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Incident Report

Time: 03:30 - Ongoing

Date: December 30th 2023

Officer: A-497

Call: Officer Hostage

At 03:30 a 911 call went out for an officer's vehicle found running with lights and siren
activated with no officer around. The plate was A-42 belonging to LSPD Officer A-42
that is when A-42 responded to said call when they arrived they were taken hostage by
a Mr Jack Lancaster. The rest of LSPD were dispatched when Officer A-42 radioed in
telling us what had happened and that would be his final radio transmission. The final
transmission was made from Postal 443 near the Kortz Center.Next came the subtle
hints from Mr.Lancaster to try and find them. The hints are as follows,

Hint 1
I have your beloved officer LSPD pay attention so use your brain bye bye radio.
Hint 2
Seems innocent as I stand on this tower looking over the fields I got a signal this
party may be voodoo.

Hint 3
As I make my way down the boulevard I feel free in a way and not out of place.

This man has taken our brother in arms and we must not stop until we have found him.
We need to create the largest search this city has seen. I need everyone's help there
are a few ideas we have, one being Signal St and Voodoo St intersect near a tower
overlooking an airfield in postal 928. Search will continue through the day December
30th until he is found and brought home alive. Thank you

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