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5 friends, Reem, Sara, Alyaa, Noor and Maryam, talk about having a game night as one of the girls

parents are going out of town on the weekend and only the girl and the servants will be in the house.

The girls agree and get excited on the prospect of playing an interesting board game

They decide on playing “Mysterium” which is a board game. In the game, 4 players take the role of a
different psychic who is invited to a haunted mansion in which a girl was murdered and they invite the
ghost of the girl so they can find out who the murderer was. The ghost of the girl will only communicate
with the Psychics through vision cards and not say a word.

The 5 girls decide they will meet at the girl’s house whose parents are going away.

The girls arrive at the house one after the other. Reem has laid out the game on the dining table and
lights are dim to create a scary ambience.

The girls start playing, 4 of them take the role of a psychic and Sara becomes the ghost. After playing for
a while Sara suddenly gets up and goes inside. The house bell rings at the same moment, and the 4 of
them look at each other asking if they are expecting anyone

The maid goes and opens the door….Sara is at the door apologising for being late…….the question is…
who was playing the game with them as their 5th friend when she just arrived……

Draft Script

Title: "Mysterium Unveiled"


The atmosphere is filled with excitement as Reem, Sara, Alyaa, Noor, and Maryam gather around the
dining table, where the eerie glow of dim lights sets the mood. The Mysterium board game is neatly laid
out, waiting for the players to embark on their paranormal adventure.


(looking at the game)

I'm so glad we decided to have a game night. This is going to be epic!



Especially since my parents are out of town. It's just us, the servants, and the ghosts tonight.
The girls share a laugh, anticipation building for the mysterious game ahead.



So, who's going to be the ghost?


(raising her hand)

I'll be the ghost! I've been reading up on the rules, and it sounds like so much fun.

The group quickly decides on their roles, with Reem, Alyaa, Noor, and Maryam becoming the psychics.
The haunting melody from the game's soundtrack adds an extra layer of suspense as they begin their



The girls are engrossed in the game, deciphering the cryptic vision cards that Sara, the ghost, presents to
them. The tension in the room is palpable, and the only sounds are hushed whispers and the occasional
gasps as they make connections.

Suddenly, Sara abruptly stands up, startling the others.


I'll be right back. Don't start without me!

As Sara heads inside, the doorbell rings. The remaining four exchange puzzled glances.


Did anyone invite someone else?


(shaking her head)

No, it's just us.

The maid opens the door, and to their surprise, Sara stands there, looking apologetic.


Sorry, I'm late, guys. Traffic was crazy.

The girls exchange bewildered glances.



Wait, then who was playing the game with us just now?

The realization dawns on them, and a chill runs down their spines as they collectively turn back to the
game on the table.


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