses
ketatanegaraan tersebut ditinjau kembali.
Kata Kunci : Amandemen, UUD 1945, Demokratis


Pembangunan menuju pemerintahan yang demokratis harus benar-benar diletakkan

dan dilaksanakan secara objektif diatas landasan yang konstitusional yang secara yuridis
formal sah berlaku. Karena dari pengalaman sejarah negara kita menunjukkan bahwa
pembangunan kehidupan dibidang ketata negaraan yang telah dibangun selama 53 tahun
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan yang demokratis, namun karena penyelenggaraan

pemerintahan yang menyimpang dari ideologi Pancasila dan mekanisme Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945 telah berakibat terjadinya ketidakseimbangan kekuasaan antara lembaga-lembaga
negara yang makin menjauhkan kita dari cita-cita demokrasi dan kemerdekaan, ini terbukti
dengan telah berlangsungnya sistem kekuasaan yang bercorak absolut, karena kekuasaan
presiden yang berlebihan .
Ketidak puasan terhadap sistem ketatanegaraan yang telah dianggap mempolitisir
kelemahan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 untuk kepentingan pemerintahan yang berkuasa serta
kurang pekanya penyelenggara negara terhadap situasi dan kondisi, telah membangkitkan
terjadinya gerakan reformasi di seluruh tanah air yang dipelopori oleh mahasiswa, berakibat
tumbangnya rezim Orde Baru yang otoriter.
Gerakan reformasi merupakan cikal bakal Orde ketiga yang bertekad melaksanakan
dan menegakkan pemerintahan yang konstitusional. Hal tersebut sama dengan tekad awal
bangkitnya Orde Baru, yang ternyata dalam perjalanannya justru terkontaminasi oleh nilai-
nilai yang bertentangan dengan makna dari Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 itu sendiri yang
selain pihak memang tidak dapat dipungkiri adanya kekurang sempurnaan dari hukum dasar
tertulis tersebut, karena secara historis Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 pada mulanya bersifat
sementara dan disusun dalam situsasi dan kondisi yang kurang memungkinkan.
Itulah sebabnya pengalaman pahit bangsa yang pernah terjadi cukup memberikan
makna yang sangat besar dan mendalam dalam menyongsong kehidupan negara di masa-masa
yang akan datang menuju format pembangunan negara Republik Indonesia yang benar-benar
demokratis. Berpangkal tolak pada pengalaman sejarah sebagaimana yang dijelaskan di atas,
muncullah berbagai pendapat dan gagasan dari beberapa pakar Hukum Tata Negara, maupun
pakar politik, diantaranya dengan mengamandemen Undang-Undang Dasar 1945,yang
sebelumnya dinilai sakral untuk dipersoalkan apalagi diubah. Sebagaimana tertuang dalam
konsensus nasional tahun 1966.
Konstitusi atau Undang-Undang Dasar kita belum mampu memberikan acuan praktis
dalam kehidupan ketetenegaraan, khususnya mengenai hubungan antara lembaga tinggi
negara, pembatasan kekuasaan kepala negara, serta kontrol terhadap penyelenggaranegara
dan pembangungan. Sehingga sanagtlah logis dan realistis apabila usulan perubahan atau
amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 direalisasikan oleh wakil rakyat selaku
lembaga normatif yang berwenang untuk itu sesuai dengan amanat pasal 37 Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945. Sementara itumateri perubahan atau amandemen lebih diarahkan pada pasal-

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pasal yang dinilai kurang relevan dengan tuntutan perkembangan pemerintahan yang semakin
Dilain pihak berdasarkan kewenangan pasal 37, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
dimungkinkan untuk diubah atau diamandemen apabila sudah nyata-nyata dinilai tidak
asperatif terhadap perkembangan jaman. Namun (Grunnorm) yang sudah kurang lebih 40
tahun diterima dan dipertahankan keberadaannya,yang diperlukan adanya suatu pembahasan
yang betul mendalam, teliti dan cermat (Tap MPR 1999:109).
Mengingat bagitu penting dan dominannya peranan mengubah atau mengamandemen
Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 terhadap proses ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, maka
penulis tertarik untuk mengkaji secara ilmiah beberapa hal yang terkait dengan proses dan
hasil dari perubahan atau amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 tahap kesatu yng
ditetapkan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia tanggal 19 Oktober 1999,
dalam sebuah artikel yang berjudul “Amandemen Terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
Sebagai Langkah Konstitusional Menuju Pemerintahan Yang Demokratis”.


Permasalahan pokok yang dibahas dalam artikel ini adalah “ Bagaimanakah peranan
Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 yang sudah diamandemen terhadap proses ketatanegaraan
Rebuplik Indonesia dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan yang demokratis?”

Latar Belakang Amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar 1945

Setiap negara merdeka di dunia mempunyai konstitusi atau Undang-Undang Dasar,

tak terkecuali Indonesia mempunyai Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Undang-Undang Dasar
1945 merupakan konstitusi tertulis yang dituangkan dalam sebuah dokumen formal yang
ditetapkan pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945. Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 yang disusun oleh
badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang membutuhkan waktu selama
kurang lebih 49 har, hanya memuat 37 pasal. Oleh sebab itu dikenal sebagai konstitusi atau
Undang-Undang Dasar tersingkat di dunia

Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 terkatagorikan tersingkat di dunia karena hanya

memuat kaidah-kaidah pokok atau yang fundamentalsaja. Namun menurut pendapat para
sarjana politik dan hukum, khususnya hukum tatanegara, konstitusi atau Undang-Undang
Dasar yang hanya memuat kaidah pokok atau fundamentalnya saja, justru akan menjadi suatu
kelebihan tersendiri karena akan mudah dikenal untuk meyesuiakan dengan perkembangan
jaman atau yang dikenal dengan istilah fleksibel.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Konstitusi atau Undang-Undang Dasar yang terkenal fleksibel, bukan berarti akan selalu
sesuai dengan kondisi masyarakat sepanjang jaman, namun harus disadari dan dimaklumi
pula bagaimana proses terbentuknya Konstitusi atau Undang-Undang Dasar tersebut. Seperti
halnya Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 yang penyusunnya dilakukan dalam kondisi yang serba
terbatas, termasuk waktu, pengalaman, dan kemampuannya,bahkan terjadinya pertentangan
dalam tubuh penyusun rancangan Undang-Undang Dasar, seperti contoh mengenai
pencantuman azasi, sebagaimana pendapat Moh Yamin yang mengatakan sebagai berikut:
“pencantuman pasal-pasal tersebut tidak lebih karena ada dua pendapat yang berbeda.
Pendapat yang pertama diwakili oleh Ir. Soekarno dan Prof. Dr. Mr. Soepomo yang
tidak menghendaki dicantumkannya hak-hak azasi dalam UUD yang sedang mereka susun.
Sebaliknya Sukiman dan Moh. Yamin menghendaki agar pasal-pasal tentang hak-hak azasi
perlu dicantumkan. Adala pemdapat Moh. Hatta yang menyebabkan terdapatnya pasal-pasal
tentang hak-hak azasi dalam UUD 1945 sekarang” (Kusnardi,1998:80)
Dari gambaran tersebut diatas sudah jelas bahwa tidak menutp kemungkinan hasil
kerja penyusun rancangan Undang-Undang Dasar akan menghasilkan produk yang kurang
sempurna. Oleh sebab itu merupakan suatu langkah yang bijak jika penyusun rancangan
Undang-Undang Dasar berfikir dan berpandanganh jauh kedepan, bahwa Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945 yang dikenal fleksibel pada suatu ketika tidak akan mampu lagi menyesuaikan
dengan kondisi masyarakat yang kian dinamis, dan saat itulah perlu adanya langkah untuk
merubah atau mengamandemen Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Dan kemungkinan tersebut
diantisipasi Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dengan dicantumkannya kewenangan dan prosedur
perubahan atau amandemen yaitu pasal 37 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.
Menurut pasal 37 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, merubah atau mengamandemen
Undang-Undang Dasar merupakan tugas dan kewenangan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat
selaku pemegang kedaulatan rakyat, dengan melalui beberapa mekanisme yang harus dilalui
diantaranya rapat pembahasan perubahan atau amandemen yang sekurang-kurangnya oleh 2/3
anggota jumlah hadir.
Apabila merujuk pada ketentuan perubahan diatas, maka “mekanisme perubahan Undang-
Undang Dasar 1945 tergolong rigit” (Koesnardi,1998:78) karena untuk merealisasikan rapat
memnuhi kourum dan disetujui sekurang-kurangnya 2/3 yang hadir bukan hal yang mudah.
Lebih-lebih berdasarkan kenyataan sejarah jaman Orde Baru, mayoritas di majelis sejak tahun
1972 berkehendak utnuk tidak melaksanakan pasal 37, suatu tekasd utnuk tidak merubah
Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Sehingga dengan demikian bisa dikatakan rigit atau tidaknya

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

suatu konstitusi atau Undang-Undang Dasar ditentukan juga oleh kekuatan peloitik yang
Terlepas dari permasalhan sifat rigit dari Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, kenyataan telah
membuktikan bahwa anggota majelis hasil pemilihan umum 1999 selaku pemegang
kedaulatan rakyat menurut pasal 1 ayat (2), dengan bersumber pada pasal 37, telah
melaksanakan perubahan atau amandemen perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, yang
pada masa-masa sebelumnya dikenal sakral utunk dirubah.
Peristiwa ketatanegaraan yang telah terjadi ini sungguh-sungguh merupakan realita yang
benar-benar kontradiktif terhadap semangat masa sebelumnya untuk mempertahankan v. Oelh
sebab itu perlu kiranya utnuk dikaji dan diketahui apa yang melatarbelakangi, baik
secarayuridis maupun politis.

1. Pertimbangan Yuridis
Untuk mengadakan pembahasan lebih jauh mengenai perubahan yuridis dilakukannya
perubahan atau amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, perlu terlebih dahulu dimengerti
maksud dari peristilahan yuridis.

Kata yuridis secara etimologis diartikan “menurut hukum atau secara

hukum”(KBBI,1980:1016). Sedangkan istilah hukum bisa diartikan sebagai berikut:
1. Peraturan yang dibuat oleh penguasa (pemerintah) atau adat yang berlaku bagi semua
orang suatu masyarakat (negara);
2. Undang-undang, peraturan, dsb untuk mengatur pergaulan hidup masyarakat;
3. (dipengadilan) ; vonis (KBBI,1980:314)
Sehingga apabila mengacu pada pengertian sebagaimana dimaksud diatas, maka
pertimbangna yuridis bisa dimaksudkan sebagai suatu pertimbangan yang dilakukan
berdasarkan atau menurut ketentuan undang-undang atau peraturan yang secara syah dibuat
oleh pemerintah dan belaku di suatu negara.

Sedangkan pembahasan ini, akan dicari dan dibahas mengenai ketentuan undang-
undang atau peraturan formal yang dijadikan acuan dalam melaksanakan perubahan atau
amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 tersebut.
Pada bagian sebelumnya sudah tersinggung bahwa merubah atau mangamandemen Undang-
Undang Dasar sudah diatur pasal 37 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.
Yang mana dalam pasal ini terkandung tiga pengertian mengenai perubahan Undang-
Undang Dasar, yang meliputi:
Kekuasaan untuk mengubah Undang-Undang Dasar,
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

1. Syarat kehadiran atau korum, dan

2. Syarat syahnya keputusan
Jadi mengenai kekuasaan dan wewenang untuk mengubah atu mengamandemen
Undang-Undang Dasar, adalah menjadi tugas dan wewenang Majelis Permusyawaratan
Rakyat (pasal 37 ayat (1)), selaku pemegang kedaulatan rakyat (pasal 1 ayat(2)). Ketentuan
ini kemudian direalisasikan kedalam Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik
Indonesia Nomor II/MPR/1999 mengenai Peraturan Tata tertib Majelis Permusyawaratan
Rakyat Republik Indonesia, pasal 4 butir. Pasal 4 Tap. MPR-RI No. II/MPR/1999 yang secara
lengkap tertulis sebagai berikut:

Pasal 4

Majelis mempunyai wewenang:

a. Membuat peraturan-peraturan yang tak dapat dibatalkan oleh Lembaga Negara lain,
termasuk penetapan garis-garis besar haluan negara;
b. Memberikan penjelasan ynag bersifat penapsiran terhadap putusan-putusan Majelis;
c. Menyelesaikan pemilihan selanjutnya mengangkat Presiden dan Wakli Presiden;
d. Meminta pertanggung jawaban dari Presiden mengenai pelaksanaan garis-garis besar
haluan negara;
e. Mencabut kekuasaan dan memberhentikan Presiden dalam masa jabatannya apabila
Presiden sungguh-sungguh melanggar garis-garis besar haluan negara dan/atau
Undang-Undang Dasar;
f. Mengubah Undang-Undang Dasar;
g. Menetapkan Peraturan Tata Tertib Majelis;
h. Menetapkan Pimpinan Majelis ygng dipilih dari dan oleh anggota;
i. Mengambil / memberikan keputusan terhadap anggota yang melanggar sumpah janji
Sedang mengenal syarat kehadiran atau kourum dan syarat syahnya dikategorikan sebagai
prosedur perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar diatur dalam padal 37 Undang-Undang Dasar
1945, yang mana secara lengkap berbunyi sebagai berikut:

Pasal 37

(1). Untuk mengubah Undang-Undang Dasar, sekurang-kurangnya 2/3 dari jumlah anggota
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat harus hadir,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

(2). Putusan diambil dengan persetujuann sekurang-kurangnya 2/3 dari jumlah anggota
(UUD 1945).

Berbeda dengan kekuasaan dan wewenang merubah, ternyata prosedur yang harus
ditempuh dalam melaksanakan prubahan atau amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar
tidak teratur atau dijelaskan kembali dalam Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Republik
Indonesia Nomor II/MPR/1999 tentang Peraturan Tata tertib Majelis Permusyawaratan
Rakyat Republik Indonesia. Meskipun ada beberapa pasal yang mengatur tentang kehadiran
dan pengambilan keputusan, baik secara mufakat maupun berdasarkan suara terbanyak, seperi
pasal 82, 83, 84, 85,dan pasal 86, akan tetapi ketentuan tersebut sama sekali tidak
diberlakukan prosedur pembahasan perubahan atau amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar.
Karena mengenai perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar, secara eksplisit sudah tercantum dalam
pasal 96 Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat No. II/MPR/1999, yang berbunyi
sebagai berikut: “Perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan
Pasal 37 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945” (Tap. MPR-RI.1999:39).

Kalau kita tadi telah membahas mengenai kekuasaan dan kewenangan utnuk merubah
atau mengamandemen suaut Undang-Undang Dasar, tentunya kita juga menyadari adanya
kekuasaan untuk menetapkan Undang-Undang Dasar. Kekuasaan menetapkan Undang-
Undang Dasar, menurut pasal 3 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 merupakan tugas dari Majelis
Permusywaratan Rakyat.

Pasal 3

Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 secara lengkap berbunyi sebagai berikut : “ Majelis

Permusyawaratan Rakyat menetapkan Undang-Undang Dasar dan garis-garis besar daripada
haluan negara”

Kekuasaan untuk menetapkan Undang-Undang Dasar mengandung tiga pengertian, pertama

mendapatkan kembali Undang-Undang Dasar ketiga menetapkan Undang-Undang Dasar
yang telah mengalami perubahan atau amandemen.

Menurut pengalaman sejarah sejak Indonesia merdeka telah mengalami empat kali
pemberlakuan Undang-Undang Dasar, yang kesemuanya tidak melalui proses penetapan yang
dilakukan oleh ejelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR). Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat
Republik Indonesia (MPR-RI) maelakukan tugas menetapkan Undang-Undang Dasar baru

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

terjadi pada tanggal 19 Oktober 1999, yaitu menetapkan hasil perubahan atau amandemen
Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 tahap pertama

Jadi yang menjadi pertimbangan yuridis dilakukannya perubahan atau amandemen

terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 oleh Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik
Indonesia (MPR-RI) hasil pemilihan umum tahun 1999 adalah pasal 1 ayat (2), pasal 3, pasal
27 ayat (1)dan ayt (2) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, serta Ketetapan Majelis Permusywaratan
Tata Tertib Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia Nomoe II/MPR/1999
tentang Peraturan Tata tertib Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia.

Disamping dalam menetukan pertimbangan yuridis dapat dilakukan dengan cara

mengkaji dan mambahas peraturan perundang-undangan yang dijadikan landasan untuk
melakukan sesuatu perbuatan hukum, juga dapat mengamati konsideransnnya. Apabila
mengutip pendapat pendapat Kansil mengenai pengertian dari konsiderans, dikatakan bahwa
“Konsiderans adalah alasan-alasan yang menyebabkan dibentuknya suatu Undang-Undang”
Sedang dalam Kamus Besar Indonesi, konsiderans diartikan dengan ”perimbangan yang
menjadi dasar penetapan keputusan, peraturan, dan sebagainya” (1990:457).
Mengingat Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Nomor IX/MPR/1999, berisi
tentang penugasan Badan Pekerja Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat republik Indonesia utnuk
melanjutkan perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945, maka didalam konsideransnya
juga tercantum alsan yuridis baik terhadap alasan penugasan maupun perubahannya.
Apabila kita amati konsiderans dari Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Nomor
IX/MPR/1999 tersebut maka secara lengkap akan disebutkan sebagai berikut:
Mengingat: Pasal 1 Ayat (1), Pasal 3,Pasal37 Ayat (1) dan Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar
Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;

Ketetapan Majelis Permusyawaratan Republik Indonesia Nomor II/MPR/1999 tentang

Peraturan Tata tertib Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia.
Jadi pertimbangan yuridis sebagaimana yang diuraikan di atas relevan dengan pertimbangan
yuridis sebagaimana termuat dalam konsiderans perubahan atau amandemen terhadap
Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 oleh Badan Pekerja Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat republik
Indonesia melalui Tap. MPR. Nomor IX/MPR/1999.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

2. Pertimbangan Politis

Apabila pertimbangan yuridis melihat dari segi peraturan atau perundang-undangan

yang melatar belakangi dikeluarkannya suatu perUndang-Undang atau Keputusan, sedangkan
pertimbangan politis menyangkut mengenai latar belakang pelaksanaan kekuasaan sistem
pemerintahan. Sesuai dengan maksud dan pengertian dari istilah politik itu sendiri.
“Politik: 1. (ilmu.....) pengetahuan mengnai ketatanegaraan atau kenegaraan (seperti tentang
sistem pemerintahan, dasar-dasar pemerintahan); 2. Segala urusan dan tindakan
(kebijaksanaan dan siasat, dan sebagainya) mengenai pemerintahan negera atau terhadap
negara lain; ..............;3. Kebijakan; cara bertindak (dalam menghadapi atau
menanganisuatumasalah)” (KBBI,1990:694).
Sedangkan istilah ‘politis” pada buku dan halaman yang sama diartikan dengan “bersifat
politik;bersangkutan dengan politik”
Sehingga pertimbangan politis dilaksanakan amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar
1945, oleh penulis dimaksudkan sebagai proses ketatanegaraan atau pelaksanaan sistem
pamerintahan negara yang berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan perubahann atau amandemen
Pelaksanaan perubahan atau amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 oleh
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, merupakan realisasi dari pemerintah khususnya lembaga
wakil rakyat dalam menampung atau mengakumudir aspirasi rakyat. Semakin maraknya
tuntutan rakyat untuk segera diadakan perubahan atau amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945, muncul karena hukum dasar hukum dasar tertinggi yang sedang berlaku tersebut
dinilai sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembangan masyrakat Indonesia. Ketidak sesuaian
ini terbukti dengan mekanisme palaksanaan pemerintahan masa Orde Baru, yang telah banyak
mempolitisir ketentuan yang dimuat dalam pasal-pasal Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
sehinngga akhirnya melahirkan suatu sistem pemrintahan yang otoriter, dimana kekuasaan
pemerintahan sangar dominan disegala aspek kehidupan .
Sebagaimana yang dijelaskan dalam Bab II Kondisi Umum – Garis-Garis Besar
Haluan Negara (GBHN), yang diantaranya mengatakan sebagai berikut:“Penyelenggaraan
negara yang menyimpang dari ideologi pancasila dan mekanisme Undang-Undang Dasar
1945 telah mengakibatkanketidak seimbangan kekuasaan di antara lembaga-lembaga negara
dan makin jauh dari cita-cita demokrasi dan kemerdekaan yang ditandai dengan
berlangsungnya sistem kekuasaan yang bercorak absolut karena wewenang dan kekuasaan
Presiden berlebihan yang melahirkan budaya korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme sehingga terjadi
krisis multidimensional pada hampir seluruh apsek kehidupan”
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Berangkat dari permasalahan seperti yanag dicontohkan diatas, perlulah suatu tekad
dan semangat baru, yang kemudian ditandai dengan munculnya gerakan reformasi disegala
bidang kehidupan. Reformasi adalah suatu perubahan yang bersifat radikal untuk mengadakan
perbaikan di suatu masyarakat atau negara (KBBI,1990:735). Untuk mengadakan perubahan
dan perbaikan di bidang pemerintahan, terlebih dahulu harus diadakan perubahan terhadap
ketentuan-ketentuan yang secara yuridis formal yang mengatur sistem pemerintahan tersebut.
Seperti kita ketahui bersama bahwa hukum dasar tertinggi tingkatannya adalah Undang-
Undang Dasar, yang ada didalamnya ,memuat ketentuan-ketentuan pokok mengenai
penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara, yang salah satu diantaranya mengenai ketentuan yang
mengatur tentang pelaksanaan kekuasaan pemerintahan.
Oleh sebab itu sangatlah realistis dan logis, pabila gerakan reformasi mengagendakan
perubahan atau amandemen terhadap pasal-pasal dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, sebagai
upaya utuk mengadakan perbaikan terhadap sistem pemerintahan negara sehingga benar-
benar terwujud pemerintahan demokrasi yang berdasarkan Pancasila sebagaimana yang
dicita-citakan Proklamasi Kemedekaan Indonesia.
Dari penjelasan yang telah disampaikan diatas, dapat ditarik suatu kesimpulan bahwa
latar belakang politis dilaksanakan perubahan atau amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945 adalah untuk mencegah terbentuknya pemerintahan yang otoriter, melalui
pembatasan kekuasaan pemerintah (Presiden) dan pemberdayaan lembaga negara lain,
utamanya lembaga wakil rakyat. Oleh sebab itu perubahan atau amandemen Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945 tahap pertama yang telah selesai ditetapkan banyak diarahkan pada pembatasan
Kekuasaan Pemerintahan Negara.
Demokratisasi Melalui Amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
Pemerintahan yang ideal di alam demokrasi adalah pemerintahan yang tunduk pada
rakyat, selaku pemegang kedaulatan negara. Sebagai pemilik negara, berarti rakyat harus
berperan dalam menentukan sistem nilai dan arah kebijaksanaan negara yag akan dijadikan
pedoman oleh penyelenggara pemerintahan negara dalam melaksanakan fungsinya. Hal
demikian merupakan suatu keharusan dalam negara demokrasi agar pemerintahan negara itu
tetap eksis.
Dalam negara berdemokrasi, terdapat semacam doktrin bahwa pemerintahan akan
berusaha memberikan pelyanan yang sebesar-besarnya untuk kepentingan rakyat (Public
Service), bukan menganggap rakyat sebagai abdi pemerintah. Mengimplementasikan doktrin
pelayan masyarakat, bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah karena tidak hanya menyangkut kwalitas
aparat penyelenggara pemerintah namun lebih menyentuh pada masalah etik dan moral.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Apabila berbicara etika dan moral, maka menyangkut baik dan buruk perbuatan
manusia atau mental manusia, mental manusia meupakan suatu yang abstrak dan harus di
realisir jika ingin diamati. Oleh seabab itu etika dan moral seseorang atau kelompok orang
ditentukkan oleh budaya atau kultur yang cukup heterogen, di inodnesia pembangunan etika
dan moral berbangsa merupakan strategis. Budaya hidup demokratis yag mampu
mengembangkan kreativias dan sanggup membuka penghargaan yangg sama terhadap
berbagai corak golongan masyarakat, etnis, agama, umur dan jenis kelamin.
Berpacu dengan modrnisasi internasional dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.
Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 sebagai paradigma dalam menyusun dan
mewujudkan strategi kebudayaan indonesia dalam menyongsong masa depan harus benar-
benar diaktualisasikan secara konsekwen. Meskipun tidak bisa kita pungkiri bahwa paradigma
tersebut masih bisa dan sering diperdebatkan dalam rangka mencari format pembangunan
bangsa yang benar-benar demokratis.
Berdasarkan pembahasan sebagaimana yang penulis lakukan di atas maka dapat
ditarik beberapa pokok kesimpulan.
Pertama, perubahan atau Amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 yang dilakukan
oleh Majelis Permusyawaratan rakyat Republik Indonesia, merupakan langkah yang
konstutisional karena sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Adapun
yang melatar belakangi dilakukannya perubahan atau Amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945, karena pertimbangan Yuridis dan pertimbangan Politis.
Kedua, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 merupakan hukum dasar (grundnorm) di
Indonesia, yang berisi ketentuan pokok bagaimana proses ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia
dilaksanaka. Sehingga apabila terjadi penyimpangan pelaksanaan proses ketatanegaraan,
maka sepatutnyalah apabila sumber hukum pelaksanaan proses ketatanegaraan tersebut
ditinjau kembali. Lebih-lebih hukum dasar Indonesia atau Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
disusun dalam kondisi yang serba terbatas, sehingga sangatlah logis dan realistis jika pada
suatu ketika akan mangalami masa ketidaksesuaian terhadap perkembangan masyarakat.
Lebih-lebih materi perubahan atau amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
tahap pertama yang telah selesai dilaksanakandan ditetapkan pada tanggal 19 Oktober 1999,
sebagian besar adalah membatasi wewenag hak-hak Presiden serta memberdayakan lembaga
negara yang lain, sehingga terjadi suatu keseimbangan kekuasan dalam pelaksanaan dalam
pemerintahan negara. Sehingga sangatlah tepat apabila dikatakan bahwa perubahan atau
amandemen terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 mempunyai peranan yang besar terhadap

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

proses ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia dalam mewujudkan Pemerintahan yang


Daftar Pustaka

Alrasid, Harun. Naskah UUD 1945 Sesudah Empat Kali Diubah Oleh MPR. Revisi Cetakan
Pertama. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, 2003.

Kusnardi & harmaily. 1198. Pengantar Hukum Tata Negar Indonesia. Pusat Studi Hukum
Tata Negara Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia.
Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. 1990.
Kansil, C,S.T. 1989. Pengantar Ilmu Hukum dan Tata Hukum Indonesia. Balai Pustaka

Simanjuntak, Marsillam. Pandangan Negara Integralistik: Sumber, Unsur, dan Riwayatnya

dalam Persiapan UUD 1945. Jakarta: Pustaka Grafiti, 1993.

Tim Nasional Reformasi Menuju Masyarakat Madani, Pokok-pokok Usulan Amandemen

Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dan Pemilihan Presiden Secara Langsung,
dipresentasikan di hadapan Pimpinan dan Anggota Dewan Pertimbangan Agung RI
pada tanggal 15 Juni 1999 di Jakarta.

Yamin, Muhammad. Naskah Persiapan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Jilid Pertama. Jakarta:
Yayasan Prapanca, 1959.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Durrotun Nafisah, M.Bayu Firmansyah

Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia STKIP PGRI Pasuruan

Abstract: Psychological Setting is an intrinsic element of a fiction work in

the form of circumtances related to people’s behavior, way of thinking, bias,
and life style. The novel of Laskar Pelangi is Andrea Hirata’s first novel
which tells about the hardwork and the fight of Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow
Troops) and teachers in living this life. The purpose of this study is to obtain
the objective description of the psycho-logycal setting. Based on the
description of the result from the Psychological setting analysis in the novel
of laskar pelangi written by Andrea Hirata, the researcher concludes that the
Psycho-logical setting in the novel consists of (1) someone’s or people’s
behavior in determining the life choices, that is by working hard and being
wise. (2) someone’s or people’s way of thinking in determining the life
choices, that is simple and excessive way of thinking. (3) someone’s or
people’s bias in determining the life choices, that is positive and negative
bias. (4) people’s life style in a certain region or environ-ment, that is simple
and modern life style.

Keywords: Psychological setting, Laskar Pelangi

Sastra adalah sebuah hasil cipta karya manusia yang dihasilkan melalui proses
perenungan panjang seorang pengarang mengenai hakikat hidup dan kehidupan. Dalam
mengkaji sebuah karya sastra, peneliti perlu memfokuskan perhatian kepada aspek-aspek
tertentu dari karya sastra. Maka dari itu peneliti memerlukan sebuah pendeka-tan sastra yang
tepat untuk mengkaji aspek masalah yang akan diteliti. Pendekatan sastra sangat penting untuk
mengungkap karya sastra secara utuh.
Unsur pembangun dalam karya sastra ada dua yaitu unsur instrinsik dan ekstrinsik.
Unsur instrinsik adalah sebuah unsur yang membangun cerita di dalam sebuah karya sastra.
Unsur ekstrinsik adalah unsur-unsur yang berada di luar karya sastra itu, tetapi secara tidak
langsung memengaruhi bangunan atau sistem organisme teks sastra. (Nurgiyan-toro,
Salah satu unsur instrinsik yang menarik untuk dikaji adalah latar atau setting.
Menurut Aminuddin (2014:67) setting adalah latar peristiwa dalam karya fiksi, baik berupa
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

tempat, waktu, maupun peristiwa serta memiliki fungsi fisikal dan fungsi psikologis. Dalam
karya sastra khususnya novel, setting mampu menu-ansakan makna tertentu serta mampu
menciptakan suasana yang menggetarkan emosi dan aspek kejiwaan pembaca.Latar
memberikan pijakan cerita secara konkret dan jelas. Hal ini penting untuk memberikan kesan
realistis kepada pembaca, menciptakan suasana tertentu yang seolah-olah sungguh-sungguh
ada dan terjadi. Dengan demikian pembaca merasa difasilitasi dan dipermudah untuk
“mengoperasikan” daya imajinasinya, disamping dimungkinkan untuk berperan secara kritis
sehubungan dengan pengetahuannya tentang latar. Pembaca dapat merasakan dan menilai
kebenaran, ketepatan, dan aktualisasi latar yang diceritakan sehingga merasa lebih akrab.
Pembaca seolah-olah merasa menemukan sesuatu dalam cerita itu yang sebenarnya menjadi
bagian dirinya. Hal ini akan terjadi jika latar mampu mengangkat suasana setempat, warna
lokal, lengkap dengan karakteristiknya yang khas dalam cerita (Nurgiyantoro, 2013:303).
Mengingat pentingnya unsur latar atau setting dalam sebuah karya sastra, peneliti
bermaksud menganalisis setting psikologis novel yang berjudul Laskar Pelangi karya Andrea
Hirata. Novel Laskar Pelangi dipilih oleh peneliti karena novel Laskar Pelangi adalah novel
fenomenal dan di dalamnya berisi banyak setting psikologis yang menarik untuk dikaji.
Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti memilih pendekatan pragmatik dalam menganalisis
unsur setting psikologis. Pendekatan ini dipilih karena peneliti ingin mengungkap setting
psikologis dalam novel Laskar Pelangi serta memberikan perhatian utama terhadap manfaat
penelitian untuk para pembaca.

Pendekatan Sastra
Pendekatan sastra adalah cara yang dilakukan oleh peneliti untuk mengkaji sebuah
karya sastra. Seorang pengarang dalam menciptakan sebuah karya sastra pasti tidak akan luput
dari latar belakang dan lingkungannya. Abrams (dalam A.Teeuw, 2013:94) me-ngemukakan
dalam komunikasi antara sastrawan dan pembaca tidak akan terlepas dari empat situasi sastra,
yaitu: karya sastra, sastrawan, semesta, dan pembaca.
Berdasarkan kesejarahan teori sastra (Abrams, 1999, Teeuw, 1988 dalam
Nurgiyantoro, 2013:56) mengate-gorikan studi kesastraan menjadi empat pendekatan, yaitu
pendekatan mimetik, ekspresif, objektif dan pragmatik. Pende-katan mimetik mengkaji
keterkaitan teks kesastraan dengan semesta dengan teori yang berasal dari Plato dan
Aristoteles yaitu teori imitasi. Pendekatan ekspresif menekankan pentingnya peran penulis

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dalam pemahaman teks-teks kesastraan karena karya sastra adalah “anak kan-dung” mereka,
maka merekalah yang paling tahu apa yang ingin disampaikan.
Pendekatan objektif menekankan kajian langsung terhadap teks kesastraan. Ia
memperlakukan teks sebagai objek utama kajian. Pendekatan pragmatik menekankan
pentingnya faktor pembaca teks kesastraan. Pemaknaan terhadap teks-teks itu tidak dapat
mengabaikan faktor pembaca karena merekalah yang berhubungan langsung pada teks,
merekalah yang berkepentingan, maka bagaimana sikap dan penerimaan mereka merupakan
sesuatu yang perlu dikaji. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti memilih menggunakan pendekatan
pragmatik. Hal ini karena tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manfaat karya sastra
khususnya setting psikologis bagi pembaca.
Setting psikologis yang sengaja di-ciptakan oleh penga-rang pastilah memiliki tujuan
positif tertentu yang ingin disampaikan kepada pembaca. Dalam hal ini tujuan tersebut dapat
berupa tujuan politik, pendidikan, moral, agama maupun tujuan yang lain. Setting psikologis
yang dimaksud adalah setting yang berupa suasana yang berhubungan dengan sikap
masyarakat, jalan pikiran masyarakat, prasangka masyarakat serta gaya hidup masyarakat
dalam mengatasi problema dalam novel Laskar Pelangi karya Andrea Hirata yang mam-pu
menuansakan makna dan suasana tertentu serta mampu mengajuk emosi pembaca.

Latar atau Setting

Menurut Abrams (dalam Nurgi-yantoro, 2013:302) Latar atau setting yang disebut
juga landas tumpu, menun-juk pada pengertian tempat, hubungan waktu sejarah, dan
lingkungan sosial tempat terjadinya peristiwa-peristiwa yang diceritakan. Latar adalah
lingkungan, dan lingkungan terutama interior rumah dapat dianggap berfungsi sebagai
metonimia, atau metafora ekspresi dari tokohnya. Rumah seseorang adalah perluasan dari
dirinya sendiri. kalau kita menggambar-kan rumahnya, berarti kita menggambar-kan sang
tokoh (Wellek dan Warren, 2016:268).
Latar memberikan pijakan cerita secara konkret dan jelas. Hal ini penting untuk
memberikan kesan realistis kepada pembaca, menciptakan suasana tertentu yang seolah-olah
sungguh-sungguh ada dan terjadi. Dengan demikian pembaca merasa difasilitasi dan
dipermudah untuk “mengoperasikan” daya imajinasinya, disamping dimungkinkan untuk
berperan secara kritis sehubungan dengan pengetahuannya tentang latar. (Nurgiyantoro,
Menurut Aminuddin (2014:67) Peristiwa-peristiwa dalam cerita fiksi juga selalu
dilatarbelakangi oleh tempat, waktu maupun situasi tertentu. Akan tetapi dalam karya fiksi,

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setting bukan hanya berfungsi sebagai latar yang bersifat fisikal untuk membuat cerita
menjadi logis. Ia juga memiliki fungsi psikologis sehingga setting pun mampu menuansakan
makna tertentu sehingga setting pun mampu menciptakan suasana-suasana tertentu yang
menggerakkan emosi atau aspek kejiwaan pembacanya.
Leo Hamalian dan Frederick R. Karel (dalam Aminuddin, 2014:68) menjelaskan
bahwa setting dalam karya fiksi bukan hanya berupa tempat, waktu, peristiwa, suasana serta
benda-benda da-lam lingkungan tertentu, melainkan juga dapat berupa suasana yang
berhubungan dengan sikap, jalan pikiran, prasangka, maupun gaya hidup suatu masyarakat
dalam menanggapi suatu problema tertentu. Setting dalam bentuk yang terakhir itu dapat
dimasukkan dalam setting yang bersifat psikologis.

Macam – Macam Latar atau Setting

Setting merupakan unsur pembangun karya sastra yang merupakan latar belakang
suatu kejadian atau peristiwa. Setting dibagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu setting fisikal dan
setting psikologis.
Setting fisikal merupakan setting yang hanya terbatas pada sesuatu yang bersifat fisik.
Setting fisikal adalah setting yang memberikan informasi yang bersifat materialistis
(kebendaan). Untuk memahami setting fisikal, seorang pembaca cukup melihat apa yang
tersurat dalam cerita. Setting fisikal biasanya berhubungan dengan tempat, waktu serta
Lebih lanjut Leo Hamalian & Frederick R Karel dalam Aminuddin, 2014:68)
menjelaskan bahwa setting psikologis dalam karya fiksi bukan hanya tempat, waktu,
peristiwa, suasana serta benda-benda dalam lingkungan tertentu, melainkan juga dapat berupa
suasana yang berhubungan dengan sikap, jalan pikiran, prasangka maupun gaya hidup suatu
masyarakat dalam menanggapi suatu problema tertentu.
Setting adalah latar peristiwa dalam karya fiksi, baik berupa tempat, waktu, maupun
peristiwa, serta memiliki fungsi fisikal dan fungsi psikologis (Aminuddin, 2014:67).
Perbedaan antara setting yang bersifat fisikal dengan setting yang bersifat psikologis adalah:
(1) Setting yang bersifat fisikal berhubungan dengan tempat, misalnya kota Jakarta, daerah
pedesaan, pasar, sekolah, dan lain-lain, serta benda-benda dalam lingkungan tertentu
yang tidak menuansakan makna apa-apa, sedangkan setting psikologis adalah setting
berupa lingkungan atau benda-benda dalam lingkungan tertentu yang mampu
menuansakan suatu makna serta mampu mengajuk emosi pembaca.

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(2) Setting fisikal hanya terbatas pada sesuatu yang bersifat fisik, sedangkan setting psikologis
dapat berupa suasana maupun sikap serta jalan pikiran suatu lingkungan masyarakat
(3) Untuk memahami setting yang bersifat fisikal, pembaca cukup melihat dari apa yang
tersurat, sedangkan pemahaman terhadap setting yang bersifat psikologis membutuhkan
adanya penghayatan dan penafsiran.
(4) Terdapat saling pengaruh dan ketumpangtindihan antara setting fisikal dengan setting

Hubungan Setting dengan Unsur Signifikan yang Lain

Sebagai salah satu bagian dari unsur pembangun karya fiksi, setting selalu memiliki
hubungan dengan unsur-unsur signifikan lain dalam rangka membangun totalitas makna serta
adanya kesatuan atau unity dari keseluruhan isi yang dipaparkan pengarang. Setting selalu
memiliki hubungan dengan penokohan, perwatakan, suasana cerita atau atmosfer, alur atau
plot maupun dalam rangka mewujudkan tema suatu cerita.
Hubungan setting dengan penokohan misalnya jika pengarang mau menampilkan
tokoh seorang petani yang sederhana dan buta huruf, maka tidak mungkin petani itu diberi
setting kota Jakarta, Aldiron Plaza, perkantoran maupun diskotik serta restoran. Begitu juga
seorang tokoh yang digambarkan berwatak alim tidak mungkin diberi setting: kamarnya
dipenuhi gambar botol minuman keras serta bertempat tinggal di daerah mesum (Aminuddin,
Latar dengan penokohan memu-nyai hubungan yang erat dan bersifat timbal balik.
Sifat-sifat latar terutama latar spiritual, dalam banyak hal akan memengaruhi sifat-sifat tokoh.
Bahkan, barangkali tidak berlebihan jika dikata-kan bahwa karakter seseorang akan di-bentuk
oleh keadaan latarnya. Hal ini akan tercermin, misalnya, sifat-sifat umum orang kota. Cara
berpikir dan bersikap orang desa berbeda dengan orang kota. Adanya perbedaan tradisi,
konvensi, keadaan sosial dan lain-lain yang menciri tempat-tempat tertentu, langsung atau
tidak langsung, berpe-ngaruh kepada penduduk, dan karenanya juga kepada tokoh cerita. Di
pihak lain, juga dapat dikatakan bahawa sifat-sifat dan tingkah laku tertentu yang ditunjuk-
kan oleh seorang tokoh mencerminkan dari mana dia berasal. Jadi, ia akan mencerminkan
latar (Nurgiyantoro, 2013:312-313).

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Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai
penelitian deskrip-tif karena peneliti mendeskripsikan setting psikologis yang terdapat dalam
novel Laskar Pelangi karya Andrea Hirata.
Objek penelitian ini adalah novel Laskar Pelangi Karya Andrea Hirata, sedangkan
tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeksripsikan setting psikologis dalam novel tersebut.
Prosedur pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggu-nakan teknik
deksripsi kualitatif, yaitu dengan mendeksripsikan objek yang diteliti dan analisis data
mengguna-kan teknik analisis tekstual. Dalam mengecek keabsahan temuan dalam pe-nelitian
ini peneliti menggunakan teknik antara lain teknik ketekunan/keajegan pengamatan,
triangulasi, pemeriksaan sejawat melalui diskusi.


Setting merupakan salah satu unsur instrinsik pembangun karya sastra yang
melatarbelakangi peristiwa dalam karya fiksi, baik berupa tempat, waktu, maupun peristiwa
serta memiliki fungsi fisikal dan fungsi psikologis. Setting psikologis adalah unsur instrinsik
karya fiksi yaitu berupa suasana yang berhubu-ngan dengan sikap masyarakat, jalan pikiran
masyarakat, prasangka masyara-kat, serta gaya hidup masyarakat.
Dalam pembahasan ini penulis akan memaparkan temuan data yang ada sesuai dengan
pendekatan pragmatik dan teori yang telah dipakai sebelumnya. Latar sangat erat
hubungannya dengan tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita, maka dari itu penulis memaparkan setting
psikologis dengan cara teknik cakapan, teknik tingkah laku, teknik pikiran dan perasaan,
teknik arus kesadaran dan teknik reaksi tokoh.

Wujud Setting Psikologis Berupa Sikap Masyarakat

Setting psikologis yang berupa sikap masyarakat adalah setting yang menuansakan
makna tertentu dan berwujud sikap masyarakat dalam meng-hadapi masalah tertentu yang
dapat menggerakkan emosi atau aspek kejiwaan pembaca. Sikap masyarakat dalam novel
Laskar Pelangi ini berman-faat dan mengandung nilai positif bagi pembaca. Diantaranya sikap
bekerja keras dan sikap bijaksana.
Sikap bekerja keras adalah sikap berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh, gigih dan
pantang menyerah meskipun menghadapi banyak tantangan dan kesulitan untuk mencapai
tujuan atau cita-cita tertentu. Sikap bekerja keras terlihat dari sikap para tokoh dalam novel
Laskar Pelangi dalam menjalani hidup dan menghadapi problema dalam hidup. Hal ini terlihat

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dari sikap bekerja keras Bu Mus hanya untuk menjalani kehidupan. Hal ini terlihat dari
kutipan berikut :

“Setelah seharian mengajar, beliau melanjutkan bekerja menerima jahitan

sampai jauh malam untuk mencari nafkah, menopang hidup dirinya dan

Dari kutipan di atas terlihat sikap bekerja keras Bu Mus yang harus mendidik para
siswanya tanpa imbalan apapun. Setelah pulang mengajar, beliau masih harus bekerja keras
menghidupi dirinya dan adik-adiknya dengan meneri-ma jahitan hingga jauh malam. Hal ini
terjadi karena honor yang dia terima dari sekolah Muhammadiyah hanya 15 kg setiap
bulannya. Berdasarkan setting psikologis berupa sikap bekerja keras Bu Mus di atas, kita bisa
menarik hikmah dan nilai positif bahwa seorang guru sejati tetap akan menjalankan
kewajiban-nya tanpa pamrih meski keterbatasan menelingkupinya.
Sikap kerja keras juga terlihat dari murid-murid Bu Mus atau yang biasa disebut
Laskar Pelangi. Mereka harus bekerja keras hanya untuk menempuh pendidikan. Hal ini
terlihat dari kerja keras Lintang (salah satu murid Bu Mus) dalam kutipan di bawah ini:

“Kesulitan itu belum termasuk jalan yang tergenang air, ban sepeda yang bocor,
dan musim hujan berkepanja-ngan dengan petir yang menyambar-nyambar.
Suatu hari rantai sepedanya putus dan tak bisa disambung lagi karena sudah
terlalu pendek sebab terlalu sering putus, tapi ia tak menyerah dituntunnya
sepeda itu puluhan kilometer, dan sampai di sekolah kami sudah bersiap-siap
akan pulang. Saat itu adalah pelajaran seni suara dan dia begitu bahagia karena
masih sempat menyanyikan lagu Padamu Negeri di depan kelas. Kami
termenung mendengarkan ia bernyanyi dengan sepenuh jiwa, tak tampak
kelelahan di matanya yang berbinar jenaka. Setelah itu ia pulang dengan
menuntun sepedanya lagi sejauh empat puluh kilometer”

Dari kutipan di atas terlihat sikap kerja keras dan pantang menyerah Lintang dalam
menghadapi berbagai kesulitan hanya untuk pergi ke sekolah. Selain harus menempuh jalan
batu kerikil 40 KM, tak jarang Lintang menemukan kesulitan lain saat perjalanan menuju
sekolah diantaranya kondisi jalan yang tergenang air, ban sepedanya yang bocor, serta musim
hujan yang berkepanjangan. Suatu hari Lintang harus menuntun sepedanya menuju sekolah
sejauh 40 KM karena rantai sepedanya putus dan tak bisa disambung lagi. Dia sampai di
sekolah ketika siswa-siswa yang lain bersiap-siap pulang, namun dia tetap gembira karena
masih tetap mengikuti pelajaran hari itu dan menyanyikan lagu Padamu Negeri. Dengan

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sepenuh hati dia harus bekerja keras menuntun sepedanya lagi sejauh 40 KM untuk pulang ke
Berdasarkan setting psikologis berupa sikap bekerja keras Lintang di atas, kita dapat
mengetahui bahwa berkat sikap kerja keras, keinginan dan cita-cita menimba ilmu, Lintang
dapat mengatasi segala kesulitan perjalanannya menuju sekolah. Nilai positif yang dapat
diambil oleh pembaca dari setting psikologis berupa sikap kerja keras Lintang ini adalah
seberapa keras dan sulit hidup yang kita jalani selama ada tekad, keinginan dan kerja keras,
niscaya tujuan dan cita-cita hidup kita akan tercapai.
Selain sikap bekerja keras yang terlihat dari sikap para tokoh dalam novel Laskar
Pelangi, terdapat pula sikap bijaksana mereka dalam menjalani kehidupan dan menyikapi
masalah. Sikap Bijaksana adalah sikap adalah sikap tepat, cermat dan hati-hati serta adil dalam
menyikapi keadaan dan peristiwa, masalah yang terjadi. Sikap bijaksana selalu memikirkan
dulu alasan, tujuan dan apa yang akan diperbuat, sehingga perbuatan yang dilakukan selalu
memancarkan keadilan dan kebaikan.
Sikap bijaksana dalam novel Laskar Pelangi tercermin sikap para siswa
Muhammadiyah dalam mengatasi problema mereka. Hal ini terlihat dari sikap bijaksana
Lintang dalam mengatasi permasalahan dirinya dan teman-teman-nya. Sikap bijaksana Sahara
yang selalu menasehati teman-temannya untuk pan-tang berbohong dan selalu jujur dalam
melakukan hal apapun. Para siswa Muhammadiyah mampu bersikap bijak-sana dalam
mengatasi masalah karena sikap bijaksana Pak Harfan dan Bu Mus dalam membina dan
memberi pengeta-huan kepada mereka setiap harinya. Hal ini terlihat dari kutipan di bawah
ini :
“Bu Mus juga terkejut. Tak pernah sebelumnya beliau menerima tanggapan
selugas itu dari muridnya, tapi beliau maklum pada beban yang dipikul Kucai.
Beliau ingin bersikap seimbang maka beliau segera menyuruh kami
menuliskan nama ketua kelas baru yang kami inginkan di selembar kertas,
melipatnya, dan menyerahkannya kepada beliau” (LP/WSPBSM/SB/72).

Dari kutipan di atas dapat diketahui sikap bijaksana Bu Mus dalam menyikapi
pendapat dan keinginan muridnya salah satunya adalah Kucai. Kucai tidak ingin menjadi
ketua kelas dikarenakan beban tanggung jawab yang dipikulnya terlalu berat. Bu Mus
mengerti keadaan Kucai. Beliau sangat menghargai demokrasi, bersikap seim-bang dan
menyuruh murid-muridnya un-tuk menuliskan nama ketua kelas baru.
Sikap bijaksana juga terlihat dari sikap Bu Mus dalam memberikan nilai kepada
muridnya. Beliau sangat objektif dan disiplin dalam memberikan nilai seperti kutipan di
bawah ini:
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“Kali ini ibunda tidak memberimu nilai terbaik untuk mendidikmu sendiri,
kata Bu Mus dengan bijak pada Mahar yang cuek saja. Bukan karyamu tidak
bermutu, tapi dalam hal bekerja apapun kita harus memiliki disiplin”

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui sikap bijaksana Bu Mus dalam

memberikan nilai kepada salah satu siswanya yaitu Mahar, walaupun lukisan yang dibuat
Mahar menarik, namun menurut Bu Mus karya yang menarik adalah karya yang dikumpulkan
tepat waktu. Bu Mus ingin Mahar disiplin dalam menjalankan apapun termasuk dalam
mengumpulkan tugas.
Berdasarkan setting psikologis berupa sikap bijaksana Bu Mus dari dua kutipan di
atas, pembaca dapat mengeta-hui sikap bijaksana Bu Mus dalam menyikapi para muridnya.
Beliau tidak segan memberikan muridnya kesempatan untuk berpendapat karena beliau sangat
menghargai demokrasi. Selain itu, Bu Mus sangat tegas dan objektif dalam memberikan nilai
kepada para muridnya. Bagi Bu Mus disiplin mengumpulkan tugas adalah hal terpenting
dibandingkan hasil tugas itu sendiri, seberapapun bagus hasil tugas muridnya tidak sebanding
dari nilai kedisiplinan.

Wujud Setting Psikologis Berupa Jalan Pikiran Masyarakat

Setting psikologis yang berupa jalan pikiran masyarakat adalah setting yang
menuansakan makna tertentu dan berwujud jalan pikiran masyarakat dalam menghadapi
masalah tertentu yang dapat menggerakkan emosi atau aspek kejiwa- an pembaca diantaranya
jalan pikiran sederhana dan jalan pikiran berlebihan.
Jalan pikiran sederhana adalah pola berpikir atau cara berpikir masya-rakat yang masih
sederhana dalam me-nyelesaikan masalah dalam kehidupan-nya. Jalan pikiran sederhana
terlihat dari cara berpikir orang Melayu Belitung asli. Mereka masih berpikir sederhana dan
konvensional dalam mengatasi masalah dan menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari mereka seperti
kutipan di bawah ini:

“Setiap wajah orang tua di depanku mengesankan bahwa mereka tidak sedang
duduk di bangku panjang itu, karena pikiran mereka, seperti pikiran ayahku,
melayang-layang ke pasar pagi atau ke keramba di tepian laut membayang-
kan anak lelakinya lebih baik menjadi pesuruh disana. Para orang tua ini sama
sekali tak yakin bahwa pendidikan anaknya yang hanya mampu mereka
biayai paling tinggi sampai SMP akan dapat mem-percerah masa depan
keluarga. Pagi ini mereka terpaksa berada di sekolah ini untuk
menghindarkan diri dari celaan aparat desa karena tak menyeko-lahkan anak
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atau sebagai orang yang terjebak tuntutan zaman baru, tuntutan memerdekan
anak dari buta huruf“ (LP/WSBJPM/JPS/3).

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui jalan pikiran sederhana para orang tua
Laskar Pelangi (Orang Melayu Belitung) yang akan menyekolahkan anaknya di SD
Muhammadiyah. Mereka berpikir sederhana lebih baik menyuruh anaknya bekerja sebagai
pesuruh di pasar atau keramba di tepian laut untuk menopang kehidupan keluarga mereka
yang miskin karena mereka belum yakin pendidikan yang ditempuh oleh anaknya dapat
mempercerah masa depan keluarga. Mereka menyekolahkan anak semata hanya untuk
menghindar dari celaan aparat desa dan menghindarkan anak dari buta huruf.
Berdasarkan setting psikologis berupa jalan pikiran sederhana para orang tua Laskar
Pelangi di atas, pembaca dapat mengetahui jalan pikiran sederhana para orang tua Laskar
Pelangi bahwa mereka tidak sepenuhnya yakin pendidikan mampu mengubah nasib anak dan
kelu-arga mereka. Jalan pikiran sederhana ini biasa ditemui pada masyarakat yang umumnya
masih buta huruf dan belum mengerti pentingnya pendidikan.
Jalan pikiran sederhana juga terlihat dari cara berpikir orang Melayu yang tinggal di pesisir
pantai. Mereka percaya bahwa alam selalu memberikan pertanda kehidupan bagi mereka
seperti kutipan di bawah ini:

“Orang-orang Melayu pesisir percaya bahwa jika burung ini singgah di

kampung maka pertanda di laut sedang terjadi badai hebat atau angin puting
beliung. Sering sekali kehadirannya membatalkan niat nelayan yang akan
melaut”(LP WSPBJPM/JPS/184).

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui jalan pikiran sederhana masya-rakat

Melayu pesisir yang batal pergi melaut karena mereka percaya jikalau burung pelintang pulau
melintas di kam-pung mereka, maka akan terjadi badai hebat atau angin puting beliung di laut.
Dari kutipan setting psikologis berupa jalan pikiran sederhana di atas pembaca akan
mengetahui jalan pikiran sederhana masyarakat Melayu pesisir Belitung yang menyikapi
kehidupan berdasarkan pertan-da yang diberikan alam.
Jalan pikiran berlebihan adalah pola berpikir atau cara berpikir masya-rakat yang
berlebihan dalam menyele-saikan masalah dalam kehidupannya. Jalan pikiran berlebihan
terlihat dari bagaimana pola berpikir tokoh utama Ikal dalam menyikap permasalahan
hidupnya. Dia selalu berpikir berlebihan ketika menghadapi masalah. Hal ini terlihat ketika
dia mendapat tugas membeli kapur di toko Sinar Harapan yang memiliki suasana yang kurang
menyenangkan bagi dirinya. Dia sangat membenci tugas itu dan berpikir berlebihan tentang

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

segala hal disekitarnya. Hal ini terjadi pula ketika dia jatuh cinta dan patah hati seperti kutipan
di bawah ini:

“Toko yang berbau busuk memusingkan sekarang menjadi harum semerbak

seperti minyak kesturi dalam botol-botol liliput yang dijual pria-pria
berjanggut lebat seusai shalat jumat. Syahdan yang gelap dan kecil, dan jelek
kelihatan tampan sekali seperti Nat King Cole. Sedangkan A Miauw tiba-tiba
menjadi seorang tauke yang demikian ramah, peduli, dan memperlakukan
semua pelanggan dengan adil tanpa membedakan”

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui jalan pikiran berlebihan Ikal saat merasa
dirinya telah jatuh cinta kepada A Ling, dia berpikir toko Sinar Harapan menjadi harum
semerbak mi-nyak kesturi, Syahdan yang dibencinya karena tubuhnya berat digonceng, jelek,
gelap dan kecil berubah menjadi seorang yang tampan layaknya Nat King Cole dan A Miauw,
ayah A Ling yang dibencinya menjadi seorang yang ramah dan peduli terhadap semua

“Aku tak bisa berpikir jernih, bermimpi buruk, berhalusinasi dan dihantui
khayalan-khayalan aneh. Jika aku melihat ke luar jendela dan ada pelangi
melingkar maka pelangi itu menjadi monokrom. Jika aku mendengar kicauan
prenjak, maka ia berbunyi seperti burung mistik pengabar kematian. Aku
merasa setiap orang: para penjaga toko, Tuan pos, tukang parut kelapa, polisi
pamong praja, dan para kuli panggul telah berkonspirasi melawanku” (LP/

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui jalan pikiran berlebihan Ikal saat
menghadapi rasa kehilangan putus cinta pertama. Ikal tak bisa berpikir jernih, bermimpi buruk
dan sering dihan-tui khayalan aneh. Dia selalu berpikir berlebihan. jikalau dia melihat pelangi
maka itu adalah monokrom, jika dia mendengar burung prenjak berkicau ma- ka burung itu
berbunyi dan menebar mis-tik pengabar kematian. Dia pun merasa semua orang di sekitarnya
membencinya dan berkonspirasi melawannya.
Berdasarkan setting psikologis berupa jalan pikiran berlebihan, pembaca dapat
mengetahui bahwa tokoh utama Ikal memiliki jalan berpikir yang terlalu berlebihan dalam
menyikapi masalah dalam kehidupannya.

Wujud Setting Psikologis Berupa Prasangka Masyarakat

Setting psikologis yang berupa prasangka masyarakat adalah setting yang
menuansakan makna tertentu dan berwujud prasangka atau dugaan-dugaan masyarakat
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

terhadap sesamanya dalam menghadapi masalah tertentu yang dapat menggerakkan emosi
atau aspek kejiwa-an pembaca diantaranya prasangka positif dan prasangka negatif.
Prasangka positif adalah dugaan atau anggapan positif masyarakat yang ditujukan
kepada seseorang atau kelom-pok orang di masyarakat. Prasangka posi-tif terlihat dari
prasangka positif orang tua Lintang yang masih memiliki harapan bahwa pendidikan dapat
mengubah nasib dan masa depan putranya walaupun mereka buta huruf. Hal ini terlihat dari
dua kutipan di bawah ini:

“Ayahnya, yang seperti orang Bushman itu, sekarang menganggap keputusan

menyeko-lahkan Lintang adalah keputusan yang tepat, paling tidak ia senang
melihat semangat anaknya yang menggelegak. Ia berharap suatu waktu di
masa depan nanti Lintang dapat menyekolahkan lima orang adik-adiknya
yang lahir setahun sekali sehingga berderet-deret rapat seperti pagar, dan
lebih dari itu ia berharap Lintang dapat menge-luarkan mereka dari lingkaran
kemiskinan yang telah lama mengikat mereka hingga sulit bernafas”(LP/

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui prasangka positif Ayah Lintang yang
menganggap keputusannya menye-kolahkan Lintang tepat. Dia berprasangka positif Lintang
dapat menyekolahkan adik-adiknya. Selain itu, dia berharap Lintang dapat mengeluarkan
mereka dari kemiskinan.

“Meskipun tak bisa membaca, ibu Lintang senang sekali melihat barisan
huruf dan angka di dalam buku Lintang. Beliau tak peduli. Atau tidak tahu,
jika melihat buku secara terbalik. Di beranda rumahnya beliau merasa takjub
mengamati rangkaian kata dan terkagum-kagum bagaimana tulis baca-tulis
dapat mengubah masa depan seseorang.” (LP/ WSPBPM/PP/98)

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui prasangka positif Ibu Lintang terhadap
pendidikan. Dia begitu takjub melihat huruf, angka, rangkaian kata yang ada dalam buku
lintang. Dia kagum dan berprasangka positif baca tulis dapat mengubah masa depan
Berdasarkan setting psikologis berupa prasangka positif Ayah dan Ibu Lintang,
pembaca akan mengetahui mes-kipun kedua orang tua Lintang buta huruf, namun mereka
tidak seperti orang tua Melayu kebanyakan. Mereka memili-ki prasangka positif bahwa
pendidikan yang diterima oleh putranya Lintang dari sekolah Muhammadiyah akan mampu
mengangkat perekonomian mereka dan memperbaiki kehidupan keluarganya.
Prasangka negatif adalah dugaan atau anggapan negatif masyarakat yang ditujukan kepada
seseorang atau kelom-pok orang di masyarakat. Prasangka ne-gatif tokoh dalam novel Laskar
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Pelangi karya Andrea Hirata terlihat dari prasang-ka negatif masyarakat asli Belitung terhadap
orang-orang staf di PN Timah yang hidup dengan mewah dibalik keterbatasan hidup mereka.
Hal ini terlihat dari prasangka negatif dalam kutipan berikut:

“Persis bersebelahan dengan toko-toko kelontong milik warga Tionghoa ini

berdiri tembok tinggi yang panjang dan di sana sini tergantung papan
HAK”. Di atas tembok ini tidak hanya ditancapi pecahan-pecahan kaca yang
mengancam tapi juga diliitkan empat jalur kawat berduri seperti di kamp
Auschwitz. Namun tidak seperti Tembok Besar Cina yang melindungi
berbagai dinasti dari serbuan suku-suku Mongol dari utara, Di Belitong
tembok yang angkuh dan berkelak-kelok sepanjang kiloan meter ini adalah
pengukuhan sebuah dominasi dan perbedaan status sosial” (LP/

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui prasangka negatif Ikal yang

menggambarkan perasaan dan prasangka negatif masyarakat asli Belitung terhadap orang-
orang staf yaitu para petinggi di PN Timah. Kawasan orang staf yang menjaga jarak dengan
masyarakat asli Belitung terlihat dari tembok berkawat berduri dan ditancapi kaca sepanjang
puluhan kilometer mengelilingi kawasan PN Timah. Tembok itu menimbulkan prasangka
negatif Ikal dan masyarakat asli Belitung lain yang menganggap tembok itu adalah simbol
dominasi dan perbedaan status sosial.
Orang Sawang adalah salah satu masyarakat yang tinggal di Belitung. Mereka bekerja
sebagai buruh yuka di PN Timah yang mendapat uang hasil kerjanya setiap hari senin. Mereka
mem-belanjakan uang itu seakan tak ada hari esok dan mereka adalah orang yang suka
berhutang kepada suku-suku lain. Sebab itulah timbul prasangka negatif masyara-kat Melayu
kepada mereka seperti kuti-pan di bawah ini:

“Karena kekacauan persoalan manajemen keuangan ini, orang Sawang tak

jarang menjadi korban stereotip di kalangan mayoritas Melayu. Setiap perilaku
minus tak ayal langsung diasosi-asikan dengan mereka. Diskredit ini adalah
refleksi sikap diskriminatif sebagian orang Melayu yang takut direbut
pekerjaannya karena malas bekerja kasar” (LP/WSPBPM/PN/ 164).

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui prasangka negatif Masyarakat Melayu

kepada orang Sawang. Mereka sering menjadikan orang Sawang menjadi para pelaku
perbuatan kurang baik. Hal ini terjadi karena sikap diskriminatif masyarakat Melayu yang
takut direbut pekerjaannya oleh orang Sawang karena malas bekerja.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Berdasarkan prasangka negatif dari dua kutipan di atas, pembaca akan mengetahui
adanya perbedaan klas sosial dan dominasi PN Timah dalam semua bi-dang perekonomian di
Belitung sehingga menimbulkan prasangka negatif dari masyarakat asli Belitung yang
terping-girkan. Selain itu masyarakat Melayu Belitung juga sering memberikan pra-sangka
dan stereotip negatif kepada suku Sawang karena mereka tidak ingin pekerjaannya di PN
Timah direbut oleh suku sawang.

Wujud Setting Psikologis Berupa Gaya Hidup Masyarakat

Setting psikologis yang berupa gaya hidup sederhana masyarakat adalah setting yang
menuansakan makna tertentu dan berwujud gaya hidup sederhana masyarakat terhadap
sesamanya dalam menghadapi masalah tertentu yang dapat menggerakkan emosi atau aspek
kejiwa-an pembaca diantaranya gaya hidup sederhana dan gaya hidup modern.
Gaya hidup sederhana adalah cara orang mengatur kehidupan pribadinya dan kehidupan
masyarakatnya dengan sederhana. Gaya hidup sederhana terlihat dari keseharaian masyarakat
Belitung Asli. Para pria Belitung kebanyakan berprofesi sebagai kuli PN Timah yang pergi
bekerja sejak pukul 7 kurang 10, pulang untuk berisitirahat jam 12. Jam 14.00 pergi kembali
bekerja dan pukul 17.00 baru mereka bisa pulang ke rumah. Keseharian para wanita Belitung
pun sangat sederhana. Mereka kebanyakan adalah wanita sederhana yang tidak bekerja dan
hanya menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Hal ini terlihat dari kutipan berikut:

“Setiap subuh para istri meniup siong (potongan bambu) untuk

menghidupkan tumpukan kayu bakar. Asap mengepul masuk ke dalam
rumah, menyembul keluar melalui celah dinding papan, dan membangunkan
entok yang dipelihara di bawah rumah panggung asap itu membuat penghuni
rumah terbatuk-batuk, namun ia amat diperlukan guna menyalakan gemuk
sapi yang dibeli bulan sebelumnya dan digantungkan berjuntai-juntai seperti
cucian di atas perapian. Gemuk sapi itulah sarapan mereka setiap pagi.
Sebelum berangkat para kuli itu tidak minum teh Earleygrey atau cappuccino,
melainkan minum air gula aren dicampur jadam untuk menimbulkan efek
tenaga kerbau yang akan digunakan sepanjang hari” (LP/ WSPBGH/

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui gaya hidup sederhana para istri kuli PN
Timah yang setiap subuh harus meniup siong atau potongan bambu untuk menghidupkan
tumpukan kayu bakar yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar untuk memasak. Selain itu kayu
bakar itu digunakan untuk menyalakan gemuk sapi yang menjadi sarapan khas sederhana
masyarakat Belitung. Mereka juga me-nyediakan air gula aren dicampur jadam untuk
diminum suami mereka agar suami mereka kuat bekerja sepanjang hari.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Sama halnya dengan masyarakat Melayu yang tinggal di wilayah urban atau perkotaan
yang hidup sederhana, masyarakat Melayu yang tinggal di pede-saan pun hidup bersahaja.
Mereka hidup jauh dari urban atau perkotaan dan ter-gantung pada alam. Gaya hidup seder-
hana mereka terlihat seperti kutipan di bawah ini:

“Orang-orang pedesaan ini hidup bersahaja, umumnya berkebun, mengambil

hasil hutan, dan mendapat bonus musiman dari siklus buah-buahan, lebah
madu dan ikan air tawar. Mereka mendiami tanah ulayat dan dibelakang
rumah mereka terhampar ribuan hektar tanah tak bertuan, padang sabana,
rawa-rawa layaknya laboratorium alam yang lengkap dan aliran air bening
yang belum tercemar” (LP/ WSPBGH/GHS/54).

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui gaya hidup sederhana masyara-kat

Melayu yang tinggal di pedesaan. Mereka hidup dengan berkebun, mengambil hasil hutan dan
hasil buah-buahan yang ditanam oleh mereka. Mere-ka juga memanfaatkan Madu dan ikan
air tawar sebagai lauk. Mereka tinggal di tanah ulaya yaitu tanah warisan leluhur mereka dan
di belakang rumah mereka terdapat lingkungan yang asri dan belum tercemar.
Berdasarkan setting psikologis berupa gaya hidup sederhana masyarakat Melayu, pembaca
dapat mengetahui pola tingkah laku sehari-hari serta cara masya-rakat Melayu Belitung dalam
mengatur kehidupannya yang masih sederhana. Sebagian besar mereka menjadi kuli PN
Timah dan hidup di urban perkotaan, adapula yang tinggal di pedesaan dan pesisir yang hidup
bergantung dengan alam.
Gaya hidup modern adalah cara orang mengatur kehidupan pribadinya dan kehidupan
masyarakatnya dengan modern. Gaya hidup modern terlihat dari gaya hidup orang-orang staf
yang tinggal di kawasan “Gedong”. Mereka hidup dengan fasilitas mewah dan tinggal di
rumah-rumah besar ala Victoria yang dipenuhi perabot-perabot mewah. Gaya hidup modern
orang staf bukan hanya terlihat dari rumah mewah dan penataan rumah yang artistik serta
jenis makanan yang disajikan, namun cara mereka me-nikmati makanan yang disajikan pun
memperlihatkan gaya hidup modern dan berkelas seperti kutipan di bawah ini:

“Mereka makan dengan tenang sembari mendengarkan music klasik yang

elegan: Mozart Haffner No. 35 in D Major. Mereka mematuhi table manner.
Setelah melampirkan serbet di atas pangkuannya makan malam dimulai nyaris
tanpa suara dan tak ada seorang pun yang menekan bibir meja dengan sikunya.
Sarapan pagi disajikan di ruangan yang berbeda. Ruangan ini terbuka,
meghadap ke kebun anggrek dan kolam renang yang dangkal dan biru.
Mejanya juga berbeda yakni terracotta tile top oval yang lucu namun berkelas.
Di pagi hari mereka senang mencicipi omelet dan menyeruput teh Earl Grey
atau cappuccino.” (LP/WSPBGH/ GHM /45)
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui gaya hidup modern orang staf yang
terlihat dari cara mereka makan. Mereka menikmati makanan dengan tenang sambil diiringi
musik klasik. Mereka juga mematuhi table manner terlihat dari cara makan mereka yang
diawali melampirkan serbet di atas pangkuannya lalu makan tanpa ada suara dan tak menekan
bibir meja dengan sikunya. Sarapan pagi mereka pun mewah dan disajikan di ruang terbuka
yang menghadap kebun anggrek dan kolam renang. Mereka sarapan dengan menu mewah
omelet dan minum teh Earl Grey atau cappuccino di meja terracotta tile top oval yang mahal.
Gaya hidup modern terlihat dari gaya hidup orang-orang staf salah satunya adalah
Kepala Sekolah PN Timah yaitu Bu Frischa. Hal ini terlihat dari kutipan di bawah ini:

“Kepala sekolahnya adalah pejabat penting, Ibu Frischa namanya. Caranya

bermake up jelas memperlihatkan dirinya sedang bertempur mati-matian
melawan usia dan tampak jelas pula dalam pertempuran itu beliau telah kalah.
Ia seorang wanita keras yang terpelajar, progresif, ambisius, dan sering habis-
habisan menghina sekolah kampung. Gerak-geriknya diatur sedemikan rupa
sebagai penega-san kelas sosialnya. Di dekatnya siapapun akan merasa
terintimidasi. Kalau sempat berbicara dengan beliau, maka ia sama seperti
orang Melayu yang baru belajar memasak, bumbunya cukup tiga macam:
pembicaraan tentang fasilitas sekolah PN, anggaran ekstrakulikuler jutaan
rupiah, dan tentang murid-muridnya yang telah menjadi dokter, insinyur, ahli
ekonomi, pengusaha, dan orang-orang sukses di kota atau bahkan di luar

Berdasarkan kutipan di atas dapat diketahui gaya hidup modern Ibu Frischa, kepala
sekolah PN yang tetap bermake up tebal dan berusaha tampil modis walau-pun usianya sudah
tak lagi muda. Gaya bicara ibu Frischa menunjukkan dan menegaskan kelas sosialnya. Dia
sering menghina sekolah kampung dan hanya berbicara tentang tiga hal yaitu fasilitas sekolah
PN, anggaran ekstrakulikuler jutaan rupiah dan murid-muridnya yang menjadi dokter,
insinyur, ahli ekonomi, pengusaha, dan orang-orang sukses di kota atau bahkan di luar negeri.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka peneliti dapat menyimpulkan wujud setting
psikologis dalam novel Laskar Pelangi karya Andrea Hirata berupa (1) Sikap masyarakat
dalam menentukan pilihan hidup diantaranya sikap bekerja keras dan sikap bijaksana. (2)
Jalan pikiran masyarakat dalam menentukan pilihan hidup diantaranya jalan pikiran sederhana
dan jalan pikiran berlebihan masyarakat dalam menjalani kesulitan hidup. (3) Prasangka
Masya-rakat dalam menentukan pilihan hidup diantaranya prasangka positif dan pra-sangka

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

negatif. (4) Gaya hidup masya-rakat dalam menentukan pilihan hidup diantaranya gaya hidup
sederhana dan gaya hidup modern.

Aminuddin. 2014. Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra. Bandung: Sinar Baru Algessindo.
Hirata, A. 2008. Laskar Pelangi. Yogyakarta : Bentang Pustaka.
Nurgiyantoro, Bu. 2013. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Teeuw, A. 2013. Sastra dan Ilmu Sastra. Bandung : Pustaka Jaya
Wellek, R dan Warren, A. 2016. Teori Kesustraaan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Elda Yulia Ryandini

Postgraduate Program of State University of Surabaya (UNESA),

Abstract: Learning foreign language means that students must be able to

enrich vocabularies and know the use of each word when they speak. As
EFL students, they will find many kinds of unfamiliar words that they must
be able to guess the meaning of. Every word in English has the same or
different forms from one to another with different parts of speech. A word
with attachment in the end, called suffix, will yield a new word and new
meaning with the different part of speech as before. This usually becomes
a problem for EFL students. This study examines the students’ acquisition
on part of speech through suffix words to know the students’ result in
acquiring parts of speech on exercises of suffix words. By applying
qualitative approach, this study used documentation to collect 7 students’
result of acquisition on parts of speech. The findings show that most of
students misclassified the words fusion, execution, dispersal, emission,
disposal, deterioration, procurement, coherence, and play. The most
misclassification was in the word play in which all students did not classify
the word as the noun derived from verb and between noun and adjective
in the words deathly, comfortable, foolish, careless, heroic, and active.

Keywords: Acquisition, Part of Speech, Suffix Word


Learning English is not only the ability to speak and know the rules of the sixteen
tenses. Students also must be able to classify the words in what part of speech they belong to.
To speak and understand a language means - among many other things - knowing the words
of that language (Plag, 2002). Most students may know thousands of words but they do not
know that it derives from one to other words or it may be able to create new words. This may
be a simple case in learning English but this may cause a distraction and confusion in
sentences such as in speaking or even in doing TOEFL test.
Speaking is the productive skill after learning in the grammar class. Students
sometimes make errors in uttering adjectives to put them to become noun, and many others
of misplacing the part of speech. This also always happens in case of TOEFL test that students
must realize and aware to various types of errors in word form that can cause a trap for them.
Parts of speech are always ignored by most of EFL students. Students sometimes misclassify
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

the words among verb and adjective, noun, preposition, adverb, etc. that can distract the
grammar in a sentence. This becomes a problem when students get difficulties in acquiring
parts of speech on suffix words. Parts of speech also have a role to make students easy to
classify a word’s meaning. They must be aware to the importance of checking their
dictionaries and how words are put together. Another reason for this case happens also
because the teachers are seldom to engage students with dictionary.
The problem comes initially from the advanced level students in speaking class when
the researcher observes the students in every meeting’s performance and realizes many errors
in the use of parts of speech. The researcher gives written exercises whether the students could
get different results from the oral activity. The researcher sees that it is important to know the
advanced level students’ ability in acquiring parts of speech from suffix words because they
are in the end of year level in PEC course. From the problem, the researcher is necessary to
know: How are the students’ acquisition of part of speech on suffix words at advanced level
Palapa English College (PEC) Sumenep?
The objective of this study is to know the students’ result in acquiring parts of speech
on exercises of suffix words. The problem of study tries to answer the acquisition of advanced
level students related to their competence in producing and classifying part of speech in every
word to avoid a destructive sentence on suffix words. This kind of study related to the problem
on suffix words had been conducted by other researchers in the umbrella term of affixation.
First, the research was done by Cholo Kim (2013) that was also related to the study above of
Acquisition with affixation. This study tried to investigate the strategy of learning
words by using prefixes and suffixes for non-native students that have troubles in learning
English word systems. The experiment was carried out over 10 weeks by having 54 students
from 6th to 9th grade at a private English school in Korea, while this study only uses suffix
words to know the students’ acquisition on parts of speech on exercises given by the teacher
from TOEFL book. The result of the previous study showed that teachers in Korea tended to
use the word translation approach of affixation knowledge which was focused on emphasizing
spelling and meaning and it was known that the difficulties can be overcome through self-
reading and self-study. Second, the research was done by Maharani Sri Aryati (2014) entitled
“An Analysis of Derivational Affixes in the Land of Five Towers Novel by A. Fuadi
Translated by Angie Kilbane”. This previous study discusses the derivational affix and the
word roots from word structures in the novel of A. Fuadi without statistical data, while this
study only focuses on suffix exercises to know the students’ result of part of speech. The

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

previous study’s result is derivational affixes found in the novel are en- (11), in- (5), un-
(11), a- (2), non-(3), re- (2), im- (2) sebagai awalan,
sedang akhiran adalah –ly (229), -able (18), -er (52), -al (53), -ous (28), -ate (2), -cy (3), -y
(34), -ee (1), –tion (73), -ion (14), -ize (6), -ship (3), -ment (26), -ism (3), -ist (1), -en (9), -ful
(27), - age (2), -tic (16), -ish (2), -ary (8), -cent (2), -ive (13), -ance (7), -less (5), -ence (9), -
ity (22), - ant (2), -or (11), -ness (19), -ure (3), -fy (3). Third, the study from Metin Yurtbasi
(2015) that researched about “Building English vocabulary through roots, prefixes and
suffixes”. This study tried to enrich students’ vocabulary of unfamiliar words through affixes
and roots. The gap is the previous study uses affixation to build the students’ English
vocabulary while this study uses suffix word exercises to know the students’ acquisition in
determining the part of speech. The result of the previous study is by building English
vocabulary through roots, prefixes and suffixes can help students to construct knowledge or
create their own meaning out of information they are exhibited. Fourth, the research was done
by Mohammad Taghi Hasani (2014) entitled “The Effect of The Number of Affixes on
Vocabulary Learning of Iranian Intermediate EFL Students” to investigate the use of one of
the vocabulary learning strategies named word formation strategy (morphology) in terms of
the number of affixes by English as foreign language (EFL) intermediate students in Qazvin
Province in Iran, while this study uses only on suffix words to know the students’ acquisition
on different parts of speech. There were 43 intermediate EFL students who were chosen
randomly. The results showed that students who used word formation strategy have highest
mean on the vocabulary test belongs to the root words followed by the single affixes and the
third highest mean belongs to the double affixes and it revealed that the more students learn
about affixes, the better they perform on vocabulary learning.


Theory of Part of Speech
Plag states that “words are usually considered to be syntactic atoms, i.e. the smallest
elements in a sentence and words belong to certain syntactic classes, which are called parts of
speech, word classes or syntactic categories” (Plag, 2002). There are many terms of part of
speech, such as word classes as the traditional terminology and many contemporary linguists
call it as lexical categories (McCarthy, 2002). There are eight major parts of speech in English
such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, determiner, and
conjunctions (Harmer, 1998). Students are seldom to be introduced to these firstly when they
learn English. They even put the word “happy” as “sukai” instead of “like” in a sentence by

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

using the adjective form to state the verb. Other cases are about the word “memarahi” that is
translated as “angry” instead of “scold”, and “success” as “sukses” rather than using
“successful”. Most students get difficulties in choosing words that have different form in
different part of speech and different part of speech with affixation especially in suffixes that
mostly appear which may be verb, noun, adjective or adverb. They still get confused to
classify which words of nouns derived from verbs, adjectives derived from nouns, and adverbs
derived from adjectives. This is caused because of the students’ lack of enriching
vocabularies. The suffix –ly can be added to words to form both adjectives and adverb, the
suffixes –ance, -ation, -ment, -ure, -al, -y, -ity, -ness, -ion may be added to certain verbs to
create derived noun, the suffixes –y, -ous, -able, -al, -ary, -ed, -ful, -ic, - ish, -ive can be added
to noun to form adjectives, and the suffixes –ate, -en, -ify, and –ize can be added to adjectives
and nouns to derive verbs (Plag, 2002). This must be a notice that learning parts of speech are
one of the basics in learning English.

