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Hi everyone! Today, Naima and I want to talk about a crucial issue: Electronic Waste,
or E-Waste. We'll tell you why it's a big deal and share some ideas about how we
can help.

I. Understanding Planned Obsolescence

Planned obsolescence is when a product is manufactured by planning its useful life;
in other words, purposefully establishing a time in which it will artificially stop working
correctly, needing to be repaired or replaced.

ll. Problems and Causes

Consumerism and Profit Motive:
Tech companies benefit from constant consumer upgrades, a strategy that fuels
profits through the regular purchase of new products.

Environmental Impact:
Improper disposal of electronic devices leads to environmental hazards, with toxic
pollutants harming ecosystems and contributing to the global issue of electronic

Quality Compromises:
Manufacturers intentionally compromise product quality, using suboptimal materials
and limiting repairability to ensure a shorter lifespan and drive more frequent

III. Possible solutions

Consumer Awareness:
Raising consumer awareness is vital; informed choices and understanding the
consequences of constant upgrades can drive a shift towards more sustainable
consumption habits.

Regulation and Legislation:

Advocating for regulations and legislation against planned obsolescence is crucial to
holding companies accountable, ensuring ethical practices, and promoting product

Invest in Sustainable Tech Brands:

"Making the choice to invest in sustainable tech brands supports companies
committed to durability, repairability, and longer product lifespans, contributing to a
more environmentally friendly and responsible tech industry."

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