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My name is Lana, and I wanna thank you for considering me becoming a part of your family.

You wouldn't know how much this means to me.

I will start this letter off by introducing my family so you can get to know me a bit better. Our
household consists of me, my dad, and my sister. We all have a great relationship with
eachother, and even though we are very busy and rarely have times to all hangout together,
the bond we hold is strong and keeps us close even when we're farthest from eachother. I feel
the safest when I'm with them. They know all my secrets and all of my problems, because
having things kept from them sounds so strange. My family is the first circle of people I've
entered and is the one I'll be in forever, even in hard times. I treasure family and hold them
close to my heart.
Responsibilities at home our equally shared among the members. I always participate in
chores so that our space is tidy and comfortable. These chores include cleaning the bathroom,
vacuuming, cleaning dishes and putting away clothes. These are the most common tasks I end
up doing, but we switch some things up at times if needed. I believe that if we all share
chores it helps create a balanced space.
My interests are diverse and span from artistic to outdoor activities. I have a passion for
reading and find myself lost in the pages of a book. Art is another passion of mine—I often
draw or paint with acrylics in my free time. On weekends, I like to bike through nearby
neighborhoods and countrysides. I also enjoy swimming, but unfortunately I don't live near
any swimming pools, so during summer vacations, I swim as much as possible.
When it comes to friendships, I am fortunate to have a close friend group who share the same
interests. We often gather to watch movies, have game nights, or to just talk. On Fridays we
like to go to a cafe and have hot chocolate—it's one of our favorite traditions. I value having
friends and having meaningful connections is important, so I look forward to making new
friendships like these ones during my time in the U.S.
My city is a small community, consisting of about thrity thousand people. Most people know
eachother, even if you don't know them personally. For holidays and other traditions the city
is decorated and has many activities going on which I love attending. During the summertime
and winter/Christmas time, there are things to do everyday, from competitions to art exhibits.
In the theatre there are always plays, movies and other activities held. I cherish my small
community and wish it stays this comforting forever.
As for my future plans, I am passionate about web and graphic design. I hope one day I'll be
able to make logo designs or websites professionally. I am attending a vocational school for
web design and wish to later attend a college for graphic design. I find myself skilled when it
comes to technology and also like that I can work from anywhere when it comes to this
I am committed to making this exchange experience great. I am eager and adapt quickly to
changes that come with living in a new country. I hope to create memorable memories with
your family and bonds that will last us a liftime.
Thank you again for giving me such a great opportunity and considering me to be a member
of your family.
Kind regards, Lana

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