Theory of Affixation
In learning Morphology, we must realize that words are formed by some ways. By
examining word formation process, we can easily classify part of speech. There are nine word
formation processes such as Derivation, Coinage/Invention, Borrowing, Compounding,
Blending, Clipping/Truncation, Backformation, Conversion, Abbreviation and Acronyms.
These nine processes related to how to form new words that in the end will form a different
part of speech.
Every process has its own specification to form a new word. Affixation words process
is adding one or more prefixes, suffixes or infixes to a root whether attached in the beginning,
in the end, or inside of a word that will change the word class and the meaning and also
concerns on content words. Content words or content morphemes include all derivational
affixes, bound roots, and free roots that belong to lexical categories of nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs (Wilson, 2011) that can be analyzed as:

Table 1 Example of analysis

Prefix Root Word Suffix New Word
- donate (verb) -ion donation (noun)
- ease (noun) -y easy (adjective)
- beautiful (adjective) -ly beautifully (adverb)
un- comfort (noun) -able Uncomfortable (adjective)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

im- possible (adjective) -ity impossibility (noun)

These examples show that a root can create more words or form additional words although it
is only a combination of one, two, or three letters that also has meaning in English. Plag has
drawn diagram in sequence to make easy in understanding.


Inflection Word Formation

Derivation Compounding
Affixation Non-Affixation

Prefixation Suffixation Infixation conversion truncation blending

(Plag, 2002: 22)

Word formation is also known as derivation that can produce derivational affixation
and derivational non-affixation. Affixation process is divided into three parts that are prefix,
suffix, and infix. This always makes some problems for students to classify them whether it
is the root or even affixed words. They misidentify the meaning because they do not know
what affixes that are attached or removed from the root to create new words with new part of

Theory of Suffix
According to Yule, the words that have to be added to the end of the word (e.g. -ish)
called suffixes (Yule, 2006). There are many kinds of suffixes that are nominal suffixes, verbal
suffixes, adjectival suffixes, and adverbial suffixes (Plag, 2002).
Nominal suffixes are often employed to derive abstract nouns from verbs, adjectives
and nouns. Suffix -age derives nouns that express an activity (or its result) as in coverage. A
number of verbs take -al to form abstract nouns showing an action or the result of an action,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

such as arrival, recital. (-ance with its variants -ence/-ancy/-ency) is attached mostly to verbs.
Suffix – ant forms count nouns referring to persons such as applicant, defendant. Suffix -ment
derives action nouns denoting processes or results from (mainly) verbs and many others.
(Plag, 2002)
Verbal suffixes “has four suffixes which derive verbs from other categories (mostly
adjectives and nouns), -ate, -en, -ify and -ize. Suffix -ate can form regulate, validate. The
Germanic suffix -en attaches to monosyllables that end in a plosive, fricative or affricate. Most
bases are adjectives (e.g. blacken, broaden, quicken, ripen), but a few nouns can also be found
(e.g. strengthen, lengthen). The meaning of -en formations can be described as causative
‘make’ (more).” (Plag, 2002)
Adjective suffixes “has many kinds of suffixes, such as –able in words fashionable,
reasonable, flexible; -al in words accidental, cultural, colonial, federal, institutioanal, modal,
and this suffix is attached almost exclusively to Latinate bases. The suffix –ful is typically
attached to abstract nouns to form adjectives, such as beautiful, insightful, tactful, joyful and
in verbal forms, such as forgetful, resentful. The suffix –ic also has form in –ical. Both suffixes
can derive adjective forms such as (electric – electrical, economic – economical, historic –
historical, magic – magical, etc.) but sometimes these the same meaning with the different
suffix attached are different in meaning, such as (economic ‘profitable’ vs.
economical‘money- saving’).” (Plag, 2002)
Adverb suffixes can be ended by –ly and –wise. Some formations there is a difference
in meaning between the adjective and the adverb derived by -ly attachment: shortly, hardly
and dryly are semantically distinct from their base words and hotly, coldly and darkly can
only have metaphorical senses. Suffix (-wise) derives adverbs from nouns.
According to Plag, zero-suffixation means a form that has suffix words but it cannot be heard
or seen or in another word, it has the same form from the root and after attached into the
suffixes (Plag, 2002), such as “to victimize (noun stem+ verb-suffix, ='to make someone, treat
someone like, a victim'), and to beggar (noun stem+ no suffix, = 'to make someone a beggar');
or to stabilize (adjective stem + verb-suffix, ='to make something stable')” (Adams, 1973).
While McCarthy states that “zero-derived or zero suffix is carrying a phonological empty and
unpronounceable” by having the symbol of , such as a word hope and fear will be hope-
and fear- (McCarthy, 2002).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


This research is classified as a descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative research is

a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. It consists of a set of interpretive,
material practices that make the world visible (Brett Davies, 2007). According to Sugiyono,
qualitative is used to research on natural object condition where the researcher is as a key
instrument, the data collection technique is done by triangulation, the data analysis is
inductive/qualitative, and the results is emphasized on meaning rather than generalization
(Sugiyono, 2016). This process of research will involve questions and procedures; collecting
data in the participants’ setting; analyzing the data inductively, and making interpretations of
the meaning of data. The last will be arranged in a writing structure. The research will be
conducted to explore, clarify, and describe the phenomenon about the students’ acquisition
of part of speech on suffix words.
The subjects of this study are the students of Advanced Level Students of Palapa
English College (PEC) located on Imam Bonjol Street no. 92 Sumenep. The researcher only
takes 7 from 12 active students in the class to answer two different kinds of question related
to problems of parts of speech acquisition on suffix words as most appear problems. It is
expected that by collecting the students’ results, the researcher will be able to get the data of
the students’ acquisition on parts of speech through suffix words of the questions given.
The data in this study is obtained from the students’ result in acquiring parts of speech
on suffix words to know the problems faced. The researcher will give a test taken from Carol’s
TOEFL book containing some suffix words and collect the students’ assignment to have a
deep analyzing in answering the questions. The tests are only limited into two kinds of test
that are classifying 28 nouns derived from verbs and identifying 13 adjectives derived from
nouns. There is no a test related to adverb because the researcher considers that it is less
challenging for the students and less becomes a problem in classroom. To answer the problem
of study, the researcher uses documentation that will be answered by analyzing the students’
result in acquiring parts of speech on suffix words. By documenting, the researcher will
collect thestudents’ work to have a credible analysis because the researcher will know directly
the students’ problems to result the proper part of speech on suffix words. By having this
research, the researcher hopes that this will make improvement for the students’ progress and
another researcher can continue the next research of this study that has not done yet well in
this research.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


In this part, the researcher will present the data related to the problems of study; How
are the students’ acquisition of part of speech on suffix words at advanced level Palapa English
College (PEC) Sumenep?
Therefore, the researcher will analyze the students’ result of parts of speech through suffix

Acquisition of Part of Speech on Suffix Words

Based on the data analysis, from identifying 28 nouns derived from verbs, student A
has 10 wrong answers. She did not classify the word fusion (fuse + -ion), execute (execute +
- ion), play (zero suffix (no suffix); it has the same form as noun and verb), emission (emit +
-ion), and deterioration (deteriorate + -ion) as nouns that are derived the suffixes from the
root of a verb. She misclassified some words as nouns derived from verb, such as ineptness,
aperture, manually, useful, ageless, and disposal. She still got difficulties in classifying the
part of speech of each word. While classifying 13 adjectives derived from nouns, student A
only misclassified one word, such as the word heroic as noun and heroism as adjective that
those should be heroism (noun) and heroic (adjective). This student shows that she got
difficulties in differentiating and classifying the part of speech of verbs, nouns, adjectives,
and even adverbs.
Student’s B result shows that he got 5 wrong because he did not classify play (zero
suffix; it has the same form as noun and verb), and emission (emit + -ion) as nouns that are
derived the suffixes from the root of a verb. Instead, he classified many words as words that
are derived from verb, such as manually, useful, ageless, and disposal and he got 2 wrong
answers in classifying adjectives derived from nouns, such as he put word active as noun and
action as adjective; and heroic as noun and heroism as adjective. He misclassified the part of
speech of those words. Overall, the result of this student is better in classifying noun derived
from verb.
Student C missed all the questions because he could not even answer one number in
it. He only did the second test to classify adjectives derived from nouns. He was more
competent in classifying it because he only got one wrong answer in classifying a word
deathly as a noun and death as an adjective.
From the result, student D was only able to answer 1 question of a word execution that
is derived from verb and he only did the second test by having 4 wrong answers of 13
questions. He put the word deathly, comfortable, foolish, and careless in column noun and

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

death,comfort, fool, and care in column adjective. He still got difficulties in realizing suffix
attached in each word.
Student E made 7 wrong answers and he did not classify the words dispersal, play,
emission, deterioration and coherence as noun derived from verbs. Instead, he classified some
other words as noun derived from verbs such as the words useful and ageless. He could not
differentiate between noun and adjective words. In the second test, he missed 1 question and
got 2 wrong answers that he classified the words heroic and active to be nouns and heroism
and action to be adjectives.
Student F resulted 7 wrong answers in which he misclassify the words ineptness,
aperture, manually, and useful as noun derived from verb, whereas there is also an adjective
and adverb there. He did not classify the words fusion, execution, and play as nouns derived
from verbs. He only got one wrong answer in the second test in putting a word heroic in the
column of noun and heroism in the column of adjective.
Student G resulted 5 wrong answers in classifying the words battery, manually, useful,
and obstreperous. He did not classify a word play as noun derived from verb and they have
the same form but different part of speech. He missed one word Texas (noun) and Texan
(adjective) to classify and got 2 wrong answers in classifying the words active and heroic in
the column of nouns and action and heroism in the column of adjective.
From the results which have been analyzed above, in the first test, there are 4 students who
did not classify a word fusion as noun derived from verb, 3 wrong answers of word execution,
4 of dispersal, 7 of a word emission, 2 of disposal word, 5 of a word deterioration, 3 of
procurement word, and 4 of a word coherence. There are 2 wrong answers in the second test
of a word deathly that are analyzed as noun, 1 wrong answer of comfortable, foolish, and
careless that is analyzed as noun, 5 wrong answers of a word heroic that are analyzed as noun,
and 3 wrong answers of a word active that are analyzed as noun.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Figure 1
Result of the First Test

the first test

Figure 2
Result of the Second Test

the secondtest

From the analysis done in the previous section, they showed that most students still
got problems in differentiating every suffix word with the good acquisition of parts of speech.
The common misclassifications done by the students in the first test were in the words
fusion, execution, dispersal, emissionn, disposal, deterioration, procurement, coherence,
and play. The most misclassification was in the word play where all students did not classify
the word as the noun derived from verb with zero suffixes. Naturally, they did not know that
it has the same form but it has different part of speech. They also got difficulties in
differentiating between noun and adjective in the first test that they tended to classify
adjectives as nouns derived from verbs. They still are quite unfamiliar with some new words

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

included the part of speech. In the second test, the students misclassified many words of
deathly, comfortable, foolish, careless, heroic, and active as nouns without being aware of the
suffixes (-ly, -able, -ish, - less, -ic, ive) attached in each word that they belong to adjectives.
From class observation analysis, it can be concluded that students’ problems in classifying
part of speech on affixed words happpened because they are lack of vocabularies, lazy to bring
dictionary, and not able to recall the previous materials given and checked after speaking
practice in the class. Finally, they got difficulties in differentiating part of speech of words
after attached to the suffixes of suffixes –ion, -al, -ment, -ence, -ly, -able, -ish, -ic, -less, –ive
and zero suffix.

Adams, V. 1973. An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation. New York: Longman
Brett Davies, M. 2007. Doing a Successful Research Project: Using Qualitative or
Quantitative Methods. China: Palgrave Macmillan.
Harmer, J. 1998. How to Teach English (An Introduction to The Practice of English Language
Teaching). England: Longman.
Hasani, Mohammad Taghi. 2014. The Effect Of The Number of Affixes On Vocabulary
Learning of Iranian Intermediate EFL Students. IJLLALW
Kim, Cholo. 2013. Vocabulary Acquisition With Affixation: Learning English Words
Based on Prefixes & Suffixes.Second Language Studies. University of Hawai'i
at Manoa.
King, Carol. 1983. Building Skills for the TOEFL. Canada: Nelson
McCarthy, A. C. 2002. An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure.
Edinburgh: Edinburh University Press.
Sri Aryati, Sri. 2014. An Analysis of Derivational Affixes In The Land of Five Towers Novel
ByA. Fuadi Translated By Angie Kilbane. Maria Kudus University.
Plag, I. 2002. Word-Formation in English. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Sugiyono. 2016. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, and R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Wilson, V. M. 2011. Language Files. Material for an Introduction to Language and
Linguistics . Columbus: The Ohio State University Press.
Yule, G. 2006. The Study of Language. United States of America: Cambridge University
Yurtbasi, Metin. 2015. Building English Vocabulary Through Roots, Prefixes and
Suffixes. Global Journal of Foreign Teaching.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Fuat1, a), Toto Nusantara2, b), Edy Bambang Irawan2, c) and Santi Irawati2, d)
Universitas Negeri Malang

Abstract: Ratna Zuroidah constructed a proof of a geometric theorem by using

(𝐻 → 𝐻1)˄(¬𝐶 → ¬𝐻1) → 𝐶 validly. In interview section, the respondent
stated that the form of the proof was divided into direct and indirect proof. In
the case study that was done by the researcher here, the proof construction was
evaluated by using PEET. It was found that the definition of the direct and
indirect proof should have been based on the logical law that was used in the
constructed proof. Syllogism of logical law that was used in the proof was
categorized as direct proof, while modus Tollens was categorized as indirect
proof. In addition, there was a need to add a component on PEET.

Keywords: Proof construction, proof form


The meaning of truth revealed in a proof is an upcoming individual stage to obtain
knowledge. The meaning also improves mathematics as a scientific discipline. Zeromska
(2015) argued that the term of proof was an essential concept in mathematics. Even the
activity of producing a proof is also essential in the practice of mathematics (Lai & Weber,
2014). The activity of proving something here is called as proving (Fuat, 2016). The
activity consists of constructing and convincing a proof. Selden (2013) stated that
“constructing a proof” was an activity of exploring basic knowledge in order to obtain the
expected conclusion, redoing the activity if there was an error in writing, and validating
the whole result when it had been written completely. Meanwhile, Harel and Sowder
argued that “convincing a proof” was an activity to ascertain and persuade other people
about the truth of the proof itself.
The students always experience several difficulties in doing proof. The difficulties
mentioned here refer to a difficult state experienced by an individual in doing proof stage.
Generally, the difficulties experienced by the students in proving are the difficulties in

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

constructing (Alcock,, 2015 and Selden & Selden, 2016) and convincing (Fuat, 2017) a
This study is limited to the discussion of proof construction. The diffculties in
constructing a proof may happen to:
1. Basic Knowledge Exploration
Alcock and Weber (2010) stated that the causes of this basic knowledge exploration are
the inability to use formal mathematics statements, inability to understand formal
mathematics notation, and inability to understand mathematical concepts.
2. Repeated Processing
Daguplo (2017) argued that the difficulty of repeated processing here was caused by
students’ interest and behaviour, students’ chances to practice and reasoning ability.
3. Validation
On the other hand, Inglis & Alcock, 2012 and Hodds, (2014) stated that the difficulty
in validation occured because the students could not differentiate between valid and
invalid proofs.


The identification of proof construction difficulties can be done by using proof
evaluation tools. One of those evaluation tools is PEET (The Proof Error Evaluation Tools)
which was developed by Andrew (2009). PEET consists of the identification of proof
structure error and concept error. Proof structure error consists of eight components: proof
setup, assumption, linear/sequential order, stray details/conciseness, neat presentation,
technology’s place, proof type, and correct use of symbols/notation. On the other hand,
concept error consists of six components: sufficient details, clarity, pictures in the proof,
crucial step/main idea, correct implications and statements, and all cases present.
The proof construction of a respondent, Ratna Zuroidah, which has been present
before, will be evaluated based on PEET. The respondent was chosen because of her
interesting proof construction. She used the law of (𝐻 → 𝐻1)˄(¬𝐶 → ¬𝐻1) → 𝐶 in
constructing her proof. When she was asked about the form of proof she used, the
respondent answered that she used both direct and indirect proof. This study aimed to
observe the use of PEET in evaluating the proof construction of Ratna Zuroidah.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Respondent constructed the proof from a theorem: “There are two isosceles
triangles whose one of the leg coincides and the base of the first triangle is parallel with
the leg of the second triangle. Prove that the three base angles of those triangles are not
collinear.” (Fuat, 2017).

Respondent’s proof construction

Respondent drew the condition of the theorem, identified the hypothesis of the
theorem into a known statement, and the conclusion of the theorem into a statement that
would be proven, as follow:

Figure 1. Proof construction

First, the proof construction was done by assuming the negation of the statement
that would be proven, “if 𝑃 − 𝑄 − 𝑅 are collinear, then points 𝑃, 𝑄 and 𝑅 are on the same
line”. Next, the respondent mentioned the known statement by adjusting the picture’s
condition that has been made before, but it was not related to the negation assumption of
the statement that would be proven before. From the known statement, it used syllogism
continuously until it got the statement of “𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 < 180”. But, not all of the
syllogism which was built from each known statements were related to the statement of
“𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 < 180”. From the statement, th respondent claimed that it has been proven.
Yet, the respondent added tha statement “because 𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 < 180 so that the three
points of 𝑃 − 𝑄 − 𝑅 are not collinear, it would be 𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 = 180, if they were
collinear”. This last statement was present as if it was used to contradict between the
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

negation assumption from the statement that would be proven with the syllogism that has
been written by the respondent. The proof construction scheme of the respondent can be
seen on Figure 2 below.

𝑃, 𝑄, 𝑅 collinier

∆𝑄𝑅𝑆 isoceles 𝑚∠5 = 𝑚∠3 ∆𝑃𝑅𝑆

∠3 ≅ ∠5

𝑚∠3 + 𝑚∠5 + 𝑚∠7 = 180 𝑚∠7 + 2𝑚∠3 = 180

𝑚∠7 + 𝑚∠3 + 𝑚∠5 = 180 𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 = 180 − 𝑚∠3

∠6 ≅ ∠5 𝑚∠6 = 𝑚∠5

𝑅𝑆 ‖ 𝑃𝑄 𝑅𝑄 dan 𝑆𝑄 transversal 𝑚∠4 + 𝑚∠5 = 180 𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 = 180 − 𝑚∠5 𝑚∠2 + 2𝑚∠3 = 180

∠7 ≅ ∠2 𝑚∠7 = 𝑚∠2 𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 < 180

𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 = 180

𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 + 𝑚∠6 = 180 𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 = 180 − 𝑚∠6 𝑃, 𝑄, 𝑅 not collinier

𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 + 𝑚∠6 − 𝑚∠6 = 180 − 𝑚∠6

Figure 2. Proof construction scheme

Evaluation of proof by using PEET

Table 1. The evaluation of respondent’s proof construction by using PEET

No. Components Respondent’s Proof Construction
Proof Structure Error
1 proof setup The use of defined statements, chosen
approach and method are correct
2 Assumption The assumption made is correct
3 linear/sequential order The sequence of syllogism is correct
4 stray details/ Need to remove unused proof statements, but
conciseness the sequence is good
5 neat presentation The writing is easy to read and comprehend
6 technology’s place The use of mathematical operation is adequate
7 proof type Using syllogism
8 correct use of symbols/ "𝑃 − 𝑄 − 𝑅 are not collinear” is wrong, it
notation should have been stated wih “ 𝑃, 𝑄 and 𝑅 are
not collinear”
Concept Error
1 sufficient details All statements have been clarified
2 Clarity All statements are clear/ are not ambiguous
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

3 pictures in the proof The picture in the proof is correct

4 crucial step/main idea The crucial steps were explained well
5 correct implications and All statements/claims are correct
6 all cases present Yes, all cases present

The PEET of respondent’s proof construction above gave a very good result. There
was a small error on proof stucture. Specifically, on the component of stray
detalis/conciseness and correct use of symbols/notation, but it was still tolerable.
Eventhough the result was very good, there was an oddity found in the proof construction
scheme shown in Figure 2. It was also identified from the interview done by the researcher.
The respondent stated that the proof she had constructed was direct and indirect proof. It
happened because there was an assumption in the beginning of her proof, and there was a
contradiction in the end of her proof. That kind of error was not identified by PEET.
Eventough there was a component of proof type in proof structure error, the component
was only used to show indrect implication, and it could give only one example to clarify
the truth of the proof. It would not be able to catch the accuracy of writing the form of a

The form of proof

The form of proof in geometry is only present in two forms: direct and indirect
proof. The direct proof begins with the known statement and it is imposed to syllogism
into the statement that will be proven. Meanwhile, indirect proof begins by negating the
statement that will be proven and it is imposed to modus Tollens to show the error of the
statement’s negation. The logical law of proof construction scheme that was done by the
respondent was (𝐻 → 𝐻1)˄(¬𝐶 → ¬𝐻1) → 𝐶. H was hypothesis of the theorem, or the givens
in the proof. 𝐶: 𝑃 − 𝑄 − 𝑅, ¬𝐶: 𝑃, 𝑄, 𝑅 were not collinear. 𝐻1: 𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 < 180, and
¬𝐻1: 𝑚∠2 + 𝑚∠3 = 180. The logical law was not wrong because ¬𝐶 → ¬𝐻1 was
actually identical, or the contrapositive was 𝐻1 → 𝐶. But, 𝐻1 → 𝐶 was actually present on
the proof construction scheme in Figure 2.
Proof by contrapositive has a difference in reference. It was said that it was
categorized as direct proof, but it was also said as indirect proof. This was also confusing
for the respondent. It means that there is a need of easier explanation about this form of
proof. The researcher argued that it will be easier if it is based on the logical law to
differentiate the direct and indirect proof. The direct proof uses syllogism law, both on its
direct implication and contrapositive.This is supported by Rossi (2006) and Mihova &
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Ninova (2014) who stated that contrapositive is a direct way in proving. Meanwhile,
indirect proof uses modus Tollens.

PEET Revision
The error of the preciseness in writing the form of proof occured in this study is
also conveyed by Gibson (1998) who stated that the understanding of the rule of proof
became the cause of students’ diffculty in doing proof. Baker and Campbell (2004)
compelled that the preciseness of mathematical language is one of the students’ constraints
in producing a proof. Mathematical language stated here refers logical law, for example,
syllogism or modus Tollens. In line with it, Knapp (2005) also stated that one of students’
difficulty in doing proof was that they did not know about the logic in producing a proof.
Therefore, PEET needs revision in order to make the proof evaluation becomes
more effective. The revision proposed in this research is by adding a component of the
accuracy of writing the proof form in concept error. In short, in a whole, the revision of
PEET consists of the identification of proof structure error and concept error. The proof
structure error consists of eight components: proof setup, assumption, linear/sequential
order, stray details/conciseness, neat presentation, technology’s place, proof type, and
correct use of symbols/notation. On the other hand, concept error consists of seven
components: sufficient details, clarity, pictures in the proof, crucial step/main idea, correct
implications and statements, all cases present, and the accuracy of writing the proof form.

It can be concluded that there is a need to define the direct and indirect proof. It
should have been based on the logical law used in the constructed proof. Syllogism of
logical law used in the proof was categorized as direct proof, while modus ponens was
categorized as indirect proof. In addition, there was a need to add a component on PEET.
This is a simple research. Therefore, it is important to check the propositions of
this research against a more representative subject. The use of other proof evaluation tools
is also important to be studied further as the comparison of PEET. This study is also limited
only to the definition of the proof which is only related to proof construction. Thus, further
research is needed and it can focus on proof conviction.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Alcock, L., Hodds, M., Roy, S., & Inglish, M. 2015. Investigating and Improving
Undergraduatee Proof Comprehension. American Mathematical Society, Vol. 62,
No. 7:742-752. DOI:
Alcock, L., & Weber, K. 2010. Referential and Syntactic Approaches to Proving: Case
Studies from a transition-to-Proof Course. In: Hitt, F., Holton, D. and Thompson, P.
(eds). Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, 7:93–114. American
Mathematical Society.
Andrew, L. 2009. Creating a Proof Error Evaluation Tool for Use in The Grading of
Students-Generated Proofs. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in
Mathematics Undergraduate Studies 19(5), 447-462.
Baker, D. & Campbell, C. 2004. Fostering the development of mathematical thinking:
Observations from a proofs course. PRiMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in
Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 14(4), 345-353.
Daguplo, M. S. 2017. The determination of students’ difficulties in proving geometrical
proposition using exploraratory factor analysis.
Fuat. 2016. Pembuktian. As’ari, A. R. & Irawan, E. B. (Eds). Variasi Konstruk dalam
Pembelajaran Matematika, hal. 135-151. Malang: CV. Bintang Sejahtera.
Fuat, Nusantara, T., Irawan, E. B., & Irawati, S. 2017. Psychological View on Students’
Conviction in Mathematical Proof. Oral Presentation in ICoMSE (International
Conferention on Mathematics and Science Education) Universitas Negeri Malang,
29-30 Agustus.
Gibson, D. 1998. Students’ use of diagrams to develop proofs in an introductory analysis
course. Students’ proof schemes. In E. Dubinsky, A. Schoenfeld, & J. Kaput (Eds),
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 284-307. Washington: AMS.
Harel, G. & Sowder, L. 1998. Students’ Proof Schemes: Results from Exploratory Studies.
American Mathematical Society, 7:234-283.
Hodds, M., Alcock, L., & Inglis, M. 2014. Self-Explanation Training Improves Proof
Comprehension. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 45:62–101. DOI:
Inglis, M. & Alcock, L. 2012. Expert and Novice Approaches to Reading Mathematical
Proofs. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Vol. 43, No. 4:358-390. DOI:
Knapp, J. 2005. Learning to Prove in Order to Prove to Learn. [online]: retrived on 20
Agustus 2017 at URL:
Lai, Y. & Weber, K. 2014. Factors mathematicians profess to consider when presenting
pedagogical proofs. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 85: 93-108. DOI:
Mihova, V. & Ninova, J. 2014. Direct and Indirect methods of Proof The Lehmus Skiner
Therem. Mathematics Subject Classification. arXiv:1410.7526vI[Math.HO].
Rossi, R. J. 2006. Theorems, Corollaries, Lemmas, and Methods of Proof. New Jersey: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/9781118031575.
Selden, A. & Selden, J. 2013a. Persistence and Self-Efficacy in Proving. Martinez, M. &
Castro Superfine, A (Eds.). Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the North
American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics
Education, 304-307.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Selden, A. & Selden, J. 2016. Using a Theoritical Perspective to Teach a Proving

Supplement for an Undergraduate Real Analysis Course. Submission for Topic Study
Group 2, Tertiary Mathematics Education, ICME-13, 1-4.
Zeromska, A.K. 2015. Proving General Sentences in Mathematics and Justification of
Mathematical Statements by Learners of Mathematics: The Anthropomathematical
Studies. Annals of The Polish Mathematical Society 5th Series: Didactica
Mathematicae, 37: 11-140. DOI: 10.14708/dm.v3710.845

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Fery Seftiawan, S.Pd

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Abstract: The objective of the study is to investigate students’ motivation of

junior high school 10 Kendari in accordance with cooperative learning
strategy namely Numbered Head Together (NHT). In one side, motivation in
language learning roles as an important media as a factor in increasing
students’ activeness in language learning, where there are two general
motivation dividing, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
Each of those parts has been clarified into five part, they are intrinsic, external
regulation, introjections, identification, and integration. In the other side the
technique of Numbered Head Together (NHT) trusted as media in language
learning which enables teachers conducting a joyful learning in order to
emerge students’ learning motivation. By using the questionnaire as an
instrument of collecting data, the researcher tries to figure out the learning
motivation of junior high school 10 Kendari. The result shows the first item
of students’ motivation in term of intrinsic motivation which the average
score is 84.8. The second item is students’ external regulation which the
averages score is 79.5. The third one is students’ introjections score which
has an average about 74.2. The fourth is students’ identification which scores
as 86.4, and the last is students’ integration which scores about 83.2. Those
five overall items of motivation in language learning shows that students’
motivation of junior high school 10 Kendari is high.

Keywords:Number Head Together, Cooperative Learning, Learning Motivation


Motivation regarded as one thing that boosts up students emotional good feeling. It
helps students to be more active, as well as does help teacher to transfer material easily to
students. Motivation can be defined as “a student’s willingness, need, desire and compulsion
to participate in, and be successful in, the learning process” (Bomia,Beluzo, Demeester,
Elander, Johnson & Sheldon, 1997, p. 1). The other important problem related to the students’
motivation is to decide what or how is the way to improve their (students’) motivation in a
class during learning process. Related to increasing the students’ motivation, the author
associated one of the cooperative learning technique namely numbered head together (NHT)
which developed by Kagan (1992), where according to luzet (2013) Number head together is
“a collaborative learning technique which holds each student accountable for the outcome of
a task”. The previous study has been revealed by, (Vallerand, Pelletier, Blais, Briere, Senecal
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

and Vallieres, 1992) who stated that Levels of motivation in learners have been linked to
features of curiosity, persistency, and performance. It can be said that, motivation can be vital
in learning process. As an object of the research, the author has chosen junior high school 10
Kendari as one of the school that applies NHT in learning and teaching process. Based on the
pre-observation in junior high school 10 Kendari, the author identified that NHT had been
used before in grade VIII of that school in teaching English especially teaching recount text.
The research question of this paper is “How is students’ motivation when Number Head
Together (NHT) has been applied in the teaching and learning process at junior high school
10 Kendari?” The scope of this descriptive study was concerned on students’ motivation in
learning process in second grade (VIII grade) of junior high school 10 Kendari.

Motivation in general
To be motivated means to be moved to do something. A person who feels no impetus
or inspiration to act is thus characterized as unmotivated, whereas someone who is energized
or activated toward an end is considered motivated (Deci & Ryan 2000). Deci and Ryan
divided types of motivation, which are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The most basic
distinction is that intrinsic motivation refers to doing something because it is inherently
interestingor enjoyable, and extrinsic motivation, which refers to doing somethingbecause it
leads to a separable outcome. Intrinsic motivation is defined as doing of an activity for its
inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence. When intrinsically
motivated a person is moved to act for the fun or challenge entailed rather than because of
external prods, pressures, or rewards (Deci & Ryan 2000). It also has been defined as (a)
participation in an activity purely out of curiosity, that is, for a need to know about something;
(b) the desire to engage in an activity purely for the sake of participating in and completing a
task; and (c) the desire to contribute (Dev, 1997).
Deci and Ryan divided several types of extrinsic motivation, where the first is External
regulation which performed to satisfy an external demand or obtain an externally imposed
reward contingency. Second type of extrinsic motivation is introjected regulation. Introjection
describes a type of internal regulation that is still quite controlling because people perform
such actions with the feeling of pressure in order to avoid guilt or anxiety or to attain ego-
enhancements or pride. The third is identification. Here, the person has identified with the
personal importance of a behavior and has thus accepted its regulation as his or her own. A
boy who memorizes spelling lists because he sees it as relevant to writing, which he values as

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

a life goal, has identified with the value of this learning activity. Finally, the most autonomous
form of extrinsic motivation is integrated regulation. Integration occurs when identified
regulations have been fullyassimilated to the self.

The issue of Motivation in language learning

There are some issues of motivation in language leaning according to Ormmrod
(2010). First, it directs behavior toward particular goals, as also stated by Meyer, 1997;
Pintrich et al., 1993 that motivation determines the specific goals toward which learners
strives. Second, it leads to increase effort and energy, which means motivation roles as powers
that raise enthusiasm. Third, it increases initiation of and persistence in activities, in general
motivation increases students’ time on task, an important factor affecting their learning and
achievement (Brophy, 1988; Larson, 2000; Wigfield, 1994). Fourth, it affects cognitive
process. Fifth, it determines which consequences are reinforcing and punishing, and sixth, it
enhances performance. The issue of motivation, particularly in language learning is so
important that other considerations about teaching methodology seem to pale in comparison.
It is important to think about motivation as it seems to be the essence of language teaching
because of the bare realities of learning English for most of the learners of a foreign language.
Purwanto (2003:71) mentioned the function of (learning) motivation in three terms,
Encouraging people (students) for doing and moving, bare the students aspire or a goal, and
deciding the things which is the priority and need to be done first. As well as Nasution, (1995),
who proposed its function; to decide something to be reached, and to choose the behavior.
Mulyadi (in his book of “psikologi pendidikan”) argued De Cocco state that there are four
functions of motivation. That motivation related with the problem of teacher in maintaining
students’ motivation and how to face students. They are: Arousal, Expectancy, Incentive and
Disciplinary Function.
Students are the most important key point for improving the motivation. (Hall and
Sanders 1997) stated that “Students are the raw materials for education and the primary
products of educational transformations; and most important students’ are key members of
the labor force involved in creating education” in addition, Teachers have a role for improving
students’ motivation. Students will get some benefits from their teacher in terms of the
knowledge as stated by (Montalvo, 1998) that “students display more motivational benefits
from teachers they like over teachers they dislike”. The role of teachers seems to be shifting
from preprogrammed knowledge dispensers to instead managers of student learning and the
learning environment. Furthermore, class or subject content can be a vital role too, where

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

content in a learning process should be suitable with each condition of students in each level
of learning. Content also contributes students' motivation in case of it influences students
feeling in learning situation. Olson (1997) in “research in higher educational journal” stated
that student motivation depends on the extent to which the teacher is able to satisfy the
student’s need for (1) feeling in control of their learning, (2) feeling competent, and (3) feeling
connected to others. As also discussed in the first chapter of this thesis, the main important
thing in maintaining or gaining the students’ motivation is the method or teaching technique
that the teachers use. In line with the author, the journal of higher educational categorized the
method as the ingredient that can support the learning motivation. Moreover, environment
judged as also the factor that contributes the motivation of the students. Environment roles as
an important thing in learning process, where it gives another side of motivation, for example,
environment of learning process should be accessible.

Numbered head together (NHT)

As one of the cooperative learning, NHT believed as the good technique or method in
learning process. Slavin (1985); (as cited in the book of “cooperative learning. P: 12)) stated
that cooperative learning is a kind of learning strategy where students are working together in
a small group collaboratively which the member 4 to 6 people in a heterogenic structure. Lie
(2007) Stated that there are classroom management when applying corporative learning, they
are; a). Grouping, this purposed to assist every student in one group, b). Communally spirit,
aims to raised the spirit up so that students would do the work together, and c). Classroom
structuring. There are important point to conduct this type of cooperative learning,they are
“Numbered” which means giving the head number of each students in one group,
“Questioning” that means the teachers that apply the NHT gives students problem to be
thought about, “Head together/ think together”, and “Answering”. This part gives students an
opportunity to speak out and answer the question given. There are number of benefits of this
learning strategy, this cooperative learning strategy promotes discussion and both individual
and group accountability”, beneficial for reviewing and integrating subject matter and the
group supports each member and provides opportunities for practice, rehearsal, and discussion
of content material, as well as group learning methods encourage students to take greater
responsibility for their own learning and to learn from one another.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Design of study
The design of the study is qualitative descriptive, which means the writer describes
the implementation of numbered head together (NHT) on students’ motivation in learning
English, especially concern at the grade VIII of junior high school 10 Kendari.
Population and sample
Population based on Sugiyono (2011) is a general scope that contains object and
subject that have a quality and characteristic that is chosen to be observed and to be concluded
in the scope of study. In other hand, Riduan (2004) said that population is a whole of research
subject. In this case, based on the background of the study, the population was class VIII of
senior high school 10 Kendari. Sampling is a part or representation of population of something
to be observed (Trianto: 2010). This study related to the motivation of students and the
technique (NHT) that is being used by teacher in senior high school 10 Kendari so that it is
important to decide who is the sampling in this study, they are 1). All students of junior high
school at grade VIII1, and 2). English teacher of junior high school 10 Kendari at grade VIII.

Procedures of collecting data

The procedures of collecting data were; observing English teacher of junior high
school 10 Kendari who teaches English at grade VIII and specifically grade VIII1 directly,
give the questionnaire related to the theory of “self determination theory” and giving the
questionnaire to the students who are being taught by English teacher who uses NHT
Instrument of the study
Instrument of this study was self determination theory by Deci and Ryan (1985). The
researcher of this study combines each of the characteristic of self determination theory with
the characteristic of NHT itself. The scoring will be 5 point Likert scaling ranging from
strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (5).

Techniques of analyzing data

The researcher used “Descriptive Qualitative Analysis” to analyze the data. The aim
for using this technique is to describe the implementations of NHT in junior high school 10
Kendari that got from questionnaire, and observing. The result of that step would be analyzed
descriptively. According to Riduan (2004), questionnaire can be analyzed by using some
steps, first is counting the value of each respondent and each aspect or variable of the

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

questionnaire, the second is recapitulation of the value, the third is counting the average, and
the last one is counting the percentage with pattern
𝐷𝑃 = × 100%
DP: Deskriptif presentase (percentage descriptive)
n: Skor empiric yang diperoleh (each answered score of questionnaire)
N: Skor ideal untuk setiap item (ideal score of questionnaire)
The next step is deciding the highest and the lowest criteria of questionnaire with pattern:
a. Deciding the highest criteria
Max score x 100%
× 100% = 100%
b.Deciding the lowest criteria
Min score xl00%
× 100% = 25%
After counting the highest and the lowest criteria in percentage, the next step is making the
table and describes it in narrative form.
Table 3.1 Score grade criteria in questionnaire
No. Percentage Criteria
75%-100% Very good
50%-75% good
25%-50% Enough
1%-25% Not good
0% - 25% Very bad


The key point of this research is about students’ motivation in Junior High School 10
Kendari especially grade VIII that applied NHT as one of the cooperative learning in learning
activity. As already known that motivation divided into two types’ namely intrinsic motivation
and extrinsic motivation. Both of them are different by their characteristic of each part.
Intrinsic for example is only having one part or one type. In other hand, extrinsic motivations
have four types namely external regulation, introjections, identification and integration. The
part of the explanation of discussion in this chapter is concerning on the research question of

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

this thesis. The research question was “What is students’ motivation when Number Head
Together (NHT) has been applied in the teaching and learning process at junior high school
10 Kendari. First, it could be seen in the previous explanation about the intrinsic motivation
of the students’ in junior high school 10 Kendari. The overall score of the first part of
motivation according to self determination theory is about 84.8 % where that percentage is
high. From that result, the writer could conclude that students’ intrinsic motivation in junior
high school grade VIII is high. The highest score of this part is questionnaire number 15 that
scored 88% while the lowest score is questionnaire number 3 which scored 79.4 %. As the
highest score of the questionnaire of statement number 15, it counted as many as 88 % and
the highest percentage of the chart is on strongly agree where it scored as many as 47%, that
as a result, the general thing that can cause the students’ intrinsic is giving a task or a job of
every meeting in learning process. The second is external regulation of the students in junior
high school 10 Kendari where the overall score of this part of extrinsic motivation is 79.5%.
The highest score which in questionnaire number 1 got score 89.7% and the lowest score is
questionnaire number 9 which scored 69.7%. From the result above, it seem to be said that
students’ extrinsic motivation is high. As in general highest point of these criteria as in
questionnaire 1, which is the highest percentage of that is as many as 63% which can be said
that the main general thing that caused external regulation high is students liked activeness
during learning discussing process. The third is about students’ introjections where the overall
score is 74.2%. The highest score is of introjections is located in number 20 that scored 83.4%.
The lowest score of the introjections is located in number 12 that got 79%. From the total and
average of this part of extrinsic motivation, it implicates those students’ introjections in junior
high school 10 Kendari grade VII is quite high. As in questionnaire 20 which categorized as
the higest one, the highest percentages of the questioannire is 46% where it “agree”
categorization. As a result, the main general point in this introjection section that can cause
high criteria is curiosity. The fourth is students’ identification of extrinsic motivation, which
the overall score got 86.4 %. The highest questionnaire is on number 7 which score 91.4%,
and the lowest score is no questionnaire number 5 that scored 81%. From those three scoring,
it implicates in general that students’ identification in term of extrinsic motivation is good or
high. As the highest one of this scale, that is questionnaire number 7 which is the highest
percentages of its questionnaire reach 57% of strongly agree, it can be generalized that the
main thing that caused students’ identification is high is that there is a supporting goal in the
teaching and learning process, during applying discussion. The fifth or the last aspect of
extrinsic motivation is integration, which the overall score reach 83.2 %. The highest score of

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

this section is on questionnaire number 18 that got score 92 %, and the lowest score is 51 %
that on the questionnaire number 13.
The general implication of the extrinsic motivation in term of identification is good
or high. The general from the first and the last aspect of extrinsic motivation could be
implicated that students’ extrinsic motivation are generally high. And the highest one of this
scale is questionnaire number 18 where it counted as many as 92 points. The implication of
this questionnaire can became the general reason that caused students’ integration’s score is
high is that students’ satisfaction of the applying method of NHT. As a main and general point
of this study, it talks about how far or how good students’ motivation in language learning
when they are taught by NHT. The highest score is questionnaire number 18 which indicates
one of students’ integration’s score is the highest one, and the lowest is on questionnaire
number 13 which also indicates the score of students’ introjections’. As the general point, the
highest of the overall score of students’ motivation of junior high school is on student’s
identification motivation which scored as much as 86.4 %, that indicates the extrinsic
motivation of the students is higher than intrinsic motivation. In conclusion that statement
would probably affected by the use of NHT technique during learning and discussing process
in a classroom.
The main important and substantial thing in this study is that whether students were
motivated if the techniques of NHT was being applied in that school or not. As it related to
the research question of this study is that what is students’ motivation when Number Head
Together (NHT) has been applied in the teaching and learning process at junior high school
10 Kendari?Researcher has several conclusion related to the research question. Based on the
result of the study that there are five important points that became the most crucial thing in
conclusion, firstly in term of intrinsic motivation, students were motivated in case of intrinsic
if there are jobs given to students in discussion form. Secondly in terms of extrinsic
specifically for external regulation, students are motivated if there is an active situation of the
learning process. Thirdly in case of introjections, students are motivated if they have curiosity
that caused by NHT technique itself. Fourthly in term of identification, the students are
motivated if there is a significant or crucial goal. The last one is in term of integration, where
students are motivated if their satisfaction of the use of NHT technique itself.
After conducting this research, the researcher offers recommendations for further
researcher. Firstly it is possible to carry out the research related to NHT technique in another
school to improve or to increase students’ learning language motivation. Secondly, it is crucial

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

to observe more about the specific motivation in term of gender. Thirdly, it’s also important
that another researcher need to look at the students situation, in term of mood, or class
condition in order to get the reliable data for the research.

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International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Hein Wangania, Mardiningsih

Universitas Trisakti, STKIP PGRI Pasuruan,

Abstract: In this era of globalization, universities face great challenges

to be able to produce students as professional human beings who have
the character and are able to compete and advance the nation of
Indonesia globally. Character formation is the essence of education
which in this case certainly cannot be separated from the efforts and the
role of lecturers. The main area of lecturers' activity is to carry out the
education and teaching. Thus, the optimization of lecturers' role in
teaching as a learning resource, demonstrator, mentor, classroom
manager, mediator, and evaluator is expected to build the character of
the students into human beings who care about their nation. Efforts to
maximize the role of lecturers can be done by improving the ability of
lecturers through ‘PEKERTI’ training, AA, and attending scientific
meetings. Research activities and community service are also very
supportive of better teaching and educational activities. Through
research, a lecturer will enrich the wealth of knowledge, with the
devotion of lecturers can be the driving force of development.
Keywords: Lecturer’s role, learning, character, learning resource,


Education is a state program that has a real function and purpose. Education is used to
form the personality and character of a dignified nation and develop the capabilities possessed
by every citizen in order to educate the life of the nation. Education aims to develop individual
attitudes (learners) in order to be a pious man to the god, virtuous, knowledgeable,
independent, and responsible. Therefore, the noble purpose must really be given special
attention so that this nation is not seen as a nation that lost its character.
Speaking of which, the formation of personality cannot be separated by how we shape
the character of learners. The character formation of learners is vital and there is no other way
in realizing a new Indonesia, namely Indonesia which can face regional and global challenges
(Muchlas in Sairin, 2001: 211). The regional and global challenge in question is how the
younger generation as human beings of Indonesia does not just have cognitive ability, but
affective and morality aspects are also touched. To that end, character education is needed to

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

obtain people who have the integrity of moral values so that children become respectful
fellows, honest and concerned with the environment.
Character formation is the essence of education. Without character education, life
becomes chaotic. Like painting on water, it is not easy in providing character education.
Consistency towards educational goals is the key. Abroad, character education can be applied
because of the consistency of all stakeholders in running the rules. Including law enforcement
who can be assertive and consistent. The irresponsibility of law enforcement has led to many
compromised violations. Roscoe Pound (1996: 17) says that law aims to fabricate society,
which means law as a medium or tool to transform society into a better direction whether
personally or in the community.
Changing society into a better direction personally and in the community can be
realized through education in Higher Education. The lecturer is one of the essentials in an
education system in college. Thus, the role of lecturers becomes very important to change the
education community (students) into a better direction and character. Therefore, the
optimization of the role of lecturers is expected in learning to shape the character of
In line with Unesco’s statement that education should contain three elements: (a) learn
to know, (b) learn to do and (c) learn to live together.

Character Education
Character education can be narrowly defined by character education programs as an
effort to build awareness to perform various virtues to create a better world. Character
education teaches habitual ways of thinking and behaving that help individuals to live and
work together as families, communities, and citizens as well as helping them to make
responsible decisions. More broadly, as a value, moral education, personality, and character
education, which are aimed at: Developing the ability of learners in making good decisions,
maintaining what is good, and realizing the good in everyday life whole-heartedly; Having
the regularity of every action that is measured based on the hierarchy of values. Values
become the normative guidelines of every action; Coherence that gives, makes a person tough
on principle, not hesitant about new situations/fear of risk; Autonomy, one internalizes the
rule from the outside into personal values. Firmness and loyalty, one's endurance to covet
what is considered good. Loyalty is the basis of respect for the chosen commitments.
To change students into a better direction, the Ministry of National Education has
formulated 18 character values that will be instilled in the students as an effort to build the

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

character of the nation. Values in Character Education are: religiousness, honesty, tolerance,
discipline, hard work, creativity, self-reliance, democracy, curiosity, nationalism, loving the
country, appreciating achievement, communicativeness, loving peace, fondness of reading,
having concern for the surroundings, having social conscience, and responsibility (Suyadi
2013: 8).
The Lecturer’s Role

The role of the lecturer is a series of interrelated behaviors that are done in a particular
situation, as well as related to the progress of behavior change and the development of the
learner to which it is intended. Lecturers are one component that is very instrumental in the
learning process and directly affects the improvement of student learning quality.
(Zainudddin.2005.1) The role of the lecturer in character education becomes very vital.
In order to implement Tridharma PT, the lecturers carry out three types of activities,
namely education and teaching, research, and devotion to the community. The main scope of
the lecturer's activities is to carry out education and teaching with learning concepts and
learning approaches that are expected to build students 'character and students' care towards
their nation. Nevertheless, research activities and community devotion must also be
implemented by the lecturers themselves. Both of these activities will greatly support better
education and teaching activities (Directorate of Research and Community Service, 2002).
The three roles are interconnected which can be observed in the following scheme (from Mr.
Tjipto Haryono’s presentation (UNESA))

From the explanation above, it is quite clear why a lecturer should do all three in his
profession. With research, a lecturer will enrich the treasures of science, with the devotion of
lecturers society can be the driving of development, and so on.
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


The main scope of lecturers activity is to carry out education and teaching with
learning concepts and learning approaches that are expected to build students 'character and
students' care towards their nation. The lecturer’s activities in education and teaching can be
well implemented through the optimization of the lecturer’s role as a learning resource,
demonstrator, mentor, learning manager, mediator and evaluator (Fakhruddin.2009: 48). The
lecturer role optimization will be described as follows:

Lecturer as a Learning Resource

The lecturers’ role as a source of learning is a very important role. The role as a
learning resource is closely related to the mastery of the subject matter. To assess whether or
not a lecturer is only from the mastery of learning materials. A good lecturer is when the
lecturer can master the learning materials properly so that he really serves as a learning
resource for students. Not only that, the values of virtue and science are channeled with high-
level wisdom, in which there is no indication of patronizing and fooling the students. This
kind of behavior is the character of a source of knowledge. As a result, a lecturer will not feel
uncomfortable and angry if his or her opinion is criticized or denied. On the contrary, as a
good source, heor she will accept all of them calmly, and interpret it all as the sweetener of
the learning process.

Lecturer as a Facilitator

As a facilitator, lecturers play a role in providing services to facilitate students in

learning process activities. Before the learning process begins, the lecturer often asks him or
herself, How can I make it easier to present the lesson material. That question is true. Through
earnest effort, the lecturers want to make themselves easy to present the lesson well, and the
question is the first step to elaborate on the method of conveying the material. Nevertheless,
the question indicates that a lecturer is exploring how to behave in order to gain the learners’
sympathy and run the transformation of value and knowledge effectively. This attitude
indicates that a lecturer has the nature and attitude of humility. As a result of the
contemplation, the lecturer will ask questions to the students, for example, What should be
done in order for students to easily learn the lesson material so that the learning objectives can
be achieved optimally? A question like this implies that the purpose of teaching is to facilitate
student learning. This is the nature of the facilitator's role in the learning process.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Lecturers must feel responsible for their students. If a lecturer does not feel responsible
then the lecturer would teach as it is regardless of whether the student he teaches catches the
material or not. So that the lecturer should be responsible in the way of teaching students and
to the students themselves. Assignment of tasks is also an attempt to understand the students
because surely with these tasks students can review the materials that have been studied.
However, the student must also be responsible to the lecturer, so the lecturer does not only try
to understand the students but the students also appreciate the lecturers and complete every
task given by the lecturer. In other activities, the lecturers can also write the lecture materials
(at least compile the lecture material) completely and systematically so that the students can
learn the materials easily and the materials can be adjusted with the time and place available
for them..

Lecturer as a Learning Manager

As a learning manager, lecturers play a role in creating a learning climate that allows
students to learn comfortably. Through good class management, lecturers can keep the
classroom conducive for the learning process of all students. According to Ivor K. Devais,
one tendency that is often forgotten is to forget that the essence of learning is the student’s
learning, not the lecturer’s teaching. In relation to the management of learning, Alvin C.
Eurich explains the principles of learning that lecturers must pay attention to:

a. Everything students learn, then students must learn by themselves;

b. Every student has their own pace of learning;
c. A student will learn more each time doing the stages of activities if given reinforcement;
d. Full mastery of each step allows overall learning to be more meaningful, and
e. If the student is given responsibility, then he or she will be more motivated to learn.
Lecturers should be able to unleash the potential that exists in the students, rather than
being a barrier. The barrier means that students are not afraid to express their opinions to the
lecturers. Something like this will make the students do not want to go forward because there
is no place in conveying the possible things about the innovations and it makes thoughts about
the innovations abandoned. In advancing Indonesia, it takes teenagers who are brave and able
to express their opinions or thoughts to the world, rather than keep it and ultimately do not
realize that those thoughts will be very useful later.

Furthermore, after the concept of management can be done well, then the learning
process can be effective and on target. In addition, the management will also lead to the effort

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

to plan strategies and curriculum well, with the hope that the learning process can provide a
positive effect for students.

In implementing the self-management of learning there are two kinds of activities that
must be done, that is managing the learning resources themselves. As a manager, lecturers
have four common functions:

a. Plan learning goals,

In formulating the purpose of the subjects called General instructional objectives, the
lecturers need to identify the abilities expected to be achieved by the students at the end
of the semester. This objective is explained to students as well as its relevance to the
needs of the various worlds of work that may become their profession later. The ability
of lecturers to formulate and explain the overall instructional objectives convincingly to
the students becomes the strategic point of applying the principle of relevance in

b. Organize various learning resources to realize learning goals,

c. Lead, which includes motivating, encouraging, and stimulating students, as well,
d. Supervise everything, whether it is functioning properly or not in order to achieve the
Even though these four functions are separate activities, opportunities should be
viewed as a circle or cycle of activities that relate to one another. These functions will lead to
an effort to manage the learning process with the best possible outcome so that the purpose of
education and learning can be maximized. For that to happen, planning is absolutely needed.
The function of planning is a very important function for a manager, which in this case is
played by a lecturer.

Activities in carrying out the planning functions include predicting demands and
needs, setting goals, writing syllabus learning activities, determining the topics to be studied,
allocating time, and determining the resources needed. Through this planning function,
lecturers try to bridge the gap between the dynamics that clings the students, such as when
they have to move or make choices. This risible and changeable competence can only be done
with the ability to think creatively and imaginatively, and also the courage to elaborate on all
things in order to give goodness to students, others, as well as the universe.

The Lecturer as a manager will also reach to the spirit to organize carefully and
thoroughly. The organizing function involves the deliberate creation of a conducive learning
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

environment and delegating responsibilities in order to realize the objectives of the planned
education program.

Nevertheless, organizing and setting up of learning resources is only a tool or means

to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. The ultimate goal is to make students work and
study together comfortably and delightfully.

Similar to the concept of leading and supervising, which is also a part of the
competence of the lecturer as a manager. The function of leading or self-directing is a personal
function that involves a particular style. This lead role is related to guiding, encouraging, and
supervising the students so that they can achieve the intended purpose. The ultimate goal is to
generate motivation and encourage students so that they receive and practice responsibility
for self-study.

The supervising function aims to pursue events in accordance with the plans that have
been prepared. Within certain limits, the supervisory function involves structured decision-
making, even though the process may be very complex, especially when conducting remedial.

Lecturer as a Demonstrator

What it means by lecturer as a demonstrator is a role of giving the students

demonstration about anything that can make them understand every delivered message. First,
as a demonstrator, lecturers have to give their students examples of good behaviors. In every
life aspects, they are the ideal figure of every student. The lecturer’s behaviors usually become
a model of the student’s attitude. Second, as a demonstrator, lecturers must be able to show
how every material can be well-understood by the students. Therefore, as a demonstrator, ones
must be related to the arrangement of a more effective learning strategy.

Through their roles as demonstrators, lecturers should master the materials they are
teaching, and develop it. It means they have to improve their skill on that subject because it
will influence the students’ study result. One thing that should be recognized by the lecturers
is that they are learners likewise, meaning they should never stop learning. By so doing,
lecturers will enrich themselves with much knowledge as a resource to accomplish their job
as lecturers and demonstrators, thus they will be able to apply what they have taught
didactically. This is for students to be well-understood of what is being conveyed.

Lecturers should also be creative to formulate the purpose of the academic study,
understand the curriculum and the lecturers themselves because they are a creative learning
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

resource in giving information to the class. As an educator, lecturers should also help the
students to be capable of receiving, understanding and mastering the science. Therefore,
lecturers should motivate the students to learn at any chance. Finally, lecturers will play their
roles properly as an educator, so they can be the favorite ones.

In selecting and providing the college, besides assembling the relevant materials for
instructional purposes, lecturers also need to develop some examples and exercises of the
conceptual principle applications and the procedures in the materials to the student’s various
working prospects. It would be better if those examples and exercises are provided by the
lecturers or other people who are experienced in the working fields of a particular subject.
This will be a strategic point of the relevance principle. To enhance the quality of the examples
and exercises, every lecturer needs to do these following methods.

a. The lecturer brings the students to a place or situation which discusses about the job done
by the employees. This is the application of the studied concepts.
b. The lecturer invites a guest speaker whose profession is related to the specific subject
learned by the students.
c. The lecturer (individually or cooperatively with the university) opens a chance for the
students to apply for internship and work like a real employee in the working fields. This
internship program will be the third strategic point of the relevance principle.
The methods will have a bigger chance to progress if the lecturer has a side job relevant
to the specific subject he/she is teaching. By so doing, he/she will be more than adequate to
give examples of the applied theory in the working fields. This side job is a strategic point of
the relevance principle.

Lecturer as a Supervisor

Every student is unique. The uniqueness can be seen from every difference, meaning
that there are no exactly similar individuals. Even though they are physically similar, yet they
are not literally the same including the talent, interest, ability, and so on. Besides that, every
individual is developing.

Their development rhythm is certainly not the same either. Those differences have
pushed lecturers to be their supervisors. Lecturers supervise the students to find their
potentials as a resource in life and help them reach their duties for development. By so doing,
the students will grow and advance themselves to be an ideal man for all parents and people’s
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The role of a supervisor is not just exactly supervising the students. Nonetheless, it
needs those students who morally good, thus they will not only have proper knowledge about
technology and economy, but also good morals. These students will socially care about people
around them. Nowadays, people are morally attacked by foreign countries. It would be bad if
these students as Indonesian did not have formidable morals.

Indonesian society will be easily influenced by those foreigners whose values are
inappropriate with Indonesian itself. Therefore, lecturers must be able to build their students’
characters and morals. Especially some lecturers with a tougher duty because their students’
morals have been affected by foreigners. Restoring those morals is harder than building the
moral itself. Hopefully, lecturers would pay more attention to their students’ morality and be
able to fix those unsuitable ones.

Perhaps not all students know their potentials or talents. From this case, hopefully,
lecturers are able to see their students’ potentials. With their help, the students will be
developed based on their potentials or talents which someday can be useful for Indonesia’s
development. The lecturers will have a big role in motivating their students to enhance
Indonesia for global competition. Students who are able to observe and innovate a situation
will certainly be useful for their society’s improvement. The students or the youths are
hopefully capable of seeing the society’s problems and giving them solutions.

Lecturers play a very important role in either the study process or deciding the
students’ output. The output here is not only about scores, but more importantly
professionality. It is because the graduate students are expected to be skilled better than those
who are unlucky for getting a higher education. The lecturers ought to have a study concept
which is really capable of obtaining a good result. Every freshman might be changing and
developing through time. Therefore, the lecturers have to be up to date on applying the study
concepts to their students.

Lecturer as a Classroom Manager

Lecturers, as a classroom manager, should be able to manage the class as the learning
environment. It is one of the college environmental aspects which have to be organized. This
environment is managed and controlled thus learning activities will aim at the academic
purposes. Controlling the environment will determine how good a learning environment is. A
good learning environment will challenge and trigger the students to learn, feel safe, and gain
satisfaction in achieving the goals.
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The quality and quantity of learning depend on many factors, such as the lecturers,
relationships among students, and common conditions as well as the situations in the
classroom. A classroom management provides and uses facilities for various learning
activities. It is especially meant to develop the student’s skill in using a media for learning,
and provide any possible conditions to achieve the expected result.

As a classroom manager, lecturers are responsible for keeping the physical

environment to be comfortable for learning, otherwise supervising the intellectual and social
process in the classroom. By so doing, the lecturers do not only support the learning progress,
but also develop student’s working and learning habit effectively.

Other responsibilities and some qualifications as a classroom manager are also

important for lecturers because those will support the student’s daily experience to a self-
directed behavior. One of the examples of a good classroom management is by giving a chance
for students to slowly reduce their dependence on their lecturers so they can monitor their own
activities. Students must be step by step assisted to learn doing a self-control and self-activity.
Lecturers should be able to lead an effective and efficient learning activity with an optimal
result. As a learning manager, a lecturer has to use his/her knowledge about learning and
teaching development theories to create a learning and teaching situation which makes the
student’s learning activities go effectively and fun, thus achieves the expected goals.

Lecturer as a Mediator

As a mediator, lecturers must have sufficient knowledge and understanding about

educational media, because it is a communication tool for a more effective learning and
teaching process. By so doing, educational media becomes a foundation which is needed to
complete the process. It is part of the integral for a successful education in college. Moreover,
it is not enough for lecturers to only know about educational media. They must also have the
skill to choose and apply the media properly. Therefore, lecturers need sustainable and
systematic practices, either based on pre-service or in-service training. Choosing and applying
the educational media should be appropriate for the purpose, material, method, evaluation,
and the lecturer’s ability as well as the student’s interest.

As a mediator, lecturers also become the mediator of human relationships. For that
reason, lecturers have to be good at applying their knowledge related to how people interact
and communicate each other. Then, lecturers may create a maximum quality of the interactive
environment. In this case, there are three kinds of activities that can be done by lecturers, those
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are supporting good social attitudes, developing personal interaction style, and growing
positive relationships among students.

Lecturer as an Evaluator

If we look upon our education world, we will find sorts of education at certain times
in a period which are being evaluated. Which means, at those certain times in a period, there
will always be an evaluation of the achieved results, either from the scholars or the educators.

Likewise, in one process of learning and teaching, lecturers have to be a good

evaluator. This activity is meant to know whether the arranged purpose is achieved and
whether the materials given are appropriate. Those questions can be answered through

Through the evaluation, lecturers are able to recognize the achieved goals, student’s
mastery of the materials, and the teaching method’s effectiveness. Another purpose of the
evaluation is to understand the students’ position in a class and a group. Through evaluation,
lecturers can classify whether a student belongs to advanced, intermediate, or below average
group, or just good enough among his/her friends.

By apprehending the achievement of the teaching purpose, lecturers will recognize

whether a learning process is effective and satisfactory, or the opposite. Therefore, it is a must
for lecturers to do a good evaluation because, through evaluation, they will realize the learning
and teaching process.

Based on its function, as the evaluator, lecturers should be up to date on following

their students’ study results from time to time. The information from this evaluation becomes
a feedback for the learning and teaching process. This feedback will be a starting point to
improve the next process. By so doing, there will be an effort to be continuously improved in
the learning and teaching process, thus achieve an optimal result.

A good lecturing process must be completed with another thing, that is an evaluation
through the process and result. Evaluating the process is done to improve the effectiveness of
lecturing and the student’s motivation for learning a particular subject. A student who is
evaluated will have a chance to think about the development of a lecturing process. That kind
of initiative will attract one’s attention and interest to the subject that will be applied in a
working field. Therefore, lecturers need their students’ help for the evaluation as the
respondent and informant.
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In evaluating the result, lecturers need to decide the factors to be evaluated. It must be
aimed at the instructional purposes they have arranged. Deciding the student’s ability to be
evaluated based on the instructional purpose is important. Hence, formulating the instructional
purpose should be relevant with the student’s working prospect. Therefore, student’s
assignments and tests must also be relevant to the job. One of Tri Dharma University lecturers’
activities is conducting researches. In relation to the relevance principle, a research which is
relevant to the studied subject has to be valued and given a big credit score.

The lecturer’s role optimization efforts in learning

In optimizing the role, lecturers may improve their abilities in learning by joining
Peningkatan Keterampilan Dasar Teknik Instruksional (PEKERTI) training, Applied
Approach (AA), as well as other various scientific meetings. Also conducting researches and
contributions to society. Those things will support lecturer’s role optimization in learning.


The National Education Ministry has formulated 18 character values to build on

students as an effort to form the nation’s character. The values in character education are:
religiousness, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativeness, independence,
democratic-ness, curiosity, nationalism, nation tenderness, achievement respect,
communicativeness, peacefulness, literate, environmental concern, social concern, and
responsibility (Suyardi. 2013: 8).
Lecturers are one of the components that plays a part in the learning process and
directly influences the student’s quality improvement (Zainuddin. 2005: 1). The lecturer’s role
in character education is vital.
The lecturer’s roles in Tri Dharma University are accomplishing the teaching and
educational sector along with conducting researches and giving contributions to society. In
the educational surface, lecturers can optimize their roles as a learning resource, demonstrator,
supervisor, learning manager, mediator, and evaluator in building the Indonesian character.
The lecturer’s role optimization efforts in learning are improving lecturer’s ability in learning
by joining PEKERTI training, AA, and various scientific meetings.
Amitabraham. 2004. Mengembangkan Kepribadian dengan Berpikir Positif. Surabaya:
Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdiaan pada Masyarakat, 2002
Fakhruddin. 2009. Menjadi Guru Favorit. Jogjakarta: Diva Press
Roscoe, Pound. 1996. Pengantar Filsafat Hukum.. Jakarta: Bhratara Niaga Media
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Sairin, Weinata. 2001. Pendidikan yang Mendidik. Jakarta: Yudhistira

Suyadi. 2013. Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Karakter. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya
Zainuddin, M. 2005. Strategi Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan Tinggi. Jakarta: PAU-PPAI-

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Lestariningsih1, 3, Siti M. Amin1, AgungLukito1andMoch.Lutfianto2

1Mathematics Departement, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Kampus Unesa
KetintangSurabaya(60231),Jawa Timur, Indonesia
2Mathematics Departement, STKIPAlHikmah Surabaya,Gedung Barat lantai
3-4KampusAlHikmah,Komplek SMP–SMAAlHikmah,Kebonsari Elveka
V street, Surabaya(60233), Jawa Timur, Indonesia
3Mathematics Departement, STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo, KemiriStreet, Sidoarjo
(61234), JawaTimur, Indonesia

Abstract.Theobjectiveofthispaperwas todescribefirst yearstudents’

mathematisation in solving mathematical literacy problem based on
gender differences. This research uses descriptive research with qualitative
approach. Data was obtained by giving the mathematical literacy
problem and interviews. Mathematisation was described by using
mathematisation steps. The results of this research point out that first year
students’mathematisation in solving mathematical literacy problemas
follows1) male student could use concepts,facts,procedures
andmathematicalreasoning togetmathematical solution,interpretit
totherealwordproblemand buthecouldnot formulate real word problem into
the mathematical problem,also interpret it to th ereal word problem,2)
female student could formulate real word problem into the mathematical
problem,use concepts,facts,procedures and mathematical reasoning toget
mathematical solution, evaluatethesolutionwith thecontext ofproblem,
andinterpretitto the real word problem.It means that female student’s
mathematisation emerged for each mathematisation step but she could
not show using written expressionfully.

Keywords:mathematisation, firstyear students, mathematicalliteracy

problem, gender


The ability to solve problems (mathematical problem solving), especially problems in

everyday life requires mathematisation (Suherman,E.,etal.,2001; Depdiknas,2006,2014;and
Purwanto,2013).Freudenthal(1968) states that mathematisation means making things more
mathematical.Mathematisation in addition to being the activities of mathematicians also
become the activities of learners in understanding the daily situations using a mathematical
approach. According to Treffers in Menon(2013) mathematisation can be divided in to two
types,namely horizontal mathematisation and vertical mathematisation.Gravemeijer (1994)
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

defines horizontal mathematisation as an activity of converting contextual questions into

mathematical problems, whereas vertical mathematisation is the activity of formulating math
problems into various mathematical solutions using a number of mathematical rules
accordingly.Mathematisation in this research is the activity of transforming the problem
expressed withthereal-life context into a mathematical mode or representation,then the
completion of a mathematical model or representationis interpreted into areal-life context.
Mathematisation is also one of the seven basic mathematical capabilities needed by an
individual to solve mathematical literacy problems (OECD,2010,2013,2016). Mathematical
literacy is largely expressed interms of contextual problems or problems that use real-world
contexts because their composition emphasizes the need to develop one'scapacityto use
mathematics in various contexts.
Mathematisation aspart of the process of solving mathematical problems or problems
in everyday life makes mathematisation amust-haveability to possess well by learners
(Schoenfeld,1994; Sierpinskaand Lerman, 1996; Streefland, 1997; and Biccardand
Wessels,2015). But many learners have difficulty in mathematizing when
solvingcontextualproblems(Stillman &Brown, 2014).
Both men and women have different mathematical abilities. Men have a better ability
to solve math problems with context-free situations than women,whereas women are more
often able to solve theproblemof mathematical abstract maternity assessment in away more
effectivethan men-laki(Murphy,1990;Tims,1994; and Cornelissen, 2008).
Until now, research on mathematical profiles of prospective teachers in solving
mathematical literacy problems based on mathematics and gender skills has not been done by
other researchers.The research of mathematisation by Keijzer(2003), Lynch (2011), and
Winter(2013) has not specifically revealed mathematics in solving mathematical literacy
problems based on mathematics and genders kills so that this research is relevant to do.
The steps of mathematisation according to PISA2012 include formulating,
using,interpreting and evaluating. The steps of mathematisation used in this research refer to
PISA framework 2012 that is 1)formulate the problem of real world context (contextual
problem) intothe mathematical problem, 2) using concept,fact, procedure and mathematical
reasoning to get mathematical solution from mathematical problem 3) Interpreting
mathematical solutions into real-world contexts at the beginning, and4) evaluating the
problem solution with the real-world contextof the problem.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

This research is designed with descriptive research type and qualitative approach.
Subjects in this research were first year students of mathematics education program consisting
of male and female students. The data collection activities in this research used two
instruments, namely the main instrument and supporting instruments.The main instrument in
this research is the researchers themselves. The instruments used as supporting instruments
in this research are (a) Mathematical Testing Instruments,(b) Mathematical Literacy
TaskInstruments, and(c) Interview Guidelines.
ITKM is a test used to classify the mathematical ability of prospective research
subjects to obtain male and female students with equalability.Mathematical
LiteracyTaskInstrument(ITLM) is asupporting instrument for solving mathematical literacy
problems, such as ITLM1 and ITLM 2. This research uses ITLM1 and ITLM2 which are
similar and equivalent for triangulation purposes to obtain consistent data. ITLM is a
supporting instrument that is used as a tool to help reveal information indepth about
mathematics of prospective teachers in solving mathematical literacyproblem.
The research data collection procedure includes 1) providing ITLM, 2) conducting interviews,
and 3) doing triangulation. Data analysis techniques in this research include(1) data analysis
of Mathematics Capacity Test (TKM), and (2) Mathematical Literacy Data (TLM) interview
data analysis which includes data reduction, data presentation,and interpretation
andconclusion drawing.

Mathematical literacy problem used in this research were as follows.
The science teacher at Dina school gave the test with a maximum score of 100. Dina
got an mean score in the first four tests of 60.Then in the fifth test Dina got a score of 80.
What is the mean score of science test results obtained by Dina after five tests?
Male Student’s Mathematisation
The results of the test and interview between the researcher (R) and the subject of research
(S) based on mathematical steps briefly described asfollows.
First,formulate real world context problem into a mathematical problem.
R:What information do you get from this problem?
S:Dina got the fourth test scoreof 60.Then the fifth test scored 80,asked what the mean scoreof
Dina isafter five tests?
R:Which indicates that the fourth testv alue is 60?

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

S:The average score of the first four tests is 60. Mean of first test score 60. R:First or fourth?
R:Is it in there about the important variables that can be used to solve problems? S:No
R:How did you get this picture?
S:Maximum score 100, then score first 60,while thes core to five 80,so the mean science test
score obtained Dina is the first 60 the last 80,means a multiple of 5, i.e60, 65, 70, 75, 80

Based on the results of the interview it is known that in the first step, male students who
become the subject of research cannot formulate real world context problem into a
mathematical problem. This can be known when the subject understands "themeanof the first
four scores equals 60" with the first scoreof 60. Then he assumes that the difference between
the first test and the fifth test is fixed 5 as shown inFigure1.

Figure1.Firstscor is60.
Second, using concepts, facts, procedures and mathematical reasoning to obtain a
mathematical solution of a mathematical problem.
R:How GoodAre/strategiesdoyou plan to find a solution?
S:by summing first then divided.
R:What sums it up?
S:Thescore, then divided by5.
R:Howdoyou implement the strategy?
S:bysumming 60 + 65 +70 + 75 +80, theresult350 then divided by5

Figure2. TotalScore

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Based on the results of the interview is known that the subject of research know the concept
of the mean. I e the amount of data divided by a lot of data so that he added all the scores and
obtained 350 then divided by five so that obtained 70 as shown inFigure2 andFigure3.

Figure3. Mean is equal to 70

Third, intepreting solutions to real-world context of problem

R:Tryto explain the relationship that you get the answer to the initial question?
S:Themean scoreof 70,and 70's scores nare in the middle.
R:Doyou think any other answers to solve this problem?

In the third step,from the interview resultth at the students interpret the mean score of 70 it is
also the middle value if the data issorted.This is the mean concept for datawith constant
difference is the data in the middle.
In the laststep,evaluate the solutions to real-world context of problem

R: Howdoyou knowthat the answer you get it right?

S: Because 60+65+70+75+80=350. Then 350:5=70
R:Are the results/conclusions according to the contextyou get about?
S: Yes
R:Try to explain why the results/conclusions you earned in accordance with the context of the
S:Because mean is70.

The final step of the interview results revealed that the research subjects evaluated the
solution obtained by adding all the scores that he had set at the beginningand belief that the
answer obtained is70.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

FemaleStudent’s Mathematisation

The results of the test and interview between the researcher (R)and the subjectof research (S)
based on mathematical steps briefly described asfollows.
First, formulate real world context problem into a mathematical problem.

R:What information do you get from this problem?

S:The teacher gave a maximum score of 100. The mean score obtained by Dina in the first
fourtest is 60. Then in the fifth test Dina got a scoreof 80.What is the mean score of science
test results obtained by Dina for five tests?
R:Is it in there about theimportant variables that can b eused to solve problem?
S:Yes.In the problem is known in the first fourtests of 60 and in the fifthtest scored 80 with a
maximum score of 100.
R:How did you get this formula?
S:From the formula.The mean is the amount of data divided by the amountof data

Based on interview results, it is known that female students do the first step by stating the
maximum score in the test is100, then theme an of the first four tests is 60 and the fifth test
score is 80. Means that the subject of this research has understood and can formulate real
world context problem into mathematical problem.

Figure4. Totalscore is240 for 4 test

Second,using concepts, facts, procedures and mathematical reasoning to obtain a

mathematical solution of a mathematical problem.
R: How Good Are/strategies do you plan to find asolution?

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

S:Because the problem is already known that the mean of the first four tests 60 with the
number of data4 so that the total of the data can b ecalculated.
R:Howdid Vikiapply the plan to the problem?
S:Mean 60. Mean is the totalscoredivided bythenumber of scores. Theknown mean of 60
isbythenumber of four scores. Totalscore60x4isequalto 240. Then itisknown again score80.
So 240 + 80 divided by5 equal to 320:5 =

Based on the interview results for the second step, it is known that the subject of the research
has understood the concept of the mean so that he can know that the total score for four times
the test is 240 as shown in Figure4. Accordingto the research subject, 240 obtained from
multiplying 60 by 4. Object of research also succeeded to the exact solution that is 64 as shown
in figure5.
Figure5. Mean isequal to 64

Third, intepreting solutions to real-world contextof problem

R:Try to explain the relationship of answer that you get with the initial question?
S:My answer is 64. So the mean score that Dina got after five tests was 64
R:Doyou think anyother answersto solve this problem?

The third step of mathematisation is the intepreting solutions to the real-world context of
the problem not written by the research subject in the answer but from the interview result it
can be seen that the females student can interpret the mathematical solution obtained in
accordance with the contextof the initial problem.
R:Howdoyou knowthat the answer youget it right?
S:Because it is in accordancewith the contextof the roblem

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

R:Are theresults according to the context?


In the last step,evaluate the solutions to the real-world context of problem, female students
say that the solutions obtained are in accordance witht he context. Based on the results of tests
and interviews, male and female students perform different mathematisation. Male students
are unable to formulate the context in the real-world question into the problem appropriately
so that when applied in the mean concept the end result is not accurate.Then, when interpreting
the mathematically obtained solution,the male student connects with the mean concept for
data with the same or equal difference so thatthemeanisdeterminedbythedatainthemiddle
while female student can do mathematisation in accordance with the steps of matematisation.
Eventhough not all steps written in the student answers but the steps taken by the students can
be known from the interviews such as step interpreting solutions to real-world context of
problem. The results of this research contradict with the results of this research that conducted
by Murphy(1990); Tims(1994); And Cornelissen (2008) that men have a better ability to
solve math problems with context-free situations than women, whereas women are more often
able to solve abstract mathematical assessment problems with way more effective than men.


First year students’ mathematisation in solving mathematical literacy problem is different

between male and female students. Male student could use concepts,facts, procedures and
mathematica lreasoning to get mathematical solution, interpret it to the real word problem and
but he could not formulate real word problem into the mathematical problem, also interpret it
to the real word problem. Whereas female student could formulate real word problem into the
mathematical problem, use concepts, facts, procedures and mathematical reasoning to get
mathematical solution, evaluate the solution with the contextof problem, and interpret it to the
real word problem. It means that female student’s mathematisation emerged for each
mathematisation step but she could not show using written expression fully when solving
mathematical literacy problem.


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International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



M. Firdaus Efendi
SMPN 2 Grati
Abstrak: Sekolah yang berkualitasdapatdibentukmelalui Guru yang
Profesional. Kemampuan professional seorang guru merupakan modal
utama dalam pembelajaran. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan
program dan dampak program LSBS di SMPN 2 Grati tehun pelajaran
2015/2016. Lesson Study Berbasis Sekolah (LSBS) merupakan alternatif
yang cukup menarik untuk diterapkan untuk membidik adanya
peningkatan kemampuan guru. Di SMPN 2 Grati yang telah melakukan
LSBS, setelah berjalan selama 9 tahun. LSBS SMPN 2 Grati mulai Tahun
Pelajaran 2015/2016 menggabungnya dengan PTK. Beberapa kebijakan
diambil untuk meningkatkan kulitas LSBS diantaranya adalah; (1)
Menggabungkan kegiatan LSBS dengan PTK; (2) membagi guru dalam
beberapa kelompok PTK; (3)menjadwalulang open class sesuai dengan
kebutuhan persiklus PTK; (4) mengalihkantempat open class dari
laboratorium lesson study kekelas nyata; dan (5) evalusi berkelanjutan.
Setelah dinalisa dari angket yang disebar ke guru dan pengamatan
lapangan, ditemukan adanya peningkatan kemampuan professional guru
sebesar 16,3%, sedikit ada penurunan dari tahun sebelumnya (17,3%).
Disisi lain akibat dari LSBS berbasis PTK ada 10 orang guru yang maju
dalam kenaikan pangkat yang salah satu syaratnya membuat PTK.
Berdasarkan pengalaman pengamatan selama menjalannkan LSBS
berbasis PTK, ada gejala menurunnya kepercayaan diri siswa. Dari
kenyataan inilah maka pada tahun 2016/2017 dirancang LSBS yang dapat
meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa. Segala pembelajaran dan amatan
observer difokuskan pada kepercayaan diri siswa.

