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Winter work out

Фрази, які ми використовуємо на кожному занятті:

Hello/ Good afternoon.
How are you today? - I am happy/ sad/ tired/ angry/ so-so/ sleepy/ worried/
excited/ great/ wonderful/ surprised/ hungry/ thirsty.
What is your name? – I am…
How old are you? – I am …
Where are you from? – I am from Ukraine.
Where do you live? - I live in Brovary.
Пори року та погода:
What season is it now? – It is winter. Do you like it?
How is the weather today? – It is sunny/rainy/windy/snowy/cloudy.
What color is it?
What color do you like? – I like …
Look around! Touch something red/ green/ yellow…
Часто вживані фрази:
Stand up.
Sit down.
Let’s dance/ sing/ play.
What is it? - It is…
What is missing?
Take a card and name it. Is it fruit or vegetable?
What fruit/ vegetable do you like? – I like banana/ apple/ cucumber.
What fruit/ vegetable you don’t like? – I don’t like onion/ watermelon.
How many carrots/ cucumbers/ apples can you see? – I can see 3 carrots.
What animal is it? Do you like it? What color is it?
Listen to me attentive and try to guess the animal.
Приклади ігор, які ми використовуємо на заняттях для кращого
запам’ятовування лексики:
1. Jump from one card to another and name them.
2. While the music is playing run around the cards? When it stops stand on a
card and name it.
3. Take an object from my magic bag and name it.
4. Close your eyes and touch the object. Try to guess, what is it?
Пісня, яку ми використовуємо для вітання:
Пісня, яку ми використовуємо для прощання:
Пісні, які ми використовуємо протягом наших занять:

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