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Session 3/11

A Field Determination of Permeability

Détermination sur place de la perméabilité

by S hinichiro M atsuo , Master o f Engineering, A ssistant Professor at the K yoto University, Y oshida H onmachi, Sakyo-ku,
K yoto, and K ooichi A k a i , M aster o f Engineering, Lecturer at the K yoto University, K yoto, Japan

Summary Sommaire

In order to determine the permeability o f undisturbed soil in the Nous proposons, pour remplacer l’ancienne méthode de détermi­
field, a new method using a simple pool is proposed instead of the nation de la perméabilité d’un sol vierge, laquelle est irrationnelle,
traditional assumption which is unreasonable or the troublesome une méthode nouvelle qui ne demande qu’un bassin simple pour
method employed hitherto. In this Paper theoretical formulae on l’expérience. Nous avons établi les formules théoriques dont découle
which this method depends are derived, and the result obtained with cette méthode et nous discutons ici les résultats de nos observations
this method and its verification are discussed. expérimentales et les preuves à l’appui.

The coefficient o f soil permeability, as defined in soil engi­ In our field m ethod, the three-dimensional flow is changed
neering, is founded on D a r c ÿ s law, and the m ethods o f measur­ into a tw o-dim ensional one and the theoretical treatment is
ing it are by m eans o f a permeameter in a laboratory or the simplified in a suitable way. The theoretical form ulae for this
field m ethod carried out w ithout disturbing the layer condition case are deduced so that the coefficient o f permeability o f the
o f the soil. field ground can easily be calculated. These are the main
W hen the laboratory m ethod is carried out with a small por­ characteristics o f this method.
tion o f the sample, the collected sam ple being disturbed, the
condition o f the strata which affects the permeability usually
Fundamental Theoretical Equation
differs from that in the field, m aking it very difficult to deter­
m ine quantitatively their corresponding relation even with the G ravity flow: Generally the condition o f the water seeping
penetration test and others. Furthermore, it is difficult to avoid into the soil can be expressed by the follow ing com plex conju­
the undesirable effect caused by the space between the sample gate function:
and the wall o f the measuring apparatus. a, = 0 + iW = f { z ) = f ( x + i y ) ...................................... (1)
A s the above defects are elim inated in the field m ethod which
where and W, which form a flow-net perpendicular to each
has the advantage that it does not disturb the layer condition
other, represent the function o f the velocity potential and the
o f the ground, various m ethods have been studied by many
flow function o f the tw o-dim ensional flow, respectively.
authors (Kryrtine, 1941). For instance, the m ethod o f measur­
T he m ost im portant factor governing the condition o f
ing the travelling tim e o f the high electrolyte (Slichter, 1902)
the water seeping into the dam and water leaking from a
and that o f measuring the hydraulic gradient o f water flowing
channel is obviously gravity. I f such gravity flow is consi­
from a channel by boring several holes near the measuring
dered as a tw o-dim ensional flow, potential function 0 and
channel ( Terzaghi, 1930) have been proposed. In either case,
pressure function p both satisfy Laplace's equation and 0 can
however, as considerable preparation is necessary in order
be expressed in the follow ing form :
to take the measurements and since the water as it is poured
in form s a three-dim ensional flow, theoretical analysis is diffi­ V2® = V2p = 0 , 0 = — ( p ± ygy) (2)
cult and, in m ost cases, the reliability o f the measured results
is considered lim ited, as they are based on unreasonable as­ where n coefficient o f viscosity o f fluid, y weight o f unit volum e
sum ptions. o f fluid, g gravity acceleration, lc0 coefficient o f permeability,

and the double sign corresponding to the upper and lower many practical situation however, the water seeping down
directions o f the y-axis, respectively. If the atm osphere pres­ from the channel will reach the normal groundwater level at
sure is 0, the coefficient o f effective permeability is defined as a relatively shallow depth, thus forcing the streamlines to
assume a horizontal rather than a vertical trend. Fig. 2 repre-
k = taken instead o f k 0 and the downward direction o f

y-axis is assumed positive, then 0 in Equation (2) becom es:

0 = — k y ................................................................................... (2')
Derivation o f the solution o f the flow fro m a channel: The
representation o f the com plex function is given by the follow ­
ing equation which is applicable to the case when the water
seeping from a channel with the section show n in Fig. 1 has
a free water surface in the case o f the tw o-dim ensional flow:

