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(continued from previous page)

j Accompanying their forms of expression,- is caution when turning their backs,
Race and social progress
for whichever opinions they decide to uphold,
I - the others who disagree will attack.
I For this is the w^y Mother Nature works, - she enjoys the global contest, SUMMER 1995/106 ISSUE #2
she's eager to see who'll win a battle,
- and fit enough to strengthen the nest.
Nature created this fragile world,- with all its predators and grazers,
around the sun by gravity it's hurled,
- she alone is it's flnal appraiser.
Humans who understand the laws of nature,- learn more as time progresses,
those who don't or refuse her logic,
- must pay the con-se-quen-ces.
There are those who believe they've tricked her,
- and attempt to live outside her will,
they soon discover they're wrong of course,
- as their systems turn critically ill.
Some people err by mixing their blood,- with that of another race,
Nature deplores this act as well,
- to her it's a slap in the face.
Ma Nature, she's very aggressive,- she doesn't back down or take flight,
she acknowledges all of these traitorous acts,
- exacting vengeance with all of her might.
She's condemned many a civilization,- to death for its foolish digressions,
you'd think that after a few thousand years,
- her work would have taught humans a lesson.
What's required of individuals,- goes double for their societies,
they must respect the laws of nature,
- and acknowledge her distinct varieties.
In order for humans to be successful,-they must first obey her laws,
societies should be structured in harmony with nature,
- with as little if any flaws.
This concept transcends both time and space,- it will exist long after I'm gone,
when my people comprehend the theory of race,
- we shall indeed have embraced a new dawn.
This is my view of the natural order,- I've described it as best as I can,
I've added suggestions with unflinching sincerity,
- as my innermost nature demands.

* 'The Natural Order" was the first poem featured in a booklet entitled
Ten Poems privately published in 1993. Copyright by Eric Davidson

- RACE AND SOCIAL PROGRESS - As a National Socialist I believe that the universe is
T h e NS Worldview publication is a series o f booklets designed t o governed by Nature's laws. Within this natural
p r o v i d e t h e r e a d e r w i t h an understanding o f t h e basic t e n e t s o f environment our White or Aryan' race emerged and by
National Socialist philosophy and its applications. T h e series continuing to struggle was able to secure our existence
expounds upon the views and attitudes maintained by t h e
and advance our interests.
adherents o f National Socialism five decades after t h e death o f
As a National Socialist I recognize that it is this
t h e Leader, A d o l f H i t l e r , t h e personality t o w h o m this series is
dedicated. progressive struggle which is necessary for the continued
survival and improvement of our race. I further
NS W o r l d v i e w # 2 acknowledge that the interests of our race take
C o p y r i g h t S u m m e r 1995/106 precedence over all other issues.
By Eric Davidson
As a National Socialist I understand that by adhering
All rights r e s e r v e d .
to this philosophy I am bound by duty and honor and am
Contributions such as articles, photographs and/or artwork are submitted at responsible for my subsequent actions.
the contributors own risk and should be accompanied by appropriate credits
and captions. All contributions and inquiries should be directed to: Mr. E.D., <^
P.O. Box 21026, Long Beach, CA 90801 U.S.A. Some of the opinions
expressed in the interviews and articles may not necessarily reflect those of THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST SYMBOL
the editor. Some comments and symbols found within the pages of this National Socialists utilize many symbols which signify
publication may be restricted by local laws. The publisher disclaims liability
for any damages which may occur as a result of the possession of this different things. The primary symbol which represents
publication. the National Socialist philosophy itself is called the
swastika^. The swastika is an ancient Aryan solar symbol
Table of Contents which represents the dynamic creative forces at work
National Socialist Worldview within the universe and those inherent within our race.
Issue # 2 Summer 1995/106
' Aryan - This term is derived from the ancient Indo-European
language called Sanskrit. The word "Aryan" means "noble" and is used
Editorial page 2
to describe White people of European lineage who have no
T h e C o s m o s and Physics page 4
measurable amount of non-White ancestry.
I n t e r v i e w w i t h Ernst Z u n d e l (part 2) page 10
^ The swastika is composed of two lines of equal length which
Propaganda/Personal A p p e a r a n c e page 18
intersect forming a cross. The four ends of the cross are then bent at
V i e w s in V e r s e back c o v e r
right angles.
On the cover of NS Worldview#2: Photo of the planet Earth taken from outer
space. (Photo: NASA)

