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Hiram Garcia
OGL 340: Artificial Intelligence: The Human Side
Bill Erwin

Total Word Count: 1502 words


Addressing the Economic/Political AI Issues

My company is a small business focused on automation. The organization's production

is low compared to other companies. According to research on the labor market, small

businesses cannot afford AI implementation because of high costs resulting in less

production, whereas those who implement AI have better results (high production and

low costs in the long run). To maximize efficiency and production, small businesses

should investigate implementing AI technology, as it has been proven to be beneficial in

the long run. The following survey supports the results mentioned: A 2021 McKinsey

global survey on AI also found that AI adoption and value are increasing. McKinsey

found that the number of companies reporting AI adoption in at least one function had

increased to 56%, up from 50% in 2020. More importantly, the survey also indicates that

AI's economic return is growing. The share of respondents reporting at least 5% of

earnings (EBIT) that are attributable to AI has increased to 27%, up from 22% in the

previous survey. Global Survey). This indicates that companies are seeing economic

benefits in investing in AI technology. My company is planning to begin with artificial

intelligence implementations and look for high-quality products. The company needs to

constantly evolve and not stay behind with industry developments. We must invest in

reliable AI technology to ensure that it is taking full advantage of the economic benefits

AI can provide.
My Personal Plan

The company needs to constantly evolve and not stay behind with industry

developments. We must invest in reliable AI technology to ensure that it takes full

advantage of the economic benefits AI can provide. I believe that as a community it is

critical to adapt to these changes. The labor force will be constantly changing with AI.

We must be aware of the potential outcomes of AI and use it to our advantage. "First,

the industry is moving away from just skills in technologies to adding more weightage to

specialist domain knowledge, reflecting the reality where technology is increasingly

driving the business and there is a greater need to build domain expertise. Second,

while technology aptitude will remain the key benchmark, there will be more focus to

hire people who have multi-dimensional capabilities in arts, sciences, business,

innovation, creativity, design and so on to meet future role requirements," (states

Srikanth NR.) This statement gave me so much to think about because as a student, I

need to incline my career path in areas of most demand according to the actual AI


Addressing the Sociological AI Issues

My Organization Plan

As an organization, it is important to be prepared and expect an impact in all areas and

services (manufacturing, automation, education, healthcare, etc.). I'd like to present this

scenario to analyze how AI can be utilized in our jobs. AI can be used to detect plant

damage early through low-altitude sensors, including smartphones and drones, to

improve yields for small farms. With an emphasis on currently vulnerable populations,
these domains involve opening access to economic resources and opportunities,

including jobs, the development of skills, and market information" (McKinsey). It is

important that everyone is aware of what AI entails and what benefits we can take from

those advancements. Lastly, it is essential to identify the negative effects and know how

to overcome them." The future of AI is often framed in dramatic, dystopian visions, like

robots stealing human jobs leading to mass unemployment, or corporations and

governments using powerful technologies for population surveillance. Having worked on

AI for decades, I believe our future will be better for AI, and that many of its flaws reflect

our foibles — and can be prevented."(Kai-Fu Lee).

My Personal Plan

I plan to adapt these technological advancements and integrate my interests into

different areas where I can contribute to AI. There are many job fields in which AI can

be applied. This allows us to choose the one we are most interested in working on. It is

important to do what we enjoy, as there is no need to change our interests. The

community I live in and my family view these AI advancements as an improvement.

Their view is that a degree will allow them to take advantage of opportunities in the

future. As I prepare to graduate in October, the changes in the industries around AI give

me a lot to think about. I'm currently deciding which path to follow (political, social,

justice, etc.). My parents are business owners and they have talked to me about

possible changes in the industry. They explained to me that the process of growth can

sometimes fail. (Anxiety technological development).

Addressing the Psychological AI Issues

My Organization Plan

In my first paper, I remarked that AI has a psychological impact on the workforce and

society. Automation anxiety is one of the problems that has arisen with AI technologies.

The following study reveals the following: "Despite the positive aspects of recent

technological innovations, fears are mounting among workers that machines will

inevitably replace most human jobs in the future. This study is the first to explore the

association between individual-level automation anxiety and insomnia among workers."

The remarkable thing about this study is that automation risk affects collar and non-

collar workers. For people concerned about AI changes, Michal Wojewoda states the

following "Robotic process automation (RPA) will affect jobs in many ways but cannot

fully replace human talent. Even the most creative projections of the nature of

automation in the future do not predict a full replacement of humans." As a company,

we need to ensure our members understand these changes are needed to improve

everyone's satisfaction.

My Personal Plan

Artificial Intelligence is a controversial topic for many people, each group has its own

perspective and its completely fine respect their ideas. I believe that AI has many

positive outcomes, and we should keep allowing these improvements in our lives. My

plan to overcome the psychological impact is to embrace change, adapt, and be

mindful. Sometimes I get concerned about how these changes will look in 10,20,30,
years. I don't feel my career path is being affected much by AI. I believe it's going to

help my future job to make tasks easier.


As a society, we must take advantage of the many benefits artificial intelligence

provides. We can achieve these by staying informed about the topic, how it is affecting

the labor market, etc. As a society, we must make sure AI regulations are being

followed. During this class, I learned that AI is an important topic, and it has the

potential to impact our lives. My company needs to understand how these changes will

impact the labor force. "It is not the technology so much that dictates the moral dilemma

as the human use case involved with the application. The very same algorithm can

serve a variety of purposes, which makes the ethics of decision-making very difficult." It

is important as a company to use these technologies to help others, for example, facial

recognition can be used to find lost people. The variety of purposes AI can be used is

concerning. Google said the following about AI uses: "[For any AI applications] where

there is a material risk of harm, we will proceed only where we believe that the benefits

substantially outweigh the risks, and will incorporate appropriate safety constraints.". As

a leader of an organization, it is important to discuss the ethical issues of the artificial

intelligence application and explore its constraints, companies should also have an AI

code of ethics that aligns with the organization's vision and objectives.

 “Global Survey: The State of AI in 2021 | McKinsey.”,
state-of-ai-in-2021 .

 Lee, Kai-Fu. “AI and the Human Future: Net Positive.” Medium, 20 May 2022,
Accessed 24 Feb. 2023.
 ‌Chui, Michael, et al. NOTES from the AI FRONTIER APPLYING AI for SOCIAL
 ‌“Applying Artificial Intelligence for Social Good.” McKinsey & Company, 2018, icial-intelligence/applying-artificial-
intelligence-for-social-good .

 Min, J.; Kim , Y.; Lee, S .; Jang, T.W.; Kim, I.; Song, J. The fourth industrial
revolution and its impact on occupational health and safety, worker’s
compensation and labor conditions. Saf. Health Work 2019, 10, 400–408.
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 Erebak, S.; Turgut, T. Anxiety about the speed of technological development:
Effects on job insecurity, time estimation, and automation level preference. J.
High Technol. Manag. Res. 2021, 32, 100419.

 Darrell M. West and John R. Allen, “How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the
World,” Brookings Institution report, April 24, 2018 .

 University of Oxford, “Towards a Code of Ethics for AI,” undated.

 Microsoft, “The Future Computed: Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Society,”
2018.Amir Khosrowshahi, “Game Changers: Artificial Intelligence,” testimony
before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Governm
ent Reform, Subcommittee on Information Technology, February 14, 2018 .

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