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Олимпиада боюнча ачкычтардын топтому (калыстар тобу үчүн)

Сборник ключей по Олимпиаде (для жюри и вывешивания). II день. English. Районный тур
1. Listening

Audioscript Text “The Eastern Brown Pelican”

The Eastern Brown Pelican is a brownish-gray bird with a large pouch under its beak. Pelicans live in Florida in very
large numbers in the bird preservation area known as Pelican Island.
Pelicans reproduce once a year, laying two to three eggs at a time. The male and female pelicans work together to make
the nest and incubate the eggs. The males collect the building material and the females build the nest. The nests are on
the ground. They incubate the eggs for 28 to 30 days.
It is amazing that Pelican chicks can learn to communicate with their parents while they are still inside the egg. Pelican
chicks make sounds from inside the egg when they are too hot or cold!
Both parents feed and care for their young. They take turns catching fish during the day, and bring the fish back to the
nest, carrying it in their beaks. The young pelicans dip their beaks into the parents’ beaks to get the fish. Baby pelicans
often learn to swim before they learn to fly.

Ключи к Listening:
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. A

1. Grammar and vocabulary

Часть I:

1 B 11 B
2 C 12 C
3 C 13 B
4 B 14 B
5 B 15 C
6 B 16 D
7 C 17 A
8 A 18 D
9 A 19 B
10 C 20 B

Часть II:
1 impressive
2 annually
3 freezing
4 perfectly
5 creations
6 challenging
7 achievement
8 flight/flying
9 unexpected
10 enjoyable
Часть III:
1 formative years
2 divorced
3 brought up
4 foster family
5 upbringing
6 running wild
7 juvenile delinquency
8 responsible
9 siblings
10 well-adjusted

2. Reading Text “Home schooling”

1 I
2 I
3 C
4 C
5 I
6 C
7 C
8 I
9 C
10 C

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