Kata kunci: Hasil, LSBS berbasis PTK, Tindaklanjut, Meningkatkan,


Sekolah yang berhasil merupakan idaman setiap Kepala Sekolah, dewan guru, dan
siswa. Keberhasilan suatu sekolah dapat dilihat dari proses pembelajaran yang ada di dalam
sekolah tersebut. Suatu sekolah dapat dikatakan berhasil jika pembelajaran di sekolah tersebut
dapat melayani semua pihak dengan optimal. Proses pembelajaran sebenarnya tidak hanya
terjadi pada siswa saja. Tetapi lebih dari itu, gurupun sebenarnya merasa memerlukan proses
tersebut. Kekuatan suatu sekolah sebenarnya dapat kita lihat langsung ketika kita memasuki
kelas yang ada di sekolah tersebut. Bagaimana guru mengemas pembelajaran merupakan
pondasi utama keberhasilan suatu sekolah.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

UPTD Pendidikan SMPN 2 Grati telah berdiri sejak tahun 1997. Pada tahun tersebut
masih menggabung dengan SMPN 1 Gratitunon. Sejak tahun 1999 pindah menempati gedung
sendiri. Pada awalnya hanya ada 4 guru PN yang mengelola sekolah ini, tetapi pada tahun
kedua (1999) sekolah ini kedatangan 9 guru CPNS yang masih muda-muda. Dengan usia baik
guru dan sekolah yang masih mudah, sekolah berjalan dengan sangat baik, antar guru masih
sangat kompak demikian pula antara guru dengan siswa sangat baik. Kini SMPN 2 Grati telah
memiliki 31 guru termasuk Pegawai Negeri, Guru Bantu, dan Guru Tidak Tetap. Beberapa
kendala dirasakan oleh guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
Sebenarnya tidak ada guru yang super atau paling sempurna. Setiap guru memiliki
kelemahan dan kelebihan masing-masing. Demikian pula setiap pembelajaran selalu memiliki
aspek yang dapat dikembangkan. Dengan adanya hal tersebut, maka sangat diperlukan suatu
wadah untuk menciptakan suatu keadaan saling belajar bersama. Salah satu cara untuk
mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan melaksanakan Lesson study Berbasis Sekolah.
Salah satu tuntutan guru profesional saat ini adalah guru harus bisa melakukan penelitian. Salah
satu penelitian yang disarankan untuk guru adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Saat
melakukan PTK guru harus melakukan open class yang sesuai dengan siklus yang diperlukan.
Saat inilah kita bisa menggabungkan antara PTK dan LSBS.
Diharapkan dengan adanya Lesson study Berbasis Sekolah (LSBS), kemampuan guru dalam
kegiatan pembelajaran dapat meningkat. Tentunya peningkatan tersebut harus dilalui dengan
kerja keras dan adanya suasana saling belajar antara sesama guru, sesama siswa, dan antara
guru dan siswa.

Program Penggabungan LSBS Dengan PTK
Program ini dimulai pada semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016, diikuti oleh seluruh
guru baik PNS maupun GTT. Pada pelaksanaanya dimungkinkan terbuka untuk guru lain
diluar SMPN 2 Grati (guru SD maupun SMP). Pertemuan rutin setiap 2 minggu sekali di hari
sabtu, setelah siswa pulang sekolah (jadwal menyusul, bila kegiatan disetujui untuk
dilaksanakan). Pada program ini sudah tidak ada lagi Open Class yang melibatkan banyak
guru, kecuali pada event khusus
a. Pembekalan Materi PTK dan Pembentukan Kelompok Guru
 Dilaksanakan pada akhir Tapel 2014/2015 atau awal Tapel 2015/2016
 Bisa mendatangkan narasumber dari luar atau dari dalam SMPN 2 Grati

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

 Dibentuk kelompok guru yang beranggotakan 3,4, atau 5 orang guru

 Pembentukan kelompok diserahkan kepada masing masing guru
 Dimohon pembentukan kelompok mengutamakan kesamaan mapel (serumpun)
 Bagi guru yang tidak kebagian kelompok, akan dibantu oleh tim
 Kelompok yang sudah terbentuk melaporkan keanggotaan ke tim sekolah
 Tiap kelompok boleh merencanakan 1, 2, 3 PTK
 Bisa satu guru satu PTK, atau beberapa guru 1 PTK

b. Mencari dan identifikasi Masalah Kelas, dan Menentukan Judul PTK

 Dilakukan di awal Tapel 2015/2016, setelah pembekalan materi PTK
 Berfokus ke kelas bukan individu siswa
 Masalah kelas ditulis dalam bentuk diskripsi, agar lebih mudah menganalisanya
 Guru dapat mengadakan semacam pretes untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal kelas
 Guru dapat menanyakan kondisi kelas target tersebut ke guru lain sebagai pembanding
maupun pelengkap data
 Dapat pula berhubungan dengan BK atau staf TU bila membutuhkan data tambahan
yang diperlukan
 Semakin banyak mengungkapkan data, semakin bagus kualitasnya
 Judul disusun berdasarkan identifikasi masalah
 Judul yang sudah disusun dilaporkan ke Tim sekolah

c. Seminar Judul PTK

 Diikuti oleh semua kelompok PTK
 Diusahakan ada dokumentasi resmi seminar (Baner, notulen, daftar hadir, foto-foto
 Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan identifikasi masalah dan judul yang dibuatnya
 Kelompok lain menanggapi
 Kelompok yang bersangkutan merevisi judul berdasarkan masukan yang didapat dari
kelompok lain

d. Menyelesaikan Proposal PTK

 Proposal PTK disusun berdasarkan aturan penulisan proposal (A. B. C. Dst bukan Bab
I Bab. II dst)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

 Waktu penyelesaian proposal diharapkan 2-3 minggu

 Proposal yang sudah tersusun bisa di konsultasikan ke beberapa teman guru yang
dianggap mampu
 Proposal yang sudah dianggap baik, segera disarikan dalam bentuk power poin untuk
keperluan seminar proposal

e. Seminar Proposal PTK

 Diikuti oleh semua kelompok PTK
 Diusahakan ada dokumentasi resmi seminar (Baner, notulen, daftar hadir, foto-foto
 Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan proposal PTK yang dibuatnya
 Durasi: presentasi maksimal 7 menit, tanya jawab: 8 menit
 Bisa dilaksanakan dalam 1, 2, atau 3 tahap menyesuaikan situasi dan kondisi
 Kelompok yang bersangkutan merevisi proposal PTK berdasarkan masukan yang
didapat dari kelompok lain, yang nantinya akan menjadi Bab I, II, dan III dalam laporan

f. Pelaksanaan Penelitian/ siklus I, II, dst (Open Class LS berbasis Kelas)

 Kelompok PTK membuat jadwal open class sesuai dengan kebutuhan setiap siklus
 Jadwal open class diserahkan ke Tim sekolah, untuk di rekap menjadi jadwal besar open
class untuk sekolah
 Peneliti utama menjadi guru model, sedangkan anggota lainnya menjadi observer
 Observer mengisi kuisener dan lembar observasi LS.
 Hasil observasi dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk diskusi refleksi di hari yang sama, bisa
sepulang sekolah dan dijadikan sebagai perencanaan siklus berikutnya
 Guru lain (diluar kelompoknya) diperbolehkan hadir sebagai observer

g. Pembuatan Laporan PTK

 Format penulisan disesuaikan dengan kaidah yang berlaku
 Gaya pelaporan PTK tiap kelompok boleh tidak sama untuk bab IV (diskripsi Hasil

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

 Laporan PTK yang belum diseminarkan dibuat dalam bentuk draf yang masih ada
peluang untuk diperbaiki
 Laporan PTK yang sudah dianggap baik, segera disarikan dalam bentuk power poin
untuk keperluan seminar PTK

h. Seminar PTK
 Dibentuk Tim Khusus Seminar PTK oleh sekolah
 Diikuti oleh semua kelompok PTK dan mengundang minimal 3 guru dari 3 sekolah
yang berdekatan
 Dilaksanakan dalam satu hari penuh (jam 08.00 sd selesai)
 Dipublikasikan dalam lingkup wilayah kecamatan Grati
 Diusahakan ada dokumentasi resmi seminar (Baner, notulen, daftar hadir, foto-foto
 Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan laporan PTK yang dibuatnya
 Durasi: presentasi maksimal 10 menit, tanya jawab: 15 menit
 Kelompok yang bersangkutan merevisi laporan PTK berdasarkan masukan yang
didapat dari kelompok lain, yang nantinya akan mencetaknya sesuai dengan keperluan

Gambar 1. Foto Kegiatan Seminar PTK tingkat Sekolah


Terdapat beberapa hasil yang dijabarkan. Yang pertama yaitu dampak bagi guru. Setelah
melalui 9 tahun melaksanakan LSBS, maka dilakukan penjaringan data melalui angket. Dari
31 angket yang disebar ke dewan guru SMPN 2 Grati. Setelah angket direkap, maka didapatkan
hasil sebagai berikut:

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Tabel . Rekap data kemampuan guru SMPN 2 Grati

NO Setelah 9
Sebelum Kenaikan
Kriteria Tahun
LSBS(%) (%)
1 Motifasi guru dalam Lesson study 66 85 17
2 Kerjasama antar guru 79 90 11
3 Kemampuan membuat RPP 80 94 14
4 Kemampuan membuat LKS 69 86 17
5 Kemampuan meneliti guru terhadap siswa 76 91 15
6 Motifasi belajar siswa menurut guru 73 87 14
7 Penguasaan materi ajar guru 76 87 14
8 Penguasaan metode pengajaran guru 70 86 15
9 Kemampuan membuka kelas 58 95 37

Dari data di atas tampak bahwa hampir semua kriteria dari kemampuan guru naik.
Motivasi guru dalam melakukan lesson study naik sebesar 17%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
program Lesson study berbasis sekolah direspon positif oleh guru di UPTD Pendidikan SMPN
2 Grati. Ketertarikan guru ini juga terbukti dari jumlah peserta Lesson study yang cukup banyak
dalam setiap kegiatan open class dan diskusi refleksi. Bahkan beberapa guru luarpun sering
ikut dalam kegiatan lesson study.
Kerjasama antar guru juga meningkat sebesar 11%. Kerjasama antar guru terasa sekali
ketika pada sesi persiapan open class. Beberapa guru sering menanyakan persiapan guru
model, dan berusaha untuk saling membantu sang guru model. Kegiatan membuat RPPpun
terasa menjadi tanggung jawab bersama diantara dewan guru, demikian pula saat menyiapkan
ruangan dan media pembelajaran. Seringkali beberapa guru bekerja sampai malam dalam
menyiapkan perlengkapan open class. Ada anggapan bahwa bila saya membantu teman,
tentunya nanti saya akan dibantu juga oleh teman. Pada umumnya guru yang sudah menjadi
model dapat merasakan secara langsung arti kerja sama antar guru. Semangat kebersamaan ini
pula yang menjadi modal utama suksesnya program lesson study di UPTD Pendidikan SMPN
2 Grati.
Kemampuan membuat RPP naik 14%. Jika disimak dalam persiapan membuka kelas,
tampak bahwa RPP sering dikerjakan secara bersama-sama antara 2-4 orang guru. Setidaknya

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

seluruh guru yang membuat RPP sebanyak 2 kali untuk persiapan open class, namun adanya
peningkatan yang signifikan dalam membuat RPP. Hal ini disebabkan karena dalam kegiatan
lesson study tidak disediakan waktu dan ruangan khusus untuk perencanaan (plan).
Kemampuan membuat LKS naik 17%. Bila dilihat angka ini memang kecil, tetapi kenaikan ini
sudah cukup lumayan. LKS di UPTD Pendidikan SMPN 2 Grati memang biasanya di buat oleh
penerbit tertentu sesuai dengan kesepakatan dewan guru. Dengan adanya kegiatan lesson study,
maka bagi guru yang ingin tampil didampingi oleh LKS, mereka mencoba membuat LKS
sendiri yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi siswa dan peralatan yang ada. Seringkali beberapa
guru mendiskusikan tentang LKS yang akan digunakannya. Dari kegiatan diskusi inilah terjadi
saling belajar antar guru tentang LKS. Seringkali LKS dikomentari oleh nara sumber pada sesi
refleksi, dari komentar tersebut maka guru mulai memahami tentang kriteria LKS yang baik.
Kemampuan guru dalam meneliti siswa naik sebesar 15%. Kegiatan observasi guru
dalam ooopen class memang berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan guru untuk meneliti dan
mengamati siswa. Memang belum ada seorang gurupun yang coba membuat PTK selama
kegiatan LSBS bergulir di UPTD Pendidikan SMPN 2 Grati. Namun kegiatan mengamati siswa
belajar tampak mereka lakukan dalam kelasnya masing-masing. Sangat sulit untuk membuat
perubahan yang besar, namun perubahan walaupun kecil tetapi jika berkelanjutan akan dapat
dirasakan dampaknya dalam jangka waktu panjang.
Motivasi belajar siswa menurut guru meningkat sebesar 14%. Peningkatan ini adalah suatu hal
yang luar biasa, karena hanya dalam waktu beberapa bulan motivasi siswa didalam mengikuti
pelajaran sudah meningkat 10%. Motivasi anak juga nampak dalam kegiatan pembelajarannya,
seringkali beberapa siswa bertanya ”kapan kelas saya di jadikan lesson study?”. Beberapa kali
memang kegiatan open class dibuat berbeda. Ketika pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang
menceritakan tentang keindahan alam, kegiatan lesson study disetting di tepi danau. Ketika
pelajaran Matematika yang mempelajari tentang untung rugi, lesson study diseting membuat
kegiatan pasar mandiri di dalam sekolah. Hal-hal semacam ini tentunya membuat anak tertarik
terhadap pembelajaran yang dilakukannya.
Penguasaan materi ajar guru naik 14%. Kenaikan ini mungkin karena semangat saling
belajar bersama dimanapun, kapanpun, dan dengan siapapun dilakukan oleh dewan guru
SMPN 2 Grati. Dari diskusi kecil hingga diskusi dalam sesi refleksi membuat guru dapat saling
belajar bersama. Diharapkan dengan adanya suasana demikian learning comunity dapat
terbentuk di UPTD Pendidikan SMPN 2 Grati.
Penguasaan metode mengajar naik sebesar 15%. Kenaikan ini diakibatkan mereka
sering belajar tentang model model pembelajaran yang dilihat secara langsung pada saat buka

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

kelas. Pada saat diskusi refleksi model pembelajaran tersebut diulas secara detil. Hal ini
menjadikan alternatif model yang akan disajikan di dalam kelas nyata mereka. Penerapan
model pelajaran ke kelas ini merupakan dampak langsung dari lesson study, dan siswapun
merasa senang akan hal tersebut.
Kemampuan membuka kelas oleh guru meningkat secara signifikan, yaitu sebesar 35%.
Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa mambuka kelas merupakan suatu hal yang biasa bagi guru UPTD
SMPN 2 Grati. Dari mambuka kelas inilah kemampuan profesional guru dapat berkembang
dengan baik.

Jika dirata-rata, kemampuan profesional guru setelah dilakukan program Lesson study
Berbasis Sekolah di UPTD Pendidikan SMPN 2 Grati telah meningkat sebesar 16,3%.
Peningkatan ini tentunya tidak akan didapatkan dalam forum pelatihan guru dimanapun juga.
Selain biaya program ini relatif rendah, ternyata LSBS cukup direspon positif bagi segenap
insan pendidikan di UPTD Pendidikan SMPN 2 Grati. Beberapa kendala dilapangan memang
sering terjadi, tetapi kekompakan dewan guru selama menjalankan program merupakan modal
utama bagi suksesnya LSBS. Semoga dengan makalah yang singkat ini dapat berguna dan
menambah semangat bagi sekolah lain yang ingin menerapkan Lesson study sebagai alternatif
utama untuk meningkatkan kemampuan profesional guru.

Daftar Pustaka
Lie, A. 2004. Cooperatif Learning. Jakarta: Penerbit PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indinesia.
Mukhtar, dan Yamin, M. 2003. Metode Pembelajaran yang berhasil. Jakarta: CV Sasama
Mitra Suksesa.
Mulyasa, E. 2003. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi. Bandung: Penerbit PT Remaja
Nasution, S. 2000. Berbagai Pendekatan Dalam Proses Belajar Dan Mengajar. Bandung: PT
Bumi Aksara

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Mochamad Taufiq, Lailatul Fitria

Staf Pengajar STKIP PGRI Pasuruan

Abstrak : Persepsi guru tentang Kurikulum 2013 menjadi awal sukses atau tidaknya
implementasi kurikulum 2013.Kompetensi yang menekankan pada karakter sebagai
ciri khas Kurikulum 2013 membuat guru harus menyesuaikan dan merubah gaya
pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Berkaitan dengan itu, maka perlu adanya pembahasan
untuk mengetahui sejauh mana persepsi guru terhadap kurikulum 2013 di dalam
proses pembelajaran tersebut. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi guru
terhadap kurikulum 2013, bagaimana implementasi pembelajaran dengan kurikulum
2013, dan apa saja hambatan guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan
menggunakan Kurikulum 2013 dan upaya untuk mengatasi hambatan
tersebut.Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini melalui pendekatan
kualitatif. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan metode
penelitian lapangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MTs Negeri Rejoso dengan 10 orang
informan kunci sebagai narasumber dalam penelitian. Informan kunci yang dipilih
merupakan guru di MTs Negeri Rejoso. Prosedur pengumpulan data dalam
penelitian ini adalah (1) wawancara mendalam, (2) observasi, (3) dokumentasi.Hasil
temuan penelitian mengenai persepsi guru terhadap kurikulum 2013 terdiri dari,
Pertama, kurikulum 2013 sangat bagus dan mendekati ideal karena dapat
menyesuaikan target pembidikan nasional, metode pendidikan yang lebih lengkap
karena siswa dituntut aktif dalam proses pembelajarannya, tetapi juga bisa dikatan
berat serta sangat sulit.Kedua, Proses pembelajaran dalam penerapan kurikulum
2013 kurang efektif dan kurang maksimal karena siswa harus diberikan persepsi dan
motivasi yang lebih banyak agar aktif didalam kelas. Ketiga, hambatan dalam
pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013 terdapat pada guru dan siswa akan tetapi hambatan
tersebut masih bisa di diantisapi oleh guru dan siswa. Jadi kurikulum 2013 ini sangat
bagus dan mendekati ideal serta ditekankan pada pendidikan karakter dan segi
spiritual siswa. Kurikulum 2013 menuntut guru merencanakan pembelajaran yang
menarik, inovatif serta dapat mengajak siswa aktif dalam proses pembelajaran.
hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013 terdapat pada guru dan siswa akan
tetapi para siswa dan guru berusahan untuk memenuhi tuntutan yang diberikan oleh
kurikulum 2013.

Kata Kunci: persepsi guru, kurikulum 2013, implementasi

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Pendidikan pada umumnya memiliki fungsi mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa,
membentuk watak dan karakter serta mengembangkan kemampuan masyarakat. Melalui mutu
pendidikan yang baik akan mengubah keterbelakangan kemampuan masyarakat menjadi
kemajuan kemampuan masyarakat. Mutu pendidikan merupakan salah satu cara dalam
memperjuangkan bangsa dan sebagai suatu landasan dalam menentukan masa depan bangsa.
kurikulum 2013 dirancang untuk menghasilkan peserta didik yang mempunyai
produktifitas dan penuh inovasi melalui penguatan sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang
terintegrasi. Pengembangan kurikulum difokuskan untuk pembentukan kompetensi dan
karakter peserta didik. Kurikulum 2013 memungkinkan guru untuk menilai hasil belajar siswa
sehingga mereka mampu untuk mempersiapkan diri menuju penguasaan kompetensi dan
karakter tingkat selanjutnya.Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 digadang-gadang sebagai tonggak
awal kemajuan bangsa karena ditekankan pada keaktifan peserta didik. Namun kendati
demikian masih terdapat beberapa permasalahan dalam proses pembelajaran terkait dengan
pengembangan materi pelajaran yang konstektual, penerapan metode pembelajaran yang
berbasis saintifik dan penerapan teknik penilaian yang autentik.Setiap guru mempunyai
persepsi sendiri terhadap perubahan kurikulum 2013. Pada umumnya guru akan bersifat kritis
dan menilainya, apakah perubahan itu hanyabersifat teori dan dapat di lakukan didalam kelas
atau menganggap bahwa kurikulum yang lamalebih bermanfaat. Guru mempunyai pandangan
sendiri tentang kurikulum 2013 dan keberhasilan perubahan bergantung pada kesesuaian
dengan nilai-nilai dan taraf-taraf partisipasinya dalam perubahan itu.Persepsi guru tentang
Kurikulum 2013 menjadi awal sukses atau tidaknya implementasi kurikulum tersebut,
kompetensi yang menekankan pada karakter sebagai ciri khas Kurikulum 2013 membuat guru
harus menyesuaikan dan merubah gaya pembelajaran di dalam kelas.
Kecamatan rejoso memiliki 2 SMP Negeri yaitu SMP Negeri 1 Rejoso dan SMP Negeri
2 Rejoso, menurut data Kemdikbud kedua sekolah tersebut masih dalam status menggunakan
KTSP, jadi peneliti memilih meneliti pada MTs Negeri Rejoso karena sekolah ini salah satu
sekolah yang sudah menggunakan Kurikulum 2013 selama 2 Tahun yaitu sejak tahun ajaran
2015/2016. Dengan kondisi seperti ini MTs Negeri Rejoso merupakan satuan pendidikan yang
tepat sebagai tempat untuk mengetahui bagaimana pendapat guru mengenai perubahan
kurikulim yang saat ini terjadi. Dengan demikian ini menjadi latar belakang yang menyebabkan
perlu dilakukannya penelitian mengenai “Persepsi Guru Terhadap
Kurikulum 2013 (Study Kasus MTs Negeri Rejoso)”.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Berdasarkan uraian latar belakang permasalahan diatas, maka fokus penelitiannya adalah
sebagai berikut:
1. Bagaimanakah persepsi guru terhadap Kurikulum 2013 di MTs Negeri Rejoso?
2. Bagaimana implementasi pembelajaran dengan Kurikulum 2013 di MTs Negeri
3. Apa saja hambatan guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan
Kurikulum 2013 dan upaya untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut?

Penelitian Terdahulu
Tabel Penelitian terdahulu yang relevan

Nama Peneliti Judul Penelitian Hasil Penelitian

Abdur Rouf, Persepsi Guru Pai Tentang Persepsi Guru PAI di MGMP
Fakultas Ilmu Kurikulum 2013 PAI SMP Kabupaten Demak
Tarbiyah Dan DanPengaruhnya Terhadap Tentang Kurikulum 2013
Keguruan, Motivasi MengajarGuru termasuk dalam kategori baik
Universitas Islam Smp Di Mgmp Pai Smp dan besarnya pengaruh
Negeri Walisongo Kabupaten DemakTahun kurikulum 2013 terhadap
Semarang 2015 Ajaran 2014/ 2015 motivasimengajar adalah 26,5
Isa Ansori, Persepsi Guru Dalam Kurikulum 2013 baik, namun
Pendidikan Guru Implementasi Kurikulum tidak cocok di implemtasikan
Sekolah Dasar, 2013 Di Sekolah Dasar di Indonsia karena SDM di
Fakultas Keguruan Negeri 07 Kauman Indonesia belum memenuhi
Dan Ilmu BatangTahun Pelajaran tuntutan dari kurikulum itu
Pendidikan, 2014/2015 sendiri, terkesan tergsa-gesa,
Universitas karena bintek yang dilakukan
Muhammadiyah hanya lima hari dan langsung
Surakarta2015 harus menerapkannya
keesokan harinya, jadi
terkesan trgesagesa,terkesan
belum disiapkan dengan
matang, dilihat dari distribusi
bukuyang sangat terlambat.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Abdul Rohman, Perbandingan Konsep Terdapat beberapa

Fakultas Ilmu Kurikulum KTSP2006 Dan kekurangan dan kelebihan
Tarbiyah Dan Kurikulum 2013 (Kajian KTSP pada beberapa aspek
Keguruan, Standar Isi Pada Mata dalam mata pelajaran PAI.
Universitas Islam Pelajaran Pendidikan Terdapat pula kelebihan dan
Negeri Walisongo Agama Islam Jenjang SMP) kekurangan K13 pada
Semarang 2015 beberapa aspek dalam mata
pelajaran PAI

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia menyatakn “persepsi adalah tanggapan

(penerimaan) langsung dari sesuatu. Proses seseorang mengetahui beberapa hal melalui
panca indranya. Persepsi adalah proses yang menyangkut masuknya pesan atau informasi
ke dalam otak manusia”. Sedangkan menurut Daryanto (2009: 103) “persepsi adalah proses
yang menyangkut masuknya pesan atau informasi ke dalam otak manusia”.
Menurut Mulyasa (2015:13) kurikulum 2013 merupakan kurikulum terbaru yang
digunakan pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Kurikulum ini merupakan pengembangan dari
kurikulum yang sudah ada yaitu Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) maupun
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Kurikulum ini menekankan pada
pendidikan karakter dan pengembangan kompetensi berupa sikap, pengetahuan,
keterampilan, berpikir, dan keterampilan psikomotorik yang dikemas dalam berbagai mata
pelajaran. Pembelajarn kurikulum ini lebih bersifat tematik setiap mata pelajarnnya. Dengan
demikian maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kurikulum ini menekankan pada
keseimbangan kompetensi dan karakter.
Menurut Mulyasa (2015: 99) implementasi kurikulum 2013 merupakan aktualisasi
kurikulum, dalam pembelajaran dan pembentukan kompensasi sertakarakter peserta didik
dan menuntut guru untuk mengorganisasikan pembelajaran secara efektif. Sedikitnya
terdapat lima hal yang perlu diperhatikan berkaitan dengan pengorganisasian pembelajaran
dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013, yaitu pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pengadaan dan
pembinaan tenaga ahli, pendayagunaan tenaga ahli dan sumber daya masyarakat, serta
pengembangan dan penataan kebijakan. Implementasi yang efektif merupakan hasil dari
interaksi antara strategi implementasi, struktur kurikulum, tujuan pendidikan, dan
kepemimpinan kepala sekolah. Oleh karena itu, pengoptimalan implementasi kurikulum
2013 diperlukan suatu upaya strategis untuk mensinergikan komponen-komponen tersebut,
terutama guru dan kepala sekolah dalam membudayakan kurikulum.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Kerangka Pemikiran
Menurut Uma dalam Sugiyono (2011: 60) mengemukakan bahwa Kerangka berpikir
merupakan model konseptual tentang bagaimana teori berhubungan dengan berbagai faktor
yang telah diidentifikasi sebagai hal yang penting jadi dengan demikian maka kerangka
berpikir adalah sebuah pemahaman yang melandasi pemahaman-pemahaman yang lainnya,
sebuah pemahaman yang paling mendasar dan menjadi pondasi bagi setiap pemikiran atau
suatu bentuk proses dari keseluruhan dari penelitian yang akan dilakukan.Secara sistematis
dapat dapat dibuat skema kerangka pemikiran dalam penelitian ini sebagai berikut :






Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Menurut (Prastowo,
2012: 22), metodologi kualitatif adalah prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif
kualitatif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang diamati.

Peneliti bertindak sebagai pengumpul data dari informan kunci dan sebagai instrument
aktif dalam upaya untuk mengumpulkan data di lapangan. Selain itu peneliti juga menggunakan
alat bantu penelitian seperti kamera, tape recorder, dan buku catatan lapangan. Hal ini
bertujuan untuk memudahkan dan menunjang keberhasilan dalam proses penelitian. Disisi lain
kehadiran peneliti sangat diperlukan mengingat peneliti merupakan perencana, pelaksana
pengumpulan data, analisis, penafsir data, dan pada akhirnya peneliti menjadi pelapor hasil
penelitiannya (Moleong, 2011: 168). Peneliti berencana menjadikan MTs Negeri Rejoso
sebagai tempat peneliti melakukan penelitian yang merupakan salah satu sekolah yang

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

menerapkan kurikulum 2013. Informan kunci dalam penelitian ini 10 guru. Sekolah ini
berlokasi di Jl. Raya Arjosari Kecamatan Rejoso Kabupaten Pasuruan Provinsi Jawa Timur.
Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan studi kasus. Metode study kasus adalah strategi
yang lebih cocok bila pokok pertanyaan suatu penelitian berkenaan dengan “how“ dan “why“,
bila peneliti hanya sedikit memiliki peluang untuk mengontrol peristiwa-peristiwa yang akan
diselidiki, dan bilamana fokus penelitian terletak pada fenomena masa kini di dalam konteks
kehidupan nyata (Ying, 1997).
Proses analisis data penelitian ini dilakukan peneliti dengan menerapkan pola yang
dikembangkan oleh Miles dan Huberman. Untuk memproses analisis dalam model Miles dan
Huberman ini dapat melalui tiga proses, yaitu: Reduksi Data, Penyajian Data,
Verifikasi/Penarikan kesimpulan


1. Persepsi Guru Terhadap Kurikulum 2013

Berdasarkan hasil penelitan para guru mengatakan bahwa kurikulum 2013 2013 ini mirip
dengan CBSA (Cara Belajar Siwa Aktif) dan KTSP, hanya perbedaannya terletak pada proses
pembelajaran dan penilaiannya. Kurikulum 2013 ini juga sangat bagus dan mendekati idel
karena dapat menyesuaikan target pembidikan nasional dan merupakan metode pendidikan
yang lebih lengkap karena siswa dituntut aktif dalam proses pembelajarannya, tetapi juga bisa
dikatan berat serta sangat sulit. Dikatan berat karena dari segi pembelajaran siswa dituntut aktif
serta mandiri padahal pola pikir dan daya tangkap siswa tidak sama, dan juga alokasi waktu
yang tadinya hanya 2 jam pembelajaran saja, dalam kurikulum 2013 ini bisa mencapai 3-4 jam
pembelajaran sedangkan dikatan sulit karena dalam segi penilaiannya yang sangat kompleks
atau bisa dikatakan evaluasi lengkap yakni dari berbagai aspek yaitu aspek spiritual, sosial,
keterampilan dan pengetahuan jadi bukan hanya dari nilai ujian saja.
Pernyataan diatas sesuai dengan teori dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) yang
menyatakan bahwa “persepsi adalah tanggapan (penerimaan) langsung dari sesuatu. Proses
seseorang mengetahui beberapa hal melalui panca inderanya. Persepsi adalah proses yang
menyangkut masuknya pesan atau informasi kedalam otak manusia. Disini para guru sudah
mengalami sendiri bagaimana melaksanakan kurikulum 2013 tersebut disekolah dan mereka
pernah merasakan, mengalami sehingga terjadi persepsi atau anggapan menurut masing-
masing guru.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Ketika membahas mengenai apa yang ditekankan pada kurikulum 2013 para guru
serempak menjawab bahwa kerikulum ini menekankan pada pendidikan karakter (budi pekerti)
dan segi spiritual siswa. Hal ini juga sesuai dengan teori yang telah dijelaskan oleh Mulyasa
(2015: 13) bahwa kurikulum 2013 merupakan kurikulum terbaru yang digunakan pada tahun
ajaran 2013/2014. Kurikulum ini merupakan pengembangan dari kurikulum yang sudah ada
yaitu Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) maupun Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan
(KTSP). Kurikulum ini menekankan pada pendidikan karakter dan pengembangan kompetensi
berupa sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan, berpikir, dan keterampilan psikomotorik yang
dikemas dalam berbagai mata pelajaran. Pembelajarn kurikulum ini lebih bersifat tematik
setiap mata pelajarnnya. Dengan demikian maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kurikulum
ini menekankan pada keseimbangan kompetensi dan karakter.
Untuk masalah diklat (pendidikan dan pelatihan) 50% guru mengaku cukup mendapatkan
pelatihan, tetapi masih belum memahami mengenai pelaksanaan secara nyata atau dalam
proses pembelajarannya masih membutuhkan penyesuaian. Sedangkan 50% yang lain
mengaku bahwa diklat sering diadakan tetapi masih belum dikatakan cukup karena diklat tidak
dilakukan oleh semua guru melainkan berganti-gantian antar guru satu dan yang lainnya, jadi
setiap guru mendapatkan porsi pelatihan yang tidak sama, padalah Mulyasa (2013: 7) bahwa
sosialisasi kurikulum dilakukan terhadap pihak yang terkait dalam implementasinya, serta
terhadap seluruh warga sekolah, bahkan terhadap masyarakat dan orang tua peserta didik.
Dari pernyataan diatas para guru mengakui bahwa sebenarnya mereka menginginkan
lebih banyak pelatihan lagi untuk melaksanakan kurikulum 2013 karena hal tersebut
menjadi salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk menunjang keberhasilan kurikulum 2013.
2. Implementasi Pembelajaran Dengan Kurikulum 2013
Pada teori sebelumnya telah dijelskan bahwa proses pembelajaran adalah dimana guru
merencanakan pembelajaran yang menarik, inovatif serta dapat mengajak peserta didik aktif
dalam proses tersebut. Dengan demikian, proses pembelajaran memerlukan model serta
metode pembelajaran yang bervariasi. Hasil wawancara dengan guru MTs Negeri Rejoso,
dalam proses pembelajaran guru dituntut menciptakan suasana kelas yang menyenangkan serta
pemberian motivasi agar siswa dapat mengikuti pembelajaran dengan aktif. Model dan metode
yang efektif untuk membangun keaktifan siswa biasanya disesuaikan dengan materi yang akan
diajarkan, alokasi waktu yang ada, kondisi kelas dan kondisi siswa.Sementara dalam hal modul
dan sumber guru mengatakan bahwa dalam kurikulum 2013 ini modul ditentukan dan
disediakan oleh pemerintah. Ketersediaan modul di MTs Negeri Rejoso antara mata pelajaran
satu dengan yang lainnya berbeda, ada mata pelajaran dengan modul yang sudah memadai dan

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

ada pula mata pelajaran dengan modul yang belum memadai, padahal Mulyasa (2013: 64)
mengatakan bahwa fasilitas yang perlu dikembangkan dalam mendukung kurikulum 2013
adalah laboratorium, pusat sumber belajar, perpustakaan.
Ketika ditanyakan tentang langkah-langkah menyusun RPP para guru menyatakan bahwa
pada dasarnya sama dengan KTSP hanya saja pada kurikulum 2013 ada tambahan berupa KI
(Kompetensi Inti), model dan metode yang beragam. Hal ini sesuai dengan karakteristik
kurikulum 2013 yang dijelaskan oleh Permendikbud Nomor 69 Tahun 2013 yaitu Kompetensi
dinyatakan dalam bentuk kompetensi inti kelas yang dirinci lebih lanjut dalam kompetensi
dasar mata pelajaran.Kompetensi inti kelas menjadi unsur pengorganisasian (organizing
elements) kompetensi dasar, dimana semua kompetensi dasar dan proses pembelajaran
dikemukakan untuk mencapai kompetensi yang dinyatakan dalam kompetensi inti.
Berkaitan dengan evaluasi pembelajaran berdasarkan penuturan para guru disebutkan
bahwa evaluasi yang digunakan bermacam-macam, mulai dari Pre Test, Post Test, Tes Tulis,
Tes Lisan, Presentasi Kelas, Penilaian Individu, praktek, rubrik, fortofolio, proyek, pengayaan,
dan remidial. Evaluasi sangat penting dilakukan sesuai dengan teori yang dicetuskan oleh
Mulyasa (2014: 102) bahwa Penilaian formatif perlu dilakukan untuk perbaikan, Gunakan hasil
penilaian tersebut untuk menganalisis kelemahan atau kekurangan peserta didik dan masalah-
masalah yang dihadapi guru dalam membentuk karakter dan kompetensi peserta didik.
Efektivitas pembelajaran dengan menggunakan kurikulum 2013 para guru mrngatakan
bahwa implementasi kurikulum 2013 belum efektif karena penerapannya yang mendadak dan
juga para siswa yang belum siap dengan perubahan yang terjadi yang mengakinatkan siswa
butuh penyesuaian dengan kurikulum baru dan kurangnya fasilitas penunjang metode
pembelajaran, untuk metode pembelajaran yang paling efektif adalah disesuikan dengan materi
yang akan diajarkan serta kondisi kelas dan siswa. Hal ini berhunungan dengan teori
keberhasilan metode yang diungkapkan oleh Sanjaya (2008: 147) metode adalah cara yang
digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan rencana yang sudah disusun dalam kegiatan nyata agar
tujuan yang telah disusun tercapai secara optimal.
3. Hambatan dan Upaya Mengatasi Hambatan Dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
Dengan Menggunakan Kurikulum 2013
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian hambatan-hambatan yang dialami oleh guru dalam
implementasi kurikulum adalah terbatasnya fasilitas atau sarana dan prasarana untuk
mendukung pembelajaran. Berbicara masalah falitas Mulyasa (2013: 64) mengatakan bahwa
fasilitas yang perlu dikembangkan dalam mendukung kurikulum 2013 adalah laboratorium,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pusat sumber belajar, perpustakaan. Fasilitas dan sumber belajar tersebut perlu dioptimalkan,
digunakan dan dipelihara sebaik mungkin.
Selain itu juga ada masalah lain yang dihadapi oleh guru yaitu penilaian yang dirasa terlalu
banyak sehingga menyulitkan guru, sama dengan yang dikatakan Hosnan (2014: 279-280)
penilaian kurikulum 2013 dilakukan dengan penilaian yang menyeluruh mulai dari persiapan
siswa, proses pembelajaran, dan hasil belajar siswa. Untuk solusi yang diambil oleh guru
adalah menyarankan pada siswa untuk mengeksplorasi sendiri tetapi guru tetap menjadi
fasilitator yang memberikan arahan pada siswa. Hal ini sudah dijelaskan dalam Mulyasa (2015:
65) landasan konseptual yaitu kurikulum 2013 berbasis kompetensi dan karakter serta
pembelajaran aktif.
Untuk solusi masalah penilaian para guru mensiasatinya dengan cara memberikan tugas
rumah baik itu individu ataupun dengan kelompok. Dari pemaparan diatas dapat dilihat bahwa
para guru berusaha untuk memenuhi tuntutan yang diberikan oleh kurikulum 2013 namun
karena karena keterbatasan para guru pada akhirnya menggunakan cara yang bisa dilakukan
misalnya masalah penilaian sama halnya saat pertama kali di berlakukannya kurikulum KTSP.
Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian tentang persepsi guru terhadap kurikulum 2013 di
MTs Negeri Rejoso yang telah diuraikan dengan data-data yang dihimpun, maka peneliti dapat
menyumpulkan sebagai berikut:
1. Guru mempersepsikan Kurikulum 2013 sebagai lanjutan dari CBSA dan KTSP yang
menekankan pada pembentukankarakteristiksiswadenganmenuntutsiswaaktif dalam
proses pembelajaran.
2. Implementasi kurikulum yang dilaksanakan disekolah MTs Negeri Rejoso masih
kurang baik.
3. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013 iniadalahsaranadanprasarana yang
kurangmemadai, akan tetapi hambatan-hambatan tersebut masih bisa diantisipasi oleh
A. Saran
Berdasarkan kesimpulan diatas untuk memaksimalkan persepsi guru dan menunjang
pembelajaran, dengan kerendahan hati penulis mengajukan beberapa saran. Adapun sarat-
sarat tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Perlu adanya persamaan persepsi untuk memaksimalkan penerapan kurikulum 2013
dengan peran wakil kepala kurikulum untuk mengadakan pelatihan yang lebih intensif

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

sehingga pesan-pesan yang terkandung didalam kurikulum 2013 mampu diserap

dengan baik oleh guru.
2. Perlu adanya pengadaan alat peraga untuk menunjang Model serta Metode yang akan
digunakan guru sebagai alat agar siswa mampu menyerap pembelajaran lebih cepat dan
membuat keefektivan proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik bahkan bisa sangat
3. Perlu adanya diskusi tentang siswa yang mengarah pada penilaian dalam proses
pembelajaran, dengan begitu guru lebih mudah mendapatkan informasi mengenai siswa
untuk melakukan penilaian dalam proses pembelajaran.

Fathurrohman, Pupuh dan M. Sobry Sutikno. 2011. Strategi Belajar Mengajar: Strategi
Mewujudkan Pembelajaran Bermakna Melalui Penanaman Konsep Umum dan Islami.
Bandung: Refika Aditama
Moleong, Lexy J. 2011. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
Mulyasa, E. 2013. Pengembangan dan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: Remaja
Mulyasa, E. 2014. Guru dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya
Mulyasa, E. 2015. Pengembangan dan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: Remaja
Permendikbud. 2013. Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum Sekolah Menengah Atas/
Madrasah Aliyah. Kemendikbud.
Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D). Bandung: Alfabeta
Sugiyono. 2011. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Alfabeta.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Mohammad Aufin, Ana Ahsana El-Sulukiyyah

Doctorate Student of Universitas Islam Negeri Surabaya, STKIP PGRI Pasuruan

Abstract: This research described and explored how Hamka’s thoughts

about human fitra and academic morality in higher education. The
finding showed that human fitra were divided into two dimensions.
First, intelligence dimension, which is usd to solve problematic
situation, the second is religious dimension, it is the need of human
rights in getting the truth and solve every metaphysics problem. It is
also the source of the truth. Intelligence and religious fitra have to
complement each other and stay in harmony. There are some concepts
of Hamka’s thoughts in academic morality, they are (1) students must
find a good teacher, (2) students must well motivated to gain the ridla
of Allah, (3) students must have a systematical education, from
elementary level to advanced level, (4) students must be able to do an
autonomous learning, (5) students are hoped to be clever and able to
solve any academic problems, (6) they have to keep on learning, (7)
they have to be high motivated in learning because wealth, oldness, and
position are not the obstacle in learning, (8) students must behave as
their level of knowledge, (9) students must write the important points
of knowledge, (10) students must be patient and stay firm to face the
sadness in this life, (11) the interaction among students must be good
and do not underestimate the teachers.
The relation of human fitra and academic morality is a functional
synthesis where the good and bad values in high education will always
be dynamic in building the good personality of the human in his

Keywords : academic morality, Hamka, human fitra, higher education

The fast modernization in every side of life, the complex problems hits the life has
changed the human in general and specially for higher education. They will be buried in the
negative thoughts if they donot open their mind to erase the bad behaviour or fight againts
negative thoughts. The complex problems in this life comes because of the critics and other
aspects. Some problem solvings are needed in this era to build and develop human potential
(including the teacher and students of higher education) in public life where men and women
are equal in every life aspect.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Globalization for human life is aquired to have an opportunity to improve the

individual’s or collective’s ability. The history showed that the development of a country
depende on the success of industrial application, the development of economics sources and its
maximal usage. Because of this awareness, every state and nation tried to develop and renew
their knowledge by enriching the human identity, culture and nationality (Auifin, 2015:6)
From those problems above, higher education as the producer of scientists, researchers
must always expplores the developing thoughts and ideas to face the world’s challenges. A
multi talented human : Hamka in his Indonesian’s ideas tries to have the concept of human
fitra, academic morality and how the relationship of them is to be applied i higher education
which is relevant with today’s condition.
The purposes of this study are as follows :
1. To know Hamka’s thoughts about human fitra
2. To know Hamka’s thoughts about academic morality
3. To know the relationship between human fitra and academic morality in higher

a. The Biography of Hamka
Hamka (1908-1981) is an abbreviation from Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrulloh. He
was born in Kampung Molek Tanah Negeri Sungai Batang, Danau Maninjau West Sumatra,
on February 17th 1908 or Muharram 14th 1326 (Hamka, 2009:73). His parents, Syek Abdul
Karim Amrullah (famously known as Haji Rosul) and shafiyah got married in 1906 (Hamka,
When he was 4 years old, Hamka was taken care by his grandparents because his
parents moved to Padang. Hamka’s father is a famous ulama and had brought the new concept
of Islam in Minangkabau. Hamka went to Padang panjang when he was 6 years old to study
Islam in Diniyah school in 1916-1923. Before studying inPadang Panjang, Hamka has studied
in SD Maninjau for two years. Hamka was also studying Islam with his father. He had some
religious teacher like : Syekh Abdul Hamid and Syekh Zainuddin Labay. He was 16 years old
when he went to Yogyakarta to study about Islamic movement from famous people, like : Hos
Cokroaminoto, H. Fakhrudin, R.M Suryo Pranoto and A.R Sutan Mansyur.
When he was 19, Hamka went to Makkah to have a pilgrimage and stayed there for 8
months. He worked in a press and got chances to develop his intellectuality by studying some

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

arabic literatures and arabic books. He also met some famous Moslem writers like : Muhammad
Abduh and Musthafa Manfaluthi.
Hamka’s carrier started from being a religious teacher in Padang Panjang, Japanese
Councilman in Religion Aspect and the member of Sumatra Council, the councilman of
President Soekarno, the member of Education Ministry, the Great Teacher of Islamic High
Schools and Universities in Makassar, Ministry of Religion. Hamka was a lecture in UIJ and
Unmuh Padang Panjang and also the member of Contitutional Commitee.
Hamka had got some rewards like Honoris Causa from University of Al Azhar, Cairo. The
Great Teacher of Dr. Mustopo University, A Syeikh from Maninjau, a Honoris Causa in
Literature from University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Haka passed away in Pusat Pertamina
Hospital when he was 73 years old and TPU Tanah Kusir become his burial place.Hamka was
an authentic person. His authenticity left people. His life motivation went to a dynamic
intellectuality. He always tries to be a useful person for others.

b. Human Fitra
In the process of the creation, humans is the most perfect creature with his fitra.
According to Hamka, there is three main parts of fitra, (a) intelligence, (b) heart, and (c) five
senses. Those three parts help huma to get knowledge and build civilization (Nizar, 2007:121).
The intelligence fitra is the ability to solve the problems. This rational effort comes from the
active communication among humans. It differs human and other creatures.
Religion fitra is the need of human rights. By having religion, human can find the truth from
some metaphysics problems, as the truth source of life. Intelligence and relgion fitra have to
build in harmony and complementary. The human fitra is syntesizing. The intelligence
potention and religion motivation go in harmony. The ability to keep the intelligence existency
in exploring th development of knowledge is also needed in this life. In other hand human
needs a life direction in the concistence religious and spiritual values.

c. Higher Education
Arguments can come from higher education. The arcgued can comes from the opened
human interaction or personality broke in and individu or group in society life. Moral advising
values must be strong and firm to improve the social anticipation power so the principal values
didnot develop by leaving the humanity, culture and its experience (Aufin, 2014:119)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Basicly, higher education character cannot be intervented by human. It is like the wave
in the ocean. It understands the ocean character but it cannot be intevented. So, human cannot
intervent to something related to character (Koesoema, 2007:29).
Based on the anthropology human structure, human can have his freedom and overcome the
limits. The antthropology structure showed that character is not a result of an ction but it is the
result of simultaneous process. Character is a condition of a dynamic indivudual anthropology
structure that cannot stop his nature determination but also an effort to be integral to overcome
the nature determination for the complete process of life (Koesoema, 2007: 45)
Human recognizes his existence because it is not a spontaneous respond but it is a
values respond. Human makes his own values to bring his life meaningful. These values grow
the humanity. These values can change the society (Koesoema, 2007:43).
The application of higher education values ad morality concept build the human capacity to
understand and comprehend his character to have strong character, build and try to reach his
dream, how to overcome freedom, overcome the limits and how to make the complete integral
individu continously. In short, how the higher education can apply its concept in wide
dimension for the society and activate the humanity existence in general.

d. Academic Morality
Sida Gazalba (2005:5120 concluded that moral is an appropriate action and can be
accepted in a social or enviromental life. Moral is practical and honest. Based on Suchno
(1987:18) moral is the human behaviour. Moral sector is a live sector seen from the human
kindness. Hamka has some academic morality concept as follows : (1) students must find a
good teacher, (2) students must well motivated to gain the ridla of Allah, (3) students must
have a systematical education, from elementary level to advanced level, (4) students must be
able to do an autonomous learning, (5) students are hoped to be clever and able to solve any
academic problems, (6) they have to keep on learning, (7) they have to be high motivated in
learning because wealth, oldness, and position are not the obstacle in learning, (8) students
must behave as their level of knowledge, (9) students must write the important points of
knowledge, (10) students must be patient and stay firm to face the sadness in this life, (11) the
interaction among students must be good and do not underestimate the teachers.The point is
academic morality is the important value both in education sector in private life of human to
build his enviroment.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

e. Human Authenticity
According to Hamka, human has two elements, physical and spiritual elements. The
human body is a creature and nature as well. Human is better than other creature, he has mind
intelligence and feeling. Education is always be connected with the human sociality dimension.
Human needs other as his nature to support each other. Education is an action to develop the
human itself, through the various dimension like religous, moral, personal, social, culture,
institutional and relational dimension as the process to interpret his life. However character is
a subjective process because it is related to anthropology structure to have his uniqueness in
facing other people.

This study used some steps as follows : (1) select some Hamka’s book in human fitra
and academic morality topics, (2) Analyze the description comprehensively and abstract it
through qualitative description methods the conclude some concepts as the answer of the
problems of the study to have the result of an idea construction from Hamka about human fitra
and academic morality.


Based on the research objects, human fitra and academic morality and their relationship,
Hamka’s thoughts has its conclusions as the following: First, Intelligence fitra. Human has his
strong and pure intelligence, and he has fitra. His opinion of life effected from his environment.
The correctness and incorrectness aspect, comes from the society, life and time. If the
information and knowledge are appropriate with their mind and opinion he will be free from
social pressure. It cannot be forced to receive some information or knowledge opposite their
minds (Hamka, 2015 : 500). Second, religious fitra. An honest action is never prohibited in
religion. Religion is a way to have the truth. The sins and the bad action are not in hakiki way
(Hamka, 2015 : 167). The religion keeps five aspects, first the religion itself.. second keeps the
human. Third keeps the honor. Fourth keeps the mind. Fifth, keeps the wealth (Hamka, 2015 :
The academic morality discussion is, human can comprehend the action of his life not
because of spontaneous respond out of his mind but because of the values. The human forms
the values, and by this values, human can have his way and comprehend his existence. This
values mature the human and change the society thoughts (Koesoema, 2007).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

In applying the concept of human fitra and academic morality in higher education,, we cannot
deny to delete some aspects and wider context, moreover the individual values have its role to
build individual morality. If intelligence fitra and moral fitra separated from institutional
character, where the individu can comprehend and know his responsibility, the action to apply
the academic morality in higher education become inconsistent and partial. Both have to be
comprehend intgratively to be dynamic, critical and constructive action.


The conclusion is, according to Hamka, human fitra is divided into two dimension,
which is intelligence fitra, it is the ability of human to have a problematic problrm and solve it
wisely.. Religion fitra is a need to have the truth and share the metaphisics problems. As the
source of truth, intelligence fitra and religion fitra have to be in harmony and complementary.
Then in academic morality, it has concept as follows : (1) students must find a good teacher,
(2) students must well motivated to gain the ridla of Allah, (3) students must have a
systematical education, from elementary level to advanced level, (4) students must be able to
do an autonomous learning, (5) students are hoped to be clever and able to solve any academic
problems, (6) they have to keep on learning, (7) they have to be high motivated in learning
because wealth, oldness, and position are not the obstacle in learning, (8) students must behave
as their level of knowledge, (9) students must write the important points of knowledge, (10)
students must be patient and stay firm to face the sadness in this life, (11) the interaction among
students must be good and do not underestimate the teachers.
The relation of human fitra and academic morality is a functional synthesis where the
good and bad values in high education will always be dynamic in building the good personality
of the human in his surroundings. Intelligence and religious fitra are the spirit to keep the
humanity values, culture and civilization in local, regional or global areas.

Aufin, M, 2014. Sintesa Pendidikan Karakter dan Multikultural Bagi Lingkungan Pendidikan
Tinggi. Jurnal Psikologi Universitas Yudharta, Vol. 2 No. 2 September 2014.
Aufin, M, 2015. Globalisasi Pendidikan. Malang : Alta Pustaka.
Brannen, J. 2005. Memadu Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif. Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Hamka, 2009. Dibawah Lindungan Ka’bah. Jakarta : Pustaka Panjimas.
Hamka, 2015. Tafsir al-Azhar : Jilid IV Juz. 10, 11, 12. Jakarta : Gema Insani Press.
Haris, Abdul. 2010. Etika Hamka: Konstruksi Etik Berbasis Rasional Religius. Yogyakarta:
Koesoema, Doni. 2007. Tiga Matra Pendidikan Karakter. Majalah Basis, No. 07 – 08, tahun

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

ke 56, Juli – Agustus 2007.

Nizar, Samsul, 2007. Memperbincangkan Dinamika Intelektual dan Pemikiran Hamka
tentang Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta : Kencana.
Suseno, Franz Magnis. 1987. Etika Dasar Masalah-Masalah Pokok Filsafat Moral.
Yogyakarta : Kanisius.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


(Semiotics Theory Review of Marco De Marinis Show)


Abstract: Javanese Syiir of the Principal Characteras the creation

of Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad was analyzed by using
descriptive interpretative analysis because it focused on the effort in
understanding and explaining the social phenomenon and culture in
society. Semiotics theory of de Marinis show which consisted social
cultural context and the show context. The finding of this research
showed the teaching relevance in Javanese Syiir Budi Utami in the
creation of Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmadin the context of
global era in the moral guide which was up to date to be appreciated
in the society community. The logical reason was because the
content of Javanese SyiirBudi Utami as the creationof Syekh
Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad in the summarized teaching in
Moral, Islam, and Ihsan (the perfect belief).

Keywords:Semiotic Show, Socio Cultural Context, Show Context

Javanese Syiir of Principal Characteras the creation of Syekh Muhammad
Djamaluddin Ahmad was read in the spare time of Al-Hikam, the reading Quran activity every
Monday and Tuesday night which occurred at the boarding school Al-Muhibbin Bahrul Ulum
Tambak Beras Jombang, This syiir was created by Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad to
make it easy for the followers of reading activity to understand the content of Al-Hikam. The
book of Al-Hikam of Syekh Ibnu Athaillah used the complicated language, rich in metaphor
and allegory and also used many tasawuf terms.
The core of Tasawuf was the condition in maintaining the orientation of holy sole,
giving priority in the Allah call, living in the simple way, giving priority for the truth, willing
to sacrifice for the sake of the glory (Amin, 2015:5). Therefore, at last, someone who practiced
the knowledge of tasawuf had a tough and strong sole in facing the life with misguided

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Delivering the lesson of tarekat in the book of Al-Hikam by using easy syiir was easily
understood by the common people. Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad was famous for
his attention to the common people.According to Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad, the
common people were the Islamic people who did not understand the Arabic, short thinking,
followed the people without asking the source in their belief, and without using theory (Faizun,
Interview 16 February 2015). The care from kiai Djamal could be read in some his creations,
for instanceAd Darratun Nafisah (Beautiful Pearl)from the syarah Al- Hikam ‘Atha’iyah to
get the love of Allah. 101 Stories of Faith Enforcer and Mind Ancestorconsisted of the stories
of good prophets, special things owned by the special human, the trail of special human, Friday
speech Al’Badiah. Fiqih was a practice of Al-Badiah, reminding the death, Syirik and Rira,
Al_ikhlas, Thanking, Islamic Dakwah.
As stated by Herbert Read inArt and Society,that when the religion spoke about ritual
problem, it was close to the arts. The art presence could not be avoided as close entity, besides
the faith experience was called as the aesthetic experience.(in Hadi, 1994: 338). Various ritual
form was symbolic transformation from some experiences in main human needs, so it was
spontaneous activity, without planning, and it was sometimes without being realized (Hadi,
1994: 340) because according to Ernst Cassier, human was an animal symboliucumand
according to Geertz by quoting Weber namely “animal confined in meaning network
(significance)which they spun themselves (Robertson, 1988: 380).
The followers of Al-Hikam were not only the followers of tarekat As-Saziliyah
pimpinan Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad, but they were also the followers of tarekat
Al-Qodiriyah Wan Naqsabandiyah in Jombang district. This activity in reading Quran was
followed by the students of Al-Muhibbin Boarding School and the common society from
Jombang district and outside of it, such as Nganjuk district,Kediri district, Mojokerto district,
and Lamongan district.
In this case, tarekat borrowed the term of Geertz and Abu Hamid, it was a system of
symbol or culture, in social meaning it was a meaningful structure which had certain symbols
or signs that the society did it (in Pals, 2001: 381, Hamid, 2005: 246). According to Faizun
(Interview 16 February 2015) the Jombang society had conducted tarekat since a long time
ago, although they had done it personally not in group. Along with the time, the society started
to like the study of tasawuf and created the tarekat in an organized way called as tarekat
institution. Appreciation in religious values was not sufficient only did prayer or did the syariat
only, but it was based on the understanding depth.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Many followers of Al-Hikam Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad were not

separable from the problem of life faced by human to face the more modern era. Syekh
Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad tried to respond the problem faced by the society and tried
to solve the lack of spiritual conditional which happened to the people who were very busy in
their business in this world (Faizun, Interview 16 February 2015). According to Hamka,
sufisme would be still suitable with the era development era because it was Islamic religious
dimension and spiritual activity, not only the physical activity. In order to make the human’s
soul happy, theyhad to cooperate with good people, accustomed to thinking, held back the lust
and the anger, worked regularly and always examined self ideas (Hamka, 2016: 3-5).
The leadership of Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad as the leader of the Boarding
School became the charismatic figure and became the example for the students. According to
Wahid, socialization and interaction occurred in the boarding school or pesantren made
possible for the students to imitate the attitude and behavior as the connection of knowledge
origin from the highest Islamic teachers and clerics in the Islamic glory in the past (Wahid,
1988: 32). The highest Islamic teacher or Kiai was confessed as the cleric who continued the
prophets and continued the origin of the clerics in the past. This process bore the obedience of
the students to the kiai.
Javanese Syiir of the Principal CharacterSyekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad, in
the researcher’s recording when he attended the learning activity Al-Hikam on Monday and
Tuesday night in the Mosque of the Boarding School Al-Muhibbin Bahrul Ulum Tambak Beras
Jombang which was started since at 8 p.m. Thissyiir used Javanese in the boarding school and
its surroundings related to the teaching and learning activity in the boarding school or pesantren
(Sedyawati, 2001: 112). Sedyawati underlined the use of Javanese occurred only in the
pesantren which used teaching and learning education by using bandongan and sorogan
The creation of Javanese Syiir of Principal Character by Syekh Muhammad
Djamaluddin Ahmadwas an activity to choose the material and expressed a creationwhich had
aesthetic value and then it became a text of show to be analyzed based on semiotic show by de
Marinis. According to Yudiaryani, the show was understood as a theoretical object which
illustrated and gave the structure as many as possible in the aspect of the show (Yudiaryani,
2015: 15). Based on the above background, the research questions were: (1) how was the social
context of Javanese Syiir of Principal Character by Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad.
(2) how was the show context of Javanese Syiir of Principal Character by Syekh Muhammad
Djamaluddin Ahmad.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

1. Cultural Context and Show Context

Conceptual analysis related to the external aspect of the text of show, namely the aspect
of cultural context and the show context. The cultural context related to the relation which
could be observed between the texts as (one of the elements) with another text (Yudiaryani,
2015: 17). Another text was the text of the show or not, but it had synchronic culture.The show
context related to the all activities in the show situation, expression, and the reception,
including to the show namely material and the show property and the expression technique,
various codes, the change of the show duration with the structure stage, such as code and textual
structure. The show of syiir was understood as the art phenomenon produced by the network
of expression element. The elements were organized to produce the textual reconstruction and
then produced a communicative production and signs from the spectators (Marinis 1993:45).
Various expressive elements were the contexts which the relation was considered through the
difference between the way of delivering and responding.
The context role was very important in the study of an oral tradition because it did not
only understand the form of oral tradition but also understood the content of oral tradition. As
stated before, the meaning of items in lingual text in oral traditiondepended on the context and
co-text. As like in the expression, a text of oral tradition would have different meaning, mean,
and the function based on the contexts.In the study of the oral tradition, the situational context,
cultural context, social context, and ideology context were needed to investigate in
understanding the meaning and function of oral tradition, which in its turn to understand the
values and cultural norms in the oral tradition and understood the local wisdom applied to
manage the social life and solved the problems faced by the community.
Literally, the context meant “something accompanying text”, something inherent and
present in the text. The context expressed through language characterization used by the
speaker (Halliday & Hasan, 1985). In the theory of Halliday, literally it could be interpreted in
the limitation of Saussure which stated that the language was a social fact. By Halliday
“something” above was managed to become “something which had been present in the
participant before the communication act, because the context referred to the cultural context
and social context (Halliday, 1978) identified through the field, tenor, and mode (Sinar, 2010).
According to Dundes (1980:23), the context was social situation in the special place
(item) was brought. Dundes’s opinion was different from the folklore and more focused on the
situational context. The opinion was almost the same with the opinion of Ben-Amos (1991:1)
that the character of the show of oral story depended on the context. The context consisted of
variable such as the society as the listener and occasion to tell the story. Society as the listener

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

of the children or the peer, the temporary listener was a person in the travel or the listener kept
still like family, friends, and the local citizen. This show could be a formal entertainmentrelated
to the ritual ceremony, as like the habit to open a brief conversation, even the show could occur
in the market or in the bedroom of a child. The story text and the show could be variation.
A show in the basis had the same essence with a conversation, namely as
communication device which used language. In the broad line, the difference was only in the
character, namely the show as special communication, while the conversation was a common
communication which occurred in the daily life. Both of them had different context based on
the place or the environment where the event happened.
According to Malinowski (1923:306), the words in a conversation could only be
understood if it was related with the context. Understanding the situational context was not
sufficient to understand the words used in the conversation but it had to be followed with
understanding the cultural context. Situational context was an environment or the place where
the event of conversation occurred. According to Halliday (1992:16), it had three elements,
namely field, tenor, and mode. The field showed the things done by the tenor to show the
participants namely the character, the position, and the role. The mode showed the language
The opinion of Malinowski Jan Halliday could be applied in the show. The show could
not be understood if it was separated from the context. The context also gave the show meaning.
There were two contexts namely cultural context and situational context.
The opinion of Ben-Amos implicitly consisted of the cultural context. The relation of the show
with the religious event indicated the cultural context. In the religious event, besides the ritual
element, there was cultural elementwhich managed the certain behavior.The ritual and cultural
element were then combined and became the value to give the meaning.
The meaning of cultural context was the culture in the boarding school environmentor
the society culture in the boarding school or pesantren which became the background and
breathed the syiir show. The cultural context was the event and the norm of the show.
Understanding the cultural context was to help to explore the background or the utterance
meaning and the action of speaker and listener in the show. It was done because the show
understanding was not in the creation element in a separate way, but it was total understanding
in the relation of situational and cultural context. The discussion of cultural context was done
The cultural context referred to the value embraced by the group of people (society).
Halliday (1992:63) stated that each real situational context, the structure of the field, tenor, and

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

mode which had created the text. It was not random character group but it was a unity as a
package with specific culture.

This research used descriptive interpretative approach because it focused on the effort
in understanding and explaining the social and cultural phenomenon in the society. The
research stated that social and cultural phenomenon, and human behavior could not be
separated explicitly from the background context called free context. The qualitative approach
was based on the researcher’s objective and gave a stress on the researcher as the decision
maker of the research findings.
Descriptive interpretative developed dynamically, according to Creswell (2008: 46)
the qualitative research was a research depended on the information from object or participants
in: the wide scope, general questions, bigger data collection consisted of words or texts from
participants, explained and did the analysis to the words and conducted the research

Contextual analysis related to the external aspect of the show context, namely the aspect
of cultural context and the show context. The cultural context related to the relation which
could be observed between the texts (or one of the elements) in other texts. The other texts
meant that whether the text was the text show or not, they had a synchronic culture. The show
context related with all the things related to the show situation, expression, and included with
the stages of the show.

Cultural Context
Pondok Pesantren or the boarding school Al Muhibbin was one of the main source of
social dynamic, culture, and ritual society which created the society of pesantren. Pondok
Pesantren Al Muhibbin was not merely as the place physically or the building to learn a
religion, yellow book, students, and the greatest teacher or kiai but it included the society in
the wide definition in its surrounding and made a cultural life the same with pesantren.
The culture of the society could not be argued that it was influenced by pesantren. In
this context, the society also became the part of pesantren. Based on the information from
Abdul Muchid, the society of pesantren Tambak Beras in the past had a rigid attitude and had
a strong orientation to kiai, had limited insights, and had a slow response in responding

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

modernization, and they had been orthodox in holding their religion (Abdul Muchid, Interview
16 March 2015).
Social culture which colored the social life in the surrounding of Pondok Pesantren Al
Muhibbin Tambak Beras Jombang was still kept namely collective character. The religious
values such as brotherhood, cooperation, struggle, sincerity, and various explicit Islamic
learning had been the tradition in pesantren to support the sustainability. These personal
attitudes fulfilled the life ethics of the students and became the keywords in personal education.
This condition placed pesantren as the important source for educational values in the society
of pesantren Tambak Beras Jombang through the relation between the pattern of relation of
kiai,student and the society in their surroundings.
The students’ life in Pondok Pesantren Al Muhibbin Tambak Beras Jombang was
communalistic, it meant that the way they had relation among the students got stuck by the
individualistic life. Various students came from different areas, but then they would live in
unity in the shade of kiai glory. It appeared from the habit of eating and drinking together,
learning together as the form of social bond and it influenced each individual which was very
The students finished learning in Pondok Pesantren Al Muhibbin Tambak Beras
Jombang when they came back to their home village, commonly they would create an
organization to gather with the alumni. This organization formed the social network which had
a functionto connect the need of Pondok Pesantren with alumni. Some alumni made Islamic
school or madrasah by using the name of Pondok Pesantren Al Muhibbin. There was also bond
of alumni and kiai, it seemed when there was a celebration such as wedding or education, they
were still invited Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad to deliver a ritual speech and prayer.
The life style in Pondok Pesantren Al Muhibbin Tambak Beras Jombang was a
representation of common pesantren. Some special characteristics were there was a close
relation among the students, the caregivers, and the family of kiai who lived in the boarding
school. The obedience of the students to kiai, thrifty and simple life was really done in Pondok
Pesantren. The habit of helping each other colored the relationship in pesantren.
The relation among the students and kiai could be done directly because they used sorogan
teaching method. The students also placed the caregivers to hold authority on the problems
happened in pesantren besides the home stay was also used for everything such as looking for
the knowledge, implementation of social behavior, and tools for other activities.
The relation of Pondok Pesantren Al Muhibbin Tambak Beras Jombang and the society
lived in a harmony. It could be seen when there was a celebration. The society would come and

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

contribute in the celebration until it had been finished. It also happened in the program of
reading lesson Al Hikam on Monday night. Besides attending the program, they also sold food
around pondok. The arts of pesantren such as salawatan which was packed in ISHARI and also
solawatan Al Barjanji were done routinely by people of Tambak Beras Jombang. Even, the
Tarekat practice which was done in pondok Al Muhibbin Tambak Beras Jombang started to be
liked by the people of Tambak Beras Jombang and its surroundings.
Another thing of social modality owned by pesantren community was the strong relation among
the students of pesantren and alumni. The number of the students still had relation with Pondok
Pesantren Al Muhibbin, although they had left formal education through some programs held
by Pondok Pesantren Al Muhibbin (Rojabiyah, Khoul, Mauludan), the students held reunion
each year in certain days and made their relation stronger.
Community of Pondok Pesantren Al Muhibbin Tambak Beras Jombang commonly held
mazhab Ahlussunah Wal Jamaah. In the fiqih field, they followed four mazhab: Hanafi, Maliki,
Syafii, and Hambali. In the Qalam field, they followed the mazhab Asy’ariyah and Maturidiyah
and in the tasawuf field, they followed Junai al-Baghdadi and Al Ghazali. The community of
pesantren held the mazhab strongly. It meant that they hadstrong Islamc pattern (fiqih) from
the four of mujtahid Hanafi, Maliki, Syafii, and Hambali. Although in fact, they were more
focused on mazhab Imam Syafii so they were often called as the follower of Imam Syafii.
Their basic thinking to hold the four mazhab was the Islamic rules in Al Quran, but
because Alquran only explained the main rules so it needed more explanation in detail so that
they did not make any interpretation only in the paragraph, but they also had to examine two
things namely Alquran and Alhadits. Alquran was given to the prophet Muhammad so there
was no people who understood more about the meaning but the prophet of Muhammad himself.
The meaning and the content of Alquran had been shown by the prophet of Muhammad in his
saying, his deed, and his attitude which was known from the notes of people in the era of the
prophet in the past or it was called as the close friends. Therefore, the way of maazhab used
term of checking, investigating, then guided on the clerics which had been code in yellow book.
The way of thinking of Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad could be seen from his
books, such asAd Darratun Nafisah (Beautiful Pearl) from syarah Al- Hikam ‘Atha’iyah to get
the love of Allah. 101 Stories of Faith Enforcer and Mind Ancestor which consisted of good
character examples of the prophet, special things owned by the special human, the trail of
special human, Friday speech Al’Badiah. Fiqih was a practice of Al-Badiah, reminding the
death, Syirik and Rira, Al_ikhlas, Thanking, Islamic Dakwah.It showed thatSyekh Muhammad
Djamaluddin Ahmad told more about fiqih, good attitude or akhlak, and tasawuf. The

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

educational emphasis in the fiqih field was based on the consideration that fiqih was effective
device in giving an understanding on the students about practical things. By understanding
fiqih strongly, the students would be an active person in Islamic personal life in the society
which made them able to color the culture and the attitude in the society based on the rules of

The Show Context

Commonly, the show context consisted of: 1) Gender context, 2) different age context,
3) different place context, 4) social level context, 5) different educational level context.
The gender was mentioned in Principle Javanese Syiir as creation of Syekh Muhammad
Djamaluddin Ahmad. It was not differentiated because each theme which was written hada
relation with good deed among men and women. It appeared in mentioning the greeting in each
of the beginning stanza of syiir. It could be seen in this following data.

Wong kang ma’rifat nglakoni shalat The makrifat people do the prayers
Satu rakaat sarana khidmad One rakaat is done solemnly
Iku ngungguli sewu rakaat It was above of a thousand rakaat
Saking wong alim ora ma’rifat (2x) From the Islamic person who are not
makrifat (2X)

Sapa kang bagus shalat pasane Whoever has a good prayer and fasting
Ananging haram mungguh pangane But the food is haram
Shalat lan pasa gak migunani The prayer and the fasting are useless
Iku dhawuh saking Njeng Nabi (2x) They were the words of the prophet
Muhammad SAW (2X)

Commonly, Javanese Syiir of Principal Character was created by Syekh Muhammad

Djamaluddin Ahmad to make it easier for the followers to learn the religion on Monday night
to understandthe content of the book Al-Hikam as the creation of Ibnu Athaillah Al-Sakandari.
The language of Ibnu Athaillah was so complicated, difficult, and rich for the metaphor diction
and allegory, the style in the common way was done by the spiritual people. The knowledge of

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

lay people did not reach it, so Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin created SJBU which the content
was easier to understand for adult and children.
The followers who came from outside of the boarding school consisted of men and
women followers, commonly they were alumni who brought their family. The women were in
the left of the mosque, while the men were in the main hall of the mosque and faced directly
with Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad. The children came after Syekh Muhammad
Djamaluddin Ahmad was in the place and started the program of Al-Hikam after they had
finished their program of diniyah.
Before doing the religious learning and reading Syiir, the followers of tarekat who came
to mosque and the yard of mosque were prepared by the students. Commonly the tarekat would
be in the front line with a wish that they would be blessed from the teacher of mursyid, because
after learning they would kiss the teacher’s hand to get blessing and it was also the form of
obedience between teacher and students. While the people who came from the common people
would be behind of the tarekat followers, although there were some people who wanted to be
in the first line. The students who followed the learning program, they were in the place where
there was still a space. The students brought notes to write the main material from the religious
learning as a duty given from the boarding school or pondok.
The common followers of religious learning of Al-Hikam Pondok pesantren Bumi
Damai Al-Muhibbin Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad were tarekat followers, but there
were many of them who came from the common people who did not have special bond with
the tarekat followers. Especially for the social stratification, the followers of tarekat were
famous to be called mursyid teacher and the students.Mursyid teacher was a guide in tarekat,
the mursyid teacher got permission and graduation letter and had a relation as the members of
the family with Rasulullah.
Tasawuf knowledge was the knowledge which had relation with the sole management
and inner heart and it was called as tarekat. In learning tarekat, a student had to be guided by a
spiritual teacher or mursyid who had an authority, namely they got a command from mursyid
to become a teacher and they had been testedin syar’i and Islamic knowledge well (Syukur,
2015, p. 49-51). The call of syekh was given to the guide of tarekat. Syekh meant the old people
who had broad knowledge among the followers.A student in the term of tarekat was called with
salik which meant someone who followed tarekat to clean their sole. It could be seen from this
following data.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Wong dadi murid kudu qona’ah People as students must be qonaah

Arti qona’ah nrima paweweh Qonaah means sincerity to accept the giving
Senajan kedhik utawa akeh Although it is few or many
Saking Pengeran kang maha weweh (2x) From God who is the greatest God (2X)
Dhuh padha murid padha ngertiya Hi all students do understand
Lamun janji iku ora tumiba If the promise has come
Mungkin krana jangka wektune dawa Possibly it is in the long term
kaya Nabi Harun lan Nabi Musa (2x) Such as the prophet of Harun and Musa
Wong dadi murid kudu tata krama Being a student has to own politeness
Marang Pangeran kang Maha Mulya To the greatest God
Sapa tata krama dadi wong mulya Whoever who had the politeness would be
Mulya akhirat uga ing ndonya (2x) noble men
Being noble in this world and hereafter (2X)
Aja lali uga marang kancane Don’t forget with friends
Semana uga awake dhewe Also to yourself
Adab tata krama ja nganti lali Don’t forget the way of politeness
supaya dadi murid sejati (2x) So that you become the real students (2X)

The religious learning on Monday night held in pondok pesantren Al-Muhibbin

Tambak Beras in the beginning was a special ritual which was called (ksususiyah) and done by
tarekat Saziliyah, but it developed to become a religious learning which was not only developed
as the religious learning and followed by tarekat Saziliyah, but other tarekat in Jombang for
instance tarekat Alqodiriyah wan-Naqsabandiyah that followed this religious learning, even the
common people either from Jombang area or outside of Jombang. It happened because Syekh
Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad in teaching Al-Hikam could be easily understood and it was
flexible in interpreting the modern life.So, the followers felt to have a peace in their sole. It
was felt by the followers of tarekat and also the students in the level of junior high school or
Madrasah Tsanawiyah, senior high school or Madrasah Aliyah, even the followers in the
bachelor level.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The creation background of Javanese Syiir of Principal Character was to make the
followers feel easier to understand the book of Al-Hikam and the social problem based on
Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad as the mursyid teacher in tarekat Sazaliyah and also
as the teacher in Pondok Pesantren Al-Muhibbin Bahrul Ulum Tambak Beras Jombang. This
authority was the proof that Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad had the role as the
spiritual leader whose duty was to give enlightenment of sole for all of the society.
Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad tried to gather the followers of tarekat Saziliyah,
Naqsabandiyah, and Qadiriyah in Jombang, in the religious learning on Monday night, it could
be seen in mentioning the three tarekat in super structure (introduction) in Javanese Syiir of
Principal Character by Syekh Muhammad Djamaluddin Ahmad.
The common sufisme system had been root in the heart of Islamic followers in
Jombang, without being considered to give influence in the cultural society about behavior and
Doctrine of tarekat saziliyah, naqsabandiyah, and qadiriyah gave the truly belief to the
followers that God would give his blessing to everyone who obeyed his command.The
followers of tarekat did not contradict between the destiny and human’s effort, but they were
advised to do the greater effort and tried with all energy. They understood that the effort would
create success. Finally the highest value for the followers of tarekat was placing God as the
decision maker for all of the problems but the effort preceded his decision.

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Hadi, P. W 1994. Epistemologi filsafat pengertahuan disadur dari bukuKenneth. T.
Gallagher. Cet. III, dengan judul The Philosophy of knowledge. Kanisius: Yogyakarta
Halliday, M.A.K. dan Ruqaiya, H. 1992. Bahasa, Konteks, dan Teks: Aspek-aspek Bahasa
dalam Pandangan Semiotik Sosial. Terj. Asruddin Basori Tou. Yogyakarta: Gadjah
Mada University Press.
Hamka. 2015. Tasawuf Modern. Replubika Penerbit: Jakarta.
Malinowski, B. 1923. “The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages”. Dalam C.K Ogden
dan I.A. Ricard (ED). The Meaning of Meaning. Bacaan 1: International Library of
Philosophy, Psycholhogy and Scientific Method: London: Kegal Paul.

Marinis, MD. 1993. The Semiotic of Performance, Terj. Aine O’Healy. Bloomington and
Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Robertson, Roland.1988. Agama: Dalam analisa dan Interpretasi Sosiologis, Rajawali Pers:
Sedyawati, Edi. 1981. Pertumbuhan Seni Pertunjukan. Sinar Harapan: Jakarta.
Yudiaryani. 2015. WS Rendra dan Teater Mini Kata. Galang Pustaka: Yogyakarta.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Muchammad Muchlis
UPTD Pendidikan SMPN 2 Grati Kab. Pasuruan

Abstrak: Kemampuan memecahkan masalah siswa dalam pembelajaran

merupakan salah satu indikator keberhasilan guru dalam pembelajarannya.
Kelas VIII A SMPN 2 Grati memiliki masalah dalam memecahkanmasalah yang
berkaitan dengan gejala alam. Kajian berbentuk analisis diskriptif ini bertujuan
untuk meningkatkan motivasi memecahkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
gejala alam. Untuk meningkatkan motivasi tersebut, maka dilakukan
pembelajaran dengan media koin dan korek api pada pokok bahasan hukum I
Newton. Kegiatan pembelajaran dilakukan dalam kegiatan Open class Lesson
Study tanggal 30 Januari 2017. Siswa diberi angket motivasi memecahkan
masalah sebelum dan sesudah pelajaran. Berdasarkan data berupaangket yang
diisi siswa maka dapat didapatkan data bahwa motivasi siswa dalam
memecahkan masalah naik sebesar 21,5%. Dengan naiknya motivasi siswa
tersebut diharapkan kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah juga naik.
Kata Kunci : Motivasi, MemecahkanMasalah, Hukum I Newton, Media Koin,

Motivasi merupakan salah satu faktor intrinsik siswa yang sangat menentukan hasil
belajar. Berbagai cara dilakukan seorang guru dalam meningkatkan masalah motivasi tersebut.
Setiap siswa memiliki karakter yang unik yang berkaitan dengan motivasi. Dengan
beragamnya karakter siswa tersebut tentunya seorang guru dapat memilih media yang tepat
dalam rangka meningkatkan motivasi.

Pelajaran IPA SMP sangat berkaitan erat dengan kejadian alam di sekitar siswa yang
tentunya banyak mengundang permasalahan yang sangat menarik untuk dipecahkan. Seorang
guru yang baik dituntut untuk bisa mengahdirkan masalah tersebut dihadapan siswanya dalam
bentuk yang sangat sederhana dan mudah dipahami. Setelah siswa memahami
permasalahannya tersebut, tentunya tantangan selanjutnya adalah bisakah siswa memecahkan
permasalahan tersebut.

Siswa di kelas VIII A SMPN 2 Grati Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017 terdiri atas 40 siswa
dengan 27 putri dan 13 putra, kelas ini menghadapi banyak sekali permasalahan di

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pelajaranIPA. Sebenarnya kelas ini adalah kelas unggulan, tetapi karena kemampuan masalah
kelas ini kurang baik maka pada pelajaran IPA kegiatan pembelajaran jadi sangat monoton.
Dalam setiap tatap muka hanya beberapa anak yang aktif bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan.
Ketika ulangan harian hasilnya sudah memuaskan yaitu 80% diatas KKM. Dari hal ini guru
menyimpulkan bahwa kemampuan memecahkan masalah dikelas ini sangatlah kurang.