4 (- Hke~Q — ia>
■ Hi------

(3) Fig. 2 Seepage o u t o f a D itch with R adially S preading free Surfaces
F iltratio n hors du bassin à surfaces libres s’é talan t radialem en t
(niveau so u terrain bas)
i.e. x Hke~Q cos + ï/ + -y
7l<& (3') sents such a case and the com plex function is given by the

4 (- Hke~Q sin
. 0 follow ing equation:
1 /
z = — IHke
Q — ico + — (7)
k \ 2
2Î nW
i.e. x =
4 (» Q COS — —

+ ¥' +
H ke' ~Q sin - <P\
The tw o symmetrical free-surface streamlines, V = 0 , — Q,
are given as before in the follow ing equations:
Fig. 1 Seepage o u t o f a D itch w ith free Surfaces Bounded by V ertical
1 /„ . ^ . <2\ 1/ ^ Q
A sym ptotes ■— ( H k e Q ( 8)
F iltratio n ho rs du bassin á surfaces libres lim itée p a r des asym p­ + T ■H
totes verticales (niveau so u terrain bas) A com parison o f Equation (4) with Equation (8) reveals that
where H is the depth o f water in the channel at the centre o f the former has vertical asym ptotes at the distance —- from
the cross-section, Q is the discharge o f water from unit hori­ the center o f the channel which the free water-surface ap­
zontal depth. The tw o streamlines, 'P = 0, — Q are free- proaches deep in the earth, while with the latter the depth o f
surface streamlines. If Equation (2) is introduced into the the streamlines increases logarithmically as the distance from
above equations, the streamlines becom e the curves sym m e­ the channel increases.
trical along the y-axis represented by the follow ing eq u ation s: Substituting 0 = 0 so that the shape o f the channel in this
nky \ ¡ Q \ nky
1 / Q\ case satisfies Equation (7), gives
H k é~ Q — yHke a - f ) (4)
- t (- I’ X= k + T 1 IQ . y e u 2 + y2 H 2
If 0 = 0 is substituted in Equation (3) to obtain the shape o f * + (9)
k \ ti Sm H 2 /1
channel to which Equation (3) is applicable, the follow ing
equation is derived: If x = — is substituted when y = 0 ,

(5) B = + 2H (10)
If B is the width o f the channel-section at the water surface is obtained.
B It should be noted that while Equation (9) is in form identi­
and x = — is substituted in this equation at y 0,
cal with Equation (5), one must take the positive radical
y 2 in solving Equation (9) for x , whereas in Equation
B = ^ --2 H , y = OO — ~ B + 2 H (6)
k (5) the negative values o f this radical must be used in solving x.
Thus B lt the maximum width o f the sheet o f water seeping Solution fo r the case when the shape o f the channel consists
down at infinite depth becom es known. o f straight lines: Fig. 3 show s the seepage flow from a channel
The above simple results will, o f course, apply only to the form ed with straight lines when an underground water-table
case when the shape o f the channel is close to that given by exists at great depth. Here, too, a consistent set o f potential
Equation (5) and when a uniform soil layer is o f a great depth, and streamline distributions and the shapes o f the free-surfaces
so that the water can maintain indefinitely its vertical dow n­ can be determined exactly by applying a succession o f complex
ward seepage. However, am ong these boundary conditions, it variable transformations, but the exact profile o f the channel
has been stated that the former assum ption is not so im portant to which they correspond is found only at the end o f the solu­
compared with the latter (M u skat, 1937). Therefore, it can be tion. The solution for this case was given by Wedernikow
said that the above form ulae are applicable only to the case (1934), and the result is represented by the follow ing equation
when an underground water-table exists deep in the earth. In corresponding to Equation (6):

