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Grade 9 Loot Bag

Advice from a leader

This will be your final “thing” that you will create for the grade 9’s. You will have
to be creative to create a “loot bag” that contains 5 items. Each item should
represent a message, advice, lesson, reminders to live life by. You may want to
keep in mind the areas of the HAL curriculum (healthy eating, goal setting,
decision making, fitness/activity, safety, resilience, wellbeing, healthy sexuality
and citizenship).
● You will be given a brown paper bag, you will write the name of the grade
9 on the outside
● Inside, you will place 5 items (inexpensive, or things you have in the house)
● You will also type up an explanation, what does this represent and what is
the lesson. Here is an example:

Paper Straw: Have you ever heard of Plastic Island? To think that there are
mountains of plastic waste floating in the ocean and even in the bellies of
magnificent whales is disturbing. Not only do plastics have a detrimental effect on
the environment, we have learned it is terrible for the human body. Changing from a
plastic straw to no straw, or even a paper one may seem miniscule….. But often,
some of our smallest changes can make the biggest impact. Remember to make
good choices for your body and the environment.

Chocolate Loonie: You are not lucky. You are privileged. Your existence here is a
result of someone's hard work and dedication. This should be a reminder to you,
that your success in life will also be a result of your hard work and effort. Not many
people win the lottery… but you can choose to work hard and achieve your goals.

You must include the following at the top of your typed page:
Grade 9’s: _______________________________
Leader: _________________________________
Grade 9’s: Caleigh and Yuchen
Leader: Jacquelyn
Penny: Let the penny, though no longer in use, be a symbol for the valuable
lessons life has to offer. Remember that just as the penny had its time, you will
also have moments of influence and impact. Even if you feel like a small penny in
the vast currency of life, your actions and choices matter. Embrace the idea that
your worth is not measured by external factors but by the positive impact you
can make in the lives of those around you.
Rubber Band: While a rubber band might seem ordinary, its elasticity is a
reminder of your resilience and flexibility in life. Just as a rubber band can
stretch without breaking, you, too, have the capacity to adapt and grow through
challenging situations. One of the most valuable lessons from a rubber band is its
ability to bounce back. Life might stretch you to your limits, but remember, it's
often these stretches that help you discover your strength and capabilities.
Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth; they shape you into a stronger
and more resilient person.
Squishy Peanut: Like the peanut seed that holds the potential for a flourishing
plant, recognize that high school is a place for your personal development. Just as
the peanut seed requires care to blossom, invest time and energy into
understanding yourself, your passions, and your aspirations. Nourish your
growth with resilience, learning, and an open heart, and watch as you transform
into a flourishing individual, ready to embrace the future with strength and
Bouncy Balls: Maintaining a delicate balance between highs and lows is very
important, much like the bounces of a bouncy ball. Acknowledge that the journey
will encompass both highs and lows. Embrace the victories with humility and
gratitude, savouring the moments of achievement, friendship, and personal
growth. Similarly, navigate the lows with resilience, recognizing them as
opportunities for learning and character development. Let the highs propel you
forward, and let the lows be stepping stones, guiding you toward greater
strength and understanding. Origami Crane: The paper crane is a symbol telling
you to embrace the beauty of unfolding. Much like the delicate process of crafting
a paper crane from a flat sheet, your high school years are an unfolding journey
of self-discovery and growth. The paper crane begins as a simple, flat surface, and
through careful folds and intentional shaping, it transforms into a symbol of
grace and beauty. Similarly, view your journey through high school as an
unfolding canvas, waiting for your unique qualities, passions, and talents to take
shape. Embrace the beauty of self-discovery, allowing your individuality to
unfold and flourish.

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