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‫عرض المعلومات المساعدة‬ ‫عرض التغذية الراجعة‬ ‫عرض جميع األسئلة‬

‫‪ 1‬السؤال‬

‫َل‬ ‫ُق‬
‫َألماذا ُيَس ىَّم ِق ياُس َّو ِة الَّد ِم الَم ْب ذو ـِة على ُج ْد راِن‬
‫ا ْو ِع َي ـِة الَّد َم ِو ّي ـِة ؟‬

‫ُم َع َّد ُل َض َر باِت الَق ْل ِب‬

‫َض ْغ ُط الَّد ِم‬

‫الَّن ْب ُض‬

‫َع َد ُم الَت َأ ْك ُس‬


‫‪ 2‬السؤال‬

‫َح ِّد ْد َأ ْف َض َل ُم َخ َّط ٍط ُيَب ُنِّي اَخل َط واِت اَأل ساِس َّي ـَة للَّن شاِط الَك ْه َر باِّيئ يف الَق ْل ِب ‪ ،‬و اَّل ذي ُي َش ِّك ُل الَّن ْب َض ‪:‬‬

‫‪ 3‬السؤال‬

‫اْخ ِرَت اِإل جاَب ـَة الَّص حيَح ـَة ِم َن القاِئ َم ـِة الُم ْن َس ِد َل ـِة ‪:‬‬

‫‪.‬‬ ‫ِع ْن َد َب ْد ِء َض َر باِت الَق ْل ِب ‪ُ ،‬ت ْط ِل ُق الُع ْق َد ُة اَجل ْي َّي ـُة اُأل َذ ْي ِن َّي ـُة شاَر ًة َك ْه َر باِئ َّي ـًة َتْنَت ِش ُر َأ َّو اًل يف اُأل َذ ْي َن‬
‫ِنْي‬ ‫ِإ‬ ‫ِب‬

‫‪ 4‬السؤال‬

‫َأ َحَأل ُد َأ ْك ِرَث الَم شاِك ِل الُم ْر َت ِب َط ـِة بالَّد ْو َر ِة الَّد َم ِو َّي ـِة ُش يوًع ا ْحَت ُد ُث ِع ْن َد ما َت ُس ُّد َت راُك ماِت الُّد هوِن َأ ْو َخ رثاِت الَّد ِم‬
‫ا ْو ِع َي ـَة الَّد َم ِو َّي ـَة ‪ .‬ماذا ُت َس ىَّم هذِه احلاَل ـُة ؟‬

‫الَّس ْك َت ـُة الِّد ماِغ َّي ـُة‬

‫اَجل ْل َط ـُة‬

‫َض ْغ ُط الَّد ِم الُم ْر َت ِعِف‬

‫راي‬ ‫َم َر ُض َت َص ُّل ِب الَّش‬

‫‪ 5‬السؤال‬

‫ُق ْم ِب َس ْح ِب وِإ ْف الِت الُم ْص َط َل ِح ِل ُت ْص ِب َح اُجل ْم َل ـُة َص حيَح ـًة ‪:‬‬

‫‪ ،‬وِه َي َم ْج موَع ـٌة ِم َن اَخل اليا ُت ْو َج ُد يف‬ ‫ْط‬ ‫ُت َس ىَّم الُع ْق َد ُة اَجل ْي َّي ـُة اُأل َذ ْي ِن َّي ـُة أيًض ا صاِن َع اَخل‬
‫ِو‬ ‫ِب‬
‫اُأل َذ ْي اَأل‬
‫‪ ،‬وَت ْع َم ُل على َت ْن سيِق اْن ِق باِض الَق ْل ِب ‪.‬‬ ‫ْيَم‬
‫ِن ِن‬