Untuk mengaktifkan kelas VIII A tersebut tentunya guru memerlukan carauntuk

menciptakan kondisi yang lebih deka dengan kelas ideal. Untuk itu pada tanggal 30 Januari 29
guru mencoba untuk menggunakan media korek api dan koin pada bab hukum I Newton untuk
meningkatkan motivasi memecahkan masalah.

Rumusan Masalah
Masalah yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah pembelajaran IPA
pokok bahasan Hukum I Newton dengan media koin dan korek api dapat meningkatkan
motivasi memecahkan masalah siswa?.

Tujuan yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan motivasi
memecahkan masalah siswa pada pembelajaran IPA pokok bahasan Hukum I Newton
dengan media koin dan korek api.


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kulaitatif diskriptif. Peneliti akan mendiskripsikan
jalannya proses belajar mengajar. Metode pembelajaran yang dipilih oleh guru adalah metode
POE (Predict, Observe, Explain). Peneliti juga akan membagikan angket motivasi sebelum dan
sesudah pelajaran. Angket sebelum pelajaran dibagikan 1 minggu sebelum pembelajaran
berlangsung, yaitu hari sabtu 23 Januari 2017. Angket yang sama akan dibagikan seusai
pembelajaran yaitu tanggal 30 Januari 2017. Dari kedua angket tersebut akan dibandingkan
hasilnya. Selain itu siswa juga diberi angket ketertarikan siswa pada setiap sintak pembelajaran
yang dilakukan oleh guru.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Hukum I Newton
Hukum pertama Newton tentang gerak menyatakan bahwa sebuah benda yang
bergerak dengan kecepatan tetap akan terus bergerak dengan kecepatan tersebut kecuali ada
gaya resultan bekerja pada benda itu. Jika sebuah benda dalam keadaan diam, benda tersebut
tetap diam kecuali ada gaya resultan yang bekerja pada benda itu. Sifat benda yang selalu
mempertahankan keaadan geraknya ini dinamakan dengan sifat inersia.

Deskripsi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan pembelajaran dilakukan dalam open class lesson study pada hari sabtu, 30
Januari 2017. Kegiatan ini merupakan rangkaian program sekolah dalam melaksanakan LSBS
Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. Ada 21 guru yang hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut, selain itu juga
hadir mahasiswa PPL.

Pembelajaran menggunakan model POE yang memiliki tiga sintak yaitu,(1) siswa
memprediksi ( Predict), (2) siswa mengamati( Observe), (3) siswa mencoba dan mencari
penjelasan tentang kejadian yang ditampilkan guru ( Explain).

1. Predict
Pada tahap ini guru menunjukkan kotak korek api dan koin. Guru menyelipkan koin ke
dalam celah korek api, setengah bagian koin masih terlihat dari luar.

Gambar 1. Koin yang diselipkan ke dalam korek api

` Guru bertanya kepada siswa,”Jika bagian atas korek api ini saya tepuk dengan jari, apa
yang terjadi pada koin?”. Hampir semua siswa menjawab dengan serempak, “koin akan jatuh”.
Kemudian guru melanjutkan pertanyaan, “Bagaimana kalau tidak jatu?, bapak akan ulangi lagi
menepuk ya? Berapa kali tepukan untuk menjatuhkan kaoin ini?”, jawaban siswapun beragam

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

ada yang 2, 3, 4, bahkan ada yang menjawab 5 kali. Pada tahap ini siswa mulai memprediksi
apa yang terjadi pada koin.

2. Observe
Pada tahap ini guru mendemontrasikan menepuk korek api. Pada saat yang bersamaan
seluruh siswa memperhatikan gejala yang terjadi pada koin. Ternyata koin tidak jatuh malah
naik ke atas. Seeluruh siswa tampak keheranan dengan kejadian pada koin. Agar siswa lebih
yakin maka guru mengulanginya lagi, kejadian yang sama sekali lagi teramati oleh siswa.
Kemudian guru mempersilahkan salah satu siswa untuk mencoba mendemontrasikan menepuk
korek api, sekali lagi kejadian yang sama teramati siswa.

Gambar 2. Guru mendemontrasikan menepuk korik api

Ketika siswa merasa penasaran dan keheranan guru memberikan kesempatan Tanya
jawab tentang kejadian tersebut. Tampak tidak ada siswa yang dapat menjelaskan kejadian
naiknya koin pada korek api tersebut. Saat inilah guru mulai membentuk formasi kelompok.
Ada 10 kelompok terbentuk yang masing masing beanggotakan 4 siswa. Ketika terbentuk
formasi kelompok guru membagikan tiap kelompok satu korek api dan satu koin. Selanjutnya
guru memberi tugas kepada siswa untuk melakukan percobaan dan mendiskusikan sebab
naiknya sang koin di dalam korek api.

3. Explain
Pada tahap ini siswa mulai melakukan percobaan didalam kelompoknya. Tampak
masing masing anggota kelompok mencoba dan lainnya mengamati. Seesekali mereka
berdiskusi. Kelompok 10 sepertinya agak kesulitan ketika berdiskusi, sehingga salah satu
anggota kelompoknya bertanya ke kelompok terdekatanya yaitu kelompok 9. Tetapi tetap saja
kelompok 9 juga belum punya ide untuk menemukan jawabannya. Hampir semua kelompok
tampak berpikir keras untuk memecahkan permasalahan mengapa koin naik ke atas.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Gambar 3 dan 4. Siswa mencoba dan berdiskusi

Guru berkeliling dari satu kelompok ke kelompok lain. Ketika mendekati kelompok 6,
guru mendengar salah seorang anggota kelompok yang bertanya kepada temannya,” Sebenanya
yang bergerak itu kotak koreknya apa koinnya ya?”. Mendengar pernyataan tersebut guru
langsung menjadikan pernyataan tersebut menjadi permnyataan kelas, “Anak anak, coba
perhatikan. Ada pertanyaan dari temanmu apakah yang bergerak koin ataukah korek api.

Kemudian anggota kelompok yang lain (kelompok 2) langsung mencoba mengetuk

korek api tapi bagian dasarnya ditempelkan ke permukaan meja. Anak ini mendapatkan
kenyataan bahwa koin tidak bergerak ke atas. Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok 2 di
lihat kelompok 5, maka kelompok 5 juga melakukan hal yang sama dengan kelompok 2.
Kegiatan kedua kelompok inipun diketahui oleh guru, maka sang guru menekankan agar semua
kelompok melakukan percobaan seperti kelompok 2 dan 5. Dari kegiatan ini guru mencoba
untuk menekankan setiap kelompok melakukan kegiatan diskusi lagi.

Setelah kegiatan diskusi kelompok dirasa cukup, maka guru melanjutkan dengan
kegiatan diskusi kelas. Pada awal kegiatan diskusi kelas ini ada salah seorang (Kamila Yasmin)
mencoba untuk mengemukakan pendapatnya,” Menurut saya pak, sebenarnya yang bergerak
itu adalah kotak korek apinya, sedangkan koinnya diam. Kotak korek api bergerak turun
sedangkan koin diam, makanya koinnya bias naik ke atas”. Kemudian guru menawarkan
kepada yang lain,” Adakah pendapat lain?”. Ada beberapa pendapat dari siswa tetapi intinya
tetap sama hanya bahasanya saja yang berbeda. Akhirnya guru menjelaskan tentang perilaku
dari koin yang sedang mempertahankan dirinya dalam keaadan diam, sifat ini disebut dengan
sifat inersia. Setelah dirasa siswa puas dengan penjelasan guru, selanjutnya guru
menghubungkan kejadian tersebut dengan hokum I Newton. Hukum pertama Newton tentang
gerak menyatakan bahwa sebuah benda yang bergerak dengan kecepatan tetap akan terus
bergerak dengan kecepatan tersebut kecuali ada gaya resultan bekerja pada benda itu. Jika

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

sebuah benda dalam keadaan diam, benda tersebut tetap diam kecuali ada gaya resultan yang
bekerja pada benda itu.

Motivasi Siswa dalam Menyelasaikan Masalah IPA

Setelah dilakukan perhitungan dari angket yang telah didisi oleh siswa didapatkan
data sebagai berikut

Tabel 1. Tabel Motivasi Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah


N Sebelu Sesuda Kenaika

O m h n
(%) (%) (%)

Pada setiap IPA pembelajaran, ada sesuatu

yang menarik bagi saya 53 90 37

Menyelesaikan masalah dalam

2 pembelajaran ini membuat saya merasa
puas terhadap hasil yang telah saya capai 63 86 23

Saya selalu bertanya kepada teman saya

untuk menyelesaikan masalah IPA 47 62 15

Menyelesaikan masalah dalam

4 pembelajaran dengan berhasil sangat
penting bagi saya. 76 88 12

Saya sangat senang pada pembelajaran ini

sehingga saya ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut
tentang masalah yang ada dalam pokok
bahasan ini 56 85 29

Masalah pada pembelajaran ini sesuai

dengan minat saya 61 86 25

Tugas-tugas latihan pada pembelajaran ini

terlalu mudah. 56 77 21

Pada pembelajaran ini ada hal-hal yang

merangsang rasa ingin tahu saya. 73 88 15

Saya benar-benar senang dengan adanya

masalah dalam pembelajaran ini. 45 85 40

Jumlah pengulangan pada pembelajaran ini

kadang-kadang membosankan saya. 55 62 7

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Saya telah mempelajari sesuatu yang sangat

menarik dan tak terduga sebelumnya pada
masalah yang diajarkan dalam pelajaran
IPA. 61 82 21

Saya dapat menghubungkan isi masalah

dalam pembelajaran ini dengan hal-hal
12 yang telah saya lihat, saya lakukan, atau
saya pikirkan di dalam kehidupan sehari-
hari. 63 76 13

Rata rata 59.1 80.6 21.5

Dari tabel diatas tampak bahwa kenaikan motivasi siswa dalam menyelasaikan masalah
naik sebesar 21,5%. Dengan kenaikan tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan
siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalaha pada pembelajaran IPA.

Pembelajaran IPA dengan menggunakan media korek api dan koin ternyata
meningkatkan motivasi memecahkan masalah siswa pada pembelajaran IPA pokok bahasan
Hukum I Newton sebesar 21,5%.

Karim, M. 2006. Apa, mengapa dan Bagaimana Lesson Study. FMIPA Universitas Negeri
Joharmawan,R. 2006. Bagaimana Lesson Study. MIPA Universitas Negeri Malang.
Sato, M. 2007.Permasalahan dalam pelaksanaan Lesson Study.makalah Pelatihan Fasilitator
Lesson Study Berbasis Mgmp Kabupaten Pasuruan.
Syamsuri, I. 2007. Tanya Jawab lesson Study. MIPA Universitas Negeri Malang.
Syamsuri, I. School Reform and Learning Community.MIPA Universitas Negeri Malang

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


(A Study on Phenomenology of the Implementation of Tridaya Program by PNPM-
Mandiri Perkotaan in Pulotondo village, Tulungagung Regency)

Muhamad Abdul Roziq Asrori

STKIP PGRI Tulungagung

Abstract: This research aims at revealing the building of gotong royong

characters and willingness of local community participation to give solution
on empowerment paradigm that still faces some obstacles in the field.
Furthermore the obstacles of some programs deal directly with lower
community using bottom up model. Some processes that have been done are
looking at the perception of the volunteers (BKM) and the user of the program
(KSM) in accordance with tridaya program and the approach that is used in
running the PNPM-MP in Pulotondo.This research uses qualitative approach
in form of phenomenology. The data are gotten from deep observation and
interview. The participants are decided by using purposive sampling. The data
are analyzed using Miles and Haberman interactive data analysis. To have
data validation, the triangulation is applied in this research.The result of the
research showed eventhough the community felt Tridayaprogram by PNPM-
MP was hard, it could build the awareness of gotong royong and mental of
building the community through community empowerment group.PNPM-MP
empowerment model that involves local community and government and the
agreement of RT/RW are used to build the positive perception and
participation as well as to make the mechanism of the collective and
transparent self funded easier.

Keywords: gotong royong, empowerment, local community perception and


Poverty and unemployment have always been the main concern of government, NGOs
and other relevant agencies. Various solutions are strived to be able to empower the potential
for their welfare to increase, one of them through the empowerment of PNPM-MP.
Puspitosari’s research (2010) shows that PNPM-MP able to increase the economy by 30% as
well as to increase infrastructure building by 63%. Although the facts in the field often shows
no synergy among the empowerments in society either by the government or the existing
empowerment volunteers. So, the result has not been able to build the potential and distinctive
character of the community.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

For the successful of the implementation of empowerment,government has been

allocated very large number of funding, especially with the issuance of law No. 6 year 2014
about village which one of its mission is strengthening the empowerment of village
communities. But with the frequency of government change the pattern of empowerment, it
makes the spirit and direction of empowerment difficult to achieve the targeted
expectations.So,the community empowerment and local potentials have not been optimized.
Based on the activity report from the coordinator of the town to the implementation of
PNPM-MP, Tulungagung Regency is one of the successful towns in the empowerment, where
most of the villages in the 4 sub-districts as the practitioner of the activities experienced
significant economic and infrastructure improvements. However, as the PNPM-MP
empowerment management system transformed into a "Town without theslums", whereby
overall funding was returned to the center government again, there was a decline in the
development participation from the community in various aspects, especially the concern to
participate in the non-governmental funding. Positive perceptions that have been built is like
experiencing anxiety, especially the development model with DD and ADD budget that must
also touch the aspect of empowerment in the first years is exhausted on the aspect of physical
development even without willingness that can be done.
To build and to empower the community, it requires a direct participation
fromcommunity. Participatory development must grow from the community, organized
consciously and independently by the community, and the result is enjoyed by the whole
community (Sumaryadi, 2005: 87). As implemented by PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan with
participative principles,it includes: (i) environmental activities, (ii) social activities and (iii)
economic activities.
However, the design of the PNPM-Mandiri Perkotaan program that is practiced for rural
communities must have many advantages and disadvantages. It is because, culturally, rural and
urban communities are different, so that it requires different treatment, even among villages as
well (Adisasmito, 2013; Rahayu, 2010; Soemantri, 2010: 7).
Preliminary studies show that the process of implementation of the existing empowerment
dominated by infrastructure activities (roads, irrigation canals, and surgical house) which is
done in two patterns, namely labor-intensive pattern and tendering pattern. Labor-intensive
pattern, in the name of "local wisdom",is splashed into tyranny of participation, inadequate
salary or converted to increase the volume of work as well as to increase the number of
willingness. In the tendering pattern, citizen participation is very limited. It is because the

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

procurement of goods and labor by the contractor, and the resultis sometimes less satisfactory
and is not as standard.
While, the process of implementation of savings and loan as one of the tridayas
developed by PNPM-MP is recorded a number of groups who are accessing funds, but micro-
economic enterpriseis generally individual and it is not a joint effort with the concept offered
by PNPM which is often out of the goal of empowerment. Meanwhile, for social activities, the
concept offered is to encourage the participation from poor people who are in the PS2 category
by distributing goat which will the young goat be taken later.
Different views of the community regarding to the implementation of the existing
Tridaya program by PNPM-MP make the implementation of the program difficult to measure
the success. However, there is a tendency made by the villagers of Pulotondo village in Ngunut
sub-district when they carry out the infrastructure development activities.The community made
a collective agreement on the model of willingness participation. So, it seems that there is a
collective consciousness that awakens the consciousness of helping people to fulfill their
common interests.
From the issues, it is necessary to examine the empowerment model undertaken by the
villagers of Pulotondo through a Tridayaprogram by PNPM-MP to generate collective
awareness for mutual cooperation (gotong royong) in order to build their common interests.
This can be used as a positive input for the progressive empowerment of participatory
community based.


Gotong Royong in Indonesian People's View
Gotong royong for Indonesian people has become the personality of the nation because
it is firmly embedded in the cultural values of Indonesian people. People believe that the value
and behavior ofgotong rotong have social potential that can be used as a media of problem
solving in various issues in social life of the community.
Collette (1987: 3) argues that gotong royong is entrenched and rooted in the life of Indonesians,
and it is the most important original institution in the development of society.
Implementation of the value of gotong royong to Indonesian people is an essential part
of the revitalization of socio-cultural and customsvaluein society which has various culturein
order to be free from social, economic, political, defense and security, and other ideologies
dominance which are not prosperous (Pranadji, 2009: 62 ).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Gotong royong can be interpreted as a model of cooperation agreed by the community.

Koentjaraningrat (1983) divides two types of gotong royong known by the Indonesian people;
gotong royong on mutual assisstance and gotong royong on community service. Gotong
royongon mutual assistanceoccurs in agricultural activities, activities around the neighborhood,
party activities, celebration activities, and on the event of disaster or even death.
Meanwhile,gotong royongon community service is usually done to do something that is in the
public interest. This type is distinguished into two kinds nameley gotong royong on the
initiative of citizens andgotong royong on forced.
The concept of gotong royong can also be interpreted in the context of community
empowerment (Pranadji, 2009: 62). It is because it can be a social principal to establish
institutional strength at the community level, state society, and society across nation, and also
state of Indonesia in realizing prosperity. For, in the gotong royong, it contains the meaning of
collective action to struggle, self-governing, common goal, and sovereignty.
In a socio-cultural perspective, the value of gotong royong is a spirit manifested in the
form of individual behavior or action unconditionally (unexpecting a reward) to do something
together for the sake of mutual or individual interest. For example; Residents clean the
sanitation channels in their neighborhoods together, the community work in gotong royong to
build paving road to ease of access to their roads, and so on. Even in the history of community
development, cultivation activities such as cultivating the soil to harvest is done in gotong
royongwith taking turn on each owner of rice fields.
For Indonesians, gotong royong is not only meaningful as behavior as the the definition
put forward before, but also acts as moral value. It means that gotong royong is always as a
reference of the behavior, the view of life of the Indonesians in various forms.

The Concept of Empowering Community

The main approach in the concept of empowerment is not making the society as the
object of various development projects, but as the subject of its own development efforts
(Brown, 1995; Sairin, 2002; Foy, 1994; Sumodiningrat, 1999) such as: First, the reduced
number of poor people. Second, the development of income-generating efforts by the poor by
utilizing available resources. Third, increasing the public awareness to the efforts of improving
the welfare of poor families in the environment. Fourth, the increasingof the independence of
the group is characterized by the growing of productive efforts of members and groups, the
stronger the capital of the group, the progressive administration system of the group, and the
increasing breadth of other group interaction within the community. Fifth, the

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

increasingcapacity of the community and income distribution wich are characterized by the
increasing income of poor families who are able to meet basic needs and basic social needs.
It is explained by Winarni (1998), that in empowerment, there must do the right stages,
and in this stage, it is the awareness, capturing, and empowerment. Simultaneously, Siswanto
(2016) addedthat it can reduce the veiled conflict in the community and facilitate in the
management of empowerment.In line with this, Chambers (1996) explains that the paradigmof
the development must lead to people centered, participatory, empowering, and sustainable.
To create the effectiveness of empowerment, we must understand the elements related to
empowerment. According to Darwanto (in Santoso, 2016),the elements that must exist in the
empowerment are as follow.
1. Inclusion and participation. In this case, we must explore the following indicators: a)
who is empowered, b) how they are empowered, c) what role is played, d) space for
2. Access and information. In the process of empowerment, it requires information that
should not be blocked from various lines like communities, government, and others.
This can make it easier for the stakeholders, especially for those who are empowered
to gain opportunities, to improve their standard of living, such as education-related
information, training programs, rights and duties, and also other appropriate market
3. Capacity of local organization. In order to get a strong reinforcement and a good
response, there must be ability to organize local potentials to the sustainability of
reliable program.
4. Professional empowerment actors. This is one of the most important elements of the
empowerment. Here, the ability of volunteers to understand, to listen, to demonstrate,
to take action, and to take responsibility for existing policies is needed.
This research uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological research. It is because
the data collected relates to the community perceptions to the participatory based
empowerment that can lead the community to rebuild the value of gotongroyong. The research
was conducted in Pulotondo village which has a unique character and has a high success in the
process of implementing the empowerment.
Key informants were determined by using purposive sampling technique with the
consideration of informants should master the problem and become the perpetrators of the

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

focus of the study. Because the approach used is qualitative, so, the main instrument is the
researcher himself using interview guidelines, observation, and documentation.
The process of data analysis was done by qualitative analysis process. Data was
collected and was analyzed each time the reasearcher left the field. In general, the actual
process of analysis has begun since the researcher set the focus, problems and location of the
research, then it became intensive when the reasearcher went to the field. Based on a number
of data collection technique and on various units of data analysis that have been determined the
criteria, the data in the form of field notes was analyzed by smoothing the rough empirical
material into field report. So, the researcher simplified the data into several units of detailed
but focused information, in the original expression of the respondent (indigenous concept) as
the capture of his/her emic perspective. Thus, a detailed field report (induction) can be the data
that is more easily understood, searching for meaning to find what the implied meaning behind
the informants’information (interpretation) and finally it can be created a concept
(conceptualization) when the respondent together with the researcher gave a brief statement
(abstracting) of what exactly the respondents experienced and what the hidden desires behind
their detailed information.
Data collection and data analysis processed from the effort to get information about
many things, namely location related to research problems, life history, social condition, and
the profession of the informants related to research focus. The last is the data directly related
to answer the research problems. In other words, the researcher applied the exclusion-inclusion
criteria of data. This process, according to Hamidi (2005: 79,) can be called as sampling, that
is discarding the unrelated or less relevant data,and then entering relevant data to answer the
research problems, to obtain data which is convincingly sustain the creation of a concept or the
establishment of a theoretical statement.
In order to obtain data with high degrees of confidence and certainty, so, in checking
the validity of the data, the reasearcher used triangulation technique. Denzin (1978)
distinguishes four kinds of triangulation as a scanning technique by using sources, methods,
investigators, and theories (Creswell, 2015). This study uses source triangulation as a technique
to check the validity of the data.


Perception is the process of interpreting an object by using the five senses to produce
understanding, knowledge, attitude, and assumption. This perception will then lead us to pay
attention to certain things about the object we perceive which ultimately make the decision to

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

tend on those things which in this case is building the perception of Pulotondo villagers to the
implementation of the Tridayaprogram by PNPM-Mandiri Perkotaan. The result of the
research shows the following findings.
1. The PNPM-MP is the program to increase environmental, economic, and social capacity
designed by the government to empower community through direct management by the
community as a volunteer with government grant funding carried out directly by the KSM
(Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat/Non-Governmental Group).
PNPM-Mandiri Urban carries three basic empowerment: improving infrastructure,
strengthening microeconomics community, and improving social welfare. From the program,
it is hoped that the community, especially the group of beneficiariesactivity (KSM) really
willing to participate actively in the range of programs offered. A good understanding of the
proclaimed program can give positive effects on the ongoing activities, because this program
relies heavily on the participation of Non-Governmental Groups (KSM). From KSM, the whole
series of activities can be conducted with referral and guidance from BKM (Badan
Keswadayaan Masyarakat/Non-Governmental Institution).
KSM and BKM as implementers of the empowerment program in Pulotondo has a
positive perception, it can be seen from the activities and effectiveness of the use of grant fund
from the government which has been organized systematically. The description of the
knowledge, understanding, and response to the series of programs is so well suited to the
concept that has been proclaimed from the program. So that, administratively, from the
planning up to the reporting of activity, the program can run along with good perception by
KSM and BKM.
From the description of the perception building owned by Pulotondo villagers towards
the empowerment program, if we look from the perspective of Winarni’s empowerment (1998),
then, this positive perception strongly supports the implementation of the awareness and
capturing stage. So, to enter the empowerment stage as the goal of empowerment is only to
pack from a series of work programs offered to achieve independent empowerment, and by
Chambers (1996), it is advised on sustainable empowerment.
The direct involvement of the community to empower their potential provides a
significant effect of change on the behavioral pattern of Pulotondo people in general.
Awareness of self-capacities to the empowerment make every work program related to PNPM-
MP and others have high level of effectiveness of success.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

2. Public perception onTridaya program by PNPM-MP is a program that must involve active
participation, both energy and cost, although it is felt very heavy but the community is able
to regenerate gotong-royong value.
PNPM-MP program seems to be a program for its own management (BKM) is a very heavy
program (limited by very strict rules) because it demands high volunteer with no honor attached
to it. In fact, it is often for managers not only issue willingness and mind as a form of
participation, but willingnbess of self-finance should always be seen as a model for increasing
community participation in the form of willingness for energy, mind, and finance.
Indeed, empowerment with a participatory principle requires full involvement by all
parties, as it demands volunteerism. In line with this, Suryono (in Siswanto, 2012: 27) explains
that in the paradigm of human development, it needs to focus on social services, social learning,
empowerment, ability, and also institutional. In this case, the volunteers who are members of
the BKM really understand about the ins and outs of the Pulotondocommunity as a subject of
empowerment. The concept of volunteer leads to a willingness to help voluntarily. The
volunteer demands on PNPM-MP are so high that BKM and KSM are in need of serious
support from related institutions, especially the village government to synergize in all matters.
The public figures in the village as much as possible become role models for the
community as a social learning process. Davis (1977) clarified the argument by ensuring that
if we want to participate in community empowerment, it must really involve emotionally and
mentally to encourage groups to achieve their goals and responsibilities.
BKM members in carrying out its function as a driver of empowerment in the
community is very dependent on the perception that they build. Their involvement in
participating emotionally and mentally provides clarity in actualizing perceptions. Well-
implemented participation across the whole range of activities in PNPM-Mandiri Perkotaan
brought to re-awakening the value of gotong royong of the community.
In the view of Weber's theory of social action, the success of empowerment depends
greatly on the desired target with the tools to achieve it. The description of the volunteers with
the concept and good understanding of participatory empowerment and the process of
achieving the goal of empowerment brings the easiness and smoothness to the implementers
of empowerment to motivate the potential of the local community towards empowerment. The
form of well-willing participation of both material and immaterialwhich is well-patterned
encouragesthe re-establishment of the value of gotong royong in society. By re-awakening the
value of gotong-royong in the perspective of action theory can be the orientation and goal of
society in social interaction (Ritzer, 2005).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

3. Participation in the form of willingness on energy and fund increase the awareness and
mental in building community.
The objective of the Tridaya program by PNPM-Mandiri Perkotaan is to create an
independent community through the increasing of the capacity in the economic, social, and the
improvement of the infrastructure sectors. Each implemented program requires willingness
participation from local communities. In the empowerment of willingness participation, it is
considered as an important component, because it can provide understanding and awareness to
do gotong royong and even to generate sense of belonging to the series of programs
In the implementation of theTridaya program by PNPM-MP, Non-Governmental
Groups (KSM) and Non-Governmental Institution (BKM) Wahana Sejahtera Pulotondo have
a big contribution to the success of empowering the community. The willingness participation
is not only energy and mind but in each program, they are still participating in the form of
willingness of financing. They do it to provide a pilot as well as to build people's mental to care
about the environment where they are. Mental which is ready to participate in every
empowerment to prosper the society.
The concept of KSM and BKM Wahana Sejahtera Pulotondo builds awareness and
mentality of the community through willingness participation provides improved
understanding as well as a supportive attitude response, and as the result, the empowerment
they enjoy have better quantity and quality when compared to other similar empowerment
The willingness of attitudes and awareness of the community in participating in
willingness of energy and funding reflects on people's perception of empowerment which is
very positive.And it is possible to increase the quality of existing empowerment. Gordon W.
Alport explains the concept of participation as follows. "The person who participates is ego
involved instead of merely task invilved" (Sastropoetro, 1988: 12). While, Edi Suharto strongly
emphasized the importance of community involvement in empowerment because according to
him: "People must participate in their own empowerment because of the goals, ways and results
must be formulated on their own. Community awareness is the key to empowerment, since
knowledge can mobilize action for empowerment change also involves access to resources and
the ability to use these resources effectively "(Suharto 2014: 8). So, in the participation,
Sastropoetro (1988: 41) explains that the important elements must exist are as follow.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

1. Changing attitude, opinion and behavior caused by understanding that fosters

2. Consciousness based on calculation and judgment.
3. Willingness to do something grows from within her/himself without being forced by
4. A sense of responsibility towards common interests.

The implementation of the Tridaya program byPNPM-MP program is an enhancement
capacity of the community with funding from the government that requires willingness
volunteers as well as funds. Good perception has an important role to the success of
empowerment, because it provides knowledge, improves understanding, and also fosters an
attitude to realize the importance of empowering the potential of the individu and the
surrounding community.
The Tridaya programby PNPM-MP implemented by community volunteers through the
Non-Governmental Groups (KSM) and Non-Governmental Institution (BKM) requires
willingness participation which is perceived to be heavy by the community but it can generate
awareness of gotong royong. To achieve maximum result, KSM together with BKM Wahana
Sejahtera Pulotondo village in the process of empowerment begins with building awareness
and mental building community through the active participation of the community with
willingness energy, mind and funding. Raising and mental awarenessof society gives positive
effect to society of Pulotondo because besides increasing of quantity and quality of
empowerment, also rebuilding gotong royong value in society.

Adisasmita, R. 2013. Pembangunan Perdesaan: Pendekatan Partisipatif, Tipologi, Strategi,
Konsep Desa Pusat Pertumbuhan. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu
Brown, D. 1995. “Poverty-Growth Dichotomy”. Uner Kirdar dan Leonard Silk (eds.),
People: From Impoverishment to Empowerment. New York: New York University
Chambers, R. 1995. Poverty and Livelihoods: Whose Reality Counts? Uner Kirdar dan
Leonard Silk (eds.), People: From Impoverishment to Empowerment. New York:
New York University Press
Colleta, NJ. 1987. Kebudayaan dan Pembangunan, Sebuah Pendekatan Terhadap
Antropologi Terapan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial di Indonesia. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor
Creswell, JW. 2015. Qualitatif Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among five
Appoaches. SAGE. Diterjemahkan oleh Lazuardi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
Hamidi. 2005. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Aplikasi Praktis Pembuatan Proposal dan

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Laporan Penelitian). Malang: UMM Press

Koentjaraningrat. 1983. Ciri-Ciri Kehidupan Masyarakat Pedesaan di Indonesia. dalam
Sajogyo dan Sajogyo, Pudjiwati. Sosiologi Pedesaan. Jilid 1. Yogyakarta : Gadjah
Mada University Press
Puspitosari, Y. 2010. Evaluasi Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri
Perkotaan (Studi Kasus di Kec. Kartosuro Sukoharjo).
Rahayu, B. 2010.Pembangunan Perekonomian Nasional melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Desa. Semarang: MG
Ritzer, G dan Goodman, DJ. 2005. Modern Sociological Theory. Jakarta: Prenada Media
Sairin, S. 2002. Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Indonesia: Perspektif Antropologi.
Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
Sastropoetro, S. 1988. Partisipasi, Komunikasi, Persuasi dan Disiplin dalam Pembangunan
Nasional. Bandung: Alumni
Siswanto, B. 2016.Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Malang: Servaminora
Soemantri, BT. 2011. Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa. Bandung:
Soemodiningrat, G. 1999. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan JPS. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka
Suharto. E. 2014. Membangun Masyarakat Memberdayakan Rakyat Kajian Strategis
Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial & Pekerjaan Sosial. Bandung: PT Refika
Pranadji, T. 2009. Penguatan Kelembagaan Gotong Royong dalam Perspektif Sosio Budaya
Bangsa. Bogor. Jurnal Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi, IPB. Volume 27 No. 1, Juli
Winarni.1998. Orientasi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa Menyongsong Abad 21, Menuju
Pemberdayaan Pelayanan Masyarakat.Yogyakarta: Adiliya Media

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Ninik Suryatiningsih

Abstract: Knowing the importance of vocabulary in our English

mastery, it is surprising to know that vocabulary learning has received
little emphasized in our foreign language classrooms. The purpose of
this article is to know how to teaching vocabulary for adult learners.
We often look down on our vocabulary instruction. Teachers
sometimes have no idea of how to teach vocabulary to the students.
Mush of our vocabulary instruction involves the use of definitions-
some combinations of looking up those definitions in the dictionary,
writing them down and memorizing them.

Key words : Teaching, Vocabulary, adult learners

Until today, STKIP PGRI Pasuruan has produced a great number of non-native English
teachers, and some are very good. Kweldju (1999a) states that normally, non-native English
teachers have sufficient knowledge of English Structural patterns, but they still have problems
with fluency and vocabulary. English structural patterns are limited in numbers, but not
vocabulary. She further believes that one’s fluency much depends on his productive vocabulary
skill. In Medgyers’s study (in Kweldju, 1999a) on the weakness of non-native teachers’ in
Hungary, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Israel and Brazil, he discovered that vocabulary ranked the first,
fluency the second, speaking the third and grammar only fell the sixth.
However, there is still common misperception among EFL students, even teachers
especially in STKIP PGRI Pasuruan, who believe that vocabulary is not so important to learn.
Pronunciation and grammar were emphasized, but there was little or no attention on
vocabulary. It is important for language learners to note the importance of vocabulary for their
English native-like competence. As summarized from Kweldju (1999) here are several reasons
why vocabulary should be emphasized. First, if learners have more vocabulary, they will read
more, and this will improve their English in general. Second, grammar and vocabulary are
actually interchangeable; they often meet in collocation relations, as single words always
operate in a lexical environment of other words. Third, vocabulary learning and reading will
prevent English learners from being fossilized.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Teachers should be aware that during their time studying English they have very
limited time to devote themselves to their vocabulary building. Fourth, one’s performance in
any language skills depends much on one’s vocabulary skill, and it is vocabulary that obviously
relate all language skills together. Fifth, with large vocabulary, learners are able to use the
language with spontaneity in any unpredictable use of a real and authentic communication.
Sixth, if learners improve their vocabulary they will have a better skill to speak with ease; this
will lead them to use the language confidently. In fact. Wordiness comes from a weak
vocabulary. And seventh, if learners have a good vocabulary skill, they will also know the
power of word with precision so that they can convey their intended meaning and can also
avoid misunderstanding.
Knowing the importance of vocabulary in our English mastery, it is surprising to know
that vocabulary learning has received little emphasized in our foreign language classrooms. We
often look down on our vocabulary instruction. Teachers sometimes have no idea of how to
teach vocabulary to the students. Mush of our vocabulary instruction involves the use of
definitions-some combinations of looking up those definitions in the dictionary, writing them
down and memorizing them. Even learners believe what they need is a large number of
vocabulary which they could find in the dictionary. The students are trying so hard to make
note and memorizing them and the case is getting worse when the teacher is asking them to do
so. It is true that the students will know more about the words, but they will have problem in
recalling the words back because too much to remember and lack of experience of ho w to
use them. Nagy (1991) believes that this method which is commonly done by the teacher and
learners is not an effective way to improve the vocabulary mastery. New words can not be
learnt solely by memorizing its meaning, definitions, nor synonyms.

What is Vocabulary?
Roughly, vocabulary can be defined as the words we teach in the foreign language (Ur,
1996). However, a vocabulary item may be more than a single word, for example gas station,
brother in law, which are made up of two to three words but express a single idea. There are
also multi words idioms such as fresh from the oven in which its meaning can not be deduced
from an analysis of the component words. Thus Ur (1996) suggest it is better to cover all such
cases by referring about vocabulary ‘items’ rather than ‘words’.
In line with this, Nuttal (1989) refers vocabulary as lexical items which is defined as
any words or group of words with a meaning that needs to be learnt a as a whole. According
to her, it is more useful to think of new lexical items, rather than new words, as the things the

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

students must learn. For example, every phrasal verb is a single lexical item, though it consists
of several words; switch on, stand up, pick up, etc. on the other hand, the spelling saw represent
several different lexical items. Among them the past tense of see and the word that means an
instrument for cutting wood.
In terms of vocabulary category, a distinction is frequently made between ‘active’ and
‘passive’ vocabulary. In Harmer’s opinion ( 1991), ‘active’ vocabulary refers to vocabulary
that students have been taught or learnt-and which they are expected to be able to use, whilst
the latter refers to word which the students will recognize when they meet them but which they
will probably not be able to produce. Similarly, Nuttal’s (1989) defines active vocabulary as
words the learners know well enough to use themselves, whereas passive vocabulary is defined
as words the learners understand approximately when they meet them, but cannot use them.
Further she also classified the third category of vocabulary, that is ‘throw-away’ vocabulary.
‘throw-away’ vocabulary are words that students will meet once they move on to un simplified
material. For this kind of material, not all the words they meet are worth learning, unless they
are important for their immediate purpose.

What Needs to be Taught?

Lecturer of vocabulary classes in STKIP PGRI Pasuruan, still find problems of what
vocabulary needs to be taught to the students, and how to teach it. To cover the first problem,
as summarized from Ur (1996) the following are some vocabulary items that need to be taught
to the foreign language learners.

Form: Pronunciation and Spelling

The learner has to know what a word sounds like (its pronunciation) and what it look
like (its spelling). When a learner encountering a new item, for example perseverance, he or
she might have difficulty of knowing its pronunciation and its spelling. In teaching, we need to
make sure that both aspects are accurately presented and learned.
The grammar of new items will need to be taught if this is not obviously covered by
general grammatical rules. When teaching a new verb, for example, we might give also its parts
form, if this irregular (speak, spoke), and we might not if it is transitive or intransitive.
Similarly, when presenting a noun, it is better also to present its plural form, if irregular (goose,
geese), or put them on attention the fact that it has no plural at all (furniture, information). We
may teach verbs such as need and enjoy together with the verb that follows them ( need to,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

enjoy-ing), or adjectives or verbs together with their following prepositions (interested in,
remind someone of)
The collocation typical of particular items are another factor that makes a particular
combination sound ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in a given context. Collocations can be considered as
memorized whole utterance or phrases (Kweljdu, 1996b). this is another information which is
worth teaching. For example, when introducing decision and conclusion, we give students
information that you take or make the one, but usually make to the other (make/take a
decision and come to a conclusion); similarlay, you throw a ball, and toss a coin. In the
line with this. According to Kweldju (1996b) to develop an idiomatic and natural skill in
English, a learner should have sufficient knowledge of collocational abilities. Thus, she
strongly recommends that collocations should be brought to the learners’ attention and
deliberately learned.

Aspect of Meaning (1); Detonation, Connotation, Appropriateness

Denotation is definition given in a dictionary for example dog denotes a kind of animal
; more specifically, a common, domestic carnivorous mammal. Meanwhile , connotation is the
associations, or positive or negative feelings it gives, which may or may not be indicated in a
dictionary definition. The word dog for instance, as understood by most British people has
positive connotation of friendship and loyalty; whereas in Arabic, as understood by most Arab
people has negative associations of dirt and inferiority.
Appropriateness refers whether a particular item is appropriate or not to use in a certain
context. Thus, it is important for a learner to know that a certain word is very common, or
relatively rare or ‘taboo’ in polite conversation, or tend to be used in writing but not in speech,
or more suitable for formal than informal discourse, or belongs to a certain dialect. For
example, gonna tends to be used informally in speech than going to.

Aspect of meaning (2): Meaning relationship

Students also need to know how the meaning of one items relates to the others. There
are various of such relationship. The main ones, are synonyms (items that mean the same)
antonym (items that means the opposites), hyponyms (items that serve as specific examples of
general concept, e.g. rose, water lily, orchid are hyponyms or flower), Co-hyponyms or co-
ordinates) , super-ordinates (general concepts that ‘cover’ specific items (animal is the super-
ordinate or cat, dog , mouse, lion) translation (words or expressions in the learners’ mother
tongue that are more or less equivalent in meaning to the item being taught.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Word Formation
Vocabulary items (whether one word or multi words) can often be broken down into
their component “bits”. How these bits are put together can be a useful information, especially
a more advanced learner. Perhaps learners need to know the common prefixes, e.g.sub-un, dis-
etc and suffixes, e.g.-able, -tion etc. another way vocabulary items being built is by combining
two words (two nouns, or gerund and a noun, or a noun and a verb) to make one item, for
example swimming pool, bookcase.

Presenting new vocabulary

There are some ways of presenting new vocabulary to foreign language learners. The
following are several ideas taken from Harmer (1991) and Ur (1996) of vocabulary teaching.
1. Presentation
There many occasion when some forms of presentation and/or explanation is the best way to
bring new words into the classroom. There are some ways of doing it, for example (a) realia
(to bring the things they represent into the classroom, e.g. a ball, postcards, brochures, etc.;
(b) pictures (board drawings, wall pictures and charts, flashcards, magazine pictures and any
other non-technical visual representation; (c) demonstration (mime, action and gesture); (d)
contrast/opposites/antonyms. We may present the contrast concepts with pictures or mime; (e)
enumeration ( a sense relation of general and specific words). Teachers can use this to present
meaning. We can say ‘stationary’ and explain this by enumerating or listing various items; (f)
explanation. When teachers explain the meaning of a word, the explanation must include any
facts of word use which are relevant (metaphor, idiom, collocation, style and register); (g)
translation. When teachers present vocabulary by using translation, they should introduce also
its pronunciation which is as important as its structural material. There are a number of ways
of presenting the sounds of words. They are 1) through modeling, the teacher models the word
and then get both choral and individual repetition. She can use gesture, or other, to indicate the
main stress in a word; 2) through visual representation. The teacher writes up the new word on
the board and shows its stress, e.g. gesture, or gesture ; 3) through phonetic symbols, having
the basic knowledge of phonetic symbols will help the students to access pronunciation
information from their dictionaries.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

2. Discovery Techniques
Some of the discovery techniques the teacher can use are matching tasks, matching words to
pictures, ‘mind map’ techniques/vocabulary network, words in context (matching word and
definition activity)
3. Practice
There are also some activities designed to encourage students to use words in an involving
way. They are a) action and gestures, b) bring, take and get (differentiating its uses by filling
in exercises and following practice activity), c) traits of character (discussing the personal
characteristics (good or bad) to find in people, d) using text (discussing the metaphorical use
of language, the use of idioms, language expression of a given text, e) using situation (using
sequences of events in certain well defined situations, e.g. shopping, traveling by air, going to
school, etc); f) headlines. Harmer (1991) believes that the use of headlines of newspaper or
magazines (both real and imagined) are a very good way of providing practice, particularly if
they refer to certain well-defined topic areas. Suppose that students have been studying words
related to families and weddings, they could be asked to write an article to accompany the
I. Dictionary
Dictionary offers one of the best resources for students who wish to increase the number of
words they understand, or at least for students who want to understand what a word is when
they read a text or come across in a conversation. There is nothing wrong with bilingual
dictionary, only that it does not provide with adequate information for the students to be able
to use. Thus, it is strongly suggested that students have a monolingual dictionary. In it there
are many more words than students will ever see in class. There is information about
pronunciation, spelling, word formation, metaphorical and idiomatic use-a whole of a
particular word. However. Teacher should be cautious. It is true that we should encourage the
students to have a sensible dictionary use, but we do not want them to be checking every word
of a reading text in their dictionary when they should be reading for general understanding.

Dictionary Training
The fact that students do not want to use monolingual dictionary is because of language
difficulty. It contains so much information that needed skill to ‘pick up’ one. In Harmer’s
opinion (1991:176). There are three things that we want the students to achieve in dictionary
use; firstly, we want them to remove the fear they may have when faced with the mass of
information in a dictionary. Secondly, we want them to understand that information, and

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thirdly, we want them to make the dictionary a normal and comfortable part of language study
and practice.

Teaching Vocabulary Using Dictionary

Harmer proposes four different activities for vocabulary training:
1. The teacher introduce a new word through reading text. The students are first asked to
read the text. Then the teacher picks a word she wants the student to learn. After that,
she asks the students to find the meaning of the word in a monolingual dictionary.
Knowing there are several meaning of the word in it, the students then are asked to
choose which meaning suitable for the context in the reading text.
2. Next activity involves students in actively discovering what the information in the
dictionary actually means. In this exercise, the students have to deal with a variety of
different information. This can often form a follow up to a reading or listening
3. ‘Write yourself in’ activity. Students are given words which they probably do not know.
They have to look up the word in the dictionary and then write a sentence using the
word and the pronoun ‘I’ or ‘We’. For example, if one word they look up is ‘janitor’, a
sentence like ‘I don’t understand the meaning of ‘janitor’, is not allowed, whereas a
sentence like, ‘I think a janitor is a caretaker of one’s property’ is acceptable. There are
many other dictionary games, such as ‘Call my Bluff’ (originally a BBC TV game)
where a team looks up the correct definition of an obscure word and then invents two
incorrect but plausible definitions. The other team has to guess which is the right
4. Word Consensus. Ask the students to read a text (the teacher has prepared it at home),
then ask them to list the five words they would most like to know the meaning of. When
they have done this, they have to compare their list with a colleague’s. The two have to
agree on five words they would most like to know the meaning of. Now pairs are joined
together and the new groups has to agree on their list. By this stage, many of the original
words have been explained by the other student (s). What the group now end up with is
a list of words which they all really want to know the meaning of. Tell them to find the
words in the dictionary. If the word has multiple meaning, they have to agree on one
correct one based on the context of a the text. They can then write example sentences
much like ‘write yourself in; activity above.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Rather than just learn the vocabulary, students should be able to manipulate words and
be involved with them. For this reason, teacher should give emphasis on discovery activities as
discovery techniques can aid to vocabulary acquisition (Harmer, 1991). Until now, Harmer
believes that a part of the problem in teaching vocabulary lies in the fact that there is no
consensus about which level of vocabulary (word lists) should be taught to the students. This
means that there is no guarantee that the list for one beginners’ syllabus will be similar to the
list for a different set of beginner. However, teachers should not be discouraged. They still can
make their own syllabus based on the students’ need or referring to ‘active’ vocabulary that
students should be able to use. Teachers’ awareness of the importance of vocabulary, combined
with their careful plan and creativity in designing the syllabus can make the teaching of
vocabulary become an interesting and joyful activity instead of the boring one.

Harmer, J. 1991. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman
Kweldju.S. 2000.Lexically Based Language Teaching: Empirical Data. Trend in
Linguistic, and Computer-Assisted Concordancing. Jakarta: Pareksa Bahasa, BPK
Kweldju.S. 1999a.Idealnon-native Teachers are permanent Learners of English
Vocabulary, ELE 5 (1)
Kweldju.S. 1999b.English Department Students’ Collocation Abilities. TEFLIN journal 5
Nagy, William E.1991. Teaching Vocabulary to Improve Reading Comprehension.
Illionis, NCTE
Nuttal, C. 1989. Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language .Oxford : Heinemann
Educational Books Ltd.
Ur. P. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching : Practice and Theory. Cambridge;
Cambridge University Press

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Nonik Indrawatiningsih , Maya Rayungsari


Abstrak: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang

bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran yang valid, praktis,
dan efektif. Prosedur pengembangan ini mengadaptasi dari model
penelitian dan pengembangan (Reseach and Development, R&D) yang
meliputi tahap pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan, dan tahap uji coba.
Hasil penelitian pengembangan ini adalah 1) sintak model pembelajaran
Round Robin Problem Posing (2R2P), 2) buku guru, dan 3) Buku Siswa.
Hasil validasi terhadap produk pengembangan adalah valid. Kepraktisan
model pembelajaran inidilihat dari keterlaksanaan dari setiap langkah-
langkah model pembelajaran 2R2P dan dikategorikan baik. Keefektifan
model pembelajaran ini dilihat dari adanya peningkatan aktivitas belajar
siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat peningkatan aktivitas siswa
baik kelompok maupun individu,sehingga disimpulkan model
pembelajaran 2R2P efektif.

Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran, Round Robin, Problem Posing.

Permasalahan belajar yang masih sering muncul yaitu pembelajaran klasikal yang
masih banyak diterapkan disekolah-sekolah SD, SMP, maupun SMA, yang masih menganggap
siswa memiliki kemampuan, gaya belajar, dan kecepatan pemahaman yang sama (Sanjaya,
2009). Berdasarkan observasi menunjukkan bahwa siswa membutuhkan inovasi yang
berkualitas dan menarik, untuk menangani siswa-siswa yang pasif. Ini terlihat ketika observer
sedang mengamati proses berlangsungnya pembelajaran di kelas. Selain itu permasalahan lain
yang muncul selama observasi yaitu pemilihan model dan metode yang terpaku pada guru yang
aktif didepan kelas, sehingga berakibat pada siswa yang sering gaduh selama proses
pembelajaran berlangsung. Untuk membuat siswa lebih aktif selama di kelas dibutuhkan
pembelajaran yang aktif dengan memberikan peranan yang tepat kepada siswa selama di kelas,
salah satunya pembelajaran kooperatif.
Menurut Trianto(2009), pembelajaran kooperatif merupakan pembelajaran aktif yang
dapat mengajak siswa untuk belajar lebih aktif dan tidak monoton hanya menjadi pendengar

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dan pasif selama kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung. Dalam pembelajaran kooperatif
sendiri terdapat perpaduan yang mampu membenahi tingkat pemahaman siswa, yaitu
perpaduan strategi pembelajaran. Menurut Richard (2008) pembelajaran kooperatif merupakan
sebuah model pengajaran yang berupaya membantu siswa untuk mempelajari isi akademis dan
berbagai keterampilan untuk mencapaian berbagai sasaran dan tujuan sosial. Tujuan sosial
yang dalam pembelajaran matematika ini terletak pada keinginan siswa untuk membantu
teman-teman sebaya dalam penyelesaian soal matematika. Oleh karena itu, untuk mencapai
tingkatan tersebut peneliti ingin mengembangkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Round
Robin dimana siswadalam kelompok kecil terlibat dalam strukturdiskusi yang mendorong
setiap siswauntuk menyumbangkan ide-ide dan informasi.Round Robin dapat digunakanuntuk
mengembangkan dan menyarankan solusi untuk masalah atau tantangan dan berbagi
interpretasi ataupemahaman konsep. Round Robin juga mengharuskan siswa untuk
mempersiapkan atauberlatih berkontribusi untuk membangun ide-ide yang dimiliki siswa
(Teacher Companion, 2002).
Adanya model ini juga memunculkan sebuah inovasi yang baru dalam penyampaian
pembelajaran matematika agar tidak lagi monoton dan jenuh. Pada beberapa kasus penelitian
pembelajaran matematika permasalahan yang muncul adapada hasil belajar siswa, strategi
pembelajaran, model pembelajaran, media dan prasana yang kurang mendukung
berlangsungnya proses pembelajaran.Salah satu pendukung keberhasilan model pembelajaran
adalah adanya pendekatan yang akan membantu keberhasilan pemilihan model pembelajaran.
Pengertian pendekatan Sanjaya ( 2009 : 58) bahwa pendekatan bersifat filosofis paradigmatik,
yang mendasari aplikasi strategi dan metode. Pendekatan merupakan pola/cara berpikir atau
dasar pandangan terhadap sesuatu. Pendekatan dapat di implementasikan dalam sejumlah
strategi, dengan memperhatikan kemampuan dasar dan teori pokok secara rinci yang memuat
metode pembelajaran, alokasi waktu, dan indikator dalam pembelajaran. Adapun faktor
pendukung pendekatan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Round Robin agar berlangsung secara
maksimal antara lain dengan pendekatanproblem posing.Permasalahan pembelajaran ini
diperkuat berdasarkan rujukan penelitian Xia, Xiaogang (2008) bahwa problem posing dapat
membangkitkan minat siswa. Selain itu menurut Sriraman, Bharath (2011) bahwa problem
posing dapat meningkatkan kreativitas siswa dalam pengajaran matematika.
Menurut Silver (dalam Hajar, 2001), implementasi pembelajaran dengan
pendekatanproblem posingmenekankan siswa untuk mengajukan pertanyaan sendiri atau
memecahkan suatu soal menjadi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang lebih sederhana yang mengacu
pada penyelesaian soal tersebut. Problem posing merupakan upaya memperoleh solusi masalah

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dengan menerapkan pengetahuan matematika dan melibatkan keterampilan siswa berpikir dan
bernalar. Dalam pembelajaran matematika, problem posing dapat digunakan sebagai konteks
untuk mengajarkan suatu pengetahuan matematika (konsep atau prinsip) dengan tujuan utama
dari proses ini adalah siswa memahami konsep matematika. Selain itu juga merupakan
keterampilan yang ditunjukkan melalui kemampuan untuk memperoleh solusi dari masalah
yang dihadapi oleh siswa.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan dari Sukmadinata (2010)
dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut. Pertama, studi pendahuluan, yang meliputi observasi
proses pembelajaran di sekolah, kondisi siswa pada saat proses pembelajaran dan bahan ajar
yang digunakanoleh guru dan siswa dilanjutkan dengan studi pustaka. Kedua, tahap
pengembangan model, yang meliputimembuat (1) sintaks model pembelajaran; (2) bahan ajar
yang disebut dengan buku siswa, didalamnya terdapat lembar kegiatan siswa beserta latihan-
latihan soal; dan (3) buku guru yang di dalamnya terdapat sintaks, rencana pelaksanaan
pembelajaran (RPP), perangkat penilaian dan buku guru. Setelah itu mengkonsultasikan yang
telah didesain kepada para ahli/ validator. Ketiga, tahap uji model, yang meliputi
mengkonsultasikan instrumen kepada validator dan melakukan uji coba lapangan untuk
mendapatkan perbaikan.
Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa lembar validasi, serta
lembar pengamatan aktivitas siswa dan guru. Data yang telah diperolehmenggunakan
ketentuan sebagai berikut: (a) Menguji kevalidan model 2R2P, terdiri dari konstruksi model
dan komponen pendukung berupa RPP dan Bahan ajar yaitu buku panduan guru dan buku
siswa. (b) Menguji kepraktisan model pembelajaran 2R2P. Kepraktisan model pembelajaran
ini dapat dilihat dari keterlaksanaan dari setiap langkah-langkah model pembelajaran 2R2P
yang dapat dilihat dari lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru. (c) Menguji keefektifan model
pembelajaran 2R2P. Keefektifan model pembelajaran ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan
aktivitas siswa baik kelompok maupun individu.

Hasil pengembangan model pembelajaran 2R2P ini meliputi: deskripsi pengembangan
model pembelajaran 2R2P, hasil uji kevalidan produk pengembangan model pembelajaran
2R2P,hasil uji kepraktisan model 2R2P, danhasil uji efektifitas model 2R2P.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Deskripsi Pengembangan Model 2R2P

Produk yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah model 2R2P yang mencakup: (1)
sintak dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), antara lain: pembentukan kelompok,
penyajian masalah, pembuatan soal setiap siswa, penukaran hasil pembuatan soal kepada
kelompok lain, pengerjaan soal yang telah diterima setiap siswa dari kelompok lain,
pengembalian soal kepada si pembuat soal, proses diskusi antara si pembuat soal dan si
penjawab soal, pembahasan soal yang sudah dikerjakan siswa;(2) bahan ajar yang disebut
dengan buku siswa, didalamnya terdapat lembar kegiatan siswa, soal latihan; dan (3) buku
panduan guru yang didalamnya terdapat sintak, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP),
perangkat penilaian, dan buku siswa yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban soal.
Sintaks model 2R2P dibangun berdasarkan kerangka teori CooperativeLearning,
Konstruktivisme, dan Problem posing. Secara operasional sintaks model 2R2P diwujudkan
dalam bentuk rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP). Berdasarkan sintaks yang
dikembangkan, dilanjutkan dengan penyusunan draf bahan ajar, lembar kegiatan siswa, dan
perangkat penilaian. Selanjutnya draf sintaks, draf bahan ajar, draf lembar kegiatan siswa, dan
draf perangkat penilaian disebut Draf Model 2R2P.
Draf model 2R2P divalidasi oleh 2 orang, yaitu: satu orang ahli matematika dan satu
orang ahli pendidikan matematika. Validasi ini dimaksudkan untuk menilai kelayakan dan
keselarasan sintaks dengan RPP, kelayakan dan keselarasan antara buku siswa dan buku
panduan guru. Hasil validasi ahli digunakan untuk merevisi RPP, buku siswa dan buku panduan

Hasil Uji Kevalidan Produk Pengembangan Model 2R2P

Hasil uji kevalidan produk pengembangan ini antara lain: (a)RPP, yang meliputi
beberapa komponen yaitu: Kesesuaian SK dan KD, kesesuaian/keterkaitan RPP dengan buku
siswa, kejelasan identitas RPP, langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang mencerminkan sintaks
model 2R2P, keruntutan langkah-langkah pembelajaran, kecukupan alokasi waktu dalam
pembelajaran serta kebakuan dan kejelasan bahasa. Rata-rata hasil penilaian RPP oleh
Validator adalah 82,5%dan dikategorikan valid. (b) Bahan Ajar, yang meliputibuku siswa dan
buku panduan guru. Di dalam buku siswa sudah mencakup lembar kegiatan siswa (baik secara
kelompok maupun individu) dan soal-soal latihan.Rata-rata hasil penilaian Bahan Ajar oleh
Validator adalah 83,25% dan dikategorikan valid. (c) lembar aktivitas, yang meliputi lembar
pengamatan aktivitas guru, dan lembar pengamatan aktivitas siswa (baik secara individu
maupun kelompok). Lembar validasi pengamatan aktivitas termasuk dalam kategori valid

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dengan persentase rata-rata untuk lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru adalah 85% dan skor rata-
rata lembar pengamatan aktivitas siswa adalah 82,5%.

Hasil Uji Kepraktisan Model 2R2P

Uji kepraktisan dapat diketahui dari keterlaksanaan dari setiap langkah-langkah model
pembelajaran 2R2P yang dapat dilihat dari lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru. Adapun rata-
rata hasil pengamatan aktivitas guru oleh 2 orang observer pada pertemuan pertama adalah
79,5% dan termasuk dalam kategori cukup baik, pada pertemuan kedua 83% dan termasuk
dalam kategori baik, pada pertemuan ketiga adalah 86,5% dan termasuk dalam kategori baik.
Setiap langkah pada sintaks pembelajaran 2R2P dapat dilakukan dengan baik, sehingga model
ini praktis (layak) untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas.

Hasil Uji Efektifitas Model 2R2P

Untuk mengetahui keefektifan produk yang dikembangkan dapat dilihat dari adanya
peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung baik secara
kelompok maupun individu. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut
Tabel 1. Rata-rata Aktivitas Kelompok dan Individu secara Klasikal
Aktivitas Siswa Pertemuan
P1 P2 P3
Kelompok 74% 83% 89%
Individu 76% 80% 84%

Dari kedua tabel di atas terlihat bahwa ada peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa secara
berkelompok, yaitu untuk pertemuan I ke pertemuan II sebesar 9 %, sedangkan dari pertemuan
II ke pertemuan III sebesar 6% dan secara individu, yaitu untuk pertemuan I ke pertemuan II
sebesar 4% , sedangkan dari pertemuan II ke pertemuan III sebesar 4 % sehingga dapat
disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran 2R2P efektif untuk diterapkan di kelas

Setelah melalui berbagai langkah dalam pengembangan model 2R2P diperoleh bentuk
akhir model 2R2P pelajaran Matematika materi SPLDV untuk siswa SMP kelas VIII semester
1 dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut.1) Telah dikembangkan model pembelajaran Round Robin

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Problem Posing (2R2P) melalui tiga tahap, yaitu tahap pendahuluan, tahap pengembangan dan
tahap uji produk. Tahap pendahuluan meliputi observasi proses pembelajaran di sekolah
dilanjutkan dengan studi pustaka. Tahap pengembangan meliputi membuat (a) sintaks, rencana
pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), dan perangkat penilaian; (b) bahan ajar yang disebut dengan
buku siswa, didalamnya terdapat lembar kegiatan siswa beserta latihan-latihan soal; dan (c)
buku panduan guru yang di dalamnya terdapat sintaks, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran
(RPP), perangkat penilaian dan buku guru. Setelah itu mengkonsultasikan yang telah didesain
kepada pembimbing. Tahap uji coba produk meliputi mengkonsultasikan instrumen kepada
validator dan melakukan uji coba lapangan untuk mendapatkan perbaikan. 2) Berkaitan dengan
kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan dari pengembangan model pembelajaran 2R2P antara
lain sebagai berikut: (a) Kevalidan model 2R2P, terdiri dari konstruksi model dan komponen
pendukung berupa RPP dan Bahan ajar yaitu buku panduan guru dan buku siswa.
Berdasarkan penilaian validator, konstruksi model 2R2P sudah sesuai dengan teori
kooperatif, konstruktivisme, dan problem posing. sedangkan untuk hasil validasi komponen
pendukung yang berupa RPP dan bahan ajar, antara lain: RPP dengan rata-rata 82,5% dengan
kriteria valid. Sedangkan hasil validasi panduan guru dan buku siswa diperoleh persentase rata-
rata 83,25% dengan kriteria valid. (b) Kepraktisan model pembelajaran 2R2P. Kepraktisan
model pembelajaran ini dapat dilihat dari keterlaksanaan dari setiap langkah-langkah model
pembelajaran 2R2P yang dapat dilihat dari lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru.
Adapun rata-rata hasil pengamatan aktivitas guru oleh para observer adalah 85%
dengan kategori baik, sehingga model pembelajaran 2R2P ini praktis untuk diterapkan di kelas.
(c) Keefektifan model pembelajaran 2R2P. Keefektifan model pembelajaran ini dapat dilihat
dari adanya peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa baik secara individu maupun kelompok.
Peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa secara kelompok, yaitu untuk pertemuan I ke pertemuan II
sebesar 9 %, sedangkan dari pertemuan II ke pertemuan III sebesar 6 % dan secara individu,
yaitu untuk pertemuan I ke pertemuan II sebesar 4 % , sedangkan dari pertemuan II ke
pertemuan III sebesar 4 % sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran 2R2P
efektif untuk diterapkan di kelas.

Berdasarkan simpulan di atas, maka saran yang diajukan adalah sebagai
berikut.Dikembangkan pada materi dan mata pelajaran lain agar diperoleh informasi tentang
keefektifan dan keterterapan model pembelajaran 2R2P. Pengembangan model pembelajaran

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

selanjutnya dapat juga disertai dengan CD penerapan pembelajaran sehingga dapat lebih
mudah dipahami guru secara lebih luas.

Anthony, G. 2006. Active Learning in a Constructivist Framework. Journal of
Educational Studies in Mathematics 31: 349-369.
Babakhani, N. 2011.The effect of teaching the cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies(self-
instruction procedure) on verbal math problem-solvingperformance of primary school
students with verbalproblem- solving difficulties. Procedia Social and Behavioral
Sciences.(2011) 563–570
Borg and Gall. 1983. Research and Development. New York: Longman.
Bonotto, Cinzia. 2010. Engaging Students in Mathematical Modelling and Problem
PosingActivities. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application.2010, Vol. 1,
No. 3, 18-32.
Cai, Jinfa. 2008. An Investigation of u.s. and Chinese Students' Mathematical Problem
Posing and Problem Solving. Mathematics Education Research Journal. 2008, Vol.
10, No.1, 37-50.
Cankoy, Osman. 2010. Effect of a Problem Posing Based Problem Solving Instruction on
Understanding Problem.Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. H. U.
Journal of Education. 38: 11-24 (2010).
Carlsen,Martin. 2010. Appropriating geometric series as a cultural tool: a study of student
collaborative learning. Mathematics Education Research Journal. 2010, 74:95–116.
Christine, Carrubba. 2011. Round Robin Reading: Is there justification for its use or are there
better alternatives available for oral reading instruction?. College of William and
Mary Williamsburg, VA.
Crespo, Sandra. 2008. What makes a problem mathematically interesting?Inviting
prospective teachers to pose better problems. J Math Teacher Educ. 11:395–415.
Joyce, Bruce. 2003. Model of Teaching. New Delhi: Asoke K. Ghosh.
Kellough, Richard. 2008. Active Learning: Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif. New Jersey: Prentice
Kesan, Cenk. 2010. A The Effect of Problem Posing Approach to the Gifted Student’s
Mathematical Abilities.International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.2010, 2
(3), 677-687.
Kojima, Kasuaki. 2008.A System that Facilitates Diverse Thinking in
ProblemPosing.International Online Journal of Educational Sciences.2010, vol.18.
Lin, Pijen. 2004. Supporting Teachers on Designing Problem Posing Tasks as A Tool of
Assesment to Understand Students Mathematical Learning. J Math Teacher
Mahmudi, Ali. 2008. Pembelajaran Problem Possing untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan
Pemecahan Masalah Matematika. Makalah disajikan pada seminar Nasional
Pengajaran Sekolah Menengah. Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008. Yogyakarta: FMIPA
UNY. (On-line), (, diakses 23 Mei 2013).
Mayer, Richard E. 2008. Learning and Instruction. New Jersley : Pearson.
Nitko, A.J. 1989. Designing Tests that are Integrated with Instruction. London: Collier
Macmillan Publisher.
Pandey, D. 2010. Improved Round Robin Policy a Mathematical Approach. International
Journal on Computer Science and Engineering.Vol. 02, No. 04, 2010, 948-954.
Patricia R.Kelly. 2005. Round Robin Reading Considering Alternative Instructional Practices
That Make More Sense. Reading Horizons, volume 36,#2.

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Sanjaya, Wina. 2009. Strategi Pembelajaran: Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan.

Jakarta: Kencana.
Silver, Edward. 2009. What makes a problem mathematically interesting?Inviting prospective
teachers to pose better problems. J Math Teacher Educ. 11:395–415
Sukmadinata, Nana. 2009. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Rosdakarya.
Sriraman, Bharath. 2011. An Analysis of High School Students’ Mathematical Problem
Posing in China and the United States. Illinois State University.
Teacher Companion. 2002. Teaching/Learning Companion. Ontario: Ministry of Education.
Tomoto, Takahito. 2010. A Learning Environment for Solution-based Problem-Posing in
Multi-Digit Subtraction. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on
Computers in Education. Putrajaya, Malaysia:Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in
Trianto. 2009. Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif- Progresif. Jakarta: Predana Media.
Xia, Xiaogang. 2008. Research on Mathematics Instruction Experiment Based Problem
Posing. Journal of Mathematics Education. December 2008, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.153-
Zakaria, Effandi. 2011.A Preliminary Analysis of Students’ Problem-Posing Ability and its
Relationship to Attitudes Towards Problem Solving. Research Journal of Applied
Sciences, Engineering and Technology 3(9): 866-870, 2011.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Olief Ilmandira Ratu Farisi,Gulpi Qorik Oktagalu Pratamasunu, R. Abi Mayu Bie
Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nurul Jadid, Probolinggo-Indonesia,,

Abstract:Three-dimensional shape is one of mathematics’ subject which is

learned about an object that has volume. It is introduced in elementary school.
To help students in imaging 3D shape in textbook which is presented as 2D, we
develop a mobile augmented reality. An augmented reality turns the
environment into a digital interface by placing virtual objects in the real world,
in real-time.The augmented reality can be utilized to visualize the object of 3D
shape. By using it, students can imagine 3D shape and learn its properties such
as face, edge, and vertex as well the formula of volume and surface area
independently anywhere and anytime. Furthermore, it can create effective and
fun learning activities.

Keywords: mobile application, augmented reality, three-dimensional shape.

Three-dimensional shape (3D shape) is one of mathematics’ subject which is learned
about an object that has height, width, and depth. A 3D shape is useful in daily life. It can be
used for interior design, for instance. Designing interior requires mathematics solution,
especially 3D shape, to calculate the area and volume of an object.
3D shape is introduced in elementary school. Based on Piaget’s theory of cognitive
development, a student in elementary school is classified in concrete operational stage. During
this stage, they start solving problems logically, but understanding an abstract concept has not
yet been completely adapted. Therefore, they have difficulties to imagine 3D shape which is
presented as 2D shape in their textbook.
A model can be used to visualize the object of 3D shape. One of a model which can be
utilized isan augmented reality technology. An augmented reality turns the environment into a
digital interface by placing virtual objects in the real world, in real-time. By using augmented
reality, a 3D shape which is presented as 2D shape, can be visualize in 3D objects. Hence, it is
very helpful to introduce a 3D shape subject for elementary students.
Related work about augmented reality is conducted by Ghaisani, et al (2012). They developed
augmented reality-based learning mathematics for first-year elementary students on Android.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Other research has been done by Rusnandi, et al (2016). They implemented augmented reality
on modeling 3D shape for elementary students.In other work, Larsen, et al (2011) and Owen,
et al (2011) has conducted a research and concluded that augmented reality can increase
students’ interest in learning sciences.
In this paper, we develop a mobile augmented reality for helping students in understanding 3D
shape and its properties. By using a mobile, students can observe a 3D object and its properties
anywhere and anytime independently. In addition, the use of augmented reality technology
media can attract students in learning 3D shapes.

Three-dimensional (3D) shape is a mathematics’ model of an object which has a
volume. In other word, it has length, width, and depth. Some of 3D shapes are showed at Figure
1. A box usually modeled by a cube or a cuboid, a can is presented by a cylinder, and a ball is
an example of sphere.

Figure 1. Some of 3D shapes

A 3D shapes have some attributes such as face, edges, and vertices that is presented by
Figure 2. Faces is the flat surfaces of 3D shape. The line segment where two faces meet is
called an edge. A vertex is a point where three faces meet. Cube and cuboid have 6 faces, 12
edges, and 8 vertices. Square based pyramid has 5 faces, 8 edges, and 5 vertices. Sphere only
has 1 face with no vertex and edges.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Figure 2. Face, edge, and vertex of 3D shape

Since 3D shape has faces, we can calculate the surface area of the 3D shape. Surface
area is the sum of all the areas of all the shapes that cover the surface of the object. For example,
cube has 6 square faces. So, the surface area of the cube is 6 × 𝑠 where𝑠 is the length of the
In general, to find the volume, 3D shapes can be classified into prism, pyramid, and sphere.
Prism is a 3D shape with two congruent parallel faces, where any cross-section parallel to those
faces is congruent to them. Triangular prism, cube, and cuboid are an example of prism.
Pyramid is a 3D shape that has a base and three or more triangular faces that meet at a point
above the base (the apex). While a sphere is 3D shape where all of the points in the surface
have the same distance with the center point. Equation (1), (2), and (3) are the formula of
volume of prism, pyramid, and sphere, respectively.
𝑉=𝐴 𝑑 (1)

𝑉= 𝐴 𝑑 (2)

𝑉= 𝑟 (3)

where 𝑉 is the volume of 3D shape, 𝐴 is the area of base, 𝑑 is the depth of 3D shape, while
𝑟 is the radius of the sphere.

Augmented Reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user's
environment such as image, animation, voice, and smell in real time. It uses the existing
environment and overlays new information on top of it.The AR adds digital imagery and data
to supplement views of the real world, giving users more information about their environments.
Figure 3 showed the utilization of AR.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Figure 3. The utilization of augmented reality technology

The AR applications are written in special 3D programs that allow the developer to tie
animation or contextual digital information in the computer program to an augmented reality
"marker" in the real world. When a computing device's AR app or browser plug-in receives
digital information from a known marker, it begins to execute the marker's code and layer the
correct image or images.

Figure 4. The architecture of augmented reality

In general, the algorithm for inserting virtual objects to augmented reality technology
begins with the detection of interest point on images captured by the camera. From the interest
point, coordinates are obtained and will be used to set the position and rotation when adding a
virtual object. This process is shown by Figure 4 (Liarokapis, 2002).


International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The stages in developing a mobile augmented reality for introducingthree-dimensional

shapes and its propertiesare structured as Figure 5.First stage of this research is observing how
learning activity in studying three-dimensional shapes in the school.The problem arise is
students have difficulties to imagine 3D shape in the textbook. From the problem, the second
stage is planning to develop a media that can help students to understand about 3D shape.
Hence, we develop a mobile augmented reality for introducing 3D shapes and its properties.









Figure 5. Stages in developing a mobile augmented reality for introducing three-dimensional
shapes and its properties

The next stage is collecting initial data requirements. In this development of mobile
augmented reality, we collecta subject about 3D shape and some references about augmented
reality. The data will be synthesized as a basis in system design.
The design of this media development is design of interactive applications in learning 3D
shapesby using augmented reality technology. The design of this system includes three
important aspects: (1) making 3D objects of 3D shapes (2) designing user interface and (3)
designing of AR-based system flow. The result of design system will be implemented into
Unity software by combining the result of the three aspects of the design system.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Before publishing the media, it is necessary to test the program. This process’s aims to find out
the errors in the presentation of subjects or other errors that can interfere the learning process.
If there are some errors on the system, it is necessary to revise the program. After revising
process, do testing again. Itis continuously done until the system meets the development goals.

In the process of developing augmented reality-based learning media, it takes some
software support,such as Unity and SketchUp software. Unity is used to develop augmented
reality-based application.SketchUpis used to design 3D object of 3D shapes. In addition,
developing of this media used a computer with specifications Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7
CPU 2.20 GHz and 4.00 GB RAM. This application runs on a smartphone with minimum
specification Android version 4.0.

Figure 6 The design of user interface of main menu

User interface is designed based on the needs of AR-based learning applications that
are translated into menus which support the input, process, and output. Since this application
runs on a mobile, we designed the user interface simply. The design of user interface is shown
by Figure 6. There are 5 buttons for face, edge, vertex, volume, and surface area. There are
spaces for displaying the name of the shape, the augmented reality of the shape, and the
After design stage, we developed the user interface of main menu. In initial appearance
of main menu, there is an instruction to scan the marker as shown by Figure 7. First, to get the
augmented reality of 3D shapes, we have to prepare the markers, so that the application can
detect the correct 3D shape. For an example, Figure 8 show the marker of cube. Place the

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

smartphone right above the marker then the augmented reality of 3D shapes will appear as
shown by Figure 9. We can move the smartphone slowly to observe the 3D shapes from any

Figure 7 The user interface of main menu

In Figure 9, the application detected cube from the marker. If the option edge and
volume are selected, then the application displays all the edges of the cube and the formula of

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

cube’s volume. The display of augmented reality that show the edges and the formula of cube’s
volume also be seen at Figure 10.

Figure 8 The display of the marker

Figure 9. The display of the augmented reality for showing the edges and the formula of
volume of cube

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Figure 10. A mobile augmented reality for 3D shape displays edges of cube

Figure 11. A mobile augmented reality for 3D shape displays faces of cube

Figure 10 and Figure 11 showed that the 3D shapes which presented as 2D shape in
textbook can be visualized as real object. Moreover, we can explore the augmented reality for
introducing the attributes of 3D shapes, such as face, edge, and vertex. We also add some
information about the formula of the volume and the surface area of the shape. It is very useful

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

to help students in learning 3D shapes. By using this application, learning activities in class
will be interesting and efficient.

Based on the development results, an augmented reality can be utilized in education,
especially for a subject that requires the ability to imagine an object, such as three-dimensional
shape. This mobile augmented reality works on a smartphone with minimum specification
Android version 4.0. can be used as media to introduced 3D shape. Teacher can create an
effective and fun learning activities. It also can be useful, interesting, and can improve students’
learning motivation in studying mathematics. Students can learn 3D shape about some 3D
shapes, the attributes, and related formula independently.

Ghaisani, P.A., Sarwosri, and Hariadi, R.R. 2012. Rancang Bangun AplikasiPembelajaran
Matematika Untuk Siswa Kelas Satu Sekolah Dasar MenggunakanAugmented Reality
Berbasis Android. Final project of Department of Informatics, Faculty of Technology
and Information, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
Liarokapis, Fotis. 2002. Multimedia Augmented Reality Interface for E-learning (MARIE).
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, Vol. 1. No. 2.
Larsen, Yelva C., Buchholz, Hagen, and Brosda, Constantin. 2011. Evaluation of A Portable
and Interactive Augmented Reality Learning System by Teachers and Students.
Augmented Reality in Education. EDEN – 2011 Open Classroom Conference.
Rusnandi, E., Sujadi, H., and Fauzyah, E.F.N. 2015. Implementasi Augmented Reality (AR)
pada Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Pemodelan Bangun Ruang 3D untuk
Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Infotech Journal, Vol. 1. No. 2.
Owen, Martin, Owen, Sue, Barajas, Mario, dan Trifonova, Anna. 2011. Pedagogic Issues and
Questions from the Science Centre to Go, Augmented Reality, Project
Implementation. Augmented Reality in Education, EDEN - 2011 Open Classroom
http://www.mathopenref.comaccessed at 16 July 17, 2017. at 16 July 17, 2017.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Rasyidah Nur Aisyah
STKIP PGRI PASURUAN, East Java, Indonesia

Abstract: Reading is a crucial skill for both English as a Second

Languange (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. To
develop the students’ reading ability, Two Stay Two Stray strategy
becomes an alternative solution to be used in teaching. This research is
aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the Two Stay Two Stray
Strategy in teaching reading comprehension and the interaction between
the Two Stay Two Stray Stray Strategy and students’ learning styles. This
research is quasi-factorial design with posttest-only design. The students’
reading comprehension achievement is obtained from a reading
comprehension test while students’ learning style is identified using
learning style questionnaires.The data analysis used in this research in
non-parametric statistics, Mann-Whitney and ANOVA. This is because
one of statistical assumptions is not fulfilled, normality assumption. In
this research, the purpose of employing ANOVA is to investigate the
interaction between students’ reading achievement and learning styles.
The result of Mann-Whitney test demonstrates that p-value is greater than
the level of significance α = 0.05 (0.158 > 0.05) which means that Ho1
cannot be rejected. In other words, there is no difference in reading
comprehension achievement between students taught by using Two Stay
Two Stray Strategy and those taught by using Pair Wok Strategy.

Key Words:Two Stay Two Stray Strategy, Pair work Strategy, reading
comprehension, students learning style

Contextual teaching and learning (CTL) is an approach to teaching in which the
materials and the activities are based on the students’ prior knowledge. It engages the students
in significant activities that help them connect academic studies to their context in real-life
situations. By making these connections, the students see meaning in schoolwork. When the
students formulate projects or identify interesting problems, when they make choices and
accept responsibility, search out information and reach conclusion, when they actively choose,
order, organize, touch, plan, investigate, question, and make decisions to reach objectives, they
connect academic content to the context of life’s situation, and in this way, they discover
meaning. The discovery of meaning is the central characteristic of CTL (Johnson, 2002:3-4).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

On this ground, the researcher thinks that it is necessary to conduct a research to get a
true picture of another method in teaching and learning process. And CTL has actually been
promoted by educational experts since the competency-based curriculum was first
implemented. CTL is an approach, the learning which includes in CTL are Direct Instructions,
Cooperative learning, Problem based Instruction. Cooperative learning is one of characteristic
of CTL which is learning community. There are many kinds of methods in cooperative
learning. The researcher chooses two stay two stray strategy in her research.
Teaching reading comprehension by means of Cooperative Learning Strategy requires
students to talk and share the information in the text with the members of their groups. It also
provides the students with analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating the written text by making
referential questions, such as; “how do you know” or “why do you think so” questions. These
questions stimulate the students to think critically, to share their ideas, or to agree or disagree.
As a result, verbal summaries can be carried out by letting the students perform or report what
they have done at the end of class.
Respecting to Two Stay Two Stray Strategy, it is one of cooperative learning strategy
which has been investigated its effects on students’ learning achievement. Empirically, Tow
Stay Two Stray is a modified form from One Stays Two Stray, as well as One Stays Three
Stray, and so on. One Stays Three Stray is recommended by some expert to be employed in
teaching process, as Crawford et al. (2005:64) stated that One Stays Three Stray can be fun for
the students, because it has the students move around, and exposes them to other faces. Students
enjoy being interviewed, and they also enjoy telling their table mates what they have learned
when they visit the other groups. If the procedure is set up properly, students can learn to move
around quickly to their new places. Jacobs et al. (1996) proposed One Stay Two Stray as the
optional of group form.
Regardless of its formulation, Stay and Stray offers a low-threat forum where students
can exchange ideas and build social skills such as asking probing questions. It also offers
students the opportunity to learn by teaching. It gives a description that learning also can occur
within the community, not just with instructor (Jacobs, 1996).
Moreover, employing Two Stay Two Stray Strategy in teaching Reading, the teacher
assigned an integrated teaching and learning activity with four English skills namely reading,
speaking, listening, and writing. The four skills require the students to do much reading,
speaking, listening, and writing activities in one meeting. The students accomplish the four
skills through four practices specifically Group Discussion, Group Exchanging, Group
Work, and Individual Work. In Group Discussion, the students are divided into groups which

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

consisted of 4 students. Each group is given different subtopic/paragraph. Every student in

group read the subtopic/paragraph given then discusses the content of the text to the members
of her/his group.

