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Social Media Reach and Engagement Rate

Platform Followers Engagement Rate

Instagram 457K 25%
Facebook 998K 1.74%
X 208.8K 0.97%

The social media reach and engagement rate of three popular platforms: Instagram,
Facebook, and X.
Reach: Facebook has the highest reach with 998K followers, followed by Instagram with
457K followers, and X with 208.8K followers.
Engagement Rate: Instagram has the highest engagement rate at 25%, followed by X at
0.97%, and then Facebook at 1.74%.
 Instagram: Instagram is a good platform for businesses to focus on if they are looking
to drive engagement with their audience.
 Facebook: Facebook has the largest reach, so it is a good platform for businesses to
reach a wide audience.
 X: X has a lower reach and engagement rate than the other two platforms, but it may
be a good platform to focus on if you target a specific niche audience.
 Businesses should:
o Focus their social media efforts on the platforms where their target customers
are and where they can achieve their desired results.
o Create engaging content that is tailored to their target audience.
o Track their social media performance and make adjustments as needed.
The data is used to inform businesses' social media strategy. By understanding the reach and
engagement rate of different platforms, businesses can make better decisions about where to
allocate their resources and how to create content that resonates with their target audience.

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