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Republic of the Philippines



Submitted to

Submitted by
Group 4

Marc Alvin P. Acob

Juanimar Simangan
John Lloyd Fernandez
John Benedick
Rhonalyn Jane Aguilar
Princess Dappanan
Shentel Planas

Isabela State University

Jones Isabela

I’ve chosen gene therapy because of its transformative potential in treating genetic
disorders. This innovative approach involves manipulating genes to address diseases that
lack effective treatments. The challenge lies in ethical and safety considerations. Gene
therapy brings with it concerns about unintended consequences, long-term impacts, and the
risk of misuse. Navigating these issues requires thorough research, clear communication,
and strong regulatory measures to ensure responsible and beneficial applications of gene
therapy in healthcare. The issue with gene therapy revolves around ethical concerns,
potential long-term effects, and the precision of the technology. Critics worry about
unintended consequences, the possibility of genetic modifications being passed on to future
generations, and the potential misuse of this technology. Gene therapy holds significant
importance in treating certain genetic disorders by addressing the root cause at the genetic
level. It has the potential to provide long-term or even permanent solutions for conditions that
were previously untreatable. However, ethical considerations, safety concerns, and the need
for thorough research are crucial in ensuring its responsible and effective use. The
importance lies in harnessing its potential benefits while carefully navigating the associated
challenges. Addressing these dilemmas requires ongoing dialogue among scientists,
ethicists, policymakers, and the public to establish guidelines that promote responsible and
ethical use of gene therapy.
Related Literature

According to study suggests that advanced language models like GPT-4 can be used
to measure how similar a piece of text is to a certain idea (typicality). They tested this by
comparing it to existing methods in two areas: book genres and tweets from US Congress
members. What’s groundbreaking here is that GPT-4 did well without any special training on
the study’s data. This is a big deal because the previous best method needed a lot of
training on specific data to perform well. But, keep in mind that these models might still have
biases, and we need to think about how applicable these findings are In different situations.
Also, the Idea of “typicality” might mean different things in different contexts, so it’s essential
to consider that too. (Gaël Le Mens, et. Al, 2023)

The development over the past decade of methods for delivering genes to mammalian cells
has stimulated great interest in the possibility of treating human disease by gene-based
therapies. However, despite substantial progress, a number of key technical issues need to
be resolved before gene therapy can be safely and effectively applied in the clinic. Future
technological developments, particularly in the areas of gene delivery and cell
transplantation, will be critical for the successful practice of gene therapy.Richard C Mulligan
Science 260 (5110), 926-932, 1993

Gene therapy for hemophilia: progress to date” (2020) by Nathwani AC, Reiss UM, et
al.Focused on hemophilia, this study reviews the progress in gene therapy for this specific
genetic disorder, showcasing advancements and challenges.

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