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Chemical Engineering Science, 1963, Vol. 18, pp. 787-804. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford. Printed in Great Britain.

Studies of falling liquid film flow

Film thickness on a smooth vertical plate


Battersea College of Technology, Chemical Engineering Department, London, S.W.ll

(Received 16 April 1963; in revised form 29 May 1963)

Abstract-Investigating the film characteristics of thirteen liquids the author took some 450 hold-up
measurements using a vertical column with a smooth plate. The average value of the rippled film
thickness is less than the corresponding value with no ripples, i.e. when suitable amounts of surface
active agents are used. The film thickness data are an excellent indication of the mode of flow of
the falling film.
In all the cases considered I(ApITsA’S theory approximates to the experimental results better than
NUSSELT’Stheory in the region for which these theories were intended. On the other hand both these
theories compare unfavourably with the universal velocity profile treatment as originally proposed by
VON KLRMAN and subsequently extended by DUKLERand BERGELIN.This is so far the best available
approximation to the facts and the assumption of the original universal velocity profile based on
full-pipe flow leads to the prediction of the average liquid film thickness in fair agreement with those
experimentally determined. Nevertheless, systematic deviations still exist in consequence of the fact
that the original velocity profile equations were proposed for full-pipe flow and are in need of
modification in the light of the experimental data in falling film thickness.

work on film flow and established the following

equations :
THE mechanics of falling liquid films are closely
the velocity at the surface,
connected with the phenomena of wave-motion
and ripples appearing quite naturally on liquid y -
films at practically rates. In the past few
all flow 2P
years there have been a number of attempts to
investigate liquid film conditions of the wavy flow the mean velocity of the film,
configuration both from the practical and theoreti-
cal points of approach [l-lo]. A comparatively
recent summary of the work published on falling
liquid films is given in Ref. 35 [11-40]. therefore,
In most cases the efforts of the investigators have 5-3
been directed towards measuring the film thickness v,, - 5
and this fact stresses suthciently the importance
of knowing the actual thickness of flowing liquid also the mean film thickness,
films. 3vQ l/3
m =
-_ .4 -
Later JEFFREYS[42, 431 analysed the case of the
Thickness is the most obvious characteristic of inclined plane, showing that the above relations
the falling film and in the past several different held, provided that the gravity term is ‘g sin 6
approaches have been tried in estimating this prop- (where 8 is the inclination to the horizontal) instead
erty. NUSSELT [41] presented the first important of ‘g’.


FALLAH et al. [ 191 have developed similar ex- C$= CIsin n(x - kt) + 0.28~~ cos 2n(x - kt) -
pressions and their equation for the mean film 9
CI’sin 2n(x - kt) + . . . (10)
thickness is -4a,
%QCl - W2v,Jl 1'3 where
1 S(PL - PC) I
(5) n = 2njA (11)
which reduces to equation (4) when the interfacial This means, of course, that equation (9) is valid
shear stress is zero. In cases where the core-fluid for Re > Rei only.
is a gas the term (pL - pC) is nearly equal to pL. The amplitude of the wave motion, u, and the
JACKSON [6] redeveloped these equations for value of the ratio of the phase velocity to the mean
liquid flowing down a circular tube. His equations stream velocity, 2, may also be determined, [l, 351
are i.e. at first approximation:

s - 4#u
R2- 2+2r21n?
R 1 (6) u = 0.46;
In addition, the value of ;I is given by
Z = 2.4 (12)

vs 112
V,, = g p - 3r2 - $$ In 3 (7) (Qs1
1=7-5 (13)

provided that
so that
V R2 - r2 + 2r2 In r/R ‘L > 13.7 (14)
SC2 (8) UO
VZ” R2 - 3r2 - 4r4/[R2 - r2] In r/R I
One has to realize that the flow behaviour of liquid
The weakness of all the above equations is the fact
films on vertical surfaces is much more complicated
that they were developed with the assumptions of
than the flow of liquids in full pipes or channels.
perfect viscous flow and no wave-motion at the
In the latter case there are certain more or less
liquid surface. However, early work has shown
well defined regimes of flow, the laminar, turbulent
that the liquid may assume a wave motion at
and transitional zones. In film flow these zones
extremely low flow rates well within the viscous
are no longer so well defined and additional com-
flow region [20, 211. There is comparatively little
plications arise due to the wave motion or the
theoretical work on the problem of the inception
presence of ripples on the surface of the liquid at
of liquid surface instability in general, and of
quite low Reynolds numbers. For two-phase film
wave-motion on vertical liquid films in particular.
flow the characteristic dimension of length in
A recent survey of postulated theories has been
the equation for the Reynolds number is taken as
presented by URSELL [44]. The analysis of KELVIN
the average film thickness, m; similarly the velocity
145J based on frictionless fluid streams and the
“sheltering” theory of JEFFREYS[46] have to be used is the mean stream velocity, V,,, so that one
can write
discarded as they apply only to “deep water”
conditions. Recently analyses of the problem based
Re = Kvrn Q
-=- (15)
on the Orr-Sommerfeld equation [47] have been 9
presented in the literature [8-lo]. According to
KAPITSA’Stheory [l, 21 of the wavy film flow, the and, indeed, some authors [7, 81 use the above
mean film thickness, expression.
But usually one takes as the criterion the

a _ 2.4vQ ‘I3 Reynolds number defined as follows:

