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मे िडकेयर ह�स्पटल िलिमटे डको

स�ालक सिमितको तफर्बाट �स्तुत वा�षक �ितवेदन

(कम्पनी ऐन २०६३ को दफा १०९ अनु सार तयार पािरएको)

आदरणीय शे यर धनी महानु भावज्यूह�,

यस मेिडकेयर ह�स्पटल िलिमटे डको छब्बीस� वा�षक साधारण सभामा तपाइह�लाई हा�दक स्वागत
अिभवादन गदर् छ� । यस अस्पतालले सफलताका साथ सिह िदशा तथा रणनीित िलदै अिध बिढरहे को हु ँदा
स्वास्थ्य सेवा क्षे�मा आफ्नो िव�सनीयतालाई कायम राखी रा�ो छिव बनाउन सफल रहे को छ । आफूले
उपलब्ध गराउँ दै आएका सेवाह�लाई अझै व्यवसायीक तथा िवस्तृत गद� लैजाने दृढ सं�प एवं �य�रत छ�
। यस अवसरमा कम्पनी ऐन २०६३ ले िन�द� गरे अनुसार स�ालक सिमितको तफर्बाट आ�थक वषर्
२०७९/८० को अस्पतालको ि�याकलाप एवं आ�थक गितिविध तथा चालू आ�थक वषर्को �स्थितको िववरण
दे हाय बमोिजम पेश गिरएको छ । अस्पतालको समीक्षा वषर् २०७९/८० को आम्दानी खचर्को तुलनात्मक
िववरण िनम्नानुसार रहे को छ ।

१. िवगत वषर्को कारोबारको �सहावलोकन :- (�. लाखमा)

िववरण आ.ब. ०७९।८० आ.ब. ०७८।७९ वृि�/(कमी)

(रकम) (रकम) �ितशत
कुल आम्दानी ५०२३.५६ ४७२६.५९ ६.२९
व्यवसायीक, स�ालन एवं �शासिनक खचर् ३४७७.७९ ३३९३.७४ २.४८
संचालन नाफा १५४५.७६ १३३२.८५ १५.९७
�ास खचर् तथा पारे शोधन ३०८.३७ २५३.९२ २१.४४
कमर्चारी बोनस व्यवस्था १२३.७३ १०७.९० १४.६७
आयकर व्यवस्था २९०.६७ २४७.२६ १७.५६
नाफा ८२२.९९ ७२३.७७ १३.७१
डे फडर् कर समायोजन (१३८.६३) ३.४९ (४०७२.२१)
व्यवसायीक सामािजक िजम्मे वारी ९.६२ ७.२३ ३३.२२
बाँडफाँडका लािग उपलब्ध खुद नाफा ९५२.०० ७२०.०३ ३२.२२

गत वषर्मा केही समयका लािग कोिभड १९ को असरह� परे ता पिन समीक्षा वषर्मा अिधकांश समयमा
सामान्य कारोबार गनर् सफल भय� तापिन बढ्दो मह�ाई , पुराना भएका उपकरणह�को ममर्त सम्भार,
नयाँ पा�क� व्यवस्थापन, िबरामीह� र उनका कु�वा तथा िचिकत्सकह�का लािग इन्टरनेट सेवाको
क्षमता वृि�, िचिकत्सकह�को सम्मान, भेला लगायतका कायर्�म आयोजना, कमर्चारीह�को �म
सम्बन्धी िववादमा कानुनी परामशर्, प�ामा सम्झौता अनुसारको वृि�, अस्पतालले �योग गरेको
क्षे�फलमा वृि� भए सँगै सफाइ, धुलाई खचर् बढ्न गएको छ । साथै अस्पतालको कारोबार समे तमा वृि�
भएको हु ँदा गत वषर्को तुलनामा समीक्षा वषर्मा व्यवसाय, संचालन एवं �शासिनक खचर्मा कुल २.४८
�ितशतले वृि� हु न गएको छ । अस्पताल �ित िबरामी पक्षह�ले दे खाउनु भएको िव�ास र त्यो िव�ास

