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Achievement chart--we check when activity is done

Progress chart -check pre learning objective is done

LRB- after institutional assessment
Training Activity Matrix –cover whole U.C
-to know what workstation the trainees are.
-monitor area to avoid crowdedness
Components of session plan
Unit Sector
Qualification title
Unit Competency
Module Title
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities
Trainer’s reflection

Preparation for having a training?

What are the adult learners?
How did you organize the session plan?
Methods of teaching? Individualized learning, computer-aided discussion, demonstration
Assessment methods? Written, oral questioning, demonstration
Persons involved in training plan? Industry trainer

1. What are the factors to consider in planning assessment activity?
2. Differentiate the forms of evidence?
3. If you will be an assessor, how will you ensure that your decision is justifies/satisfies, the Rules of Evidence?
4. What are the purposes of assessment?
5. In preparing the candidate for assessment, what should be to inform in the orientation? Specifically, in the
context of assessment?
6. What are the legal and ethical responsibilities in the conduct of competency assessment?
7. How can the assessor ensure the confidentiality of the assessment process? And why?
8. Differentiate the four dimensions of competency?
9. What are the different forms used in the assessment process?
10. What is reasonable adjustment?
11.. If the workplace is unsafe for evaluation, what would you do?
12. What would you do if the trainee exhibit unsafe practices L during evaluation?
13. When can you say that your evidence is valid? And when it is sufficient?
14. How do you ensure that all elements in the unit of competency were covered in the evaluation?
15. How do you evaluate the four dimensions of competency in the evaluation activity
16. What evidence gathering tools will you use to evaluate the underpinning knowledge of the trainee?
17. How do you gather evidence on each of the critical aspect of competency identified in the evidence guide?
18. If you were the assessor, when can you say that your evaluation decision is correct?


1. What is competency based training?

2. What are the different characteristics of trainees? Why do we need their individual characteristics?
3. What are the two key terms in competency-based training?
4. Differentiate the four dimensions of competency?
5. What is current competency? How can you determine it?
6. How do you identify the training gaps of your trainees?
7. What is a session plan and what are its benefits?
8. What are the elements of session plan?
9. What is a competency standard and enumerate its parts?
10. What is meant by critical aspect of competency? are the performance criteria that are listed in the
evidence guide of the competency standard as critical. These criteria are required to be demonstrated by the
trainee for him to be evaluated as competent. You should prepare an institutional competency assessment
tool that will show these evidences.
11. What methods are appropriate for your competency?

12. What are the characteristics of a good information sheets?

13. What are the elements of good performance objectives?

14. Explain the purpose of assessment . –to determine whether the trainee can perform to the standards
expected in the workplace based on defined competency standard. Certification is provided to those who
meets the competency standards.

15. Enumerate and explain the different components or areas of a competency-


1. What is work based training?
ANS... Is a training delivery mode by which the trainees are exposed in the workplace. Training shall be done in
coordination with industry/training provider thru a memorandum of agreement/ training agreement by
ILDO. It involves a training plan and approved by both parties.
2. Enumerate and differentiate the types of work based training.
- help trainee’s move from school to the workplace by offering hands on learning, in real work settings, over a
relatively long period of time.
-They are school supervised and maybe paid or unpaid.
-Designed to give trainees a better sense of the jobs within the particular business or industry

-A training and employment program involving a contract between an apprentice and an
Employer on an approved apprentice able occupation
-It aims to provide a mechanism that will ensure availability of qualified skilled workers based on industry
-Minimum of 4 months and max of 6 months
Only for companies approved and registered apprenticeship program under TESDA

- a practical training on-the-job training for approved learnable occupations
-period not exceeding 3 months
-an instructional mode of delivery for technology-based education and training in which learning takes place
alternately in two venues: school and raining school
-typically involve trainees in the management of business that produces or sell goods and services as part of a
school program
-it helps trainees increase their skills in problem solving, business operation, time management and working in
-located in schools and is a popular work based strategy for school districts without access to many employees
3. What are the goals or objectives of work based training? Give at least 3.
A. to expand and enhance the trainees learning through planned career experience in an actual work
B. help trainees make the transition from school to work and career.
C. to teach the environment of work
D. increase trainee’s awareness and appreciation of the relevance of basic, common and core competencies
as they apply to their qualification/occupational choice
E. provide trainees with opportunities for potential career placement in their occupational choice
F. Project a positive image of trainees through involvement in business and industry

4. What are the components of training plan?

a. Training agreements
b. Training activity
c. Mode of training
d. Staff
e. Facilities, tools and equipments
f. Venue
g. Assessment method
h. Time and date
5. As a trainer, what should you identify and check first before starting the training?
Determine the competency to determine gaps
6. What are the roles and duties of the institution that should be stated in the memorandum of agreement for
work-based training?
7. What are the roles and duties of trainees in the conduct of work based training or supervised industry
8. What are the monitoring tools needed during the work based training. Explain uses.
a. Progress sheet
b. Learners Record Book
c. Training plan
9. Why is it important to give feedback?