-=- 4Q
and the free surface function of the flowing film, P v
Studies of falling liquid film flow : 6lm thickness on a smooth vertical plate

Some investigators in the field of falling liquid have on substituting for V (equation 2) in equation
films have regarded the Froude number as a very (21):
appropriate dimensionless group for correlating
their experimental results [7, 6, 341. JACKSON[6]
used the Froude number
and substituting for m (equation 4) in (22):
Fr’ = (gm)l/Z (17)
as a criterion for wave inception on liquid films.
BELKINet al. [34] accepting JACKSON’S definition When equations (16) and (23) are combined, the
of the Froude number, have developed an equation Reynolds number can be expressed in terms of the
expressing a dimensionless film thickness parameter Froude number
as a function of the Reynolds and Froude numbers,
Re = 12 Fr (24)
mg1’3v-2’3 = 0*397[Re/Fr’]2/3
B. Wavy flow
The flow behaviour in the wavy or pseudo-
BRAUER [7] has used another dimensionless
laminar region is different from the true laminar
criterion including the Weber group together with
one and consequently the value of the Froude group
both the Froude and Reynolds groups, i.e. the
is bound to be affected. The resulting change in
reduced Weber number, We/Re . Fr, for correlation
the value of the Froude number may be established
of flhn turbulence inception data. He has deduced
quantitatively in the following way:
that the critical Reynolds number of turbulence
By eliminating from equation (21) the mean film
inception, Re,, is given by
velocity, V, we have

Re.Fr 3 V2
Re, = 9 - .I&1 (19) Fr=__ Q" (25)
[ We gm m3g
whereKF is Yet another dimensionless group, known The above equation expresses the Frou& group as
as the film number defined by a function of the average film thickness, m, which
may be evaluated according to KAPITSA’Stheory
K =& (20) [I, 21 of the wavy film flow, thus
F 9P4
It will be shown presently that one does not gain
any advantage by introducing simultaneously both m3
the Reynolds and Froude criteria for correlation substituting the above expression for m in equation
of experimental data on falling film flow-and that (25), we have
in most cases it is sufficient to use one criterion only
because in the laminar and the wavy regions of flow
there exists a linear relationship between the Rey-
nolds and Froude numbers. and by combining equations (27) and (16), we
A. Laminar Jrow obtain

The Froude number for film flow is commonly Re= 16Fr (28)
taken as The above equation applies in the wavy flow
up to the critical Reynolds number for the inception
Fr=-!f (21) of turbulence in the film. The values given in the
gm literature for the Reynolds number at which turbu-
Using NUSSELT’Sequations for laminar flow, we lence appears in the film flow seem to vary. For


water-films the values quoted range between Re, = may depend to a certain extent on the method of
1000 and Re, N 2400 where Re, is the Reynolds measurement being adopted.
number of transition between viscous and turbulent The methods of film thickness measurement given
flow. A summary of the results of the critical in the literature are of two main types; (a) direct
Reynolds number of transition obtained by various and (b) indirect.
workers for water films is given in Table 1. (a) The direct method of measurement. This
method involves the use of a micrometer screw
Table 1. Values of the transitional Reynolds number
and its different modifications. It was used by
for water films
the past and by HANRATTYand ENGEN [29] re-
Year Authors Ret cently. At its best it may be useful on extremely
rare occasions when dealing with true laminar flow,
[18] 2000 but when waves are present the height of the highest
1934 COOPER et al. [17] 2100 wave crests is naturally obtained, rather than the
1945-47 GRIMLEY[22,23] 1000
mean film thickness. The feeler-probe method,
1956 BRAUER [7] 1600
[30] 1160 used by PENNIEand BELANGER[24] and also by
[35] 1150 BRAUER [7] is a refined modification of the mi-
crometer screw method. Here a very fine needle is
mounted on a micrometer and is adjusted so as to
The experimental values for the Reynolds number touch the liquid film, the contact being registered
of transition are normally obtained by plotting the normally by an electronic counter.
mean film thickness against the Reynolds number The objection to this method is quite obvious:
of the film on a log-log scale. A number of charac- by touching the surface of the film by a probe, or
teristic straight lines can be drawn through the even worse, by introducing the probe into the film,
experimental data and the point of intersection however fine the probe may be, one interferes with
of two of them marks the transitional Reynolds the natural flow of the film. One measures, there-
number. fore, a disturbed condition which may not be closely
The film thickness appears therefore to be quite related to the original undisturbed mode of flow,
an important characteristic of film flow, but the (b) The indirect method. In the indirect method
meaning liquid layer thickness varies somewhat in the film thickness is calculated from some other
the published literature depending upon the par- measured quantity and it can thus be obtained in
ticular method of measurement being used. several ways, e.g. by
(1) a drainage or hold-up method, (2) shadow-
photographs, (3) radio-active tracers, (4) a balanc-
ing tower method, (5) electrical capacitance [5]
Methods of film thickness measurement and electrical resistance [33] methods, (6) photo-
Since waves and ripples are naturally present on metric [48, 491 and optical interference [40]
most falling liquid films at all but the very lowest method.
flow rates, the meaning of the phrase “liquid layer The drainage method is quite simple, at least in
thickness” has to be carefully defined. There are theory: the feed to the wetted-wall apparatus is
three possibilities : suddenly stopped and simultaneously a measuring
(a) maximum layer height, (b) average film thick- vessel is placed below the outlet, the liquid film
ness, (c) residual film thickness. The maximum layer being thus collected in toto. From the amount
layer height is, of course, the height of the highest of liquid collected and the known wetted-wall area
wave crests; the residual film thickness represents the average film thickness can be calculated. With
the thinnest part of the film. The meaning of the a refined technique of draining and using a care-
average film thickness seems obvious, but it must fully designed apparatus this method is capable
be realised that the value of the mean film thickness of very high accuracy.

