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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Superior

Instituto Tecnológico Universitario “Antonio José de Sucre”
Mérida, Estado Mérida

Inglés, Zero conditional

Nombre: Emily Arismendi

C.I.: 30.962.777
Administración mención mercadotecnia
Zero Conditional
Read the sentences carefully and choose the correct form of the verb.

1) If it is cold, I put on a coat.

2) If it rains, the plants and trees grow
3) When you mix red and blue, you get purple.
4) If he puts ice in the sun, it melts
5) If they run fast, they get very tired.
6) If you heat water at lOOQ C, it boils.
7) If he mixes blue and yellow, he gets green.
8) If the students pay attention in class, they understand the new topic.
9) If you don’t do your homework, your teacher gets very angry.
10) If he doesn’t get up early, he arrives late to school.

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