S u m m e r 1995/106 NS W o r l d v i e w / 1

EDITORIAL either alone with miniatures of which I had colleaed an abundance

of or else with the other kids in the neighborhood, who would
Your editor doesn't recollect much about his birthplace, a partake in little staged scenarios. None of us had experienced the
hospital's birth certificate and family identify the place as Wichita. devastation of war first hand and aaed out our parts until
Kansas which is located in the center of the United States. I was exhausted or distracted by girls or the prospect of mischief or
the youngest of five children... and with four older sisters, it wasn't both. The swastika, that hooked cross design which had fascinated
necessary to whine to get the attention that babies require. My me to no end, began appearing on some of my school papers as
parents were aging, my father was forth-five. my mother only four early as the third grade... nothing super large but simply little
years younger when she gave birth for the final time. They had scrawlings in the corners of the pages. This drew little concern
met during the Second World War... manufacturing fighter planes from the few elementary school teachers responsible for my
for Lockheed Aircraft. Over the years the family had picked up and education. As the schools I attended were over-crowded public
moved from place to place and like many people did so out of ones, the teachers had little time to focus their attention on any
economic necessity or wanderlust. one particular student and besides... larger problems were
I was barely a year old when we moved to Tucson. Arizona. looming on the horizon.
My father, who had remained in the aeronautics/aerospace A busing program involving the physical relocation of Black
industry, would spend the next twenty years working with Hughes youth from the inner city had been engineered by the U.S.
Aircraft on a variety of projeas and it was his employment that government and the little (predominantly White) elementary
drew us to the Southwest. The stay in Tucson was a short one. In school I had been attending wasn't spared. Chants of, "Here come
1963 we relocated to Los Angeles. California. It was while residing the nigger buses! Here come the nigger buses!" resounded across
here that the majority of my childhood experiences took place... in the school grounds as the large yellow vehicles pulled up to
so far as I can recall. I was no longer the infant restricted to a crib deposit their contents outside the chainlink fence near the school's
covered with fishing net to prevent my escape and bruises from entrance. In those days, the volume of non-White integration in
the ensuing fall. I had learned to walk and run and a day never the schools (at least the one's I attended) was still relatively small...
went by that I didn't exercise these skills to the fullest. Television probably about 2 0 % . This non-White percentage was primarily
was introduced to me for the first time and what intrigued me the composed of Asians, South Pacific Islanders, Negroes. Mestizos
most were the movies depiaing war. During the I960's. there and dusky Levantines. The Asian and Island kids were mostly
were no shortages of war films and programs on the TV screen... composed of Japanese and Chinese with a sprinkling of Hawaiians.
Hollywood and the news media saw to that. It was in this medium This was prior to the collapse of South Vietnam and so the
that I was first introduced to glimpses of National Socialism. presence of Southeast Asians virtually was nonexistent.
This fascination I had for war was refleaed in my behavior as a It was during this period that racial differences were really
child. I loved to draw and paint and my parents encouraged this by presented to me for the first time. This was somewhat of a change
keeping me supplied with the proper utensils and reams of for me as all of the kids in my neighborhood had been White. At a
newsprint. From this came "battlescapes" and diagrams of the very early age I was one of millions who received a "crash course"
weapons of war and individuals in combat. When I wasn't watching in race relations. I didn't realize it at the time, but this would be
the violence on the tube or doodling. I was engaged in war games, one of the major influences affecting my life and outlook. ED

2/NS Worldview Summer 1995/106 Summer 1995/106 NS Worldview/3

THE COSMOS & PHYSICS continues to grow with our knowledge of the cosmos. (The term
"cosmos" is a Greek word which refers to the consideration of the
For thousands of years, our race has looked towards the universe as being a harmonious and orderly system).
horizon to witness countless sunrises and sunsets... has gazed at For hundreds of years, the sun, moon and stars were used to
the sky and into the vastness of outer space. These and other assist mariners when traversing the seas. A device called an
manifestations of nature have always been regarded by our people "astrolabe" was used by the Greeks and another device which in
with the deepest respect and have held the attention and provided appearance looked like a sundial (a sort of "solar sector") was used
inspiration for artists and philosophers alike. Aryan explorers and to navigate by the Vikings. These were later replaced by an
scientists have struggled to discover and understand more about instrument called the "sextant" and accompanied with the magnetic
the universe in which we live. It is these great pioneers to whom compass which indicated geographic direction based upon the
we owe much gratitude for providing us with the tremendous earth's magnetic field.
volume of information and insight relative to nature and the natural The era of the Middle Ages (476 AD to the late I400's) was
order... the basis for of our worldview. followed by the Renaissance period. It was during this time (the
Among the ancient Indo-European peoples, instinct, personal fifteenth to seventeenth centuries) that a great revival in the arts,
experience, observation, and legend formed attitudes regarding literature and learning occurred. Discoveries in all endeavors took
life and creation. What is commonly referred to today as place at a fantastic rate as Aryan civilization continued to ascend
mythology was, to our ancestors, in metaphysical terms, the ladder of progress.
"cosmology"...a philosophy of the universe that attempted to In 1543 (AD) a book was published featuring the writings of a
provide explanations for what was felt and observed in the sky and philosopher from Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). The
upon the earth. The sun was to figure prominently in early beliefs. large volume dealt with the movement of planetary bodies around
Astrology was based upon the observation of stars and activity the sun. This study was controversial for its time as popular beliefs
in space which, through speculation, attempted to reveal and contended that the earth was the center of the known universe.
predict events in human history. The Zodiac (Greek term for This "geo-centric" theory had been founded by Aristotle (384-322
"circle of animals") is a collection of twelve constellations BC), a Greek philosopher almost 2000 years earlier. Even in the
(groupings of stars) in space which are visible from the earth and light of theories of a sun centered universe put forward by Greek
figured prominently in astrological studies. There are several other philosopher, Aristarchus (320-250 BC) the geo-centric theory was
constellations that are visible in the night sky as well. However, for supported by Christians and the Roman Catholic Church since the
the earthbound observer, some of these stars can only be thirteenth century (about 1200 AD). The church was very strong
seen from a specific hemisphere. (In 1930, the International during this period, but since Copernicus died the same year his
Astronomical Union agreed to divide the entire sky into eighty- book was published, he was able to avoid persecution.
eight constellations.) A few years later, a German astronomer, Johannes Kepler
Astronomy is the science of the universe, which includes the (1571 -1630) who had been a student of the Danish astronomer.
study of the sun, planets, stars, etc. and incorporates the origins, Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) formulated three laws of planetary
evolution, composition, motion, positioning and measurements of motion. These dealt with the planets orbits, including movement,
the various bodies in space. Astronomy superseded astrology and location and time periods. Kepler was in communication with an

