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Through the interconnection of individually identifiable smart items, the Internet of Things (IoT)

is a new technology that seamlessly connects the physical and digital spheres. This paradigm
change has an effect on many verticals, including industry, healthcare, transportation, and
research and education. But the IoT's present narrowband infrastructure has latency and
reliability issues, so future applications will require sophisticated cloud-based processing units.
The advent of Light Communication, more especially LiFi, is revolutionary. LiFi guarantees
interference-free communication, improves security, and offers wide spectrum availability. In
order to achieve seamless mobility and 5G integration, this study explores the state-of-the-art
in LiFi. It proposes a distributed Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) topology with plastic
optical fiber, promising low latency and integrated location. LiFi's trajectory has been
significantly shaped by the EU ELIoT project, which emphasizes teamwork to realize LiFi's full
potential within the IoT ecosystem. In addition to addressing present issues, the convergence of
IoT and LiFi portends a new era of progressively reliable, safe, and smoothly integrated
connectivity for smart items in our everyday lives.

The elaborate process of collecting, sending, and receiving data in the complex world of the
Internet of Things (IoT) is facilitated by the sophisticated interaction of sensors, communication
protocols, and data processing units. IoT devices actively gather a variety of data from their
actual surroundings thanks to their array of sensors, which include cameras, motion detectors,
and temperature gauges. Depending on the device, this raw data is first processed on-device
using on-device processing capabilities or by using edge computing for analysis and filtering.
Following pre-processing, the data is sent using a variety of communication protocols, such as
MQTT or CoAP, which are selected based on factors like bandwidth constraints and energy
efficiency. Data transfer is made easier by wireless connectivity, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or
cellular networks, however conventional methods, like Ethernet, may be necessary in some
situations. However, there are obstacles in the way of the transmission process, like scarce
bandwidth and security issues, which forces the use of encryption, compression, priority, and
secure communication protocols. The data travels to its destination and is received by edge
servers for instantaneous, decentralized analysis or by cloud servers for centralized processing
and storage. This dynamic, interconnected cycle demonstrates how the Internet of Things (IoT)
collects, transmits, and receives data with ease, enabling an ecosystem that can provide
intelligent, real-time solutions for a variety of applications.

Integration of Fiber Optics and IoT in Real-World Applications: The Internet of

Things (IoT) and fiber optics are coming together to suit the changing needs of
various businesses, and this convergence is making tremendous progress.
Particularly promising is the integration of Optical Wireless Communication
(OWC) systems, namely Light Fidelity (LiFi) systems. LiFi appears as a promising
solution for a variety of applications as the IoT landscape continues to densify due
to the proliferation of devices generating considerable yet individually restricted
traffic. When machines, industrial gadgets, and smart eyewear require faster data
speeds, lower latency, and increased link dependability, industries like
manufacturing are benefiting from LiFi. One innovative project tackling the
difficulties of LiFi integration into the IoT is the EU H2020 project ELIoT.

Industries Benefiting from Fiber Optics and IoT Integration: Across many
industries, the convergence of fiber optics and IoT—especially with LiFi technology
—is bringing about revolutionary developments. Because of its adaptability, LiFi
can be used in a variety of locations, including homes, workplaces, factories, and
outdoor areas. LiFi integration is based on the idea of a Layer 2 LAN, which is
comparable to traditional Ethernet connections and guarantees interoperability
with other protocols, including IP and industrial automation protocols. LiFi's
capacity to offer reliable, secure, and fast connectivity is advantageous for sectors
like healthcare, where low-latency communication is essential. LiFi's use in smart
cities also improves urban living by lowering energy costs, increasing public
safety, and managing traffic better. The ELIoT project's demonstration of LiFi's
integration into 5G networks highlights the technology's potential to transform
telecommunications and offer seamless large-area coverage. All things considered,
the partnership between fiber optics and the Internet of Things, as symbolized by
LiFi technology, is showing promise as a catalyst for innovation across industries,
providing improved security, efficiency, and connectivity.

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