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Activity 23/10/23k

Yolanda Simonee Valencia Campeche
Julio César Guarneros Rebollar

Apply the first 4 skills

1.- Use the background knowledge, what do I know about this topic? Yes

2.- ask questions, while reading this text, write 3 questions that you would like
to know and that are not in the text

1. How has artificial intelligence changed the way companies and industry
approach task automation and decision-making?

2. What are the possible effects of artificial intelligence on employment and

the workforce in the future?

3. What are the ethical and privacy challenges associated with the growing use
of artificial intelligence in society?

3. What is the author’s purpose?

The purpose of the author of the text is to inform readers about the impact of
artificial intelligence (AI) on our world, highlighting both the ways in which AI
is improving our lives and the challenges it poses. The author seeks to provide an
overview of how AI is changing various aspects of society, from decision-making and
the economy to manufacturing and the labor market, and encourage readers to
consider both its benefits and its possible problems.

4.- write the main idea in English

The main idea of the text is that artificial intelligence (AI) is having a
significant impact on our world, transforming various areas of life, such as
decision-making, the economy, manufacturing and the labor market. It is emphasized
that AI is improving the efficiency and quality of many aspects of society, but it
is also warned about potential challenges, such as the possibility of large
companies becoming too powerful, changes in the labor market and the possibility of
increasing inequality. Ultimately, the text emphasizes that AI is an integral part
of our future and its challenges must be addressed to ensure that it is used for
the benefit of all.

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