4/NS Worldview Summer 1995/106 Summer 1995/106 NS Worldview/5

Italian astronomer and physicist, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and as was popular during this period. Today the book is commonly
had passed along information to his colleague, who had already referred to as the Principia.
been making a name for himself with his experiments. The Principia was originally divided into three books and
Galileo and the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561 -1626) included many statistics and various geometric diagrams. Book I
are regarded as the principle founders of the "scientific method"... discussed Newton's three laws of motion. (The first law deals with
a step-by-step way of acquiring, organizing and applying new inertia...stating that an object or entity will move in a straight line
insights and knowledge. Essentially the method was based on a and at a constant speed until something acts upon it. The second
few simple steps. I) Identify or recognize a problem. 2) Form a law states that when something is acted upon by a constant force it
hypothesis (an educated guess or proposition). 3) Attempt to will move with constant acceleration, acceleration increases as
predict the consequences of the hypothesis. 4) Perform force increases and decreases as mass increases. The third law
experiments to test the predictions. 5) Formulate a general rule explains that for every action there is an equal reaction. These
based on the three main elements (hypothesis, prediction and were the laws which dealt with "causality" and reinforced the
experimental outcome). principle of "cause and effect". In Book II, Newton described his
Galileo was able to make many observations with a telescopic theories regarding fluids and their motion. This would not prove as
instrument he constructed based on models created in Holland popular as the study in Book III in which he outlined his theories on
(but which had only previously been used horizontally for military universal gravitation. Additionally, N e w t o n had written of how the
purposes). With his telescope, Galileo scanned the surface of the moon effected the tides and also of equinoxes. H e later published
moon, and also viewed the sun and observed sunspots changing an important study on optics and mathematics.
position showing that the sun rotated on an axis. Galileo was Newton's work was to influence experimentation in the years
prosecuted by the Church because of his beliefs which were in to follow. The discovery of electricity and research into heat, light,
today's terms "politically incorrea". Although Galileo was forced to sound and magnetic phenomena had a profound effect on
recant his findings by the Inquisition in 1633, his discoveries which technology. By 1930 all of the planets in the solar system had been
had created such controversy were quietly being recognized by a discovered. Gravitation it was found, was truly universal and
growing scientific community. formed an integral part of nature and the cosmos.
Ironically enough, the year Galileo died, another brilliant Aryan "Natural philosophy" had been the study of nature's riddles. As
would come along and continue to shed light on nature and her answers to these were acquired, they were grouped into a new
mysteries. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was born, raised and system entitled "science". Today the sciences are split between the
attended school in England where he showed an aptitude for study of living and non-living things (life sciences and physical
building mechanical things such as windmills and "water clocks". sciences). "Physics" forms the base for all of science. Physics deals
Nev\rton entered Cambridge University in 1661 and was with motion, forces, energy, matter, heat, sound, light and the
tutored by Isaac Barrow, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. interior of atoms. (Atoms, when joined together, form larger
From 1665 to 1667 Newton developed his "fluxions" (a type of particles called molecules, which in turn combine to form matter).
calculus) and experimented with light. In 1669 Newton took over The topic of physics would be incomplete without mentioning
Barrow's post. In 1687 Newton published The Mathematical the phenomenon of Albert Einstein (1879-1955). Einstein was a
Principles of Natural Philosophy which was originally written in Latin Jew born in Germany and as a child received schooling among

