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Did you know that 92 percent of people like butter in their popcorn, while only 6

percent like butter without anything else? I am proud to announce that I am in the 6
The first time I tried butter was when I was 1. That was because my aunt
wanted my mom to give me butter, which I am glad she did. That butter was the
reason I eat at least 4 tablespoons of butter a day. Having butter was a rare moment
for me, since the rest of the time I had baby food and milk. This autobiography is
about food.
When I was 2, I moved to Canada by airplane. The airplane I flew on was a
first-class airplane, which gave me a chance to try new foods, instead of roasted
peanuts. The first food I recalled having was a strawberry daiquiri without alcohol.
It was a strawberry smoothie, but they called it a non-alcoholic daiquiri. I also
recall having a very tiny amount of caviar and roe. Finally, I had soup that was
served on a plate. There were even more foods I had that I did not remember.
The first thing I had when I landed was a cupcake and a slice of watermelon,
I got from a store near the duplex I lived in. Next door was a kind family, which
gave us a bit of food when we came by to say hello. I remember trying salmon for
the first time, and I did not like salmon back then. For my 3 rd birthday, I had a
black forest cake, which I only ate a bit of.
When I was 3, I moved to another apartment. Below that apartment was a
restaurant that served brunch. That restaurant was the first restaurant I have been to
that did not serve Chinese food. There was bacon, eggs, and toast. I only remember
having eggs and yogurt. They had great yogurt! The eggs were good too.
Around September, I went to a chocolate factory. They gave us free
chocolate eggs. I never tried the chocolate egg because my dad ate it. After the
visit to the chocolate factory, I went to a restaurant that served oysters. I liked
oysters until my mom put a lot of garlic in one of them. After I ate the garlicky
oyster, I lost my appetite for any more oysters. In fact, I still do not like oysters to
this day.
I tried doughnuts when I was 3 too. It was a Boston Cream doughnut. I
finished the entire doughnut in about 4 minutes, which was impressive considering
that I was 3. I could also remember trying tofu. I decided that I did not like tofu.
For my fourth birthday, I had minion cupcakes. It was a cool birthday. In
Richmond, there is a shopping mall that had a play area. I hosted my birthday party
there. I had a small amount of noodles. It was not the first time I tried noodles, but
it was the first time I tried something spicy. I gave each of my friends at preschool
a small bag of jellybeans.
I went to Costco once, which changed my life. There were a lot of food
samples. There was pizza, granola, cauliflower curry, nachos, soup dumplings,
instant ramen, waffles, yule log cake, yogurt, blueberry smoothie, hot chocolate,
and ham and bread. I went all around the store trying every single sample (my
favorite sample was the soup dumplings, and my least favorite was the granola).
The final memory of food I had was when I went to super store. Every time I
went to a super store, I would always steal at least a jellybean or a chocolate chip
from the areas where you can buy things in bulk.

My preschool teachers ate everything and left no crumbs, which I
am still a bit angry about.

On my 5 birthday, I had yan yan sticks for my birthday cake. The reason I
chose yan yan sticks was because I liked them. Little did I know, my mom planned
a secret birthday for me. I had a mango cake with canned peaches and granola. My
preschool teachers ate everything and left no crumbs, which I am still a bit angry
I went to my first buffet when I was 5. I can still remember what I had.
There were fried chicken balls with sweet and sour sauce, udon noodles, and
mushrooms. The next time I went there, I decided to have one of everything, which
was I smart choice. Speaking of buffets, they also served tofu, which I started to
like. I also started to like hummus, because one of my friends dared me to eat a lot
of hummuses. I tried to prove them wrong by eating 2 servings of hummus, and
convincing myself that hummus is good.
Anyways, I kind of liked hummus after that. When I was 6, I had mango
cake for my birthday. When I was 6 was around the time when our family usually
went fruit picking. There were many places in Richmond, Surrey, and Abbotsford.
The first fruit picking farm I have ever been to be in Richmond. It was a blueberry
farm. I also went apple picking in Abbotsford. There were also goji berries,
strawberries, potatoes, pears, plums, and peppers.
For my 7th birthday, I had a chocolate cake. I also went to Disney World
with my cousin. I had blue milk, pineapple whip, and dried apples. I also tried
spaghetti and meatballs. My favorite meal was the breakfast I had. There was ham
and eggs and a small glass of water. I also tried a bit of yogurt. It was disgustingly
There was also a giant donut I shared with my cousin. I remember getting
wet in the fountain that turned on and off. You could run through the fountain. You
would have to run through before it turns on. I got wet. I was wrapped in a towel
and was eating the giant donut in our fancy car.
When I turned 8, I had this red cake. There was this one time when I ate
McDonalds only for a week. My parents were busy, so my dad just bought me
some McDonalds. I also had coffee, which tasted like dirt.

The End

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