Studies of falling liquid film flow: film thicknesson a smooth vertical plate
The results shown in Table 2 show quite a wide where the flow is truly viscous and waves are absent,
measure of variation and the author- considered this method automatically shifts the experimenta
it worth-while to carry out a preliminary investi- film thickness results at low flow rates and pins
gation on water film flow using the most favoured them down on to the theoretical line proposed by
type of apparatus for this purpose, viz. a vertical Nusselt. But Nusselt’s theory fails to predict the
tube fitted with certain refinements [30]. The film thickness correctly, even for steady laminar
observations made concerning the average film conditions of flow [28, 31, 351. On examination
thickness have shown that turbulence in water of his results JACKSONstates that “the data permit
films begins quite early, i.e. at Re 1: 1160, and few conclusions concerning the inception of turbu-
that the transition region may extend up to com- lence” and that “for water and the lighter liquids
paratively high value of Re N 1500 or more, before no significant departure from viscous behaviour is
a fully turbulent condition is reached. It was realisedindicated up to Reynolds numbers of 5000 although
also during the course of experiments with water scattering of the data is observed above Re =
films in vertical tubes that this type of apparatus 2000.”
suffers from certain disadvantages which preclude In view of the above criticism JACKSON’S results
a thorough examination of the many phenomena are not entirely surprising. KAMESand OISHI [28]
relating to the hydrodynamics of film flow-and it have devised a balancing tower method for weigh-
would appear that at least some of these impedi- ing of the hold-up. They claim that the sensitivity
ments have not been fully appreciated in the past. of this method without gas flow is O-5 g. However
It is the experience of the author that the hold-up they admit that “with counter-current gas flow the
method of the film thickness measurement is very weight necessary to balance the tower was unstable
unlikely to produce highly accurate and reprodu- and so the measurements were rougher than those
cible results, unless the apparatus is so designed without gas flow”. In fact they mention that “with
that it possesses such features as an automatic the air flowing, the tower swings violently and irre-
device for stoppage of the feed and simultaneous gularly and the accuracy of the balance decreases.
elimination of weir-head liquid as well as the It is inevitable that the observed film thickness is
collection of drainage from a fairly large wetted more or less in error under such conditions”.
area. This cannot be achieved easily, if at all, using It would thus appear that the balancing tower
small-bore tubes of moderate length. method of film thickness measurement is quite
JACKSON[6] has employed the method of using sensitive for the “no air-blow” condition but it
radioactive tracers (yttrium 91) to establish the is much less reliable with the air blow. It is perhaps
thickness of liquid films by the following expres- not inappropriate to mention here that by using
sion : the technique and the wetted-column designed by
the author one can measure the hold-up quite
m=C.A, (2% comfortably to the nearest 0.5 ml with the appa-
where C is a constant and A, is described as the ratus of approximately four times the wetted area
activity of liquid film on a vertical tube apparatus, of the largest tower used by KAIKEIand OISHI;
corrected for absorption and sample activity, in there is no difficulty at all with the measurements
counts/set. He had to evaluate first the constant C during air blow in either countercurrent or co-
in equation (29). This was done, apparently “by current flow. At the same time one has to stress
operating the vertical tube apparatus under con- that the new method of KAMEIand OISHI is a real
ditions of flow where the film thickness could be improvement in the technique of film thickness
calculated from the flow rate” using NUSSELT’S measurement in wetted-wall tubes and this is
equation (4), i.e. the value of the constant was reflected no doubt in the experimental results which
determined by plotting corrected activity, A,, they obtained for no air-blow conditions. These
against the calculated film thickness, m. workers note that “by the use of this method of
The author’s criticism of this technique is the measurement it became obvious that the observed
fact that, even if this could be done for the region thickness of the liquid film was smaller than the