The objective of this research was aimed at investigating the effectiveness of Two Stay
Two Stray strategy in teaching reading comprehension. In other words, the objectives of the
research were: (1) to analyze whether there is a difference in the students’ reading
comprehension taught by the Two Stay Two Stray strategy and the Pair Work strategy. (2) to
analyze whether there is a difference of students’ reading comprehension with different
learning styles. (3) to analyze whether there is an interaction between the Two Stay Two Stray
strategy and students with different learning styles.
This research is quasi-factorial design with posttest-only design. The population in this
research is 334 second semester of eight grades at SMP Negeri 1 Tongas Probolinggo East
Java. The sample of this research is class F consisting 43 students, as the experimental group,
and class E consisting of 41 students, as the control group. The students’ reading
comprehension achievement is obtained from a reading comprehension test while students’
learning style is identified using learning style questionnaires.
The variable in this research consisted of dependent and independent variables. The dependent
variable in this research was students’ reading comprehension achievement. The independent
variables consist of instructional methods and learning styles. The instructional methods were
divided into the Two Stay Two Stray strategy and the Pair Work strategy while learning styles
were categorized into three: auditory, visual and kinesthetic. Further, the researcher embedded
attributes variables into this research by assigning subjects to groups based on such existing
variables. The independent variables of either type were known as factors.
There were three instruments used in this research. The instrument that is used in this
study is reading comprehension test and two sets of questionnaires. The first instrument, a
reading comprehension test, was constructed to investigate normality, homogeneity, and
students’ reading comprehension after treatment.
The second instrument, students’ learning style, was adapted from Cohen’s (2002)
Learning Style Survey due to the appropriateness of the content, easier calculation and
practicability, and was aimed at classifying students into different learning style: the auditory
learning style, the visual learning style, the kinesthetic learning style. The third instrument,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

attitude questionnaire, was constructed to find out students’ attitude towards the Two Stay Two
Stray strategy. Table 3.3 shows the function of each instrument.

Table 1. Research Instruments and Variables to Measure

No. Instruments Variables to Measure Function
1 Posttest Students’ reading skill after To test the assumptions and
Treatment statistical hypotheses
2 Questionnaire for the Students’ learning style To classify students’
Students’ learning style learning style
3 Questionnaire for the Students’ attitude towards As the follow up activities to
Students attitude TSTS strategy support the result of the

In order to support the data, two questionnaires were employed to the students. The first
questionnaire was used to investigate students’ learning styles. The second questionnaire was
used to identify students’ attitude towards the TSTS strategy. The questionnaire for students’
learning styles was distributed to both treatment and control groups, while the questionnaire
for students’ attitude was distributed only to the experimental group.
Data analysis was aimed at testing the research hypothesis. The data were obtained from
student’s reading comprehension test, posttest, consisted of 20 items. The scoring was
dichotomous, in which a student’s correct answer was scored 1 and a student’s wrong answer
was scored 0. The scoring procedure was students’ correct answers were divided by the total
items times 100 equal to students’ total score.
In this research, the data gained from posttest was organized and summarized by using
descriptive statistics. After that, the data was statistically computed by using inferential
statistics to test the hypothesis. Further, the data gained from the learning style questionnaire
was analyzed and interpreted by using Cohen’s et al. (2005) scoring procedure, while the data
gained from the attitude questionnaire was analyzed by interpreting students’ total scores in
answering each item.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The posttest results of the experimental group and the control group were the main data
in this research. The posttest results were in the form of score obtained from the reading
comprehension test which was assigned to both the experimental group and the control group.
The test was administered after the experimental group accomplished the treatment and the
control group had the same meetings as the experimental group.

Table 2. Posttest Score Summary of the Experimental Group and the Control Group
Experimental Group Control Group
N 43 41
Mean 60 57.8
Std. Deviation 8.151 7.804
Minimum (score) 45 40
Maximum (score) 80 75
Table 2 demonstrated that among 43 students of the experimental group, the maximum
score was 80 and the minimum score was 45, while among 32 students of the control group,
the maximum score was 75 and the minimum score was 40. Further, the result of the
computation demonstrated that the mean score of the experimental group was 60, while the
mean score of the control group was 57.68. In this case, the experimental group and the control
group were different in terms of its maximum score, its minimum score, and its mean.
Further, Figure 1 showed the distribution frequency of the posttest score of the experimental


F 12
q 8
u Posttest Score
n 4
y 2
45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Figure 1 the Distribution Frequency of the Posttest Score of the Experimental Group

The data obtained from posttest of the control group also was organized in the table of
distribution frequency. The aim was to find out the three indexes in statistics: mean, median,
and mode.
Table 3 the Result of the Computation for Statistical Index of Control Group
N 41
Mean 57.68
Median 57.38102
Mode 55.00

Table 3 showed the result of the computation for statistical index by using SPSS v20.
Based on the calculation of measure central tendency, the mean was 57, the median was 57,
and the mode was 55. It can be inferred that the average of these differences would give some
measure of how closely the data values cluster around the mean. Further, figure 4.2 showed the
distribution frequency of the posttest score of the control group.

6 Posttest Score

40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00

Figure 2 the Distribution Frequency of the Posttest Score of the Control Group
The learning style questionnaire for class F resulted that 29 students (67.44%) were
categorized into visual learners, 8 students (18.60%) were categorized into auditory learners,
and 6 students (13.96%) were categorized into kinesthetic learners. Further, the learning style
questionnaire for class E resulted that 28 students (68.29%) were categorized into visual

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

learners, 9 students (21.96%) were categorized into auditory learners, and 4 students (9.75%)
were categorized into kinesthetic learners.
The attitude questionnaire consisted of ten items which was intended to find out
students’ attitude toward the Two Stay Two Stray strategy that they have experienced in the
class. The attitude questionnaire resulted that 69.76% students chose option 3 for item number
one, 65.11% students chose option 3 for item number two, 76.74% students chose option 3 for
item number three, 58.13% students chose option 3 for item number four, 60.46% students
chose option 3 for item number five, 72.09% students chose option number 3 for item number
six, 58.13% students chose option 3 for item number seven, 48.83 % students chose option 3
for item number eight, 51.16% chose option 3 for item number nine, and 65.11% students chose
option number 2 for item number ten.

This research tried to investigate the main effect and the interaction among independent
variables on dependent variable. The independent variable consisted of active variables, The
Two Stay Two Stray Strategy and the Pair Work Strategy, and attribute variables, visual,
auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. The dependent variable was students’ reading
comprehension. This research employed quasi-factorial design.
Based on the result of the hypothesis testing in the previous chapter, the result of this
research was in contrast with the result of the previous researchers conducted by Lewaherilla
(2011), Surjosuseno (2011), Agus, et al. (2012), and Hamiddin (2012) which revealed that the
TSTS strategy effective in teaching reading comprehension.
The result of this research also reveals that there is no interaction between the Two Stay
Two Stray Strategy and students’ learning style. This means that students’ comprehension
score was merely achieved by the means of the Two Stay Two Stray Strategy. In this case,
students’ learning style did not contribute to the achievement of students’ reading
comprehension. Although Reid (2005) stated that the preference for visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic has some influence on the learning process, the result of this research demonstrated
that students’ learning style has no influence on their reading comprehension achievement.
The acceptance of the null hypothesis (Ho) can be explained by considering some
factors such as the slight visual difference in mean score, the method implemented in the
control group, the dominant visual learners, the number of meeting and guiding stage in the
experimental group, and the type of the reading comprehension test.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The first factor was the mean score of the experimental and control group was near.
The mean score of the experimental group was 60.00 while the mean score of the control group
was 57.68. The mean difference between both groups was 2.32. In comparing means (Tes Uji
Beda), that slight difference means no statistical difference although they visually were
different in scores. Thus, the statistical computation demonstrated that there was no difference
in reading comprehension achievement between students taught by using the Two Stay Two
Stray Strategy and those taught by using the Pair Work Strategy.
The second factor was the method implemented in the control group, the Pair Work
Strategy, was identical with the method implemented in the experimental group, the Two Stay
Two Stray Strategy.
Further, the Pair Work Strategy was identical with the Two Stay Two Stray Strategy in
terms of grouping, students’ activity, and communication. In term of grouping, the Pair Work
Strategy employed group discussions consisting of two persons in whom each student was not
specifically assigned to take a role, while the Two Stay Two Stray Strategy assigned students
to be in a group of four in which each student took a role as stayer and strayer. Further, in the
Pair Work Strategy, students were asked to summarize the text they had read after answering
the questions provided by the teacher. This activity was identical with the reading strategy in
TSTS, Summarizing. Additionally, in term of communication, Osakinle et al. (2010:7) said
that the communication in the Pair Work strategy flowed from the teacher to students and may
come eventually from students to students. This is identical to the communication in the Two
Stay Two Stray strategy in which the teacher initially modeled the strategies to the students,
guided them to implement those strategies in a group setting, and asked them to implement it
The third factor was the dominant visual learners. In this case, most visual learners were
not beneficially helped by the TSTS strategy which focused on mediating students’
comprehension through the dialogue. When the visual learners experienced their individual
roles they got benefit from this session, but when it came to the dialogue session, they did not
get benefit from this session while the dialogue session is the core part in the TSTS strategy.
In contrast, the auditory learners may have got benefit from this method. Gass and Selinker
(2008:437) stated that the auditory learners are those who prefer to take in information auditory.
They prefer to talk through material and even to have text read out loud. However, the number
of the auditory learners was smaller than the number of the visual learners and not all group
consisted of the auditory learners.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The fourth factor was the type of the instrument used to measure students’ reading
comprehension after being treated by the Two Stay Two Stray Strategy. The instrument was
reading comprehension test, an objective test, in the form of multiple-choice questions which
was tested to the students individually. In this case, referring to the process of treatment, it is
possibly inappropriate to evaluate students’ reading comprehension after treatment by
employing an individual-objective test.
Leaving aside all the factors caused the acceptance of null hypothesis (Ho), the Two
Stay Two Stray Strategy in actually helped students comprehend the text they read. It also
facilitated them to interact with their friends when they found it hard to comprehend the text as
what Lewaherilla (2011) found in her research. The students also believe that each strategy in
the TSTS made the easier in comprehending the text. Further, most students stated that they
would use this strategy when they read the text although some of them did not feel confident.
In addition, they also would recommend other students to use the TSTS strategy to help them
improve their reading comprehension. This was based on the result of the questionnaire given
to the experimental group.
Finally, the acceptance of the null hypothesis (Ho) is possibly due to several factors
mentioned before. Although this research revealed that the Two Stay Two Stray strategy is not
effective in teaching reading comprehension, it is a better strategy than the Pair Work Strategy,
referring to the mean difference in which the experimental group has higher mean score than
control group. Further, although there is no difference between students taught by the Two Stay
Two Stray strategy and those taught by the Pair Work strategy, this research reveals that
students who have experienced the Two Stay Two Stray strategy feel that the strategy is
beneficial for them. They are able to share and ask for help when they cannot handle the
difficulties they suffer with the other members of the group. In addition, Lewaherilla (2011),
in her research, revealed the same thing as the present research reveals in which students are
motivated to study because they are able to share their ideas among their teammates or other
groups and they are able to improve their understanding of the text because they give help and
receive help from teammates, other groups, and the researcher.


In accordance with the research problem and the result of data analysis, it can be
concluded that Ho1 cannot be rejected which means that there is no difference in reading
comprehension achievement between students taught by using the TSTS strategy and those
taught by using the pair work method. Ho2 also cannot be rejected which means that there is

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

no difference of students’ reading comprehension with different learning styles. Further, Ho 3

cannot be rejected which means that there is no interaction between the TSTS strategy and the
students with different learning styles.
The slight visual difference in mean score, the strategy implemented in the control
group, the dominant visual learners, the number of meeting and guiding stage in the
experimental group, and the type of the reading comprehension test possibly cause the
acceptance of the null hypothesis. Still, the TSTS strategy is a better strategy than the pair work
strategy as compared by mean score of both groups. The benefit of utilizing strategies in the
TSTS strategy has been experienced by the students. In addition, students’ learning styles do
not interfere with their reading comprehension achievement both in experimental group or
control group.
Further, this research has its limitations or weaknesses. The limitation or weakness of
this research is that the implementation of the pair work strategy was conducted mostly by the
researcher which initially would be conducted by the teacher. As a result, this may because the
experimental effect threat. Further, there are quite many reading comprehension test items,
which are not valid, have been revised and used to investigate student’s reading
comprehension. As a result, there are some indicators which have not been achieved mostly by
the students. The result of the attitude questionnaire also is not quite reliable since the
questionnaire has been validated by the expert but has not been tried out yet.
In addition, this research implies that the methods used in teaching reading
comprehension will influence their reading comprehension achievement. In this case, the
teacher should consider to implement any appropriate strategy which will helps students deal
with the text well. Modeling students how to employ reading strategies also will help them
used to employing them. Further, the teacher also should consider to group students in order to
increase their critical thinking and to promote active learning, assigning students into different
roles, like in the TSTS strategy, will make students responsible with their own learning. This
also will support poor readers to improve their reading comprehension by receiving helps and
assistance from the other readers.
Based in the data analysis and the discussion in the previous chapters, the result of this
research provides theoretical and practical contributions toward teaching and learning English.
For the theoretical contribution, this research gives new insight on the implementation of the
TSTS strategy in teaching reading comprehension. For the practical contributions, the teachers
may consider to implement the TSTS strategy rather than implement pair work method. The

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

teacher also must consider the materials used in the class which is beneficial for students with
different learning styles.
For other researchers who want to conduct further research in relation with the research
findings in this research, it is interesting to pair the TSTS strategy with other reading
comprehension methods which have different characteristics.
Further researchers also may consider adding extra meetings in guiding stage to avoid
students’ less understanding of how to implement the strategies when they are in a group
setting. This will decrease students’ inability in comprehending the implementation of the
TSTS method.
Besides, observing the effectiveness of the TSTS strategy from different area such as
personality traits would be interesting since each student in a group has different personality
traits which influence his or her active contribution in the discussion session. Thus, the
investigation of the effectiveness of the TSTS strategy in different level of students and his
different point of observation is still needed to be carried out.

Priyana, J., dkk. 2008. Scaffolding English for Junior High School Grade VIII (Buku Sekolah
Elektronik). Bandung: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Reid, G. 2005. Learning Styles and Inclusion. London: Paul Chapman Publishing
Sulistyo, G.H. 2002. Languange Testing: Some Selected Terminologies and Their Underlying
Basic Concepts. State University of Malang: Unpublished Course Materials.
Sulistyo, G H. 2011. Reading for Meaning: Theories, Teaching Strategies, and Assessment.
Malang: Pustaka Kaiswaran
Surjosuseno, T. 2011. The Effects of One Stays the Rest Stray and Lockstep Technique on
the Enhancement of Students’ Reading Achievement. Indonesian Journal of Apllied
Linguistic, 1(1):14-18.
Tabachnick, B.G. & Fidell, L.S. 2007. Using multivariate Statistics (5th Edition). Bostoh:
Utami, W. 2008. Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas VIII edisi 4.
Bandung: Pusat Perbukuan
Wallace, C. 2003. Critical Reading in Language Education. New York: Palgrave MacMillan
Wardiman, Artono. 2008: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Rudy Setiawan, Purnomo

Faculty of Science and Technology, Ma Chung University of Malang

Abstract: Garbage is one of the problems faced by big cities, especially inorganic
waste (non-biodegradable). How to cope so as not to pollute the environment is
still a big problem. The use of fractional glass waste has the potential to be used
as a base material for handicrafts of miniature buildings. Like other wastes, glass
waste does not have an economic value. Glass waste material has the potential to
re-use into a product because the glass waste that has become fragments, still has
the same properties as the new glass, translucent, resistant to chemical reactions,
also has a melting point against High heat. The objective of this research is to
design industrial products based on the experimentation of material exploration
and glass material waste processing techniques in order to diversify and increase
the value of SME waste glass products in Malang. Utilization of waste of glass
material that abundant as raw material of product development based on SMEs.
This research is expected to contribute knowledge to all levels of society about
the importance of inorganic waste.

Keywords: Products, UKM, Glass Materials, Waste

Garbage is one of the problems faced by big cities, especially inorganic waste (non-
biodegradable). How to cope so as not to pollute the environment is still a big problem. The
use of fractional glass waste has the potential to be used as a base material for handicrafts of
miniature buildings. One of them is shaping into miniature pissa tower decoration through
cutting and assembling process based on research on the types of glass waste and its
classification. Waste or waste is a substance or waste material of a production process, either
industrial or household whose presence is unwanted, degrades environmental quality and has
no economic value. Glass waste is found in the form of broken glass bottles, glass plates, glass
cups, broken glass sheets, and so on. Based on estimates from 26 major cities in Indonesia, the
waste produced 38.5 million per year and of that amount, 0.7 million tons is glass waste
(KNLH. 2008. Indonesia Garbage Statistics) . Glass waste has potential and is considered
strategic as a strong composite base material. Glass which is dominated by silica (SiO2)
materials above 60% has excellent properties of high melting point (1400 ° C-1600 ° C) and
very strong mechanical properties [Kumagai S. & Sasaki, J. 2009. Carbon/Silica composite

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

fabricated from rice husk by means of binderless hot-pressing, Bioresource Technol100: 3308–
3315]. Utilization of glass waste has not been maximized, so far glass waste is only used as
raw material for handicrafts.
This research is carried out by experimental method through experiment conducted by
research team by making various alternative of product made from glass waste which
considering design aspect. Methods and Stages of research carried out are as follows.

Processing of materials Meningkatkan dan

Survey to UKM The process of mengembangkan
of glass material and nilai produk UKM
glass material designing and
also equipped with limbah kaca di
and literature designing Malang
supporting data
study products

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Figure 1 Flow Diagram of Research

Stage 1. Survey to UKM and Literature StudySearch for data and collect references and
theories takenFrom various supporting books to support the value-making of glass
Stage 2. Processing of glass materialsThis model is intended to determine the material of
suitable glass materialTo be applied in the product manufacturing process.
Stage 3. Design and design process This stage to design the design of this stage is intended
for determine the prototype model of the product with the mechanization of the tool to be
Stage 4. Product developmentThis step is to improve and develop products on SME waste
Glass material in Malang.
Inorganic waste processing from glass or glass glass that has been broken or glass waste
material can be recycled into goods - goods like the original goods or into other items such as
new bottles, vases of flowers, cindra mata, or other decorations that have artistic value And
economical. For the process of making, glass or waste glass material is cut according to desian
we want. Then cut on the frame or frame that has been provided. Similarly to membuata bottles,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

mosaics, glasses, or dishes. The clipped glass is attached to the respective plane. While the
adhesive used for exploration has a variety of properties from the slow to quickly mengkinng,
from which mempu make the field to the structure, not environmentally friendly to
environmentally friendly. In the end selected wood glue as a glass waste adhesive because
although drying time is slow (1-2 days) but this material is easily applied by using mold in
forming field or structure. In addition, wood glue also has the advantage of being
environmentally friendly, especially when compared with resin.
Figure 2. Waste of glass material before being processed

Figure 3. Glass waste processing into various decorations (processed data)

The process of handicraft production from glass waste is presented in figure 4.

Glass waste material waste Cleaned by washing

Selection of glass material

Cut to suit design

Adhesion of glass material


Glue dryers for glass waste

Finishing the product

Figure 4. Diagram of glass waste handicraft production process

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Like other wastes, glass waste does not have an economic value. Glass waste material
has the potential to re-use into a product because the glass waste that has become fragments,
still has the same properties as the new glass, translucent, resistant to chemical reactions, also
has a melting point against High heat.Based on the results of experiments conducted, the use
of adhesives on the appropriate glass waste applied for environmental sustainability but still
has an advantage in the forming side is to use wood glue. Produces a biodegradable, robust,
and simple enough adhesive for UKM to apply.

Anonymous (2012) Trash downloaded from http; // accessed
on June 6th, 2012
Anonymous (2010) Raw Material Processing From Glass Wastes Accessed 27 March 2012
Anonymous (2011) Utilization of Inorganic Waste accessed 27 March 2012
KNLH. 2008. Indonesia Garbage Statistics.
Kumagai S. & Sasaki, J. 2009. Carbon / Silica composite fabricated from rice husk by means
of binderless hot-pressing, Bioresource Technol100: 3308-3315.Coverage 6. Com, accessed
March 26, 2012.
Wikipedia, Recycling. (From Wikipedia, free encyclopedia). Retrieved 27 March 2012.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Siti Maria Ulfa

STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

Abstract: English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for Local Tourism was
not previously developed at English Department STKIP PGRI
Bangkalan. One of the compulsory courses for the English department
students if English for Tourism with the aim to provide exposure of
tourism English context. The current curriculum still applying textbook
teaching has led to unavoidable problem of communicative competence
for the students. This study aims to uncover the real world English
context in local-based tourism usingseveral types of needs analysis from
several scholars comprising Present Situation Analysis (PSA)-
(Robinson, 1991), Target Situation Analysis (TSA) - (Robinson, 1991),
and Learning Needs - (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). This study was
conducted toward 91 students as soon as they have undertaken the course
of English for Tourism for their future employment in tourism. The result
of this analysis becomes a recommendation for the course developer in
developing the suitable instructional materials with the principles of
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and local area tourism

Keywords: Needs analysis, Materials development, ESP, local-based


Since the term of tourism becomes crucial due to its significance role in developing
one’s area and enhance people inside. Tourism nowadays is assumed as important thing to be
developed especially in Madura. Some strategies and approaches are needed to be
accomplished to make it real. Since English for Tourism is becoming one of the lessons in
STKIP PGRI Bangkalan developing English for tourism materials to be used by every student
not only in local regency but for all university students can be one thing that must be developed.
Developing English for tourism materials contribute much to promoting potentials tourism
local area and as a suitable instructional materials with the principles of contextual teaching
and learning.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

There are several ways done in meeting the needs to develop English for tourism
materials. One of them is doing need analysis that is considered as a prerequisite in any course
design (Richterich and Chancerel, 1987 in Li, 2014). As the first step in designing curriculum,
need analysis must be done systematically to find the needs as parameters of a course of study.
Therefore, for the models of needs analysis the writer conducted three models, they are Present
Situation Analysis (PSA)-(Robinson, 1997), Target Situation Analysis (TSA), and Learning
Needs (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987).


The issue of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been developed since 1960s and
key point of the instruction is supposed to be based on learner needs. As many people mislead,
ESP is not the ease of ‘special varieties’ of English (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987) that discusses
special terms in different field of study, it is how particular English is used in specific context
based on what the learners needs in the future employment. In other words, we can say that all
language is for specific purpose and they are learned in several contexts or even another context
(Basturkmen, 2008). Learners’ needs must be uncovered to achieve the context of language
that is eventually matched with the course instruction.
It frequently happens that there is a mismatch between the currently used instructional
materials and the future content of English that students need to possess. The contents that
‘sounds’ unauthentic leads to the misleading goals of learning as it is planned in the course
objectives. To troubleshoot the problems of the ESP instructional materials design, Harmer
(2007:369) argues that ESP instructional materials type must be integrated or called as multi-
ESP instructional materials ESP textbook materials. Communicative compete is derived from
the combination of more than one type of ESP textbook materials. Students are supposed to be
conditioned in the language at work or social interaction. In the relation with the ESP
instructional materials design in the university level, there must be a match between the
students’ lessons or materials in the language learning and the use of language at work they
will obtain later. It seems that very inappropriate when the English learned in the classroom
does not match their need at work. English must be applicable for them in order to use it very
effectively in the context of real life communication.

The methodology used should be going along with the models of need analysis. Hence,
the Needs Analysis (NA) research was conducted using both open and closed questionnaires

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

distributed to 90 learners in English Department STKIP PGRI Bangkalan and structured

interview by involving one lecturer of English for Tourism course and officials from
Department of Tourism from four districts in Madura Island. The types of closed questions
used in the questionnaires are on list, ranking, and scale. There are three basic enquiries of
learners in the questionnaires namely present situation enquiries, target situation enquiries, and
learning needs. The interview, on the other hand, focuses on direct investigation of what
contents are supposed to be imbedded in the future ESP instructional materials, especially in
the area of cultural contents, pedagogic strategies, and related future employment skills. The
different ways of methods are compared, then its findings are reported that is finally
triangulated as NA research proposed by Jasso(2005).


Present Situation Analysis (PSA)-(Robinson, 1991)
This kind of analysis was investigated through the result of questionnaires that were
given to 90 students who had English for tourism course previously. It is important to know
the present situation to get some information about their level proficiency in English, their
purposes of advance English communication, their current level of productive skill writing and
speaking, their strengths in writing and speaking, and their weaknesses in writing. Knowing
their level proficiency in English is about mostly “good” means that their English is quite
adequate and tend to be on the position of understanding English better. It is also proven by the
enthusiasm of them when they learn English with their lecturers and peers. It is in line also
with their purposes of advance English communication is for studying rather than to conduct
research, travel or even to have a job.
Studying English is regarding to the skills they have. Here, the present situations of
their productive skill writing and speaking tend to be also “good”. The strength of their writing
is located on their free hand writing. They are eager to write freely with single or several
motions made by the lecturers. Sometimes they ignore the grammar and haphazard.
Meanwhile, another productive skill that becomes their strength in speaking is they can speak
in context. Means, they can speak on the right track based on the motion given. On the other
hand, the weaknesses of their productive skill must be something highlighted where both when
they write and speak, they cannot use the correct grammar.
Target Situation Analysis (TSA)
The condition where mostly of them having background in English, becoming positive
situation to support their English proficiency. This analysis targeted the information about the

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necessity to learn EFT, local-based materials, and the benefits of learning business
communication in the context of tourism. Regarding to results of questionnaire, most of them
agreed that EFT is needed to be learnt. Means, EFT is one of the necessities to help them in
having another skill and overviews of tourism world. The purpose of learning it is devoted to
local tourism to be known internationally and Madura is promoted allowed. These situations
clearly exist and local-based tourism should be taken into account.
Those results are also supported by the responses from the interview with the lecturers.
Students need to be given specific English to promote tourism. They are not only can be
teachers but also work in tourism. Hence, the competencies should go along with the needs.
Theories must be given with the exercises so the students. The cooperation with hotels and
stakeholders in tourism are also important to help and ease students to meet their needs in
tourism. Unfortunately, there is no book which covers their needs. Lecturers need to develop
their own materials, doing needs analysis to make it true.
Learning Needs – (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987)
Learning needs are obtained from the results of questionnaire, interview with lecturer
and other stakeholders. Needs are regarding to the things that must be fulfilled. The lack key
job skill is including the lack of job application and resumes writing. The materials later on
should contain those things. In addition, textbooks, instruction/equipment manuals, CDs,
DVDs, videotapes and others are also important. Not only the materials, the classroom should
be facilitated with internet and multimedia and also sound system. Remembering the right time
to give the course, the fourth semester and in the early morning are the best times chosen to
have ESP for tourism. The sooner they get the courses the better they have more time to develop
and prepare themselves to work in tourism. The fact, STKIP PGRI Bangkalan tends to have no
facilities to be used to support the learning, so the classroom resources should be sufficient
enough to ease them to meet their needs and purposes. When they have to make video for their
project based learning, or they have to play roles and doing simulation like in the hotels, they
will not have any difficulties because they have adequate classroom resources inside. This chart
below can represent the students demands of materials should include to the course.
Another thing that is also quite important is the cooperation with Hotels so they can
have information how to work in hotels. The most crucial is that what they have to get is based
on the reality. Local-based tourism is becoming one thing should be developed. Students tend
to work and make their regency bigger, promote the natures, cultures, food and others than to
work outside. Finally, those findings merely the needs that should be fulfilled and should not

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

be taken it for granted. The needs are what they expect to be real and help them to work in
tourism. The whole overview of the need analysis aspects can be seen through these tables.
Table 1. Needs Analysis Aspects
Subjective Objective Objective
Aspects (perceived by (perceived by (perceived by potential
learners) course designer) employers)
Lacks Structures Current
(grammar), instructional
Vocabulary, fluent materials are not
speaking skill fully based on
learner needs
Wants Communicative Innovative, learner-
English used in centred learning
tourism industry, strategy
related key job skills
Necessities More fluent English Updated materials Partnership network
skills, TOEIC resource with with potential
instead of TOEFL, internet support, employers
Partnerships with various cultural
tourism agent and contents about
department. Tourism in Madura
Through the Present Situation Analysis, it turns out that students realize that they have
insufficient knowledge regarding to grammatical structures and producing language in
context.Hutchinson & Waters(1987) considers ‘lacks’ as the type of needs where the ESP
course developer need to examine what the learners have already known, so that the ESP
practitioners can adopt which necessities the learners lack. It seems that structure becomes
problematic for students to produce language accurately. The undertaken courses about
structures appear not to give good understanding for them in producing language. To tackle
this problem, course developer are required to implement then so called TBLT (Task-based
Language Teaching) in which accuracy is the same important as fluency in the instructional
materials and process. The grammatical contents also need to be included to the instructional
materials so that learners can use communicative grammar in the proper situation context.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

‘Wants’ refer to what the learners want to learn (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987) reflecting
learners’ preferences in learning. The learners’ motivation in learning practical skills in tourism
seems to be good. They imply that using advanced level of English in specific context in future
employment as well as for study. In addition to that, preference of classroom type must be
accommodated by the ESP practitioner, i.e. by making use of internet in their learning process
due to the inevitable impact of technology in education nowadays. ‘The affordances and
benefits that technology provides for ESP instruction has encouraged ESP practitioners and
educational directors to integrate computer-assisted language learning (CALL) aspects in their
ESP curricula’ (Dashtestani & Stojković, 2015, p. 436). The trend of technology in ESP will
affect the ways how materials sources developed by the course developer and learners’ style in
learning. The products of such advances can be tablet PC and PDA, iPods, smart phones,
(Dashtestani & Stojković, 2015), and podcasting in a virtual English (Asoodar, Marandi, Vaezi,
& Desmet , 2014).
The students think that local-based tourism contents must be integrated in instructional
materials with the aim to raise the popularity of local tourism in Madura that is more
increasingly popular. Three domains of tourism contents must be included based on the result
of interview from subject specialists: marine, culture, and arts.
Table 2. Authentic sources for future materials development
Regions Authentic Sources
Marine Lombang Beach, Gili Yang,  Tourism Brochures from four
GiliLabak, GiliGenting, Sumenep Departments of local Tourism
Annual Sail (Sumenep regency) (Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and
Culture KarapanSapi competition,
traditional dances
KeratonSumenep, folklore; the
history of Java and Madura, the
tale of Geger hill, white tiger from  Irmawati, R. 2004. KesenianTradisional

Blega, etc. Madura. Surabaya: Penerbit SIC.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Arts Madurese Batik, Keris (heirloom

of Indonesia)
Optimization of course contents in ESP for Tourism in Madura should be offered since
the island has gained its prominence in both national and international tourism sector. The
needs analysis reveals that Madura is now identical with three aspects of tourism: marine,
culture, and arts. Those three aspects of tourism must be integrated in the English for Tourism
course with the aim that the learners are equipped with such knowledge and practical skills in
their local tourism industry. The practical skills may refer to tourism skill in both oral and
written communication in the scope of promotion and service such as being a tour guide,
designing tourism brochures, presentation, etc.
Al-Khatib, M. A. 2005. English in the Workplace: An Analysis of the Communication Needs
of Tourims and Banking Personnel. Asian EFL Journal, 7(2), 174-194.
Asoodar, M., M, S. S., Vaezi, S., & Desmet , P. 2014. Podcasting in a Virtual English for
Academic Purposes Course: Learner Motivation. Interactive Learning Environments,
Basturkmen, H. 2008. Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes. New Jersey:
Taylor & Francis e-Library.
Dashtestani, R., & Stojković, N. 2015. The Use of Technology in English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) Instruction: A Litrerature Review. The Journal of Teaching English
for Specific and Academic Purposes, 3(3), 435-456.
Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. 1987. English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-centered
Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jasso, R.-A. 2005. Sources, Methods, and Triangulation in Needs Analysis: A Critical
Perspective in a Case Study of Waikiki Hotel Maids. In M. H. Long, Second
Langauge Needs Analysis (pp. 127-158). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Li, J. 2014. Needs Analysis: An Effective Way in Business English Curriculum Design.
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 4, No. 9, 1869-1874.
Rahman, M. 2015. English for Specific Purposes (ESP): A Holistic Review. Universal
Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 24-31.
Ramirez, M. I. 2014. Developing Learner Autonomy through Project Work in an ESP Class.
HOW, A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English, 21(2), 54-73.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Siti Masluha
Program Studi Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Panca Marga

Abstract: Some politeness strategies has been found in doing interaction

with others, specially in doing transaction. Politeness strategies takes
important rule in making relationship with others so that they can make their
conversation go smoothly and run well. Language has potential to create
meaning and multiple function in building relationship. That is why,
linguistics phenomenology often appear in our surrounding. Through
descriptive qualitative method employed in this study it revealed that the
writer’s prior politeness strategies on language diversity in doing
transactions. Five statements or conversations were taken as the main source
data. The conversation were taken from interviewing the informants. From
the findngs it can be conducted that the informants have a big deals in bald
on record, negative politeness, and off record strategies. All those strategies
were suspected as the impact of writer’s prior knowledge on lingusitics
phenomenology. Finally, the result of this study is expected to be able to give
meaningful contribution to Economic about the language usage, primarly in
doing transactions and doing interactions in general. The findings of this
study are politeness strategies as identity of customer for doing credit
transactions which has meaning that language is not singular and stative.

Keywords: politeness strategies, identity, credit, ‘nyaor ngalak’.

In doing interaction, language has significant role in that. We often find that language
is worthwhile role in doing interaction, whether in the real world or social media. Language is
a tool of of communication which has many function in social structure, such as building
realtionship with others. Beside language as a system, language also has potential to create
meanings, has multiple functions and language is diversity (Thomas, 1999:7). It shows that
language is tangible fact that nation is rich of cultures. It is shown that there are some language
phenomenon in our surrouding. In this occasion the writer wants to reveal the politeness

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

strategies of the maduresse people in doing interaction, especially transaction with the
traditional bank, such as their golden language in doing transaction, that is “nyaor ngalak’.
This phenomenon ‘nyaor ngalak’ phrase shows that language as social practice form.
Language as social practice form is language that happened in social context is not only
expression or reflection of social practice but part of their own practice and process
(Fairclough, 1989: 27). As a social practice, language has power and as medium to reach or to
get their authority through their interaction.In other word, this discourse shows that language
has significant role in social community.
According to Kadarisman (2009: 32) stated about linguistics relativity and linguistics
universality which imply that language as analysis whether in grammatically, lexically, and
verbal that related to the meaning and form of language. Every language cannot separate from
the entity of language. In other words, structural analysis is able to reveal the linguistic
relativity, whether it’s related to linguistic universality. Based on Sauserean paradigm stated
that language is langue which includes culture till the signifier and signify get the
comprehensive definition in social culture. In short, language has comprehensive analysis for
doing study, such as doing interaction with others.
Politeness is the expression of th speaker’s intention to mitigate face threat carried by
face threatening acts toward another (Mills, 2003:6). Politeness is behavior that can break down
the face threatening acts into the harmony of life. Being polite consists of attempting to save
face. Politeness theory states that some speech acts threaten others’ face. In case of
communication, the speaker chooses the strategies to have polite conversation. People use
politeness strategies in order to get their conversation run well and go smoothly. Speaking
politeness involves taking accounts’ of other feeling and face and being polite person means
that should make other feel comfortable. Face needs are thought of as desire to be appreciated
and protected (Brown and Levinson, 1987:62).
Based on linguistics phenomena, its often seems to have built into them very complex
system of politeness. It is nearly impossible to say anything without indicating the social
relationships between the speakers and listeners in terms of status and familiarity (Gerrtz,
1960). This study choose case study under tittle “Politeness Strategies As Identities of
Costumer in Doing Credit Transaction”. This study about the language usage of the trader or
customer in doing transaction. They use any kind of strategies to get the credit transaction.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Language and Social Practice
Language has comprehensive role for making relationship, such as making
communication. It has power to change our life on doing interaction and as medium to get
dominance or prestige in social. It often appears in social phenomena, such as in linguistics.
Linguistics phenomena often happen in social context, whether to reveal our expression or
social practice, such as for language usage for doing interaction in the traditional market. There
are many kind of language usage which used by merchant and the customer. Both of them used
some strategies in their language, such as politeness strategies. They will use some politeness
strategies to make their conversation going smoothly and run well.
Politeness can be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’s
face. In other words, politeness can be accomplished in situation of social distance or closeness.
Showing awareness for another person’s face when the other seems socially distant is often
described in terms of respect of difference. Showing the equivalent awareness when the other
socially close is often described in terms of friendliness, camaraderie, or solidarity (Yule,
People use politeness as communication strategy to maintain and develop their
relationship. Politeness is an aspect of pragmatics in that its use in language is determined by
external context. Polite person makes others feel comfortable. Being linguistically polite
involves speaking to people appropriately in their relationship to others. According to Gumperz
in Brown and Levinson (1967) that politeness phenomena by them very nature are reflected in
language, people might know whether one is being polite or impolite through the way he or
she speaks. In other hand, someone can be considered as a polite person depending on how, to
whom, and when he or she applies those polite manners.
Lakoff in Chaer (2010) introduce the concept of politeness that we have to concern it.
They are formality, hesitancy, and equality or camaraderie. Formality means not forced or
arrogant (aloof) and hesitancy means not make such a manner the respondents can decide the
option. Equality or camaraderie means make the act as if the speaker and the hearer are being
equal. In other words, a conversation can be called polite if it is not heard forced and arrogant,
the speech can give option to the respondent or hearer, and the hearer feel calm.

Brown and Levinson’s Politeness

Brown and Levinson (1987) define politeness as “a concentration on the amount of
verbal ‘work’ which individual speakers have to perform in their utterances to counteract the

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

force of potential threats to the ‘face’. ‘Face’ refers to describe the self-image which the speaker
or the hearer would like to see maintained in the interaction (Goffman, 1967). Face is
something that is emotionally invested, and it can be lost, maintained or enhanced, and must
be constantly attended to in interaction (Brown and Levinson, 1978:66).
According to Brown and Levinson (1987) face is derived from that Goffman (1967)
and English people which are related to the idea of being embarrassed, humiliated, or losing
face. Thus face is something that is emotionally invested, and that can be lost, maintained, and
enhanced. In general, a person has to pay attention to his interlocutor’s face. In short, the
speaker and hearer must cooperate in maintaining each other’s face in interaction based on the
mutual vulnerability of face.
There are two kind of face as divided by Brown and Levinson that everyone possesses.
They are positive face and negative face. First, positive face as the desire of every member that
his self-image, wants, and opinion be liked and approved. Second, negative face is defined as
the desire of every member that has Freedom of Action as well as Freedom of Imposition.
In our society, sometimes we find acts that are not friendly and not satisfied with us,
such as the ‘face’ of the speaker and the hearer. Brown and Levinson (1978:66) states, “Face
Threatening Acts (FTA) is such that threats generally require a mitigating statement or some
verbals repair (politeness), otherwise breakdown of communication will ensue. In short, Face
Threatening Acts is the action that threatened by other faces, and it does not make satisfied or
not run well in communication.

Brown and Levinson Politeness Strategies

Politeness strategies are strategies which adopted by the speaker and the hearer to avoid
and minimizing the FTA that occurred in communication. They analyzed four broad strategies:
bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness and off record. Politeness is viewed as
a form of strategic behavior which the speaker engages in, weighing up the potential threat to
the hearer, the degree of familiarity with the hearer, the power relationship between them, and
modifying the utterances accordingly (Brown and Levinson, 1978: 75).
Applying the politeness strategies depends on the weightiness of FTA, which is
determined by three social factors. They are the imposition of the act itself, relative power of
the hearer over the speaker and social distance between speaker and the hearer (Brown and
Levinson, 1987: 68-74). The more politeness strategy will be gotten when the speaker or the
hearer’s when the social condition in more acts threatens condition.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Bald on Record
According to Brown and Levinson (1987: 95), whenever the speaker wants to do the
FTAs with maximum efficiency more than he wants to satisfy the hearer’s Face., h will choose
the strategy of ‘bald on record’. Doing an act baldly involves doing it in the most direct, clear,
ambiguous and concise way. Normally an FTA will be done in this way only if the speaker
does not fear retribution from the addressee or hearer (H), for instance in circumstances where
(a) S and H both are in efficient situation, (b) the threaten to H’s very small (as an offers,
requests, and suggestions that in H’s interest), and (c) S holds a high relative authority to H
(Brown and Levinson, 1987: 69).

Positive Politeness
Positive politeness is claimed to enjoy the Positive Face of H by showing or involving
him as friend or partner an in-group. A speaker shows Positive Politeness to apply an
impression that S wants what H’s want (e.g. by treating him as a partner an in-group, a friend
a person whose wants and personality trait are known and liked) or S at least doing what H’s
wants in order to minimize the FTA (Brown and Levinson, 1987: 70)
In addition, Brown and Levinson (in Sara Mill, 2003: 75) stated that Positive Politeness is
stressing the extent to which the speaker and hearer similar interest and are part of an in group.
In other words, Positive Politeness techniques are usable not only for FTA redress, but in
general as a kind of social accelerator, where S, in using them, indicates that he wants to come
closer to H.
The strategies may be derived from this major positive politeness’s are assert or
presuppose S knowledge and concern from H’s wants, offer and promise, be optimistic,
include both S and H in the activity, give (or ask) reasons, assume or assert reciprocity, and
giving gifts to H (goods, sympathy, understanding, cooperation).
Negative Politeness
Negative politeness used when S wants show if he cares and respect to H’s Negative
Face (Brown and Levinson, 1978: 129). It shows that S trusts if he does not bother H’s freedom
of Action by not showing off, being formal and restraining him. If S did or will do and FTA,
he will minimize the threat by using apology, deference, hedges, and other strategies. Based on
Brown and Levinson (Goody, 1996: 137) there are some strategies that include in negative
politeness, they are a) be direct, b)don’t assume about H’s wants, c)don’t coerce H,
d)communicate S want not to impinge on H)redress other’s wants of H

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Off Record Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is taking some pressure of the hearer. It shows that the
speaker an action in vague manner that could be interpreted by the hearer as some other acts.
Such an off record utterance commonly uses indirect that constructs more general utterance or
actually different from what one mean (Brown and Levinson, 1987: 211).

The research design of this study is descriptive qualitative approach which is conducted
to describe the social event/phenomenology. According to Norman K. Denzim (1994: 4),
qualitative implies an emphasis on process and meanings that are not rigorously examined or
measured (if measured at all), in terms of quantity, amount, intensity, or frequency. Shortly,
qualitative is focus on the social processes that happened in society (phenomenon) and try to
understand the meaning behind the text whether in oral or spoken text.
The data source of this study is the statements of some trader in Mayangan. The data of
this study are in the written form. The data were taken by interviewing some traders in
The human instrument of this study is the researcher as the primary instrument (Latief,
2011:81). The researcher collected and classified the data in accordance with the strategies to
reveal the politeness strategies as identities of customer in doing credit transaction.
The data collection of this study is attempted through carefully reading of textual data
in movie scripts by doing identifies and classifies the politeness strategies which present as
identities of customer in doing credit transaction. In line with the features of qualitative
research both collecting and analyzing data are done simultaneously. The data are supposed to
be substantially sufficient to answer the research focus. As the research instruments of test
analysis, the key instrument of the study is the researcher herself which spends her time for
reading and understanding the necessary theories and concepts and also as the collector at the
same time.


a. Informant Descriptions
The first informant is Mrs. Hj. Ririn who lives in Mayangan. She could sell the fishes
around 5 kuintal for completing her life. She was trader since the first market of fishes at the
west until the new market. She focuses on this profession because of completing her daily
needs. She stayed in A district of fish market Mayangan

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The second instrument is Mrs Siti who lives in Mayangan. She joined her brother to sell some
fishes who was trader for long period. She could sell some fishes around 2 until 3 kuintal. Her
profession was for filling her spare time. She stayed in B district of fish market Mayangan.
The third instrument is Mrs. Minarsih who lives in Mayangan. She could sell fishes
around 2-3 kuintal in one day. She was trader began in the first fish market (west). She choosen
this profession because of completing her daily needs. She stayeed in A district of fish market
The fourth is Mr. Tomi who lives in Mayangan. He was a trader more than ten years
for completing his daily need. He thought that being a trader is one of rightfull professions. He
stayed in B district of fish market Mayangan.
The last is Mrs. Khodijah who lives in Lawean. She was a trader around 15 years and
could sell her fishes until 1-2 kwintal. being a trader could help her for completing her daily
needs. she stayed in A district of fish market Mayangan.
b. Presentations and Findings of ‘Nyaor Ngalak’.
No Maduresse Version English Version
1 Hj. Ririn. Nyaor ngalak : mareh Mrs. Ririn said that after paying their
majer ngalak de’yeh, otang poleh debt/credit, then they take again. Paying and
de’yeh. Nyaor ngalak jiah lah otang. Taking means that they make/has debt
Majermon ngalak jukok poleh, mon again.
tade’ jukoen buruh.
2 Ibu Siti. Nyaor Ngalak : otang bedheh Mrs. Siti said that after paying their debt,
semejer de’yeh, otang poleh, duareh around two till four days they will pay it.
pa’areh telo areh mejer.
3 Ibu Minarsih. Nyaor Ngalak : ariah Mrs. Minarsih said that it about the debtors,
kan seotang yeh bak, mon ta’eotang if they do not make debt, their fishes willnot
tak pajuh jukoken. Semingguh majer, be sold out. Sometimes they will pay around
kadeng telo areh duareh. two and three days or one week.
4 Bapak Tomi. Nyaor Ngalak : ye biasa Mr. Tomi said that it is about debt. They
nyaor ngalak, ngotang make a debt on their transaction of the
Jukok. fishes.
5 Ibu Khodijah. Nyaor Ngalak : Mrs. Khodijah said that they will take the
Nyambih setiah, lagu’ majer duareh fishes then they will pay those tomorrow
majer, telo areh majer. around two or three days.

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c. The intention of doing ‘Nyaor Ngalak’ in their transaction

No Intentions Classification of Politeness
1 Ibu Ririn : Yelah langgenan biasalah blijeh, mon tak This conversation shows that
eotang ye tak pajuh. Benyak rogineh mon bedeh se the vendors used positive
tak majer, yela lakonnah lah terpoter-terpoter. politeness. The speakers (S)
Yeah..., it (debt/nyaor ngalak) is common for the claiming ‘common ground’
customer, if they do not get a debt, the fishes will not with the hearer (H) by doing
be sold out. The vendors will be lose out if there is with exaggerate intonation
customer do not pay it. used to be for the or stress.
2 Ibu Siti. Meri’ otang male bedheh lagenen. Mon tak This conversation shows that
majer tagih ke bungkonnah. Mon bedheh se tak the vendors used positive
majer ye rogi. politeness. The speakers (S)
Giving a debt in order to be customer. If they is optmistic that the
(customer) do not pay their debt, the vendor will customer will cooperate.
come to their house to ask it. If there is no one pay it,
the vendors will lose out it.
3 Ibu Minarsih. Mon tak e otang tak pajuh bak The conversation shows that
jukoken. Rogi mon bedheh se tak majer, mon majer the vendors used negative
ye tak rogi. politeness. The speaker (S)
If the vendors could not give debt, their fishes will redress other’s wants of
not sell out. The vendors will lose out if the customer hearer (H). The speakers (S)
do not pay it and also contrary of that. go on record as incurring a
debt or as not indebting (H)
by explicitly claiming their
4 Bapak Tomi. Mon lagenen ye eberi’ mon tak kenal This conversation shows that
ye langsung majer. mon sengotang tak keluar, the vendors used negative
entaren ke bungkonnah. Otomatis ye rogi. politeness. The speaker (S) is
mon tak majer, tapeh dhe’remah pole resikonnah pessimistic. The speakers
oreng juelen lah. give redress to H’s negative

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

If they are customer, yach..., i’ll give a credit. If I do face by explicitly expressing
not know who are they, they will pay directly. If the doubt that the conditions for
customer who has debt do not come, go to their house appropriateness of S speech
directly. Automatically, yeah..., lose out if do not act obtained.
pay it. I see, this is the consequence of seller’s
5 Ibu Khodijah. Polannah jujur, benare dheknah This conversation shows that
de’yeh. Mon le tak dheknah ye otang lah, adhek the vendor used positive
sekale tak majer. politeness strategies. The
It is because of honesty. The customers come vendors (S) conveys that(H)
everyday. If they do not come, they have a debt customers are cooperate.
automatically because no ones pay it. The vendor (S) is optimistic.

Based on the data presentations and findings above, the startegy of politeness mostly
used by the vendors and customer during transaction is positive politeness. It means that both
of them still want to satisfy each other during make a transaction, particularly in doing credit
transaction. It also because they have spiritual and emotional quotient. There are many reasons
of the vendors and customers in using politeness strategies. The main reason use positive
politeness is to reach the attention of both.
In conclusion, all of these strategies are proposed to minimize the FTA done by
customers. Their reason for chosing certain types of politeness strategies is that because they
as a good customer which is often associated with being smooth and polite. However, they
shows that they can cooperate during make transaction.

Brown, G. & Yule, G. 1984. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University.
Brown, P. &Levinson, C S. 1987. Politeness(Some universal in language usage). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Cummings, L. 2005. Pragmatics (A Multidisciplinary Perspective). Edinburgh: University
Grundy, P. 2002. Doing Pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Latief, Mohammad Adnan. 2012. Research Method on Language Learning (An Introduction).
Malang: UM Press.
Mills, Sara. 2003. Gender and Politeness (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics 17).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mahsun, M.S. 2007. Metode Penelitian Bahasa (Tahapan Strategi, metode, dan tekniknya).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.

Mazida, Luluk. 2016. Makna Implementatif ‘Nyaor Ngalak’ Ditinjau dari Sudut Pandang
Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kecerdasan Spiritual Pada Pedagang Ikan di Pasar Ikan
Mayangan Kota Probolinggo. Probolinggo: Universitas Panca Marga.
Rahardjo, M. 2002. Pengantar Penelitian Bahasa. Malang: Cendikia Paramulya.
Thomas, L. & Wareing S. 1999. Language, Society and Power (An Introduction). Routledge:
London and New York.
Wardaugh, R.1972. Introduction to Linguistics. New York: Mc Graw Hill Books Company.
Yule, G. 2006. The Study of Language (3rd). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Siti Khodijah, Yudi Hari Rayanto, Barotun Mabaroh


Abstract :This study is aimed at knowingthe types and the most frequent errors
made by the tenth graders at MA Queen Zam-Zam in writing recount text based
on Azar’s Guide for Correcting Writing Errors. The design in this study is
qualitative research which focuses on content analysis. The subjects of this study
are34 tenth graders at MA Queen Zam-Zam in Academic Year 2016-2017. The
instruments used in this study arethe human instrument and the documentation.
The data were collected on March until August 2017. The finding shows that
there are 14 types of errors made by the tenth graders. It means that all errors
proposed by Azar are found in this study. The errors are singular-plural, word
form, word choice, verb tense, add a word, omit a word, word order, incomplete
sentence, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, article, meaning not clear, and
run-on sentence. The most frequent errors are add a word errors with the
percentage of 16.18 %. Therefore, it can be concluded that the tenth graders in
MA Queen Zam-Zam have major difficulty in making grammatically correct
sentence since they still omit the content and the function word.

Key words :error, error analysis, recount text

One skill needs to be mastered when learning English is writing (Brown, 2006). In this
study, the researcher focuses on writing because it is the most difficult skill among the others.
It is in line with Langan’s (2001) statement that writing is a process of discovery that involves
a series of steps, and those steps are very often a zigzag journey. Besides, some elements like
the vocabulary, the tenses, and the punctuation needs to be noticed at the sametime. Therefore,
it can be said that writing takes a complex and complicated process.
English and Indonesian Language have many differences. One difference is the use of
verbs. Langan (2003) states that English verbs determine the time of the action. That is one
reason why Indonesian students often have trouble creating English sentences(Keating, 2017).
In Indonesian Language, one does not need to change verb to show the time of the action.
Besides the difficulty in changing the verbs, there are still many difficulties that the
students may face during writing, e.g using correct spelling and punctuation. Indonesian

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spelling and English spelling are totally different. Indonesian students may feel difficult to
write an English word since its spelling is not the same as its pronunciation. In the case of
punctuation, there is no significant difference between the two languages. However, the
students tend to use incorrect punctuation as they get accustomed to use it in wrong way
(Keating, 2017).
From the reasons above, it can be inferred that during writing the students may make
errors. Errors can happen because of students’ mother tongue interference or their lack of
knowledge of the rules of the target language. According to Gass and Selinker (2008), if a
learner produced anerror, or errors, this was a signal that the learner was having difficulty with
a particular structure or sound. Therefore, an analysis needs to be conducted in order to know
the types of errors that the students make and thus a better method can be used to reduce the
In this study, the researcher analyzes errors made by the tenth graders at MA Queen
Zam-Zam in writing recount text. In analyzing the errors, the researcher uses Azar’s Guide for
Correcting Writing Errors (1989). Azar (1989) divides errors into fourteen categories. Those
are (1)Singular-Plural,(2) Word Form, (3)Word Choice, (4)Verb Tense, (5)Add a word,
(6)Omit a Word, (7)Word Order, (8)Incomplete Sentence, (9)Spelling,(10) Punctuation,
(11)Capitalization, (12)Article, (13)Meaning not Clear, and (14) Run-on Sentence.
This study cannot be separated from the previous studies. A study conducted by
Bayinah (2013) entitled Grammatical Analysis on the Simple Past Tense in Writing Recount
Text of MA Al khairiyah Jakarta Selatanfound 163 errors in students’ recount text. In analyzing
the errors, she used Corder’s classification and found that errors of selection were the most
errors with 53.4%, while the least error was ordering with 0.6%. Besides, Al ‘ayubi (2016)
whoconducted an error analysis using Dulay’s surface strategy taxonomy on the first graders’
errors in writing recount text at SMA Islam Darut Tauhid Bangil found that omission errors
were the most dominant with the total of error is 36.47%, while the least error was
regularization since no regularization error was found.The studies are relevant with this study
since the researcher would also analyze students’ errors in writing recount text. However, the
difference lies in the classification of errors used; the researcher in this study uses Azar’s Guide
for Correcting Writing Errors (1989) as stated before.
Based on the explanation mentioned, the researcher is eager to conduct an analysis on
students’ errors in writing recount text made by the tenth graders at MA Queen Zam-Zam.In
specific, the present research objectives are 1) knowing the types of errors in writing recount
text made by the tenth graders at MA Queen Zam-Zam and 2) knowing the most frequent errors

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

in writing recount text made by the tenth graders at MA Queen Zam-Zam.The researcher hopes
that the result of this study can be beneficial in finding the major difficulties the students are
facing in writing recount text and giving factual feedbacks for the teachers’ better performance.

The Definition of Error
Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition or CARLA (2016) states that
an error is a form in learner language that is inaccurate. It means it is different from the forms
used by competent speakers of the target language. When a student makes an error, he cannot
correct it. It happens because the system that he has in his brain is incorrect. As stated by Brown
(2006), errors are the result of one’s systematic competence (the learner’s system is incorrect).
The Definition of Error Analysis
Error analysis is a type of linguistic analysis that focuses on the errors learners make
(Gass and Selinker,2008). Error analysis provides access to the observable data from which
inferences can be made about the learner’s underlying knowledge about his or her language.
By conducting this kind of analysis, It can be known what kinds of errors that the learners make
since Brown (2006) states that errors can be observed, analyzed and classified.
The Classification of Error
The researcher uses Azar’s Guide for correcting writing errors (1989) to classify the
errors made by the students. Azar (1989) divides errors into 14 categories. Those are (1)
Singular-Plural, (2) Word Form, (3) Word Choice, (4)Verb Tense, (5)Add a Word, (6)Omit a
Word, (7)Word Order, (8) Incomplete Sentence, (9) Spelling, (10) Punctuation, (11
)Capitalization, (12) Article, (13) Meaning not Clear, and (14) Run-on Sentence. Below is the
explanation :
a. Singular – Plural
This type of error covers three classifications : (a) when the subject and the verb don’t
have the same grammatical form. (b) The disappearance of the –s for the plural nouns or the
addition of –s for the singular nouns and, (c) the misuse of demonstrative adjectives with the
nouns which comes after them (Azar,1989). E.g He have been here for six months.

b. Word Form
This type of error is characterized by thechanging form of word based on the
grammatical rules (Azar,1989). E.g “I saw a beauty picture”
c. Word Choice

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Word choice error occurs if the word used is inapropriate with the context (Azar,1989).
E.g ‘She got on the taxi’
d. Verb Tense
Azar (1989) explains thatverb tense error is characterized by the use of an inappropriate
verb for a certain type of tense. For example : “He is here since June”
e. Add a Word
Add a word error occurs when a learner leaves out a word that must exist in a
grammatically-correct sentence (Azar,1982). E.g ‘I want √ to go to the zoo’
f. Omit a Word
omit a word error happens since a learner supplies a word that mustn’t exist in a
grammatically-correct sentence (Azar,1989). E.g ‘She entered to the university’.
g. Word Order
word order error occurs when a word or some words are not put in the correct place
(Azar,1989). E.g ‘I saw five times that movie’.
h. Incomplete Sentence
Incomplete sentence error is closely related to a dependent clause. Azar (1989) explains
that a dependent clause is not a complete sentence. Therefore, It must be connected to an
independent clause.E.g ‘I went to bed. Because I was tired’.
i. Spelling
Spelling error occurs when a word is not spelled correctly (Azar,1989).E.g ‘An accident
j. Punctuation
Punctuation error occurs when punctuation marks are not put properly or even omitted
(Azar,1989).E.g What did you say.
k. Capitalization
Capitalization error occurs when a letter or some letters of a word is not capitalized as
it/they should be, or vice versa (Azar,1989). E.g ‘I am studying english’.
l. Article
This type of error is characterized by the misuse of the indefinite articles ‘a/an’and the
definite article ‘the’ (Azar,1989).‘I had aaccident’
m. Meaning not Clear
Meaning not Clearerror happens if a sentence is difficult to interpret (Azar,1989).E.g
“He borrowed some smoke”
n. Run-on Sentence

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Run-on sentenceerror occurs when two sentences are incorrectly connected; the end of
one sentence and and the beginning of the next sentence are not properly marked by a period
and a capital letteror by a semicolon (Azar, 1989).E.g ‘My roommate was sleeping, we didn’t
want to wake her up.’

The Definition of Recount Text

Anderson and Anderson (1997 ) states that a recount is a piece of text that retells past
events, usually in the order in which they happened. Recount text belongs to the nonfictional
fictional texts since it usually retells about someone’s real experience in the past. The purpose
of this text is to retell past events for the purpose of informing or entertaining, Rusmanhaji
(2013). Recount text can be performed in written or spoken way. But, in this research, the
researcher focuses on analyzing errors in written recount text.

The research design used in this research is qualitative research which focuses on
content analysis. Qualitative research is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons,
opinions, and motivations (Wyse,2011). Qualitative research gathers information that is not in
numerical form(Leod, 2008). Therefore,the data in qualitative research are collected and
recorded in description, not symbols or numbers. Mayring (2000) explains that content analysis
isan approach of empirical, methodological controlled analysis of texts within their context of
communication, following content analytical rules and step by step models, without rash
quantification. Therefore, the selection of this analysis is appropriate since the researcher
analyses errors in recount texts through some steps then interpret the result in the form of
The subjects of this studyarethe tenth graders at MA Queen Zam-Zam in Academic
Year 2016-2017. There are 34 students who are divided into two classes; class A and class B.
Class A consists of 13 students while class B consists of 21 students.
The instruments used in this study are the human instrument and the documentation. In
qualitative research, the researcher is considered as an instrument of data collection (Denzin
and Lincoln, 2003). Thus, human instrument here means the researcher herself.The
documentation in this research contains the students’ recount texts.
In this research, the researcher uses Cresswell’s steps to collect data. Cresswell (2012)
states that there are five steps to collect data, those are (a) identifying the participants and sites,
(b) gaining access to the individuals and sites, (c) gathering information, (d) collecting data

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using instruments, and (e) administering the data collection.To identify the participants and
sites, the researcher looked for the material of recount text and found that it was in the first
semester syllabus of the tenth grade. To gain the access to the students, the researcher asked
for the permission of the English teacher to copy the students’ recount texts. After gaining the
copies, the researcher collected the data by searching errors in students’ recount text. Before
analyzing the data, the researcher administered student’s name, attendance list and academic
year into a code.
In analyzing the data, the researcher uses Ellis’ steps (1997).There are four steps; (1)
Identifying the errors, (2) classifying the errors into their types, (3) Calculating the errors, and
(4) Describing the errors. To identify the types of errors, the researcher uses Azar’s Guide for
Correcting Writing Errors (1989). After identifying the errors, the researcher classified them
into their types. After that, the researcher counted the frequency of each type of error. Finally,
the researcher describesthem in terms of their types and their frequencies.

In this part, the researcher shows the types and the frequencies of errors made by the
tenth graders in writing recount text.
a. Types of Errors Found in Students’ Recount Text
To show the types of errors made by the students in writing recount text, the researcher
provides two examples of analysis on students errors to represent the whole analysis. One
example below is an analyzed recount text written by a student in class A and the other was
written by a student in class B.

Student : AS/01/17A
Table 1. the analysis on students’ error in class A
no Erroneous Azar’s Error Types Correct
Sentences Sentences
Meaning not Clear
Run-on Sentence

Word Choice

Omit a Word

Add a Word

Word Order
Word Form

Verb Tense



1 Last week, 1 1 Last week,

My friend’s 1 2 my friend
and I went

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and I went to to Losari

beach losari. Beach.
2 We 1 1 1 We could
canshopping 1 2 1 buy many
Many 1 3 souvenirs
souvenirs in in Losari
beach losari, Beach. We
we can √√√ could swim
swimming in the
pool. swimming
3 I √ very 1 I was very
happy 1 1 happy
because I 1 because I
have many had many
friend’s from friends
many city. from many
4 After visiting 1 2 After
beach losari, 1 1 1 1 visiting
we 1 1 Losari
visitingthe 1 Beach, we
market, in √ 1 visited a
market √ we market. In
shopping the market,
many snack, we bought
drinks and many
clothes, this snacks,
very full. drinks and
clothes, ...
5 I will 1 1 1 I wouldn’t
can’tcan 1 be able to

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√forgotthen forget the

the moment. moment.
Total of each type 2 0 4 5 6 2 3 0 0 1 8 1 1 2
of error

The table above shows that the student with the code AS/01/17A made 35
errors. The errors found consist of 2 singular plural errors, 4 word choice errors, 5 verb tense
errors, 6 add a word errors, 2omit a word errors, 3 word order errors, 1 punctuationerror, 8
capitalization errors, 1 article error, 1 meaning not clear error, and 2 run-on sentence errors.

Student : DTKP/02/17B
Table 2. the analysis on students’ error in class B
no Erroneous Azar’s Error Types Correct
sentences Sentences

Meaning not Clear

Run-on Sentence

Word Choice

Omit a Word

Add a Word

Word Order
Word Form

Verb Tense


1 Three year ago, I 1 Article Three years ago,

walked to 1 1 I walked to
theBotanical Purwodadi
Garden 1 1 1 Botanical
Purwodadi with 1 1 Garden with my
my friends, I was friends. I was
asked √ did √ asked to do a
research, by my research by my
teacher. teacher.
2 After done √ 1 1 1 After doing the
research√ we √ 2 1 research, we
around √ 1 1 1 went around the
Botanical Garden 1 1 1 botanical garden
area, manyof 1 1 1 area. We didn’t
plants 1 know many

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weunknown. But plants, but we

√ many plants knew some
alsohave known. others.
3 Many 1 2 Many people
peoplesvisitto this visited this
place place.
4 Majority √ √ 1 2 Majority of
isyoung man, also 1 1 1 1 them were
thereis√ plant to 1 1 young men.
bepotography 1 There wasalso a
wedding, it plant plant used for
give mention wedding
Bugenfil. potography.
5 We go home with 1 1 We went home
so happy. happily
Total of each type of 2 3 2 5 9 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 1 3

The total of errors made by the student with the code DTKP/02/17B is 39 errors. The
errors consist of 2 singular-pluralerrors, 3 word form errors, 2 word choice errors, 5 verb tense
errors, 9 add a word errors, 5 omit a word errors, 4 word order errors, 3 punctuation errors, 2
capitalization errors, 1 meaning not clear error and 3 run-on sentence errors.
Based on the result of error analysis on the tenth graders’ recount texts in class A and
class B, the researcher provides the number of errors made by class A and class B in the two
tables below.
Table 3. The number of errors in class A

Incomplete Sentence

Meaning not Clear

Run-on Sentence

Word Choice

Omit a Word
Add a Word

Word Order

Word Form

Verb Tense

no Number


of Errors

1 AS/01/17 2 0 4 5 6 2 3 0 0 1 8 1 1 2 35

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2 AT/02/17 1 2 1 2 7 5 4 2 4 3 8 0 0 1 50
A 1
3 AH/03/17 1 0 7 1 8 4 3 0 2 5 3 0 2 4 40
4 AM/04/17 5 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 1 21
5 F/06/17A 0 2 3 4 5 1 0 1 4 3 3 0 0 0 26
6 HR/07/17 2 0 6 2 1 9 2 0 1 6 8 0 0 1 51
A 4
7 IM/08/17 0 1 7 3 4 2 1 1 0 2 4 0 0 1 26
8 KI/09/17A 0 0 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 13
9 MM/10/17 0 1 4 9 5 3 1 0 3 4 3 0 0 1 34
10 MA/11/17 2 0 6 6 6 1 3 1 1 3 4 1 1 3 38
11 SA/12/17 1 0 2 3 5 1 0 0 5 6 5 0 0 2 40
A 1
12 Y/13/17A 0 1 1 2 2 1 9 1 3 2 5 0 0 4 77
1 2 7
13 MJ/14/17 1 0 0 2 1 5 3 0 0 3 2 1 2 1 21
Total of errors 1 7 6 44 8 6 2 6 2 4 5 3 1 2 472
5 6 6 2 9 5 1 5 0 3

Based on the table above, the tenth graders class A made made 472 errors. The errors
consist of 15 singular-plural errors, 7 word form errors, 66 word choice errors, 44 verb tense
errors, 86 add a word errors, 62 omit a word errors, 29 word order errors, 6 incomplete
sentence errors, 25 spelling errors, 41 punctuation errors, 55 capitalization errors, 3 article
errors, 10 meaning not clear errors, and 23 run-on sentence errors.
Table 4. The number of errors in class B

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Incomplete Sentence

Meaning not Clear


Run-on Sentence

Word Choice

Omit a Word
no Number

Add a Word

Word Order

Word Form

Verb Tense
of Errors


1 DTKP/0 2 3 2 5 9 5 4 0 0 3 2 0 1 3 39
2 D/03/17 0 2 11 2 7 3 4 1 1 7 0 0 0 1 39
3 FN/04/1 1 2 6 6 14 5 9 0 2 2 7 0 1 1 56
4 HM/05/ 0 1 0 2 4 4 1 1 4 1 6 0 1 0 25
5 IK/06/1 1 1 12 8 5 5 2 0 0 5 4 0 2 2 47
6 LL/07/1 0 2 2 4 7 4 4 1 0 6 1 0 2 2 49
7B 5
7 L/08/17 1 0 5 5 4 8 1 0 0 5 3 0 0 1 33
8 ML/09/1 0 0 4 9 10 13 2 2 2 4 4 0 1 0 51
9 MQ/10/ 1 1 4 4 8 10 6 0 3 4 1 0 1 2 45
10 MS/11/1 1 2 10 4 7 7 0 0 0 9 3 0 0 2 45
11 NA/12/1 0 2 6 3 3 10 6 1 2 2 3 0 2 0 40
12 NN/14/1 2 0 6 1 1 3 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 20
13 RH/16/1 0 0 3 1 3 5 1 0 1 0 6 0 1 0 21

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14 RJ/17/1 3 2 7 2 6 5 1 0 0 2 9 0 1 1 39
15 RZN/18/ 0 0 6 2 7 3 1 0 2 7 4 0 0 1 33
16 SAFS/1 1 0 20 9 11 7 6 4 3 7 2 0 9 2 81
17 SS/20/1 2 1 4 3 5 8 2 0 1 6 2 1 0 4 39
18 AZ/21/1 1 2 6 2 6 13 0 0 5 4 1 0 0 0 51
7B 7
19 INW/22/ 1 0 0 3 4 4 2 0 4 4 1 0 0 2 25
20 EM/23/1 0 0 10 1 5 4 8 0 3 0 3 0 2 1 37
21 UH/24/1 0 2 8 4 2 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 2 1 30
Total of 1 2 13 8 12 12 6 1 3 8 9 1 2 2 850
errors 7 3 2 0 8 9 4 0 3 5 5 7 6

The table above shows that there are 850 errors made by tenth graders class B. The
errors consist of 17 singular-plural errors, 23 word form errors, 132 word choice errors, 80
verb tense errors, 128 add a word errors, 129 omit a word errors, 64 word order errors, 10
incomplete sentenceerrors, 33 spelling errors, 85 punctuation errors, 95 capitalization errors, 1
article error, 27 meaning not clear errors, and 26 run-on sentence errors.
Based on the results shown in the tables above, the researcher found thatthere are1.322
errors made by all tenth graders. The errors consist of 32 singular-plural errors, 30 word form
errors, 198 word choice errors, 124 verb tense errors, 214 add a word errors, 191 omit a word
errors, 93 word order errors, 16 incomplete sentence errors, 58 spelling errors, 126
capitalization errors, 150 punctuation errors, 4 article errors, 37 meaning not clear errors, and
49 run-on sentence errors.
b. The frequencies of Errors

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Below arethe tables showing the frequency of each error type made by the students in
writing recount text in the form of percentage. Errors with the highest percentage form show
the major difficulty faced by the students.
Table. 5 the frequencies of errors in class A

no Types of errors Occurrence Percentage

1 Singular-plural 15 3.18 %
2 Word Form 7 1.48 %
3 Word choice 66 13.98 %
4 Verb Tense 44 9.32 %
5 Add a Word 86 18.22 %
6 Omit a Word 62 13.13 %
7 Word Order 29 6.14 %
8 Incomplete Sentence 6 1.27 %
9 Spelling 25 5.30 %
10 Capitalization 41 8.69 %
11 Punctuation 55 11.65 %
12 Article 3 0.64 %
13 Meaning not Clear 10 2.12 %
14 Run-on Sentence 23 4.87 %
Total 472 100 %

The table shows that the most frequent errors made by class A are add a word errors with the
percentage of 18.22 %, while the least errors found are article errors with the percentage of
0.64 %.
Table. 6 the frequencies of errors in class B

no Types of errors Occurrence Percentage(%)

(Times) Class A
1 Singular-plural 17 2.00 %
2 Word Form 23 2.70 %
3 Word choice 132 15.52 %
4 Verb Tense 80 9.41 %

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5 Add a Word 128 15.06 %

6 Omit a Word 129 15.18 %
7 Word Order 64 7.53 %
8 Incomplete Sentence 10 1.18 %
9 Spelling 33 3.88 %
10 Punctuation 85 10.00 %
11 Capitalization 95 11.18 %
12 Article 1 0.12 %
13 Meaning not Clear 27 3.18 %
14 Run-on Sentence 26 3.06 %
Total 850 100 %

The table shows that the most frequent errors made by class B are word choice errors with the
percentage of 15.52%, while the least error found is article error with the percentage of 0.12
%. Besides showing the frequencies of errors in each class, the researcher also provides the
frequencies of errors if all errors in class A and class B are accumulated in the table below.
Table. 7 the frequencies of errors in class B
no Types of errors Occurrence Percentage(%)
(Times) Class A
1 Singular-plural 32 2.41 %
2 Word Form 30 2.27 %
3 Word choice 198 14.97 %
4 Verb Tense 124 9.38 %
5 Add a Word 214 16.18 %
6 Omit a Word 191 14.44 %
7 Word Order 93 7.03 %
8 Incomplete Sentence 16 1.21 %
9 Spelling 58 4.39 %
10 Punctuation 126 9.53 %
11 Capitalization 150 11.35 %

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12 Article 4 0.30 %
13 Meaning not Clear 37 2.80 %
14 Run-on Sentence 49 3.70 %
Total 1322 100 %

1. Types of Errors found in Students’ Recount Text
a. Singular-plural
In this research, the students
Based on the table, the most frequent errors made by all tenth graders are add a word errors
with the percentage of 16.18 %, while the least errors are article errors with the percentage of
0.30 %.
in class A made 15 singular-plural errors with the percentage of 3.18 %, while the students in
class B made 17 singular-pluralerrors with the percentage of 2.00 %. If the errors made by
class A and class B are accumulated, there are 32 singular-plural errors found with the
percentage of 2.41%. Below is an example of singular-plural error and its correction :
1. Erroneous sentence : I saw many kind of animals (SS/20/17B)
2. Correct sentence : I saw many kinds of animals
b. Word Form
The students in class A made 7 word form errors with the percentage of 1.48 % and the students
in class B made 23word form errors with the percentage of 2.70 %. If all errors are accumulated,
there are 30word form errors with the percentage of 2.27 %.Below, the researcher provides an
example of word form error and its correction :
1. Erroneous phrase : a monkey hunger... (FN/04/17B)
2. Correct sentence : a hungry monkey
c. Word Choice
The students in class A made 66 word choice errors with the percentage of 13.98
%, while the students in class B made 132word choice errors with the percentage of 15.52 %.
If all errors are accumulated, there are 198 word choice errors with the percentage of 14.97 %.
Below is one example of word choice error and its correction.
1. Erroneous sentence : I went to bathing place “Banyu Biru” with my brother and my sister.
2.Correct sentence : I went to “Banyu Biru” swimming pool with my brother and my siste
.d. Verb Tense

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The students in class A made 44 verb tense errors with the percentage of 9.32 %, while
the students in class B made 80 verb tense errors with the percentage of 9.41 %. If all errors
are accumulated, 124 verb tense errors are found with the percentage of 9.38 %. The example
of verb tense error and its correction can be seen below.
1. Erroneous sentence : I am very happy (MA/11/17A)
2. Correct sentence : I was very happy
e. Add a Word
The students in class A made 86 add a word errors with the percentage of 18.22 %,
while the students in class B made 128add a worderrors with the percentage of 15.06 %. If all
errors are accumulated, 214 add a word errors are found with the percentage of 16.18%. The
researcher provides one example of this error and its correction below:
1. Erroneous sentence : Last week, my friends and I went to √ forest. (KI/09/17B)
2. Correct sentence : Last week, my friends and I went to a forest
f. Omit a Word
In this study, the students in class A made 62 omit a word errors with the percentage of
13.13 %, while the students in class B made 129omit a worderrors with the percentage of 15.18
%. If all errors are accumulated, there are 191 omit a word errors found with the percentage of
14.44 %.. Below is the example of omit a word error and its correction :
1. Erroneous sentence : I canto meet (SAFS/19/17B)
2. Correct sentence : I could meet
g. Word Order
In this research, the students in class A made 29 word order errors with the percentage
of 6.14 %, while the students in class B made 64word order errors with the percentage of 7.53
%. If all errors are accumulated, there are 93 word order errors are found with the percentage
of 7.03 %. The researcher provides one example of word order error and its correction below.
1. Erroneous sentence : I took picture with animals that. (INW/22/17B)
2. Correct sentence : I took picture with those animals
h. Incomplete Sentence
In this research, the students in class A made 6 incomplete sentence errors with the percentage
of 1.27 %, while the students in class B made 10 incomplete sentenceerrors with the percentage
of 1.18 %. If all errors are accumulated, there are 16 incomplete sentence errors with the
percentage of 1.21 %. The example of incomplete sentence error and its correction can be found
1. Errenous sentence :two weeks ago √ I √ happy, because I went to malang (AT/02/17A)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

2. Correct sentence : Two weeks ago, I was happy because I went to Malang.
i. Spelling
In this research, the students in class A made 25 spelling errors with the percentage of 5.30 %,
while the students in class B made 33spelling errors with the percentage of 3.88 %. If all errors
are accumulated,there are 58 spelling errors found with the percentage of 4.39 %. The example
of spelling error and its correction can be found below.
1. Erroneous sentence : My classroom was full of meaningful wordwich made our live
colourful. (AM/04/17A)
2. Correct sentence : My classroom was full of meaningful words whichmade our
j. Punctuation
In this research,the students in class A made 41 punctuation errors with the percentage
of 8.69 %, while the students in class B made 85punctuation errors with the percentage of 10.10
%. If all errors are accumulated, there are 126punctuation errors with the percentage of 11.35
%. Below is the example of punctuation error and its correction.
1. Erronous sentence : I didn’t understand what happens?(HM/05/17B)
2. Correct sentence : I didn’t understand what happened.
k. Capitalization
The students in class A made 55capitalization errors with the percentage of
11.65 %, while the students in class B made 95capitalization errors with the percentage of
11.18 %. If all errors are accumulated, 150capitalization errors are found with the percentage
of 11.35 %. The researcher provides the example of capitalization error and its correction
1. Erronous sentence : When I was at the 9th grade of Junior high school. (LL/07/17B)
2. Correct sentence : When I was at the 9th grade of junior high school..
l. Article
The students in class A made 3 article errors with the percentage of 0.64 %, while the
students in class B made 1articleerror with the percentage of 0.12 %. If all errors are
accumulated, 4 article errors are found with the percentage of 0.30 %. The example of article
error and its correction can be seen below.
1. I’m glad to see the little boy riding a horse. (MJ/14/17A)
2. I was glad to see a little boy riding a horse
m. Meaning not Clear

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

In this research, the students in class A made 10 meaning not clear errors with the
percentage of 2.12 %, while the students in class B made 27meaning not clearerrors with the
percentage of 3.18 %. If all errors are accumulated, there are 37 meaning not clear errors with
the percentage of 2.80 %. The researcher provides an example of meaning not clear error
1. We there road exceed ful feeling confortable sought (KI/09/17A)
n. Run-on sentence
Run-on sentence error is a type of error which occurs when two sentences are
incorrectly connected; the end of one sentence and and the beginning of the next sentence are
not properly marked by a period and a capital letter or by a semicolon, Azar (1989). The
students in class A made 23 run-on sentence errors with the percentage of 4.87 %, while the
students in class B made 26run-on sentence errors with the percentage of 3.06 %. If all errors
are accumulated, there are 49 run-on sentence errors found in this research with the percentage
of 3.70%. Below, the researcher provides an example of run-on sentence error and its
1. Mr. Muji Prayitno √ my class teacher √ wanted student’s to write motivation
wordwichcometo our minds, he give 10 minutes to that. (AM/04/17A)
2. Mr. Muji Prayitno, my class teacher, wanted students to write motivation words which
came from our minds. He gave 10 minutes for that

b. The Most Frequent Errors in Students’ Recount Text

In this part, the researcher provides the most frequent errors made by the tenth graders
class A and class B at MA Queen Zam-Zam. The most frequent errors found in class A and
class B are different, therefore, the students in class A and class B have different major
difficulties. Below is the discussion.
a. Add a word
In class A, the most frequent errors are add a word errors since they occur 86 times
with the percentage of 18.22 % of the whole errors made by class A. From the finding, it can
be concluded that the students in class A have major difficulty in making grammatically correct
sentence since they still leave out the function word and the content word which cause the
sentence grammatically wrong. The students who made add a word error might be influenced
by their mother tongue language. In an erroneous sentence ‘Last week, my friends and I went
to √ forest’(KI/09/17B), the student might want to say‘Minggu lalu, saya dan teman-teman
pergi ke hutan’(Indonesian language). In Indonesian language, the use of the indifinite article

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

a or sebuah (Indonesian language) for singular count noun is sometimes omitted. As stated by
Brown (2006), when a learner is still not familiar with the system of the second language, he
will use the system of his first language (mother tongue language). Therefore, the tenth grade
students who made add a aword errors might use Indonesian pattern to translate their sentences
into English.
b. Word choice
In class B, the most frequent errors are word choice errors since they occur 132 times
or 15.52 % of the whole errors made by class B. The researcher concludes that the students in
class B have major difficulty in choosing the correct word in English to translate their
Indonesian words. The role of the teacher is badly needed since the teacher may not give the
students enough knowledge of the function of certain English words in order to avoid this error.
As stated by Corder in Fitriyani (2013), error is an evidence of failure of ineffective teaching
or lack control. From the statement, it can be assumed that the teacher still lacks of controlling
his students when writing English sentences. The teacher may not tell the students in what
context a word must be used. Therefore, the students choose the words inappropriate with the
context. Beside the most frequent errors made by class A and class B, the researcher also
found the most frequent errors made by both classes. If all the errors found are accumulated,
the most frequent errors are add a word errors since there are 214 add a word errors with the
percentage of 16.18 % of the whole errors made by all the tenth graders. Therefore, the major
difficulty faced by all tenth graders in general is making sentences which have correct


Based on the data analysis, the researcher concludes that there are 14 types of errors
made by the tenth graders. The errors are singular-plural, word form, word choice, verb tense,
add a word, omit a word, word order, incomplete sentence, spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, article, meaning not clear, and run-on sentence. The total of those errors is
1.322. The most frequent errors made by class A are add a word errors with the percentage of
18.22 % of all errors made by class A. While, the most frequent errors made by class B are
word choice errors with the percentage of 15.52 % of all errors made by class B. If all the errors
are accumulated, the most frequent errors are add a word errors with the percentage of 16.18
Based on the conclusion, the researcher would like to give the English teacher and the
future researcher some suggestions. The English teacher needs to give the students in class A

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

and B more comprehension on different things since the most frequent errors found in both
classes are different. In class A, the most frequent errors found are add a word errors.
Therefore, the English teacher needs to give more comprehension on how to make a
grammatically correct sentence since this error occurs when a learner leaves out a word which
causes the sentence grammatically wrong. While in class B, the most frequent errors found are
word choice errors. Therefore, the students in class B should be given more information about
the functions of certain words in order to avoid the direct translation which causes word choice
error happens.
In general, the students in both classes have difficulty in making grammatically correct
sentence since the researcher found that add a word errors are the most frequent errors based
on the result of the accumulation of the errors in class A and B. Therefore, the teacher also
needs to give the students in class B more comprehension on how to make a grammatically
correct sentence.Besides, the use of the correct verbs, the correct spelling, and the correct
punctuation is also needed to be noticed by the teacher.
For the future researchers, the result of this study can be a reference to complete the
previous study subtopic. However, the researcher suggests that the future researchers use the
different error classification in order to improve the knowledge of error analysis and to enrich
the thesis diversity in STKIP PGRI Pasuruan.