आजर्न गनर् अस्पतालका िचिकत्सकह�ले िदनु भएको स्तरीय सेवा र कमर्चारीह�बाट भएको
व्यवसायीक सि�यताको कारण कारोबारमा सामान्य वृि�सँगै आम्दानीमा पिन ६.२९% ले वृि� भएको
छ । जस कारण संचालन नाफा १५.९७% ले वृि� गनर् सिकएको छ । समीक्षा वषर्मा किरब ४ करोड
बराबरको सम्पि� थप भए सँगै नेपाल िव�ीय �ितवेदन मान (एन.एफ.आर.एस) अनुसार सम्पि�को
लगतमा त्यसको अविश� मूल्य घटाइ उपयोग समयको आधारमा �ास खचर् गणना गिरएको हु ँदा �ास
खचर् तफर् २१.४४%ले वृि� भएको छ । अस्पतालको स्वािमत्वमा रहे को जिमनह� तथा भवनको योग्य
मूल्या�न कत�बाट पुनः मूल्या�न गिरएको कारण डे फडर् कर समायोजन १३८.६३ लाखले ऋणात्मक
भएको छ र ऐन कानुनले िन�द� गरे अनुसार कमर्चारी बोनस, आयकर र व्यवसायीक सामािजक दाियत्व
समायोजन व्यवस्था गरी समीक्षा वषर्मा शेयर धनी महानुभावह�को लािग बाँडफाँड िहसाबमा ३२.२२%
ले वृि� भई �.९५२ लाख सानर् सिकएको व्यहोरा सबै शेयरधनी महानुभावह�लाई जानकारी गराउँ दछ�।
आ.ब. आ.ब. वृि�/(कमी)
२०७९/८० २०७८/७९ �ितशतमा
शु � सम्पि� (ने ट वथर् - �. लाखमा) ११३२९.१४ ३५५२.८४ २१८.८८
�ित शे यर (ने ट वथर् बुक भ्यालु - �पैयाँमा) ४१९.६० १५८.२० १६५.२३
�ित शे यर आय (अ�न� पर शे यर -�पैयाँमा) ३५.२६ ३२.०६ ९.९८

समीक्षा वषर्को आ�थक �ितवेदन अनुसार अस्पतालको गत वषर्को शु� सम्पि� अथ�त् नेट वथर् मािथ
िदइए बमोिजम ३५५२.८४ लाख बाट २१८.८८.% ले वृि� भैँ ११३२९.१४ लाख पुगेको छ । त्यसै गरी
�ित शेयर नेट वथर् (शु� सम्पि�) �.१५८.२० बाट १६५.२३.% ले वृि� भैँ �.४१९.६० पुगेको छ ।
यसका पछािडको मुख्य कारण अस्पतालको जग्गा तथा भवनको पुनर् मूल्या�न रहे को छ ।

समीक्षा वषर्मा कोरोनाको असर अत्यन्त न्यून रहे कोले अस्पताल आउने िबरामीह�को संख्यामा वृि� भई
आम्दानीमा पिन वृि� भएकोले �ित शेयर आम्दानी ९.९८% ले वृि� भई �.३२।६० बाट �. ३५।२६
पुगेको छ ।

अस्पतालमा समीक्षा वषर् र गत वषर्मा उपचाराथर् आएका िबरामीह�को संख्या सम्बन्धी तुलनात्मक
तालीका िनम्नानुसार �स्तुत गिरएको छ ।
(�. लाखमा)

आ.ब. आ.ब. गत वषर्को तुलनामा

२०७९/८० २०७८/७९ वृि�/(कमी) �ितशत

बिहर� िबरामीह� (ओिपिड पे सेन्ट) ७९१२८ ७१३६४ १०.८८

अन्तर� िबरामीह� (आईिपिड पे सेन्ट) ४२८३ ३९१४ ९.४३

शैया ओगटे को �स्थित (बेड अकुपे न्सी) ४८.६५ ४५.२० ७.६३

गत वषर्को तुलनामा समीक्षा वषर्मा अन्तर� िबरामीह� ९.४३%ले र बिहर� िबरामीह� १०.८८% ले
वृि� हु न गएको छ भने वेड अकुपेन्सी ७.६३%ले वृि� भएको छ । िव�व्यापी महामारीको �पमा
फैिलएको कोरोना भाइरस (कोिभड-१९)को �ास र सं�मण दरमा हाल िनकै कमी आएकोले उपचाराथर्
अस्पताल आउने िबरामीह�को संख्यामा वृि� भएको पाइएको छ ।