E 791

theoretical” i.e. in the perfect laminar region. Their rod with water flow were compared with photo-
observations agree with DUKLER’S work [4, 51 graphs of the dry rod, using a planimeter on en-
and with the author’s experimental results on the larged photographs. Their method of film thick-
thickness of vertical liquid films with no air blow. ness measurement is essentially the same as that
BELKIN and associates [34] have published re- used by BRAUER [7], except that BRAUERfully
cently a paper on turbulent liquid film flow. Two realized the limitations of his method and was
related photographic techniques were used by them taking great care (seven photographs of the water
for water flow down the outer surface of 1 in. film for each value of the Reynolds number!) to
vertical glass rods. High-speed photographs of the obtain the best results possible with his technique.

Air Vent
Constant Pressure Tank
Galvanised Pipe +”
Galvanised Pipe +”
Galvanised Pipe I”
Galvanised Pipe I”
Steam Heater-Water Cooler
Rubber Connection Pipe
Circulating Pump
3-way Valve I”
Globe Valve
Sliding Catch-Trough
Catch Trough Spring
Mixing Tank
Air Distributor
Vertical S.S. Plate &”
4” Dia. Galvnnired Pipe
Overhead Air Distributor
Handy Angle Section
Gusset 6”
Angle Section I$” x I)”
Channel Section I+” x 2”
Air Box
Cork Plate
Soft Rubber Plate
Wood Block
Liquid Distribution Tank
Perspex Plate fr”
Thermometer Socket
Knife Edge

Fro. 1. General arrangement of apparatus.

Studies of falling liquid film flow : film thickness on a smooth vertical plate

In the author’s opinion it is extremely difficult Apparatus

to enlarge photographs of apparatus to exactly the A very large wetted wall area seemed absolutely
same length-especially if two cameras are used imperative for an accurate determination of the
for the purpose-unless the photographed portions mean film thickness from the hold-up measure-
are very accurately marked beforehand, as in ments. These, it would seem, could be carried prop-
BRAUER’Swork [7] for instance. In any case this erly out only with the provision of such features
photographic technique does not produce a true as an automatic operation for stoppage of feed
silhouette of the liquid tilm, but a three-dimen- and simultaneous elimination of weir-head liquid
sional effect which is quite obvious from the and collection of drainage into a receiving vessel
photographs submitted. In other words BELKIN suitably coupled with a stop-flow device.
et al. did not obtain the exact orthogonal view The apparatus used has been partly described
or elevation photograph they had hoped for, but previously [38, 391. A drawing of the equipment
an isometric view which is a definite disadvantage is given in Fig. 1. This consisted of a flat steel
and, of course, cannot be corrected for by sub- plate which could be bolted to a steel framework
sequently employing “enlarged images on large so that a channel 21 in. wide and 7 ft. high was
sheets of paper” [34]. It is not surprising therefore formed. The frame was built up from two rolled
that the spread of the data presented in the paper steel sections (2 x 13 in.) bolted to wooden blocks
is quite considerable and is no doubt due to the which rested on the floor. The blocks themselves
reasons discussed above and possibly also due to rested on soft rubber and cork slabs to insulate
the tank-level effects (no constant head) and per- them from stray mechanical vibrations. To provide
sistant entrance disturbances (no knife-edge feed flexibility two flat steel plates were made up in the
but annular orifices at the top of the test section) first instance, the first being a plate of highly polished
reported by the authors. stainless steel, the second a rough mild steel one.

No. Item
I I” 3-Way Gland Cock
z, Key for J-Way Gland Cock

Rack & Pinion
Rack Follow-on Rod
6 Spring for Sliding Catch-Trough
7 ____..
Clidin. Catrh Trourh
1 i -d&b‘& Tube for Draining Hold-up
I” Pipe
Mixing Tank
Guide ; for Sliding Catch-Trough
F Vertical SS-PI&
i’lild Steel Plate
17 Liquid Distribution Tank
I5 Calming Grids
I6 +” x 3” Brass Block
17 Rubber Gasket
18 &” x It” Rubber Sealing Strip
I9 it” x 1” Channel Section
20 I” Inlet Pipe

Detaals E , 1 ,

To circulating pump

FIG. 2. Details of the drainage collecting part.


