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1. Sketch twenty (20) ova's of parasite.

2. Explain skin snip and how to carryout skin snip.

3. What is skin scrapping and parasite that can be seen in skin scrapping?



A skin snip is a medical procedure used to take a small sample of skin for diagnostic purposes.
It is commonly used to diagnose various skin conditions, such as infections, rashes, and skin

To carry out a skin snip, the following steps are typically followed:

1. Preparation: The healthcare professional will clean the area that will be snipped using an
antiseptic solution to minimize the risk of infection.

2. Numbing the area: If necessary, a local anesthetic may be administered to numb the skin and
reduce any potential discomfort during the procedure.

3. Snipping: A small, sharp blade or scalpel will be used to make a precise incision or snip on
the skin. The snip is usually very small, typically around 2-4 mm in length.

4. Sample collection: After the snip is made, the healthcare professional may use a pair of
forceps or tweezers to gently remove the small piece of skin. The sample is then placed into a
sterile container for testing.

5. Wound care: The healthcare professional may use a sterile dressing or adhesive bandage to
cover the snipped area and protect it from further infection.

6. Post-procedure instructions: The patient will be given instructions on how to care for the
snipped area, including keeping it clean and dry, avoiding any excessive friction or pressure,
and may be provided with any necessary medications or ointments.

It is important to note that the procedure may vary slightly depending on the specific clinical
situation and the preference of the healthcare professional performing the skin snip.

Skin scraping is a dermatological procedure commonly used to diagnose various skin

conditions, such as infections and infestations. During the procedure, a healthcare professional
will gently scrape the surface of the skin, usually using a scalpel or a blunt object, to collect a
sample that can be examined under a microscope.

Parasites that can be seen in skin scrapping include:

1. Sarcoptes scabiei: These are tiny mites that cause scabies, a highly contagious skin
infestation. Scabies mites burrow into the upper layer of the skin, resulting in intense itching,
rash, and small red bumps.

2. Demodex spp.: These are microscopic mites that naturally inhabit hair follicles and
sebaceous glands of humans and animals. In excessive numbers, Demodex mites can cause a
condition called demodicosis, leading to hair loss, itching, and skin inflammation.

3. Pediculus humanus capitis: These are head lice that infest the scalp and cause itching,
redness, and small visible nits (lice eggs) attached to hair shafts.

4. Pediculus humanus corporis: These are body lice that infest clothing and bedding but reside
on the body to feed on human blood. Infestations can cause intense itching, skin irritation, and
sometimes secondary infections.

5. Phthirius pubis: Also known as pubic lice or "crabs," these tiny insects infest pubic hair, as
well as hair in the armpits, eyebrows, and beard. They cause itching and visible lice or nits in
the affected areas.

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