समीक्षा वषर्मा आक�स्मक तथा सघन उपचारतफर् िनम्नानुसार िबरामीह�को उपचार भएको छ ।
आ. ब. आ. ब. गत वषर्को तुलनामा
०७९/८० ०७८।७९ वृि�/(कमी) �ितशत
आक�स्मक सेवा १८५६९ १६६५२ ११.५१
सघन उपचार ४७३ ४०७ १६.२२
सघन उपचारको �ममा मृत्यु ६१ ४० ५२.५०
सफलता �ितशत सघन उपचार ८७.१० ९०.१७ (३.४०)

आक�स्मक र सघन उपचारमा समे त िबरामीको संख्यामा वृि� भएको छ जसको असर अस्पतालको
कारोबारमा पनर् गएको �स्ट दे िखन्छ । समीक्षा वषर्मा गत वषर्को तुलनामा सघन उपचारको �ममा मृत्यु
हु नेको संख्या २१ जनाले बढे को छ भने ८७.१%ले सफल सघन उपचार भएको छ ।

२. रा�ष्�य तथा अन्तर��ष्�य पिर�स्थितबाट कम्पनीको कारोबारलाई पारे को असर :-

अस्पतालमा उपचार सेवा िलने िबरामीको संख्या मुख्यतया अस्पतालमा उपलब्ध हु ने िचिकत्सक,
अत्याधुिनक �िविधमा अ�ाविधक, अनुकूल स्थान, रा�ष्�य तथा अन्तररा�ष्�य �स्थित, बजार, सेवा
�ाहीको आ�थक �स्थित एवं आम्दानीमा भर पन� हु न्छ । उपचार �िविध िवकिसत दे शको नयाँ �िविधसँग
मे ल खाने स्तरको भएमा िबरामीह�को सेवामा पिन स्तरीयता कायम गनर् सिकने तथ्य सवर् िविदतै छ ।
अन्तर��ष्�य बजारमा पन� मूल्य वृि�, अस्पतालले खपत गन� सामा�ी तथा आयात गन� उपकरणह�मा
बढ्दो िवदे शी मु�ा िविनयम दर, �स-यु�ेन यु�को कारण इन्धनमा भएको मूल्य वृि� आिद �भावका
कारण अस्पतालको खचर्मा पिन स्वाभािवक �पले सामान्य वृि� हु न गएको छ । त्यस्तै अस्पताल रहे को
क्षे�मा अन्य िनकै �ितस्पध�ह� हु नुका साथै स्थानीय तहमा खुलेका नयाँ अत्याधुिनक ठूला िनदानात्मक
केन्�का कारण कारोबारमा असर पनर् सक्ने साथै बेला-बखतमा हु ने सरकारी नीितको पिरवतर्नले पिन
अस्पताल स�ालनमा असर परे को दे िखन्छ । यसका साथै दे शका िविभ� भाग, िवशेषतः काठमाड�
के�न्�त नयाँ स्वदे शी प्याथोलोजी �योगशालाह�को सेवामा �ा�ै वृि�, िवदे शी �योगशालाका
शाखाह�को स्थापना एवं तीनका एजेन्ट माफर्त िवशेष छु टमा परीक्षण भइरहे को तथा अन्य सुिवधा
सम्प� अस्पतालह� स्थापना एवं संचालन भएका कारण स्वास्थ्य सेवामा ती� �ितस्पध� छ । सरकारी
नीित लगायतका कारणले कमर्चारीह�को समे त लागत बढ्न जाने हु ँदा आगामी वषर्मा खचर्ह� बढ्न
सक्ने �स्थित यथावत् कायम नै छ । त्यसैले यस क्षे�मा �ितस्पध� अत्यािधक हु ँदै जाने भई कारोबारमा
समे त असर पनर् सक्ने सम्भावना रहे को छ । संसारमा हाल कोिभड-१९ को �ास नरहे तापिन नयाँ
�कारका सं�मण जस्तै ड� गी तथा अन्य भाइरल िबमारीका कारण �ास �ृजना भइ अस्पताल आउने
सवर्साधारणह�को संख्या पिन एिकनका साथ भ� नसिकने हु ँदा यसको न्यूनािधक असर अस्पतालमा
समे त पनर् सक्ने नै दे िखन्छ ।
िव�मा समय समयमा हु ने अशा�न्त, इन्धन संकट आिदका कारण िवदे शी मु�ा िविनयम दरमा वृि� र
संसार भरको मूल्य वृि�ले हामी पिन अछु तो रहन निसकने र त्यसको जोिखम एिकन गन� नसक्ने हु ँदा
तथा बजारमा चौतफ� मूल्य वृि�को असरले हाल समीक्षा वषर्का कारोबार सन्तोष जनक रहे तापिन
आगामी वषर्मा पिन िवशेष �भाव पानर् गई खचर् बढ्ने र आम्दानी घट्ने सम्भावना रहे को छ ।