10. What are the characteristics of a good feedback?

11. What are the guidelines in giving construction feedback?

12. What are the means of giving feedback?

13. Why is it important to conduct training program evaluation?


Unit sector
Q-ualification Title
Unit of Competency
Module Title
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activities
Trainers Reflection


Learning Content

What is Competency based training?

A training delivery approach that focuses on the competency development of the trainee as a result of the
training. It emphasizes on what the learner can actually do: focuses on outcomes rather than the learning
process within the specified time.


1. What are the principles of CBT?

1. The training is based on the curriculum developed from competency standards.

- CS is the written specification of the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values required for the performance
of a job, occupation or trade.

2. The learning is competency-based or modular in structure. One competency is one module but some
competencies maybe divided into training modules. A qualification is composed of set of competencies a
worker should have.

3. The training is individualized or self-paced.

-learning is done by the learner at own pace and not waiting for the other learners
4. Training is based on work that must be performed.
-learning is based on the actual industry practice.

5. Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum.
-competency standards are updated specifications of the qualification
6. Assessment of learners is based in the collection of evidences of work performance based on the industry
and organizational standards.
-traditional students are judged against each other
-In CBTVET , students are assessed against the evidences based on standard
7. Training isa based on and off the job components and off the job components
-Better learning with industry and school partnership. (OJT)

8. The system allows the Recognition of Prior Learning. (RPL) –workers and students can have prior skills
9. The system allows the learner to enter or exit at any level and time. –there is flexibility for entry and exit
10. Training programs are nationally accredited or registered within UTPRAS (Unified TVET Program
Registration) and Accreditation System.
-compliance to UTPRAS would include training approaches, curriculum, learning materials, facilities, resources
and other training materials.

2. What are the advantages and limitations of CBT?

-Participants will achieve competencies required in the performance of their job.
-participants build confidence as they succeed in mastering specific competencies.
-participants receive a certificate of achievement for every competency they achieved.
-training time is used more efficiently and effectively as the trainer is a facilitator of learning as opposed to a
provider of information.
-more training time is devoted to working with participants individually or in small groups as opposed to
presenting lectures.
-more training time is devoted to evaluating each participants ability to perform essential job skills

3. What is RPL? What are its advantages?

Recognized prior learning
-RPL allows you to complete formal education in a shorter period of time and at less cost.
-rpl means that you do not have to repeat or waste time learning what you have already learned.
-rpl- increases your career and education options through recognized skills and knowledge
-rpl allows for fairer access to studies that you wish to undertake.

4. Enumerate and differentiate the Criteria used for RPL assessment.

AUTHENTICITY- evidence must be authenticated by the appropriate authority

CURRENCY- are the skills and knowledge used in the workforce now?
QUALITY- are the skills and knowledge at a standard appropriate for current requirements as per competency
RELEVANCE- are the skills and knowledge relevant to the particular qualification?
TRANSFERABILITY- are the skills and knowledge gained elsewhere relevant to the particular qualification.
VALIDITY- can the applicant demonstrate a skill required for the course?

5. What are the purpose of pre-assessment?

a. to determine trainees characteristics.
b. to recognize prior learning
c. to determine training needs

6. How competency based training carry out the delivery of the training?

7. What are the elements of CBT that need to be discussed in the orientation?

8. What is your basis in sequencing your learning activities?

9. Enumerate Gagne’s nine Events of Instruction
G – I –S- P P-E-P-A E
Gain attention
Inform the objectives
Stimulate the
10. What are the key Characteristics of adult learners?
Task oriented
Built on past expereince
11. What are the principles of adult learning?

12. How would you manage limited training resources?

13. In case training materials for the session did not arrive on time, what remedies can you suggest?

14. What are the principles of giving feedback?

15. What are the tools, ways in providing feedback?

16. What are the characteristics of a good feedback?

17. Differentiate demonstration with oral questioning and observation with oral questioning as method of

18. What is meant by training evaluation?

19. Why is there need to evaluate training session?

It is designed to determine the effectiveness of the training in achieving its objectives

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