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In this tech driven world . A compelling question arises : Are we in

command dictating the course of technology ,or have become the
subjects for its influence?. It is the era. For smartphones, smart homes
and smart everything, it's hard to escape the influence of technology in
our daily lives.

Have embraced technology with our open arms. From sunrise to sunset,
we find ourselves. In the web of digital devices. Morality problem? Move
five our lives. There's a growing concern that might be slipping into a
role where we are ruled by by the creations we have designed.
Notifications make our schedules. As good as shape, our brain fences
and the constant stream of information can feel like a wave impossible
to escape. Reviewed The Ball Decide how and when we engage with
technology. From setting boundaries on screen time to using apps that
enhance productivity, the control is in our hands.
The subtle in which technology influence, our behavior cannot be
ignored. Social media platform, for instance, are designed to keep us
scrolling, tapping and shading. The question then becomes, are we
using these tools or are they using us? There's a line between intention
and covers and lures as our life becomes increasingly in the virtual
In conclusion
Are we ruled by technology or are we the Rural's? The answer lies in
our awareness and choices as we navigate the digital landscape. Its
Essential. To pause, reflect, and ensure that our interaction with
technology is with our bad use, not our wants.

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