३. �ितवेदन तयार भएको िमितसम्म चालू वषर्को उपल�ब्ध र भिवष्यमा गनुर् पन� कुराको सम्बन्धमा स�ालक
सिमितको धारणा :-
अस्पतालले चालू आ.ब.को ४ मिहनामा संचालन मुनाफा ४.५१ करोड तथा खुद मुनाफा �. ३.३८ करोड
आजर्न गनर् सफल भएको छ । यस अस्पतालको २०८० आषाढ सम्मका उपल�ब्धह� अगािड भिनए झैँ
आ.ब. २०७९।८० को तुलनामा उत्साह जनक अवस्थामै रहे तापिन नयाँ सेवा बढाउँ दै लिग क्षमता वृि�
गद� आम्दानी सुदृढ गन� तफर् अस्पतालले आफ्नो तफर्बाट �यासरत रहने छ र रा�ष्�य स्तरमा सरकारबाट
गिरनु पन� कायर्को लािग पहल गिरनेछ । िचिकत्सकह�को िव�ास तथा आत्मबल वृि� गरी सेवाको स्तर
वृि� गिरने छ । संचालक सिमितको िनणर्य अनुसार अस्पतालले िनकट भिवष्यमा नै सवर्साधारणह�मा
सेयर जारी गन� सम्बन्धमा गिरएका कायर्ह�लाई वा�षक साधारण सभापिछ ठोस �पमा अिघ बढाउने
जसबाट केही पुँजी जम्मा हु ने र त्यसको सदु पयोग गिर अस्पतालको ि�याकलाप वृि�का लािग
�यासह� गिरने छ ।

४. अस्पतालको औ�ोिगक वा व्यवसायीक सम्बन्ध :-

अस्पतालले आफ्नो व्यवसायीक तथा अन्य संघ संस्थासँगको �त्यक्ष या अ�त्यक्ष सम्बन्धको िशलिशलामा
िबरामी वा िबरामीका आफन्त, सरकारी तथा स्थानीय सरकारका िनकायह� तथा सरोकार वाला
संस्थाह� -स्वास्थ्य मन्�ालय, सामािजक िवकास मन्�ालय, स्वास्थ्य िनद� शनालय, वातावरण िवभाग,
स्वास्थ्य िवभाग, �म काय�लय, काठमाड� महानगरपािलका, वडा काय�लय, िव�ुत् �ािधकरण,
दू रस�ार संस्थान, अिफन, काठमाड� उपत्यका खानेपानी व्यवस्थापन बोडर् , आन्तिरक राजस्व
काय�लय, कम्पनी रिजस्टारको काय�लय, लगायत अन्य िवदे शी आपू�तकत�ह�सँग समे त सौहादर् पूणर्
सम्बन्ध राख्दै आएको छ ।

५. स�ालक सिमितमा भएका पिरवतर्नह� :-

समीक्षा वषर्मा स�ालक सिमितमा कुनै पिरवतर्न नभएको र पच्चीस� साधारण सभाबाट ४ वषर्का लािग
िनव�िचत हु नु भएका तपिसल बमोिजमको स�ालक सिमित सदस्य रहनु भएको छ ।

िस.नं आ.व. २०७९।८० मा कायर्रत पद समूह कैिफयत

१ डा. �ी �िदप कुमार यादव स�ालक -अध्यक्ष क
२ �ी िवनय कुमार �े� स�ालक -सदस्य क (संस्था�ारा मनोनयन गिर
�ितिनिध पठाए अनु�प)