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International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Sony Sukmawan, M. Andhy Nurmansyah, Maulfi Syaiful Rizal

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FIB UB

Abstract: During the celebration of the great Tengger ritual, both incidental
and timed, both personal and communal, the presence of women are absolutely.
The female figure is meant to be played by Pandita dukun's wife, assisted by
Mbok Legen, Mbok Sepuh, and Mbok Sanggar. They are in charge of preparing
offerings and arranging the whole affairs of the kitchen. In fact, at a certain
moment, women are directly involved in the core of the ritual to accompany the
pandita shaman. Interestingly, the cooperation between them is functional for
the retention of Tengger's traditions, values, and identity that have a real impact
on cosmic protection. This gender-oriented research seeks to expose Tengger
women's ideas, and attitudes to the environment in a number of rituals and oral
traditions as a representation of an adaptative, a sustainable, and an
environmentally sound knowledgewhich function as disaster mitigative system
of knowledge. Methodically, the data were collected by observation and
ethnographic interviews.

Keywords:Tenggerese women, Tengger folklore, danyang, tetamping

Pada perayaan ritual besar Tengger_ insidental maupunrutin, personal maupun komunal_,
perempuan mutlak dibutuhkan kehadirannya. Ritual besar yang memerlukan kehadiran
perempuan misalnya adalah upacara Entas-Entas dan Walagara. Sosok perempuan yang
dimaksudkan diperankan oleh istri dukun Pandita, dibantu oleh Mbok Legen, Mbok Sepuh,
dan Mbok Sanggar. Mereka bertugas menyiapkan sesaji dan mengatur keseluruhan urusan
dapur. Bahkan, pada momen tertentu, perempuan terlibat langsung dalam inti ritual untuk
mendampingi dukun pandita. Pendek kata, Jika Dukun Pandita menempati posisi sentral ritual,
Mbok dukun mengemban posisi vital. Kehadiran keduannya tidak melulu bersifat subordinasi,
tetapi koordinasi. Yang menarik dalam kedua sifat eksistensi tersebut adalah fungsi
pemertahanan tradisi, nilai, dan jati diri Tengger yang berdampak nyata bagi perlindungan
kosmis, tepercayakan kepada mereka.
Gambaran keutamaan perempuan Tengger ini sejatinya tidak hanya tampak dalam
pelaksanaan tradisi tetapi juga telah ditunjukkan dalam teks-teks tradisi lisan yang lainnya,
yaitu sastra lisan. Sastra lisan yang mendeskripsikan sosok kuat perempuan Tengger adalah
mantra dan legenda, dan mitos Tengger. Legenda Karo dan ritual Karo menekankan adanya

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

kesetaraan gender. Dalam sejarah desa Tengger, perempuan tetap memiliki eksistensi kuat.
Sejumlah tradisi juga tampak jelas menuturkan pengetahuan lingkungan perempuan
tengger.Riset yang berorientasi gender ini berupaya memaparkan gagasan, pemikiran, dan
perilaku arif perempuan Tengger terhadap lingkungan dalam sejumlah ritualdan tradisi lisan
sebagai representasi sistem pengetahuan yang adaptatif, berkelanjutan, ’ramah’ terhadap
lingkungan serta mitigatif terhadap bencana.


Kesetaraan antara laki-laki dan perempuan sudah menjadi nilai dan praktik dalam tradisi
Tengger. Dalam tradisi lisan, pelajaran penting tentang kesetaraan disampaikan dalam kisah
Rara Anteng dan Jaka Seger (Setiawan, 2008:146). Mereka berdua bahu-membahu dalam
menata kehidupan dalam dan luar rumah tangga. Khusus Rara Anteng, ia tidak saja
bertanggung jawab menangani pekerjaan dalam rumah, tetapi juga ikhlas membantu Jaka Seger
bercocok tanam di ladang. Bahkan, ketika ingin menghendaki keturunan, Rara Anteng
merelakan diri bersemedi mendampingi sang suami selama berhari-hari di lautan pasir.
Keyakinan terhadap perjuangan dua tokoh mitologis dalam legenda gunung Bromo ini
berdampak luas terhadap konstruksi sosio-kultural laki-laki dan perempuan, bahwa dalam
kehidupan rumah tangga maupun kehidupan bermasyarakat, laki-laki dan perempuan memiliki
posisi yang setara. Kesederajatan posisi inilah yang menghasilkan peran strategis perempuan
Tengger (Setiawan, 2008:139-40).
Kesetaraan posisi laki-laki dan perempuan sejatinya juga tergambar dalam sejumlah
folklor Tengger, di antaranya adalah Legenda Karo, Tari Sodoran, dan Tari Ujung. Sejumlah
ritual adat juga menggambaran secara simbolis kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan. Dalam
legenda Karo, laki-laki dan perempuan disimbolkan oleh dua punakawan Aji Saka, yaitu
Setia dan Setuhu. Setia adalah simbol laki-laki dan Setuhu adalah simbol perempuan. Kedua
punakawan ini mendapatkan mandat yang sama (berat). Setia menemani perjalanan Aji Saka
ke Kerajaan Medang kamulan untuk menemui Raja Dewata Cengkar. Sementara itu, Setuhu
tinggal di tempat untuk menjaga pusaka Sarutama. Dua tugas ini dijalankan dengan penuh
tanggung jawab hingga pada akhirnya nyawa mereka berdua menjadi pertaruhannya. Makna
penting narasi simbolik ini adalah pembagian peran yang setara dan pelajaran kesetiaan,
keteguhan, dan tanggung jawab dalam menjalankan tugas dan kewajiban.
Lebih jauh, tokoh Setia dan Setuhu menyimbolkan pusaka Sarutama. Dalam salah satu versi
legenda Karo, Sarutama adalah nama sebuah keris yang harus dijaga Dora pada saat Ajisaka

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

meninggalkan Majesti. Pusaka ini juga dianggap simbolisasi unsur-unsur pembentuk ikhwal

Setia simbol laki-laki, setuhu adalah simbol perempuan. Sebenarnya mereka berdua tidak
berujud manusia tetapi bewujud pusaka. Nama pusaka tersebut adalah Sarutomo. Satu pusaka
dan satu warangka. Pusaka simbol laki-laki dan warangka simbol perempuan. Hal inilah yang
digunakan sebagai simbol kejadian manusia, yaitu berasal dari dari unsur yang berbeda. Yang
satu berunsur keras dan satunya lagi berunsur lembek.
(Eko Warnoto, 44 th, wawancara 4 Februari 2017)

Ujung dan Sodoran adalah seni tari yang berkaitan dengan upacara Yad Karo. Karo
merupakan nama bulan ke-2 dalam perhitungan tahun kalender Tengger. Dalam bulan ini orang
Tengger mengadakan upacara atau selamatan dan perayaan untuk memuliakan, mengingat, dan
memohon berkah kepada roh-roh halus dan arwah orang-orang yang telah meninggal dunia.
Menurut pewaris aktif tradisi Tengger, makna Karo adalah nylameti wong loro ‘mengadakan
selamatan untuk dua orang, Si Hana atau Si Alif atau Si Setya dan si Setuhu, atau juga pria dan
wanita yang mengemban tugas suci dari Yang Maha Agung sebagai pembawa wiji ‘benih’,
lambang kehidupan atau kesuburan (Sutarto, 2008:60). Upacara yang jatuh pada purnama
bulan Karo (tanggal 15 Karo) ini adalah salah satu upacara besar Tengger yang melambangkan
sangkan paran dumadi, yakni asal usul terjadinya manusia.

Arti dari karo adalah melambangkan sangkan paran dumadi (asal usul terjadinya manusia) dan
itu mulai awal dilambangkan Aji Saka dengan dua punakawan, yaitu setia dan setuhu (nuhoni,
tuhu dengan janji). Setia dan setuhu menyimbolkan laki-laki dan perempuan.
(Romo Eko Warnoto, wawancara 4 Februari 2017)

Ikhwal kehidupan manusia digambarkan dalam Legenda Karo, secara khusus melalui
tokoh Aji Saka dengan dua abdinya, yaitu Setia dan Setuhu. Ujung atau Ujung-ujungan adalah
simbolisasi punakawan setia dan setuhu. Simbol pertarungan (persatuan) dua unsur pembentuk
kehidupan. Secara teknis, tari Ujung dilaksanakan oleh dua penampil yang masing-masing
membawa alat (properti) yang terbuat dari rotan. Rotan melambangkan pusaka (Sarutama),
melambangkan dua unsur pembentuk kehidupan. Secara teknis pula, penampil Ujung akan
memukul dan menerima pukulan secara bergantian. Dua penampil Ujung tidak saling pukul
dalam waktu bersamaan. Pada saat satu penampil memukul, satu penampil yang lain menerima
pukulan. Begitu seterusnya dilakukan secara bergantian. Pukulan dimetaforkan sebagai
pemberian benih kehidupan ‘nutfah’. Sementara itu, menerima pukulan dimetaforkan sebagai
kesediaan menerima dan menanam benih kehidupan tersebut. Tari yang juga ditampilkan saat
slametan desa (misal di desa Mororejo) dan seusai upacara nyadran ini juga menyampaikan

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dua pesan, yakni pertunjukan ketangkasan dan kanuragan (kekebalan tubuh), dan pesan moral
bahwa siapa memukul akan dipukul (Sutarto, 2008: 258).
Pada bagian yang lainnya, upacara Yad Karo sebagai kisah legendaris yang penuh
simbol kehidupan juga menjadi awal ditemukannya huruf Jawa ‘Hanacaraka, Datasawala,
Padajayanya, Magabatanga’. Huruf-huruf ini ditafsirkan sebagai narasi kisah pertarungan dua
abdi Aji Sakadalam Legenda Karo, yakni Setia dan Setuhu dalam. Hanacaraka ‘ ada utusan’,
Datasawala‘dua-duanya sama-sama memiliki nafsu’, Padajayanya ‘dua-duanya sama-sama
sakti’, dan Magabatanga ‘di saat musim ketujuh, keduannya mendapatkan bagiannya’, yakni
bagian untuk me-warska atau memberikan keturunan. Pada pemaknaan lainnya, Karo
bermakna pula nylameti wong loro ‘selamatan untuk memperingati setia dan setuhu, selamatan
untuk memohon keselamatan laki-laki dan perempuan. Selamatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan
Karo penanggalan Tengger.
Tidak jauh berbeda dengan tari Ujung, tari Sodoran sarat dengan nilai filosofis. Sodor
atau Sodoran adalah tarian sakral orang Tengger yang dipentaskan pada perayaan Karo. Tarian
ini dimainkan oleh empat orang laki-laki (dapat pula dimainkan oleh enam orang laki-laki dan
perempuan dengan catatan berjumlah genap). Tari Sodoran digelar lebih kurang dua jam. Pada
mulanya empat orang penari berhadap-hadapan dengan jarak yang agak berjauhan. Mereka
menari bersama sambil memainkan telunjuk jari dengan diiringi gending lagu. Perlengkapan
yang diperlukan dalam pementasan tari sodoran ini terdiri atas (1) klontongan, (2) gendhing-
gendhing pengiring, yaitu janten, rancakan, titir, dan surabalen, dan (3) alat musik tradisional
sebagai pengiring gending yang terdiri atas kendang, peking, sorong, gambang, slentem, dan
gong (Sutarto, 2008:244).
Tari Sodoran menggambarkan proses pertemuan antara laki-laki dan perempuan, mulai
dari perjumpaan, perkenalan, hingga pernikahan. Adegan tarian yang bersimpangan
menjelaskan tahapan perjumpaan antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang belum mengenal antara
satu dengan yang lainnya. Adegan bersua di tengah menggambarkan perwujudan rasa sejati
yang membuahkan wiji sejati sebagai awal kehidupan manusia. Wiji sejati yang disimbolkan
dengan biji palawija dan palawiji (jagung, ucet, kentang, kangkung, recik, benguk) tersebut
dimasukkan dalam bambu wuluh dan ditutup dengan sabut keapa yang pada bagian akhir tari
akan diremukkan (kepyok) oleh para penari.
Tarian sakral yang hanya boleh dipentasan saat hari raya Karo ini berisi gerak tari yang
sederhana dan tidak rumit. Meskipun demikian, nilai-nilai ikhwal eksistensi manusia terkemas
secara simbolik-eufemistis di dalam kesederhanaan gerak tersebut. Tari Sodoran
menyimbolkan pertemuan pria dan wanita untuk menebar benih kehidupan. Karena itu, tari

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Sodoran juga bisa dikatakan sebagaitari sangkan paran (asal-usul manusia di dunia). Hal
penting lainnya adalah bahwa upacara Karo diawali dengan ritual Mblaraki. Ritual ini
dilakukan pada waktu dini hari dan berakhir hingga jam 6.00 pagi.


Bagi perempuan Tengger air tidak sebatas material alam yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk
kehidupan rumah tangga sehari-hari. Air adalah entitas hidup yang disamping bisa menghidupi
juga harus dihidupi (pelihara). Sebagaimana unsur-unsur alam lainnya, air perlu ditampingi
‘diberi sesajen’ agar danyang penguasa air menjamin kecukupan dan keberlanjutan kebutuhan.
Pemahaman perempuan Tengger terhadap air sebagai unsur hidup ini menentukan
keberlanjutan ekosistem karena pada dimensi praktis pemahaman ini melahirkan perilaku yang
tidak saja hormat terhadap sumber air, tetapi juga segala sesuatu yang melingkupi
keberadaannya, yakni hutan, bukit, hamparan tanah, pepohonan, tetumbuhan, hingga satwa
yang menjadi penghuninya. Manfaat ekologis yang nyata dari perilaku hormat terhadap alam
ini justru bermula dari kenyataan bahwa air bukan sekadar kebutuhn hidup manusia, melainkan
seluruh makhluk penguni ekosistem. Sederhananya,penghormatan terhadap air adalah tindak
kosmis yang menjamin kelangsungan hidup tumbuhan, hewan, pepohonan, hutan, dan seluruh
ekosistem. Pada titik tertentu siklus simbiosis mutualisme, manusia tentu merasakan
manfaatnya bagi kelangsungan hidup mereka.
Tamping adalah sesaji yang digunakan untuk mencukupi ‘kebutuhan’ danyang agar
tidak mengganggu kehidupan manusia.Tamping adalah sajian kecil yang diletakkan di
padanyangan. Sajian ini terdiri atas bunga kenikir, bunga tanlayu, daun putihan (daun kayu
putih), dan diharuskan pula sepotong kue pipis gandum (Sutarto, 2008:246). Ketika kehidupan
manusia terjaga dari gangguan makhluk tak kasat mata, ketika secara rutin manusia mencukupi
kebutuhan para makhluk gaib di sekitarnya, saat itu pula, kehidupan di antara mereka berjalan
beriringan, tanpa bersinggungan, apalagi berbenturan (berlawanan). Maka terciptalah relasi
harmonis di antara semua unsur kehidupan. Tamping sejatinya adalah perangkat simbolis
pembangun kehidupan harmonis.

Ada dua sumber mata air di Mororejo, yaitu Cemoro Pokol, (terletak di sebelah barat Gunung
Bromo) dan Mata air Ngadas Ranupani. Kedua mata air pasti diberi tamping pada saat slametan.
Nampingi toyo, sama dengan nampingi prapatan, dan padanyangan. Nampingi toyo juga
dilakukan di Goa Widodaren pada acara Leliwet. Nampingi toya juga dilakukan di tempat-tempat
dalam lingkungan rumah tangga, seperti di jeding, gentong, dan tempat penampungan air
(Bu Ririn Wijayati, Wawancara 10 Februari 2017)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Pemahaman perempuan Tengger terhadap eksistensi air, baik secara fisik, spasial,
maupun secara mistis adalah sebentuk pengetahuan lingkungan. Penamaan terhadap sumber
mata air, pemahaman lokasi keberadaannya, dan bagaimana harus memperlakukannya adalah
sejumlah pengetahuan yang tampak sangat sederhana dan polos. Namun demikian,
pemahaman yang ‘tidak muluk-muluk’ ini menimbulkan dan mengarahkan perilaku yang
‘tidak muluk-muluk pula’. Perilaku yang sederhana, bersahaja, dan tidak rumit yakni
menganggap air sebagai entitas hidup yang memiliki hak sama untuk dihormati dan dilindungi.
Suguh tamping diharapkan dapat menampingi (membatasi, menutupi, melindungi) hidup air
dan danyangnya , menampingi hidup manusia, menampingi relasi di antara keduanya agar
selalu sejahtera dalam keselarasan. Ketika terjadi ketidakselarasan, cara yang sama ditempuh
perempuan Tengger untuk memulihkan keadaan, yakni melalui ritual slametan yang selalu
dilengkapi dengan sesajen.Slametandan perangkat sesajen adalah bagian dari sistem
pengetahuan tradisional bagi mitigasi dan konservatif alam.

Longsor tak kerap terjadi di daerah kami, Tosari, karena adanya tradisi warga yang rutin
membuat tamping. Tiap-tiap Jumat Manis, pasti digelar ritual pembuatan tampingyang akan
ditaruh di sejumlah tempat. Setahun sekali juga dibuat tampinguntuk kebun atau ladang agar
memperoleh perlindungan dan tidak terkena bencana.
(Ibu Harati, 48 th,wawancara 1 Mei 2017 )

Tamping dapat dikatakan menjadi instrumen konservasi karena pada sisi terdalam, ia
menjadi ekspresi religi sekaligus hasrat menciptakan kehidupan harmoni. Sementara itu, pada
sisi kelengkapan bahan atau unsur-unsurnya (bunga kenikir, bunga tanlayu, daun putihan),
tersirat pesan ekologis untuk menjaga kelestarian sejumlah tanaman endemis yang digunakan
sebagai prasarana ritualtersebut.


Dewi Sri (Dongeng Dewi Padi), Dewi Nawangwulan (Kisah Jaka Tarub), Dewi Sekartaji atau
Galuh Candrakirana (Cerita Ande-ande Lumut), Nyai Gadungmlati (Mitos Merapi),Nyai Roro
Kidul, Roro Jonggrang, dan Roro Mendut, adalah potret perempuan istimewa yang kuat secara
batin, mandiri, pelindung, pengayom, dan penguasa. Dalam legenda Tengger, sosok
perempuan dengan karakteristik utama tersebut teremban dalam diri Roro Anteng. Roro
Anteng dalam banyak versi digambarkan sebagai sosok perempuan yang tangguh, teguh hati,
pekerja keras, dan cerdas. Setidak-tidaknya, penelitian Sutarto (1994) mencatatkecerdasan
tokoh utama Dewi Rara Anteng alias Nini Umah alias Nini Tengger sebagai wirawati dalam
legenda Kasada orang Tengger Lumajang. Dalam versi ini Sangwirawati, Rara Anteng,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

memiliki peranan lebih dibanding Jaka Seger. Peran tersebut tampak ketika Rara Anteng
membuat tipu daya untuk menggagalkan kerja Bima Sakti yang ingin memperistrinya (Sutarto,
Hal yang sama juga diyakini oleh perempuan Tengger mengenai watak Roro Anteng
yang rela berkorban dan tangguh.

Roro Anteng adalah perempuan yang lugu, cantik, ramah, rela berkorban dantidak menyia-
nyiakan kesempatan. Beliau adalah nenek moyang orang Tengger. Roro Anteng adalah idola.
(Divi, 19th, wawancara 11 Maret 2017)

Tidak berlebihan jika karakter Roro Anteng dijadikan teladan para perempuan Tengger karena
sosoknya sebagai nenek moyang yang sangat dihormati. Karakter kuat perempuan Tengger
sebagai pembatinan karakter Roro Anteng juga diakui sendiri oleh perempuan Tengger maupun
perempuan luar Tengger (wong isor)

Perempuan Tengger tidak sama dengan perempuan lain. Perempuan Tengger itu kuat, sopan,
tekun, dan berani.Jarang sekali melakukan hal-hal yang tidak baik. Jiwa gotong royongnya juga
sangat tinggi, misalnya, satu minggu sebelum acara pernikahan diselenggarakan, mereka pasti
sudah mulai membantu
(Ibu Hariati, 39 th, wawancara 1 Mei 2017)

Dalam dongeng desa Tengger, disebutkan kehadiran sosok perempuan dengan beragam
karakterstik, baik disampaikan secara langsung maupun implisit. Dongeng desa Mororejo
memunculkan sosok perempuan yang tegas dan nasionalis dalam diri Ibunda Raja Brawijaya.
Sementara itu, sosok perempuan yang rela berkorban untuk orang lain ditunjukkan dalam
legenda Desa Sekam Ndawa.
Putra raja Brawijaya, Raden Patah, mengikuti saudagar ke tanah Arab. Di tanah Arab, Raden
Patah berguru, memperdalam ilmu. Setelah sekian lama berguru, kembalilah ia ke Majapahit. Di
Majapahit, ia mengajarkan ilmu yang didapatkan di sana. Namun, ajaran yang diberikan tidak
sesuai dengan petilasane (jejak-jejak, peninggalan) milik ayahandanya. Ayahhandanya
berpikir, “Ah, tidak pantas jika antara Bapak dan anak berseteru karena agem-agem.Reang
menang paran untunge, Reang kalah orak pantes” (jika saya menang jelas keuntungannya,
namun jika saya kalah tentu tidak pantas), maka kuhindari saja perseteruan ini”. Setelah itu,
Brawijaya mencari tempat yang diharapkan, yaitu Bali. Saat itu, ibunya mengatakan “Saya tidak
rela jika di Jawa ini diwengku (dikuasai) orang dari seberang. Brawijaya menjawab, “Biarkan
saja Ibunda, kelak jika sudah 500 tahun (penguasaan) akan dikembalikan”. Setelah itu,
Brawijaya bersama para sahabat dan saudara serta para pengiringnya yang sedia ikut berangkat
ke Bali, melalui daerah Tengger.
(Dongeng Desa Mororejo)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Alkisah, ada seorang Perempuan yang bernama Djalani yang. Saat itu ada sepasang kakak-adik
menyukai perempuan tersebut. Jadi, satu perempuan menjadi rebutan dua laki-laki. Akhirnya,
daripada menjadi rebutan, Djelani bersedia dibawa ke hutan. Setelah dibunuh, mayat perempuan
ini ditindih kayu Kasiah. Saat itu, Djalani berpesan agar menziarahi makamnya sampai tujuh
turunan. Karena itulah daerah ini di kemudian hari dinamai Sekam Ndawa, sakam berarti
kuburan, ndawa berarti tidak ada habisnya. Sakam Ndawa berarti makam yang tidak ada
(Sakam Ndawa)

Kehadiran perempuan secara psikis maujud dalam danyang-danyang yang menempati

berbagai padanyangan di wilayah Tengger. Danyang perempuan Tengger secara kategorisasi
sederhana terdiri atas 3 jenis, yaitu danyang moncopat, danyang lokal, dan danyang desa.
Danyang moncopat dalam mantra pamenyanan Tengger, dibawahkan (Kaki) Nini
NyokroBuono Kaping Sewelas. Danyang lokal perempuan di wilayah desa Tengger juga
disebutkan dalam sejumlah japa mantra. Dalam japa Ngaturen Sajen Tamping disebukan nama
Nini Towok sebagai danyang rumah, Nini Sorosoti sebagai danyang dapur, Nini Kolo
Kancing sebagai danyang pintu, dan Nini Kolo Kenjer sebagai danyang jalan. Nini Towok,
danyang pawon ‘dapur’; Nini Soro Soti, danyang geni ‘api’; Nini Kolo Kancing, danyang
lawang ‘pintu’;Nini Kolo Jenger, danyang jogan ‘lantai rumah’; dan Nini Kolo Kenjer,
danyang dalan ‘jalan’, merupakan danyang-danyang penjaga ruang dan bagian dalam rumah
dan sekitar rumah.
Danyang perempuan desa-desa Tengger di antaranya adalah Nini Sundari (danyang
desa Argosari), Nyai Juminah (danyang desa Padakaya), Mbah Srintil (danyang desa Kaliteja),
Mbah Mauni (Mororejo), Nini Purwosari, Nini Mergosari, dan Nini Sumbersari (mantra

Konsen ekofemisme (liberal) adalah perbaikan perangkat normatif agar perempuan dapat
mengatasi stigma sosial dari ciri biologisnya dan bergabung dengan laki-Iaki dalam proyek
budaya konservasi lingkungan(Chodorow dalam Merchant 1990:100). Bagi perempuan
Tengger, bekerja sama dengan laki-laki (suami) adalah posisi dan keberadaan yang selalu
dipandang dalam citra yang positif. Ciri biologisnya sudah lama diatasi dengan bergabung
bersama laki-laki (suami), mengelola dan mengonservasi alam. Melaksanakan kewajiban adat
secara bersama-sama adalah keharusan bagi laki-laki dan perempuan Tengger sebagai
perwujudan pelaksanaan setya laksana (Sutarto, 2003:40). Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan
perempuan tengger dalam menyelesaikan masalah senantiasa menekankan kepada pentingnya
(harmoni) kehidupan, disetujui bersama dengan suami, dan tanpa kekerasan.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Banyaknya ritual adat yang harus mereka lakukan setiap tahunnya tidak lantas membuat
perempuan Tengger merasa berkeberatan dan terkungkung oleh dominasi. Terlalu jauh
membicarakan tawaran feminisme radikal tentang alternatif pembebasan perempuan, atau
gagasan feminisme sosialis tentang dominasi struktur karena rasa rela menjalankan adat
warisan leluhur lebih kuat diyakini. Keyakinan ini membuat perempuan tenang menjalani
kehidupan sehari-hari. Bahkan, etika pemeliharaan sebagai salah satu filosofi spiritualitas
ekofeminisme radikal telah dijalani dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan seharai-hari mereka. Bagi
perempuan tengger, alam adalah spiritual dan personal.


Merchant, C. 1990. Ecofeminism and Feminist Theorydalam lrene Diamond and Gloria Feman
Orenstein (Eds.). Reweaving the World.· the Emergence of Ecofeminism. SierraClub
Books. San Francisco. CA.
Sutarto, A. 2003. Perempuan Tengger: Sosok yang Setia kepada Tradisi. Majalah Bende,
Taman Budaya Provinsi Jawa Timur, tahun 2003.
-------------. 1994. Pencatatan Legenda Orang Tengger pada Zaman Penjajahan. Makalah.
Jember: Universitas Jember
-------------. 2008. Kamus Budaya dan Religi Tengger. Jember: Lemlit Universitas jember.
Setiawan, Ikhwan. 2008. Perempuan di Balik Kabut Bromo: Membaca Peran Aktif Perempuan
Tengger dalam Kehidupan Rumah Tangga dan Masyarakat. Humaniora, Vol 20, No 2,
hlm. 136-148.

Sony Sukmawan is an Indonesian and Literature Education lecturer of Indonesian Study
Program of Faculty of Cultural Studies in Brawijaya University Malang. He has been teaching
in this institution from 2005 until present. He earned his Undergraduate degree (1999), Master
degree (2007), and Doctoral degree (2013) in Indonesian and Literature Education from State
University of Malang.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Sudjiwanati, Suparno
Faculty of Psychology, University of Wisnuwardhana, Malang

Abstrak : Therapy Associate Physical-Mental (TGFM) is the treatment of renewable

manipulation holomerispot (therapy via the meridians and trigger point) is natural and non-
chemical, potentially reducing symptoms / complaints comorbid physical illness and mental
disorders (efficacy doubles, comorbid) patients, so the potential for Long-term complementary
therapies. The study was conducted on 30 patients with physical-mental disorders and 3 months
of TGFM therapy. Based on the results of statistical calculations of data a questionnaire pre and
post therapy TGFM by using paired sample t-test results obtained correlation value of physical
and mental disorder symptoms between pre and post therapy TGFM has a probability of 0.874
and 0.891 (<0.05), which means Correlation of symptoms of physical-mental disorders before
and after TGFM therapy was strong. Value of t test of physical and mental symptoms is -10.722
and -11.259 (sig 0.000) which means that TGFM give effect to the reduction of symptoms of
physical-mental patient. The results showed that TGFM was effective, effective and potential to
reduce symptoms / comorbid complaints of physical-mental illness (multiple efficacy for
symptoms / complaints of physical-mental comorbid) which is also applicable for mass therapy
and also more secure because of its nature.

Kata Kunci: Physical-Mental Double Therapy, Comorbid Disease, natural

Many people with chronic physical disease (chronic) and recurrent, with the cause /
occurrence of comorbidity (21-29%) with mental disorders, such as Migraine, Cephalgia,
Asthma Bronkiale, Angina Pektoris, Gastritis, Body Pain that is chronic-exacerbations.
Modern medical treatment often fails to provide permanent cure (50% - 75%). The Physical-
Mental Dual Therapy Method (TGFM) is designed to help relative permanent healing for the
disease (Hurst JR, Vestbo J, 2010; Lawa NA, FitzGerald JM 2008; Catalun~a, JJS et al., 2005).
TGFM (non-chemical complementary therapies) is easy, cheap, safe from side effects,
natural, and can be done independently. This therapy can also be taught to paramedics in
hospitals, Pramu-Lansia, PAUD Teachers, psychology students or Anyone or any group
interested. Natural renewable therapy can be said without side effects, can even cause the
regeneration of some organs (via stem-cell) that strongly supports the process of prevention
or cure various disorders or diseases, especially those belonging to comorbid disease, through
meridian therapy and trigger point (Dorsher PT, McIntosch PM 2011; Johnston, 2009).
TGFM is a form of therapy based on the ancestral customs of the Indonesian nation
such as “kerokan” or “kerikan” therapy by using medicinal oil (on holo-area) if sick, if milk
production decreases and findings of medical pathophysiology Biomedical is associated with

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

stem cell stimulation (stem cell), if on certain areas of human body is done a adequat
manipulation (holomerispot area). It is synchronized with other meridian therapies such as
trigger point manipulation and acupuncture therapy (Yicheng J, Jian P, 2002; Suparno, 2011,

Mental Physical Double Therapy (TGFM), Biomolecular Symphony and Neuroplasticity
In accordance with author's literary experience and research, the positive changes of
the reality brain can be triggered by psychotherapy / counseling, psychopharmaceutical
medication, exercise, as well as physical-mental dual therapy (TGFM). In psychotherapy /
counseling, positive brain changes can be detected from increased metabolism within the brain
area of the hippocampus and dorsal singulates with decreased metabolism in the dorsal-ventral-
medial frontal cortex. In medication paroksetin (drug) increased metabolism in the prefrontal
area with decreased metabolism in the hippocampus and subgenualis singulata. Both therapies
can trigger neuroplasticity, a process that triggers brain regeneration and repair.
ST 36 acupoin stimulation gives rise to wide and synchronous signals in the cerebro-
cerebellar pathway (especially in the limbic system), with a central role in the regulation of
immunological function. The acupuncture-induced signals also stimulate the HPA axis to
release endogenous opioid neurotransmitters (endorphins). Also found indications,
acupuncture changes the amygdala-specific brain tissue toward functional status underlying
pain perception and pain modulation. Functional connectivity as well as electrophysiological /
neuroanatomical findings prove that, eferent amygdala is associated with the anterior singular
cortex (bidireksional), with major roles, autonomic and emotional regulation. (Hui, 2000;
Bensoussan, 1991; Edzard et al., 1998; Huang, 1996; Konefal et al., 1995; Naeser et al., 1992,
1994; Stux, 1997).

Regenerative medicine and stem cell regeneration

The effect of acupuncture on stem cell stimulation can be observed from the statement
of Laurance Johnston, Ph.D. "Everywhere, I discuss acupuncture and its potential to restore
some of the post-traumatic function of the spine (SCI), partly through the ability of acupuncture
to affect the regeneration or development of stem cells" (Johnston, 2009).
In patients with spinal trauma (SCI), according to Peter Dorsher and Peter McIntosh of
the Mayo Clinic (Jacksonville, Florida), the pathophysiology of repair or cure is due to: 1)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

decreased levels of proteins and cells that help the involuntary scarring of the body Damages,
2) reduction of trauma-induced traumatic damage trends, by free radical molecules, 3)
reduction of spinal cord post-traumatic atrophy, 4) reduction of stress-related hormones, 5)
improvement of various regenerating generating molecules, 6) Stimulation of blood flow to
involuntary areas, 7) removal of nerve-protective molecules and non-endorphinic molecules,
8) possibly also stimulation of restoration or repair function of stem cells (Dorsher et al., 2011).
With brain imaging detection, stimulation of various acupoints can activate widely in
the brain region, such as primary / secondary somatosensory cortex, anterior cortical cortex,
insula cortex, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. (Hui, 2000;
Bensoussan, 1991; Edzard et al., 1998; Huang, 1996; Konefal et al., 1995; Naeser et al., 1992,
1994; Stux, 1997).

Product Information Mental Physical Double Therapy (TGFM)

Mental Physical Double Therapy (TGFM) is a combination of Renewable Therapy of

Holomerispot Manipulation (TTMH) with Art Therapy.
Renewable Therapy of Holomerispot Manipulation (TTMH)
In the TTMH application which is an element of TGFM, we can provide some examples
of holomerispot useful for treating Psychiatric Disorders as well as Physical Illness and Other
Psychiatric Disorders that are very likely to follow suit (comorbid disease). Manipulation of
the holomerispot can be done by rubbing or rubbing using multiple fingers, not pressing or
gentle massage to prevent damage. It can also be a holomerispot manipulation done with warm
water sprays, air puffs, electrical stimuli, traditional herbal baths.
In Therapy Self-Manipulation Holomerispot is done gently rubbing at certain points
meridian with certain sequences as well. Packages "uyheg-uyheg ranthi" or "kerhi'an package"
this can be done on the imaginary circle area with the center point is meripoin as below:
Figure 1. The dots in the meridian path (merpot) used in TTMH; ST-36 Suzanli (for the
treatment of physical-mental illness, such as diarrhea-distress-hypertension-boosting
immunity); Pc-6 Neiguan (for the treatment of physical-mental illness, such as cardiac, allergy-

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Art Therapy

The second therapeutic element of TGFM is Art Therapy, is a form of psychotherapy

that uses art-works media as the main way (important, special) in communicating. Can be
applied to children, adolescents, adults and elderly. Art therapy has a broad scope, for example,
it includes various emotional, behavioral or mental health problems, various physical or
learning disabilities, conditions of limitation in life, brain trauma or various physical illnesses
and neurologic conditions. Art Therapy can be given to a group, or individually, depending on
the client's needs. Art Therapy is not a recreational activity or an art lesson, clients do not need
some experience or expertise in previous works of art.
The purpose of Art Therapy on the client is to understand the psychological aspect,
especially his affective interests, his emotional needs and the healing power, via the creativity
process experienced by the client himself. Thus there is an awareness of self, the reduction of
stress and symptoms, the elimination of traumatic experiences, improving cognitive abilities,
and gaining pleasure in the art-work experience (music, dance, painting, handicraft making,
photography , Other visual art expressions). Art-art therapists and psychologists use art-based
judgment to evaluate emotional, cognitive, and developmental conditions.
According to the research of several psychologists, the use of Art Therapy is very broad,
covering all physical illness (general illness), diagnosis and reduction of symptomatology of
cancer, healing the psychological impact of natural disasters.

In this study a sample of 30 people with a medical record experienced disorders such
as high blood pressure, headache (cephalgia), vertigo, gastritis, lumbago, allergies
(hypersensivity), tingling (hyperstesi). The patient will be given a physical disorder
questionnaire that he suffered and psychological tests, pre and post Physical-Mental Dual
Therapy (TGFM). Patients will receive TGFM therapy for 3 months and will be done three
times each week. The results were analyzed statistically using paired sample T-test method.
Physical-Mental Double Therapy is performed by stimulating accu-point points by
massaging or rubbing vertically or horizontally in the area around the accu-point for 10-15
minutes with intensity 3 times / day. Accu-point points used for therapy in research include
SP-6 points used to improve physical fitness; ST-36 used to help relieve 80% of physical
illness, hypertension, diarrhea, hyperemesis (vomit profuse), distress, dysmenorrhea; And PC-
6 to help allergy, pjk / angina pectoris, distress (Sudjiwanati, 2017).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Based on the results of statistical calculations of data a questionnaire pre and post
therapy TGFM by using paired sample t-test results obtained correlation value of physical and
mental disorder symptoms between pre and post therapy TGFM has a probability of 0.874 and
0.891 (<0.05), which means Correlation of symptoms of physical-mental disorders before and
after TGFM therapy was strong. Value of t test of physical and mental symptoms is -10.722
and -11.259 (sig 0.000) which means that TGFM give effect to the reduction of symptoms of
physical-mental patient.
The results showed that the TGFM therapy given to the patient gave a positive result
marked by the reduction of symptoms of physical and mental disturbance experienced.
Reduced symptoms of a patient's physical-mental disorders can be caused by elements in
TGFM that are renewable therapy of holomerispot manipulation (TTMH) and art therapy.
A study conducted by Sudjiwanati & Suparno (2015), shows that the Holomerispot
Manipulation Renewable Therapy (TTMH) has a dimension of excellence in the form of a
holistic therapeutic nature (all organs in the therapy so as to support ill or damaged organs) can
serve as adjunctive therapy , Substitution therapy, complementary therapies, even very likely
to be a replacement therapy. TTMH therapy given for 3 months in patients with asthma, after
therapy lasts one month, the body feels more fit, not tired easily, inflammation of the upper
airway decreased both the frequency and severity of the disease.
According to Argyle, creative, accessible solutions to address mental ill health are an
essential component of an effective intervention programme. Awareness of art therapies
and their potential benefits remains relatively low amongst policy makers, the public and those
who commission services. While traditional forms of Freudian art-based therapy havetended
to be shrouded in mystique and regarded as the preserve of those with specialist training in the
field, socially orientated art for health projects are much more accessible and versatile (Heenan,
Therapy Associate Physical-Mental (TGFM) which is a combination of Art Tx and
TTMH be efficacious to reduce the psychological trauma and stimulate the intelligence of the
brain and immune-boosting properties simultaneously, via pathway meridians, key immune
mediators, first / second / third messengers, stem-cell. This biomolecular symphony has a
sequence of molecular changes (biomedical medicine) that stimulates increased brain
stimulation (Baihui), enhances body immunity (ST-36, Suzanli), and lowers the level of
psychological trauma of the originator of distress (Pc-6 / Neiguan, HT-7 / Shenmen, Art Tx).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

(Hui, 2000; Swanson, 2009; Johnston, 2009).The results showed that TGFM was effective,
effective and potential to reduce symptoms / comorbid complaints of physical-mental illness
(multiple efficacy for symptoms / complaints of physical-mental comorbid) which is also
applicable for mass therapy and also more secure because of its nature.According to
Sudjiwanati & Suparno's research, Renewable Therapy of Holomerispot Manipulation
(TTMH) is an easy, inexpensive, safe, side-effect, natural, and self-help therapy. TTMH relies
on the customs of Indonesian ancestors in the form of kerokan or kerikan therapy by using
medicinal oil in holo-area if ill (Sudjiwanati, 2017).

The result of statistical calculation of questionnaire data given pre and post TGFM
therapy showed that the correlation value of symptoms of physical and mental disorders
between pre and post TGFM therapy had probability 0.874 and 0.891 (<0.05), which means
correlation of symptoms of physical and mental disorders before and after TGFM therapy is
strong. The t test value of symptoms of physical and mental disorders was -10.722 and -11.259
(sig 0,000) which means that TGFM had an effect on the reduction of symptoms of the
patient's physical-mental disorders.
TGFM which is one of the traditional and holistic methods of treatment can effectively
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the same time can be easily applied either individually or in a manner. TGFM is also a safe
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Yicheng, J., Jian, P. 2002. The Essentials of Chinese Massotherapy. 1st ed. Foreign Languages
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Sudjiwanati was born in Malang in 1957. The history of study began S1 at the Faculty of
Psychology, University of WIsnuwardhana graduated in 1990, the study at the Faculty of Law

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

graduated in 1993, the study of S2 Guidance Counseling at the Institute of Teacher Training
Education in Malang graduated in 1997, continued his doctoral studies at the Faculty of
Psychology University Gadjah Mada graduated in 2009. His academic career as a lecturer at
Wisnuwardhana University Malang in 1990 and as Head of Psychology Laboratory from 1995
until now.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


(The Study of Modern Sufistic Expression of Human Poetry Indonesia)

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Abstract: Character is formed by persistent effort through hard work, caring for others, and
continuously introspection of self. The basis of the sufi character is established by always
reviving the pray, remembering Allah, in all circumstances in order to the devotion: (1) practice
the contents of the Qur'an and as-Sunnah, (2) fear of being watched by God, (3) and (4) get ready
for death. The realization of these four conditions, in the expression of modern human sufism of
Indonesian poetry is expressed with various variations. Abdul Hadi W.M. more emphasis on
instropeksi by way of dialogue between me lyrics with his ego; SutardjiCalzoumBachri prefers
to establish confidence and question the role of logic; Kuntowijoyo is more oriented to balance
the spiritual dimension and social dimension. In conclusion, the modern sufi expression of
modern man Indonesian poetry encompasses in the self-approach to the creator in terms of
tawheed, confirming beliefs, and improving human relationships.

Keywords: sufi characters, sufi poetry, modern humanistic sufi expressions

Lately the issue of character development continues to echo in this country. It is important to
be raised to the surface to remember to be a real human being, as the main capital of nation
building, is not enough to present intelligent humans but also needed humans who have
integrity. Thus, the term character is actually a synthesis, the integration of intelligent people
and at the same time has the integrity that the process formed through a long period of time
with strong will and work hard and tenacious.
In mone(2010: 46) offered 18 characters, among them: (1) religious, (2) honest, (3)
tolerance, (4) discipline, (5) hard work, (6) creative, (7) independent, (10) the spirit of
nationalism, (11) the love of the homeland, (12) respecting prestation, (13) friendly /
communicative, (14) love of peace, (15) reading, (16) care about the environment, (17) social
care, (18) responsibility.
Religious character is attitudes and behaviors that obedient in implementing the
teachings that are adhered to, tolerant of the implementation of other religious services, and
live in harmony with followers of other religions. Associated in the religious character there is
a sufi term, ie one who focuses in the spiritual life. Every day in everyday activities always
presents his heart to worship God so whatever is done is a spiritual activity. This is what is
meant in this paper as a sufi character. Tolbert McCarroll (in Megawangi, 2007: 5) states
character is the muscle that is formed through daily and hourly practice from a spiritual fighter.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

In the world of literature, the spiritual journey with various obstacles and ways of
overcoming a Sufi is photographed in sufi poems. Hadi (2001: 21) states the sufi poetry as an
essay on spiritual rank (maqomat) and spiritual circumstances (ahwal) also simultaneously
describes the behavior experienced by the expert and achieved by the elders in practicing
spiritual virtue on the path of sufism. Arifin (2003: 118) states that sufi poetry is essay written
as the embodiment of adherents of sufism so that in the literary work contains many values of
sufism. Thus the sufi literature is full of experience that seeks to express its longing for God,
the nature of the creature's relationship with the creator, and all the actors who belong to
religious experience.
Sufi poetry was originally a sufi medium in describing its spiritual states at the time of
ecstasy. In further development, in modern times, sufi poetry undergoes changes with different
expressions. Hadi (2004: 50) sufistic expression of modern humans, for example seen in the
work of Muhammad Iqbal, Amir Hamzah, and contemporary muslim writers in various Islamic
countries. In modern Indonesian literature, the expression of modern human sufism can be seen
in the poems of Abdul Hadi, SutardjiCalzoumBachri, and Kuntowijoyo. In the works the poet
is manifested by describing his sense of alienation when man loses his beloved of the world,
away from his One Beloved, His Desire to the Divine, a Sufi experience as experienced by
prophets, and religious experience in the historical and social dimension.

This research is designed as a qualitative research with descriptive analysis. Qualitative types
of research were chosen because the datain this study were words, lines, verses in poetry (Miles
and Huberman, 2009: 15). The source of this research is poetry poet Abdul Hadi W.M,
SutardjiCalzoumBachri and Kuntowijoyo. While this research data in the form of segments
that have something to do with the focus of modern human sufistik expression in the works of
the three poets.
The instrument of this research is the researcher as the main instrument. Data collection
techniques are documentation and data collection techniques of this research using descriptive
techniques and content analysis. Both techniques are performed simultaneously or eclectively.
Descriptive analysis is a technique to analyze the data as it is so that it can cause clarity and
ease for the reader. Content analysis attempts to analyze documents in order to know the
contents and meaning of poetry and is used to analyze the substance of modern human sufi
expression through diction, line, and poem verse.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


The result and discussion of this research is the analysis of poetry of Abdul Hadi W.M.
(hereinafter written Hadi), SutardjiCalzoumBachri (hereinafter written Bachri), and
Kuntowijoyo from the point of the modern man's sufi expression.

Modern Sufistic Expression of Human Poetry Abdul Hadi W.M.

The modern human sufi expression in Hadi's poetry shows a truly creative process.
Hadi when writing poetry like dwelling in "the real home". Hadi (2002: vii) in his creative
process states that he often encounters the atmosphere of sense exile. Sufis call it the experience
of a child's piety or awareness. In such consciousness a sufi feels that the duet of this routine-
filled phenomenon is not his home. The poet's house I Hadi lyrics is somewhere else.
Kuntowijoyo (2000: 24) states "your house is not here but far away in the bottom of a dream.
Thus, poetry as a beautiful home is the real home for my poet Hadi's lyrics and religious reality
can be seen in the following quotation.

Aku masuk ke dalam diriku, mengetuk pintu
Menemuimu di rumahmu sendiri, berdinding cahaya
dan kegelapan
Penuh semesta di balik cermin dan jendela
Sebuah masjid yang kiblatnya adalah kau
Berdiri di sana, sebuah istana
Yang halamannya adalah kasih sayangmu
Terbentang, sebuah jalan
Yang bernama kebebasan, membujur
Dan aku datang lagi padamu
Jauh perjalanan yang kutempuh
Lintas gurun dan lautan
Cabik layar kapalku
Mengucur hujan dan air mata darah
Kini aku berlabuh lagi di pangkalan itu
Aku pulang ke asal
(Hadi, 2002: 41)

The poem "Aku Masuk" shows signs of my longing to the lover's lyrics. Longing, a
heart that keeps on being eager to meet, not me. He said, making the distance and the journey
journey as a barrier. He said, even though "“Jauh perjalanan yang kutempuh/ lintas gurun dan
lautan/ Mengucur hujan dan air mata darah/ Kini aku berlabuh lagi di pangkalan itu/ Aku
pulang ke asal”. Returning to the original means that I am lyrics experiencing a mortal state, to
meet the true being and as if it were just born again. But not as easy as turning the palm of the
hand to meet the Beloved. “Kau dekat, tapi begitu aku menghampir/ Kau menjauh/ Permainan
apa ini?? Lihat/ Pencintamu semua bersimpuh/ Seperti burung di hadapan Simurgh/ Dengan

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

bulu-bulunya yang rontok”. However, the lover is not quickly desperate, he always arouses the
spirit of his destructive desire: “Mengapa kau begitu karib dan semakin kekal/ dalam diriku?”
The poem clearly describes certain circumstances (ahwal) in reaching the spiritual level. It
turns out God is not everywhere but is in itself. “Mengapa kau begitu karib dan semakin kekal/
dalam diriku?” God is very close to me lyrics. It can be referred to Quran Surah Qof {50}: 16
"I (Allah) is closer to the veins of your neck."
Hadi's poetry generally speaks of divine matters in various dimensions and almost
without involving the social dimension. He speaks of himself with his internal ego which is
manifested as God. By itself the type of poetry spins on the expression of modern man who
always longs for the lover and alienation I lyrics when away from his God. Teeuw (1989): 147)
states as a poet, Hadi hardly ever involves himself directly to social problems or to the society
around him. His poem centered around his own selfish ego.

Modern Sufistic Expression of Poetry Sutardji's Poetry CalzoumBachri

Bachri describes the expression of modern human sufistk as a fight against rationalistic
and positivistic civilization that became the main factor of the collapse of traditional culture
and the joints of spirituality of the life of the people of the archipelago. The civilization of
modern society is incapable of explaining what the true purpose of life is except to think, to
work hard, to eat, to sleep, to have fun, and to have sex. Not only the destroyed culture but also
the nature and the environment. All is done for the sake of an idea, for the sake of an
understanding, for the sake of an idea called progress (Hadi, 2007: 7).
In order to realize resistance against rationalstik, Bachri created poetry that dotted with
expression of mantra. With the power of the mantra, its resistance is symbolically expressed
by its desire to liberate words and language from ideas and insights. The recurring sounds in
the mantra create the image of the mood and penetrate the mysterious world. Words are elusive
but have their own logic that is capable of affecting not only the human soul but also the
animals, nature, and supernatural powers. With the mantra Bachri wants to fight against the
logic underlying the emergence of modern civilization.
huss puss pergilah
aku tak tuhan aku tak tuah aku tak setan
aku tak wauwau aku tak jimat aku tak tamtam

siapa bikin socrates siapa bikin plato

siapa bikin archimedes siapa bikin zeno

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

siapa bikin sartre siapa bikin laotze

yang membuat banyak bijak
dan belum menjangkauMu
(Bachri, 2004: 47)

The characters of Socrates, Plato, Archimedes, Sartre on the poem "Amuk" are the
symbols of civilization that prioritize the logic underlying the birth of modern human
civilization but have not been able to reach the divine: “yang membuat banyak bijak/ dan belum
menjangkauMu?” For that, I lyrics Bachri With his spell ordered his inner cat to call God: “hai
kau dengan kucing memanggilMu?/ aku lepaskan segala bahasa/ agar kucingku bisa
memanggilMu/ aku biarkan penyair dengan kata-kata/ tapi banyak yang meletakkan bertonton
gula purapura/ bergerobak kerak filsafat/ hingga kata tercekik karenaya, hingga mantra mampat
karena filsafat/ logika itu”. So I lyrics Bachri with angry tone against him.
The anger was clearly explicated with one of his poetry titles "Amuk". The word amuk comes
from the Dutch language which means anger that often the tongue of the Javanese called the
rampage. This angry tone in Bachri's poetry is expressed with a radical expression, howling, as
the sounds of a frenzy and bustle of strange creatures, chasing and carrying axes bleedily for
the gods. In this way it is expected that God can solve the mysterious and enigmatic problems,
lest what has been assumed to be true is a mistake or vice versa? Said Bachri (2004: 2) ) “maka
habil bisa kabil/ maka kabil bisa habil”.
It really happened. The theories considered to be quite well-established, called modern
theory, get argued by the theory of postmodernism. For example, Derrida's deskonrtruction
theory, colonial theory with postcolonial theory, and other theories. Hadi (2007: 5) states
through the mantra the poet wants to channel his metaphysical resistance to the intellectualism
and rationalism underlying modern civilization.

Modern Sufistic Expression of Kuntowijoyo's Poems

If Hadi's poems focus more on spiritual life, it is different from Kuntowijoyo's poems
that seek to balance between social and spiritual dimensions. Anwar (2007: 49-50) states that
Kuntowijoyo's poems raised a disturbing problem concerning human existence in the midst of
modern life as well as its affinity with the existence of a supreme God. I lyrics in the poems
Kuntowijoyo is an anxious man and questioned the existence (existence) then tried to find a
link with the world behind the visible. Rhymes that try to wrestle the bustle of life that brings
it into solitude and anxiety. It is in silence that I reflect on the lyrics of life while interpreting

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

his presence on earth. Here is the sufistic expression of Kuntowijoyo's poems of anxiety in the
face of the modern world.

(Storrs-New York, 1973-1974)

Tuhan menjaga diriku
Dari kejahatan bayang-bayang
Gedung pencakar langit
Lorong bawah tanah
Dan gerbong usang
(Kuntowijoyo, 1995: 17)

It can not be denied that the modern world has given birth to materialist giants that
threaten the collapse of the pillars of spiritual strength. When humans can not avoid, the best
way is to ask God for protection, as the heart of the heart. Such prayer is likewise prescribed
as in the hadith of the Prophet, "O heart that turns the heart, keep this heart in the presence of
thee." The prayer is at once a declaration of recognition that man is not capable of controlling
himself without God's help. A poem describing the balance of spiritual power and the
phenomena occurring on earth, essentially demonstrates the waning life of modern humans
who want to solve through the spiritual door.

Menjadi Saksi Pemogokan

Kusucikan waktu dengan kata
Sehingga para pekerja
Kembali ke pabrik

Aku tak pernah sangsi

Kemerdekaan, tangan gaib semesta
Mengalir lewat benang elektronik
Dan kesadaran yang mulia
(Kuntowijoyo, 1995: 19)

When Allah in the Qur'an offers to the mountains, the heavens, and humans to take care
of the earth, it is the man who feels able to hold his burden. Since then humans take care of the
earth, in addition to enjoy the results by taking all the risks. The risk is one of them is the
practice of hegomony: the enslavement of ideology with each other. The poem entitled Menjadi
Sanksi Pemogokan" shows the practice of enslavement of materialist ideology against the
workers as well as the depiction representing this age. This suffering publishes religious
consciousness as a form of spiritual strike that without causing physical turmoil: civilized and
noble. Kuntowijoyo (1995: 65) states these poems are an invasion from the sky. However, he
did not make literature is remote. Look at it talking about strikes, if what is meant by reality is

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

suffering. These poems are a rebellion, a metaphysical rebellion against materialism. Rebellion
of the simplest kind. Not giving birth to a martyr. Noiseless, but thorough.

Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that the character obtained through hard
work with deep control that obtained in a long time. Sufi characters are formed through spiritual
exercises with obstacles and obstacles. Success in taking the sufi path brings forth spiritual
merriment. In the world of literature, the sufi spiritual journey is portrayed in the sufi poems,
the poem depicting spiritual rankings and the depiction of mystical unification between my
lyrics and his god. Indonesian sufistic poems presenting sufi depictions are the works of Abdul
Hadi W.M., SutardjiCalzoumBachri, and Kuntowijoyo.
Poems Abdul Hadi W.M. focuses on the communication portrayals between me and
you, who are manifested as God. God, in Bachri's poetry can manifest itself outside can also
form his ego. In addition, Hadi's poetry is a manifestation of mystical union, the meeting
between me and his ego. Thus the human expression of modern man in Hadi's poetry hardly
comes into contact with social conditions but is centered on his world of art. In shari'a Islam
can be identified with uzlah, alienate myself to keep my relationship with the god.
Sutardji's poems CalzoumBachri emphasized his lack of belief in logic. Reason or logic
only bear fruit of pride, and in practice overrides the role of God. The life of the world for me
Bachri lyrics only gave birth to philosophy, the science of speculating to seek the truth. So for
Bachri the truth that language must be meaningful needs to be overturned and not necessarily
a word given the burden of meaning. Therein comes the word which is free of meaning and
born a mantra. With the mantra Bachri dive into the sufi world. Bachri is convinced that so far
there are logic-logic that is violated true but as a mistake and vice versa that all this time people
blame when it is a truth.
Kuntowijoyo's poems, more balancing between social and spiritual dimensions.
Although Kuntowijoyo's poems are a manifestation of invasion life from the sky but still not
isolated. The formula that has been used is how a sufi still does not decide dhikr or
remembrance of God even in the crowd. Therefore, although in Kuntowijoyo's poems imaging
the world's busyness with its various problems, but still rely on the existence of God's nature.
In short, Kuntowijoyo's poems more find God outside of him not as Hadi's poems God can be
found in himself.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Anwar, W.M. 2007. Kuntowijoyo:Karyadan Dunianya.Jakarta: Grasindo.
Arifin, Z. 2003. Buku Praktis Bahasa Indonesia.Jakarta. Pusat Bahasa.
Bachri,SC.2002.OAmukKapak.Jakarta:YayasanIndonesiadan Majalah Horison.
Hadi, AWM. 2001. Tasawuf yang Tertindas.Jakarta: Paramadina.
---------------. 2002.Pembawa Matahari. Yogyakarta:Bentang.
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Daerah. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa.
---------------. 2007.“PerlawananEstetikdanMetafisikSutardjiCalzoumBachri”. Dalam Raja
Mantra Presiden Penyair. Jakarta: Yayasan Panggung Melayu(YPM).
Kemendiknas. 2010. Desain Induk Pendidikan Karakter. Jakarta. Kementerian Pendidikan
Nasional. Online (http: blog, diakses 23 November 2012.
Kuntowijoyo. 1995. Makrifat Daun Daun Makrifat. Jakarta: GemaInsani Press.
Kuntowijoyo. 2000. Isyarat.Jakarta: PustakaJaya.
Megawangi, R. 2007. Semua Berakar pada Karakter. Jakarta. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas
Miles dan Huberman. 2009. Analisis data Kualitatif.: Buku Sumber tentang Metode-metode
Baru Jakarta. UIP
Teeuw. A. 1989. Sastra Baru Indonesia 1.Ende- Flores.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Sulistiyanto, Amalia Herlina

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nurul Jadid

Abstract: Improving the quality of data and information through the use of science and
technology is one strategy to strengthen the health information network. Pasuruan region is
located at 112 0 33`55 "to 113 30` 37" east longitude with total area of 3.656 Km2 for city and
1.474.015 km2. With the area of the District and City memiiki primary health care amounted to
40. The existing problem is the spread of location as well as far apart also information types of
services primary health care it. Geographic Information System (GIS) application can provide
solution for the spread of location of primary health care in Pasuruan area. This system will
discuss about the distribution of location of primary health care, type of service of health center,
and health personnel in health center of regency and city of Pasuruan by taking data from Health
Office, Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). Methods are performed by collecting data through
direct observation, literature research, internet reference, documentation, soft-spoken analysis.
This application (GIS) will be created by using excel application, QuantumGIS, QGIS CLoud.
With this application is expected to be easier for users to get information about the distribution
of health workers, types of services primary health care located in the District and Town

Keywords: GIS, Cloud, Puskesmas, service, employees

Geographic Information System Technology (GIS) has a long history and can adapt to
technological developments. GIS has a good ability to visualize spatial data and its attributes,
modify shapes, colors, sizes, and symbols. Geographic Information System is a form of
information system that describes the geographic information of a region, as well as the District
and City of Pasuruan.
The geographical location of the Regency and City of Pasuruan is in the area of East
Java Province, with coordinates in positions 112 0 33`55 "to 113 30` 37" east longitude (BT)
and 7032'34 "- 7057'20" south latitude (LS) , With a total area of 1,477,676 km2. With the
width of the area it is necessary to have a geographic information system, such as school
mapping, boarding schools, primary health care, rice field area, and industrial location.[1]
Utilization of GIS in the health sector is part of the development of Regional Health
Information System and one tool for visualizing data into information in the form of maps or
spatial data. In this case makes it easy in givingDescription of location or location of health,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

disease spread, health worker, number of patients and others. Visualization in the form of
spatial data has the potential to significantly improve planning and decision making.
Formulation of the problem is
1. How to find out the map of location of primary health care in Probolinggo district with
Quantum Gis
2. How to know the type of health center services are also health personnel at each primary
health care.
3. How to make GIS map into GIS Cloud by using QGIS Cloud plugin in Quantum GIS.
Scope of problem and the limit of problem in this research are:
1. Search Primary health care location can use GPS then input Latitude and Longitude to
2. Limitations of the problem of this application is to provide information to users about
the points of location of the existing Primary health care in Pasuruan and Pasuruan City
and related information in it by using Quantum GIS.
The purpose of this research is to make mapping of location of primary health care in Regency
and Pasuruan City.With information on what type of inpatient service is not the primary health
care, also the number of health workers located at the primary health care, which can help the
community in providing information.
The benefits of mapping the location of this primary health care are:
1. Can provide information about mapping the location of existing Primary health care in
the District and Pasuruan.
2. Can know the number of health workers and types of services at each primary health
care located in Pasuruan.
3. Educate the public to understand about the use of information technology.

Geographic Information System
Geographic Information System (GIS) is a formal entity consisting of various physical and
logical resources related to objects on the surface of the earth. GIS technology integrates
database-based data processing operations that are commonly used today, such as data-taking
based on need, as well as statistical analysis by using a distinctive visualization as well as
various advantages that can be offered through geographic analysis through its map images.
So SIG is also a kind of software that can be used for importing, storing, manipulating,
displaying and outputting geographic information along with its attributes. [5]. GIS provides

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

four devices the ability to handle geo-referenced data, namely: (1) Input, (2) Data
Management, (3) Manipulation and Analysis, (4) Output. See Figure 1.

Figure 1. GIS subsystem

Digitizing on Quantum GIS

The technique of digitizing the map in principle is the creation of a map through a computer
process. File storage on the computer from the map digitized results are grouped according to
the layers corresponding to their respective types. In the process of making digitized maps used
3 types of layers,Polygon type, point type and line type. In each digitization process, add a
number of attributes according to the needs of each object, which will be displayed as an
information on the object.

GIS Cloud
GIS Cloud is a combination of running GIS software and services running on cloud
infrastructure and accessing GIS capabilities using the web. Geospatial information is data
referred to a set of geographic coordinates, which can often be collected, manipulated, and
displayed in real time. In this field, we will discuss previous work in this field.
Developers need to select a number of architectures, technologies, and methods, Inside, provide
some techniques that can be used to develop web-based GIS applications using Bing Map
Objects, Bing Maps complement this feature by providing rich web mappings. Capabilities
include UI controls, general map layers, aerial imagery, geo-coding, and routing capabilities.
Cloud Computing has three major Cloud service models: Infrastructure as a Service, Platform
as a Service, and Software as a Service.

Primary Health Care

Primary health care is a unity of functional health organization which is a center of community
health development that also foster the role of the community in addition to providing services

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

in a comprehensive and integrated to the community in its working area in the form of basic

The methodology used in this research is waterfall, because considering the advantages and
disadvantages of the type of work on the GIS system. GIS system development tends to be
done by using a dynamic model and can accommodate changes of needs flexibly by taking into
account the risk factors that may be faced.

Figure 2.Model waterfall

The research was conducted in several primary health care in Kabupaten and Kota Pasuruan,
to know the type of service and number of health employees at the primary health care. Here's
the concept skeleton.

Location Determination

Data collection

Input Table Excel

Map Digitation on

Convert to QGIS Cloud

Figure3. Concept Research Framework

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Flow Chart
Here is the picture flow chart of the process of making GIS Cloud Primary health care in the
District and Pasuruan City.

Gambar 4. Flow Chart pembuatan GIS Cloud Primary health care

Data Collection
In collecting data using GPS / HP android there is GPS to know the point coordinates of the
location of health centers. Record to the primary health care the number of health workers and
the types of services available to the primary health care. After the data collected in inputkan
in Excel, then in save with file type * .csv (comma delimeted).

Table 1. Primary health care data in Pasuruan city and district.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Digitize Map with Quantum GIS

After getting the location point, virgin type and the number of health employees at the primary
health care the data was all opened with QGIS to be made into * .shp file, then saved. To see
the accuracy of primary health care location can be added layer map Bing map, [4] as Figure

Figure 5. Digitasi point location of primary health care

Conversion to GiS Cloud

QGIS for the current version of this research using version 2.18.2 Las Palmas already has QGIS
Cloud plugin, useful for uploading shp user maps on GIS Cloud servers. So need to install first
plugin Qgis Cloud. For the process of uploading into Gis Cloud is quite easy where the user
must login to QGIS Cloud who already exist in Quantum GIS, then digitized digitization files
primary health care was uploaded. Address Gis Cloud Primary health care Pasuruan. health care_pas

Figure 6. Gis Cloud primary health care di Pasuruan

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

In the application of the design of the distribution of health workers at the district health center
and Pasuruan City presents a digital map in which there is information about the points of
location of health centers, types of services, addresses in the District and the City of Pasuruan
and related health personnel information in it.
Number of Primary health care that exist in Pasuruan Regency there are 33 health
centers, with the type of treatment there are 13 primary health care, the remaining 20 non-
treatment spread in every district. While in the city of Pasuruan there are 7 that all types of
treatment is non-treatment.To find out the number of health personnel, type of service and
health center address, simply by clicking the location point of the primary health care desired,
the information will appear.

BPS. 2015. Pasuruan City in Figures, Pemerintahan Pasuruan
BPS. 2015. Pasuruan District Health Profile, Pemda Pasuruan.
Faisal, D. 2014. Building Geographic Information System LocationPrimary health care in
Cilacap District Web-based. Yogyakarta:Amikom.
Rick,J. 2009.Basic GIS Training Using Quantum GIS, Legaspi.
Prahasta, E (a). 2007.Building Web-based GIS Application with MapServer, Informatika
Bandung. Bandung.
------------- (b). 2007.Concept of Basic Concept of Geographic Information System, Informatics
Bandung. Bandung.
Riyanto. 2009.Development of Geographic Information System Based on Desktop and Web,
Gava Media. Yogyakarta.
Sulistiyanto. 2012. Geographic Information System Design The distribution of health workers
in Primary health care probolinggo district with Quantum GIS.Journal of Informatics
Engineering, vol.4, No.2, STT Nurul Jadid.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang

Abstrak: Salah satu jejak pemikiran masyarakat Jawa yang saat ini sudah tidak dikerling
pembacanya adalah cerita “babad”. Kondisi ini terjadi sebagai dampak dari keputusan para
pakar sejarah sastra Indonesia yang tidak memasukkan cerita “babad” sebagai bagian dari kajian
sastra Indonesia. Padahal sejarah tidak pernah berdiri sendiri. Sebagimana kesatuan pohon,
maka akar, batang, cabang, dahan, ranting, daun, dan pucuk-pucuk senantiasa bertautan.
Begitulah seyogyanya sejarah sosio-budaya bangsa Indonesia dikenali dan dikenalkan.
Pemutusan antar-bagiannya tentu merupakan rasa sakit bagi mereka yang masih punya kepekaan
rasa kehidupan dan tidak mengidentikkan dirinya sebagai amuba. Tulisan ini disodorkan dengan
mengulas sekilas tentang dunia kehidupan tokoh Serat Babad Kediri (SBK) sebagai bagian dari
butir yang tercecer dalam lautan dan gelombang kehidupan sastra Indonesia.