The wetted-plate was aligned with the vertical Ordinary mains water was used for experiments
to within 0.05 in. on the front elevation and to with water films, similarly tap water was employed
within 0.1 in. on the end elevation over the entire for preparing seven different glycerol solutions for
length with a surveyor’s transit. The symmetrical experiments with liquids more viscous than water.
distribution of liquid about the central line of the The column was made water-tight and air-tight
wetted-plate was found to be very markedly by means of soft rubber bands, & in. thick, laid
dependent on the vertical alignment of the front on both faces of the vertical channel section adjoin-
elevation of the apparatus and the latter could ing the wetted plate and the Perspex plate (when
therefore be checked readily and improved when- used) respectively.
ever necessary to an even higher degree of accuracy Two rotameters were used for the water runs:
than that assured by using a surveyor’s transit. (a) low-range rotameter (0.025-0.25 ft3/min water
Liquid was pumped by means of a small centri- at 20°C) and (b) high-range rotameter (0.1-2.0 ft3/
fugal pump to an overhead constant head tank, min water at 20°C).
wherefrom it passed through a selected rotameter, Nine other liquid films were investigated in this
a steam heater/water cooler arrangement and to work (seven different glycerol solutions, isopropyl
the liquid distribution tank; where the flow was alcohol and methyl alcohol) and in order to cut
calmed by means of screen baffles before flowing down on the cost of instruments, two flowmeters
over the selected vertical plate, precision ground of a “universal” type were employed. The manu-
to a knife-edge of 45”. After flowing down the facturers’ calibration charts [50] were checked by
plate the liquid entered a mixing tank from which calculation [58, 591 to have been accurately pre-
it was either recirculated or discharged down the pared and were subsequently used with confidence.
drain, in the case of mains water. The absolute viscosity of the liquids used varied
Lengths of flexible rubber tubing installed in all between 65 CP and 0.6 CP and their surface tension
the flow-lines leading to the apparatus provided changed from 73 dyn/cm to 22 dyn/cm. The phy-
insulation from the vibration transmitted by the sical constants of the liquids used are given in
ancillary equipment and the steam or water mains. Table 2.
The collection of hold-up under any conditions Experimental measurements of the viscosity of
of flow was made possible by designing a special some of the glycerol solutions (27 and 71.5 per
semi-automatic device for this purpose. This part cent) were made by using Standard U-tube visco-
of the apparatus is shown in three views as “detail meters, for other compositions of glycerol and
A” in Fig. 2, and Figs. 3 and 4 provide two pho- water the results published by SHEELY [51,521
tographs of the material parts of the equipment were used.
in question. The glycerol solutions were prepared by mixing
known volumes of pure glycerine and water and
Technique the calculated compositions were checked by direct
The wetted plate was thoroughly cleaned every density measurements by means of suitable hydro-
time before use. Hot water and “Tide” were found meters. The values obtained agreed with the hand-
to be the most useful washing agents. After clean- book values [53] very closely.
ing, the column was flushed with water for about Viscosities and densities of methyl alcohol and
20 min, when subsequently performing experiments propyl alcohol were taken from the literature [52-
with water films, or it was thoroughly dried first 54] and interpolated from a suitable graph for the
and then flushed with the liquid under examination, required working temperatures when necessary
again for about 20 min, before any experimental [35 1. Some surface tension data of the liquids used,
runs. This procedure was always rigorously applied i.e. glycerol solutions, iso-propyl alcohol, methyl
and as a result no trouble at all was experienced alcohol and water were taken from the literature
with the liquid film “channelling” on the wetted [52, 54, 551. These were suitably plotted [35] and
plate at flow rates above the minimum wetting the pertinent surface tension values of liquids used
rate. (for the required working temperatures and con-

Studies of falling liquid film flow : iilm thickness on a smooth vertical plate

Table 2. The physical constants of the liquids used

Liquid P
& (iG+) (c”p, (ci) (dynycm) (CGiunits)

Methyl alcohol 0.7927 0602 0.759 226 28.5

Isopropyl alcohol E 0.7877 2.37
Water 20 0.9982 1.000
23 0.9986 0.936
Glycerol soln.
25 1.063 1.934 l-819 72.5 67.7
22 l-091 3.097 2.839 71.3 65.3
45% 22 1.112 4.394 3.952 70.4 63.3
71.5% 25 1.186 20.3 17.12 67.4 56.8
75% 21 1.203 34-6 28.76 67.0 55.7
78% 21 1.204 45.6 37.87 66.7 55.4
82% 23 1.212 64.4 53.14 66.2 54.6