३ �ी खेमराज लािमछाने स�ालक -सदस्य क

४ �ी महल सागर �े� स�ालक -सदस्य क (संस्था�ारा मनोनयन गिर
�ितिनिध पठाए अनु�प)

५ डा. �ी लोकेश भ�राई स�ालक -सदस्य क

६. कारोबारलाई असर गन� मुख्य कुराह�:-

अस्पतालका कारोबारलाई असर पान� मुख्य जोिखम तथा चुनौती दे हाय अनुसार रहे का छन्:

क. समय समयमा नयाँ �कारका भाइरसह�को सं�मण दे खा पन� गरे कोले अस्पतालमा उपचाराथर्
आउने संख्यामा सामान्य �गित भएता पिन नयाँ रोगह� दे खा पिर अस्पताल सुचा� �पले संचालन
हु नेमा पुनः िनधर्क्क हु ने �स्थित भने नभएकोले कारोबारमा असर पनर् सक्ने दे िखन्छ ।
ख. नेपाल सरकारले जारी गन� ऐन, िनयम, िव�मान ऐन कानुनमा हु ने संशोधन तथा नीितमा पिरवतर्नले
िनजी अस्पताल स�ालनमा अनुकूल वा �ितकूल असर पानर् सक्छ ।
ग. अस्पतालले िवदे शबाट आयात गरी खिरद गन� उपकरण तथा खचर् हु ने सामानह�मा भएको
अन्तररा�ष्�य स्तरको मूल्य वृि� तथा िवदे शी मु�ा तथा िविनयम दरमा भएको वृि� दरले पिन असर
पनर् सक्छन् ।
घ. िविश� कृत (Specialized) िचिकत्सा सेवा र अत्याधुिनक मे िसन औजार र समय सापेक्ष �िविधमा
अ�ाविधक नगिरएमा अन्य अस्पतालसँग �ितस्पध� गनर् नसक्दा कारोबारमा असर पनर् सक्दछ ।
ङ. दे शको राजनैितक तथा अन्य बा� कारणह�ले दे शको अथर्तन्�मा पन� असरको कारण कारोबारमा
असर पन� दे िखन्छ ।

७. अन्त�निहत जोिखमह� :-
क. कुनै पिन कारणले काठमाड� उपत्यका आवागमनमा अवरोधक भएमा अस्पतालको सेवा �भािवत
भई आम्दानी कम हु न सक्छ ।
ख. �ाकृितक �कोपले िवपरीत पिर�स्थित �ृजना भई व्यवसायीक आम्दानीमा कमी हु न सक्ने ।
ग. नेपाल सरकारको समय समयमा हु ने िविभ� ऐन कानुन पिरमाजर्न, स्तरीय अस्पताल स�ालनका
मापदण्ड २०७४, वातावरणीय लगायतका अन्य सरकारी मापदण्डह�का कारण सेवाह� स�ालन
�भािवत गनर् सक्छ ।
उपरो� जोिखमह�लाई न्यूिनकरण गनर् अस्पताल�ारा िविभ� कदमह� चािलएको र आवश्यक
व्यवस्था गिरएको हु ँदा नै िविभ� िवपरीत पिर�स्थितह�मा पिन सामना गनर् सिकएको उदाहरण यहाँह�
समक्ष स्प�ै छन् ।

८. लेखापरीक्षण �ितवेदनमा कुनै कैिफयत उल्लेख भएको भए सो उपर स�ालक सिमितको �िति�या :-
क. लेखाका सवर्मान्य िस�ान्त एवं अस्पतालका आ�थक िववरणह� नेपाल लेखामान तथा नेपाल
िव�ीय �ितवेदन मानक �णाली अनुसार तयार पािरएका छन् ।
ख. िनयिमत कारोबारमा दे िखएका सामान्य कैिफयत बाहे क अ� कुनै नकारात्मकका सारभूत िटप्पणी
कुराह� लेखापरीक्षण �ितवेदनमा दे िखएको छै न । �ा� �िति�याह� र सुझावह�मा स�ालक
सिमितको ध्यान आकषर्ण भएको छ र सधैझ
ँ � सुधारका िन�म्त आवश्यक कदम चािलद� आएको छ ।