(6) B test-pool (B = 3.0 m, H = 0.5 m, b = 1.0 m,
B = — — 2H —
k K' B ~ b = 2) n
m = ----------
2H ’
B l = 2 \ x \ y=0o = Y = B + 2 H -^ ( 11) Average seepage discharge o f original pool
112.2 cm 3/sec
where K , K ' are the com plete elliptic integrals o f the first kind
W hen enlarged 149.2 cm 3/sec difference 37.0 cm 3/sec
with m oduli k*, y / 1 — k * 2 . W hen K = K ', viz, k* = ± \ / $ , A verage discharge from section B -B per unit horizontal
Equation (11) is identical to Equation (6). depth in cm, Q b = 37.0 -=- 400 = 0.092 cm 3/sec.
Application o f theoretical equation: A s the test p ools A and B
used for this measurement, for the convenience o f construction,
have straught the rigorous m ethod explained already must be
to = / * t tfr ■P t
applied, but in accordance with the thesis that a slight change in
the shape o f the p o o l does not invalidate the application o f the
form ulae from which the sim ple result given by Equations (3)
s - T 'i' -r .r . ' . r j - r i f f
. * * *. j— -— ■

~ (10) is obtained, the coefficient o f permeability k w ill be
calculated adversely from Equation (6) or (10). In this case,
the choice between the tw o equations depends upon the direc­
tion o f diffusion o f the seepage flow governed by the depth o f
r - e, * i 62 Pt the underground water-table. In this test measurement, the
A depth o f the loam layer in which the test p ools were dug is
about’ 15 — 16 metres judging from the result o f a boring test,
; and it is know n that the underground water-level exists in the
F G gravel below the loam . A s is clear when observed in a side
-/ -K* 0 K* / trench built under the p ool bottom , it is confirmed that the
Fig. 3 Seepage o u t o f a D itch into the G ro u n d w ith D eep lying W ater seepage water flows perpendicularly downwards and not hori­
T ab le an d its T ran sform ation zontally, but, to m ake sure, k w ill be com puted using both
F iltratio n hors du bassin dans le sous-sol avec n ap p e ph réatiq u e Equations (6) and (10) which gives the width B o f the test
à niveau bas et sa transform ation pools. Thus from Equation (6):

Test Measurement and Result Q

( 6')
kl B + 2H
M eth od o f measurement: T w o test pools A , B with cross-
sections as shown in Fig. 4 were m ade in the K anto loam at the and from Equation (10):
site o f the A sam izo depositing reservoir, Kanagawa Prefecture. Q
( 10')
Water was continuously poured in to maintain the water level B — 2H
o f the pools always at 50 cm. The quantity o f water seeping Applying the measured result to the above equations, gives,
from the pools was measured in the follow ing way : A bucket from Equation (6'),
with a capacity o f 10 litres was used for the measurement and
Qa 0.094
the time required to fill it was taken. The seepage flow in this k\4 — ■ = 2.68 x 10~4 cm/sec,
case is a three-dimensional flow and diffuses to all sides from B + 2H 350
the pools. Then the pools were enlarged in the direction per­
pendicular to the cross-section, and by subtracting the volum e
o f water seeping from the original test-pool from that o f the
enlarged one, the effect o f the flow near both ends o f the sec­
tion was eliminated. In this manner, Q, the volum e o f water
flowing out from the section and the unit length o f horizontal
depth was obtained. The flow from which the effect o f the
ends is eliminated in this way can be considered as a tw o-
dim ensional flow, resulting in the formulae derived from the
fundamental theoretical equations stated above being applicable.
The length to which the test p ool was extended and the number
o f times it was enlarged were twice 2 m for A and once 4 m
for B, and the differences o f each cases were taken.
Result o f measurement:
(a) A test-pool (B = 2.5 m , H = 0.5 m, b = 1.5 m,

Average seepage discharge o f original p ool
19.5 cm 3/sec
W hen enlarged once 38.9 cm 3/sec difference 19.4 cm 3/sec
W hen enlarged twice 57.1 cm 3/sec difference 18.2 cm 3/sec
average 1 8 .8 cm 3/sec
Average discharge from section A -A per unit horizontal Fig. 4 D im ensions o f T est Pools
depth in cm, Q a = 18.8 ■— 200 = 0.094 cm 3/sec D im ensions des bassins d ’expérience