6/NS Worldview Summer 1995/106 Summer 1995/106 NS Worldview/7

n o n - J e w i s h A r y a n s . A l t h o u g h his p a r e n t s n o r h e h i m s e l f p r a c t i c e d s u p e r s e d e d by the "space race". T h e Soviet U n i o n w a s successful

the atypical o r t h o d o x w a y s of t h e religious Jew, Einstein inherited i n s e n d i n g t h e first s a t e l l i t e i n t o o r b i t i n 1 9 5 7 . T h e U . S . . a s s i s t e d b y

the characteristics of the biological Jew which became more s u c h p e r s o n a l i t i e s as G e r m a n r o c k e t p i o n e e r W e r n h e r V o n Braun

p r o f o u n d w i t h age. (1912-1977). together with massive financing, e x c e l l e d in t h e field

In h i s t e e n s , E i n s t e i n g o t h i m s e l f e x p e l l e d f r o m s c h o o l and of space exploration. The first successful lunar landing by a

after r e n o u n c i n g his G e r m a n c i t i z e n s h i p , w e a s e l e d his w a y i n t o a m a n n e d U.S. spacecraft o c c u r r e d in 1969 a n d w a s f o l l o w e d by

s c h o o l in S w i t z e r l a n d . H e eventually a c q u i r e d S w i s s c i t i z e n s h i p b u t several o t h e r s . T h e e r a o f t h e "space age" h a d b e g u n .

was exempt from mandatory military service "on medicaJ As a result of natural forces, social upheaval enveloped the
g r o u n d s " . Later, an associate f r o m s c h o o l "pulled strings" t o get g l o b e in t h e last q u a r t e r o f t h e t w e n t i e t h c e n t u r y i n c l u d i n g the
h i m a j o b at t h e S w i s s P a t e n t O f f i c e i n 1 9 0 2 . territories of the major super powers. Space exploration would

E i n s t e i n h e l d h i s p o s i t i o n at t h e P a t e n t O f f i c e u n t i l 1 9 0 7 . H i s c o n t i n u e . . . b u t at a r e d u c e d p a c e . F o r all t h e a d v a n c e m e n t s m a d e i n

job t h e r e apparently b e c a m e quite w a s f r o m h e r e that science, little h a d been learned by t h e vast majority of Aryan

E i n s t e i n b e g a n " p r o d u c i n g " m a n y o f his scientific r e p o r t s including p e o p l e s w h o r e m a i n e d u n d e r t h e spell of hostile alien influences.

t h e " t h e o r y o f relativity". A i d e d by t h e r e p o r t s a n d s o m e i m p o r t a n t
political c o n n e a i o n s ("kosher" Social D e m o c r a t s ) , Einstein s k i p p e d
u p t h e l a d d e r o f s u c c e s s , o b t a i n i n g t e a c h i n g p o s t s at S w i s s and
G e r m a n u n i v e r s i t i e s . B y 1 9 1 3 h e ' d a c c e p t e d a p o s i t i o n as d i r e c t o r
of t h e K a i s e r W i l h e l m Institute f o r P h y s i c s in B e r l i n . B e t w e e n t h e
t i m e E i n s t e i n a r r i v e d at t h e i n s t i t u t e a n d h i s r e m o v a l i n 1 9 3 3 ( t h e
y e a r N a t i o n a l Socialists g a i n e d p o w e r in G e r m a n y ) , Einstein had
the opportunity to engage in international politics...pacifism,
socialism and Z i o n i s m . Einstein was o n e of several undesirable
types t o leave G e r m a n y during the 1 9 3 0 ' s a n d e a r l y '40's. L o a d e d
w i t h i n f o r m a t i o n a n d b e n t o n r e v e n g e , t h e y a r r i v e d in t h e U.S. a n d
w e r e i n f l u e n t i a l w i t h t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e first a t o m i c w e a p o n s .
(In 1938 atomic fission had been discovered by the German
physicist O t t o H a h n , l 8 7 9 - I 9 6 8 ) . Unfortunately for t h e Jews and
their friends, Germany's capitulation near the e n d of the Second
W o r l d W a r c a m e b e f o r e t h e U.S. had p r e p a r e d a t o m i c bombs. ..." In it's e s s e n c e , t h e N a t i o n a l S o c i a l i s t i d e a e x c e e d s n o t o n l y
J a p a n h o w e v e r , w a s d e f e a t e d b u t h a d y e t t o s u r r e n d e r . In 1 9 4 5 t h e G e r m a n y a n d o u r t i m e , but t h e A r y a n r a c e a n d m a n k i n d itself a n d
U . S . g o v e r n m e n t set o f f a t o m i c b o m b s in J a p a n , e n d i n g t h e w a r . a n y e p o c h ; it u l t i m a t e l y e x p r e s s e s t h a t m y s t e r i o u s and unfailing

Following the world war. the "United Nations" was formed. wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the

