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Hiram Garcia
Project Management (Leadership
■ As a project manager, it's crucial to have a leadership perspective when it comes to
guiding and coordinating a team. PM goal should be to achieve specific objectives
within a defined timeframe and budget. This means leading a group of individuals with
different skills and roles, aligning them toward a common goal, and ensuring that the
project is executed efficiently while delivering value to stakeholders.
■ Managing a project requires a combination of leadership skills, communication abilities,
and decision-making capabilities. It's essential to adapt to any changes that may arise
while keeping the project's objectives
■ Understanding how scope, resources, and schedule interact and impact the project
management process is crucial for a successful project. The scope defines the goals and
objectives of the project, and the resources determine what is needed to achieve those
goals. The schedule outlines the timeline for completing each step of the project.
Project Manager Competencies
■ A manager who possesses strong leadership and interpersonal skills can effectively
communicate with team members, resolve conflicts, and motivate them to work towards
the project's goals. This can boost team morale and create a positive work environment,
resulting in higher quality work and increased productivity. On the other hand, a
manager who lacks these competencies may struggle to lead the team effectively,
causing confusion and misunderstandings that can lead to decreased morale, lower
quality work, and ultimately, project failure.
■ A project manager's competencies and decisions can have a significant impact on team
morale, quality, and the success of projects. it's crucial for PM to develop and maintain
these competencies to ensure successful project outcomes.
Managing a Project
■ Managing a project team can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can
be done effectively. It's important to consider various factors such as the schedule,
quality of the deliverable, and cost to minimize any potential scope change or
uncertainty. Making appropriate trade-offs is also crucial to ensure that the project is
completed on time and within budget.
■ As we learned in class, these variables are interconnected and adjustments in one area
will affect the others. The project management triangle, made up of scope, cost, and
time, illustrates this connection. By understanding this triangle and making appropriate
trade-offs, project teams can ensure that they deliver high-quality results while keeping
the project on track and within budget
Project Management & Strategic
■ It's important to ensure that projects are selected, planned, executed, and controlled in a
way that aligns with the overarching goals of the organization. This framework involves
the understanding how the project contributes to the company's mission, vision, and
long-term objectives.

■ integrating project management practices with strategic thinking is essential for

maximizing project investments. When projects are aligned with an organization's
strategic goals, they are more likely to deliver tangible value.
Takeaways from the course
■ The importance of the triple constrain : It serves as a fundamental concept that helps
project managers understand and manage the relationships among time, cost, and scope.
the Project Management Triangle is a valuable tool for maximizing project investments
and delivering high-quality results while staying within budget and on schedule.
■ As a project manager, your competencies and decisions can have a significant impact on
team morale, project quality, and overall success. It is important to communicate clearly
with your team, set realistic goals and expectations, and prioritize open communication.
■ In project management, trade-offs are inevitable and can play a crucial role in the
success of a project. As a project manager, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of
different options and make informed decisions that balance competing priorities. For
example, you may need to balance the desire for a high-quality product with the need to
meet a tight deadline or stay within budget constraints. By understanding the
importance of trade-offs and making strategic decisions, you can increase the chances of
achieving project success while maintaining team morale and stakeholder satisfaction.




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