Kata kunci:dunia kehidupan tokoh (lebenswelt), Conditio Sine Qua Non

Pada khasanah penerbitan tulisan kreatif terbaca cerita ”babad”, misalnya Babad Tanah Jawi,
Serat Babad Kediri, Babad Panuluh, Babad Tuban, dan masih banyak lagi. Cerita ”babad”
dalam buku pelajaran sastra di SD sampai dengan di purguruan tinggi (PT) tidak disebut
sebagai bagian sastra Indonesia, melainkan sebagai bagian khasanah sastra daerah atau sastra
Kondisi itu ternyata kurang menguntungkan bagi keberadaan cerita “babad”, sehingga
jarang yang menoleh atau mengerlingnya apalagi menjamahnya. Padahal sejarah tidak pernah
berdiri sendiri, akar, batang, cabang, dahan, ranting, daun, dan pucuk-pucuknya senantiasa
bertautan, begitu juga sejarah sosio-budaya bangsa ini. Pemutusan antar-bagiannya tentu
merupakan rasa sakit bagi mereka yang masih punya kepekaan rasa kehidupan dan tidak
mengidentikkan dirinya sebagai amuba.
Melalui tulisan ini disodorkan ulasan sekilas tentang dunia kehidupan simbolik
imajinatif dalam SBK sebagai bagian dari butir yang tercecer dalam lautan dan gelombang
kehidupan sastra Nusantara. Mudah-mudahan mampu menggelitik, sehingga masyarakat
Indonesia, khususnya mereka yang menggeluti profesi pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesi, baik di
SD, sekolah menengah, maupun PT belum mati rasa. Untuk menghidupkan stimulasi
kebertautan rasa budaya tersebut disajikan pokok-pokok paparan seperti berikut.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Representasi Wacana Sastra, Sejarah, dan Mitos

Wacana sastra, utamanya wacana sastra prosa, dapat disikapi dan diperlakukan sebagai wacana
yang khas. Kekhasan wacana sastra menurut Kuntowijoyo (2002:39) nampak pada proses
mewujudkannya. Wacana sastra diwujudkan dari pemahaman dan kehendak subjektif
sastrawan terhadap pengalaman, peristiwa, dan kenyataan, serta gagasan kehidupan yang
meruang dan mewaktu. Kesadaran subjektif tersebut juga dapat dipahami sebagai konteks
sosio-budaya zamannya.
Pemahaman tersebut memberi gambaran, bahwa wujud ruang dan waktu menjadi salah
satu faktor penting bagi penulis maupun bagi apresiator wacana sastra. Pentingnya wujud
ruang dan waktu bagi sastrawan ketika sedang dalam proses merepresentasikan wacana sastra
prosa, sedangkan bagi pembaca ketika sedang dalam proses berkomunikasi dengan wacana
sastra. Tentang pentingnya konsep ruang dan waktu tersebut, Ewing (2003:285) memahmi
sebagai hukum relasi di antara benda dan peristiwa. Jika dalam ruang dan waktu ditemukan
relasi benda dan peristiwa berbeda, maka ruang dan waktu tersebut berarti juga sudah berbeda.
Kondisi sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas memberi gambaran, bahwa wacana sastra prosa
mewujud bukan karena tanpa sebab. Wacana sastra mewujud karena perjuangan penulisnya
yang sadar atas keberadaannya dalam ruang dan waktu, sadar terhadap kondisi sosio-budaya
zamanya. Dalam pemahaman seperti itu berarti, kalau di dalam wacana sastra prosa dijumpai
tokoh beserta berbagai dinamika kehidupannya, maka tokoh itu sengaja dihidupkan dan diberi
dunia kehidupan di dalam ruang dan waktu tertentu, sebagaimana yang dapat dijumpai dalam
ruang dan waktu sehari-hari.
Dengan merujuk pemahaman tersebut bisa dimengerti jika tokoh dalam wacana sastra
sengaja dihidupkan sebagai tokoh rekaan yang berkehidupan sebagaimana tokoh nyata dalam
ruang dan waktu nyata. Dampaknya, jika dalam wacana sastra dijumpai nama dan identitas
tokoh yang memiliki kesamaan dengan tokoh yang dijumpai dalam kehidupan nyata adalah hal
yang kebetulan, atau tidak disengaja. Dipahami demikian, karena tokoh dalam wacana sastra
tidak memiliki ciri yang berhubungan langsung (tidak berkorespondensi) dengan kehidupan
sesungguhnya, serta tidak memiliki masa depan sebagaimana tokoh sehari-hari—yang ada
nyata dan dapat dilihat kemarin. Meski begitu, tokoh dalam wacana sastra prosa tetap
berpotensi siap berkomunikasi dengan siapa saja yang secara batiniah sengaja dan sungguh-
sungguh berkehendak menyapa, berkenalan, dan menelusuri kehidupan mereka, yakni dalam
ruang dan waktu dunia-kehidupan simbolik imajinatif.
Tokoh dalam wacana sastra prosa sebagaimana digambarkan di atas, berarti mereka
selamanya tertidur dalam ruang dan waktu peta batiniah sastrawannya, jika belum terlahirkan;

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

juga tertidur pada rak-rak toko buku, rak-rak perpustakaan, pasar loak, sudut gelap koleksi
pribadi jika mereka sudah terlahirkan (sudah tertulis/tercetak) berwujud terbitan buku, baik
yang disebut roman, novel, maupun cerpen. Hanya saja, meskipun mereka tertidur dalam ruang
dan waktu dunia kehidupan simbolik imajinatif, tetapi sewaktu-waktu siap bangun dan bangkit,
menjalani kehidupan, menyapa dan berbicara melalui penjelajahan aktif batiniah para
Maksud pernyataan itu begini, tokoh dalam wacana sastra prosa dalam kondisi tersebut
memang hidup dan berkehidupan, tetapi tanpa ada kesengajaan kreator mewujudkan mereka,
serta kesengajaan pembacanya menyapa dan berbicara dengan mereka, maka mereka akan
selamanya tidur dan tidak berbuat apa-apa. Seperti judul tulisan Leo Tolstoy (terjemahan),
“Tuhan Tahu tetapi Menunggu”. Begitulah kelahiran dan keberwujudan tokoh dalam wacana
sastra prosa, mereka memang ada tetapi selalu tetap saja menunggu.
Wujud wacana sastra prosa dengan ciri sebagaimana yang diutarakan di atas oleh
Michel Foucoult (dalam Fay. 2002: 67) diklasifikasikan ke dalam wacana yang berciri
nondiskursif. Disebut wacana nondiskursif, karena cara mengatakan, membicarakan, dan atau
membahasakan berbagai peristiwa, pengalaman, kenyataan hidup dan kehidupan tertentu yang
ada di dalamnya dipengaruhi dan ditentukan oleh subjektivitas penulisnya. Subjektivitas
penulis wacana sastra prosa nampak pada usahanya membuat atau membangun model dunia-
kehidupan, yakni dunia-kehidupan yang dihayati dan dialami oleh setiap tokoh ciptaannya.
Dalam tulisan ini istilah ”dunia-kehidupan” digunakan untuk pengganti istilah
lebenswelt (kosa kata bahasa Jerman) atau life world (kosa kata bahasa Inggris). Istilah dunia-
kehidupan dipilih juga untuk pembeda dari maksud istilah ”lingkungan hidup”, umwelt (kosa
kata bahasa Jerman) atau habitat (kosa kata bahasa Inggris).
Model dunia-kehidupan dalam wacana sastra prosa sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas
sengaja diciptakan penulisnya agar menjadi tampak mewujud (manifes). Pada pelahiran seperti
itu, berarti penciptaan model dunia-kehidupan menjadi syarat yang wajib dikerjakan oleh
sastrawan ketika ia berkehendak mewujudkan wacana sastra prosa. Pada kondisi seperti itu,
berarti sastrawan telah memberi arah kepada siapa saja yang berkehendak masuk menelusuri
wacana sastra prosa. Dampaknya, pembaca menjadi berkesempatan berada dalam ruang dan
waktu dunia-kehidupan simbolik imajinatif, berjumpa dan menyapa tokoh yang sengaja
dihidupkan dan diberi kehidupan oleh sastrawannya.
Untuk mahami hal tersebut dapat diperhatikan ilustrasi berikut ini. Ketika Sutan Takdir
Alisyahbana (1930-an) sebagai penulis berkehendak mewujudkan dan melahirkan ”Layar
Terkembang” ke dalam ruang dan waktu dunia kehidupan simbolik imajinatif, maka ia selalu

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

berusaha menandai tokoh-tokoh ciptaannya dengan identitas mikro dan tindakan makro
tertentu. Identitas mikro berhubungan dengan kondisi kelahiran, jasmaniah, dan psikologi
tokoh (point of view), sedangkan tindakan makro berhubungan dengan sikap tokoh terhadap
dunianya (world view). Itulah model dunia kehidupan yang sengaja diciptakan Sutan Takdir
Alisyahbana. Dengan model dunia-kehidupan ciptaannya itu—ruang dan waktu dunia
kehidupan simbolik imajinatif—berarti, Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana telah berkesempatan
mengembangkan dan membeberkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan pola penghayatan dan
pemahaman peristiwa, pengalaman, dan atau kenyataan hidup dan kehidupan tokoh-tokoh
ciptaannya, sebagaimana dunia-kehidupan sehari-hari, yakni dunia-kehidupan yang dihadapi,
dirasakan, dipikirkan, dijalani.
Penggambaran Kuntowijoyo (2002:39) dan penggambaran Michel Foucoult (dalam
Fay 2002: 67) tersebut jika dicermati, keduanya ternyata memiliki dasar pemikiran sama.
Keduanya sama-sama mengisyaratkan, bahwa tanpa penciptaan sebuah model ruang dan waktu
dunia-kehidupan simbolik imajinatif para sastrawan atau penulis wacana sastra prosa tidak
berkesempatan dan berkemampuan membentuk, membangun, mengembangkan, dan
mengomunikasikan pengalamannya mengikuti kebebasan subyektifitasnya.
Hanya saja perlu dipahami bahwa penggunaan sebutan ”kebebasan subyektifitas”
tersebut bagi penulis wacana sastra prosa, bukan berarti pada saat mewujudkan dunia-
kehidupan tokoh-tokoh ciptaannya sedang berada dalam kondisi nir-material. Penulis wacana
sastra prosa pada saat berkehendak mewujudkan kehidupan tokoh-tokoh ciptaannya selalu
berhubungan dengan pengalaman, pemahaman, penghayatan tentang ruang dan waktu dunia-
kehidupan nyata yang sedang ia jumpai, hayati, dan pikirkan. Pengalaman, penghayatan,
pemikiran, dan penyikapan terhadap ruang dan waktu dunia-kehidupan nyata tersebut jika
dihubungkan dengan tindakan penulis wacana sastra prosa adalah material yang tidak
terpisahkan dari proses kreatifnya.
Atas ketindakmungkinan penulis wacana sastra prosa berada pada nir-material tersebut,
Kuntowijoyo (2002:30) memahaminya sebagai kondisi intersubyektif. Dipahami seperti itu,
karena Koentowijoyo mendasarkan pemahamannya dengan pertimbangan sebagai berikut.
Penulis wacana sastra prosa selama berproses mengewantahkan ruang dan waktu dunia-
kehidupan simbolik imajinatif tidak mungkin bisa melepaskan dirinya dengan ruang dan waktu
dunia kehidupan nyata yang telah mengendap pada peta pengalaman, penghayatan, dan
gagasan, serta pemikirannya. Justru karena posisi yang bersilangan itulah dalam wacana sastra
prosa bisa dijumpai ruang dan waktu seakan-akan ada nyata sebagaimana yang ada dalam
ruang dan waktu sehari-hari, hadir dalam kekinian, dapat dilihat kemarin (Ewing. 2003: 249).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Persilangan itu terjadi, karena ruang dan waktu dunia-kehidupan simbolik imajinatif
yang dijumpai dalam setiap wacana sastra prosa bukan hadir tanpa sebab, melainkan karena
kehendak penulis, saat memikirkan, menyikapi pengalaman dan penghayatan subyektifnya
terhadap ruang dan waktu dunia-kehidupan objektif, yakni dunia-kehidupan nyata, baik lampau
maupun kini dalam konteks menggagas dunia kehidupan akan datang. Dunia-kehidupan
lampau adalah hari ini yang telah dilewati, dunia-kehidupan kini adalah dunia kehidupan yang
sedang mengada dijalani, adapun dunia akan datang adalah dunia hari ini yang belum terjalani,
berada dalam harapan, dalam kemungikan, belum mengejawantah, masih ”entah”.
Pengejawantahan wujud ruang dan waktu dunia-kehidupan tersebut, baik yang lampau,
kini, maupun yang ”entah” bisa dikonstruk dengan penciptaan ruang dan waktu dunia-
kehidupan simbolik imajinatif, yakni ruang dan waktu dunia kehidupan dalam wujud bahasa.
Itulah kelebihan wacana sastra prosa, ruang dan waktu dunia kehidupan dalam kelampauan
yang jauh dan tidak terjangaku (arketif) karena berada dalam dunia “mitis”, “dunia antah
berantah” maupun dunia kehidupan mendatang, yakni dunia kehidupan dalam cita-cita,
harapan, kemungkinan, yakni “masih entah” dapat hadir seakan mengejawantah di hadapan
diri ini di sini. Oleh karena itu bagi siapa saja yang ingin melakukan perjumpaan dengan
kelampauan maupun keakanan maka ia dapat masuk melalui ruang dan waktu dunia simbolik
imajinatif, yakni dunia rekaan dalam wujud bahasa, yang dilabeli wacana prosa sastra.
Kalau wacana prosa sastra dipahami seperti itu, lalu bagaimana memberikan jawaban
atas adanya pertanyaan seperti berikut ini. “Apa perbedaan subyektifitas yang ada wacana
sejarah dan mitos? Jawaban atas persamaan dan berbedaan antar ketiganya dapat dijelaskan
seperti berikut ini.
Subjektifitas yang mengejawantah dan dijumpai dalam wacana sastra prosa berciri
otonom. Maksudnya ruang dan waktu dunia-kehidupan simbolik yang dimiliki dan
mengelilingi tokoh-tokohnya menjadi bagian dari kebebasan penulisnya atau kreatornya.
Kebebasan atau ciri otonomi seperti itu tidak dimiliki penulis wacana sejarah, maupun penulis
wacana mitos. Jika penulis wacana sejarah terikat oleh hukum korespindesi setiap tokoh yang
ditulisnya dengan dunia kehidupan nyata, sedangkan penulis wacana mitos disibukkan dengan
urusan menjaga topeng atau tabir untuk menutupi misteri di balik tokoh yang dimitoskan.
Lebih lanjut perbedaan ciri itu dapat diurai lagi seperti berikut ini.
Subyektifitas bagi penulis wacana sastra prosa memberikan arahan, bahwa kemampuan
menciptakan dunia-kehidupan tokoh menjadi syarat yang wajib diwujudkan oleh penulisnya
atau kreatornya secara otonom. Dengan keotonomiannya itu penulis wacara sastra bebas milih
modus atau cara dalam mewariskan pengalaman dan menyapa pembacanya melalui model

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dunia-kehidupan tokoh rekaannya, yakni dunia-kehidupan simbolik imajinatif. Dengan

keotonomiannya itu, penulis wacana sastra prosa dapat membuka peluang memperkaya
pengalaman dan pemahaman batiniah pembacanya melalui kehendak dan tindakan-tindakan
tokoh ciptaannya. Peluang yang berupa pengalaman dan pemahaman batiniah itu tidak akan
diperoleh pembaca saat berjumpa dengan nama-nama atau perilaku tokoh dalam wacana
sejarah maupun mitos.
Konsekuensi dari ciri tersebut, bagi penulis wacana sastra prosa, otonomi penciptaan
dunia-kehidup an tokoh menjadi syarat yang harus diwujudkan. Bagi penulis wacana sejarah,
otonomi itu menjadi syarat yang wajib dihindari dihindari, karena penulis wacana sejarah
terikat dengan kewajiban menjaga prinsip koherensi dan korespondensi. Maksudnya, penulis
wacana sejarah wajib menata pengalaman subyektifnya atas tokoh yang diceritakan dengan
runtut (koheren) dan sesuai (koresponden) dengan sumber objektif kehidupan tokoh dimaksud.
Pemahaman tersebut memberi arahan, jika dalam proses membaca wacana prosa
menemukan model dunia-kehidupan tokoh simbolik imajinatif, maka wacana tersebut dapat
digolongkan ke dalam kategori wacana sastra. Sebaliknya jika tidak menemukan usaha
penulisnya mengembangkan model dunia-kehidupan tokoh tetapi menemukan korespondensi
kehidupan tokoh dengan dunia-kehidupan nyata dalam ruang dan waktu nyata tertentu, baik
lampau maupun kini, maka wacana tersebut dapat digolongkan ke dalam kategori wacana
Lalu, bagaimana dengan penulis wacana mitos? Jawabannya seperti berikut ini.
Kuntowijoyo (2002:39) memahami penulis wacana mitos tidak bermaksud menuangkan
pengalamannya atau temuannya atas keadaan ruang dan waktu yang dimitoskan, melainkan
bermaksud menjaga kemistisannya—kerahasiannya. Oleh sebab itu pembaca wacana mitos
tidak akan menemukan pengalaman penulisnya yang sengaja diinskripsikan dalam ruang-
waktu ciptaannya, karena mitos memang bukan bertujuan mengejawantahkan pengalaman,
melainkan menggambarkan kerja dari pikiran terhadap apa saja yang dimitoskan. Untuk
mempertahankan penggambaran tersebut, maka penulis mitos akan selalu memfokuskan
pilihan kata atau dunia simbolik pada hal yang dimitoskan dan bukan gaya pengisahannya.
Akibat dari batasan tersebut, maka siapa saja yang bermaksud mengenal dan memahami
subyektifitas wacana mitos harus bisa menemukan dan menandai wujud relasi yang disusun di
antara ciri tentang apa saja yang dimitoskan dan bukan berusaha menemukan kebenaran atau
cara penulis mewujudkan wacana mitos tersebut.
Batasan yang diberikan Kuntowijoyo tentang wacana mitos sebagaimana yang
dijelaskan di atas selaras dengan pendapat Levi-Strauss (dalam Asa Berger. 2006:17), bahwa

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pesan-pesan yang dikodekan di dalam wacana mitos mulai dari tingkat kebudayaan sampai
individual tetap terjaga karena kesetiaan penulisnya mempertahankan kunci relasi yang disusun
di antara ciri apa saja yang sedang dimitoskan. Kunci relasi yang disusun di antara apa saja
yang sedang dimitoskan, itulah topeng atau tabir yang menutupi atau menjadi misteri di
baliknya. Oleh sebab itu, bagi siapa saja yang berusaha memasuki dunia kehidupan yang ada
dalam wacana mitos secara tidak langsung dituntut mampu mengenal dan memecahkan pesan
tersebunyi di balik “topeng” atau “kode-kode relasi antar-ciri apa saja yang dimitoskan” dan
bukan berusaha menemukan cara penuturnya mewujudkan kisah yang dimitoskan dalam ruang
dan waktu yang dikehendaki penulisnya.
Perbedaan fungsi subyektifitas wacana sejarah, wacana sastra prosa, dan wacana mitos
tentang dunia kehidupan sebagaimana yang digambarkan di atas jika dijajarkan seperti berikut
ini. (1) Subjektifitas bagi penulis wacana sejarah dalam memaparkan tokoh terikat oleh prinsip
koherensi dan korespondensi. Prinsip koherensi untuk menghasilkan keruntutan tuturan,
sedangkan korespondensi untuk menemukan dan menjaga kesesuaian sejarah kehidupan tokoh
dengan sumber pengalaman subjektif penulisnya atau fakta. (2) Subjektifitas bagi penulis
wacana sastra prosa tidak terikat oleh batasan korespondensi, sebagaimana penulis wacana
sejarah. Karena itu dengan berfokus pada penciptaan model dunia-kehidupan sebagai conditio
sine qua non, syarat yang harus ada, penulis wacana sastra prosa mengejawantahkan ruang
waktu lampau, kini, maupun akan datang seakan-akan ada dalam wujud kata. Dengan model
dunia kehidupan dalam wujud kata itu, penulis sastra prosa menjadi leluasa mewujudkan
kehendak dan tindakan tokoh-tokoh ciptaannya. Tanpa penciptaan model dunia-kehidupan
dalam wujud kata, atau dunia kehidupan simbolik imajinatif tersebut, maka penulis sastra prosa
tidak akan pernah bisa melahirkan pengalaman, pemikiran, serta kehendak subyektifnya dalam
wujud kehendak dan tindakan tokoh ciptaannya yang meruang dan mewaktu. Berikut, (3)
subyektifitas bagi penulis wacana mitos, ternyata tidak perlu meliwati pengalaman terlebih
dahulu. Penulis dalam proses mengejawantahkan wacana mitos cukup berfokus pada usaha
menjaga “topeng atau kode-kode relasi” setiap tokoh yang dikisahkan, atau apa saja yang
sedang dimitoskan.

Serat Babad Kediri (SBK) Representasi Sejarah, Sastra, dan Mitos

Ciri-ciri wacana sastra, sejarah, dan mitos sebagaimana dipaparkan di atas jika digunakan
sebagai rujukan dalam pembacaan wacana SBK akan diperoleh pemahaman seperti berikut
ini. Ternyata wacana SBK dapat disikapi sebagai wacana sastra prosa, sejarah, dan sekaligus
juga wacana mitos. Pertama, dikatagorikan ke dalam batasan, domain atau ranah wacana

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

sejarah, karena di dalam wacana SBK ditemukan ciri koherensi dan korespondensi. Ruang
dan waktu yang dipilih kreatornya dalam mengisahkan tokoh-tokohnya ditata secara runtut dan
sebagian berkorespondesi dengan ruang dan waktu nyata sehari-hari. Kesimpulan ini diperoleh
setelah mengaitkan hasil pengecekan secara acak terhadap nama-nama tempat yang dijumpai
dalam wacana SBK dengan fakta di wilayah Kabupaten Kediri. Misalnya, nama Kediri, Daha,
Mamenang, Guwa Selomangleng sebagai ruang dan waktu (scene) tempat hidup tokoh-
tokohnya, misalnya: Lembu Amiluhur, Lembu Amerjawa, Lembu Pangarang, Lembu
Amerdadu, dan Roro Suciwaningsonya atau Resi Kilisuci dapat ditemukan dalam peta legenda
Kabupaten Kediri, maupun dalam ungkapan pengalaman penduduk yang saat ini hidup di dekat
situs tersebut. (2) Dikatagorikan sebagai wacana sastra prosa, karena penulis wacana SBK
sengaja mengembangkan model dunia-kehidupan simbolik imajinatif saat menghidupkan
tokoh seperti yang disebut di atas. Dengan pemahaman bahwa tokoh-tokoh yang dijumpai di
dalam SBK dapat disikapi sebagai tokoh fiktif, yakni tokoh ciptaan penulisnya—Mas Ngabehi
Purbawijaya. (3) Dikatagorikan sebagai wacana mitos, karena di dalamnya ditemukan “kode-
kode relasi” di antara karakter tokoh yang dikisahkan, seperti terbaca pada kutipan di bawah

Kula dados wakil sampeyan, Ki Sondong dados pangawakkipun Ki Buta Locaya, mila mangke
menawi kula sampun besmi dupa, antawis Kyai Buta locaya sampun manuksa madhateng ki
Sondong, kula wakil Sampeyan ajeng pitaken dhateng Ki Sondong, kados pundi wangsulannipun
Ki Sondong, lajeng panjenengan seratti kemawon.

Terjemahan bebas, seperti berikut ini

Saya jadi wakil Bapak, Ki Sondong jadi pengejawantahan Ki Butalocaya, karena itu kalau saya
sudah membakar kemenyan, dan kira-kira Ki Butalocaya sudah datang menyatu badan wadak
Ki Sondong, saya wakil bapak akan bertanya kepada Ki Sondong, seperti apa jawaban Ki
Sondong, lalu bapak tulis saja.

Dengan merujuk pemahaman tersebut dan membaca terhadap wacana SBK, akan
diperoleh gambaran sekilas representasi dunia-kehidupan beberapa tokohnya seperti berikut
ini. Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga diberi identitas sebagai seorang putra mahkota kerajaan
Jenggala7 dengan paras tampan dan gagah. Dewi Sekartaji, putri raja atau narpati8dari Kediri9

Jenggala sekarang menjadi nama tempat di wilayah Kabupaten kediri.

Narpati (bahasa Jawa), sebagai sebutan untuk raja.
Kediri dahulu nama kerajaan, juga disebut Daha. Sekarang Kediri menjadi nama wilayah kabupaten di Jawa

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dengan wajah cantik dan elok. Dengan melekatkan identitas keturunan dan pisik seperti
tersebut, penulis mengisahkan perjodohan keduanya.
Kreator—Mas Ngabehi Purbawijaya—dalam membangun ceritera agar tidak datar,
memunculkan putri dari luar galur keluarga kerajaan dengan identitas kecantikan dan keelokan
melebihi Dewi Sekartaji. Putri dari luar galur kerajaan tersebut adalah anak Patih
Kudanawarsa, dinamai Retna Angreni. Identitas kecantikan dan keelokan Retna Angreni oleh
penulisnya didudukkan dan difungsikan sebagai penyebab atau kausal munculnya kehendak
dan keberanian Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga mengabaikan perjodohannya dengan Dewi
Sekartaji, anak raja Kediri.
Tindakan Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga tersebut dapat dipahami sebagai penanda
pembangkangan terhadap etika perjodohan bagi putra mahkota. Kejadiannya, seperti terbaca
dalam kutipan berikut ini.

Raden Kudarawisrengga, sadangunipun aningali lampahipun Dewi Angreni malebet ing dalem
tansah amandeng kedhep tesmak, sakalangkung ngungun gegetun dene ipatih darbe kenya putri
sakalangkung endahing warni. Ing sanalika ngriku, Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga kamanturda
smara, boten kenging sinayuta, mila tansah anglengger boten saget ngandika. Raden Panji
kasabeting turidagati ngantos supe bilih sampun katunangaken kaliyan putri saking Kediri, Dewi

Terjemahan bebas, seperti berikut ini.

Seakan kena bius, Raden Kudarawisrengga tanpa mengedipkan mata memperhatikan Retna
Angreni kemana melangkah. Ada rasa menggelombang dalam jiwanya, setiap hentakan langkah
Retna Angreni mewujud semakin nyata, meskipun sosok Retna Angreni lenyap menyelinap di
balik pintu rumah kepatihan. Perasaan Panji masgul, belum puas memandangi keelokan paras
Retna Angreni, tetapi yang dinanti-nanti lama tak lagi berani menampakkan diri. Meskipun
begitu, tak ada guratan marah di wajah Panji, terlintas hanya ada guratan tanya dan heran.
Ternyata di kepatihan Jenggala tumbuh sekuntum bunga jelita, elok rupawan. Sejak perjumpaaan
itu, luluh lantak hati Panji tertembus kemolekan Retna Angreni. Tak ada lagi pertimbangan yang
mampu mengahalangi kehendaknya, seluruh jiwa raga Panji tertambat pada kemolekan Retna
Angreni, sampai lupa kalau telah dijodohkan dengan Dewi Sekartaji, putri dari Kediri.
Pembangkangan Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga terhadap etika perjodohan dapat
dipahami berhubungan dengan norma kehidupan sosial dan budaya pada waktu pemerintahan
kerajaan Jenggala10, Ngurawan11, Kediri, dan Panaraga12. Pemahaman tersebut diperoleh
setelah mengenali kehendak dan tindakan tokoh resi Kilisuci. Tokoh Resi Kilisuci, sebagai
tetua sekaligus penasihat kerajaan Jenggala, Ngurawan, Kediri, dan Panaraga sengaja
menetapkan dan mengundangkan norma, bahwa putra mahkota wajib menikah dengan putri

Dulu nama kerajaan, sekarang adalah nama Kecamatan di wilayah Kabupaten Kediri.

Dulu nama kerajaan, sekarang nama tersebut sudah tidak dikenal.

Dulu nama kerajaan, sekarang adalah nama Kabupaten di wilayah Jawa Timur.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

raja atau narpati. Norma tersebut sengaja ditetapkan, meskipun tidak tertulis, ada hubungannya
dengan usaha pemurnian keturuan. Kehendak untuk memurnikan keturunan raja dari empat
kerajaan tersebut sengaja diwujudkan, ada kaitannya dengan usaha pemertahanan
kelanggengan kekuasaan.
Pembatasan perilaku pergaulan Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga, putra mahkota kerajaan
Jenggala, Dewi Sekartaji putri raja Daha/Kediri oleh resi Kilisuci disetarakan dengan
keputusan politik kedua kerajaan tersebut. Sebagai keputusan politik, wajar kalau wajib
dijalankan dan dipatuhi semua unsur entitas kerajaan, sehingga pelanggaran dengan dalih
apapun tidak bisa diampuni dan harus dijatuhi sangsi. Hanya saja sangsi berat dari pelanggaran
Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga oleh resi Kilisuci dijatuhkan kepada Retna Angreni, putri patih
Kudanawarsa, pihak luar galur trah keluarga kerajaan, dan bukan kepada Raden Panji
Pemahaman seperti itu diperoleh setelah mengenali tindakan Resi Kilisuci
memusnahkan Retna Angreni seperti terbaca pada kutipan di bawah ini.

Yayi prabu, yen mengkono kareping si Panji bakal ngrusak wijining karaton, mongka mungguh
utamane, wiji karaton mau bisa lulus murni, putraning nata kudu daup lawan putrining Narpati,
kaya karsane yayi Prabu. Ing mengko kang dadi panemuku, sayogyane si Ngreni disirnakaken
bae, yen si Ngreni wus ora ana, si Panji amesthi gelem daup karo si Sekartaji.

Terjemahan bebas, seperti berikut ini.

Adik Prabu, kalau begitu keinginan si Panji menikahi si Angreni berarti akan merusak benih
keraton. Adik Prabu tentu menyadari, bahwa biji keraton akan bisa lulus murni jika sang
pangeran menikah dengan anak perempuan dari ratu, seperti kehendak adik Prabu. Untuk
menyelesaikan kekalutan itu menurut pendapatku tidak ada jalan lain kecuali si Angreni
dimusnahkan saja. Jika si Ngreni sudah tidak ada, si Panji pasti mau menikah dengan si
Resi Kilisuci tetap bertindak hati-hati, meskipun telah dimaklumi raja Jenggala.
Memilih tindakan seperti itu, karena Resi Kilisuci tidak menghendaki terjadi kegagalan atau
diketahui umum tentang kesewenang-wenangannya. Untuk menjalankan maksudnya itu, Resi
Kilisuci memilih dan memerintah Raden Panji Nilaprabangsa—putra Raja Jenggala dari
selir—sebagai eksekutor. Resi Kilisuci memilih tindakan tersebut berarti ia membuat hitung-
hitungan, pertimbangan-pertimbangan yang rasional untuk mendukung keyakinannya bahwa
Raden Panji Nilaprabangsa dapat menjalankan tugas itu dan menjaga rahasia.
Raden Panji Nilaprabangsa menjalankan perintah Resi Kilisuci tanpa mengajukan
keberatan sedikitpun. Dia langsung berangkat, mendatangi Retna Angreni di kaputren13. Tiba

Kaputren (bahasa Jawa), terbentuk dari ka-putri-an, adalah rumah dan taman indah untuk tempat para putri
raja tinggal dan bersenang-senang.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

di kaputren dia tidak serta-merta melakukan tindakannya, meskipun sebenarnya ia tahu, bahwa
Retna Angreni tidak bisa mengelak dan melawan. Justru karena itu Raden Panji Nilaprabangsa
memilih bersikap ramah, menyampaikan pesan Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga. Bahwa
suaminya, Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga sangat merindukan Retna Angreni dan belum bisa
pulang ke kaputren, masih menjalankan tugas Resi Kilisuci di Kapucangan14. Raden Panji
Nilaprabangsa bersikap seperti itu, karena meyakini bahwa Retna Angreni tidak akan menolak
jika diajak bersama-sama datang ke Kapucangan.
Retna Angreni dengan mengajak abdi yang paling ia cintai mengikuti ajakan Raden
Panji Nilaprabangsa. Tindakan itu dapat dipahami, karena dalam tradisi kerajaan seseorang
wajib patuh kepada orang yang berderajat lebih tinggi atau sengaja ditinggikan. Bagi penulis,
kesediaan Retna Angreni mengikuti ajakan Raden Panji Nilaprabangsa berfungsi
mengembangkan cerita.
Dalam perjalanan menuju ke Kapucangan Raden Panji Nilaprabangsa menyampaikan
maksud yang sebenarnya kepada Retna Angreni, bahwa ia diperintah Resi Kilisuci untuk
memusnahkan dirinya. Retna Angreni menyikapi berita itu dengan datar, tidak menentang. Ia
sadar, bahwa menentang perintah Resi Kilisuci berarti merendahkan martabat suaminya dan
keluarga kerajaan Jenggala.
Raden Panji Nilaprabangsa mengetahui ketulusan hati Retna Angreni, menjadi tidak
kuasa menjalankan kehendaknya. Pada kondisi tersebut, dapat dipahami bahwa naluri
kemanusiaan Raden Panji Nilaprabangsa masih mampu menekan dan mengalahkan kepatuhan
terhadap perintah Resi Kilisuci. Dengan tulus juga, ia meminta Retna Angreni dan abdinya
meloloskan diri, menyingkir ke tempat yang tidak bisa dilacak utusan dari kerajaan Jenggala.
Retna Angreni menolak kesempatan menghindarkan diri dari kematian. Pada kondisi seperti
itu, bagi Retna Angreni hidup bukan pilihan yang utama, jika hanya menjadi pengganggu
ketentraman keluarga besar kerajaan Jenggala. Kecintaannya kepada Raden Panji
Kudarawisrengga dia wujudkan dengan memilih mati daripada hidup tetapi membangkang
perintah Resi Kilisuci dan merusak ketentraman keluarga kerajaan. Bagi Retna Angreni
berlaku pengecut, adalah aib dan hanya akan merendahkan derajat dirinya di hadapan Raden
Panji Kudarawisrengga, suaminya.
Raden Nilaprabangsa, tidak kuasa merasakan kesedihan dan ketulusan pengabdian
Retna Angreni dan abdinya bagi kebesaran kerajaan Jenggala. Karena itu ia menjadi lengah.

Kapucangan, dulu nama tempat pertapaan sekarang adalah nama desa di wilayah Kabupaten Kediri.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Dalam kelengahan Raden Nilaprabangsa, tanpa berkata, Retna Angreni menubrukkan

tubuhnya ke ujung keris terhunus di genggaman Raden Nilaprabangsa. Emban kinasih juga
tanpa berkata-kata juga ikut menubrukkan tubuhnya ke ujung keris terhunus di genggaman
Raden Nilaprabangsa. Pada waktu yang hampir bersamaan dua perempuan tersungkur dan
Representasi tokoh Panji Kuda Rawisrengga, Retna Angreni, Resi Kilisuci, dan Raden
Panji Nilaprabangsa sebagaimana yang telah diungkap di atas selaras dengan gambaran yang
diberikan oleh Hobbes (dalam Brian Fay, 2002: 39). Pemikiran dan tindakan tokoh tersebut
merepresentasikan suatu konsep, bahwa tindakan tokoh berasal dari pelaksanaan serangkaian
nafsu. Keengganan dasar yang dimiliki setiap tokoh tanpa mempedulikan tokoh yang lain, dan
dia menganggap bahwa kemampuan itu merupakan hal yang istimewa sebagai tokoh.
Rasionalitas pemahaman tersebut, bahwa keputusan menggagalkan cinta Raden Panji
Kudarawisrengga terhadap Retna Angreni dapat disikapi sebagai keputusan yang dibenarkan
dan wajib dijalankan resi Kilisuci sebagai perwujudan nafsu mempertahankan kekuasaan.
Pembenaran kehendak dan tindakan itu terjadi, karena dorongan nafsu berkuasa Resi Kilisuci
lebih kuat daripada akal budi kemanusiaan. Untuk itulah, ia memilih pembenaran terhadap
pemikiran tentang pemurnian keturunan bagi galur keluarga raja. Resi Kilisuci membuat
pembenaran seperti itu, karena ia memahami usaha mempertahankan hegemoni kekuasaan
merupakan tindakan penting, lebih penting daripada hidup Retna Angreni.
Kondisi psikologi Resi Kilisuci tersebut berbeda dengan raja Jenggala. Raja Jenggala
direpresentasikan sebagai tokoh yang berkepribadian ganda. Terbukti, akal budi ideal
kemanusiaan Raja Jenggala menolak saran dan keputusan resi Kilisuci untuk memusnahkan
Retna Angreni.
Peran akal budi ideal kemanusiaa Raja Jenggala menolak saran dan keputusan resi Kilisuci
untuk memusnahkan Retna Angreni dapat dipahami sebagai representasi pengakuan atas
kebenaran yang dikehendaki dewanya. Pada sisi yang lain, ternyata pengakuan akal budi ideal
kemanusiaa Raja Jenggala masih terkalahkan oleh kebutuhan pragmatis melanggengkan
kekuasaan. Pada kondisi psikologi seperti itu, maka wajar jika Raja Jenggala tidak sunguh-
sungguh menolak usul resi Kilisuci untuk mematikan Retna Angreni. Untuk membebaskan
keraguannya itu, Raja Jenggala memilih membebaskan diri dari perasaan bersalah kepada
kebenaran dewa. Pada kondisi persilangan psikologi tersebut Raja Jenggala memilih bersikap
tidak mau menanggung dosa atas pelaksanaan keputusan Resi Kilisuci mematikan Retna
Angreni. Raja Jenggala memilih berlindung di balik ”kekudusan” Resi Kilisuci.
Persilangan penalaran raja Jenggala tersebut seperti terbaca dalam kutipan berikut ini.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Kakang Bok, makaten punika boten leres, Ngrenni dipun sirnakaken lepatipun punapa, sebab
prakawis punika sanes sedyanipun Ngreni, sarta sanes pikajengipun Kudanawarsa, amung
saking kaderengipun putra sampeyan pun Panji piyambak, mila saupami kalampahan pun Ngreni
kula lunasi, sampun tamtu kula katetepaken ratu angkara, ratu candhala purun angrisak adhil,
amejahi tiyang tanpa dosa. Kula ajrih sesikuning jawata. Kaping kalih patih Kudanawarsa,
sampun mesthi manahipun boten anerimah. Ing mongka piyambakipun patih wasesa, saupami
sarembak kaliyan para nayaka, saestu saged damel rengkanipun praja.

Terjemahan bebas seperti berikut ini.

Kakakku, kiranya kalau ada cara yang lebih bijaksana apakah tindakan itu masih bisa dielakkan.
Ngreni dimusnahkan kesalahannya apa. Sebab perkara ini bukan keinginan Ngreni, juga bukan
maksud Patih Kudanawarsa, kekalutan itu semata-mata karena kelengahan si Panji. Seandainya
si Ngreni saya habisi, pasti saya dijuluki ratu yang angkara, nista, mau merusak keadilan,
membunuh orang tanpa dosa. Saya takut Dewa marah. Sementara kita semua tidak akan bisa
menolak jika Patih Kudanawarsa mbalela, menuntut balas atas kejadian itu. Padahal kita semua
tahu, Kudanawarsa patih yang cerdas, jujur, berwibawa, dan disegani oleh bawahan. Jika
gelagat kejadian ini terendus oleh Kudanawarsa, sewaktu-waktu bisa saja menggerakkan anak
buahnya untuk menuntut keadilan. Jika hal itu sampai terjadi Adinda tidak bisa membayangkan

Representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh sebagaimana telah dideskripsikan di atas tidak

semestinya dipahami sebagai replika dan duplikat serta gambaran persis-lengkap, koheren dan
koresponden dengan kenyataan kehidupan sehari-hari yang dihayati dan dijalani dalam ruang
dan waktu Kerajaan Jenggala, Ngurawan, Kediri, dan Panaraga. Pengejawantahan kondisi
tersebut tepat jika disikapi sebagai representasi, yakni sebagai pengejawantahan dunia-
kehidupan tokoh paling dominan pada ruang dan waktu kerajaan Jenggala, Kediri, Ngurawan,
dan Panaraga, khususnya dunia-kehidupan di lingkungan keluarga kerajaan. Pemahaman itu
selaras dengan pandangan Faucault (dalam Brian Fay.2002: 67) bahwa wacana, secara
dominan merepresentasikan identitas kolektif dengan mengabaikan sistem-sistem lainnya.
Pemahaman tersebut jika dipilih untuk dasar pertimbangan interpretasi, maka dapat
dijelaskan bahwa tragedi percintaan putra mahkota kerajaan Jenggala, Raden Panji
Kudarawisrengga dengan perempuan di luar galur keluarga kerajaan—Retna Angreni, putri
patih Kudanawarsa—dapat disikapi sebagai representasi dunia-kehidupan yang dominan pada
waktu itu. Maksudnya, tragedi percintaan Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga dengan Retna
Angreni bukan replika atau duplikat serta gambaran persis-lengkap dari dunia-kehidupan
sehari-hari yang secara nyata dijalani dan dialami oleh setiap putra mahkota dan putri di luar
galur keluarga kerajaan pada ruang dan waktu kerajaan Jenggala, Ngurawan, Kediri, dan

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Panaraga, melainkan sebagai wacana atau pelaksanaan ideologi dominan yang diberlakukan
pada waktu itu.
Pemahaman di atas lebih dikuatkan lagi setelah memahami kenyataan bahwa dunia-
kehidupan yang dihayati dan dialami oleh tokoh itu majemuk (pluralistis) dan beragam
(heterogen), tidak pernah tunggal (monolitis). Dipahami demikian karena representasi tokoh
dalam wacana SBK merupakan kontruksi dari dunia kehidupan yang majemuk atau beragam
yang tergambar pada ruang dan waktu kerajaan Jenggala, Ngurawan, Kediri, dan Panaraga.
Dengan pengertian lain, bahwa di dalam wacana SBK sesungguhnya juga ditemukan
representasi berbagai dunia-kehidupan tokoh lainnya. Terbukti, dari kesan sekilas pembacaan
pendahuluan juga diketahui, bahwa SBK sebagai representasi kewacanaan sastra, sejarah, dan
mitos tidak hanya menampilkan dunia-kehidupan percintaan Raden Panji Kudarawisrengga
dan Dewi Sekartaji, tetapi juga menampilkan dunia-kehidupan tokoh-tokoh lain dalam
aktualisasi kehidupan mereka yang beragam (heterogin) dan majemuk (pluralistis).
Menyikapi fakta dunia kehidupan simbolik imajinatif dalam SBK tersebut ternyata ada
sisi menarik yang perlu dikaji lebih mendalam, terutama hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan
representasi sosio-budaya masyarakat zamannya. Kemenarikan tersebut paling tidak didukung
oleh kenyataan seperti berikut ini. Pertama, sampai sekarang belum ada informasi relatif
mendalam dan komprehensif tentang representasi tokoh dalam wacana SBK. Penelitian yang
sungguh-sungguh dan komprehensif tentang representasi tokoh belum pernah dilakukan.
Memang, pada tahun 1936 di Batavia, Bale Pustaka menerbitkan buku dengan judul “Panji
Gandrung Anggreni” (Seri 846), tetapi terbitan tersebut hanya menggambarkan tragedi
perjalanan cinta Panji dengan Dewi Anggreni. Berikutnya R.M.Ng Dr. Poerbatjaraka pada
tahun 1940 juga pernah menulis dalam bahasa Belanda dengan judul Panji-Verhalen Onderling
Vergeleken diterbitkan oleh A.C Nix & Co-Bandung. Sekali lagi di dalam buku tersebut juga
tidak mengulas representasi kehidupan tokoh-tokohnya, melainkan hanya menceriterakan
kisah cinta tokoh Panji Semerang. Setelah itu baru pada pertengahan tahun 2003, yakni Ibu Siti
Halimah Soeparno menyodorkan lembaran-lembaran naskah dalam wujud ketikan kepada
Imam Mubarok—wartawan RADAR Surabaya—berupa naskah terjemahan SBK yang ia
kerjakan tahun 1981 hingga 1989 disela-sela kesibukannya menjadi guru. Terjemahan SBK
tersebut kemudian diterbitkan pada pertengahan 2006 (http://beritakediri, wordpress.Com/.
Komentar oleh berita kediri on Mei 7, 2007 06:20 am05).
Dari penjelasan atas terjemahan tersebut juga belum ditemukan pembahasan tentang
representasi kehidupan tokoh-tokohnya. Kedua, berkaitan dengan hal pertama dapat
ditegaskan, bahwa sampai sekarang informasi yang ada hubungannya dengan wacana SBK

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

kondisinya tidak lengkap. Memang disamping yang telah diutarakan di atas, memang pernah
dilakukan pengkajian terhadap wacana SBK oleh Yeni Pratiwi (Sekripsi. 2004) dengan judul
“Analisis Nilai pada Babad Kadiri”, tetapi pengkajian yang dilakukan Yeni Pratiwi tersebut
hanya terbatas pada usaha menemukan nilai-nilai yang ada di dalam teks tersebut, sementara
yang berkenaan dengan representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh di luar aspek nilai belum
disinggung sama sekali.
Dengan merujuk kondisi tersebut tidak berlebihan jika disimpulkan bahwa sampai
sekarang praktis belum ada informasi relatif utuh, lengkap, memadai, dan menyeluruh tentang
representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh dalam wacana SBK. Padahal sebagai salah satu karya lama
yang banyak dikenal terutama oleh masyarakat Jawa, khususnya Jawa Timur tidak hanya
pantas, bahkan wajib dilakukan pengkajian secara mendalam, terutama yang berkanaan dengan
representasi dunia-kehidupan tokohnya. Kepantasan dan kewajiban pengkajiannya dapat
dipahami dengan pertimbangan seperti berikut ini.
Kelalaian atau tidak adanya pengkajian terhadap representasi dunia-kehidupan
tokohnya jelas tidak menguntungkan banyak pihak yang berkepentingan. Dapat dikatakan
demikian, karena ketidakutuhan, ketidaklengkapan, dan ketidakmemadaian pengkajiannya
akan mengakibatkan sulitnya banyak pihak memperoleh informasi tentang proses
pelambangan (simbolisasi) dan pembentukan (konstruksi) representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh
di dalam SBK. Belum lagi terhadap teks Babad lainnya, masih merupakan hutan lebat dan
menunggu kepedulian penelusuran dan pengkajian para pakar antropologi, sejarah, dan sastra.
Padahal, fakta menunjukkan bahwa sepanjang peradaban, manusia pada sisi
individualitasnya tidak pernah mampu melepaskan diri dari sisi sosialitasnya. Manusia dalam
merepresentasikan sisi individualitasnya akan selalu melakukan inkulturasi, bukan menghafal,
menirukan atau mereduksi kekuatan sosialitasnya. Manusia dalam merepresentasikan sisi
individualitasnya selalu terikat oleh proses pembelajaran dan pengubahan secara aktif tentang
dunia-kehidupan lampau untuk dunia-kehidupan hari ini dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan
pemenuhan kebutuhan dunia-kehidupan mendatang. Karena itu manusia menciptakan
sejarahnya sendiri, tetapi tidak atas pilihan sendiri, melainkan dalam keadaan yang secara
langsung dijumpai, diberikan dan dialihkan dari masa ke masa (Fay.2002: 40).
Dampak lebih luas dari kondisi ketidakpedulian tersebut akan mengakibatkan
munculnya kesulitan bagi berbagai pihak memperoleh informasi tentang gambaran simpul-
simpul hubungan antara representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh dalam SBK dengan dunia-
kehidupan tokoh nyata pada masa itu. Akibatnya, usaha-usaha berkenaan dengan
penggambaran profil ideal dunia-kehidupan tokoh secara mental-imajinatif sebagaimana

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pernah digagas oleh Raymond William (dalam Asa Berger, 2006: 60) juga akan mengalami
Gagasan Raymond William tersebut kurang lebih seperti berikut ini. Hegemoni selalu
datang dari negara-bangsa dan mendominasi yang lain. Hegemoni negara-bangsa memiliki
dua konsep. Pertama, tentang bagaimana diri ini membentuk kehidupan dan ideologinya, yang
mengekspresikan dan memaparkan kepentingan khusus sebuah kelas. Kedua, merupakan
interrelasi yang kompleks antar-kekuatan politik, sosial, dan budaya. Karena itu hegemoni
kekuasaan mementingkan budaya sebagai konsep. Pilihan demikian dikedepankan, karena
budaya dapat dilihat sebagai yang melekat dalam “distribusi khusus dari kekuasaan dan
pengaruh”. Memahami ideologi sebagai konsep, karena ideologi memiliki batasan untuk
mensistemasikan dan memformulasikan makna-makna yang lebih atau kurang mengenai
kesadaran. Hegemoni kekuasaan merupakan keseluruhan tubuh dan praktek dan harapan pada
keseluruhan kehidupan, seperti: perasaan, penempatan energi, bentuk persepsi tentang diri
sendiri dan lingkungan, maupun lainnya. Untuk itulah, jika anak-anak dapat
mengidentifikasikan pahlawan, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan pada sejumlah ceritera
sastra, sejarah, maupun mitos, serta mempelajari sesuatu yang penting tentang kehidupan
pahlawan merupakan keniscayaan yang tidak tertolak.
Lebih dari itu, hal tersebut juga menggambarkan bahwa fungsi representasi dunia-
kehidupan tokoh dalam wacana SBK dalam memberikan rujukan tentang kesinambungan
profil ideal tokoh secara mental imajinatif bagi pengembangan dunia-kehidupan bangsa
Indonesia yang ideal, juga belum dimaknakan. Kondisi demikian tentu kurang
munguntungkan, utamanya bagi pemetaan historiografi dunia-kehidupan tokoh dalam sastra,
sejarah, maupun mitos Indonesia. Sehubungan dengan pemahaman tersebut jauh-jauh S.O
Robson dalam Majalah Sastra (1987) telah menulis dan memberikan sinyal positif, bahwa
naskah lama yang dihasilkan dan berguna bagi masyarakat zamanya akan berguna juga bagi
masyarakat pada zaman berikutnya.
Menyikapi kondisi yang kurang menguntungkan sebagaimana yang terungkap di atas,
K.J Veegar (1990) ikut menegaskan, bahwa studi dunia-kehidupan tokoh dalam wacana
nondikursif, yakni wacana sastra prosa, sejarah, dan mitos—tentu termasuk wacana SBK—
bisa menjadi salah satu wahana pembentukan, pelembagaan, dan pelestarian ideologi dominan.
Oleh sebab itu akan menjadi kerugian besar bagi pembangunan kebudayaan dan kebangsaan
Indonesia modern yang demokratis dan tidak diskriminatif jika pemahaman tersebut tidak
ditindaklanjuti atau dicarikan jalan keluarnya.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Selain pertimbangan yang telah diungkapkan di atas, tulisan ini diharapkan juga dapat
memberikan informasi lebih lengkap dan mendalam tentang representasi dunia-kehidupan
tokoh SBK, terutama jika dikaitkan dengan usaha mendeskripsikan representasi dunia-
kehidupan tokoh dalam khasanah wacana sastra prosa lama. Dengan pendeskripsian
representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh dalam khasanah wacana sastra prosa lama dapat
diharapkan dicari dan ditemukan benang merah kesinambungannya dengan usaha
pembentukan representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh ideal dalam wacana sastra prosa modern dan
kebudayaan modern bangsa Indonesia yang demokratis dan tidak diskriminatif. Kongkritnya,
deskripsi representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh dalam SBK yang disikapi tidak cocok dengan
usaha pembentukan representasi dunia-kehidupan manusia ideal dalam kebudayaan dan
kebangsaan Indonesia modern yang demokratis dan tidak diskriminatif tetapi masih
terepresentasikan dalam dunia-kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia saat ini bisa dicarikan
Kondisi sebagaimana yang diungkapkan di atas jika dibiarkan tentu kurang
menguntungkan bagi pencarian dan perumusan sejarah panjang budaya bangsa Indonesia.
Padahal jauh-jauh Sokrates telah mengingatkan, bahwa dunia tak pernah sebagaimana adanya,
ia berjalan di atas rel tradisi yang sarat wacana mitos dan ideologi (dalam Adian, 2003).
Terbukti, kebudayaan tidak tersusun hanya dari satu ceritera, melainkan dari berbagai cerita.
Para anggotanya memintal jaring-jaring untuk memahami masa lalu dan menentukan pilihan-
pilihan masa depan. Dengan begitu dapat ditelusuri titik awal dan klimaks dalam berbagai
urusan representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh (Fay, 2002:261).
Dengan pemahaman sebagaimana diutarakan di atas dapat ditegaskan, bahwa usaha
mendeskripsikan representasi dunia-kehidupan tokoh dalam SBK berarti juga mendeskripsikan
fenomena sosial tokoh yang ada di dalamnya, yakni fenomena sosial yang ada dalam ruang dan
waktu ciptaan penulisnya. Lebih kongkrit dapat ditegaskan, bahwa usaha mendeskripsikan
fenomena sosial mengharuskan lebih dari sekedar mengatakan apa yang dimaksud dengan
fenomena sosial, melainkan juga harus memberi jawaban atas pertanyaan, mengapa fenomena
sosial itu terjadi. Karena itu mendeskripsikan representasi tokoh dalam SBK tidak sekedar
mengatakan hal yang telah ditemui pada tokoh, melainkan lebih dari itu, yakni menyingkap
mekanisme tentang bagaimana tokoh itu dibentuk dalam ruang dan waktu ciptaan kreatornya.
Usaha seperti itu Faocault (dalam Fay. 2002: 171) menyebut dengan istilah geneologi,
yakni suatu konsep yang melandasi penelusuran terhadap bagaimana tokoh itu disusun, dengan
melacak jalur yang berliku tempat terjadinya penyusunan tersebut. Jalur yang berliku tempat
terjadinya penyusunan tersebut terepresentasikan sebagai kekuasaan. Hanya saja dalam

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

pemahaman ini, kekuasaan tidak terbatas pada kasus pemaksaan oleh penguasa (superordinasi)
kepada kemauan orang lain yang dikuasai (subordinasi), melainkan juga berupa tindakan yang
ditempuh setiap tokoh untuk mempengaruhi bidang kemungkinan tindakannya pada masa
mendatang. Atau dengan pernyataan lain, bahwa kekuasaan juga merupakan usaha pemilik
tokoh superordinasi mengeksplorasi tentang praktik-praktik mikro tertentu untuk membatasi
dan memungkinkan munculnya efek-efek tertentu pada tubuh dan keleluasaan pada diri orang-
orang yang berada diposisi subordinasi.
Kelayakan pemaparan dalam tulisan ini disamping dilatar-belakangi pemikiran-
pemikiran yang telah dikemukakan di atas, juga untuk mewujudkan harapan-harapan berikut
ini, yakni pengkajian secara mendalam terhadap teks-teks lama, termasuk SBK bukan
merupakan tindakan yang sekedar wacana, melainkan hal yang perlu segera ditindaki. Dengan
pengkajian demikian diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi positif (1) bagi pembentukan
kesadaran, bahwa pengkajian dunia-kehidupan tokoh dalam teks-teks prosa lama bermanfaat
terhadap usaha menemukan benang merah perjalanan sejarah panjang budaya bangsa
Indonesia, (2) bagi penyusunan historiografi dunia-kehidupan tokoh dalam Sastra Indonesia,
(3) bagi tumbuhnya kesadaran banyak pihak untuk melakukan pengkajian terhadap tokoh-
tokoh dalam wacana prosa sastra, terlebih terhadap teks sastra prosa lama, yang sampai saat
ini belum banyak dijamah.

Dunia kehidupan simbolik imajinatif teks sastra prosa lama menjadi bagian penting
untuk dikaji dalam rangka menelusuri kesinambungan sejarah panjang perjalanan masyarakat
Nusantara. Di dalam dunia kehidupan simbolik imajinatif, baik dalam ranah sastra, sejarah, dan
mitos dapat dijumpai, dihayati, dan dikaji tentang aspek kewacanaan dari sudut pandang sosio-
budaya, sebagaimana tergelar dalam dunia kehidupan nyata. Pengejawantahan kehidupan
tokoh dalam dunia simbolik imajinatif, baik dalam wacana sastra, sejarah, maupun mitos dapat
difungsikan sebagai kaca brenggala ’cermin besar’ dalam melihat wajah nyata kehidupan ini.
Dengan begitu harapan dapat merancang dan melakukan tindakan yang mendekati kebutuhan
tentang terejawantahkannya kehidupan nyata yang diharapkan—manusia Indonesia yang adil,
makmur, dan beradab—dapat dipilihakan tindakan yang sesuai kebutuhannya.

Alisyahbana, ST. 1975. Latar Terkembang. Cv Permata

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Asa Berger, A.1988. Media Analisis Techniques (terjemahan). Yogyakarta: Universitas Atama
Ewing, A.C. 2003. Persoalan-persoalan Mendasar Filsafat (terjemahan). Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Fay, B. 2002. Filsafat Ilmu Sosial Kontemporer (terjemahan). Yogyakarta: Jendela.
Gahral Adian, D. Apa Hermeneutika Kritis Jürgen Habermas. Makalah pada diskusi di The
International Institute of Islamic Thought Indonesiapada 29 April 2003..
Kuntowijoyo. 2002. Selamat Tinggal Mitos Selamat Datang Realitas. Bandung: Mizan
Purbawijaya, MN. 1932. Serat Babat Kadhiri Kadhiri: Boekhandel Tan Koen Swie.
Robson, S.O. 1978. “ Pengkajian Sastra-Sastra Tradisional. “ Bahasa dan Sastra No.6 Th. IV.
Jakarta : Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.
Veegar, K.J. 1990. Realitas Sosial (refleksi filsafat sosial atas hubungan individu-masyarakat
dalam cakrawala sosiologi). Jakarta: PT Gramadia Pustaka Utama
Yeni Pratiwi. 2004. Nilai Dalam Serat Babad Kediri (Sekripsi). JSI FS UM

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


1)Supriyo, 2)Nur
Mathematics Education Study Program of STKIP PGRI Pasuruan
1), 2)

Abstract: In this study, the researchers organized and implemented technology workshop for
mathematics teacher candidates. There were 29 teacher candidates from Mathematics
EducationStudy Program of STKIP PGRI Pasuruan participated in 120 minute technology
workshop where they were instructed in the use of Formulator Tarsia. A pre- and post-survey
were administered in order to measure the effect of the workshop on the participants’ confidence
in the use of technology. The results indicate that Formulator Tarsia workshop is effective.
Participants were more confident with the idea of using technology in their lesson after
completing a task focusing on the use of Formulator Tarsia to create puzzles and dominos.

Keywords: technology workshop, formulator tarsia, mathematics teacher candidates

The development of science and technology has penetrated to all aspects of life,
including in the field of education. For a teacher, the need for mastery of technology is a
necessary skill to support the learning process.According to NCTM (1991), mathematics
teachers need to know how to use the tools of information and communication technology
(ICT), including subject-specific educational software and general software. Curriculum
documents increasingly advocate the teachers’ role as one of creating stimulating learning
situations, challenging pupils to think, supporting their work, and encouraging diversification
of learning routes. Therefore, teacher candidates must develop not only various technical
competencies but also a sound educational perspective regarding the use of technology in the
mathematics classroom (Ponte, 2001).
A survey revealed that teachers find technology intimidating or difficult to use in the
classroom (Mehra and Mital, 2007). Hughes (2005) concluded that many teachers find using
technology overwhelming and foreign. Jones (2004) found that teachers often lack confidence
and competence with their ICT skills. Although the majority of current teacher candidates have
grown up surrounded by technologies, it cannot be assumed that they all have the required
skills. They tend to be more focused on social media rather than on the capacity of technologies
for learning (Lei, 2009). Teacher candidates’ confidence in teaching with technology influence
their intentions and persistence regarding technology integration into teaching. Their sense of
preparedness are affected by access, skills and attitudes to ICT, knowledge, ICT experiences,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

time and the workload in their teacher education programs (Teo, Lee & Chai, 2008). Anderson
& Maninger (2007) suggest that the role of teacher education is to provide well-designed
programs that can build a foundation on which teacher candidates can demonstrate effective
In order to encourage teacher candidates to analyze technology and to determine how
it can support and expand learning opportunities of all students, they should be introduced to
technology during their teacher education program. Technology in teaching can be introduced
through technology workshop. In this study, we organized and implemented Formulator
Tarsia workshop for mathematics teacher candidates.
Formulator Tarsia known earlier as Formulator Jigsaw is an editor designed for
Teachers of Mathematics creating the activities in a form of jigsaws or dominos etc. for later
use in a class. It includes the powerful equation editor for building the math-expressions for
the activities. An advanced feature of text placement along the side of the shape makes this tool
irreplaceable software for fast activity creation. Formulator Tarsia became a powerful tool for
learning activities since it supports the activity templates. It enables easy support of teachers
and gives them new perspectives to development of their teaching activity (Hermitech
Laboratory, 2003).
Formulator Tarsia is a free license software and easy to use. With this software, teacher
will easily be able to create, print out, save and exchange customized jigsaws, domino activities
and a variety of rectangular card sort activities. The activities created using this software can
be presented in printable form, ready to cut out(Hermitech Laboratory, 2003). Teacher
candidates would soon have opportunity to use Formulator Tarsia in their education fieldwork,
so workshop in the use of this software was necessary.
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of Formulator Tarsia workshop on teacher
candidates’confidence in using technology after completing a task focusing on the use of Formulator
Tarsia to create puzzles and dominos.
Before the workshop begins, each participant was given a pre-survey to assess their
confidence level in using technology. Formulator Tarsia workshop was divided into three
session. In the first session, participants were asked to solve mathematics problem presented
in hexagonal jigsaw puzzle with 24 pieces. Through this activity, participants were expected
to have experience in solving mathematics puzzle. Mathematics hexagonal jigsaw puzzle
used in this session can be seen in the following figure.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Figure 1 Mathematics hexagonal jigsaw puzzle

The second session was the introduction of Formulator Tarsia, introduction of its basic menu
bar and toolbar function, and tutorial to create various puzzle and domino designs. In the
third session, the participants were given a task to create their own mathematics puzzle and
domino design. At the end of session, participants discussed about their activities during
workshop and they were asked to complete a post-survey.

There were 29 teacher candidates from Mathematics Education Study Program of
STKIP PGRI Pasuruan participated in 120 minute technology workshop where they were
instructed in the use of Formulator Tarsia. A pre-survey was constructed with the aim of
assessing theteacher candidates’ current confidence in using technology. The post-survey was
designed using the same questions given in the pre-survey in order to monitor any change in
the teacher candidates’ confidence levels after attending the Formulator Tarsia workshop. The
questions of both pre-survey and post-survey were designed to be answered on a scale of 1 to
6 (1 is the lowest level of confidence and 6 is the highest level of confidence) to aid in data
analysis and provided a quantitative aspect to the research data. The questions in the surveys
were adapted from Fanni’s research instrument (2014). The effectiveness of the workshop was
shown by 1) the teacher candidates’ ability to create their own mathematics puzzle or domino
and 2) the increasing of mean score of the teacher candidates’ confidence level in teaching with
technology before and after workshop.


In the third session of Formulator Tarsia workshop, teacher candidates were given a
task to create their own mathematics puzzle and domino design. All of them can accomplish
the task well. They were very enthusiastic in choosing the design of puzzles and dominos.
They were able to use the powerful equation editor, change the style and font settings, and

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

insert image. The following table shows the type of puzzle and domino and the number of
participants who made those design.
Table 1 Type of puzzle and domino created by participants
Type of Puzzle number of
& Domino participants
hexagonal 3
triangular 3
parellogram 2
parquet 4
rhombus 3
circle 2
square 1
rectangular 1
Domino 4
Follow me 6
Total 29

Participants’ sample task can be seen in the following figure.

Figure 2 Triangular Jigsaw Puzzle Figure 3 Domino Figure 3 Circle Puzzle

In order to create good mathematical puzzles, teacher candidates should pay attention to the
accuracy of the questions and answers. They should also be able to adjust the difficulty level
of the problems with the design of the selected puzzle. The harder the problem, the simpler
the type of puzzle to use. This is done to anticipate students' difficulties in forming puzzles
that can lead to decrease students’ interest in solving mathematics problems.
Table 2 Number of Confidence Level’s Responses
Code Items Pre-survey Post-survey
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
I1 I can use technology to prepare an activity in 2 3 12 9 1 2 0 1 5 12 7 4
my content area.
I2 I can use technology to improve a class in my 8 10 6 4 1 0 0 0 5 10 8 6
content area.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

I3 I can use technology to explore a specific topic 0 7 11 4 3 4 0 1 3 3 13 9

of my content area.
I4 I can use technology to work with students in 9 6 8 3 3 0 0 2 3 10 6 8
I5 I can use technology to keep students 6 7 7 5 4 0 1 3 5 8 7 5

I6 I can adapt new technologies 5 11 6 3 3 1 0 4 6 4 12 3

I7 I can use technology to improve my teaching 10 6 6 5 2 0 2 2 4 8 8 5

I8 I can select appropriate technology to improve 8 10 8 2 1 0 3 2 5 8 6 5
student learning of a difficult topic.

Responses to the pre-survey pertaining teacher candidates’ confidence of technology

revealed that more than half of the participants surveyed have low level of confidence in using
technology to improve a class in their content area and selecting appropriate technology to
improve student learning of a difficult topic. There were 18 out of 29 participants who choose
level 1 and 2 in those items (I2 and I8). Although participants believe that technology can
support the learning process, but they were not confident enough in using technology to
improve a class in their content area and select appropriate technology to improve student
learning of a difficult topic. Francis-Pelton &Pelton (1996) maintained although many teachers
believe computers are an important component of a student‟s education, their lack of
knowledge and experience lead to a lack of confidence to attempt to introduce them into their
instruction.After attending the workshop, only 5 participants who have still lack of confidence
in selecting appropriate technology to improve student learning of a difficult topic and there
was no one who has low level of confidence in term of using technology to improve a class in
their content area.
Responses to the post-survey pertaining teacher candidates’ confidence of technology
revealed that more than half of the participants surveyed have high level of confidence in
technology to explore a specific topic of their content area (72%). There were 21 out of 29
participants who choose level 5 and 6 in this item (I3). Pre-survey responses showed that there
were only 7 out 29 participants (24%) who have high confidence in item I3. After participating
in the workshop participants had knowledge of the use of Tarsia formulators to explore certain
topics in mathematics. This may be one reason for their high confidence in this item.
Workshops are commonplace in teacher development days when already in thefield, but
implementing more of such training before entering the school environment could help better
prepare future teachers for the classroom (Thames, 2014).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Table 3Mean Score of Confidence Level’s Responses

No. Questions Mean Score
Pre-survey Post-survey
1 I can use technology to prepare an activity in my content area. 3.3 4.3

2 I can use technology to improve a class in my content area. 2.3 4.5

3 I can use technology to explore a specific topic of my content 3.5 4.9

4 I can use technology to work with students in groups. 2.5 4.5

5 I can use technology to keep students motivated. 2.8 4.1

6 I can adapt new technologies 2.7 4.1

7 I can use technology to improve my teaching productivity. 2.4 4.1

8 I can select appropriate technology to improve student 2.2 3.9

learning of a difficult topic.

Mean score of confidence level showed in the table above indicates that confidence
level of teacher candidates increase in each survey item. After attending Formulator Tarsia
workshop, teacher candidates were more confident in using technology to prepare classroom
activity, improve mathematics class, explore spesific topic in mathematics, work with students
in groups, keep students motivated, improve their teaching productivity. They were also more
confident to adapt new technologies and select appropriate technology to improve student
learning of a difficult mathematics topic. This means that Formulator Tarsia workshop
conducted by researchers were effective to increase teacher candidates’ confidence in teaching
using technology.
All of this findings indicates that knowledge and experience in technology integration
will make teacher candidates more confident using technology in their future education
fieldwork.Chou (1997) also highlighted that computer experience influenced teacher attitudes
toward computers.Anxiety regarding technology is a significant issue for preservice teachers
(Yildirim and Kiraz, 1999). High anxiety can lead to negative attitudes and eventually
negatively influence the learning process (Dupagne & Krendl, 1992).Trough production of
puzzle and domino design using Formulator Tarsia, teacher candidates in this workshop
became not only more conffident but also more enthusiastic and more creative in using
technology for teaching mathematics. Future teachers must develop confidence in using

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

technology and a positive attitude towards it. They need to be able to integrate ICT within the
goals and objectives for mathematics teaching (Cheal, Geer, White, 2012).
Teachers can be the leaders of the educational reform that is needed to fully integrate
technology into the classroom (Lambert & Gong, 2010).As theorized by Teo (2009), it is clear
that behavioural intention is a significant determinant in the use of technology as evidenced by
the number of pre-service teachers in this study who reported have low confidence level in
using technology to improve mathemtics class and selecting appropriate technology to improve
student learning of a difficult mathematics topic before completing the Formulator Tarsia
workshop task. Thus, as Teo (2009) suggests, teacher education programs should provide
teacher candidates with access to all the different types of technology that they will encounter
in the schools.
Effective professional development must be sustained, content-focused, and
collaborative to effect change in teacher practices in ways that ultimately improve student
learning (Li & Protacio, 2010). In an examination of teaching styles and technology integration
in Italy, results showed that both personal theories of teaching and the level of competence
with technology play a major role in how teachers implement technology and in their
perception of their own and their pupils’ motivation (Gobbo & Girardi, 2001). Therefore,
teacher professional development in technology cannot just focus on technology applications,
but it must connect with a specific curriculum and subject area and with specific attention to
the pedagogical practices associated with the subject area (Sabzian&Gilakjani, 2013).

This study determined that instructing teacher candidates via workshop is helpful.
Formulator Tarsia workshop conducted by researchers were effective to increase teacher
candidates’ confidence in teaching using technology. Teacher candidates were more confident
with the idea of using technology in their lesson after completing a task focusing on the use of
Formulator Tarsia to create puzzles and dominos. This study also indicated that knowledge and
experience in technology integration canboost teacher candidates’ confidence using technology
in their future education fieldwork.
This study was conducted with only 29 teacher candidates and 120 minute technology
workshop which only focus on Formulator Tarsia. By increasing the sample size of both
candidates and technology software would improve data accuracy. It would be
advised that any future research regarding technology workshops in teaching mathematics
can be conducted more frequent covering more types of technology.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

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International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Susi Darihastining

Abstract: Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education prepared the curriculum
which supported the ability in speaking English, namely by applying the ability of dual language.
The items discussed was how the schemata implemented in reading comprehension through
learning of BIPA for the students of LPPI/First Learning Indonesian Institution in PT. Cheal
Jedang Indonesia Jombang District (CJI) in Jombang. Observation was conducted by the
researchers. They wanted to help the government and tried to developed and used science and
collaborated with the tutor who taught in (BIPA). The researcher used qualitative method. The
data source was the foreign students (BIPA) LPPI in PT. Cheal Jedang Indonesia in Jombang
regency. Data of schemata implementation in reading comprehension was through media of
literature stage to learn BIPA for the students of LPPI PT (CJI) Jombang. The data were got by
observation and documentation and then classified them by using table. In reading stage, the
students of BIPA were demanded to understand each meaning of word before understanding
each sentence. When the students of BIPA had been able to understand each word they read, so
they were easier to understand the meaning of the text given. Besides, reading skill was related
to sound, sound order, intonation, and pause. Reading skill also had a very close relation
with speaking skill. When the foreign students were not accustomed to speaking Indonesian,
the reading process would follow the usual language used. For pausing in a long text, the foreign
students still often had obstacles in deciding the pause.

Key Words: Schemata Applied, Reading, Literature Stage, Learning Media

Along with the system of free trade Economics Society ASEAN (MEA), The linguistic field in
Indonesia had a big role in language internalization through the program of (BIPA)
(Wicaksono, 2016). Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education prepared the
curriculum which supported the English ability by implementing skill of dual language. The
plan of dual language curriculum would be started in 2016 and would be used as a condition
to enter universitities, especially for the state universities, (Nasir, 2015). The efforts were done
to improve the human source of Indonesia so that they would not lose with the foreign labor
worked and made use Indonesia as the Asean market. Therefore, it needed chance and for us
to succeed Indonesian internalization because there was a possibility it became one of
international languages and even avoided the language shift because of the foreign language.
Our effort as Indonesian society aimed to make the foreign people who came to Indonesia to
appreciate and to use Indonesian wisely. Learning Indonesian was for foreign countries. Those

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

were the findings of the observation. The researcher wanted to help the government and tried
to develop and made use of science and technology to collaborate and teaching Indonesian
(BIPA) for the foreign labors who worked in the Indonesian companies or stayed for a while
or even lived permanently for their business.
First Learning Indonesian Institution (LPPI) was extremely needed related to the
improvement of educational quality. First Learning Indonesian Institution (LPPI) worked on
service field especially for the development in education, research, and Indonesian language
training for foreign labors. First Learning Indonesian Institution (LPPI) focused on the learning
and education. Since the existence of LPPI, they had succedded to pass the foreign learners in
Indonesian ability test (UKBI), cooperated with Language Division in East Java Province. The
sertificate of UKBI was commonly used by the foreign labors in Indonesia to get recognition
or legitimacy from the main company abroad.
That was the thing which became the interest and attention for the researcher to
contribute in the cooperation form of LPPI and PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia (CJI) the pure
private company (PMA) Korea worked on food product IMP (Inosinemono Phosphat).
Considering Jombang had many private companies which had foreign labors, it became the
chance for the educators especially for lectures, teachers, or students who had competence in
using Indonesian and internationalized it.
LPPI was an educational institution which managed educational and training field to
help learning of BIPA. LPPI had cooperated with the CJI in Jombang about 3 years ago. Tutor
collaboration in the First Learning Indonesian Institution with the researcher was to train and
develop the Indonesian tutors for teaching foreign learners. It discussed about the experience
in teaching tutors in the First Learning Indonesian Institution, namely Novi Cempaka P, S.Pd,
Laili Imroatus S, Ayunastia, S.Pd, Santi Maulidha, S.Pd, Reza DwiJ, S.Pd, and many other
tutors who helped the educational oranization BIPA in LPPI Jombang. There were 15 Tutors
of LPPI who were active in supporting the teaching ad learning success for the students of
BIPA in (CJI) Jombang.
Implementation of learning BIPA in (CJI) Jombang in teaching tutors for the foreigners
not only in the linguistic aspect but also social cultural aspect. It was needed by the foreign
speakers, because they did not only learn for the linguistic aspect but also cultural aspect to
support their schemata in learning target. Schemata were started from the schemata theory as
the learning process to compare the background knowledge owned with the latest knowledge
with new information. One of the schemata theories influenced learning theory stated by Piaget
(in Ruddell (2005: 27).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

According to Syafi’ie inRahim (2007:2), there were three basic components occurred
in reading process, namely recoding, decoding, dan meaning while the literature stage as the
media was used for learning to read which implemented the schemata and also published the
culture internationally at once through the learning of BIPA so that we could introduce
Indonesian culture to the Foreign speakers.
This article aimed to describe the schemata applied in learning reading comprehension
by using picture series of literature show as the local culture which had been applied by the
tutors of LPPI for learning BIPA in PT. Cheal Jedang Indonesia (CJI) Jombang district. So, the
learners of BIPA could (1) develop the competence in reading comprehension with schemata
application and (2) develop understanding about language and culture for the students of BIPA

Schemata owned by someone either through assimilation process or accommodation process
could be used to understand the text before reading by giving analogy to make comparison, by
using examples, by using visual image related to the text which would be read by the students
(Indrawati, 1996 in Nubaya, 2016). The relation between sceme theory with reading activities
was “understanding” to the reading text not only because the reader understood what was
delivered in the text by the writer explicitly but also understanding implicitly influenced by the
other languages or the pre knowledge owned by the reader in understanding the reading text (
Nurbaya, 2016).
There were some ways done to use the schemata in learning. The schemata was used to
improve the understanding about the text to make analogies, comparisons, and examples, and
made use of visual pictures related to the stage of reading skill such as pre reading, whilst
reading, and post reading and also focused on the student’s attention in reading (Nurbaya,
The stage in reading aimed to direct the interaction of students’ attention with the text
read, while the post reading aimed to repeat, to reflect, and to stimulate the cognition.
Activating background knowledge related to the text content was done by focusing the
attention, using key words, and activating background knowledge as stated by Miller dan
Perkins in (Partiwi: 2001).
The relation of reading with the schemata was in the cognition process in describing
concept in the text by using the background knowledge about linguistic, vocabulary, phrase, or

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

the other linguistic terms including the punctuation. Harjasujana in Harris (1996:23) explained
that the schemata in reading related to the linguistic knowledge and organization of essay. The
sheme owned was assumed to be going to help the readers to understand the text. Therefore we
could say that the schemata and reading were related each other. The relations between the
schemata and reading were on the effort to understand the information in the text through an
interactive and cognitive process inside of the readers (Nurbaya, 2016).

According to Femi Olivia (2008: 3), reading came from the word “read” which meant
“understanding the meaning of writing text”. Reading was one of processes to get the
knowledge and science. In the book Remidial and Enrichment of Indonesian (1986: 4.11),
reading was an activity supported our lives in enriching the knowledge and experience and
expressed the written symbols in the form of word, sentence with the good pronunciation.
Recently, everyone was demanded to have a high and good reading ability because the ability
in reading determined the level of the intelligence. The more they read, they would have higher
education because they had a wide knowledge and having read a lot, they would be curious to
read more about the knowledge.
Klein, (in Dalman, 2014: 6) stated that reading consisted of: first, reading was a
process. It meant that information from the text or the knowledge owned by the reader had a
main role in creating the meaning. Second, reading was a strategy. The effective reader used
various strategies based on the text and the context in constructing meaning while they were
reading. Third, reading was interactive.The reader involved in the text based on the context.
The people who liked reading meaningful texr would find some purposes they wanted to reach.
The reading text must have been easily read (readable) so the interaction would happen
between the reader and the reading text.
Ability in reading comprehension was based on 5 aspects as like in Barret Taxonomy.
First, it was literal understanding which focused on the explicit information. Second, it was
reorganizational understanding which demanded the reader to do analysis, synthesis, and
implicit idea organization. Third, inferential understanding demanded the reader to formulate
the hypothesis or opinion based on the information of the text. Fourth, it was evaluation
understanding. It was reader’s comprehension in rating the carefulness, accuracy, and the
benefit information. Fifth, it was appreciation understanding which focused on the reader’s
sensitivity to the literature emotionally and aesthetically Alexander, 1987:170-171; Clymer,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

1968; Martutik, Nurchasanah & Rani, 2009:13; Sari, et al, 2009: 8-12). From the five aspects,
they had to be applied to urge the students to be skilled and could communicate in writing.
In general, the aim of reading was to get various information and knowledge by
understanding the meaning and the reading context. According to Tarigan, (2008: 9) the aim
of reading was to seek for information such as the content and to understand the the meaning
of the reading text. In the book of Remedial and Treatment for Indonesian 1986 (4.10), the aim
of reading in the long term was to:
1. Cause the students’ interest to read in their free time.
2. Urge the students’ willing to read for their long life.
3. Nurture and improve the students’ reading skill to understand the reading text.
4. Measure the teaching and learning process in the reading field.
According to Femi Olivia (2008: 35-36) there were some aims in reading:
a. Reading as the entertainment was an activity without making the brain to work too
hard for example by reading novel, short story, and magazine, etc.
b. Reading was to gain knowledge. The aim: to see and to understand the knowledge
which was called slow reading. The slow reading was needed by the children to
remember what they read. There were two kinds of reading, namely:
- Analytic reading, it was the way how the children read and thought.
- Critical reading was an activity in understanding the text by asking some
questions so that they would memorize and understand more about something.
Reading was the same thing with understanding the reading material to get
knowledge, however the process was followed with giving questions.
According to Nurhadi (1989:11), he stated that there were two aims of reading, namely:
1. The specific aim of reading:
a. To get factual information.
b. To get information in specific and problematic one.
c. To assess someone’s papers.
d. To get emotional pleasure.
e. To use the leisure time.
2. The general aim of reading:
a. To get information
b. To get understanding
c. To get pleasure
According to (in Dalman, 2016: 11), there were seven aims of reading, namely:

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

1. Reading for details or fact

2. Reading for main ideas
3. Reading for sequence or organization
4. Reading for inference
5. Reading for classifying
6. Reading to evaluating
7. Reading for comparing or contrasting

Based on some aims above, we could conclude that reading aim was to reach the
reader’s interest. The reader had to choose and decide reading text and the aim of reading so
there would not be a mistake. Therefore, before reading, the reader had to determine the reading
aim so that they would choose suitable text. Nurhadi (in Dalman, 2014: 12), there were some
various aims in reading namely: (1) reading for learning (scientific study); (2) reading for
understanding the broad line of the text; (3) reading for enjoying the literature (4) reading for
using the leisure time; (5) reading for finding the terms

Reading Stages
When someone was reading, they would do these stages in reading process. According to
(2016: 4-5) the reading stages consisted of pre reading, whilst reading, and post reading. Each
stage had dfferent activities.
1. Stage of Pre reading
The pre reading was used to improve the reading motivation and activate the schemata owned
by the reader. It was useful to improve reader’s understanding and develop new knowledge.
The understanding process would get obstacle if the reader’s schemata were not ready. The
activities in pre reading were in the following explanation.
a. Determining the aim of reading;
b. Getting the relevant book or reading text;
c. Doing the pre survey to recognize the content of the book;
d. Making decision to read.
2. The stage of Whilst Reading
The stage of whils reading was the main stage in reading. In this stage, someone showed the
ability to manage the meaningful information. These were the following activities:
a. Reading the text or the book carefully;
b. Making analysis and conclusion critically;

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

c. Keeping informational knowledge achieved;

d. Making notes, comments, or essential summary;
e. Checking the source truth.
3. The Stage of Post Reading
The stage of post reading was the final activities in reading activity. In this stage, someone did
something or changed their mental attitude because “the urge” as the reading result. These were
the following post reading:
a. Determining the attitude: by receiving or refusing the ideas in the reading text;
b. Discussing it with other people;
c. Making some comments;
d. Appling it in daily life;
e. Changing it into another form;
f. Creating new ideas, Nurhadi (2016: 4-5).
From those six stages, they could make someone develop the mental and create the realm of
thinking to adapt with their knowledge.

Kinds of reading
According to Tarigan (1985:11-13) there were two kinds of reading:
1. Loud reading was an activity as a tool for the teachers, students, or the readers
together with other people or listeners to catch and to understand the information,
thought, and the feeling of the writer.
2. Silent reading, consist of:
a. Extensive reading was a reading activity as a broad activity with various texts
and the used was fast and short. It was divided into:
1) Survey reading was a reading activity which aimed to know general image
of the content and the scope of the reading text.
2) Reading at glance or skimmingwas the activity in reading fast to find and to
get the information quikly.
3) Shallow reading was a reading activity to get shallow understanding from
the light reading text. The aim was to get a pleasure.
b. Intensive reading was a careful reading activity. The aim was to understand in
detail which consisted of::
1) Reading the content of the study. It was divided into:
a) Understanding.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

b) Critical thinking.
c) Reading ideas,
2) Reading literary study. It consisted of:
a) Reading the language.
b) Reading literature. According to (1985: 11-13).
Redaing through skimming and skinning had both streght and weakness in the implementation
of reading activity.

This research used qualitative method. The data source of this research was the foreign speakers
(BIPA) LPPI in PT. Cheal Jedang Indonesia in Jombang district. The data was the
implementation in reading comprehension through the media of literature on the satge for
learning process BIPA LPPI students in PT (CJI) in Jombang through observation and
documentation and data classification by using table instrument.
The finding of the schemata implementation in learning to read with the base of
literature on the stage for the students of BIPA LPPI in PT. Cheal Jedang Indonesia in Jombang
district (CJI) was done by tutors and the students in this following picture. It aimed to make
the students understand the reading text in each paragraph. In this case, the tutors gave the
article to the students of BIPA to read and to understand and also to get the information from
each paragraph from the article. From those activities, the students looked for the information
in each paragraph after understanding the information. The students presented the information
they got to the tutor from the first until the last paragraph. From the activities done, the students
of BIPA gave the conclusion thoroughly from the article to the tutor.
Based on the activities above, the tutor had an important role as the guide for the
students of BIPA to reach their willing, namely understanding the information and tried to
make conclusion from the article they had read.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Gambar 1.1 guru dan murid dalam pembelajaran membaca nyaring

Silent reading consisted of:

Intensive reading was an activity of careful reading with the aim to understand in detail whch
consisted of reading for content analysis and it was divided into: (a) understanding,(b) thinking
critically and (c) reading ideas and reading content analysis which consisted of: (a) reading
language and (b)reading literature.
Example of intensive reading
Understanding the linguistic aspects was done through cultural images Jidor Sentulan with the
chronological story.

Gambar 1.2. Intensive reading

In this discussion, the schemata were implemented in reading comprehension through

the media of literature on the stageby using media of literature show Jidor Sentulan in the poetic
narration, namely the narrative structure in picture series whch were arranged based on the
chronological event.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

In the reading stage, the students of BIPA were demanded to understand the meaning
of each word first before they understood each sentence. When the students of BIPA had
already been able to understandeach word, they would understand the content of the reading
text easily.. Besides, the skill was related to the sound, the order of sounds, intonation, and
pause. The reading skill had also a very close relation with the speaking skill. For the
students of BIPA, the sound got was sometimes not suitable with the alphabet. For example
the word “gerabah”, it would be pronounced “gerabak”. Correcting the sound, the teacher
had to order the students to repeat the same words many times until they produced the
right sound.
When the foreign students were not accustomed to using Indonesia in reading process,
the usual language they used would influence their reading process. For example: adding the
alphabet [è] in the end of the word. Adding the alphabet [è] had been tucked away in the words
which had the final alphabet [R and S]. For example: the word “Gelas” became “Gelasè”, the
word “Hampir” became “Hampirè”.To omit the habit in pronouncing [è] in the end of
the word, tutor had to correct and asked them to repeat many times. It should be done
quickly, appropriately but slowly in making it into habit.
For pausing in the long text, the foreign students also still got obstacles in determining
the pause. In pausing, they sometimes separated the word comination so the meaning of the
text would not be clear for example in the sentence “Sang Kakek Tua sering melihat ke arah
meja makan dengan berlinang air mata”. The students of BIPA read by using the pause in
the word “meja” then they stopped and continued their reading. It was a mistake in giving the
pause because “meja makan” was a unity. When the word “meja makan” was separated,
there would be misunderstanding in understanding the meaning. So, the correct one was by
giving the pause in the part of “meja makan” not “meja” and “makan”.

Picture of Active Art Member Group Jidor Sentulan

Picture 1

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The music instrument used for Jidor Sentulan

a. Kendang

Picture 2
b. Bedug

Picture 3

Structure of Jidor Sentulan Stage

Opening with the song for the prophet (sholawatan), in the long time ago, this art was used for
spreading islam in the history of diponegoro as the commander

Picture 4.The Opening Session of the Stage by Penthul and Tembem

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Picture5.Process of Tembem Looked After Kumbang Semendhung

Picture6. Tembem was Bitten by Kumbang Semendung

Picture7. Penthul helped Tembem by Using “Gaman Tapak Edan”

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Picture8. Penthul BroughtKumbang Semendhung and Tembem to Mbah


After reflecting the whole story, the tutor repeated the material to make the students of
BIPA understand about the message of the story. The message of a story could also be taken
to be applied in daily life for the students as the learning target to learn the culture and we could
internationalize Indonesian at once in abroad.

