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10 idiomów
Oliwia Trójniak

Bee Smart - Centrum Korepetycji

Przed Tobą 10 angielskich
Naucz się ich, a następnie
przjedź do wykonania
a bull in china shop
słoń w składzie porcelany
He was like a bull in
a china shop running
across that room.
a piece of cake
bułka z masłem
That exercise
was a piece of
donkey's years
całe wieki
She's been in the same job for
donkey's years.
4shed crocodile tears
wylewać krokodyle łzy
Ania wasn't really hurt, but she
shed crocodile tears anyway.
5 rain cats and dogs
leje jak z cebra
Yesterday it was
raining cats and
dogs so we had to
take our umbrellas.
6 be as cool as a cucumber
zachowywać stoicki spokój

Robert felt nervous,

but he acted as cool as
a cucumber.
7 kick the bucket
kopnąć w kalendarz
I am never going
sky diving, I’m
too young to
kick the bucket!
8 gym rat
maniak fitnessu
My sister is at the
gym everyday.
She'll be a gym rat!
9 have egg on one’s face
wyjść na durnia
Olga had egg on her face after saying she
could do twenty squats, and then giving
up after doing just three.
10 feel like a fish out of water
czuć się nieswojo
I felt like a fish out of water there.
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4 Psssst! Tu też

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