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Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions

Cadet Instructor Cadre/Civilian Instructors
Issued on the Authority of the Commanding Officer

OPI: J35 Deputy Chief Training Officer 2018-06-05

(Left blank intentionally)


1. Congratulations on your selection as a staff member at a Regional Cadet Support Unit

(Northwest) (RCSU (NW)) Cadet Training Centre (CTC)/Cadet Flying Training Centre (CFTC).
RCSU (NW) has consistently provided high calibre training to cadets selected to attend Summer
Training. Every staff member has a critical role in maintaining this high level of training through
leadership, instructional skill, environmental knowledge and professional ethics required of a
Canadian Armed Forces officer, non-commissioned member or civilian instructor. This is a
demanding task and it requires competent and dedicated adult staff.

2. By accepting an appointment you must be prepared to work long hours throughout the
summer period. Those who feel that this routine might be too strenuous and demanding should
carefully consider their decision, as once the CTC is functioning; even one person returning
home puts an increased burden on the remainder, as each and every position is important. On
the other hand, if you approach your duties and responsibilities in a positive manner, you will
experience a most rewarding summer.

3. Whether you are tasked in a training or support role at the CTC each staff member has
the opportunity to have a positive impact on the cadet’s summer experience. When selecting
members we consider their training, experience, and leadership potential. Having been offered
a position is a strong indication that we believe you have the ability and potential to help shape
and guide each cadet while they participate in training.

4. Parents and Guardians place a tremendous amount of trust in each of us when they
allow their cadet to participate in summer training. That’s why it’s important that we always work
to ensure the health and safety of the cadet’s under our care, and ensure that their needs
regarding their training and personal safety is everyone’s priority.

5. After arriving at the CTC, you will participate in indoctrination training. Adjustments to the
initial appointments may be made at this time.

6. At the end of this indoctrination training, you will be briefed on your duties and
responsibilities. These duties will normally be those of the slated position, but secondary duties
may be assigned in addition to your primary ones. While specific duties are scheduled, the CTC
routine operates 24 hours a day. Therefore all staff must be prepared to work irregular hours.


7. The RCSU (NW) J8 Claims Section will arrange transportation to and from the CTC for
adults who belong to RCSU (NW). Adult military staff from outside RCSU (NW) will have their
transportation arranged by their parent unit. You will have received or will soon receive travel
details and your travel claim will be presented to you for signature at the CTC Orderly Room. If
travelling strictly by airline, your electronic ticket and itinerary will be attached. These are your
travel orders and must be followed to ensure that connecting busses/aircraft are not missed.
Your travel order will advise you of the check in time. You are expected to begin travel at the
time indicated on your travel itinerary. If you do not receive your travel orders a minimum two
weeks prior to scheduled departure for employment, you must contact the RCSU (NW) J8
Claims Section at:

a. (800) 842-1851 option 2 – 2;

b. via email at; or

c. for out-of-Region personnel attending a Northwest Region CTC, contact your

applicable region movement staff or unit Orderly Room.

8. If any difficulties occur during travel, members are to contact the RCSU (NW) Transport
Officer at 1 (855) 761-3747.

9. If you are planning to move, or need to change your travel arrangements in any way, the
RCSU (NW) J8 Claims Section must be contacted as soon as possible. All travel arrangements
must be strictly followed. No changes can be made without the authority of RCSU (NW) J8. If
you are delayed or unable to report as ordered, you should contact the RCSU (NW) J8 Claims

10. Due to weight restrictions imposed by commercial carriers it is necessary to strictly limit
baggage weight to a maximum of 50 lbs per person including the return trip. Excess baggage
for the purposes of military duty (such as required kit items) must be identified to RCSU (NW) or
your applicable Movements Officer a minimum of two weeks in advance of your departure in
order to be shipped or reimbursed. If not identified, overweight and excess baggage charges will
be at your own cost. Remember that military personnel can check multiple bags on both Air
Canada and WestJet free of charge when presenting Military ID at time of check-in. Members
will need to see a customer service agent to check their luggage utilizing the military bag policy.

11. Depending on when you need to arrive at your employment centre and where you come
from many different modes of transportation may be used:

a. Private Motor Vehicle (PMV). PMV for personnel attending a CTC may be
authorized in accordance with the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel
Instruction (CFTDTI). If travel to the CTC from the member’s principal residence
is 500 km or less, PMV may be authorized if requested by the member. If travel
to the CTC exceeds 500 km and the member declines the method of transport
selected by the CAF, they may elect to travel PMV. Members who choose to
travel PMV instead of accepting the approved method of transportation (MOT)
shall not be entitled to any benefits as highlighted in the CFTDTI and shall not be
considered “on duty” for their period of travel to/from the CTC;