The implementation of schemata through the media of literature stage for reading
comprehension Jidor Sentulan could enrich the vocabulary of the learning target. Besides, it
also promotes the mastery of reading comprehension in the linguistic aspects or language
features in the Indonesian culture. After learning through cultural images, LPPI also brought
the students to conduct the direct observation to prove the existence of the literature and culture
stage Jidor sentulan.

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Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Proyek Penataran Guru SLTP Setara D3.
Nurbaya. Siti. 2016. Pemanfaatan Skemata dalam Pembelajaran MembacaPemahaman.
Seminar nasional APROBSI Program Studi bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.
Nurhadi, 2004. Keterampilan Berbahasa dan Pembelajaran kontekstual . Malang: IKIP

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Pratiwi, Yuni. 2001. Pengembangan Kompetensi Teks dalam Pembelajaran Prosa Fiksi. Jurnal
Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran malang: IKIP Malang.
Prasetyo, Adi Wibowo, Dawud, Endah Tri. Penggunaan Strategi PQ4R Berbantuan Peta
Konsep dalam Membaca Pemahaman teks Cerita Pendek sesuai gaya Kognitif
siswa.Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol. 1, No. 12, Bln Desember, Thn 2016, hal 2395-2406.
Ruddell, R. Martha. 2005. Teaching Content Reading and Writing. Four Edition. USA:
Hermitage Publishing Sevices.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur.2008. Membaca Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa. Angkasa.
Tim Tutor LPPI. 2016. Dokumentasi teori bahan ajar dan tugas siswa BIPA. Lembaga
Pendidikan Pratama Indonesia. Jombang.
Wicaksono, Andri. 2011. Hubungan antara Kebiasaan Membaca dan Penguasaan Kosa Kata
dengan Kemampuan Membaca
Olivia, Femi. 2008. Teknik Membaca Efektif (Pengoktimalan Otak) Elex Media

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Yepi Sedya Purwananti

STKIP PGRI Tulungagung

Abstract: The rapid development of technology in digital era influences many sectors of life
including education. It can be seen from the use of technology in delivering materials to the
students inside the classroom or outside the classroom. Media plays an important role to enhance
teaching and learning process. Media can be used to motivate students in learning English as
foreign language. Screencast O’ Matic (SOM) is one of the product of technology that can be
applied in language teaching and learning. Screencast O’ Matic is a versatile Java-based web
application used to create screencasts on windows, Mac, and Linux operating system. It captures
screen and webcam video and saves it or posts it online on You Tube or the program’s website.
The system is easy to use and offers great high definition recording. Screencast O’ Matic is an
innovative way to present, guide and assess learning in the classroom. By using screencast O’
Matic, teachers or lecturers can design and develop screencast of introductions to lesson,
instruction for projects or assignment, differentiated lesson and many more. Screencast O’ Matic
can also be used to evaluate students’ learning by assessing students to create screencast.

Keywords: Screencast O’ Matic, language teaching, media


In twenty-first century, our era could be characterized as the age of media and
technology which then it is called as digital era. Technology becomes increasingly important
in both our personal and professional lives. Technology, especially in terms of digital
communications, permeates our work play. In line with the development of technology, media
in learning also evolves in some aspects including in the form of media. For example, computer
and internet have invaded instructional settings. Those kinds of tools offer powerful
possibilities for improving learning. The roles of instructor and learner are clearly changing
because of the influence of media and technology in the classroom. Teachers and textbooks are
no longer become the sources of all knowledge. The teacher becomes the manager of the
knowledge-access process. As the guide for learning, teacher needs to examine media and
technology in the context of learning and its potential impact on the outcome for students.

Learning is the development of new knowledge, skills, or attitudes as an individual

interacts with information and the environment. Learning takes place all the time. Someone
learns things by watching TV, searching in the internet, or even observing what goes on around
him/her. But, in education field, learning concerns with learning as the response to an

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

instructional effort. How teacher designs and arranges instructions has a great deal to do not
only with what is learned but also with how learners use what they learn. The learning process
involves the selection, arrangement, and delivery of information in an appropriate environment
and the way learners interact with that information(Heinich, et al, 2002).

Media and Technology in Language Learning

Technology in education is not something new. Over the past several decades,
technology has become a fixture in many homes around the world. Its influence has permeated
into all facets of life, including English Language Teaching.Indeed, technology has been
around in language teaching for decades. But someone may argue that technology has been
about centuries being part of teaching language if he or she classifies the blackboard is a form
of technology. Since 1950s and 1970s tape recorders, language laboratories and video have
been used in the classroom and are still used around the world.

Integration of media technology began in the 1950’s when small language schools
began to use phonograph, movies and the tape recorder as tools in English language teaching.
In the 1970’s and 1980’s, audio and video courses were improved through the added use of
video projectors and slide shows. By the late of 1980’sand early of 199o’s, language labs were
part of many of the more expensive language schools throughout the world. However, by the
mid of 1990’s many multimedia language programs were available for the teachers on the
internet. In modern era of English language teaching, media technology such as video, pictures,
animation and interactive games, CD’s or DVD’s, the use of internet, chat rooms and video
conferencing have narrowed distance and turned the whole world into a global community.

Nowadays media has become an unavoidable part of teaching and learning process. To
be fascinated with comfortable teaching and learning atmosphere, no one can deny the
importance of technological media. There are many kinds of technological media can be used
in teaching language such as radio, television, video, computer, hypermedia, multimedia etc.
Gogoi (2014) explained some technological media in English language teaching as follow:

In the hands of an intelligent and resourceful teacher, film becomes a very useful
instrument of instruction. It makes a powerful appeal to students, heightens their interest and
held them in the retention of the learned material. It can be profitably used to show facts,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

actions, skills and background information. In higher education, film acquaints the students
with some plays and novels that have been filmed.


Television is also an important technological medium in teaching and learning process.

Its importance lies in the fact that television provides the newest information that can be a topic
of learning. In this case, television becomes the source of knowledge and information for


Computer has many capabilities for enhancing language teaching. Modern computer
scientists have designed such computer which can intercept, record or even correct our speech.
Computer helps in developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill as well.There are
various advantages of using computer in the process of teaching and learning. For instance,
‘programmed instruction’ is an education based programs in computer where students get an
opportunity of learning independently. In language learning, CALL or Computer Assisted
Language Learning is quite well known to be used. It can help learners to be more competent
in language skills.


Pre-recorded video tapes can be played through a TV in the classroom. Video films on
educational topics have the same effects on the students as the usual cinematic educational
films do. Video is classified into the most convenient of all audio-visual teaching and learning


Internet provides any kinds of knowledge and information including language.

Instructors can use it as a medium to exchange information during the teaching and learning
process. Internet becomes learners’ best friend as one of the source of learning. In language
learning, internet provides opportunity to the students to interact with native or non- native
speakers of English all over the world.

How teachers view the role of media and technology in the classroom depends very
much on their beliefs about how people learn. Over the half past century there have been several

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

dominant theories of learning. Each has implications for instruction in general and for the use
of technology specifically. A philosophical perspective on learning sees technology and
humanism can exist either together or separately in an array of ways.

The following figure suggests four basic combinations of technology and humanism.
Technology and humanism are not opposite ends of a single scale but two different variables,
either of which can be high or low as it can be seen in the following figure.



low A B

low High

Example of the description:

A: A college lecture with little or no interaction between the professor and the students – low
in technology and low in humanism.

B: A course consisting of a required series of computer based lessons, each composed of

performance objective, materials to be used to complete those objectives and a self-evaluation
format – high technology and low in humanism.

C: Similar to sample B, but students select the topic of study based on their interests and
consultation with an instructor, discussing the present state of learning and what should be
studied next – high in technology and high in humanism.

D. A group meets on a regular basis to discuss common reading assignments- low in technology
and high in humanism. (Heinich, et al, 2002)

Meanwhile, some researchershave found the impact of media technology especially in

English Language Teaching (ELT)classes. Ahmad (2012) found that there was an excellent

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

impact of integration of media technology in ELT. Almost of all students and teachers strongly
supported the use of technological devices for teaching English. Another research done by
Wakeman (2013) that talked about the use of technological media in higher education.

Screencast O’ Matic (SOM) as an English Teaching Media

Screencast can provide leaners ‘a student-centered and engaging learning experience’

in both distance and traditional learning setting. It means that screencast can be applied for
classroom teaching and online teaching setting. To align screencast with teaching objectives,
goals, assessments, practices and standards, teachers should create their own screencasts rather
than searching the screencast videos in the web. In language teaching, screencast can be used
to create presentation material for language components and skills.

Ruffini (2012) describes screencasts as “a digital video and audio recording of what
occurs on a presenter’s computer screen, which can be used to create sophisticated,
information-rich multimedia presentations”. The basic use of video program is applied in
screencast O’ Matic. Some researchers have conducted some studies dealing with the use of
video in teaching. Davis (2011) stated that the use of screencast O’ matic would improve
aspects of students’ knowledge during the learning process. Another research done by Kholifah
(2016) that concluded video media such as screencast is suitable for higher education.

The following is the tutorial for screen cast o’ matic that can be installed in personal
computer or laptop or notebook.

1. Choose software installer screencast o-matic, then open it.

2. Choose install on this note ‘welcome to the screencast o-matic setup wizard’, click
install button to continue the installation process.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

3. Let the installation process finish and the next pop menu appears

4. Give a thick on the check box if you want to start the program then press finish button.

5. After the installation process finished, screencast o-matic application can be used
without having registration.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

6. Choose ‘use free version’ button for the first feature of screencast o-matic as it can be
seen in the following figure.

7. Before start recording, you can adjust the size of the screen to fit the part of screen to
be recoreded.

8. After choosing, you can start the activities of recording in video format by clicking
the record button first.

9. To start the process of recording video presentation, these steps can be followed.
 Click record button then wait for the instruction to have “Go” button appeared in
your screen.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

 Start presenting your presentation material.

 To stop the recording process for a moment, click pause icon .. But if you
think that the quality of video recording is not good enough choose restart button
to rerecording.
10. After finish recording click icon “Done” :

11. To watch the result of recording click play icon . If you think the quality of
recording is good enough then save the file.

 Publish to screencast o-matic: save the file in web screencast o-matic, the result
can be watched by public when your computer is connected with internet.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

 Publish to youtube :save the file in the youtube web server , the result can be
watched by youtibe users.
 Publish to video file :save in the local media server such as hard disc or flash disc.
 Then decide the video type that will be saved (MP4, AVI, FLV), but it is
recommended choose MP 4 format to have good quality of video.
12. Decide the size of video file that will be saved. The size of file depends on the need of
video. The size of file provides in the programs are full size, HD size, and Rescale
width. To get good quality, it is recommended to choose full size type.
13. Give needed notes and captions in the result of recording (optional).
14. In option menu, you can remove the additional text and voice from the microphone
and picture from the webcam.
15. The position of webcam can be moved or changed by pressing the red triangle icon in
webcam box. After editing pocess finished, save the video by clicking ‘save video’ in
right corner below in editing menu.
16. Then choose name and place of video that is going to be saved. Type the name of the
file then click save.


Media can serve many roles in learning. Technological media can be one of the
alternatives to be chosen and implemented in the classroom to help both teachers and students
in teaching and learning activities such as delivering the material and composing exercises.
Moreover, technological media can be used to reduce certain limitations in teaching and
learning process. Screencast O’Matic as one of technological media supports both teachers

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

and students in teaching and learning. Teachers are suggested to make their own screencast in
order to engage with their teaching objectives, practices and standard. In language teaching
screencast O’ Matic can be used in teaching language components and skills.


Ahmad, Jameel. 2012. English Language Teaching (ELT) and Integration of Media
Technology. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) p. 924-929. Elsevier
Davis, R. 2011. Retooling Perspectives on Technology’s Role in Language Education.
Gogoi, Gunaprova. 2014. Role of Technological Media in English Language Teaching.
International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanism. Vol II, Issue II,
Nov 2014.
Heinich, R., Molenda, M., Russel, J.D., and Smaldino, Sharon E. 2002. Instructional Media
and Technologies for Learning. 7 Ed. United States of America. Pearson Education,
Kholifa, Siti. 2016.The Development of Learning Video Media Based on Swishmax and
Screencast O- MaticSoftwares Through the Contextual Approach.
DinamikaPendidikan 3 (1) 2016.
Ruffini, M.F. (2012) Screencasting to engage learning. [online] Educause review online.
Wakema, Chris. 2013. The Innovative Use of Screencast in Higher Education. Innovative
Practice in Higher Education. Vol 1(3) April 2013.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Yuni Kurniati

Abstract: This research aimed to discover and describe whether or not the English textbook
analyzed, Talk Active 3 for grade XII of senior high schoolwas relevant to 2013 Curriculum and
met the criteria of content and presentation feasibility suggested by BSNP (Badan Standar
Nasional Pendidikan). The design of this study is content analysis and descriptive qualitative
research. The researcher used documentation and human instrument. The data was collected
from 25th March 2017 to 25th May 2017. Based on the findings of this research, the results
showed that Talk Active 3 gained the average scores of 98% and 82% for content feasibility and
presentation feasibility, respectively. The average score of content feasibiliy was derived from
93% of the appropriateness of material with Main and Basic Competence of 2013 Curriculum,
100% for material accuracy, 100% for supplementary material. On the other hand, the average
score of presentation feasibility was derived from 67% of presentation technique, 100% of
teaching and learning technique, and 80% of presentation coverage. Thus, it can be concluded
that Talk Active 3 was relevant with 2013 Curriculum both in its content and presentation
feasibility. Therefore, Talk Active 3 is acceptable to be used by senior high school students in
grade XII because it is more than qualified to be applied, especially in the implementation of
2013 Curriculum.

Keywords: 2013 Curriculum, content analysis, student textbook, BSNP

Language is often defined as a tool of communication. It is used for conveying our thoughts
through spoken or written idea to other people. Tenant and Negash (2010:19) stated that
“language is not an abstract code, but a system that enables us to communicate meaning.” It
means that language can be learned because it is not an abstract code, but it is a system. This
system enables human to convey their thoughts to other people through this system of
communication. Hence, we can conclude that learning a language is very important because it
means that we learn a system of communication.
Ananiadou (2011:9) stated that “English is a (co)-official languagein 53 countries
worldwide”. It means that English is a very popular language that is spoken in many countries
in the world. But even if English is not an official language in some countries, it is treated as a
second language or as a foreign language. In Indonesia itself, English is treated as a foreign
language. It has been thought formally in Indonesia from elementary school, junior high school,
senior high school and university level, and it is treated as a compulsory subject to be taught in
Indonesian curriculum. The Act of Republic Indonesia number 20 article 37 verse 1 and 2
(2003:22) stated that language is one of the compulsory subject that is to be taught in
elementary, secondary and higher educational level. It is also stated that the learning material

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

for language focuses on three languages : Bahasa Indonesia, local language and English as a
foreign language. In other words, English is an important subject in Indonesian curriculum.
Indonesian Education Curriculum itself has experienced many transformations or
changes in years, for example : National Curriculum of 1999, Competence-Based Curriculum
of 2003 or KBK 2003, KTSP 2006 and now the newest curriculum is 2013 Curriculum or also
commonly known as K13, in which the implementation is supported by the rule of Indonesian
National Ministry of Education and Culture number 63 year 2013. Moreover, Indonesian
National Ministry of Education and Culture (2013:5) stated that the 2013 Curriculum structure
consists of main competence and basic competence. The main competence consists of four sub
main competences, namely KI1 (Spiritual Competence), KI2 (Social Competence), KI3
(Knowledge Competence), and KI4 (Skill Competence). In addition, Indonesian National
Ministry of Education and Culture (2013:5) also stated that K13 uses Scientific Approach in
its application in the teaching and learning process in classroom.
The changes in curriculum triggers the existence of several changes in some parts of
education, including the teaching materials that can be found in textbooks. Pingel (2009:5)
argued that textbooks are one of the most important educational inputs. Indeed, the use of
textbook can not be separated with the teaching and learning process in the classroom.
Sometimes, it is not surprising when textbook is used as a sole resource of teaching materials
by the teachers. This happened because of two main reasons. First, textbooks are relatively
easy to find and it is commercially provided by textbooks publishers. As the development of
technology occurs rapidly in this modern era, it is also available in digital form that can be
downloaded easily. Second, textbooks serve as a map or a framework for teachers and students
which offer the expected behaviours that they have to perform in the classroom. Thus, it does
not only serve as the educational inputs for students, but it also serves as main component in
teaching for teachers. Therefore, it can not be denied that textbook plays an important role in
teaching and learning process.
In Indonesia itself, the use of textbooks is also inevitable, for the application of
textbooks also indicates and reflects the changes of curriculum. Each time the changes of
curriculum is issued by the government, the textbooks writers along with the publishers attempt
to produce new textbooks that can satisfy the changes in curriculum. As a response, Indonesian
National Ministry of Education and Culture has made some laws in the form of regulations for
designing, using and evaluating textbooks.
English teachers must be able to evaluate textbooks in order to find out whether those
textbooksare still worth using or need replacing in order to satisfy Indonesian curriculum that

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

undergoes many changes in its implementation. As what had been stated above, since textbooks
were considered as the main component of the curriculum in Indonesia, English teachers’
dependence in Indonesia towards textbooks was very dominant. With the availability of various
commercial textbooks to choose from, teachers are responsible for selecting good materials
and need to be able to make judgment and evaluation about the textbooks.
There are actually many title of English textbooks that is used in senior high school
curriculum, especially 2013 Curriculum. Indonesian National Ministry of Education and
Culture published a book entitled Bahasa Inggris along with the implementation of 2013
Curriculum in Indonesia. However, some Indonesian publishers also published English
textbooks that are based on 2013 Curriculum. For example, Pathwayto English for Senior High
School writtenby Sudarwati and Eudia Grace (published by Erlangga) and Talk Active
writtenby Lanny Kurniawan (published by Yudhistira).
Based on researcher’s observation in state senior high schools in Pasuruan, four out of
five state senior high schools in Pasuruan used Talk Active as a main textbook in their English
classrooms. The teachers have used the book for four years in a row, since the start of the
implementation of 2013 Curriculum in their schools. Therefore, in this research, the researcher
specifically chose the book entitled Talk Active written by Lanny Kurniawan, published by
Talk Active actually had three compromising series : Talk Active 1for grade X, Talk
Active 2 for grade XI, and Talk Active 3 for grade XII. However, in this research, the researcher
only chose Talk Active 3 for grade XII. Talk Active 3 for grade XII summarizes and covers
most of the materials in grade X and XI, for it is written to prepare the students facing National
Examination. Therefore, the researcher assumed that she does not have to analyze the whole
textbook series since they shared the similar approach, format, and organization. The
implication was the evaluation result ofTalk Active3for grade XII also contributed to make
impressionistic judgment about the other series of the books for grades X and XI.
Thus, based on the background above, the researcher decided to conduct content
analysis of student textbook entitled Talk Active 3 for XII grade students of Senior High School
based on BSNP.

In this section, the researcher presented review of related literature that corresponds
with the title of this paper, namely:

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Curriculum and English in 2013 Curriculum of Senior High School

Literally, curriculum is originated from Latin word that is carried directly into English,
its meanings are vary, including “a race”, “a running” or “a course” (Egan, 2003:10). In
educational field, many experts also have different perspectives towards the definition of
curriculum, ranging from narrow to broad definition. Wen-Su (2012:153) for example, sees
curriculum as “what teachers are goingto teach and, in other words, what learners are going to
learn, and it is also closely related to how wellthe learners learn—the outcomes.” Slightly
different from it, Johnson (2001:7) proposed that educational curriculum is “an educational
programming on the content and methodology of instruction.” Based from various definition
by some experts above, curriculum can be defined as a set of educational program that includes
some basic components of teaching and learning activities : goals, materials, methods, and
assesment that should meet the educational needs, which is related to the management of
programs in an educational institution.
According to Indonesian National Ministry of Education and Culture (2013:9), in 2013
curriculum, English in senior high school is regarded as the “A group subject”. Here, “A group
subject” refers to “compulsory subject”, which means that English is one of the subject that the
content is developed directly by the government. The basic competence for English consists of
four sub basic competences which is designed to support the main competence of 2013
Curriculum. The hard skills which are included in KI3 and KI4 consists of some basic
competences and it varies in different level of senior high school.

Definition and Role of Textbook

Textbook is considered as one of printed materials that serve as instructional media in
the classroom (Fachrurrazy, 2014:111). In line with it, Permendiknas number 8 article 1 verse
1 (2016:2) stated that school textbook is a main source of learning to achieve main and basic
competence and is stated to be appropriate to be used in educational institution. Azarnoosh and
Ganji (2014:61) also stated that textbooks are believed to be an essential component of the
classrooms. In terms of language teaching, Soares (2005:13) stated that coursebooks always
had been an important, if not the most important, teaching material for most EL teachers.Thus,
based on some theoritical perspectives above, it can be inferred that textbook is one kind of
instructional media that serves as a main source of learning to achieve main and basic
competence in educational curriculum in general, and it serves as a support in determining a
success in language courses in specific.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Textbook mainly serves as a source of instructional materials, both for students and for
teachers. Wen-Cheng et al. (2011:91) mentioned some roles of textbook as follows: textbooks
provide novice teachers with guidance in course and activity design; it assures a measure of
structure,consistency, and logical progression in a class; it meets a learner’s needs or
expectations ofhaving somethingconcrete to work from and take home for further study; It may
provide multiple resources: tapes, CDs, videos,self-study workbooks etc. Meanwhile, Richards
(2001:1) stated that some role of textbooks in a language program as follows: they provide
structure and a syllabus for a program, they help standardize instruction, they maintain quality,
they provide a variety of learning sources, they are efficient, they can provide effective
language models and input, they can train teachers, and they are visually appealing.

Textbook Analysis
Textbook analysis is a means by which some unknown features of textbook can be
identified and hence the effectiveness of textbooks be established (Okeeffe, 2013:1). In line
with it, Loan et al. (2010: 6) stated that “text analysis refers to the analysis of the textbook
discourse, delivered through its variouscomponents (i.e. authors; titles; lesson content; student
activities; illustrations)”.Moreover, Azarnoosh and Ganji (2014:61) stated that textbooks are
believed to be an essential component of the classrooms, andteachers usually spend a lot of
classtime on using textbooks and choosing an appropriate one. Therefore, textbook evaluation
is important to improve andincrease their fitness to the needs and goals. BSNP or Badan
Standar Nasional Pendidikan (2014:1) also stated that textbook analysis is needed so that the
textbook writers and textbook assessors can develop the high quality textbook through the act
of writing and assessing textbooks.

Textbook Feasibility
From the explanation about textbook analysis above, the researcher wanted to focus on
the feasibility of textbook. In 2014, BSNP issued an instrument to evaluate school textbooks
in Indonesia that is based on 2013 Curriculum. The instruments are vary, depend on the school
subjects and school levels. The instrument for English subject and grade XII consists of three
instruments. The first instrument is about content feasibility of textbook, the second instrument
is about presentation and language feasibilities of textbook, and the last instrument is about
material coverage for grade XII of senior high school based on 2013 Curriculum. The
instrument of material coverage for grade XII is used to analyze Elective English textbook.
Therefore, the researcher only used content feasibility and presentation feasibility intruments

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

because Talk Active 3 is a Compulsory English textbook. The researcher omitted the language
feasibility from the analysis because as BSNP stated,it deals withthe relevance of the language
towards learners’ development, communicativeness and the coherence and unity of ideas,
which needs further observation about language use in the classroom in order to get precise
analysis of the feasibility.

Previous Studies
There were some researchers who had done similar research about textbook analysis.
Winurani (2016) on her thesis entitled The Appropriatemess of “When English Rings A Bell”
Textbook Used by SMP Negeri 7 Toward 2013 Curriculum analysed the English textbook for
grade VIII of junior high school based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, specifically Cognitive and
Psychomotor Aspects. She stated that textbook analysis is conducted to know the relevance
from the material with curriculum. Indeed, her thesis showed that the textbook in general has
met the criteria of a good textbook, for all the Knowledge Domain, Cognitive Aspects and
Psychomotor Aspects are available in this textbook. Prasojo (2014) on his thesis entitled The
Analysis of EnglishTextbook“Pathway To English”Used In The First Grade Of Senior High
SchoolBased On Curriculum 2013 analysed the textbook based on its content feasibility and
presentation feasibility. He stated that textbook analysis is done to find whether or not the
materials provided inthe English textbook Pathway to English designed for the first grade of
senior high school compatible with the curriculum 2013.Kinasih (2014) in her thesis entitled A
Content Analysis on English Textbooks for TheTenth Graders: Look Ahead An English Course
ForSenior High School Students Year X And Pathway ToEnglish For Senior High School
Student Grade Xanalysed the textbooks based on the criteria of a good textbook suggested by
PusatPerbukuan (Pusbuk), along with their relevance to 2013 Curriculum.
Based on some previous studies above, textbook analysis is really important to do in
order to discover the relevance of the textbook with the implemented curriculum. Textbook
analysis can be done by using various criteria like its cognitive and psychomotor aspects, its
feasibilities, and its relevance criteria suggested by Pusat Perbukuan. In this paper, however,
the researcher analysed the English textbook for grade XII of senior high school based on its
relevance with 2013 Curriculum and criteria of good textbook, specifically from its content
and presentation feasibility that is issued by BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The research design for this research was content analysis, which belonged to
descriptive qualitative research. The object of this research is student English textbook entitled
Talk Active 3 for XII grade students of senior high school. Talk Active 3 is an English textbook
written by Lanny Kurniawan and published by Yudhistira, which is in line with the
implementation of new designed curriculum, 2013 Curriculum. This book is available in
printed version and consists of 9 units for odd and even semesters which are presented in 161
pages. The materials of each unit are divided into five main parts, namely : (1) Starting Up; (2)
Language Encounter; (3) Learning Journal; (4) Summary; and (5) Evaluation. The subject of
this research is the researcher herself because the researcher became the “doer” of this research.
In respect of this, Sugiyono (2015 : 306) stated that qualitative researcher as the human
instrument, has a function to state the research focus, select informant as a data source, compile
the data, judge the quality of the data, analyze the data, interpreting the data, and make a
conclusion about his/her findings.
The data was collected from 25th March 2017 to 25th May 2017. The researcher
collected the main materials to be analyzed from student textbook, while the aspects to analyse
those materials are gathered by using some aspects in analysis table of content and presentation
feasibility which is compatible with 2013 Curriculum. In collecting the data for this research,
the researcher used human instrument, which was the researcher herself. The researcher as
human instrument compiled, judged, analyzed, and interpreted the data for the research, as well
as made a conclusion from the analysis. Aside from that, the researcher also used
documentation. The researcher used documentation in the form of textbook. As what has been
stated above, the textbook that is used in this research is student English textbook for XII
graders entitled Talk Active 3. Another documentation that is used in this research is assesment
rubric from BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) in order to analyze the content and
presentation feasibility of textbook. In this research, the researcher modified the form of
assesment rubric from BSNP into analysis tables of content and presentation feasibility.
This study intends to discover and desribe the relevance of the materials in student
textbook with 2013 Curriculum in terms of content and presentation feasibility by using
textbook feasibility analysis tables which are derived from textbook rubric assesment issued
by BSNP. The rubric itself actually comprised three majors elements which cover the content
feasibility, presentation feasibility and language feasibility. Conversely, in this research the
researcher only used content and presentation feasibility and omitted the language feasibility,
for the assesment of language feasibility needs further observation in the real-world application

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

in the classroom throughout two semesters.Content feasibility covers three sub components:
the appropriateness of material with main and basic competence, material accuracy and
supporting learning materials. Presentation feasibility also covers three sub components:
presentation technique, teaching and learning technique, and presentation coverage. Each of
the sub components cover some sub areas and criteria.
In analyzing the content and presentation feasibility of textbook, the researcher
modified the rubric assesment table into textbook analysis table. After analysing the materials
in the textbook , the researcher calculated the results of data analysis by dividing the total
criteria that has been met with the total number of criteria. Then, it was multiplied by 100% to
achieve the sum points. Next, some descriptions explaining about the criteria which were
fulfilled and not fulfilled by the textbooks were drawn. The explanation on the fulfillmentof
those criteria was also given.
This research used seven steps from Marying model of content analysis which was cited
by Flick (2010:324) as follows: 1) Defining the material, to select the interviews orthose parts
that are relevant for answering the research question.In this research, the researcher select the
student English textbook for XII grade of senior high school to answer the research question.
2) Analyzing the situation of data collection (who was involved? where did the data come
from? etc.) The researcher specifically chose the textbook entitled Talk Active 3, written by
Lany Kurniawan and published by Yudhistira as the textbook to be analysed in this research.
3) Characterizing the material formally. The researcher then characterized that the textbook
used 2013 Curriculum. Therefore, the researcher would like to discover and describe the
relevance of the textbook with 2013 Curriculum. 4) Differentiating the research question on
the basis of theories in the next step. The researcher formulated the research question in detail,
that this research would like to discover the relevance of textbook with 2013 Curriculum based
on its content and presentation feasibility. Therefore, the researcher used the textbook
assesment rubric issued by BSNP. 5) Defining the analytic units. The researcher specified the
units or apects to analyze from the textbook. Therefore, following BSNP’s assesment rubric,
the researcher generated that content feasibility deals with the relevance of materials, material
accuracy, and supporting learning material. On the other hand, presentation feasibility deals
with presentation technique, teaching and learning technique, and presentation coverage. 6)
Conducting the actual analysis. The researcher conducted the analysis by reading the textbook
and using the modified table of English textbook analysis, calculate the percentage of the
results and generalized the final results. 7) Interpreting the final results withrespect to the
research question. The researcher categorized whether the textbook is relevant or not with 2013

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Curriculum and presented the research results in findings section of this research. Meanwhile,
the narrative description about the criteria fulfillment in the textbook which was related to the
theories of textbook analysis would be presented in discussion section of this research.


In this paper, the researcher presented the finding and discussion of ths research based
on two board categories, those are content feasibility and presentation feasibility.

Content Feasibility
The result in finding section of the analysis of Talk Active 3 showed that the textbook
fulfilled 93% of the approriateness of material with Main and Basic Competence of 2013
Curriculum, 100% of material accuracy, and 100% of supplementary materials. Therefore, it
gave the average score of 98% to the content feasibility of Talk Active 3. It means that content
feasibility of Talk Active 3 belonged to the category of GOOD content feasibility. Brown (2000:
142) stated that in evaluating general content of textbook, we should consider textbook’s
validity; authenticity of language; appropriateness of topics, situations and contexts; and
proficiency level. This was in line with the sub components of content feasibility that were
analyzed above. BSNP or Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (2014:1) stated that content
feasibility of textbook covered three sub-components: the approriateness of material with main
and basic competence (the relevance of materials), material accuracy, and supplementary
materials. Below is the narrative description of sub components comprised by content

The Appropriateness of Material with 2013 Curriculum

In regards with the appropriateness of material with curriculum, Waltermann and Forel
(2015:43) noted that examining adequacy andcorrespondencesbetween textbooks and
reference curricula creates alink between actual teaching material andcurriculum
implementation, examining howspecific objectives which are defined inreference programs are
put into practice (ornot) in teaching materials. Therefore, in the appropriateness of material
with 2013 Curriculum, the researcher analyzed whether the content of the textbook was
relevant with Main and Basic Competence of XII grade of senior high school in 2013
Curriculum in order to get vivid description about the relationship between teaching and
learning objectives with the implementation in the classroom through the the textbook used by

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

the teacher. The result in finding showed that Talk Active 3 had an average score of 93% in
terms of the appropriateness of material with 2013 Curriculum.
BSNP (2014:1), stated that the appropriateness of material with main and basic
competence deals with material completeness and material depth, which is described in the
following sub section.

Material Completeness
BSNP (2014:1) stated that material completeness deals with the exploration of common
texts used in English communication to give a chance for students to understand and produce
English expressions in fulfilling the interpersonal communicative functions, whether it’s in
oral or written terms, to interact with the environment and appropriate with its communicative
contexts. In line with it, Richards and Renandya (2002:86) stated that in the modern and
technologically complex world, second language learners need to develop the ability to deal
with written as well as spoken genres.
In this research, material completeness covered the appropriateness of Talk Active 3
with Main and Basic Competence 3 and 4 (KI3 & KI4) of 2013 Curriculum, for those two
competences covered many kinds of text that had to be learned by the students. The researcher
deliberately omitted the Main and Basic Competence 1 and 2 (KI1 & KI2) because in order to
examine the appropriateness of those two competences will need further observation for the
use of Talk Active 3 in the classroom throughout two semesters.
The finding showed that Talk Active 3 fulfilled 92% of the criteria in the
appropriateness with Main and Basic Competence 3 (KI3) of 2013 Curriculum by meeting 11
out of 12 criteria. The unfulfilled criteria was “analyzing social function, structure, and
language feature of the expression of giving and responding surprising news/information”.
Talk Active 3 only presented the explicit explanation about the expression of giving and
responding surprising news/information (page 24), it didn’t have any activities which related
with analyzing the social function, structure, and language feature of the expression.
On the other hand, the finding showed that Talk Active 3 fulfilled 88% of the criteria in
the appropriatness of material with Main and Basic Competence 4 (KI4) of 2013 Curriculum
by meeting 14 out of 16 criteria. The unfulfilled criteria were “understanding the meaning of
caption” and “understanding spoken and written procedure text in the form of recipe and
manual”. Talk Active 3 only presented explicit materials about caption (page 64) and
procedure text (page 110), as well as giving the tasks about composing caption (page 64-65)

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

and procedure text (page 115-117) based on the given pictures, it neither had any activities
which related with the understanding the meaning of caption nor procedure text.
Overall, as showed in the finding section, the materials in Talk Active 3 was appropriate
with both Main and Basic Competence 3 and 4 of 2013 Curriculum.

Material Depth
BSNP (2014:2) noted that material depth deals with : exposure, retention, production
and extension.
 Exposure
Exposure means that in learning about texts, textbook has to contain and require the
students to explore a lot of texts that is relevant with their daily life, with the objective to get
the students get used with the related texts, mainly in a term of their moral values, social and
spiritual stance. Related to this, Talk Active 3 exposed the students to a lot of texts that is
relevant with their daily life, like: a) expression of offering and reponding something/help; b)
expression of giving and responding surprising news/information; c) news item; d) application
letters; e) factual reports; f) photo captions; g) expression of obligation; h) conditional
sentences; i) procedure texts; j) discussion texts; and k) songs. In terms of textbook
exposure,PEI Department of Education (2008:20) stated that textbook should integrates “real-
world” experiences: that is, textbook content should supports the integration of personal,
familiar, and cultural contexts of society, and it links with real-world activities. Thus, Talk
Active 3 fulfilled this criteria by presenting various kinds of texts which related to personal and
cultural contexts of society which linked with students’ daily real-world activities.
 Retention
Retention means that in learning about texts, textbook has to contain a guidance so that the
students can get an explisit understanding about three elements of texts (social function, generic
structure and linguistic feature). Related to this, the finding in this research showed that all
texts in Talk Active 3 provided explicit explanation about social function, generic structure and
linguistic feature of texts. For example, on page 59, there was a section of a book which clearly
stated about the social function of factual recount text, which was to present information about
something (general in nature, be it natural or artificial like a mammals, planets, rocks, plants,
etc). That section also stated about generic structure of factual report which consisted of general
classification and description. Moreover, it also stated about language feature of factual report,
which consisted of general nouns, technical terms, timeless present tense and conditional

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

logical connection. Related to this, Ur (2009:187), who stated that any single unit of a
coursebook should cover a fair range of language content and skills so that the students can get
a clear understanding by integrating all of their language skills. Therefore, Talk Active 3
fulfilled this criteria by providing clear explanation abaout three elements of texts (social
function, generic structure, language feature).
 Production
Production means that in learning about texts, textbook has to contain a guidance so that
the students able to produce oral and/or written texts to achieve the relevant social function, by
considering two other characteristics (generic structure and linguitic feature). In regards with
this, the results in finding showed that most of texts in Talk Active 3 provided various tasks
which related to oral/written text production. The only exception were the oral text production
for photo caption and factual report. For example, the written text production tasks about
expression of giving and responding surprising news/information can be found on page 25 and
27, meanwhile the spoken production tasks could be found on page 20, 21, 22, and 24. Related
to this, Brown (2000:142) added that textbook should incorporate four language skills:
listening; speaking; reading; writing. Ur (2009:186) also stated that textbook should teach
about fluency in four language skills. Hence, the students not only will be able to get an
understanding, but also able to produce oral and/or written texts.
 Extension
Extension means that in learning about texts, textbook has to contain a guidance so that the
students do some activities that develop oral and/or written texts that they have already
mastered to achieve a higher level of mastery. In accordance with this, the finding in this
research showed that Talk Active 3 provided a spesific section in order to improve students’
level of mastery towards the material that has been learned. Text type extention tasks could be
found in Activity 5 (communicating activity) part in each unit. Communicating activities
allowed the students to do some tasks about the material in the related unit, but with more
advanced level. For example, the extention task for conditional sentences which could be found
on page 98-100. The tasks were mainly focused on composing conditional sentences in given
situations and in an anecdote text. Related to this, Wen-Cheng et al. (2011:94) noted that the
materials in textbook should contain exercises in which learners share previous experience with
prior knowledge of the content, so that the students can achieve higher level of language
mastery. Thus, Talk Active 3 fulfilled the criteria of extention in area of material depth.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

To sum it up, Talk Active 3 fulfilled all of the criteria in material depth and the
percentage score of material depth was 100%.

Material Accuracy
BSNP (2014:3) stated that material accuracy covers social functions, generic structures
and linguistic features of texts.
 Social functions
Some texts that are given to students in a book or from the results of students’ exploration
is centered around the achievement of social function that is related with students’daily life.
Based on the finding in this research, it showed that all texts in Talk Active 3 were centered
around the achievement of social function that is related with students’daily life. For example,
in unit 1 the expression of offering and responding to something/help had the social function
to offer, accept and refuse things/help. Related to this, Richards and Renandya (2002:84), stated
that language in textbook should be functional and contextualized. Hence, Talk Active 3
fulfilled the criteria of social functions in sub component of material accuracy.
 Generic structures
The texts that are given to students or the results of students’ exploration is centered around
the development of students’ sequencial and systematical thinking. This is in line with Brown
(2000:142) who added that textbook should have good sequencing, it can be by using
grammatical structures, skills, situations or some combination of above. Futher, BSNP
(2014:4) noted that some texts that are given to the students can be in the form of (1)
interpersonal and transactional texts, and (2) short functional texts and monologues. In finding
section above, it was found that Talk Active 3 fulfilled this criteria by having all of the texts in
the textbook were centered around the development of students’ sequencial and systematical
thinking. For example, in unit 2 about news item text, the generic structures were : main event,
elaboration and resource of information. Therefore, Talk Active 3 fulfilled the criteria of generic
structure in sub component of material accuracy.
 Linguistic features
The texts given in a textbook or the ones explored and produced by learners are directed to
the development of learners’ communication ability with the accurate and appropriate language
which is relevant to the on-going communicative context and the text type used to achieve its
social function. This is in line with Ur (2009:186) who stated that textbook should have a good
pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar explanation, presentation and practice. Brown

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

(2000:142) also mentioned that the quality of practice materials should focus on: exercises;
clarity of directions; active participation of students; grammatical and other linguitic
explanation; and review material. The results in the finding section of this research showed that
Talk Active 3 fulfilled the criteria of linguistic features of texts. As for example, in unit 7 about
procedure text, the linguistic features were imperatives and sequence words.
In conclusion, Talk Active 3 fulfilled all of the criteria in sub component of material
accuracy and the percentage score for this sub component was 100%.

Supplementary Material
PEI Department of Education (2008:25) noted that textbook content should be current.
It means that the resource is not dated in its content, language, or visuals in a way that reduces
its educational value. Aside from that, Wen-Cheng et al. (2011:94) specifically stated that
textbook that is used in the classroom should be up to date (published within the past 10 years).
In line with it, BSNP (2014:5) stated that supplementary material covers the up-to-date nature
of the material, life skill development, and development of insight on diversity. In sub
component of supplementary material, the result in finding showed that Talk Active 3 had an
average score of 100%. Thus, it means that Talk Active 3 fulfilled all of the criteria in sub
component of supplementary material.

Presentation Feasibility
Aside from content feasibility, the researcher also focused on presentation feasibility of
textbook. BSNP (2014:7) stated that presentation feasibility covers three sub-components,
those are: presentation technique, teaching and learning technique, and presentation coverage.
In terms of presentation feasibility, the finding showed that the result of presentation feasibility
of Talk Active 3 was 82%. It means that the presentation feasibility of Talk Active 3 belonged
to the category of GOOD presentation feasibility.

Presentation Technique
Presentation technique deals with systematization and inter-unit balance.
 Systematization
Brown (2000:142) also added that textbook should have good sequencing, it can be by
using grammatical structures, skills, situations or some combination of above. Talk Active 3
fulfilled this criteria by presenting the material in the form of tasks covered in five different

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

activities, namely: activity 1 (observing), activity 2 (questioning), activity 3 (exploring),

activity 4 (associating), activity 5 (communicating).
 Inter-unit balance
Waltermann and Forel (2015:46) stated that analyzing the adequacy to different learning
styles and process provides a good way to examine how activities as planned by teaching
material can be balanced and adapted to different learners. Talk Active 3 didn’t fulfill this
criteria because the materials in Talk Active 3 were unbalanced. There were too few materials
about catching one’s attention and too many materials about songs.
In conlusion, in sub component of presentation technique, it was found in the results of
finding section of this research that Talk Active 3 fulfilled 67% of this sub component of
presentation feasibility.

Teaching and Learning Technique

Teaching and learning technique refer to any of a wide variety of excercises, activities,
or tasks used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives (Brown, 2000:16).
Hence, in respect to the application of teaching and learning technique in the classroom, BSNP
(2014:7) stated that teaching and learning technique covers: learner centeredness; development
of learners’ initiative, creativity, and critical thinking; development of autonomous learning;
and development of self reflection/evaluation ability. Based in the finding of this research, it
was found that the average score for sub component of teaching and learning technique was
100%. Thus, it means that Talk Active 3 fulfilled all of the criteria stated in sub component of
teaching and learning technique.

Presentation Coverage
Harmer (2001:119) argued that textbook layout and design should consider some
aspects like whether the textbook is attractive, comfortable to use, likeable by the students,
and friendly to its users. Additionally, Brown (2000:142) specified that textbook format
includes: typesetting; notation; illustration; layout; book size; editing; index; table of contents;
chapter heading. In the finding of this research, it was found that the presentation coverage of
Talk Active 3 had an average score of 80%. The fulfilled criteria were: 1) preface; 2) table of
contents; 3) introduction; 4) learning load; 5) reference; 6) summary and reflection; 7) glossary;
and 8) bibliography. There were two unfulfilled criteria, those were : index of authors and index
of subjects.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

In general, the findings of the research showed that both of content and presentation
feasibility of Talk Active 3 fulfilled 98% and 82% of sub components, respectively. Thus, the
average score belonged to the category of GOOD content and presentation feasibility.

This study intends to discover and desribe the relevance of the materials in student
textbook with 2013 Curriculum in terms of content and presentation feasibility by using
textbook feasibility analysis tables which are derived from textbook rubric assesment issued
by BSNP. Content feasibility covered three sub components, those were : the appropriateness
of material with 2013 Curriculum, material accuracy, and supplementary material. Meanwhile,
presentation feasibility also covered three sub components, those were : presentation technique,
teaching and learning technique, and presentation coverage. Overall, there were 69 criteria that
were used to analyze this textbook. Those criteria were derived from textbook assesment rubric
issued by BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan).
Based on the findings of this research, the results showed that the textbook analyzed,
Talk Active 3 gained the average scores of 98% and 82% for content feasibility and presentation
feasibility, respectively. The average score of content feasibiliy was derived from 93% of the
appropriateness of material with Main and Basic Competence of 2013 Curriculum, 100% for
material accuracy, 100% for supplementary material. On the other hand, the average score of
presentation feasibility was derived from 67% of presentation technique, 100% of teaching and
learning technique, and 80% of presentation coverage. Thus, it can be concluded that Talk
Active 3 had GOOD content and presentation feasibility.
From the scores above, it can be seen that Talk Active 3 gained a perfect score in sub
components of material accuracy, supplementary material and teaching and learning technique.
Italso had high scores for sub component of the appropriateness of materials with 2013
Curriculum. Based on this, the researcher concluded that Talk Active 3 was distinguished in
several aspects, like:mainly fulfilled the Main and Basic Competence of 2013 Curriculum,
applied the teaching and learning technique which was centered to the students, encouraged
the students to be active learners, and gave systematic and applicable excercises in the
In terms of presentation feasibility, especially in sub component of presentation
technique, however, Talk Active 3 lacked in area of inter-unit balance. The materials presented
in Talk Active 3 was compatible with Main and Basic Competences of 2013 Curriculum, but
Talk Active 3 didn’t present the materials in balanced manner. Talk Active 3 also lacked in sub

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

component of presentation coverage because it didn’t present the index of subjects and index
of authors. Therefore, despite of it lacks in presentation feasibility, the researcher concluded
that English textbook Talk Active 3 is acceptable to be used by senior high school students in
grade XII because it is more than qualified to be applied, especially in the implementation of
2013 Curriculum.
English teachers can use other books aside from Talk Active 3 as complementary books
in order to balance the materials that are not completely provided in the textbook. The English
textbook writers are suggested to build collaboration with English teachers and their
associations, both local and international, like MGMP and TEFLIN. Government as policy
makers are suggested to issue clear guidelines to the textbook writers and publishers related to
the kind of textbooks expected to be developed based on the applied curriculum and do
monitoring to textbooks’ development process.The other researchers employing similar
research methodology about textbook analysis are suggested to involve more aspects and more
comprehensive results. For example, the forthcoming researchers can analyze the language
feasibility of textbook by observing the implementation of the textbooks in the classroom. The
researcher can also add an aspect like how the teachers deal with the lacks of related textbooks.

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Yuswono Hadi, Rika Amartha Wulandari, Aditya Nirwana

Universitas Ma Chung, Malang

Abstract: MSME AE Jaya is a food industrial company which produces Bakpia. It is located in
Samadi Road, Batu City. Recently, AE Jaya markets its products in Batu and Malang city.
During its marketing, it faces some difficulties and problems in selling the products. Such as it
is not accepted in a particular supermarket or even in a souvenir shop. It is because the standard
packaging of its bakpia is not fulfilled yet. Not only that, it is also because the packaging is less
interesting and less hygienic. Due to this condition, therefore a research is needed. The research
aims to identify consumers’ attributes, technical requirement attributes and critical part
attributes in bakpia’s packaging that produces by AE Jaya. Those aspects could be very helpful
in identifying or knowing some information about an interesting packaging design and how to
make a good packaging which is appropriate with consumers needs. The method used in this
research is called Quality Function Deployment. This research used the first phase and the
second phase of QFD. Based on the analysis that has been conducted, there are 8 consumers’
attributes, 10 technical requirement attributes and 9 critical part attributes.

Keywords: Design Planning, Packaging, House of Quality, Product Planning, Quality

Function Deployment

MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise) AE Jaya is one of MSME that located in Batu.
This MSME is producing bakpia that having its address in Jl. Samadi Batu. MSME AE Jaya
established in 1995 and producing three kinds of bakpia, wet bakpia, dry bakpia, and crispy
bakpia. With more and more MSME in Batu, especially in producing bakpia, MSME AE Jaya
must able to compete and have access to wide market. The obstacles that MSME AE Jaya
facing is occurring in bakpia package that not yet meet the standards especially for dry bakpia
that make MSME effort to market its product to supermarket or souvenir shop became more
difficult. The aim of this research is to solve the package problem and make the package
appropriate according to consumer preference and meet the specific standard.The method that
used in this research is Quality Function Development (QFD) first phase and second phase.
QFD Method is a method that used for planning and product development that in accordance
with consumer’s need and desire (Cohen, 1995). This research is focused only on QFD’s first
and second phase where first phase is product planning and second phase is product design. It
is hoped this research can provide input in form of proposed package design in the MSME AE

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8


Package is the identity of the products of certain companies that distinguishes a product
from another company, the packaging is also an activity that is done the company to
protect the contents of the product itself (Akrom, 2013). Package also can be defined as a
common activity in goods planning that involving the determination the of design and
manufacturing of the wrap or place from Kotler (1999, in Akrom, 2013). There are three types
of packaging according to Kotler (1999, in Akrom, 2013). Types of packaging are :
1. Primary packaging, this packaging is a container or a direct place for the product.
2. Secondary packaging, this is a packaging materials that protect primary packaging
where this packaging is discarded when the product will be used.
3. Tertiary packaging or delivery, a packaging that used to store, identification, and
According to the regulations of the Government of The Republic of Indonesia number
69 in 1999 about labeling and food advertising, that any person who producing orincorporate
food that packaged for trade is mandatory for labeling on food package. The label that is listed
on package contain product name, ingredient list or composition, net weight, names and
addresses of the parties producing, date, month and year of expiration, halal label, date and
production code as well the number of permission path (Lestari, 2013).

Quality Function Deployment

According to Cohen (1995) Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a method that used for
planning and produce development in accordance with the wishes and the needs of the
customer. The benefits obtained in applying QFD method is so the company can survive, more
secure, and can grow. Application of the QFD method also can reduce the cost incurred by
companies such as material cost, fee for services, salary, etc. In addition, this method also can
be used to increase income, also can monitor the process from beginning to end so the wrong
process can be known, the wrong process can be removed and can reduce processing time that
will have an impact on the amount of resulting output (Cohen, 1995). QFD has several phases,
i.e product planning phase, design planning, process planning, and production planning
(Karsak, et al, 2002).

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Product Planning
The first phase of QFD is used to translate customer’s voice into part specification. The
tools used in this research is House of Quality (HOQ).

Figure 1. House of Quality (Cohen, 1995)

Voice of Customer
This section gives information about consumer’s needs from a product, so it brings the attribute
consumer’s needs. Consumer’s needs can be known by doing interview. Determination of the
respondents in this research using purposive sampling.
n= t1

N = total of responden to = time for sampling
T = available time for research t1 = time every sampling unit

Determine the Needs of Customer

a. Customer Importance Level (TKK)
Consumer importance rates are determined by giving a scale of measure of importance.
Measuring scale used range is 1 to 5. The following is the formula for determining TKK:

TKK = (2)

With :
TKK = Consumer Importance Level

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

∑x = The importance total score

N = Number of respondent
b. Consumer Satisfaction (TKP)
The calculation of consumer satisfaction level is the result of the assessment regarding the
satisfaction of a product.

TKP = (3)

c. Goal
Determination of goals by selecting the greatest value between CIL and CSL that have been
d. Improvement Ratio (IR)
This stage is comparison between the goal and customer satisfaction level.

IR = (4)

e. Sales Point
Sales point is point or attributes that could increase sales. Calculation of the sales point is done
based on questionnaire. The scale that used in the assessment are as follows:
1 = Sound attribute didn’t help sales
1,2 = Sound attribute enough to help sales
1,5 = Sound attribute very helpful to sales
f. Raw Weight
This stage is calculation from weight of the attribute from consumer’s needs.
Raw weight = TKK × IR × sales point(5)
g. Normalized Raw Weight
Normalized raw weight is the calculation of the weight of the attributes from consumer’s needs
against the entire weight of the attributes from consumer’s needs.

𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑤 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = (6)

Part Specification
This part is the process for translating the voice of customers to voice of engineers. Determining
the attribute for technical requirements are carried out by doing discussion with experts as
resource person.
Relationship stage is the stage of the connecting attribute from customer’s needs with attribute
from technical requirements.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Technical Correlations
In this stage is given the description about the product development process. Not every attribute
from technical requirement have connection with others.
Technical Matrix
Priorities stage used for calculate the technical requirements. The formula that is used for
priorities stage are:
𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 = ∑(𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 × 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑤 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡)(7)
Contribution stage are comparison between the value of technical requirements priority against
entire amount of value of technical requirements priority.

𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ∑

Targets stage are sorting value of priorities from biggest to the smallest.

Design Planning

Critical Part

Part Determining Determining

Specification relationship Importance
the weight of

Figure 2 Design Planning Matrix (Sri Wahyuni, 2006)

Part Specification
Part specification obtained on HOQ matrix, technical requirements that selected are those that
have highest weight. Determination of the technical requirements are based from discussion
with expert.
Critical Part
After technical requirements is obtained, the next step is to determine critical part. Critical part
is the determination of parts that should be contained in the product.
Determining Importance Value
The importance value will be used to determine priority and trade-off decision. Importance
value described the weight for every technical requirements.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The next step is to determine relationship, this step is connecting attribute from technical
requirements with attribute from critical part.
Determining the Weight of Importance
The final step is to determine the weight of importance. This step aims is to analyze the priority
from attribute from critical part.


Figure 3 House of Quality

Based from interview with 25 respondent that ever consume bakpia, 12 attribute for
consumer’s needs is obtained. Those attributes are attractive packaging, packaging that can be
opened and closed again, transparent packaging, easy to carry packaging, packaging has a
complete label, packaging is easily stored, packaging is not easily damaged, strong packaging,
inside packaging has form that appropriate for bakpia, packaging can accommodate many pia,
packaging is tight, also the materials for packaging is safe for bakpia. Attribute from
consumer’s needs will be used in the questionnaire about customer importance level. After
calculation about consumer importance level, then do a test about validity and reliability. The

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

result from validity test are there are few attributes that are not valid and needs to do some
deletion to some non-valid attributes. Attributes that are not valid are package is not easily
damaged, strong packaging, inside packaging has form that appropriate for bakpia, and
packaging can accommodate many pia. So attributes from consumer needs that used in this
research is as much as 8 attributes.
Technical requirements attributes determined by using help from two experts, i.e
experts in field of packaging and experts in field of food. From discussion with the experts, 10
technical requirements are obtained. After attribute for technical requirements is determined,
then do the calculations for priority, contributions and target. Those attribute from technical
requirements will be used in QFD second phase i.e. part specification.

Figure 4 Product Design Matrix

Based on a design product matrix that has been created, it can be known that the primary
packaging dry bakpia AE that made from plastic PP has the greatest importance weight i.e. of
International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

9236.46 and became first priority. Attribute from critical part that became second priority are
bakpia packaging using zip-lock or tint tie as a means of opening and closing for the packaging.
Attribute from critical part that became third priority are packaging has hole on upper side.
Attribute from critical part that became third and fourth priority have same importance weight
i.e. 6236.22. Those attribute are packaging material food grade and secondary packaging
material created from aluminum foil plastic. Sixth priority are packaging label that directly
printed on the packaging. Attribute of critical part that package have striking and clear color
are seventh priority that also affect the packaging. The eighth priority are complete label.
Labels in question is the name of product, the brand of the product, composition, net weight,
company producing, PIRT, as well as information about nutritional value on the product. The
ninth priority is the form of side gusset packaging. This attribute is important because by using
side gusset as a form of bakpia packaging it will attract the attention of customers.

Based on interviews with 25 respondents, twelve attributes for consumer needs is
obtained. The attributes from consumer needs will be used in the importance
of the consumer questionnaire. After the calculation on consumer importance
level, then do the test for validity and reliability. The results obtained from validity test is there
are some attributes that are not valid, deletion needs to be done to the attributes that are not
valid. So the attribute from consumer needs used in this research is as much as eight attributes.
There are ten attributes for technical requirements derived from the results of the discussion
with experts. In the second phase of QFD the determination of attributes for critical part is
conducted that also obtained from elaboration of part specification / attribute from technical
requirements. The determination of the attribute for critical part also done by the help of the
experts, so it brings to nine attributes of critical part.

Akrom, M. C. 2013 Pengaruh Kemasan, Harga dan Promosi Terhadap Proses Keputusan
Pembelian Konsumen Keripik Paru UMKM Sukorejo Kendal (Undergraduate Theses).
Semarang; Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Cohen, L. 1995 Quality Function Deployment: How to Make QFD Work for You.
Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Karsak, E.,et al. 2002 Product Planning in Quality Function Deployment Using a Combined
Analytic Network Process and Goal Programming Approach. JournalComputers and
Industrial Engineering, Volume 44, hal 171-190.
Lestari, D. A. S. 2013 Redesain Kemasan Produk Makanan Ringan "Aneka Gorengan Super
2R". Undergraduate Theses,Semarang ;Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Sri Wahyuni, W. 2006 Analisis Diversifikasi Produk Minuman pada CV. Fauzi Kabupaten
Bekasi Propinsi Jawa Barat. Undergraduate Theses,Bogor ;Institut Pertanian Bogor.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8



Yuyun Lutfiatin1, Lestari Setyowati2, Diah Anita Pusparini3

English Education Study Program STKIP PGRI Pasuruan,

2 lestari.setyowati@yahoo

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to develop interesting and fun instructional materials for
speaking recount text at tenth graders in the form of silent animation software. The design of this
study is research and development. The subject of the study were expert of validation in media
and material and 30 students. The data uses the questionnaire, interview, and validation checklist.
The data was collected on May 5, 2017 and May 22, 2017. The finding of the research shows
that validation by expert and try-out in small scale and large scale about the computer software
proper be used as a source of learning. The conclusion is the assessment of English teacher on
the computer software developed with an average score of 85.41%, the assessment of expert of
media on the computer software developed with an average score of 73.80%, the result of
students’ validation (small scale and large scale) on the computer software with an average

Keywords: silent animation, speaking, recount, research and development

English is as a compulsory subject that should be learn in Indonesia. In KTSP curriculum, the
education minister of Indonesia considers that a period of English language subject that to be
taught in the classroom was reduced, especially in senior high school that was originally six
hours become four hours in a week as stated Permendikbud Nomor 68 Tahun 2006. The
government has a reason that student in Indonesia should learn their language propely first then
learn about other language. Actually, it would not be wrong that the teacher teaches the students
an English subject as a foreign language in early, because students who learn in the beginning
will provide a more optimal result of their study than begin in adulthood. Hammer (2007:37)
stated that some people say thatchildren learn language faster than adults do. They talk of
children who appear to pick up new language effortlessly. Perhaps this has something to do
with the plasticity of a young brain.
English subject has some learning skills which are Listening, Speaking, Reading, and
Writing. Speaking is one of productive skills that is used to communicate orally. Speaking is
important skill to be possessed by the people because speaking shows the way people express
their feelings and their thought. Brown (2001:267) stated that learners basically need to have

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

speaking skill to convey messages and listening skill to receive the message. Moreover,
speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and
receiving and processing information.
There are many ways how to teach speaking English. As Nunan (1991:51) wrote,
“success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the (target) language.”
Then, if the students do not practice it in the real communication it means that they do not reach
their goal to increase their speaking ability. Practice is the key for students to be successful in
English Speaking but as a foreign language learner, they tend to have limited vocabulary and
guts to speak directly as the researcher said. Therefore, teachers should prepare some method
and instructional medium which motivated for speaking activities to develop students speaking
ability. Method and instructional medium are expected to be useful and interesting for teaching
Many Indonesian students who learning English cannot speak English fluently. One of
the examples was from SMA Yayasan Pandaan students. The researcher conducted need
analysis at SMA Yayasan Pandaan. The subject of the need analysis were tenth grade. Most of
the problems that often faced by students while practicing speaking English was lack of
confidence. It was proven from the result of the students questionnaire in need analysis. They
feel unconfident to speak English especially in front of their friends. The students choose to
watch English movies and listen to English materials such as song and radio streaming to
improve their speaking ability. It was proven from data collection that of students chose English
movie, song and radio streaming as the instructional medium in learning English.Even if a
school has a complete laboratory facility, the students can adjust easily to practice English
As stated in Blincoe (2008), there is a significant different in the achievement stores of
students in good buildings (adequate) and poor buildings(inadequate) buildings. The researcher
has same opinion as Blincoe (2008) that these factors may have effects to students’ speaking
ability as well. In addition, adequate school will provide health and safety, which can make the
students feel comfortable to study inside the classroom. Moreover, if the school also has a
secondary science laboratories, the students will be able to practice their English skills
especially speaking. Besides, teacher who has a good competence also needed by the students
to gain their skill because competence teacher will know how to handle it and use new teaching
method and an appropriate instructional medium to teach their students especially in speaking
English. English is a foreign language for them and they tend to use their first language when
they meet their friends so it is a little bit hard for the students to speak English fluently.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

The school where the researcher does her research, there is no software which can
support the students to practice speaking skill. This way, such media is needed to help both the
teacher and students to have a media as a tool to practice the speaking skill in order to be a
better and fluent speaker.
There are some solutions that can be conducted so the students are more active in
speaking activity. It is through interesting teaching method and medium. Just like in the
previous study that conducted by Kayaoglu, Akbas and Ozturk (2011). They develop animation
for EFL learner especially in vocabulary mastery. The animation that they develop uses an
animation to present the word and it is assume that makes the students more focused and on
the words because it is eye catching and easy to understand. This animation should be enjoyed
and fun. They conduct this research because they assume that it is not easy to memorize a large
amount of vocabulary especially for EFL students. It is relatively difficult to learn new words,
to keep in mind and to recall them when needed. They also have stated that with the help of
innovative teaching method and materials by using multimedia, language learning situation can
be more colorful, motivating and can be supporting the students in the learning process. Also
it seems difficult and boring to learn some new language just by looking up that word in
dictionaries. Therefore, introducting words using a new method is necessary for students.
Besides, Feng (2009) also do some research about adult foreign language learners use computer
games as self study tool. That research aimed at examining how adult foreign language learners
use computer game a self study medium and focused on the effectiveness of the game in helping
the participants improve English vocabulary and writing. Computer games, when used
appropriately and frequently, may be a good choice as a self study tool for practice. When the
teachers want to use a game as their teaching method, they should be careful in choosing game
for student whether it is appropriate or not. As stated in Carrier (1990) teachers should first
consider the games level to make them suitable with the learners language levels. They must
be chosen due to the purposes of the class or the content as well as considering the learners
characteristics as their age, being serious-minded or lighthearted, and their amount of
motivation to learn the language as well as the time of using the games (Valipour & Aidinlou,
Related to statement of the problem, the purpose of this study is producing an
instutional medium for speaking activity. The material is about recount based on the senior
high school’s syllabus KTSP curriculum. Because using recount silent animation, the students
can tell their experience well and smoothly. By using silent animation, the students are required
to write the point story of events, such as: orientation, events, and reorientation in silent

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

animation. Because silent animation not use the subtitles, so students also required find
andprepare vocabulary the right in order to the students can retell the story with their own word,
so even though they use same video but there will be difference when they retell story by own
word.Recount silent animation is in the form of software. The researcher provides silent
animation so the students become a narrator of the story. The researcher expert that the medium
will be fun and be able to build students confidence to speak English because this medium
packed on software and students can face the audience directly or students do not face the
audience directly.

According to the content standard which is develop by BNSP (2006); The English teaching of
Senior High School in Indonesian is aimed at making students’ oral and written competence to
achieve the informational competence. They are: 1. Develop competence communicate in the
form of oral and written to achieve the level of literacy informational, 2. Have awareness about
the nature and importance of English to improve the competitiveness of the nation in the global
community, 3. Develop an understanding learners about the relationship between language and

Moreover, based on KTSP curriculum for Senior High School, the standard of
competence and basic competence for Senior High School students’ grade X semester II is the
students have to perform several speaking competences. Below are the detail of standard of
competence and basic of competence (Depdiknas, 2006)

In Standard of Competence point 4 explain that reveals the significance in the text
functional short and monologue snapped recount, narrative and procedure simple in the context
of everyday life. And in the Basic of Competence, reveals the significance in the text
monologue simple to use a variety of oral language accurately, smoothly and thank in a variety
of the context of everyday life in a text-shaped: recount, narrative and procedure.

According to Richard (2008), speaking is also a crucial part of the language learning
process. Effective instructions teach students speaking strategies -using minimal responses,
recognizing scripts, and using language to talk about language- which they can use to help
themselves expand their knowledge of the language and their confidence in using it. These
instructors’ help students learn to speak so that the students can use speaking to learn. There

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

are many strategies in teaching speaking as the following: using minimal responses,
recognizing scripts, using language to talk about language.

According Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (2008), speaking is derived from

“speak” means talk to somebody about something; be able to use a language; make a speech to
an audience; say or state something. So, speaking is a skill to convey something to somebody
orally. Brown (2000:267) states that when someone can speak a language it means that he can
carry on a conversation reasonably competently. In addition, he states that the benchmark of
successful acquisition of language is almost always the demonstration of an ability to
accomplish pragmatic goals through an interactive discourse with other language speakers.
Hammer (2002:246) stated that speaking is a kind of productive skill. However, the ability of
speaking involves developing the complex skill and different type of knowledge about how
and when to communicate with the other. According to Hornby (2003:133), speaking is the
process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, on
a variety context.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that speaking is reveal what
perceive and thought when see something either directly (verbal) or through the media (non-
verbal).Verbal means communication with the people, but the students should try to avoid
confusion in message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the
social and cultural rules that apply in each communication situation, and non-verbal means
communication with the people use media the computer software.

The kinds of text in KTSP at Senior High School are recount, narrative and procedure
based on the syllabus which is used in this research. But, in this research, the researcher used
recount text to improve the students’ speaking ability by using silent animation.

In this research, the researcher focuses on recount text. According to Hyland (2004),
recount is a kind of genre that has social function to retell event for the purpose of informing
or entertaining. The tense that used in recount text is past tense. Social purpose of recount text
is to reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in original sequence. And he stated that
the generic structure of recount are as follows:a. Orientation, b. Record of Events, c. Re-
orientation. Bordwell and Thomson (1997:50) stated that animation film are distinguished from
live-action ones by the unusual kinds of work that are done at production stage. Animation
films do not do continuously filming outdoor action in the real time, but they create a series of

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

images by shooting on frame at a time. According to Manser (2000:4), an animated film is a

film that contains story, has conflict, dialogue, plot, and characters.

A recent large-scale survey by Canning-Wilson (2000) reveals that the students like
learning language through the use of video, which is often used to mean quite different things
in language teaching. In conclusion, animation video or animation films is described cartoon,
films, images, etc. That are photographed and shown in a way that makes them move and
appear to be alive that contains story which have conflict, dialogue, plot and characters.

Advantages of Using Video for Teaching

Some advantages can be found when a teacher utilizes video for teaching. Hammer (2002:282)
states that the advantages of using animation film in teaching and learning process are: 1.
Seeing language in use, 2. Cross-cultural awareness, 3. The power of creation, 4. Motivation.

Moreover, Hammer (2002:282) says that in animated film, the students did not only
hear language, but also they can see character, climax, anti-climax, moral lesson, situation,
properties, and see the use of the language. It means that by watching animated films, the
students can interpret the story directly, see the conflict of the story clearly, see the action, hear
sound, and imitate expression, stress, and intonation of characters. Moreover, Espinosa
(2012:2) mentions that animated film give effect on students’ speaking skill. First, animated
films help to develop the students’ speaking skill. Second, it gives students entertainment, and
motivation. Third, animated films provide the students with both visual and auditory input. It
can be concluded that animated films develop students’ language ability, get enormous
language treasure, and give motivation.

This study is using research and development design as it aims at developing a recount silent
animation for speaking activities of Senior High School. This instructional medium is intended
to be applied to the tenth graders of Senior High School students in SMA YayasanPandaan.
Borg and Gall (2003:569) says that educational research and development is a process used to
develop products and goals of educational research. It is not to develop product, but rather to
discover new knowledge (through basic research) or to answer specific questions about
practical problems (through applied research). Moreover, Borg and Gall (2003) in their book
“Educational Research” also explain that educational Research and Development is an
industry-based development model in which findings of research are used to design new

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

product and procedures, which then are systematically field-tested, evaluated, and refined until
they meet specified criteria of effectiveness, quality, or similar standards. In other words, as a
method of research that aims to produce a superior product that preceded preliminary studies
before a product is developed, it is needed to assure that the product will be developed is truly
important. Here are the details of the research and development model designed by Borg and
Gall (1989:789-795). They divided the R&D cycles into ten major steps, namely: (1) research
and information collecting; (2) planning; (3) develop preliminary form of product; (4)
preliminary field; (5) main product revision; (6) main field testing; (7) operational product
revision; (8) operational field testing; (9) final product revision and (10) dissemination and

The study was carried out in SMA YayasanPandaan. Try-out 1in the validation by
English teacher and expert of media conduct on May 8, 2017, try-out 2 in the validation by the
students in small scale (10 students) conduct on May 15, 2017, and try-out 3 in the validation
by the students in large scale (30 students) May22, 2017. The school is a public school which
is located on Jl. Pahlawan Suharto No. 2 KutorejoPandaan. The target students were tenth
graders of science class (IPA). The tenth graders were chosen as the subject because based on
KTSP curriculum in Senior High School, recount text are taught to the tenth grader students.

As stated Latief, Mohammad Adnan (2015:178) stated that there is no need to have
subheadings on data, data collection, instruments, and data analysis. But for this research, the
researcher will be use questionnaire, interview, and validation checklist to get information of
problem and validating product.

Techniques of data analysis which was used in this study consists of two parts namely;
contents analysis technique and descriptive percentage analysis. First, the researcher used
descriptive percentage analysis techniques to analyze the data from the students’ questionnaire
in need analysis, teacher and expert validation questionnaire, and the students’ questionnaire
for try-out. Second, the researcher used content analysis techniques to analyze the data from
the interview with the English teacher in the need analysis, comment and suggestion from the
expert in the validation process, and data from the English teacher after try-out.

Need Analysis
The result of need analysis described into two kinds. First, the result described from the
students’ questionnaire. Second, the result described from the English teachers’ interview. In

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

the students’ questionnaire, there were 16 questions in questionnaire which were decided into
3 parts. Questions number 1 to 5 related with the students’ background in learning English and
the media they use in learning English, questions number 6 to 10 related the difficult in
speaking English, and questions number 11 to 16 related able to use computer.This part is
shows questions number 1 to 5 about the students’ background in learning English and the
media they use in learning English. Question number 1 explained about the students’
educational background, there were 19 out of 30 students (63%) began learning English in the
Junior High School. Question number 2 about the students’ reason of liking and disliking
English lessons, there were 18 out of 30 students (60%) who still interested to learn English
because some of them said that English was important to them in their future especially
speaking skill. Question number 3 explained about the students’ interesting of speaking English
which related to the questionnaire, there were 22 out of 30 students (74%) answered the teacher
often teach how to speaking English smoothly. Question number 5 shows the media that use
by the teacher when teach speaking English, there were all of the students (100%) choose film,
it is showing the teacher often used film for media teaching-learning speaking English.

This part is shows questions number 6 to 10 about the difficulties in speaking English.
Question number 6 explained about the difficulties when speaking English, there were 24 out
of the students (80%) said speaking English is very easy. Question number 7 shows the
difficulties when learning speaking English, there were 27 out of 30 students (90%) have
experience the lack of confidence when learning speaking English. Question number 8 about
the attempt to resolve the difficulty when speaking English, all of the students (100%) choose
watching English movies. Question number 9 shows the students’ want to learn and mastered
in speaking English, all of the students (100%) choose the accuracy of grammar, pronunciation
and confidence. The last part of the students speaking skill about teaching-learning media
interesting in number 10, there are all of students (100%) said using teaching-learning media
interesting can help and motivate when they learn speaking English.

This part shows the students’ skill using computer which related to the questionnaire
question number 11 until number 16. Question number 11 explained about teaching-learning
media interesting that need to be developed and used in speaking English, there were all of the
students (100%) choose English movies or Video. Question number 12 about students operate
the computer, all of the students said they can operate the computer properly. Question number
13 shows about since when to know and learn to operate the computer, there were all of the
students (100%) who know and learn to operate the computer in Junior High School. Question

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

number 14 explained about the activities when operated computer, there were 20 out of 30
students (68%) who operated computer for internet. Question number 15 explained about have
a computer device at home or not, there are all of the students (100%) have a computer device.
The last question is about interesting in teaching-learning speaking through computer device
in the form of computer software, there were all of the students (100%) who have interesting
in teaching-learning speaking through computer device in the form of computer software.

The researcher interviewed the information about the teacher’s general background
such as experience of teaching, teachers’ educational background, teaching frequency, and the
teacher’s effort in teaching English.

This part is about the teachers’ experience of teaching and educational background, the
researcher get information that the teacher has been an English teacher and teaching English
for almost 20 years in SMA Yayasan Pandaan. The teacher also graduated from English
Education in IKIB Budi Utomo Malang and continued master study degree in Malang
University with the same education.

The researcher also asked about the teaching frequency and the teachers’ effort in
teaching, the researcher get information that teaching-learning activities twice a week. The
researcher also asked the teacher about the teacher’s effort in teaching English such as what
kind of media that the teacher used to support English learning activities. The teacher answered
that he only used power point and textbook. Dealing with the method that the teacher used in
teaching speaking, the teacher required the students to speak English with their friend and the
students were allowed to mix English with Indonesian language if they did not the vocabulary.
The strength of the method that the teacher used was to encourage the students to practice
speaking English. Then the researcher asked the teacher about how to motivate the students.
The teacher said that Semites he asked one of the students who had lived abroad to tell in front
of his friends that at first he could not speak English, the he forced himself to speak English in
order to communicate with people there.

Next, the researcher tried to collect information about the problem that the teacher faced
on teaching speaking English to their students. The teacher said that most of the students’ lack
of confidence, they always doubt themselves. In fact, the students were able to speak English.
Then, the researcher asked the teacher’s opinion on the instructional medium for speaking by
using computer software. The teacher agreed and he said that the idea was good. The computer
software could be useful for students to practice and train speaking English.

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

Based on standard of competence and basic competence for Senior High School students’ grade
X semester II is the students have to perform several speaking competences and supported by
the students’ questionnaire and interview the teacher, the researcher finding the problem faced
by the students when speaking English in public. Therefore, the researcher make computer
software with the aim students can train and practice speaking English in public.

Develop the Product

In developing the product, the researcher made computer software called “Recount Silent
Animation”. Here, the steps on how to make the computer software. This computer software
was made by using a programming language Visual Basic 6 (VB.6) by using a few other
components. After the initial view of VB.6 program is out, there will be the image of New
Project, choose Standart EXE and then click open. The components needed in the manufacture
of this computer software can be seen in table. As for how to put the computer software in the
program VB.6 by clicking on 2 times on the components to be used on the menu bar next to
the left side of the display. All of the components in the components of the bar, if the
components of the required is not available, then it must be issued first by right-click the
components bar select component, check the name of the components that are needed for
examples “WMP” then click “OK”. Then components required will appear on the menu
components of the bar.

Data Analysis
Data analysis showing about Try-Out 1, Try-Out 2 and Try-Out 3. The score was described as
follow: very appropriate (100%-76%) with 4 points in validation checklist; appropriate (75-
56%) with 3 points validation checklist, quite appropriate (55%-40%) with 2 points in
validation checklist and inappropriate (<40%) it means 1 points in validation checklist. In try-
out 1 were conducted on May 8, 2017, the product was be tested on 2 expert validation, the
first validator is Ahmad Ahmadi, S.Pd, M.Pd as a English teacher in SMA YayasanPandaan,
he validated about aspects of the feasibility of contents, aspects of the feasibility of language,
and aspects of operational learning media. And the second validator is Walidini S. Huda. He
validated about aspect the display and aspect of programming. The expert of media adviced
that the computer software is not only displayed in black and white, it will be better if it was
given a few other colors in order to be more interesting for the students. Different colors among
the buttons can also facilitate the students to difference the function of each buttons. Therefore,

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

this computer software was declared eligible to be tested to the subject. In try-out 2 were
conducted on May 15, 2017, the product was be tested on 10 students (small scale), and some
of the students advised that the computer software should be included non-verbal instructions
(an instructions book), in order to students can read and understand the instructions before
using the computer software without accompanied by teachers. In try-out 3 were conducted on
May 22, 2017, the product was be tested on 30 students (large scale), and some of the students
advised that the computer software should be included many video in computer folder, in order
to students can choose another video that they want to recordings.

Product Revision based on Validation

In this phase, the revision was only based on try-out 1, try-out 2 and try out 3. In try-out 1, the
result of the expert validation, the expert of media advice that the computer software is not only
displayed in black and white, better given a few other colors to more interesting for students,
as different colors between a button, it can also facilitate the students. Therefore the researcher
revised the computer software. In try-out 2, the result of students’ validation in small scale,
some of the students advised that the computer software should be included non-verbal
instructions (a guide book), so that students can read and understand the instructions before
using the computer software without accompanied by teacher. In try-out 3, the result of
students’ validation in large scale, some of the students advised that the computer software
should be included many video in computer folder, in order to students can choose another
video that they want to recordings.

The researcher found that students were more interesting to practice speaking English
by using silent animations. It seem like Niati (2014) explanation, he stated that students who
are taught by using animated films have better speaking skill of narrative text than those who
are taught by using picture story. Besides, the students were easy to practice the productit
consist of daily activities and their experience.Mahendra (2012) stated thatin the teaching and
learning process, the students were quite clear in understanding recount text.

During the try-out which was conducted in X of SMA YayasanPandaan, the students
were enthusiastic while using the computer software. They seemed confident practicing
speaking English through the computer software. The students also gave statement that the
computer software was interesting to be used as a speaking instructional medium because they
never used computer software such as “RSA” as media in the class. The teacher also give
opinion that the computer software was helpful for student who do not have enough confidence

International Conference on Language and Education ISBN 978-979-495-955-8

to practice English conversation in front their friends. In addition, the teacher also said that
nowadays technology has important role toward education for medium to learn not only to use
textbooks. As stated by Russell, Loftier, and Smaldino (2011:4), the role of teachers and
students were changing because of the influence of technology in the classroom. The
technology here means using gadget such as computer. As the computer software “RSA” is a
media that can be used by the students to train and practice their speaking skills, so this
computer software affect the students than textbook.


This research and development produces a product multimedia interactive learning speaking
skill based approach process for tenth graders at Senior High School in the form of the
computer software. Based on the research, development, test, and data analysis can be
concluded as follows.

The computer software developed was in the category of “proper” to be used by the validation
expert of media, and English teacher. The response of the students is also good. Based on the
assessment of English teacher and expert, it shows that the computer software Recount Silent
Animation is related to standard of competences, basic of competence for tenth graders at
Senior High School developed “proper” be used as a source of learning. The product media
teaching-learning in the form the computer software Recount Silent Animation can be used by
teachers and students as one of alternative learning of interest and helpful. This computer
software can also be used independently by students without depend on teaching-learning in
classrooms. To train and practice speaking English by using Recount Silent Animation is also
expected to help the students into speaking English more confidence.

Further development of this research is the product can be tested to find its effectiveness in
speaking English. In addition, the product can be developed more for other types of text. The
future researcher can also develop the product to modify the other material that they need.

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