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1. As soon as she calls, let me know

2. Assuming that / supposing that he had left yesterday, he should arrive in the
afternoon today
3. Even if he were a millionaire, she wouldn’t have married him / she wouldn’t
marry him
4. If only you understood how serious the situation is
5. On (the) condition that you keep the secret, I’ll show you the present I’m
6. Providing that the tickets hadn’t been sold out yet, we could see the
performance in the evening
7. Say, you were lost, who would you ask?
8. What if he hadn’t said those words? Would they be still together?
9. Unless you stop smoking, I’ll break up with you
10.I might get to know the result, if so, I’ll let you know
11. Whether she wins or not, we’ll support her anyway.


1. Якби ти раніше попередила, що не прийдеш, ми б не чекали все ще тут

If you had warned us earlier that you wouldn’t come, we wouldn’t be still
waiting here
2. Якби я була на твоєму місці, я б уже давно порвала з ним
If I were you, I would have broken up with him long ago
3. Якби не твоя вчорашня поведінка, вона б зараз не була засмучена
But for your yesterday’s behavior, she wouldn’t be so upset now
4. Як тільки закінчиться дощ, ми підемо на вулицю
As soon as it stops raining, we will go out
5. Хочеш ти чи ні, але ми повинні запитати спершу в нього
Whether you want it or not, we must ask him first
6. Якби ти знала мене краще, то не сказала б цього вчора
If you knew me better, you wouldn’t have said this yesterday
7. Якби він не був таким занудою, ми б учора помирилися
If he were not such a bore, we would have made up yesterday
8. Якби я не боялася висоти, то пішла б з ними в гори минулого тижня
If I weren’t afraid of the height, I would have gone to the mountains with them
last week.

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