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In Partial Fulfillment in Anatomy and Physiology




October 2023

Lymphatic capillaries start the one-way system of lymphatic vessels. The majority of

body parts are well-supplied with lymphatic capillaries, which are tiny, closed-ended

conduits having squamous epithelium as their wall tissue. Capillaries in the lymph system

absorb extra tissue fluid. In addition to solutes (such as nutrients, electrolytes, and oxygen)

derived from plasma and cellular products (such as hormones, enzymes, and waste

products) released by cells, tissue fluid is primarily composed of water. All of these turn into

lymph, a fluid found inside lymphatic veins. The right lymphatic duct or the thoracic duct are

the two ducts into which the lymphatic capillaries mix to generate lymphatic vessels. The

bigger thoracic duct empties lymph gathered from the left arm, left side of the head and

neck, and the body below the thorax into the left subclavian vein. Right subclavian vein

receives lymph from the right arm, right side of the head, and right neck via the right

lymphatic duct.

The larger lymphatic tubes have valves just like veins in the heart, and their

structure is comparable. Skeletal muscle contraction is crucial for lymphatic capillaries'

ability to move lymph. One-way valves stop the passage of the lymph that is compressed by

muscles and forced via lymphatic channels. The collection of tissue fluid that has not been

gathered by the lymphatic system results in edema, which is localized swelling. This may

occur if there is an excess of tissue fluid produced or if not enough of it is drained away.

Edema can cause tissue damage and even death, underscoring the significance of the

lymphatic system's role in health.

The system of lymph nodes. Lymphatic vessels remove extra fluid from the tissues

and transport it back to the heart. The enlargement demonstrates that lymphatic arteries

have valves to stop backward flow, just like veins in the heart. Among the lymphatic organs

that support immunity are the tonsils, spleen, thymus gland, and red bone marrow.
Exchanges of nutrients, wastes, and gases take place between the blood and the interstitial

fluid as the blood travels throughout the body. According to the hydrostatic and osmotic

pressures present in capillary beds, fluid is forced out of the blood at their arterial ends

(referred to as "upstream") and most of it is reabsorbed at their venous ends (referred to as

"downstream").As much as 3 L of fluid per day is left behind in the tissue gaps and becomes

a component of the interstitial fluid. If the vascular system is to have enough blood volume

to function effectively, these spilled fluids as well as any plasma proteins that escape from

the bloodstream must be transported back to the blood. If not, fluid builds up in the tissues

and causes edema. The ability of tissue cells to exchange materials with interstitial fluid and

ultimately the blood is hampered by excessive edema. The lymphatic vessels' job is to collect

this extra tissue fluid, which is now known as lymph (lymph = clear water), and transport it

back to the bloodstream. Lymphatic vessels, also known as lymphatics, are a one-way

system in which lymph exclusively travels in the direction of the heart. The body's loose

connective tissues contain tiny, blind-ended lymph capillaries that weave between blood

and tissue capillaries to absorb fluid leaks (mostly water and a trace amount of dissolved


Although they resemble blood capillaries, lymphatic capillaries are remarkably

porous, giving them the appearance of having an open end like a straw in the past. Contrary

to popular belief, we discover that the endothelial cells that make up their walls loosely

overlap one another, creating flap-like little valves that serve as one-way swinging doors.

When the fluid pressure in the interstitial space is higher, the flaps, which are attached to

the surrounding tissues by tiny collagen fibers, gape open, allowing fluid to enter the

lymphatic capillary.The endothelial cell flaps are squeezed together when the pressure

inside lymphatic vessels is higher, which prevents the lymph from leaking back out and

forces it along the vessel. Normally, proteins and even larger particles like cell debris,

bacteria, and viruses cannot enter blood capillaries, but they can do so easily in the
lymphatic capillaries, especially in inflamed areas. However, there is a problem here because

once inside the lymphatics, germs, viruses, and cancer cells can use them to spread

throughout the body. The fact that lymph "detours" through lymph nodes, where it is

cleared of debris and "examined" by immune system cells, helps to partially resolve this

conundrum. One of the two big ducts in the thoracic area is where lymph is ultimately

returned to the venous system after being transferred from the lymph capillaries through

successively larger lymphatic vessels, also known as lymphatic collecting vessels. The lymph

from the right side of the head, thorax, and right arm flows into the right lymphatic duct.

Lymph from the rest of the body is sent to the big thoracic duct. On their respective sides of

the body, each duct empties its lymph fluid into the subclavian vein. The lymphatic vessels

have thin walls, much like the veins of the cardiovascular system, and the bigger ones

contain valves. A low-pressure, pumpless system, the lymphatic system. The same

mechanisms that help venous blood return—the skeletal muscles' pumping action and

changes in thoracic pressure during breathing—are also used to carry lymph. These

mechanisms are referred to as the muscular and respiratory "pumps" respectively.

