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Plato explained that art can be a very useful teaching material to the young, for they can be easily

influenced by any material of teaching, Plato explained that the young should be mold into a

great man so the future of one’s nation is in well-being, the use of fictional poetry must be

censored to the young for they portray non reality situations or events making them grow apart

the true concept of beauty and the understanding of mimesis, in which mimesis is the imitation or

representation of objects, events and also nature, therefore we imitate all the things in the realm

of the forms making it an imitation of an imitation. Lastly the Plato’s understanding to beauty is

it has its own realm where in this realm all things are perfect, unchanging and as well as eternal,

this realm is what Plato trying or teaching us that we must achieve in our life.

Based on Plato art is dangerous and at the same time imitation making it an enough reason why it

must be ban to society, but Aristotle disagree to this idea, Aristotle view in in beauty lies on

symmetry, definiteness and lastly order, art is the representation of our nature, Aristotle explained

that even though Plato’s view in art is different, Aristotle argues that these characteristic have a

benefit to the society, people will have the ability to experience catharsis or they will have an

purification in their bad emotions, Aristotle’s explanation to catharsis is that it is fear and tragedy

and also an imitation to an action, pursuing virtue must have a understanding to moral character,

if a man chases the virtue he/she will have an ability to perform good moral deeds and he/she can

benefit to it.

David Hume’s pleasure to beauty is about the presence of senses and reason, David Hume

believes that beauty isn’t in the eye of the beholder because if that is the case then there will no
wrong ideas on aesthetic goodness, that is why David Hume explained that we have different

taste in art and it’s either subjective or even objective type ultimately explaining that some

objects or even art can be unique to the first person but not to the second person for we have

different taste. Hume explained that passion is the slave of reason, making passion more of a

impression rather than an idea, Hume categorize that our senses and experience are passion,

making our passion is the one that determines our perception and understanding in some object

or art, based on Hume, passion drives our knowledge that is for him passion is above than reason.

For Kant beauty is the symbol of morality and that is why we have the obligation to understand

what are the main concept of beauty, Kant explained that we often view something beautiful if

our senses or imagination is in a free-play in which it is trying to match up with our

understanding but it cannot quite completely understand it, making or judgement to beauty is

more of a objective type, making an artwork or a sculpture or any object beautiful if our

imagination suddenly went into a free-play we understood it as a beautiful things.

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