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Name: Marshall Walker

White-collar crimes are non-violent crimes driven by money, usually committed by

people in positions of trust and power. These crimes often involve trickery, scams, or
breaking trust. The culture within a company plays a big role in shaping the ethical
choices of its employees. It sets the standard for what’s okay and what’s not, defining
the values and attitudes that guide employees. If a company values money over ethics,
it can create an environment where dishonest behavior is more likely to happen,
especially if personal gain is the main motivator.

There are several things a company can do to encourage employees to make ethical
decisions. First, promoting openness and honesty allows employees to speak up about
concerns or report dishonest activities without fear of punishment. Also, having a
strong set of ethical guidelines that align with legal and societal standards can help
employees make the right choices. Focusing on employee happiness, fairness, and
responsibility also helps create a positive ethical environment.

For a company to be held legally responsible for what their employees do, the
employee’s actions must be intended to benefit the company or increase personal gain
that ultimately helps the company. This means that the employee’s actions were part
of their job responsibilities, and they were acting for the company. The company can
be held accountable if it’s proven that the actions were done with the intention of
helping the organization in some way.

In short, a company’s culture has a big impact on the ethical choices of its employees,
and a positive ethical environment can be created through openness, strong ethical
guidelines, employee happiness, and responsibility. For a company to be held legally
responsible for an employee’s actions, those actions must be intended to benefit the
company or increase personal gain that indirectly helps the organization.

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