b. Commercial Bus (Red Arrow, etc). Tickets should be purchased in advance, and
reimbursement requested on your travel claim. In the event that you are unable
to purchase your own ticket, please contact RCSU (NW) J8 Claims Section.
RCSU (NW) will not prepare your bus ticket unless specifically requested. If you
are issued a bus ticket, travel for that ticket will be return. If you do not use the
entire ticket, please return the unused portion to the RCSU (NW) J8 Claims
Section as soon as possible. You should be at the bus depot for check-in no less
than one hour prior to your departure. Phone the bus company prior to the day of
travel to confirm departure times. This is necessary as some bus schedules
change after the itinerary has been confirmed. Upon arrival at the depot, report to
the ticket counter to obtain baggage tags and check the departure gates (if

c. Chartered Bus. A chartered bus will be used if a large number of people must
travel from one area at the same time. A Travel Order will be issued and will

indicate the time and date of your departure, and where and when you report for
check-in. You do not need a ticket to travel on a chartered bus and staff will be
there to assist you. You may be assigned to be the Escort Officer on chartered
modes of transport. If this is the case, you will be advised on your original travel
order. Duties and responsibilities of an escort officer will be sent to you at that
time; and

d. Air Travel. Staff may be booked on a variety of aircraft including commercial

carriers, military, or chartered planes. Reporting time, for air travel is two hours
prior to flight time, regardless of aircraft, whether it be commercial, military, or

12. Baggage. The following are some general guidelines for baggage:

a. baggage must be tagged with identification tags, displaying name, address,

telephone number, and must not exceed 50 lbs;

b. garbage bags, pillowcases, and bags with broken zippers are not acceptable as

c. do not carry breakables in your baggage as we cannot guarantee they will arrive

d. aerosol, liquids, gels are only permitted in carry-on luggage in limited amounts. In
checked luggage the items together cannot exceed: 2L, or 2kg (75 fl. oz.);

e. due to increased security, items considered dangerous are not to be packed in

carry-on luggage. These include items such as nail files, nail clippers, box
cutters, scissors, sewing kits, etc;

f. a full list of permitted and non permitted items allowed on aircraft can be found at
the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority website; and

g. carry-on luggage should be no larger than a school backpack.

13. The Department of National Defence is not financially responsible for lost or damaged
baggage on carriers. In the event of lost baggage while travelling on a commercial carrier (Air
Canada, WestJet, etc) it is the travelling individuals responsibility to report the loss to the
applicable carrier as the financial responsibility rests with the carrier.


14. Always make a checklist of everything in your checked baggage and your carry-on. This
will assist you in filing a claim should it become lost. It will also assist you in your packing
considerations for your next experience at a CTC.

15. Always have your travel orders and identification available.


16. You must have a valid Government Issue photo identification card which includes your
birthdate prior to your departure from home to the CTC.


17. Upon arrival at the CTC, COATS, CIC Officers and Civilian Instructors staff should be in
possession of the following:

a. provincial health certificate;

b. out-of-region staff shall bring their DND 99 Travel Order Form. All RCSU (NW)
personnel will sign theirs during in and out-routine at the CTC;

c. Reserve Force Route Letter (CF 899) (members of RCSU (NW) will have a
Route Letter automatically forwarded on their behalf);

d. NDI 10 Temp ID Card/NDI 20 Permanent ID Card; and

e. DND 404 for personnel whose duties include driving.


18. Dress for members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) will be in accordance with CAF
Dress Regulations. Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) officers will wear the appropriate Branch
badge and insignia. Cold Lake CTC has access to 4 Wing Clothing stores, however other CTC’s
maintain limited supplies of uniforms for CAF personnel; therefore, all CAF pers are to ensure
that they have been issued all clothing in accordance with the applicable clothing scale prior to
departure. If CIC officers are missing DEU uniform parts they are to order online from Logistik
Unicorp at for replacement parts. The following orders of dress will be

a. DEU 1A;

b. DEU 2 (Mess Dress);

c. all orders of DEU 3;

d. CADPAT or NCD’s (for Navy personnel); and

e. CFTC Flying personnel will be required to be in possession of appropriate flight


19. CIC officers travelling on cadet chartered aircraft will wear the appropriate Military Dress
of the Day.

20. Civilian Instructors will wear appropriate civilian clothing while traveling to and from, and
while employed at a CTC. The clothing described below is acceptable for the CTC:

a. daily routine:

(1) males:

(a) short sleeve dress shirt or polo;

(b) tie (optional);

(c) lightweight dress pants and belt;

(2) females:

(a) blouse, sweater, polo;

(b) skirt or dress slacks;

b. graduation parades, mess dinners and formal functions:

(1) males:

(a) blazer, tie and slacks or business suit; and

(b) appropriate accessories; and

(2) females:

(a) dress; or

(b) dress blouse or sweater with skirt or dress slacks.

21. Civilian Instructors may be required to wear distinctive work apparel when designated by
the CTC Commanding Officer. The CTC will issue the distinctive work apparel.