T h e Soviet U n i o n "acquired" the technology for the atomic b o m b , impersonal w i s d o m of the primeval forest and of the ocean depths

a d d i n g substantial t e n s i o n t o t h e " C o l d W a r " b e t w e e n t h e capitalist a n d o f t h e s p h e r e s in t h e d a r k fields of space..." -Savitri Devi,

and communist "super powers". Eventually, the C o l d W a r was The Ughtning and the Sun

8/NS Worldview Summer 1995/106 Summer 1995/106 NS Worldview/9

live... it begins with you, only you can 1 0 0 % guarantee that you
INTERVIEW WITH ERNST ZUNDEL, PART 2 yourself remain clean. Self control and self mastery are the most
important things.
The following is the second half of a two part interview with Mr. Ernst
W e must begin to hone our skills in virtually everything that w e
Zundel which was conducted via telephone with the editor on April
do, be it thinking, working or speaking. All of the older values that
18, 1995. Since the initial time of the interview. Mr. Zundel has been
used to be important to the Aryan race like... being able to make a
active by pronnoting. among other things, his cable-access television
deal on a handshake, "A man's w o r d is his bond", etc. All these
program. "The Voice of Freedom". Recently, Mr. Zundel's home in
qualities w e can foster in ourselves. It really costs nothing, except
Toronto, Canada, suffered considerable damage after being set on fire.
that we, who are a little older take the time to point out to young
The destruction was believed to have been caused by anti-racist
people that this, at one time, was the code by which our race lived
reactionaries, however this has not been confirmed as of the time we
by. W e didn't have the hordes of Jewish lawyers writing up fifty
go to print. Addtionally, Mr. Zundel has received several personal
page contracts which are broken as soon as the ink dries.
threats and a letter bomb through the mail. Over the past several
years, Mr. Zundel has spent a considerable amount of time in jail for
NSW) In your family, were you the only child?
his pro-race activities and in spite of all adversity, remains undaunted
EZ) No, there were six children, all of us are still alive, I was the
and continues on with the struggle.
oldest boy with four sisters, three older and one younger as well
as a younger brother.
NSW) As this publication is being written and directed primarily
towards the youth, would you care to comment on the youth of today?
NSW) During the first half of the interview, you spoke of your move
EZ) National Socialist thinking is very much geared to the youth
from Germany to Canada and marriage. You also stated you obtained
because the youth, of course, are the bearers of tomorrow. All of
your first copy of Hitler's book. Mein Kampf What year was that?
us "old fogies" that are over thirty, forty or fifty... we're basically
EZ) Nineteen hundred and sixty. By 1961 I was well on my way to
history, you know. All w e can do is ensure that young people get
certainly becoming and admirer of Adolf Hitler.
nurtured, have a roof over their heads, get a fairly decent
education and a straight outlook on life so that they can, in turn, do
NSW) And so, what happened after this?
the same thing for their children and again their children's children.
EZ) I was lucky enough to get in touch with Savitri Devi. That was
So, having said that, in our democratic societies in our Western
in 1962. O n Horst Wessel's' birthday, she sent me one of her
world, the kinds of temptations that capitalism and these
books and her first letter from France. I then started kind of a
democratic societies have are myriad... recreational drugs, alcohol,
spirited correspondence with her and then, when I was of course
nicotine, television, pornography, etc. turned on to the idea that National Socialism was really the key for
Today's young people have one heck of a tough road to go. Aryan survival and that Hitler was not the monster that the Jewish
The only advice that older National Socialists can give to young media had made him out to be, I never looked back. I bought
people is... you are "incorporated". Meaning that you are your own ' Horst Wessel was a Germar) NS Stormtroop leader who bacame a martyr after
president, bookkeeper, medical doctor, policeman and ultimately, being killed by Communists in Berlin in 1930. A song he'd written ("Die Fahne Hoch"
you are totally in charge of your own personality. Young people or "Raise the Banner") became the anthem of the National Socialist German

must first begin a kind of rejuvenation... no matter where you Worker's Party.