Additionally, the bigger lymphatics' smooth muscular walls contract rhythmically, actually

"pumping" the lymph along.


Marieb, E. N. (2006). Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. (8th ed., p. 390-394).

Pearson Education South Asia PTE. LTD.

Digestive System

Food travels through the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. The cecum,

the colon, which is made up of the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colons,

the rectum, and the anal canal make up the large intestine. Also take note of where the

pancreas, liver, and gallbladder are located in relation to the other digestive organs. The lips

and cheeks surround the mouth on the outside, which is where food enters. The vestibule is

the area between the lips, cheeks, and teeth. The skeletal muscles that make up the tongue

alter their shape during construction. The tongue moves due to muscles outside of it. The

tongue's papillae, or rough protrusions, aid in handling food and house the teste buds, or

sense receptors, on the tongue. The tongue's underside is joined to the floor of the mouth

by a frenulum, a fold of mucous membrane. When the frenulum is too short, a person is

considered to be tongue-tied and unable to speak clearly. The hyoid bone serves as the

tongue's posterior attachment point.

The roof of the mouth divides it from the nasal cavities. The roof is divided into two

sections: one that is anterior to the ears and between the cheek and the second upper

tooth. The sublingual glands are behind the tongue, and the submandibular glands are in the

floor of the mouth on the inside surface of the lower jaw. When a person has mumps, a

disease brought on by a viral infection, the parotid glands expand. Under the tongue, the

sublingual and submandibular gland ducts open. If you use your tongue to feel for tiny flaps

on the inside of your cheek and under your tongue, you can find the openings for the

salivary glands. Saliva contains the enzyme salivary amylase, which starts the digestion of

starch, as well as bicarbonate.


The wall of the esophagus in the abdominal cavity is conparable to that of the alimentary

canal, which has these layers:

Mucosa (Mucous membrane layer) layer of epithelium supported by connective tissue and

smooth muscle lines the lumen (central cavity).This layer contains glandular epithelial cell

that secrete digestive enzyme and goblet cells that secreysecrete mucus.

Submucosa (submucosal layer) A brpad band of loose connective tissue that contain blood

vessels beneath the mucosa. Lymp nodulesnodules, called Leyer patches, are on submucosa.

Like the tonsils, they help protect us from diseases.

Muscularis (smooth musle layer) two layers of smoothsmooth muscle make up this section.

The inner, circular layer, encricles the guts; the outer, longitudinal lies in the same direction

as the gut.(The stomach also has oblique muscles.

Serosa (serous membrane) most omostf the alimentary canalhas a serosa, a very thin ,

outermost layer of squamous epithelium supported by connective tissue. The serosa

secretes a serous fluid that keeps the outer surface of intestines moist so that the organs of

the abdominal cavity slide against one anotheranother. The esophagus has an outer layer

composed only of loose connective tissue called adventitia.

Digestive System Organs and Function

A mouthful of food is referred to as a bolus once it has been swallowed from the

mouth to the esophagus. Each bolus first travels through your epiglottis, avoiding the lungs'

opening. The epiglottis seals off your trachea, the airway to the lung, on each swallow to

prevent choking.

Esophagus to Stomach – After that, the bolus travels down the esophagus before

entering the stomach through the diaphragm. A muscle band known as a sphincter

surrounds the esophagus where it meets the stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter

contracts behind the bolus to prevent it from reversing course. The bolus is kept in the

stomach for a period, where it is combined with gastric fluids to become chyme, a semi-

liquid mass. The pyloric sphincter, which opens into the small intestine and closes once the

chyme has passed through, is the next sphincter through which the stomach gradually

releases the chyme. An entrance in the common bile duct, which secretes digestive fluids

into the small intestine from two organs outside the GI tract—the gallbladder and the

pancreas—is where the small intestine begins.

The chyme passes through this aperture as it moves through the small intestine.

The duodenum, jejunum, and ileum are the three segments of the small intestine through

which the chyme continues to move. The combined length of the segments—10 feet of tube

coiling inside the abdomen—is approximately. The small intestine serves as the final stage of


The Large Intestine travels the entire length of the small intestine before entering

the beginning of the large intestine at the lower right side of the belly through the ileocecal

valve, another sphincter. The colon's contents ascend along the right side of the belly, pass

over to the left side in front, descend to the lower left side, and then finally move past the

other intestine folds to the back of the body above the rectum. The colon removes water,
leaving semi-solid waste as the intestinal contents pass through to the rectum. Until it comes

time to urinate, the rectum's powerful muscles keep this waste in check. The last sphincter

in the system, the anus, then opens to let wastes flow when the rectal muscles relax.



Whitney et al. (2007). Nutrition for health and health care. (3rd ed., p.41-45). Thompson’s


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