22. There are occasions over the summer when appropriate Mess Kit may be worn. Staff
who have Mess Kit are encouraged to bring it to the CTC. All staff should be in possession of
clothing suitable for formal and social occasions.

23. All staff must also bring appropriate clothing for sports and physical training.


24. Staff will be paid twice monthly, normally the fifteenth and the last day of the month. All
staff will be paid by direct deposit. The direct deposit form included in your Offer of Employment
must be completed and submitted to RCSU (NW) with your acceptance of the employment

25. Staff who require an exemption from deductions for income tax purposes shall submit a
TD1 Tax Exemption Return. This form is available at the CTC Finance Office.

26. A Record of Employment for the purpose of Employment Insurance must be requested
in writing from the CTC Personnel Administration Officer before the end of the CTC.


27. By accepting employment at a CTC, you will:

a. have accepted the limitations and requirements placed on you in accordance

with the National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group Orders,
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders, Northwest Region Policy and
Administrative Instructions, Ship’s Standing Orders, Northwest Region Flying
Orders and the lawful orders and directions of superior officers;

b. be aware of special responsibilities in supervising cadets; and

c. serve as an example to cadets with respect to:

(1) attention to duty;

(2) appearance on and off duty;

(3) correct conduct on and off duty; and

(4) loyalty to superiors.

28. As a reminder all CAF members, while on Class “B” employment, are subject to the
Code of Service Discipline and are required to follow it all times. Civilian Instructors shall be
held to a similar standard and expectation. As a staff member you are responsible for providing
a challenging, and enriching summer. It is important that we maintain a high standard for
ourselves so the cadets under our instruction and supervision can have a beneficial,
challenging, and fulfilling summer training experience.

29. Staff members may be returned home if they:

a. cannot adapt to CTC life;

b. are declared physically or medically unfit; or

c. are a discipline problem.

30. Personal relationships beyond a normal working relationship will not be tolerated and will
result in those involved in being returned home.


31. The following rules in regard to the possession and use of tobacco products, alcohol,
and drugs by staff shall be applied at the CTCs:

a. drugs are forbidden as defined in the Narcotics Control Act, and in Parts 3 and 4
of the Food and Drug Act. This includes any other substance known to

competent medical authorities as a drug, which if injected, consumed, or inhaled
has the capacity to affect the normal functions of the mind or body;

b. CTC staff will be briefed on the regulations in regard to the consumption of

alcoholic beverages;

c. RCSU (NW) Civilian Instructors and members of the CAF shall not smoke in the
presence of cadets. Smoking will not be permitted during classroom instruction;

d. the use of tobacco products is discouraged at all CTCs. Northwest Region does
not sell tobacco products at any of our CTCs and smoking shall be confined to
designated areas; and

e. Cannabis. Parents have entrusted us with their children and we need to provide
the proper care and oversight and doing our due diligence to provide a secure
environment at all times. With the exception of prescribed medical cannabis, a
ban on recreational usage and possession of cannabis is consistent with
ensuring the safety and well-being of all staff and cadets at CTC. Therefore, the
recreational usage or possession of cannabis will not be allowed on CTC
premises, or during CTC sponsored activities that occur outside of CTC
premises. This is regardless of the local base policy. We are responsible for
youth vice adults, therefore a firm stance must be applied to CTC environment. In
addition, the operation of any vehicle will adhere to a period of prohibition of 24
hours before any known or expected performance. This includes operation of
canoes, kayaks, mountain bikes, etc.


32. DWAN access is limited at all four CTCs. Access is only guaranteed for identified
personnel for CTC business. Reg F / PRes / Full time personnel who wish to maintain their
access to the DWAN are encouraged to bring their own DWAN laptop for this purpose.

33. Wi-Fi is also limited and varies by location:

a. Cold Lake. Wi-Fi is available in the Combined Dining Hall, each Mess and at the
JJ Par Recreation centre. Typically Wi-Fi is setup by the NPF Entertainment
Committee for the Maple Flag Trailers within the first few weeks of start-up,
members pay a one small fee to access. Those members residing in BB 41, 42,
or 44 can call Eastlink to establish their own account at 1-888-345-1111;

b. Gimli. Wi-Fi is limited and unreliable. Signal strength varies based on the service

c. Rocky Mountain. Wi-Fi is available at the CTC and provided from the Mess
however, speed and accessibility are very limited;

d. Whitehorse. Wi-Fi is available at the CTC and provided from the Mess however,
speed and accessibility are very limited.


34. Staff are reminded that they are solely responsible for their cellular phone. Training
Centres will not be held liable for loss or damage. Staff that do bring a cellular phone to the CTC
will be subject to the following direction:

a. may be used only in designated areas; and

b. use in washrooms and cadet quarters are strictly prohibited.

*Note: due to the remote location of the Rocky Mountain Cadet Training Centre there is no cell
service available.


35. Members must complete Annex A to CFAO 34-45 (Medical Statement on Re-
employment) prior to the start of employment at a RCSU (NW) CTC.