lO/NSWorldview Summer 1995/106 Summer 1995/106 NSWorldview/l I

m a n y o f t h e o r i g i n a l s p e e c h e s , l o o k e d at m a n y o f t h e f i l m s that
castes' o f t h e Indians. I k n o w today, f r o m Indian p r o f e s s o r s and
w e r e m a d e at t h e t i m e f r o m G e r m a n s w h o h a d a c c e s s t o those
teachers that IVe spoken to, that they have a very keen
things. I bought original tapes f r o m t h e B B C (British Broadcasting
u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f w h a t t h e H i t l e r m o v e m e n t w a s all a b o u t . S o , s h e
C o r p o r a t i o n ) in L o n d o n . . . i n t e r c e p t e d f r o m s h o r t w a v e . . . t o s t u d y
lived there for seventeen years. She, herself, was not Indian...
t h e s e s p e e c h e s in t h e i r original f o r m . O f c o u r s e , w h a t emerged
m a n y p e o p l e m a k e this mistake. She w a s t h e daughter of a G r e e k
f r o m it w a s , w h a t I c a n o n l y c a l l a p h i l o s o p h y o f l i f e o r a d o c t r i n e
sea captain a n d a F r e n c h m o t h e r . S h e s p o k e seven languages. S h e
that I think, is t h e only thing that is g o i n g to save Western
w a s a highly talented a n d v e r y gifted w r i t e r a n d o r a t o r . She w a s a
civilization. T h e r e are only a f e w things that n e e d t o b e improved
g r e a t t e a c h e r a n d h e r b o o k c a l l e d "The Ughtning and the Sun" and
because National Socialism, after all, w a s and is a l i v i n g thing
a n o t h e r o n e c a l l e d "The Pilgrimage" are the t w o standard works
b e c a u s e it d e a l s w i t h l i v i n g t h i n g s c a l l e d p e o p l e . O n e o f t h e t h i n g s
d e a l i n g w i t h N a t i o n a l S o c i a l i s m . I t h i n k The Lightning and the Sun is
which we already touched upon was religion... the Christian
i m p o r t a n t b e c a u s e it g i v e s a c o s m i c o u t l o o k a n d a q u a s i religious
religion. T h e Concordat that Hitler signed w h i c h I think was a
understanding of National Socialism.
tactical thing r a t h e r than a strategic thing... h e n e e d e d t o have
d o m e s t i c p e a c e . W e d o n ' t h a v e t o w o r r y a b o u t that in t h e U n i t e d
NSW) How long were you in communication with her?
S t a t e s a n d C a n a d a o r in t h e W e s t e r n w o r l d b e c a u s e t h e c h u r c h e s
E Z ) R i g h t u p until h e r d e a t h . I w e n t t o visit h e r in F r a n c e (in 1968)
have b e c o m e largely irrelevant. W h i t e p e o p l e , generally speaking,
a n d after s h e r e t u r n e d t o India f r o m F r a n c e , I sent c o u r i e r s over
w i t h t h e e x c e p t i o n o f t h e " C h r i s t i a n Right"... m a y b e t h e 1 0 % o f t h e
there w h o made taped interviews with her... s o I have hours
r a d i c a l " B o r n A g a i n " C h r i s t i a n e l e m e n t . . . t h e r e s t o f o u r s o c i e t y is
w o r t h of tape. A f t e r w a r d s , she r e t u r n e d t o E u r o p e . . . I n e v e r lost
basically "value neutral" I would venture to say. I have seen
contact with her.
statistics that indicate that the majority of (North) Americans
b e l i e v e t h a t t h e r e is l i f e a f t e r d e a t h , a n d a l s o r e i n c a r n a t i o n . A n d s o ,
m a n y o f t h e s e p e o p l e t h a t h a v e left t h e c h u r c h a r e s e a r c h i n g f o r a N S W ) Prior to the interview, you mentioned something with regards

n e w k i n d o f s p i r i t u a l h o m e . I t h i n k t h a t N a t i o n a l S o c i a l i s m , as a to her writings?

p h i l o s o p h y o f life, c a n b e s a i d t o b e t h e r e l i g i o n o f b l o o d a n d s o i l . E Z ) I h a v e t h e c o p y r i g h t s t o all h e r w o r k s .

NSW) You're undoubtedly familiar with the photos of Savitri Devi with
NSW) You stated you were in contact with Savitri Devi. Can you
her swastika earrings displayed. Stories have it that she sported these
briefly summarize who she was, for the benefit of our readers.
in postwar Germany... in spite of the laws forbidding the display of
EZ) Savitri Devi was a very interesting woman. She spent
such symbols.
s e v e n t e e n y e a r s in India t r y i n g t o b r i n g t h e m e s s a g e o f Hitler's
E Z ) S h e g o t i n t r o u b l e f o r it w h e n s h e l i f t e d h e r s a r i a n d s o m e b o d y
teachings t o t h e Indian masses, w h i c h of c o u r s e w a s like "casting
s a w it. N o t o n l y t h a t . . . s h e c a m e f r o m I n d i a b y s t e a m e r (ocean
pearls before swine" because these people w e r e of such diverse
liner) a n d she b r o u g h t t w o big t r u n k s of p r o p a g a n d a w i t h her...
racial b a c k g r o u n d s . Hitler's teachings, of c o u r s e , w e r e totally alien
' Caste - Refers to the socio-religious rank structure established by Aryan tribes in
t o t h e m but yet, that's w h e r e s h e lived a n d s o s h e t h o u g h t she India about 500 B.C. The rank system was established in a vain attenipt to maintain
c o u l d c o n v e r t t h e s e Indian m a s s e s t o N a t i o n a l S o c i a l i s m . W h a t s h e a racial hierarchy in the wake of race-mixing which eventually led to the collapse of
did was influence a great many Indian Brahmans... the higher the ancient White civilization.

