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Praeclarus Society at
University of Baguio

With respect to the Section 4 of Praeclarus Society’s Bylaws, below is the listed set of
duties and responsibilities of the duly elected officers of the Executive Committee and
the Legislative Committee:

Executive Committee:
a. President
The President of the organization must:
i. Possess knowledge of the university’s policies.
ii. Be the face of the organization.
iii. Call for and lead the meetings within the organization.
iv. Oversee the process of the organization’s activities and events.
v. Work with the adviser to advance the vision and mission of the organization.
vi. Deliver a president’s report to the executive members of the organization,
updating the members on any issues that the organization will be or are working
vii. Submit a year-end report of the organization’s activities as well as information
on incoming officers.
viii. Take charge of the submission of paperwork required for the organization;
ix. Foster an atmosphere of inclusivity for members within the organization.
b. Secretary
The Secretary of the organization must:
i. Take minutes of each organizational meeting.
ii. Maintain organizational history each semester.
iii. Maintain communication between the President and all the members of the
iv. Assist in the organization’s events and activities.
v. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
vi. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.
c. Treasurer
The Treasurer of the organization must:
i. Prepare the budget for each activity and event of the organization.
ii. Collect funds to be deposited into the organization’s treasury.
iii. Maintain a current accounting status of the organization’s finances including
income, records of transactions, etc.
iv. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
v. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.
d. Auditor
The Auditor of the organization must:
i. Work continuously with the Treasurer in monitoring the current accounting
status of the organization’s finances including (but not limited to) income, records
of transaction, etc.
ii. Prepare monthly financial reports on the organization’s accounting status.
iii. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
iv. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.
e. Press Relations Officer
The Press Relations Officer of the organization must:
i. Be the liaison of communication between the students and the organization,
create and maintain connection to the public, and shall build a positive image of
the organization.
ii. Address inquiries from students regarding organizational matters.
iii. Prepare and submit PR reports to the President with the Publication Officer.
iv. Work side-by-side with the Publication Officer in handling media information
between the organization and the public.
v. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
vi. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.
f. Publication Officer
The Publication Officer of the organization must:
i. Possess the knowledge and skills of developing PR strategies as well as
managing media relations in the promotion of the organization.
ii. Regularly edit and update promotional material for the organization available to
the public.
iii. Work side-by-side with the Press Relations Officer in handling media
information between the organization and the public.
iv. Be responsible in handling the club’s information platforms, ensuring that the
content and designs of the publication materials coordinate with an effective
v. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
vi. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.

Legislative Committee:
a. Vice President
The Vice President of the organization must:
i. Serve as the President’s “right-hand” and shall perform all legal duties assigned
by the President.
ii. Supervise meetings and activities in the absence of the President.
iii. Work with the Treasurer in planning and allocating the budget for activities and
iv. Spearhead the scheduling of meeting locations and events.
v. Take charge in external affairs of the organization.
vi. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
vii. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.
b. 4th Year Representative
The 4th Year Representative must:
i. Act as an extension of the batch he/she represents.
ii. Be responsible for gathering opinions, concerns, and ideas from the batch
he/she represents and be their voice.
iii. Seek feedback from the batch he/she represents and must keep a continuous
flow of communication between the Executive Officers and members of the
iv. Represent his/her batch in committee meetings.
v. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
vi. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.
c. 3rd Year Representative
The 3rd Year Representative must:
i. Act as an extension of the batch he/she represents.
ii. Be responsible for gathering opinions, concerns, and ideas from the batch
he/she represents and be their voice.
iii. Seek feedback from the batch he/she represents and must keep a continuous
flow of communication between the Executive Officers and members of the
iv. Represent his/her batch in committee meetings.
v. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
vi. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.
d. 2nd Year Representative
The 2nd Year Representative must:
i. Act as an extension of the batch he/she represents.
ii. Be responsible for gathering opinions, concerns, and ideas from the batch
he/she represents and be their voice.
iii. Seek feedback from the batch he/she represents and must keep a continuous
flow of communication between the Executive Officers and members of the
iv. Represent his/her batch in committee meetings.
v. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
vi. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.
e. 1st Year Representative
The 1st Year Representative must:
i. Act as an extension of the batch he/she represents.
ii. Be responsible for gathering opinions, concerns, and ideas from the batch
he/she represents and be their voice.
iii. Seek feedback from the batch he/she represents and must keep a continuous
flow of communication between the Executive Officers and members of the
iv. Represent his/her batch in committee meetings.
v. Contribute to the year-end report of the President; and
vi. Assist in the submission of paperwork required for the organization.

In accordance to the Section 5 of the Praeclarus Society’s Bylaws, in order for a member of the
organization to be eligible for office, candidates must be in good academic and disciplinary
standing and currently enrolled students and are taking Bachelor of Forensic Science and
Bachelor of Science in Criminology at the University of Baguio. Additionally, students have at
least 89 GPA to be eligible to hold an office. Likewise, an officer shall not serve for more than 2
years in the same position.

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