‫الُبَط اَأل‬ ‫اُأل َذ ْي اَأل‬

‫الُع ْق َد َة ُث ناِئ َّي ـَة الُّش رفاِت‬ ‫ْيَم‬
‫ِنْي ِن‬ ‫ْيَس‬
‫ِن ِر‬
‫الُع ْق َد َة اُأل َذ ْي ِن َّي ـَة الُبَط ْي ِن َّي ـَة‬

‫‪ 6‬السؤال‬

‫ُق ْم ِب َس ْح ِب وِإ ْف الِت الُم ْص َط َل ِح الَّص حيِح يف الُّص ْن دوِق الُم ناِس ِب ‪:‬‬

‫ِإ شاَر ًة َك ْه َر باِئ َّي ـًة ‪ُ ،‬ث َّم َت ْن َت ِق ُل اِإل شاَر ُة إىل‬ ‫ُت ْط ِل ُق الُع ْق َد ُة اَجل ْي َّي ـُة اُأل َذ ْي ِن َّي ـُة‬
‫الُع ْق َد ِة اُأل َذ ْي ِن َّي ـِة الُبَط ْي ِن َّي ـِة ‪ ،‬واَّل يت َتْنُق ُل ا شاَر َة َد ْو ها َع َرْب َأ ْل ياٍف ُم ْس َت ثارٍة َحُت ِّف ُز اْن ِق باَض‬
‫ِإل ِب ِر‬
‫‪.‬‬ ‫الُبَط ْي ِنْي‬

‫الُع ْق َد ُة ُث الِث َّي ـُة الُّش رفاِت‬ ‫اُأل َذ ْي َن‬ ‫احلاِج ُز الَق ْل ُّيِب‬

‫‪ 7‬السؤال‬

‫اْم ِأَل الَف راَغ بالَك ِل َم ـِة الُم ناِس َب ـِة ِل ُت ْص ِب َح اُجل ْم َل ـُة َص حيَح ـًة ‪:‬‬

‫َب ْن ُك الَك ِل ماِت‬

‫الُع ْق َد ُة اَخل َل َّي ـُة‬ ‫الُع ْق َد ُة الُبَط ْي ِن َّي ـُة‬ ‫الُع ْق َد ُة اَجل ْي َّي ـُة اُأل َذ ْي ِن َّي ـُة‬ ‫الُع ْق َد ُة اُأل َذ ْي ِن َّي ـُة‬
‫ِو‬ ‫ِب‬ ‫الُبَط ْي ِن َّي ـُة‬

‫ِه َي َم جموَع ـٌة ِم َن اَخل اليا ُت ْو َج ُد يف اُأل َذ ْي ِن اَأل ْيَم ِن ‪ ،‬وَت ْع َم ُل على‬ ‫الُعْقَد ُة الَج ْيِبَّيـُة اُألَذْيِنَّيـُة‬

‫َت ْن سيِق اْن ِق باِض الَق ْل ِب ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 8‬السؤال‬
‫َك ْي َف ُت ْع َط ى ِق راءاُت َض ْغ ِط الَّد ِم ؟‬

‫الَّض ْغ ُط ُث ناُّيئ الُّش رفاِت على الَّض ْغ ِط ُث الِّيث الُّش رفاِت‬

‫الَّض ْغ ُط االْن ِق باُّيِض على الَّض ْغ ِط االْن ِب ساِط ِّي‬

‫الَّض ْغ ُط الُبَط ْي ُّيِن على الَّض ْغ ِط اُأل َذ ْي ِّيِن‬

‫الَّض ْغ ُط االْن ِب ساِط ِّي على الَّض ْغ ِط االْن ِق باُّيِض‬

‫‪ 9‬السؤال‬

‫ما الَّن ْب ُض يف ِج ْس ِم اِإل ْن ساِن ؟‬

‫َت باُد ُل الغازاِت َب َنْي الَّد ِم والِّر َئَت ِنْي ‪.‬‬

‫َص ْو ُت َض َر باِت الَق ْل ِب ‪.‬‬

‫الَّد ُم اَّل ذي َي َت َح َّر ُك ِم َن اُأل َذ ْي ِن اَأل ْيَم ِن إىل الُبَط ِنْي اَأل ْيَم ِن ‪.‬‬
‫َع َد ُد الَم َّر اِت اَّل يت َي ُد ُّق فيها الَق ْل ُب يف الَّد قيَق ـِة ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 10‬السؤال‬