All staff are entitled to emergency medical and dental treatment, and may be treated at the CTC
medical facilities or the nearest civilian medical facilities. Staff taking prescription medication
under the direction of a physician must advise the medical staff upon their arrival at the CTC
and must arrive at the CTC with sufficient prescribed medication for the duration of employment.

36. Sick parade will be held daily. Medical treatment is available at any time. Staff must have
their Provincial Medicare Certificate number with them when arriving at the CTC.

37. Staff who wear eyeglasses are requested to bring an extra pair with them. Members
must also bring a copy of their eyeglass prescription to the CTC, as replacement glasses will be
provided in emergency cases. For participation in active sports, staff must wear sport
eyeglasses. Staff will assume all related expenses arising from the loss, accident, damage or
illness due to contact lens wear.


38. COATS members who are serving class B Reserve Service at a CTC who are under 60
years of age and do not have medical restrictions precluding them from participating in FORCE
testing shall participate in the FORCE Test prior to or as a part of their indoctrination. Any
members serving on short term class B who have not participated in the FORCE test since 1
April of the employment year will be required to participate in the FORCE test at the CTC;


39. CAF personnel on Class B service and Civilian Instructors are entitled to annual leave of
one working day for each completed period of 15 consecutive days during a period of service of
at least 30 consecutive days in accordance with para 9 of QR&O 16.14.


40. All COATS/CIC officers, civilian instructors and Regular/Reserve Force members shall
become a member of applicable CTC mess. If they are already a member of a mess they must
cancel payment of mess dues at their home mess before departing for the CTC to ensure they

are not paying into two messes at once. Reimbursement for dues paid at CTC upon return is
highly unlikely. Those personal in Cold Lake will be required to clear into the applicable 4 Wing

41. Members of these messes are:

a. entitled to the rights and privileges of such membership;

b. may be subject to an assessment for mess dues to be collected at the CTC; and

c. are expected to pay a nominal amount for an entertainment fee.

42. Most CTC’s will conduct a Mess Dinner style activity during the summer. All members
attending will be required to pay for the dinner. Collection of fees will be done at the CTC.

43. The CTC canteen will have a limited variety of sweets, soft drinks and personal
necessities available for purchase by CTC personnel.

44. Sports equipment and recreational areas may be available for use during free time for all
staff members.

45. Staff will normally be billeted in double or quadruple rooms with shared washroom and
laundry facilities.

46. A barber will be available to staff that require a haircut. As barber facilities are limited,
staff must arrive at CTC with regulation haircuts. If a haircut is required, the cost is the
responsibility of the staff member.


47. Protestant and Roman Catholic services are available at the CTC. Religious services for
persons of other denominations may be arranged if required and available.


48. Commanding Officers will publish the daily routine in Routine Orders. A typical duty day
at CTC is as follows:

0600 Wake up
0700 Breakfast
0800 Morning training commences
1000 Morning break
1200 Lunch
1300 Afternoon training commences
1500 Afternoon break
1700 Supper
1830 Evening training begins - (only when required)
2000 Evening training ceases - (only when required)
2200 Course Cadets lights out
2230 Staff Cadets return to quarters
2300 Staff Cadets lights out


49. Based on the need and availability of resources, CTC may conduct 404 training for CAF
members. 404 Training consists of an online course on the Defence Learning Network (DLN)
and an in-house safe backing course. Members must complete the online course prior to taking
in-house training. Members are to bring a copy of their certificate of completion with them.

a. To register for the courses, log in to the DLN at

If you do not have a DLN Account, click Forgot your Password, a new window
will appear for you to enter your username (Service Number with no spaces) and
then click send password. An email will be sent to your CCONet Email account
with a temporary password. Once you have the temp password, log in using
Username (Service Number) and temp password. You will be required to
change your password once you are logged in; and

b. type “SJS Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Safe Driving Course - Initial &
Recertification” into the search bar and click “begin registration”.

50. All those with a 404 are required to complete a provincial supplement for the province
they are driving in. This will be completed as required at the CTC/CFTC.

a. for the members that required an Alberta Supplement may choose to complete
the Alberta Motor Association online practice test. A minimum of 80% must be
obtained. A copy of their results need to be brought with them to CTC; and

b. the exam can be accessed at:


51. Maps for each CTC are available in Appendix 1 of the applicable CTC annex.


52. Adult staff members will be required to have a signed code of conduct on file at the
CTC/CFTC. Copies of the Natl CJCR Sp Gp Adult Staff Code of Conduct and RCSU
(Northwest) Code of Conduct CF Members / Civilian Instructors / Volunteers Interacting With
Youth can be found at Annex E and F.