Qb 0.092 in Fig. 5 diffused at a great depth underground and how it
—' = 2.30 x 10~4 cm/sec, changed with time, the width o f diffusion after the water had
B + 2H 400
average 2.49 x 10-4 cm/sec, been poured into the p ool (including that due to capillary
from Equation (10'), action) was observed in a horizontal side-trench connected to
0.094 a vertical shaft 8 m deep. The result was as stated above,
Q a
= 6.26 x IO-4 cm/sec, namely, it was found that as the K anto loam was thick and
B — 2H 150
the underground water level was quite deep at this place, the
Qb 0.092
= 4.60 x 10-4 cm /sec, free streamline o f the water seeping from the p o o l had vertical
B — 2H 200 asym ptotes.
average 5.43 x 10~4 cm/sec. A s is clear from Fig. 5, the change in the width o f the sheet
Therefore, it is found that the coefficient o f permeability k o f the seepage flow with the elapse o f time can be divided
o f the K anto loam layer in which the measurement was taken roughly into three phases. N am ely, from the time water begins
is within the follow ing values: to enter the trench until about 100 hours later (I), the seepage
2.49 x 10~4 cm /sec ^ k Ü 5.43 x 10-4 cm/sec. water tends to diffuse horizontally due to the capillarity o f the
ground. D uring the next 150 hours (II), it continues to flow
Considerations on the Measured Result vertically downwards, becom ing alm ost an imperceptible flow.
From then (III), the flow concentrates to the centre o f the pool-
Verification o f the order o f the coefficient o f perm eability: bottom due to the primary piping-action, that is, the width o f
Judging from the form ation o f the K anto loam in this district, the sheet diminishes with the elapse o f time.
it had been expected that the coefficient o f permeability lies The theoretical width o f the seepage calculated by Equa­
between “ perm eable” and “ im perm eable” , nam ely the order tion (6) which is applicable to phase (II) becomes the range
o f lO-4 cm /sec. The result com puted by the permeability com ­ shown by the chain line in Fig. 5. This differs slightly from
putation m ethod based upon the rate o f water-level depression the result o f actual measurement. It is considered that this
with the elapse o f tim e gives k = 4.94 x 10-4 cm /sec, which is discrepancy is due to the capillarity o f the soil and the difference
clearly within the range o f the above m entioned k. in the shape o f the cross-section o f the test p ool; if om itted,
Observation o f the width o f the sheet o f the seepage flow and the theoretical and the experimental results becom e closer, and
its change with tim e a t a grea t depth below the bottom o f the pool: it may be admitted that the accuracy o f this m ethod o f measure­
In order to exam ine how the water seeping from the test p o o l C ment is high.


In this paper, in order to measure the coefficient o f permea­

bility o f loam or other soil which has a comparatively medium
permeability, a new m ethod has been p rop osed : a very simple
field p o o l may be made and enlarged at the site o f an earth
dam or other dam for the purpose o f elim inating m any great
defects accom panying the conventional measuring method
performed in the laboratory using a sm all quantity o f the
sample. Thus, a rational m ethod o f com puting the coefficient
o f permeability o f the foundation soil has been obtained through
the hydraulic analysis formerly considered difficult. In order
to verify the propriety o f this m ethod, the coefficient o f perm e­
ability o f the K antö loam layer at the A sam izo depositing re­
servoir o f the Y okoham a M unicipal Water Supply Bureau has
been measured, and considering the verification o f its order
and the adaptability o f the fundam ental theoretical form ulae,
an accurate result has been obtained.
The design and project o f this research was done by M atsuo
and others by both authors.
In connection with this research, gratitude must be expressed
to the Grant in A id for Fundam ental Scientific Research and
to the effort o f Mr. Ichiro Ikeda, member o f the Y okoham a
M unicipal Water Supply Bureau, who have co-operated with
us through this field experiment.

Krynine, D. P. (1941): Soil M echanics, p. 75, M cG raw -H ill Book C o.,
Inc., N .Y .
M u ska t, M . (1937): Flow o f H om ogeneous F luids th ro u g h P orous
M edia, p. 327, M cG raw -H ill Book C o., Inc., N .Y .
Slichter, C. S . (1902, 1905): U .S. G eol. Survey W ater S upply and Irri­
Fig. 5 V erification o f the M axim um W idth o f the Sheet o f the Seepage gation P apers, N o . 67; N o . 140.
and its C hange w ith T im e Terzaghi, K. v. (1930): D ie W asserw irtschaft, vol. 23, p. 318.
V érification d u co u ran t d ’eau filtrant et ses v ariatio n s en fonc­ W edernikow, V. V. (1934): V ersickerungen aus K anälen, W asserkraft
tion d u tem ps und W asserw irtschaft, pp. 128, 137, 149.


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