centrations) were obtained from the resulting weighing. This was found to be independent of
graphs. the flow rate. The results are given in Table 3.
Where surface tension data could not be found The experimental tilm thickness values were
in the literature direct measurements were made compared with the calculated results based on the
by the torsion balance method [60]. C.G.S. units theories due to KAPITSA [l], NUSSELT [41] and
were used throughout this work and all the ex- the application of the postulate of VON K~&N
perimental results and calculations were worked [56] due to DUKLER and BERCELIN [3]. A brief
out accordingly. mention of the work of DUKLER and BWGELIN has
already been given. These workers made use of
the hypothesis of VON KARMAN [56], who has sug-
gested-as a result of NIKIJRADSE’S [57] experi-
Seven glycerine solutions, two alcohols and water mental work on full-pipe flow-the existence of a
were used on a smooth stainless steel plate. To universal velocity distribution equation in terms
study the influence of surface-active agents on the of two parameters, u’ and y+, which are defined
film thickness, Manoxol OT, Teepol L and white as
commercial “Tide” were tried in aqueous solutions
at optimum concentrations of the surf-actants for *+=u
suppression of rippling [37]. u*
The average film thickness was calculated from
y+ =- u*PLY (31)
hold-up data. The collection of liquid in all the
measurements was achieved by the use of the
semi-automatic device described earlier. where u* is the friction velocity and is related to
The drainage time varied between 20 min, for the wall shear by
the very viscous 82% (wt.) glycerine solution, and u* = hvdPL11’2 (32)
3 min for the very mobile methyl alcohol.
The collected drainage was corrected in all cases The resulting equations of VON K&MAN and their
by the amount of liquid still adhering to the plate limits of application suggested by the data of
and the sliding catch-trough at the end of the
NIKIJRADSE on full-pipe flow are:
specified time. The amount of the residual liquid
for the laminar sublayer,
left on the plate and the catch-trough was found
directly by mopping it up with a linen swab and U+ =y+,o<y+ <5 (33)


Table 3.

Liquid Water Water Water Water Alcohols Glycerine solutions, % w/w

used and
0.20% PrOH MeOH 27 37 45 71.5 75 18 82

amount 6.5 I 7 I 6 2 19 24 28 58 60 61 71
Wi, cm3

for the transition zone, lY can be .calculated and q evaluated from this
equation. In order to eliminate trial and error
U += -3.05+5.0lny+,5<y+<30 (34)
solution Figure. . . (graphical solution of equa-
and for the turbulent layer, tion 39) has been prepared . . . ” This may be
misleading. Because equation (39) was derived
U+ =5*5+251ny+,30<yf <rj (35) from a summation of the flow rate in each of the
where q = magnitude of the universal distance three regions of flow, it must not be used for
parameter at the liquid surface, viz. q < 30 and therefore it does not apply “for any
flow rate”.
u*pLm In fact it may be shown that for the laminar
v= (36)
PL region, using VON KARMAN’S equations, as above
DUKLER and BERGELINhave assumed that the above r
equations, which were developed for full-pipe flow, - = $/2,0 < rj < 5 (40)
would apply to the liquid layer in two-phase film
flow. With this assumption, the liquid flow rate and for the laminar sublayer plus buffer layer:
per unit length of wetted periphery follows in terms
of the universal parameters, thus: - - 12.5 = 5~ In 9 - 8.051, 5 < q < 30 (41)

s rl
r=pL u+fiy+ (37) The experimental ti thickness results for the
liquids used are presented in Figs. 5-11. Typical
This integration may be accomplished by dividing hold-up data for water (leading to the results of
the integral of equation (37) into three parts limited Fig. 5) are given in Table 4.
by the boundary conditions for the three regions
of flow proposed by VON MN and substituting
for each u’ the proper defining equation:
It was shown above that according to the theory
‘=llytdyt +I:(-3.05+5.Olny+)dy proposed by NUSSELT the mean film thickness,

s ’ (5.5 -t. 2.5 In y+)dy+
On integrating and collecting terms one obtains
m = yJ =I3
[ 9

The above equation may be rewritten, thus:

I (4)

f + 64 = 3.01 + 2.51 In q (39) m = [$.!.j1’3 = [Z!J1’3.&lil =

Having obtained this expression DUKLER and = [T]“3. [j”’ (42)

BERGELIN go on to claim that “for any flow rate

Studies of falling liquid film flow : film thickness on a smooth vertical plate

Table 4. Averagej2m thickness, water on SS plate

Mean temperature: 20°C. Kinematic viscosity,vao = lQO11 cS. Drainage time: lb00 sec. Residual liquid, Wr = 6.5 cm3
Theoretical film thickness


developed in this
L Q f ReL WL WLrn work as proposed
by DUKLER and

(I/min) (cms/sec (cm? h-ns)

-- -_ _-
1.42 0444 44.3 177 - 220
1.70 212 - 235 233.5
_- _-
1.98 247 _ 250-5
2.27 283 - 270

2.55 318 _ 286 283.5

2.83 353 - 293

3.11 388 - 313 312


340 424 - 320 320


3.96 494 - 346 344
-_ .-
4.53 1.415 141.3 565 - 365.5

5.66 1.769 1766 706 - 391 395.5
t 400
-- .-

6.80 2.125 212.1 848 434
-- .-
7.93 2.478 247.4 990 461

9.06 2.831 2826 1130 503.5

I- 527
10.19 3.184 ’ 317.9 1272 528.5

Table 4 (continued)
I I Theoretical film thickness

developed in this
I’ ReL WL WLrn HL nzp x 102Q~ x 1 KAPITSA NUSSELT work as proposed
by D~JKLERand