९. लाभांश बाँडफाँडका लािग िसफािरस गिरएको रकम :-

कम्पनीको संचालक सिमितको िमित २०८० मंसीर २९ गते बसेको बैठकको िनणर्य अनुसार आ.ब. २०८०
साल आषाढ मसान्त सम्ममा समा� भएको आ�थक वषर्को मुनाफा र गत वषर् सम्मको संिचत रकम
समे तबाट िमलाई यो वषर्को लािग कम्पनीको चु�ा पुँजीको १४.३४८३७६२ �ितशत नगद तथा बोनश
शेयरमा लाग्ने कर समेत �.३,८७,४०,६१५।७९ नगद लाभांश �दान गनर् संचालक सिमितबाट िसफािरस
गिरएको छ । यसका साथै अस्पतालको हालको अिधकृत तथा जारी पूज
ँ ी सम्ब�न्धत िनकायबाट स्वीकृत

भइ आए पश्चात् हालका संस्थापक तथा हाल कायम रहे का शेयरधनीह�लाई हालको चु�ा पुज
ँ ीको
कर बाहे क ४८.८०९५१८५ �ितशतले अथ�त् �.१३,१७,८५,७००।- बोनस शेयर िवतरण गरी उ� चु�ा
पुँजी �.४०,१७,८५,७००।- पुय�उने र उ� बोनस शेयर जारी गद� लाग्ने कर नगद लाभांशमा समायोजन
गिरनेछ । बोनस शेयर िवतरण गनर् शेयर संख्या यिकन गद� दशमलव पिछको संख्या समे त समायोजन
गिरनेछ ।

१०. जफत गिरएको भए जफत भएको, शे यर संख्या, त्यस्तो शे यरको अ�कत मूल्य, त्यस्तो शे यर जफत हु नु
भन्दा अगावै सो बापत कम्पनीले �ाप्त गरे को रकम र त्यस्तो जफत भए पिछ सो शे यर िव�ी गरी
कम्पनीले �ाप्त गरे को रकम तथा जफत भएको शे यर बापत रकम िफत� गरे को भए सो को िववरण :-
आ�थक वषर् २०७९/८० मा शेयर जफत सम्बन्धी कुनै पिन कायर् भएको छै न ।

११. िवगत आ�थक वषर्मा कम्पनी र यसका सहायक कम्पनीको कारोबारको �गित र सो आ�थक वषर्को
अन्तमा रहे को �स्थितका पुनरावलोकन :-
अस्पतालको कुनै पिन सहायक कम्पनी छै न । िवगत ५ वषर्को िव�ीय अवस्थाको िववरण: लाखमा

�.म िववरण आ.ब. आ.ब. आ.ब. आ.ब. आ.ब.

२०७५।७६ २०७६।७७ २०७७।७८ २०७८।७९ २०७९।८०
१ �स्थर सम्पि� २९४९.५१ ३८२२.८६ ३८३१.९८ ४१०१.२७ १०३२०.०६
२ चालू सम्पि� ६९६.९७ ५५८.२७ ६८४.०९ ८४७.१३ १००९.०७
३ डे फडर् कर समायोजन ३७.५९ ३९.९६ ४०.६७ ४४.१६ (११७९.४९)
४ शेयर पुजी ११२२.८८ २२४५.७६ २२४५.७६ २२४५.७६ २७००.००
५ जगेडा तथा संिचत मुनाफा १६९९.९५ ७१९.७ ८४५.०६ १३०७.०९ ५९०३.४५
६ दीघर्कालीन ऋण - ३३१.८७ २३३.६२ १२७.१ ५८२.१५
७ चालू दाियत्व तथा व्यवस्था ८६१.२४ ११२३.७७ १२३२.३१ १३१२.६२ ९६४.०४

िवगत ५ वषर्को संिक्ष� नाफा नोक्सान िववरण लाखमा

िववरण आ.ब. आ.ब. आ.ब. आ.ब. आ.ब.