‫َح ِّد ْد ِإ جاَب َت َك ِم َن القاِئ َم ـِة الُم ْن َس ِد َل ـِة ‪:‬‬

‫على‬ ‫على ُق َّو ِة اْن ِق باِض الَق ْل ِب ‪ ،‬وَي ُد ُّل الَّض ْغ ُط االْن ِب ساِط ُّي‬ ‫َي ُد ُّل الَّض ْغ ُط االْن ِق باُّيِض‬
‫ُق َّو ِة اْن ِب ساِط الَق ْل ِب ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 11‬السؤال‬

‫َح ِّد ِد اُجل ْم َل ـَة اَّل يت َت ِص ُف الَّس ْك َت ـَة الِّد ماِغ َّي ـَة ِب َش ْك ٍل َأ ْف َض َل ‪:‬‬

‫ِع ْن َد ُألما َي ْنَخ ِف ُض َت زويُدُأ الَّد ِم إىل ُج ْز ٍء ِم َن َذالِّد ماِغ ‪َ ،‬يْم َن ُع ُه َذ ِل َك ِم َن اُحل صوِل على َك ِّم َّي ـٍة كاِف َي ـٍة‬
‫ِم َن ا ْك سجِني ‪ ،‬وَت ْب َد َخ اليا الِّد ماِغ َبْع َد ِل َك بالَم ْو ِت ‪.‬‬

‫ِع ْن َد ما َي ْز داُد َت زويُد الَّد ِم إىل ُج ْز ٍء ِم َن الِّد ما ‪ُ ،‬ي ساِع ُد ُه َذ ِل َك على اُحل صوِل على َك ِّم َّي ـٍة َأ ْك َرَب ِم َن‬
‫َت ْب َد ُأ َخ ِّد َبْع َد َذ َك ِغ‬
‫اُأل ْك سجِني ‪ ،‬و اليا ال ماِغ ِل بال ِت ‪.‬‬
‫ْو‬ ‫َم‬
‫الَّس ْك َت ـُة الِّد ماِغ َّي ـُة ِه َيَأِل َت راُك ُم الُّد هوِن ‪ ،‬والكوليسرتوِل ‪ ،‬والَم واِّد اُأل ْخ رى على ُج ْد راِن الَّش رايِني ؛‬
‫ِم َّم ا َيْم َن ُع َت َد ُّف َق الَّد ِم ِّي ُع ْض ٍو يف اِجل ْس ِم ‪.‬‬

‫ِع ْن َد ُألما َي ْنَخ ِف ُض َت زويُدُأ الَّد ِم إىل ْلُج ْز ٍء ِم َن َذالَق ْل ِب ‪َ ،‬يْم َن ُع ُه َذ ِل َك ِم َن اُحل صوِل على َك ِّم َّي ـٍة كاِف َي ـٍة‬
‫ِم َن ا ْك سجِني ‪ ،‬وَت ْب َد َخ اليا الَق ِب َبْع َد ِل َك بالَم ْو ِت ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 12‬السؤال‬