(l/min) (cm3/sec (cm3) (cm3) (cm3) (cm) (cm41 (a0 x (WIN x 7 m X

cm) sec2) lo2 cm) lo2 cm lo2 cm
- - -_-

11.33 ‘- 3.540 353.4 1414 _~ 559 559 565.5 4.77 35.1 5.01
-- -- -_

12.46 3.893 388.6 1554 _~ 590 588 594.5 5.22 4.57 4.92 37.6 5.25
_- -- _-

4.246 423.9 1696 - - 621 621 627.5 5.51 42.53 4.70 5.07 39.9 5.46
___- _- -- --- _.

4603 459.5 1838 _- 638 639 645.5 5.67 4611 4.83 5.20 42.5 5.70

_- -- _- -~ -.
4.956 494.8 1979 _- 668 5.94 4964 4.95 5.33 44.8 5.90
669 675.5
---_ -- _- -e- -_
5.309 530.0 2120 ___691 690.5 697 6.12 53.18 5.07 5.46 47.0 6.09
-- -- _-
---l-- l/---- _- 720
18.12 5.662 565.2 2261 718 724.5 5.58 49.3 6.29
-~- -- _- --

19.26 6.018 600.8 2403 _~ 741 742.5 749 60.28 5.28 6.50
-- -- --

20.39 636.0 2544 - - 780 780 786.5 6.91 63.82 5.39 6.68
-- -- -- ______ I I -.
21.52 671.3 2685 _- 816 810.5 817 7.18 67.35 5.48 590 56.5 6.89
_- -- _.--
( / 7.077 706.5 ( 2826
_ 835
845 839 845.5 7.43 6.01 58.7 7.06

/ j 7.433 7420 1 2968
_ 862
870 867 873.5

7.62 74.46 5.67

6.11 60.8 723

-_ -- -- ~---

_ -t
24.92 1 7.787 1 777.4 1 3110 894.5 7.86 78.00 5.76 6.20 7.37
-- ~

26.05 1 8.140 1 812.6 j 3250 925.5 8.13 81.54 5.84 6.29 757
I I I - - I

Studies of falling liquid film flow: film thickness on a smooth vertical plate

Table 4 (continued)

I I I Theoretical film thickness

developed in this
L e -r ReL WL NUSSELT work as proposed
by DUKLERand
(l/min) (cm3/sec (cm31 (cm3) (mN x 1) mx X
cm) lo2 cm 102cm
-- -- _- --
- 941
27.19 8.496 j 848.2 3393 934 940.5 8.26 85.10 5.93 6.38 67.4 7.75
-- -~
28.32 _ 965 963 969.5 8.52 8864 6.01 6.47 69.8 7.93
_- -- _- -- ---
3674 _ 973 979.5 8.61 92.18 6.09 6.56 71.7 8.07
-- _--~__
30.58 3816 1003 11009.5 8.87 95.71 6.16 6.64 73.6 8.21
- 1001 - -

The film thickness vs. I'/~L relation for water on SS plate is given in Fig. 5.

In Figs. 5-11 the experimental film thickness, mp, thinner than that predicted by KAPITSA’S theory
is accordingly plotted against r/,uL. To compare within the specified limits.
the experimental results with those predicted by the 3. The mode of film flow may be divided into
theoretical equations proposed by NU~SELT [41], the following regions: Steady laminar - pseudo-
KAPITSA [l] and VON BARMAN [56], three curves,
marked N, K, and UVP respectively, have been Re, = Rei
added in each case for reference.
The following conclusions may be drawn from laminar - transitional - pseudoturbulent - turbu-
examination of the obtained results: T T t
1. With the method used here only the average Re2 Re, = Re, Re4
value of the falling liquid film thickness can be lent
obtained; with a column of about 213 cm length Appropriate Reynolds numbers of transition (as
and more than 50 cm width this average thickness above) may be easily found on the relevant film
would not be influenced by the “end effects”, i.e. thickness vs. r/,~~ graphs. Steady laminar flow
acceleration etc. of liquid flow (see Ref. [28]). terminates at the point of inception of wave motion
2. In all the cases considered, except possibly and the critical Reynolds number for the change
when surface-active agents were added to suppress [36], Re,, is therefore the same as the Reynolds
rippling, KAPITSA’S theory approximates to the number of wave inception, Re,. In the case of
experimental results better than NUSSELT’S theory water, or a liquid more mobile than water, Re, is
in the region for which these theories were intended; somewhat masked by rippling but it may be deter-
this means that the experimental film thickness, mined easily by suppression of this phenomenon
mp, is significantly thinner than that calculated by the addition of surfactants at a suitable con-
according to NUSSELT’Stheory and even somewhat centration [37].


