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Neil Adrian E.

Mahistrado ETS TEP 173

Summary Reflection in Reading Difficulties of Learners

Speaker: Hazel Mae E. Balaguian Jagna City School Division, Bohol, Philippines

The speaker tackled the reading difficulties of learners and emphasized that reading should be
the learner’s main skill in order to effectively acquire more knowledge. Nowadays, reading has been a
problem, especially in our country, which is not a good thing. I have heard news about the
Philippines, which ranked lowest in the PISA, or Program for International Student Assessment.
According to the 2022 PISA, the Philippines performed poorly in reading comprehension, math, and
science for the second time out of 81 countries. However, test indicators revealed that although pupils
moved up the rank, their performance didn't really improve. Overall, from 2018 to 2022, the
Philippines had increases of 2.2 percentage points in mathematics, 6.9 percentage points in reading,
and 0.8 percentage points in scientific competence. This problem is prevalent throughout the country.

In the webinar, it tackles activities on how to manage reading difficulties, like scaffolding, which
refers to the support provided to the students in attempting to accomplish the task. There is also
reteaching, which is essential because some of the students cannot learn immediately from their
lesson, so you have to find a way to strategize and make differentiated activities for the learners. It
also includes the use of dolch words, which further develops the learner's capabilities in reading and

In the webinar, I realized and learned many things because, as a future teacher, I must be able to
observe my students to see how they are coping with reading and to help them develop their skills in
it. Though it is a hard task, I must be flexible to deal with the problems of teaching and make teaching
strategies that are appropriate for the learners so that they can learn more.

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