‫بارا‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫َن‬ ‫ٌّي‬ ‫َر َكَض ْت فا َم ـُة َم ساَف ـ ‪ 5‬كيلومرتا ‪ ،‬وقاَم ْت قيا َن ْب ها ْن َد ما كاَن ْت ُم ْت َع َب ـًة للغاَي ـ ‪َ .‬أ‬
‫ِة ِم ِع ِت‬ ‫ِبَة ِس ِض ِع‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫ٍت‬
‫َق‬ ‫ِط ٌةِل ِة‬
‫الَّت اِل َي ـِة َص حيَح ـ َع ْن ُم َع َّد ِل َض َر باِت ِب فاِط َم ـ ؟‬
‫اْس ْقَتْق َب ُةِلِت ْف ًقالُع ْقَذ َد ُة ا َتَجل ْي ِب َّي ـُة ا َذ ْي ِن َّي ـُة ُم َح ِّف ًز اَق ْلداِخ ِل ًّي ا َع ْن َةحاَج ـِة ِج ْس ِم ها لُأل ْك سجِني ‪ ،‬وقاَم ِت‬
‫الُع َد َو ا ِل ِل َك ِب ْع ديِل ُم َع َّد ِل َض َر باِت ِب فاِط َم ـ ‪.‬‬

‫اْز داَد ُم َع َّد ُل َض َر باِت َق ْل ِب ها َن تيَج ـَة حاَج ـِة اَخل اليا الَع َض ِل َّي ـِة إىل طاَق ـٍة َأ َق َّل ‪.‬‬

‫سج‬ ‫اْس َتْق َب ِلِت الُع ْق َد ُة اُأل َذ ْي ِن َّي ـُة الُبَط ْي ِن َّي ـُة ُم َح ِّف ًز ا داِخ ِل ًّي ا َع ْن حاَج ـِة ْس ِم ها لُأل ْك‬
‫ِني‬ ‫ِج‬

‫َي قوُم ِج ْس ُم ها ِب َض ِّخ َد ٍم َغ ِرْي ُم َؤ ْك َس ٍج ؛ َأِل َّن ها ْحَت تاُج َك ِّم َّي اٍت َأ َق َّل ِم َن اُأل ْك سجِني ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 13‬السؤال‬
‫َأ ٌّي ِم َن اُجل َم ِل الَّت اِل َي ـِة َع ْن َق ْل ِب اِإل ْن ساِن َص حيَح ـٌة ؟‬

‫َي ْن ُب ُض الَق ْل ُب الَّط بيِع ُّي ِب َش ْك ٍل َغ ِرْي ُم ْنَت َظ ٍم ‪.‬‬

‫َي ْن ُب ُض الَق ْل ُب على َث الِث َم راِح َل ‪.‬‬

‫َي ْن ُب ُض الَق ْل ُب الَّط بيِع ُّي ِب ُم َع َّد ِل ‪َ 70‬م َّر ًة يف الَّد قيَق ـِة ‪.‬‬

‫الَق ْل ُب ُم َك َّو ٌن ِم ْن َع َض الٍت َه ْي َك ِل َّي ـٍة ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 14‬السؤال‬

‫َح ِّد ْد ِإ جاَب َت َك ِم َن القاِئ َم ـِة الُم ْن َس ِد َل ـِة ‪:‬‬

‫‪.‬‬ ‫ْيَس‬ ‫الَّن ْب ُض ُه َو َح َر َك ـُة الَّد ِم الُم ْنَت َظ َم ـ الَل الَّش ريا ‪ ،‬وَي كوُن َس َبُبُه اْن باَض الُبَط اَأل‬
‫ِنْي ِر‬ ‫ِق‬ ‫ِن‬ ‫ِة ِخ‬

‫‪ 15‬السؤال‬
‫ِل َم َي ْز داُد ُم َع َّد ُل َض َر باِت َق ْل ِب َك ِع ْن َد ما َتَت َم َّر ُن ؟‬

. ‫ْحَي تاُج اِجل ْس ُم إىل طاَق ـٍة َأ َق َّل‬

. ‫ال َي َت َأ َّث ُر ُم َع َّد ُل َض َر باِت الَق ْل ِب ِب ُم ْس َت وى َن شاِط َك‬

. ‫ وَض ِّخ الَّد ِم إىل كاَّف ـِة َأحْن اِء اِجل ْس ِم‬، ‫َي َت َو َّق ُف الَق ْل ُب َع ِن االْن ِق باِض‬

. ‫ْحَت تاُج اَخل اليا الَع َض ِل َّي ـُة إىل ُأ ْك سجٍني َأ ْك َرَث‬

16 ‫السؤال‬

Select the correct answer.