HENRY, Digitally signed by HENRY,

TERRENCE 839 Date: 2019.06.06 14:36:24 -05'00'

T.J. Henry
A/J35 Deputy Chief Training Officer


Annex A Cold Lake CTC

Appendix 1 Map of Cold Lake CTC
Annex B Gimli CFTC

Appendix 1 Map of Gimli CFTC
Annex C Rocky CTC
Appendix 1 Map of Rocky Mountain CTC
Annex D Whitehorse CTC
Appendix 1 Map of Whitehorse CTC
Annex E Natl CJCR Sp Gp Adult Staff Code of Conduct
Annex F RCSU (Northwest) Code of Conduct CF Members / Civilian Instructors /
Volunteers Interacting With Youth

Annex A
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI



1. Cold Lake Cadet Training Centre (CLCTC) is located at 4 Wing Cold Lake, 300 km
northeast of Edmonton, Alberta, close to the Saskatchewan border. CLCTC’s primary role is in
the provision of a safe and challenging cadet training programme.

2. CLCTC can be located using the following coordinates: 54°24'47.9"N 110°16'48.6"W or

can be found on Google Maps by searching “Cold Lake Cadet Training Centre” or clicking here.
Wing Map can found in appendix 1.

3. CLCTC conducts the following six training courses during the summer:

a. General Training Course, for Air Cadets;

b. Basic Aviation, for Air Cadets;

c. Basic Survival, for Air Cadets;

d. Basic Fitness & Sports, for Sea, Army, and Air Cadets;

e. Fitness and Sports Instructor, for Sea, Army, and Air Cadets; and

f. Survival Instructor Course, for Air Cadets.

4. CLCTC comprises approximately 250 staff and staff cadets as well as 850 course cadets
at any given time.


5. Members are to report to TC Ops office Bldg 166 for in clearance. Report in time is no
sooner than 1300 and NLT 1800 or as arranged by administrative staff.


6. All mail should be annotated with the members name and position they are employed in,
or simply annotated “Adult Staff”. All mail and parcels MUST have a return address as some of
the mail/parcels are received after the staff member has departed the CTC.


Cold Lake Cadet Training Centre
4 Wing Cold Lake
Box 6550 Stn Forces
Cold Lake, AB T9M 2C6

(780) 840-8000 extension 4765


7. All Ranks Kitchen (ARK) dress policy as directed by Wing Standing Order 232, 4 Wing
Dress Policy.

Annex A
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI

a. All civilian clothing must be clean, neat and tidy. The following is acceptable Non
Dress of the Day civilian clothing permitted in the ARK:

(1) running shoes, sports shoes (no cleats allowed), or dress/walking

sandals. All footwear needs to be clean and in good repair;

(2) recreational t-shirts can be worn, as long as they are in good repair;

(3) acid washed denim can be worn; and

(4) walking pants, skirts, and dress shorts can also be worn; and

b. The following are unacceptable/prohibited in the ARK:

(1) shorts that are considered to be short-shorts, Speedo-style, high-cut

runner style, or cut offs of any types (male and female);

(2) trousers/slacks/jeans (male and female) of any description that are:

(a) gym clothing (muscle shirts, sweatpants – including warmup

pants, and spandex pants-shirts);

(b) ragged at the cuffs;

(c) slit up the sides of the legs;

(d) dirty, patched, torn, badly worn, frayed, cut-off, or faded;

(e) t-shirts/sweatshirts/sweaters that are viewed as being racist,

sexist, or verbally offensive;

(f) muscle shirts, halter tops, tube tops, military undershirts, or shirts
with torn sleeves of any nature;

(g) hockey sweaters or team sweaters that have recently been worn
for playing sports, footwear that is in absolute disrepair or
excessively dirty, thong-type footwear (flip-flops or beach

(h) earrings worn by males in either military attire or while on duty in

civilian attire;

(i) outerwear of any variation;

(j) hats and ball caps;

(k) swimsuits, beachwear, or any variation thereof; and

(l) work smocks, coveralls, Army fleece without being covered with a
CADPAT shirt.

Appendix 1
Annex A
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI
Annex B
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI



1. The Gimli Cadet Flying Training Centre (GCFTC) is located at the former RCAF Station
in Gimli, Manitoba. Gimli is located 100 km north of Winnipeg, Manitoba. GCFTC provides the
following training courses during its summer operations:

a. Basic Aviation Technology and Aerospace;

b. Glider Pilot Scholarship; and

c. provides support and oversight for the Power Pilot Scholarship.

2. GCFTC can be located using the following coordinates: 97°02'40.4"W or can be found
on Google Maps by searching “Gimli Industrial Park Airport” or clicking here. Location map can
found in appendix 1.

3. GCFTC comprises of approximately 100 staff and staff cadets as well as 110 course


4. Members are to report to the Orderly Room, 2nd Floor, West end of Hangar 1, Gimli
Industrial Park upon arrival at the CFTC for in clearance. Report in time is no sooner than 1300
and NLT 1800 or as arranged by administrative staff.