12/NS W o r l d v i e w Summer 1995/106 Summer 1995/106 MS Worldview/13

NSW) We understand these symbols were used frequently to
leaflets with swastikas on them and so on. So, she of course
announce births and in the obituaries in German newspapers... but no
wanted to rekindle the spirit in occupied Germany and from her
train compartment heaved out through the windows these fistfuls
EZ) Unfortunately, to the eternal shame of the German people,
of leaflets as the train was speeding through Germany from station
they had allowed the Allies to obliterate and kind of remove from
to station. As luck would have it, one of these pamphlets was
their consciousness virtually all the old symbols and what they
blown through a window a little further down in the train and in it
stood for. I think that... I wouldn't be at all wrong in saying that
was a British Jew w h o was also an Occupation police official. The
there are undoubtedly more conscious National Socialists and
train was halted in the next station, a thorough check was made
people who profess an admiration for National Socialism in the
and eventually they found out that she had done it. She was
United States than there would be in all of Germany.
arrested in Germany and spent I think a year and a half in a
German jail for Nazi propaganda. Even though she was not a
German, she was. I think, a French or Greek subject at the time. NSW) Were in you ever in touch with George Lincoln Rockwell?
EZ) Yes, I spoke with him over the telephone and we
NSW) The I960's sound like an exciting time for you. corresponded. I never met him in person.
EZ) The sixties was for everyone in the Western world a kind of
"decade of hope"... it looked like a new beginning for us again in NSW) Was this before or after he started his party?
the United States... certainly gave everybody that impression... EZ) It was during the time he had his party going. As a matter of
Europe was rebuilding and Germany was finding its own stride fart, in one way through a coincidence, I inherited a library from a
again economically. It was a good time to be a young man and to German-American author w h o was going to let Rockwell inherit it.
I ended up getting it at about the time Rockwell was assassinated.'
be alive and I made the most of it... studying at the university at
night, "made no bones" about my admiration for Adolf Hitler, and
whenever I engaged myself politically I really gave people National NSW) What was the author's name?
EZ) He was a very famous National Socialist German-American by
Socialism without the swastika.'
the name of Ernest F. Elmhurst. H e was the author of the book
that made huge waves in the '30's and 40's and it was called "The
NSW) Hmm, a very popular symbol at the time was the peace sign, as
World Hoax".
you're well aware, which people still don't understand today is a kind
of death rune with a circle around it.
NSW) After the '60's... what then?
EZ) Yes, if you see pictures of the Second W o r l d W a r and of
EZ) I had made a lot of money because of my artwork and through
German war cemeteries or of German nurses... you will see that
my commercial art and its use in advertising with large
on the nurses cap there is the "peace" symbol the other way
corporations and was able to travel the world. When I came back
'round... like a "stickman" with the arms outreached... that is the
from Europe from one of these trips, I decided that since the
sign of life. As with the "peace" sign it is just the other way
political avenues were kind of closed to me (the Canadians denied
around... the sign of death.
George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party was assassinated in
' The detractors of National Socialism have always propounded that NS philosophy,
Arlington, Virginia on August 25, 1967 by a former party member, John Patler.
identifiable by it's swastika synibol, is "wicked" or "evil".

Summer 1995/106 NSWorldview/15

14/NSWorldview Summer 1995/106
m e citizenship)... I had t o d e v o t e m y energies and m y m i n d to
something else. This is why I became more active in the (Left) Ernst Zundel, from a
revisionist' field. widely circulated photo from
the mid-W's. Mr. Zundel
N S W ) Can you tell us a little about your revisionist activities? frequently wore a construction
EZ) My first b o o k l e t t h a t I p u b l i s h e d . . . as a p u b l i s h e r , w a s t h e - helmet to protect himself from
trail blazing b o o k l e t c a l l e d "The Auschwitz Lie"... i t s first English the rain of projectiles which fell
t r a n s l a t i o n . I t h e n p u t o u t "Did Six Million Really Die?". I put out as a result of exposure to anti-
some booklets by Dr. Up who had published 'The Six Million racist reactionaries.
Swindle". F r o m then o n I w r o t e newsletters and also w r o t e some (Below) A Revisionist sticker
b o o k s o n flying s a u c e r s d u r i n g t h a t t i m e w h i c h w e r e r e a l l y , s t r i c t l y , and an ad for radio programs
k i n d of tactical m a n e u v e r s t o get m y s e l f o n television a n d r a d i o talk produced by Mr. Zundel.
s h o w s t o discuss revisionism and N a t i o n d Socialism.