Which statement about the human heart is TRUE?

Normally, the heart has an irregular rhythm.

Normally, the heart beats an average of 70 times per minute.

The heart is made of skeletal muscles.

The heart beats in three stages.

17 ‫السؤال‬

Select the best choice from the drop-down menu.

When a heartbeat is initiated, the sinoatrial (SA) node generates an electrical signal that first

spreads to the atria .

18 ‫السؤال‬

Use the Word Bank to fill in the missing term.

Word Bank

atrioventricular sinoatrial ventricular cellular

node node node node

The sinoatrial node is a group of cells in the right atrium that coordinate

the contraction of the heart.

19 ‫السؤال‬
Select the correct answer.
How are blood pressure readings given?

systolic over diastolic

diastolic over systolic

mitral over tricuspid

ventricular over atrial

20 ‫السؤال‬

Select the correct answer.

What is the measure of the force of blood pushing against
blood vessel walls known as?

blood pressure

heart rate


21 ‫السؤال‬

Select the correct answer.

What is a pulse in the human body?

the exchange of gases between blood and the lungs

the sound of the heart beat

the blood moving from the right atrium to the right ventricle

the number of times the heart beats in a minute

22 ‫السؤال‬

Select the correct answer.

Which of the following sentences BEST describes a stroke?
Stroke refers to the buildup of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on
your artery walls, which can block blood flow to any body organ.

When the blood supply to part of the brain is increased, helping the brain to get
more oxygen, brain cells begin to die.

When the blood supply to part of the heart is reduced, preventing the heart from
getting oxygen, heart cells begin to die.

When the blood supply to part of the brain is reduced, preventing the brain from
getting oxygen, brain cells begin to die.

23 ‫السؤال‬

Select the correct answer.

One of the most common problems associated with circulation is
when blood vessels get blocked by fat deposits or blood clots. What
is this condition called?



high blood pressure

24 ‫السؤال‬

Drag and drop the correct terms to complete the sentence.

The sinoatrial node, also called the pacemaker , is a group of cells in the

right atrium that coordinate the contraction of the heart.

atrioventricular node right ventricle left atrium

mitral node

25 ‫السؤال‬

Select the best choice from the drop-down menu.

The pulse is the rhythmic movement of blood through an artery that is caused by the contraction

of the left ventricle .

26 ‫السؤال‬
Select the best choice from the drop-down menu.

Systolic pressure indicates the force of blood when the heart

contracts and diastolic pressure indicates the force of blood

when the heart relaxes.

27 ‫السؤال‬

Drag and drop the correct terms to complete the sentences.

In the heart, an electrical signal originates in the sinoatrial node . The signal then

travels to the atrioventricular node , which transmits the signal through excitable fibers

that stimulate the contraction of both ventricles .

septum atria tricuspid node

28 ‫السؤال‬

Select the correct answer.

Fatima runs 5 kilometers and measures her pulse when she is out of breath. Which of the
following is true?

Her heart rate increased as a result of muscle cells needing less energy.

The sinoatrial node received internal stimuli about her body's oxygen needs and
adjusted her heart rate.

The atrioventricular node received internal stimuli about her body's oxygen

Her body is pumping deoxygenated blood because she needs less oxygen.

29 ‫السؤال‬

Select the correct answer.

Which flow chart CORRECTLY shows the steps of the basic process of electrical activity that
generates a heartbeat?


30 ‫السؤال‬

Select the correct answer.

Why does your heart rate increase when you exercise?

The body requires less energy.

Muscle cells need more oxygen.

The heart stops contracting and pumping blood to the body.

The heart rate is not affected by your activity level.

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