२०७५।७६ २०७६।७७ २०७७।७८ २०७८।७९ २०७९।८०
उपचार सेवा बाट आम्दानी ३६५७.२२ ३३१३.१६ ३२६५.४८ ४६२४.९९ ५०१०.६१
अन्य आम्दानी ११२.७६ ७२.९९ ७७.२२ १०१.६० १२.९४
कुल आम्दानी २७६९.९८ ३३८६.१५ ३३४२.७१ ४७२६.५९ ५०२३.५६
संचालन, �शासिनक तथा अन्य खचर् २६४६.०३ २६४२.०१ २५७३.०६ ३३६३.३४ ३०११.४०
सम्पि� िव�ी नाफा/(नोक्सानी) (१७.१७) - - (११.७६) -
व्याज खचर् - ३४.४५ २७.८० १८.६४ ७१.४१
�ास क�ी १९५.२८ २४०.२२ २२९.१९ २५३.९२ ३०८.३७
कमर्चारी बोनस व्यवस्था ८२.८६ ४२.६८ ४६.६१ १०७.८९ १२३.७३
आयकर अिघको मुनाफा ८२८.६४ ४२६.७९ ४६६.०५ ९७१.०३ १११३.६५
आयकर व्यवस्था २१२.१६ ११५.१४ ११६.८३ २४७.२६ २९०.६७
डे फडर् कर समायोजन ४.३५ २.३६ ०.७० ३.४९ (१३८.६२)
खुद नाफा/(नोक्सान) ६२०.८३ ३१४.०१ ३४९.९३ ७२०.०३ ९६१.६१

१२. कम्पनी तथा त्यसका सहायक कम्पनीले आ�थक वषर्मा सम्प� गरे को �मुख कारोबारह� र सो अविधमा
कम्पनीको कारोबारमा आएको कुनै महत्वपुणर् पिरवतर्न :-
यस कम्पनीको कुनै पिन सहायक कम्पनी रहे को छै न । यस आ�थक वषर्मा सम्प� गरेको �मुख आ�थक
कारोबार र सो अविधमा कम्पनीको कारोबारमा आएको महत्वपुणर् पिरवतर्न संलग्न वासलात, नाफा
नोक्सान, िहसाब र नगद �वाह िववरण तथा लेखा सम्बन्धी िटप्पणीले स्प� पादर् छ ।

१३. िवगत आ�थक वषर्मा कम्पनीको आधारभूत शे यर धनीह�ले कम्पनीलाई उपलब्ध गराएको जानकारी:-
मूलभूत केही नभएको ।

१४. िवगत आ�थक वषर्मा अस्पतालका स�ालक तथा पदािधकािरह�ले िलएको शे यरको स्वािमत्वको
िववरण र कम्पनीको शे यर कारोबारमा िनजह� संलग्न रहे को भए सो सम्बन्धमा िनजह�बाट
कम्पनीले �ा� गरे को जानकारी :-
आ. व. २०७९/८० को अन्त सम्ममा यस कम्पनीको स�ालक तथा पदािधकारीह�को शेयर स्वािमत्व
िनम्न बमोिजमको रहे को छ र िनजह� कम्पनीको शेयर कारोबारमा संलग्न रहे को पाइएको छै न ।
स�ालकह�को नाम पद शे यर संख्या
डा. �ी �िदप कुमार यादव स�ालक अध्यक्ष २३१७५

�ी िवनय कुमार �ेष्ठ (सािनमा �ा.िल.) स�ालक सदस्य ३९६७४८

�ी खेमराज लािमछाने स�ालक सदस्य ६६१२५

�ी महल सागर �े� (आि�न मे िडकल कलेज स�ालक सदस्य १६१५९९

एण्ड ह�स्पटल �ा. िल)

डा. �ी लोकेश भ�राई स�ालक सदस्य ५२९०

कम्पनीको शेयर कारोबारमा िनजह�को संल�ताको जानकारी �ा� नभएको

१५. िवगत आ�थक वषर्मा कम्पनीसँग सम्ब�न्धत सम्झौताह�मा कुनै स�ालक तथा िनजका नातेदारको
व्यि�गत स्वाथर् बारे मा उपलब्ध गराइएको जानकारीको व्यहोरा :-
�स्तुत आ.ब. मा अस्पतालसँग सम्ब�न्धत सम्झौताह�मा कुनै पिन स�ालक तथा िनजको निजकको
नातेदारको व्यि�गत स्वाथर् रहे को छै न ।

