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s: Good morning America!

g: Today we're going to begin with some exciting but also devastating news.
s: The famous writer Paul Sheldon has been found and the story behind his
disappearance is unbelievable.
g: He was kidnaped by a woman called Annie Wilkes. Also known as "the dragon
lady", she was accused of killing several new-born babies at a hospital.
s: Now these accusations have been confirmed due to a "scrapbook" that was found in
her house. Not only making her guilty of these murders, but of many more, including
the death of her father, ill and elderly people.
g: Due to her death she will not be able to be tried in court but at least the person
responsible for all these deaths has been found. The details of her autopsy focus on
burns and many shots to the head, which were given by Paul to escape the torture he
s: He was kidnapped by Wilkes after a traffic accident and she kept him locked up in
her house for at least 3 months in which he received all kinds of both physical and
psychological torture, including the loss of one of his feet and a thumb.
g: Paul has not yet given any interviews but we had the honor of receiving his first
public words. (video de paul)
s: also many people are waiting for a book in which he tells his story. What do you
think Glenn?
g: As a fan and empathic human I think it would be extremely morbid and it wouldn't
help Paul at all.
s: Yes, I couldn't agree more with you. It must be a very traumatic experience.
g: Moreover we have some photos of when Wilkes was questioned about the deaths of
the babies in the hospital. +
s: As the hours go by we will inform you of updates on the case. Now we move on to
the sports section.

s: Good morning America!

g: Today we're going to begin with some exciting but also devastating news.
s: The famous writer Paul Sheldon has been found and the story behind his
disappearance is unbelievable.
g: He was kidnaped by a woman called Annie Wilkes. Also known as "the dragon
lady", she was accused of killing several new-born babies at a hospital.
s: Now these accusations have been confirmed due to a "scrapbook" that was found in
her house. Not only making her guilty of these murders, but of many more, including
the death of her father, ill and elderly people.
g: Due to her death she will not be able to be tried in court but at least the person
responsible for all these deaths has been found. The details of her autopsy focus on
burns and many shots to the head, which were given by Paul to escape the torture he
s: He was kidnapped by Wilkes after a traffic accident and she kept him locked up in
her house for at least 3 months in which he received all kinds of both physical and
psychological torture, including the loss of one of his feet and a thumb.
g: Paul has not yet given any interviews but we had the honor of receiving his first
public words. (video de paul)
s: also many people are waiting for a book in which he tells his story. What do you
think Glenn?
g: As a fan and empathic human I think it would be extremely morbid and it wouldn't
help Paul at all.
s: Yes, I couldn't agree more with you. It must be a very traumatic experience.
g: Moreover we have some photos of when Wilkes was questioned about the deaths of
the babies in the hospital. +
s: As the hours go by we will inform you of updates on the case. Now we move on to
the sports section.

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