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Foundations of Project Management

A project, is a unique endeavor, and usually includes a set of unique deliverables. It's also a
temporary pursuit. It has a defined beginning and an end.
A project is a series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome. Reaching that
desired outcome takes collaboration and careful planning that keeps the project on track and on
Project management is valuable to businesses because it helps ensure that a project delivers the
expected outcomes, both on time and within budget.
Project managers usually follow a process that involves planning and organizing, managing
tasks, budgeting, controlling costs and other factors. Everything they do helps make sure the
project can be completed on time and on budget. In broad terms, a project manager also needs to
make sure that the project outcome is bringing value to the company.
A project manager's daily responsibilities always include some version of the following, planning
and organizing.
Skills : By now, you might have noticed that you already have some of those skills, like
organizing or planning an event, problem-solving, or even managing a budget, and you use them
effectively in your everyday life.
The more job listings you find, the more buzzwords you'll likely notice, too— words like "data-
driven," "team player," "self-starter."
EXEMPLE : So in my role I've had to practice skills such as: communicating to stakeholders,
managing a budget, managing a project timeline in many different projects within my role. An
example of this could be organizing events for university students that come to Google's campus.
Some common project management-related buzzwords and skills you could include on your
resume are:

Assessing outcomes
Assessing progress
Attention to detail
Conflict resolution
Executing plans
Financial analysis
Impact assessment
Leadership engagement
Managing meetings
Managing client expectations
Managing conflicts
Managing relationships with stakeholders
Managing vendors
Meeting deadlines
Process development
Process improvement
Project coordination
Project implementation
Project initialization
Project planning
Project reporting
Quality control
Risk assessment
Risk management
Solution development
Strategic planning
Strong interpersonal skills
Strong verbal communication
Strong written communication
Project managers shepherd projects from start to finish and serve as guides for their team, using
their impeccable organizational and interpersonal skills every step of the way. As you learned
earlier, project managers usually follow a process that involves planning and organizing,
managing tasks, budgeting, and controlling costs so that the project can be completed within the
approved timeframe.

Project managers add value to their teams and organizations in key ways that include
prioritization, delegation, and effective communication. So let's break these down. First, we'll
discuss prioritization. Project managers add value to their teams and organizations through
effective prioritization of tasks required to complete a project. They're experts at helping team
members identify and break down large tasks into smaller steps. There'll be times when a project
manager may not know which task to prioritize. To determine which ones are the most critical to
the success of the project, they'll connect with their teams and with stakeholders to gather
information and make a plan. Stakeholders are people who are interested in and affected by the
project's completion and success, like the leader of an organization. You've probably used
prioritization to complete work in the past.

Project managers usually follow a process that involves planning and organizing, managing
tasks, budgeting, and controlling costs, and other factors, so that the project can be completed
within the approved budget and timeframe
While there are lots of different skills a project manager can bring to their role, there are four
specific skill sets that we think can help a project manager be successful. Those are enabling
decision-making, communicating and escalating, flexibility, and strong organizational skills.
Project Management
Un proiect este un efort unic și, de obicei, include un set de rezultate unice. Este, de asemenea, o
activitate temporară. Are un început și un sfârșit, deci un proiect este o serie de sarcini care
trebuie îndeplinite pentru a obține un rezultat dorit. Pentru a ajunge la rezultatul dorit
este nevoie de colaborare și de o planificare atentă care să mențină proiectul pe drumul cel bun
și în limitele bugetului. Aici intervine managementul de proiect. Managementul proiectelor este
esențial pentru succesul proiectelor mari și mici.
Managerii de proiect urmează, de obicei,un proces care implică planificarea și organizarea,
gestionarea sarcinilor, bugetarea, controlul costurilor și alți factori. Tot ceea ce fac aceștia
contribuie la asigurarea faptului că proiectul poate fi finalizat la timp și în limitele bugetului. În
linii mari, un manager de proiect trebuie, de asemenea, să se asigure că rezultatul proiectului
aduce valoare pentru companie.
Skills : organizare, planificare, rezolvarea de probleme,luarea decizilor, flexibilitate
Manageri de proiect adauga valuare echipei prin prioritizare, delegare, si comunicare efectiva.

Procesul este: planificare si organizare, rezolvarea taskurilor, a bugetului, controlul costurilor

pentru ca proiectul sa fie complet in timpul alocat.

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