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Chapter I ..


Pre teaching
The teacher works for definitions of definition. In doing so, they describe pre-
constructing techniques that use given knowledge, lay the groundwork for future
learning, activate and prepare students for new material, and grab students' attention.
At this stage they focus on learning walks with students, exploring authentic resources,
and looking for tools that catch their attention so that they can easily understand the
vocabulary in the kitchen well.
• Drawing from previous knowledge:
Pre-learning requires looking back and connecting with previous lessons. If students
who have studied have studied this kitchen vocabularies material, the level of teaching
will be more improved than before.

• Look for tools that attract students' attention:

A teacher in this pre-teaching needs to find ways to make interesting lessons such as
kitchen vocabulary games, looking for pictures as a medium, and collecting some
interesting videos about kitchen vocabulary for students to watch.

Things of English Games Kitchen

No Things Terjemahan
2 English For Kids

1. Apron Celemek

2. Baking Dish Loyang

3. Bamboo Steamer Kukusan

4. Barbacue Panggangan

5. Basket Keranjang

6. Blender Blender/ Pencampur

7. Bottle Botol

8. Bowl Mangkuk

9. Broom Sapu
Number 3

10. Cabinet Lemari

11. Carving Knife Pisau Daging

12. Casserole Dish Piring Saji Besar

13. Chopsticks Sumpit

14. Citrus Juicer Pemeras Jeruk

15. Colander Mangkuk Saringan

16. Cup Cangkir

17. Cupboard Lemari

18. Dish Rack Rak Piring

4 English For Kids


20. Dish Soap Sabun Cuci Piring

21. Dishcloth Serbet Pembersih

22. Dishes Piring Saji

23. Dust Bin/ Trash Can Tempat Sampah

24. Egg Scrambler Pengocok Telur

25. Egg-Cup Cangkir Telur

26. Electric Stove Kompor Listrik

27. Flour Sifter Ayakan Tepung

Number 5

28. Fork Garpu

29. Freezer Pendingin

30. Frying Pan Wajan

31. Gas Stove Kompor Gas

32. Glasses Gelas

33. Grater Parutan

34. Gravy Boat / Sauce Boat Tempat Saus

35. Jar Guci

36. Jug / Pitcher Kendi

6 English For Kids

37. Juicer Pembuat Jus

38. Kettle Ketel/ Ceret

39. Kitchen Roll Tisu Dapur

40. Kitchen Scales Timbangan Dapur

41. Knife Pisau

42. Knife Sharpener Pengasah Pisau

43. Ladle Sendok Sayur

44. LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) Gas LPG

45. Match Korek Api

Number 7

46. Measuring Cup Gelas Ukur

47. Meat Grinder Penggiling Daging

48. Microwave Oven Oven Microwave

49. Mixer Pengaduk

50. Mop Kain Pel

51. Mug Sejenis Cangkir

52. Napkin Serbet Pembersih Mulut

53. Oven Oven

54. Oven Gloves/ Oven Mitts Sarung Tangan Penahan Panas

8 English For Kids

55. Pepper Shaker Penabur Merica

56. Pestle Penumbuk/ Mutu/ Ulekan

57. Placemat Tatakan

58. Plastic Bags Kantong Plastik

59. Pot/ Pan Panci

60. Pressure Cooker Fresto

61. Recipe Resep

62. Refrigerator / Fridge Kulkas

63. Rice Bowl Mangkuk Nasi

Number 9

64. Rice Cooker Rice Cooker

65. Scissors Gunting

66. Shelf Rak

67. Sieve Saringan

68. Sifter Ayak

69. Sink Wastafel

70. Skewers Tusuk Sate

71. Skillet Kuali

72. Soap Sabun

10 English For Kids

73. Soup Bowl Mangkuk Sup

74. Spatula Sudip (Javanese: Suthil)

75. Spice Container Tempat Bumbu

76. Sponge Spons Untuk Mencuci Piring

77. Spoon Sendok

78. Strainer Saringan Goreng (Serok)

79. Table Meja

80. Tablecloth Taplak Meja

81. Tablespoon Sendok Makan

Number 11

82. Tea Cup Cangkir The

83. Teapot Teko

84. Teaspoon Sendok The

85. Toaster Oven Oven Pemanggang Roti

86. Tooth Pick Tusuk Gigi

87. Toothpick Holder Tempat Tusuk Gigi

88. Tray Baki / Nampan

89. Trivet Alas Saji Penahan Panas

90. Tureen Mangkok Sup

12 English For Kids

91. Vacuum Flask / Thermos Termos

92. Washing Machine Mesin Cuci

Source: kitchen video :

Number 13

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