Water with fide

Studies of falling liquid film flow : iilm thickness on a smooth vertical plate

4. A liquid film on which the ripples have been role of a damping factor, not unlike the role of
suppressed by the addition of a surface active agent resistance in oscillating electrical circuits.
is slightly thicker than the corresponding one with 6. The plots of the points with the same kine-
ripples (at the same flow rate), as predicted by the matic viscosity, v, are influenced by the surface
theoretical considerations of KAPITSA. tension, a; this seems to determine the relevant
5. The physical properties of the liquid, such ratio of the pseudolaminar to the transitional
as viscosity, specific gravity and surface tension, portions of flow.
influence the falling film thickness. The higher the 7. The degree of deviation from the N and K
kinematic viscosity the thicker is the film and the lines in the pseudolaminar region decreases as c
more regular appears to be the wave motion asso- becomes smaller.
ciated with it. In fact, viscosity seems to play the 8. When the film thickness, mp,is plotted against





20 JO 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 100 400 500 600 7M) 80090~ 100

FIG. 8. Film thickness vs. I’/~L relation for glycerine solutions on the SS plate.

v 71.5% glycerine solution

a 75% glycerine solution

I 078% glycerine solution

I.0 2 3 4lllll1
I6180,O PO 30 ,a0 sasolo*oso,OO I.0 z 3 4 5 61B9,O 00 10 40 10 60 10 100


FIG. 9. Film thickness vs. r/p~relation for glycerine FIG. 10. Film thickness vs. I?/rL relation for 82% (W)
solutions. glycerol solution on a smooth plate.









2- iso-Propyl alcohol


FIG. 11. Film thickness vs. I’/~L relation for iso-propyl and methyl alcohols on the SS plate.

---LN-Nusselt line for all liquids

A Methyl alcohol
-----K -Kapitso line for all liquids
v iso- Propyl alcohol v - 71.5% Glycerine
0 27% Glycerine soln. A - 75% Glycerine soln.
+ 37% Glycerine soln.
l 45% Glycerine soln.
w 82% Glycerine soln.

0” Xld ClT14/,,C2

FIG. 12. Experimental film thickness, mP, vs. Qv relation for the liquids used.

Studies of falling liquid film flow: fihn thickness on a smooth vertical plate

Qv, as in Fig. 12, a family of curves results, where, Q Liquid flow rate per unit length of
generally, the pseudolaminar portion of the curve wetted perimeter cms/sec cm
R Radius of tube
has a slope of less than $ and the transitional r Radius from centre of tube to the inner surface of
segment has a slope greater than 3. The theories the film cm
proposed by NUSSELT and KAPITSA were intended Phase velocity of wave motion cm/xc
Wavelength cm
only for the viscous flow and they hardly apply Free surface function of the flowing film
beyond the transitional region. For water the Kinematic surface tension = 0/p
transitional region finishes at Re N 1160. Dynamic surface tension dyn/cm
Diameter cm
9. NUSSELT’S theory cannot be used to predict Reynolds number = 4Q/v, dimensionless
falling film thickness accurately even for the steady Froude number = Vzigm dimensionless
laminar flow, i.e. before the onset of wave motion. Weber number = mV2pla dimensionless
Universal velocity parameter dimensionless
10. The universal velocity profile concept is, so Friction velocity cm/set
far, the best available approximation to the facts Universal distance parameter dimensionless
and the assumption of the original universal velo- Magnitude of the universal distance parameter at the
film surface dimensionless
city profile based on the full-pipe flow leads to Shear stress g/cm sec2
the prediction of the average falling film thickness r’ Liquid flow rate per unit length of wetted perimeter
in a better agreement with those experimentally g/set cm
L Volumetric rate of flow llmin
determined than is possible by any other existing HL Liquid hold-up cm3
theory, as shown by the calculated results in Table 4 WL Liquid drainage cm3
and Figs. 5-l 1. WLrn Mean liquid surface cm3
W, Residual liquid on vertical plate cm3
Nevertheless, systematic deviations still exist in
consequence of the fact that the original velocity Subscripts
protile equations were proposed for full-pipe flow s Value at the surface
av Average value
and are, therefore, in need of modification in the L Liquid
light of the experimental data in falling film thick- C Core fluid
ness. This will be the subject of a future paper. eq Equivalent value
h Hydraulic
t Value at the inception of turbulence
NOTATION Value at the wall
V Average film velocity cm/xc Value at the point of wave inception
g Acceleration due to gravity cm/sec2 ; Value at the point of change from pseudolaminar to
m Film thickness in laminar flow cm transitional flow
a0 Film thickness in wavy flow cm 3 Value at the point of change from transitional to
P Density g/cm3 pseudoturbulent flow
P Absolute viscosity P 4 Value at the point of change from pseudoturbulent
Y Kinematic viscosity S to turbulent flow


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