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The Shocking Reality of Black Women in Leadership | Ngozi Cadmus

We live in a world of racial divide. Historians will teach about us in 2023 and tell off a world
where black people were still seen as second-class Citizens. A world wherever that woman
were concealed from leadership. A world where the majority of economic power was in the
hands of white men.

Whether you like it or not this is the reality we live in today in 2023

Green Park Business Leaders have reported that there are currently no black CEOs at the top
of British business Houston we've got a problem.

So today I will outline how together we can disrupt the absence of black women at the top of
corporate Britain by sharing three things. Firstly why representation absolutely matters.
Secondly the agency and power we have as black women and thirdly for all those of you in
senior positions and in management I'm coming for you. You have a duty to create an
environment for black women leaders to thrive.

That's me age four I was so cute what happened?!

From that age I realize Society barely reflected my image and growing up those in leadership
never looked like me. I was the quiet girl in the corner perceived as less than smart and never
really considered to amount to much, rejected by my peers, ignored by my teachers, and
labelled by society as below average in truth I was sad, lonely and depressed have you felt
that way before right it seals awful doesn't it carrying the pain of rejection disappointment
and not belonging for years until I had to make a decision. A decision that many women of
colour have also had to make would we rather live our lives just solely due to the colour of
our skin and gender or by the choices we make? Of course, right we've already judged by our
own choices
see if you haven't noticed by now the Snowy Peaks of British business remains stubbornly
white – oops! You've got to thank Trevor Phillis for that colourful remark! Nevertheless it is

As a mental health and Leadership expert, I have found that leadership positions have
historically been reserved for white men this is seen in a black woman in leadership Network
survey stating Nelly hearts of black professional woman truly
believes they overlooked for promotions despite having equal competence as their white
counterparts. Therefore the Ripple of impact is such that black women across many
generations received a signal that our voice and presence are insignificant to change things
thus we remain underrepresented at leadership level across all sectors. So if you walk through
the Ivory Towers of British business you will immediately see their lack of visible presence
of women of colour and Within These spaces is where critical decisions are being made
without our influence and input.
Where our voices go and hurt, our faces remain hidden but our hands remained callous from
holding the workplace on our backs.

How do you feel?

When your life is impacted by decisions you have no power to change.
Annoyed, frustrated, downright angry?
because the resolutions that emerge from these unbalanced spaces ultimately shape the
economy and the lives of black women when our voices are not considered we’re really left
powerless to change the outcomes.

You've all probably heard of the glass ceiling concept right well with the glass ceiling it is
transparent you can see the barriers that block you.

For black women we encounter a concrete ceiling an opaque barrier that means that those at
the top don't even notice we're down here. Despite this, we might stay down for a moment,
but inevitably we rise. As the sun dawned a new day and in spite of the barriers that are
before us we harness resilience like a buildings are cutting
through the blockades in our path just take a look at the first point which is why
representation matters.
Now more than ever I want to challenge the absence of black women on Boards of companies
because we must recognize the importance of representation when we enter the workforce
and see a diverse array of workers and diversity t the leadership level we automatically feel
seen we feel that we belong and we even believe that promotions are actually attainable.
Becoming a black cyber therapist in the majority white middle-class profession
I am constantly navigating what it means to represent a devastatingly underrepresented group
at the highest Echelon that's a black female CEO having founded a multicultural Council
service that provides mental health therapy to
inaccessible populations I recognize I represent what it means to belong in a field the woman
of colour will want to see this from.

So how did I do this? Well firstly I defied the odds I persisted despite the resistance I faced.
Secondly, I removed a mental limitations and doubts from my past that caused me to doubt
my abilities and last but by no means least I did not do this alone I do dream for my
communities hope that woman like us would smash the concrete ceiling and create a path for
little black girls to create their own scenes at the leadership table so let me ask you this how
are you showing up as a leader?
because there is no denying the impact representation has on the psyche of people.
How do you feel when someone you are inspired by defies the odds?
Excited, hopeful, empowered?
The feelings are erupt and we see and feel represented empower us to break up our
limitations and propel us into action. You are no different. Whatever position you were in
whether high or low as long as you decide not to hide but show up consistently and
authentically and be an example to those that will inevitably come after you, that is
representation. And, that is why representation is important so you can inspire a generation of
people that you represent. Remind them that they belong here as well.

Secondly, the power we have as of Black woman we disrupt the status quo as black woman
and we refused to remain at the bottom of the corporate ladder. If they do not give you a seat
at the table bring a folding chair.
Black women it is time you taking your voice back narrate your own stories and be curator of
your own destiny.
Start with future proofing your career by investing in your own professional development of
courses online training or further study it then answers your
skills your knowledge and your abilities. Seeking out opportunities for growth,
that stretch you and take you out of your comfort zone. Employing these methods as part of
your strategy to future proof your career will allow you to Pivot into bigger and better
opportunities as you circumvent the concrete ceiling
So at this point it's not too late or too soon for you to Future proof your career because at the
end of the day ultimately you have to take responsibility for the choices you have made in
your career. Don't get me wrong there will be challenges
but it is how you progress despite the challenges that counts.

So let's start today! Be proactive and take risks.

The final way to disrupt the lack of black women leaders at the very top it's for employees to
take responsibility and action for their failures and their denial of this
very issue that black woman in corporate Britain face.
We are tired of Corporations empty words. We are tired of their lip service and we are
downright tired of their empty rhetoric.

The vast contribution of black women in corporate Britain is unquestionable but their
opportunity to ascend is blocked.
Why, leaders?
Allies I am placing the responsibility at your feet to stop giving them excuses we cannot find
diverse Talent that lie does not work anymore. open your eyes to see the potential black
woman, who if given the opportunity will excel into the leaders of tomorrow because right
now your excuses are now worthless.

I cannot do this alone.

Black woman we cannot do this alone.
The solution is contingent on our cooperation if you want to go first by all means go
Alone but if you want to go far we must go together because this ain't a black issue, nor is it a
woman's issue. This is a societal issue

Now we know How We Must Destroy the absence of black woman leaders at the top of
corporate Britain. Remembering THAT because you better have been paying attention: One
representation matters because for many people you cannot be what you have not seen
before.Two, the power we have as black woman especially when we take proactive action.
And lastly employees you ain't off the hook you are responsible for driving change.

So it's time as black women to reclaim our voice and on our journey to the highest positions
become the hurricane to clear away the stubborn snowing peaks of British business because I
want to live in the world where I am given the same opportunities
as everybody else. Don't you?
Let's not forget we are the unparalleled Force. Disruption begins with awareness. Disruption
Starts Now. Whoever you are and whatever your role disruption begins with you.

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