5. All mail should be annotated with the members name and position they are employed in,
or simply annotated “Adult Staff”. All mail and parcels MUST have a return address as some of
the mail/parcels are received after the staff member has departed the CTC.

6. GCFTC (Gimli) Mailing Address:


Gimli Cadet Flying Training Centre
PO Box 1960
Gimli, MB R0C 1B0

(204) 642-9022
Appendix 1
Annex B
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI


Orderly Room, 2nd Floor, West end of Hangar 1, Gimli Industrial Park
Annex C
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI



1. Rocky Mountain Cadet Training Centre (RMCTC) primary role is the provision of
advanced training to Army Cadet and three Exchange programs. Twelve British youths are
brought to the course in exchange for Canadian cadets going to the United Kingdom.

2. RMCTC is located in the Rocky Mountain Forest Reserve 100 km NW of Calgary.

RMCTC can be located using the following coordinates: 51°18'58.3"N 114°55'60.0"W or can be
found on Google Maps by searching “Rocky Mountain Cadet Training Centre” or clicking here.
Location map can found in appendix 1.

3. RMCTC provides four training courses during its summer operation:

a. Cadet Leadership and Challenge Course, for Senior Army Cadets; and

b. Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Pipes and Drums for Sea, Army, and Air

4. In addition to the two hundred and twenty cadets, RMCTC staff includes over one
hundred and thirty CIC officers, Regular Force personnel, Reserve Force personnel, Civilian
Instructors and staff cadets.

5. The CTC is located at 4500’ above sea level where normal morning temperatures range
between 5-10º C. It is not unusual, for snow to fall in early June. Staff attending RMCTC are
advised to ensure they bring suitable warm civilian clothing.

6. RMCTC is a remote location and is more than 45 minutes travel to a physician.

Personnel with requiring ready access to a physician should consider employment at another
location. All staff will participate in a fitness test as part of position selection. Those wishing to
be employed in a training role with the Cadet Leadership and Challenge Course will be required
to pass the FORCE test, and results will be taking into consideration during the position
selection process.


7. Members are to report to the Orderly Room, Building S1 (HQ) in clearance. Report in
time is no sooner than 1300 and NLT 1800 or as arranged by administrative staff:


8. Personnel travelling by commercial airline will normally be met at the Calgary

International Airport by a RMCTC vehicle. If there is a problem, you must call RMCTC by
dialling toll free 1-888-249-4499.

9. RMCTC (ROCKY MOUNTAIN) Mailing Address:


Rocky Mountain Cadet Training Centre
Box 1847
Cochrane AB T4C 1B7
Appendix 1
Annex C
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI


All personnel are to report to the Orderly Room, Building S1 HQ, as indicated on the map.
Annex D
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI



1. Located at the Boyle Barracks 20km south of Whitehorse, YT; Whitehorse Cadet
Training Center (WCTC) is the only Cadet Training Centre “North of 60°”. As such, 40% of the
course cadets come from the Territories. Other cadets from across Canada and the United
Kingdom join the cadets at WCTC to participate in the training programs delivered during the
summer months. This cross-cultural environment presents a unique citizenship opportunity for
all cadets attending WCTC. Our area of operations covers an area of the Yukon Territory from
the Robert Campbell Highway to the North, the South Canol Road to the East, Tagish to the
South and Kusawa Lake to the West.

2. WCTC can be located using the following coordinates: 60°35'52.9"N 134°57'05.5"W or

can be found on Google Maps by searching “Boyle Barracks – Whitehorse Cadet Training
Centre” or clicking here. Location map can found in appendix 1.

3. WCTC conducts the following five training courses during the summer:

a. General Training;

b. Basic Expedition;

c. Basic Marksmanship;

d. Basic Drill and Ceremonial;

e. Expedition Instructor; and

f. Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor.

4. WCTC comprises approximately one hundred and sixty staff and staff cadets as well as
300 course cadets over several intakes.

5. Training at WCTC ranges from basic indoctrination for new cadets to leadership, team
building and instructional techniques training for second and third year cadets; as well as on the
job training for fourth and fifth year cadets.


6. Members are to report to the Orderly Room, Building D1 HQ, Boyle Barracks upon
arrival the CTC for in clearance. Report in time is no sooner than 1300 and NLT 1800 or as
arranged by administrative staff:


7. WCTC (WHITEHORSE) Mailing Address:

Whitehorse Cadet Training Centre
Boyle Barracks
45 Fireweed Drive
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5T8
(867) 383-7345

Appendix 1
Annex D
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI


All personnel report to the Orderly Room, Building D1 HQ, Boyle Barracks, as indicated on the

Annex E
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI


Rank Last name First Name Home Unit

1. The National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group (Natl CJCR Sp Gp) is
committed to providing a safe, respectful, and supportive environment where, adults, cadets and Junior
Canadian Rangers (JCRs) can develop to their maximum potential. While every adult staff1 is valued and
unique, we come together as an organization in the best interests of the cadets/JCRs we support. The
safety, respect, rights, and well-being of the cadets/JCRs we support are at the core of our daily
operations. We facilitate supportive relationships with cadets/JCRs within appropriate boundaries, and
with other adult staff. For these reasons, the Natl CJCR Sp Gp has developed the following Code of
Conduct for all adult staff involved in the program. It governs how adult staff will interact with cadets/JCRs
and with other adult staff.