N S W ) Can you tell us about your involvement with the Institute for
Historical Review?
E Z ) W h e n t h e Institute f o r H i s t o r i c a l R e v i e w w a s f o u n d e d in 1979,
I w a s t h e r e w i t h a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 0 0 o t h e r s at t h e c o n v e n t i o n in
Los Angeles, California. From that moment on of course,
revisionism had a kind of international f o r u m and also a focus. M y
p r o b l e m w a s , I w a s a s t r e e t activist a n d n o t just a b o o k w o r m . . . I
a l w a y s h a d an " o u t r e a c h " p r o g r a m b e c a u s e I didn't b e l i e v e in h i d i n g
in t h e i v o r y t o w e r s of academia. I w a n t e d t o have t h e s e w o n d e r f u l
i d e a s a n d i n f o r m a t i o n s h a r e d w i t h t h e p u b l i c . Y o u c o u l d call m e a
kind of "popularizer" of a n e w kind of National Socialism. Of
c o u r s e , t h e J e w s have said, "He's only a revisionist... b e c a u s e he
w a n t s t o b e a N a t i o n a l S o c i a l i s t . " In o n e w a y t h e y ' r e r i g h t . . . I s a y , "VOICE OF FREEDOM"
we first have t o explain a w a y this aspect that N a t i o n a l Socialism
Shortwave at 15.G75 Mghz at 4pm E T
led t o the m u r d e r of six million Jews... the near g e n o c i d e of a Ev. G e r m a n - Ev. Sun, in English
p e o p l e as t h e y c l a i m . T h i s o f c o u r s e is a l o t o f p r o p a g a n d a a n d it's English - U S + C a n . Westcoast each
Friday 10 P M on K V E G A M B4n
n o t t r u e , s i m p l y a lie... a p r o p a g a n d a lie o f o u r p o l i t i c a l d e t r a c t o r s . English - IVIonday to Thursday 10pm C T
I'm h a p p y t o s a y t h a t w i t h i n t h e n e x t f e w y e a r s , t h a t l i e w i l l c o m e at K X E L 1540 A M W a t e r l o o Iowa

crashing d o w n and National Socialism will be looked at as an ERNST ZUNDEL

206 Carton SLTonDnto, On. Canada MSA 2L1
option by most thinking people. Tel: (416) 922-9850
' Revisionism is a movement dealing v/ith the reevaluation of conventional history.

16/NSWorldview Summer 1995/106 Summer 1995/106 NS Worldview/17

PART 2: Personal Appearance

In the previous issue of NS Worldviev^, we briefly summarized the

use of one's personal appearance as a means of propagating National
Socialist ideology. The following pages are composed of a selection of
diagrams and photographs dealing with this subject matter. Much of
the material displayed had been transferred directly from catalogs
which had been made available to racial activists via mail order.
(Ahove) NS jewelry in the
(Right) The lead vocalist form of swastika stick pins.
from a White Power rock-n-
roll skinhead band executes
a straight arm salute. The (Right) National Socialists in
salute symbolizes a re- uniform reappeared in the
awakening of Aryan will and I960's with George Uncoln
self-determination. Rockwell's American Nazi
Party. A variety of uniform
styles would flourish for over
(Below) The tattoo phenomenon has spread throughout various
subcultures and has entered the mainstream. Tattoos have proven to T-shirts imprinted with pro-NS designs
be an effective tool in promoting one's beliefs. (Photos: stood & Honor)
began to serve the struggle in the wake of
a more decentralized strategy. (Left) An
early shirt from the 1960's. (Relow & next
page) Various designs from the 70's - 90's.



18/NS Worldview Summer 1995/106 Summer 1995/106 NS Worldview/19

By the Editor*

What is the natural order,- or what does it mean, "to be"?

To some it conjures up images,
- in this poem I'll describe what I see.
Behold, it's the infinite universe,- darkness broken by distant lights,
one of these stars I close upon,
- squint-eyed yet retaining my sight.
The orb's brightness is quite incredible,- so intensely is it glowing
closer to its surface I'm able to see,
- which way its flames are flowing.
Circumscribed within its brilliance,- emitting heat against the cold,
arms of fire are turning merrily,
- clockwise in tones of gold.
Orbiting this sun are several spheres,- quickly I rush past two,
approaching the third I can see quite clear,
- It's a magnificent shade of blue.
At this one I take a closer look,- and make a thorough examination,
toxins have entered its atmosphere,
-1 can see by the discoloration.
Most of the planet appears under water,
- with a number of scattered land masses
there's frozen regions, forests and mountains,
- deserts and savannas with grasses.
There's something else down there as well,- it's jungles I neglected to mention,
not just the green ones around the center,
- but gray ones with asphalt extensions.
Included with plant life are animals,- which inhabit this sapphire globe,
they're sub-divided into various species,
- from large whales to tiny microbes.
Inside of this animal kingdom,- are groups which are referred to as humans,
how they arrived there is often debated,-
and often the debtors leave fumin'.
Some humans base their outlook on fiction,
- while others base their outlook on facts,
some even attempt a combination of both,
- and wind up being labeled as "quacks".
In spite of their differing viewpoints,- these creatures maintain racial packs,
sporting their colors as nature intended,
Photo: R. Hoy
- tones of white, yellow, red, brown and black.

20/NS Worldview Summer 1995/106

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