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Gastrointestinal and
urogenital system
Directions: 10 Single Choice Questions (100

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* 1. 32 year male came to emergency with

the complain of abdomen pain and
distention, not passing stool and flatulence
since 2 day. Which imaging would you
suggest to do?

A.X ray abdomen upright and supine



D.CT- abdomen

* 2. In Which region of benign prostatic

hyperplasia is common?

A.transition zone

B.peripheral zone

C.central zone

D.all of above

* 3. 25 year female patient has complain of

abdominal pain, distension and history of
chronic gastritis. she underwent x ray
abdomen and what is the finding?

A.Multiple air fluid level

B.Gas under right diaphragm

C.Dilated bowel

D.All of above

* 4. A person of 24 year male had a RTA,

have complain of abdominal pain,chest
pain with blurring of vision.his blood
pressure is gradually falling down and ct
was done and what is the finding of ct?

A.liver injury

B.ribs fracture


D.splenic injury

* 5. Which is not the imaging features of

Hepatocellular carcinoma?

A.Venous cancer thrombus

B.Fast wash in and wash out

C.Early out and late return


* 6. A male patient came to hospital with

history of severe consumption of alcohol,
2 days back with complain of severe
abdomen pain and vomiting.what is your
diagnosis on the basis of ct image.

A.Chronic pancreatitis

B.Acute pancreatitis

C.Acute appendicitis

D.None of above

* 7. A patient is complaing haematuria on

and off for 3 months. what is your
diagnosis on the basis of X-ray image.

A.Right renal calculus

B.Left renal calculus

C.Reteral calculi

D.Bladder stone

* 8. Patient has history of gallbladder stone

and recently develop abdominal pain
,jaundice and weight loss and underwent
mrcp and the imaging result is shown
below.what is your diagnosis.



C.Bile duct stenosis

D.Biliary atresia

* 9. The most important X-ray findings of

intestinal obstruction is

A.Abdominal cavity free gas

B.Low density shadow under diaphragm

C.Bowel dilatation and air-fluid level


* 10. Which is not the imaging features of

renal cyst?

A.Water density

B.Smooth and sharp edge

C.No enhancement

D.Ring enhancement


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