2. As an adult staff, I will familiarize myself with and abide by all rules and regulations applicable to
the Natl CJCR Sp Gp such as, but not limited to the National Defense Act (NDA), Department of National
Defense and Canadian Forces Code of Values and Ethics, Defense Administrative Orders and Directives,
Queen’s Regulations & Orders, Natl CJCR Sp Gp Orders, etc.

3. Misconduct will not be tolerated, especially as it relates to the safety, respect, rights, and well-
being of the cadets/JCRs and other adult staff. Misconduct refers to inappropriate behavior and includes
but is not limited to any/all of the following:

a. Communication that goes beyond the adult staff’s employment responsibilities with
cadets/JCRs and/or does not occur within the context of their duties and responsibilities.
Such as writing personal letters or text messages, making personal phone calls or
sending personalized gifts to cadets/JCRs, and/or having personal internet exchanges
with cadets/JCRs (email, instant messaging, chatting, social networking, sharing
inappropriate photos, subscribe to their social media, etc.). This excludes adults that are
related to cadets/JCRs (direct family relationships).

b. Adopting or maintaining inappropriate physical, social and emotional boundaries at any


c. Engaging in romantic or sexual conversations or starting personal/intimate relationships

with cadets/JCRs.

d. Offering unauthorized rides to cadets/JCRs.

e. Spending time with cadets/JCRs on a personal level outside of designated work hours
and activities without a valid reason and without the supervisor/CO/Patrol Leader’s

f. Allowing cadets/JCRs to the adult staff’s home or other private location without a valid
reason and without the supervisor/CO/Patrol Leader’s approval or accept their invitations
for the same.

g. Showing favoritism to cadets/JCRs which may place them at risk of exploitation.

h. Telling suggestive, sexual, racist/hate or explicit jokes to cadets/JCRs.

1In the context of this code of conduct, the term “adult staff” is inclusive all adult personnel involved with
Cadets/JCRs, whether they are paid or not.

Annex E
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI

i. Showing cadets/JCRs racist/hate material, sexually explicit or sexist material, signs,

cartoons, calendars, literature, photographs, or displaying such material in plain view.

j. Taking pictures of cadets/JCRs without their consent, their parent’s/guardian’s consent

and the cadet supervisor/CO/Patrol Leader’s authorization. Those pictures shall not be
kept for personal use and shall only be shared on social media or traditional media
approved by the supervisor/CO/Patrol Leader. The permission parents give for cadets to
be photographed is for approved official use only, not for personal use.

k. Using tobacco products2 or vaporizers in the presence of cadets/JCRs or be under the

influence of alcohol, cannabis or illegal drugs at any time while working with cadets/JCR.

l. Providing or knowingly allowing any cadet/JCR to possess or consume alcohol, tobacco,

cannabis or illegal drugs

4. As an adult staff, I understand and agree that I must:

a. Recuse or abstain myself from deliberations about the conduct, selection, promotion, or
recognition of a cadet/JCR with whom they are in a personal/familial relationship

b. Always adhere to the Natl CJCR policies and procedures when training and supporting
cadets/JCRs, and adult staff.

c. Treat cadets/JCRs and all adult staff with respect and dignity. Do not make any negative
or offensive comments, gestures or displays regarding any person’s race, national or
ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, disability, sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression, or physical characteristics. This includes
comments made verbally or in writing, as well as electronic communications and social

d. Treat all allegations or suspicions of sexual misconduct seriously and report them to a

e. Follow established procedures when reporting any allegations of misconduct or potential

policy violations.

f. Consider the final outcomes of any behavior/ activities, conversations, or interactions so

as to avoid embarrassing, shaming, or humiliating the cadets/JCRs, other adult staff

g. Use a calm, firm and reasonable tone of voice when giving instruction or addressing
deficiencies with subordinates.

h. Set a good example of dress, deportment and conduct.

5. As an adult staff, I understand and agree that I must not:

a. Conduct my own investigation into allegations or suspicions of sexual misconduct — it is

an adult staff’s duty to report to their supervisor, not to investigate.

b. Knowingly place cadets/JCRs, or other adult staff, in danger of any kind without
minimizing the risks as much as possible, either within or outside of the CCO.

6. Adult staff should consider whether:

a. The activities they are engaging in with cadets/JCRs are known to and approved by
supervisors and/or parents.

