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The Perks of Being a Wallflower /21

Part 2 Quiz

Multiple choice: Each question is worth one point each. /5

1. What is Charlie most thankful for at Thanksgiving?

a) Being with his aunt and uncles

b) Watching his brother play football on television
c) Seeing his brother at home and happy
d) Having enough to eat this year

2. What type of girl does Charlie hope his brother finds in college to get him on the right track?

a) A 4.0 student who strives to own her own business

b) An unconventionally beautiful girl who wears sweaters and drinks cocoa
c) A strong woman who can put Charlie’s brother in his place
d) An older woman who will be wise and help his brother grow up

3. Though Charlie will not be able to tell exciting stories about sports to his kids like his brother

and dad can, how does Charlie plan to be different for his children in a way that his dad was not

for him?

a) Charlie hopes to be more emotionally supportive for his own kids.

b) Charlie hopes to teach his own kids about club activities.
c) Charlie hopes to teach his own kids about creating art through writing.
d) Charlie hopes to push his own kids to succeed in college.

4. How do Charlie and his mother deal with stress and anxiety differently?

a) Charlie cries when he is overwhelmed and his mother internalizes her anxieties.
b) Charlie internalizes a lot of his thoughts and feelings while his mother verbalizes hers.
c) Charlie often times vents to his mother while his mother vents to Charlie’s sister.
d) Charlie chooses to write about his anxiety while his mother goes to counseling.

5. How were Michael and Charlie both similar in a way that is different than most teenagers?

a) Both worried and cared about things/people that most teenagers would not notice or find
b) Both enjoyed cooking and talking about their futures.
c) Both were avid football players and didn’t pay attention to girl drama.
d) Both cared a lot about their grades in school.
Character analysis: Each question is worth one point each. /5
Match the description to the corresponding character.

Charlie - Charlie’s brother - Patrick - Sam - Brad - Charlie’s sister - Mary Elizabeth

6. ________________________Charlie romanticizes this character when he/she is gone, but reality

proves that this character causes a lot of stress and drama for Charlie’s family.

7. ________________________ Charlie gives this character his Aunt Helen’s old record with a Beatles
song on it.

8. ________________________ This character gives Charlie a suit for Secret Santa because “all great
writers used to wear suits all the time.”

9. ________________________ This character is in the same friend group as Charlie and talks about
being Buddhist and Zen.

10. _______________________ This character rushed Charlie through shopping for his dad’s Christmas
present because they were concerned about getting a gift for their significant other.

Short Answer: Each question is worth 3 points each. Be sure to answer both parts to each question
and respond in complete sentences! Answer in your own words.

11. Why does Sam want to be Charlie’s first kiss?





12. Though Charlie is emotionally unstable at times, he is the glue that holds his family together.

Give an example from the text and explain how Charlie holds his family together.





Extended response: This question is worth 5 points. Be sure to respond in at least one paragraph.

13. Why does Charlie feel guilty about his Aunt Helen’s death? How does this event in addition to

Michael’s death contributes to his emotional battle within himself? /5












Bonus Questions: Each question is worth 0.5 bonus point each.

14. What does Charlie use as a sort of therapy when he is feeling depressed/anxious in the absence

of Sam and Patrick?


15. What book does Charlie read 4 times because he likes it so much (and can most likely relate to



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