2 Unless it is for CR/JCR ceremonial purposes.

Annex E
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI

b. The activities/duties for which they are responsible for are conducted in accordance with
appropriate orders and regulations, safely, efficiently, effectively, ethically and respect the
environment and surroundings.

c. The interactions with cadets/JCRs are transparent and not being kept a secret.

d. Activities conducted would raise concern in the mind of a reasonable observer as to their

e. The CCO may be detrimentally affected by the adult staff actions and personal activities.

f. The activities may be reasonably regarded as posing a risk to the personal integrity or
security of cadets/JCRs, or to other adult staff

g. The activities may contribute to the cadets/JCRs, or to other adult staff, discomfort.

h. The activities may appear inappropriate to the organization, the cadets/JCRs family, or
the public.

7. By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above Code of
Conduct and understand that failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct as an adult staff may result in
administrative or disciplinary action if necessary and applicable. Appropriate consequences/disciplinary
actions are to be determined by the Chain of Command, and will be based on the nature and severity of
the incident.

______________ _______________________ _____________________________

Date Position / Title Adult staff (Name & Sign)

______________ _______________________ _____________________________

Date Position / Title Supervisor (Print Name & Sign)

Annex F
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI

SN _____________________NAME & INITIALS ____________________________ UIC ____

RCSU (Northwest) Code of Conduct

CF Members / Civilian Instructors / Volunteers Interacting With Youth

1. RCSU (Northwest) is committed to providing a safe, respectful and supportive

atmosphere where young people can develop to their maximum potential. As part of this
commitment, it is essential that all CF members, civilian instructors and volunteers
clearly understand and maintain a reasonable and acceptable standard of behaviour
while interacting with cadets. This document serves to supplement the current policies
on Personal Relationships, Harassment, Cadet Discipline, the Code of Service
Discipline and the Canadian Forces Statement of Defence Ethics.

2. By signing this document, you acknowledge that you are familiar with and
will comply with this Code as well as the other Canadian Forces policies cited

3. For the purpose of this document, “misbehaviour” refers to any inappropriate

interactions with cadets. This includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:

a. communication with a cadet that is outside the normal and authorized

employment or volunteer responsibilities and duties. Examples of
communications that constitute misbehaviour include:

(1) writing personal letters to a cadet;

(2) sending personal text messages to a cadet;

(3) making personal phone calls to a cadet;

(4) having personal email or internet exchanges with a cadet (including

email, instant messaging, chatting, social networking or video
links); or

(5) sending gifts to a cadet;

Note: It is not misbehaviour to give a contextually appropriate thank you

card, birthday card or seasonal card, where the gesture would be
considered reasonable in the circumstances and provided that all gestures
taken together, are not excessive in number and any such exchanges are
carried out within the workplace, in the presence of others and with the
knowledge of the chain of command.

b. offering or providing unauthorized rides to a cadet;

Annex F
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI

SN _____________________NAME & INITIALS ____________________________ UIC ____

c. spending time with a cadet outside of designated work times and

authorized activities;

d. favouring a cadet over others;

e. making any sort of remark, comment or joke that is any way inappropriate,
suggestive or sexual in nature;

f. showing a cadet sexually explicit material, signs, cartoons, calendars,

literature, photographs, or displaying such material in plain view;

g. taking pictures of a cadet, except when specifically requested to do so by

a superior or with the permission of the parent/guardian;

h. engaging in any activities that endanger a cadet or make a cadet


i. engaging in any activity that goes against the mandate, policies or code of
conduct of the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO);

j. engaging in any sort of physical contact with a cadet that may make the
cadet feel uncomfortable or is unreasonable; and

k. conducting an investigation into allegations or suspicions of sexual

misbehaviour without direction from the chain of command.

4. CF members, civilian instructors and volunteers shall:

a. always adhere to CCO policies and procedures when dealing with cadets;

b. treat cadets with respect and dignity;

c. treat all allegations or suspicions of sexual misbehaviour seriously and

report all allegations or suspicions;

d. follow established procedures when reporting any allegations of

misbehaviour or other policy violations;

e. consider the final outcome of any behaviour, as well as a cadet’s reaction

to any activity, conversation or interaction, so as to avoid embarrassing,
shaming or humiliating a cadet;

f. establish, respect and maintain boundaries with all cadets; and

Annex F
Cadet Training Centre – Adult Staff Joining Instructions CIC/CI

SN _____________________NAME & INITIALS ____________________________ UIC ____

g. immediately report any suspected breaches to their superiors in the chain

of command.

5. All reports regarding misbehaviour SHALL be reported immediately through the

chain of command. RCSU (Northwest) will investigate all complaints of misbehaviour.
If there is a potential risk to the safety or well being of a cadet or adult member of a
CCO, the individual alleged to have committed the misbehaviour may be directed to
cease parading pending the matter's resolution.

6. Failure to adhere to these expectations can result in administrative action,

disciplinary action or termination of services.

7. I, __________________________________ agree to comply with the

(Print name and SN)
expectations as outlined above.

___________________________ _______________
Signature Date

___________________________ ______________
Witness Date


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