१६. कम्पनीले आफ्नो शे यर आफैले खिरद गरे को भए त्यसरी आफ्नो शे यर खिरद गनुर् का कारण, त्यस्तो
शे यर संख्या र अ�कत मूल्य तथा त्यसरी शे यर खिरद गरे बापत कम्पनीले भु�ानी गरे को रकम :-
कम्पनीले आफै शेयर खिरद गरे को छै न ।
१७. आन्तिरक िनयन्�ण �णाली भए नभएको र भएको भए सोको िवस्तृत िववरण :-
क. आन्तिरक िनयन्�ण �णाली सबल बनाई राख्न कम्पनी ऐन २०६३ को दफा १६४ बमोिजम स�ालक
सिमितका सदस्य, अध्यक्ष रहे को र वािणज्य सम्बन्धी स्वतन्� संघ संस्थामा आब� व्यवस्थापन िवज्ञ
तथा चाटर् ड एकाउन्टे न्ट रहे का लेखा परीक्षण सिमितको िनद� शन एवं अनुगमनमा कम्पनीको लेखा
�णाली स�ालन हु ँदै आएको छ ।
ख. आन्तिरक �म परीक्षण पिन गिरद� आएको छ ।

ग. िनयन्�ण �णाली सबल बनाउन कमर्चारी सेवा सतर् सम्बन्धी िविनयमावली २०७८, आ�थक �शासन
िविनयमावली २०७८, खिरद उप-सिमित, मानव संसाधन सिमित लगायतले आन्तिरक �णालीको
�भावकािरता, सिमितको लािग आवश्यक व्यवस्थापन गद� आएको छ तथा अन्य अनुकरणीय
स्थािपत िस�ान्तह� अनुसार स�ालन गिरने गरे को छ ।

१८. िवगत आ�थक वषर्को कुल व्यवस्थापन खचर्को िववरण :- (�. लाखमा)

रकम रकम �ितशत

�.सं. िववरण
०७९/८० ०७८।७९ वृि�/(कमी)

१. कमर्चारीह�लाई भु�ानी १०५५.७५ ९२४.४६ १४.२०

२. अन्य काय�लय स�ालक खचर्, भु�ानी रकम ४६४.०७ ३९८.७९ १६.३७

जम्मा १५१९.८२ १३२३.२५ १४.८५

यसको िववरण नाफा नोक्सान िहसाबमा उल्लेख गिरएको छ ।

१९. लेखा परीक्षण सिमितका सदस्यह�को नामावली, िनजह�ले �ाप्त गरे को पािर�िमक, भ�ा तथा
सुिवधा, सो सिमितले गरे को काम कारबाहीको िववरण र सो सिमितले कुनै सुझाव िदएको भए सोको
िववरण :-
क. �स्तुत आ�थक वषर्मा िनम्न महानुभावह� सिहतको लेखा परीक्षण सिमित रहे को िथयो ।
नाम पद

�ी महल सागर �े� अध्यक्ष

�ी िवनय कुमार �े� सदस्य

�ी खेमराज लािमछाने सदस्य

ख. सिमितले लेखा परीक्षण �ितवेदन समीक्षा गरी अस्पतालको िव�ीय �स्थित, आन्तिरक िनयन्�ण तथा
िनयमनकारी अनुपालन आिद बारे समीक्षा गरी आवश्यक सुधारका लािग व्यवस्थापनलाई सुझाव
तथा िनद� शनह� िदने गरे को छ । साथै कम्पनीको वा�षक िहसाब िकताब बा� लेखा परीक्षकले जारी
गरे को लेखा परीक्षण �ितवेदन समीक्षा गनर् स�ालक सिमितमा �स्तुत गन� गरे को छ । लेखा परीक्षण
सिमितमा रहनु भएका कुनै पिन सदस्यह�ले पािर�िमक, भ�ा तथा अन्य कुनै सुिवधाह� िलनु
भएको छै न ।

ग. कम्पनी ऐन २०६३ अनुसार अस्पतालको आ. व. २०७९।८० को आ�थक कारोबारको लेखा परीक्षण

गन� बहालवाला लेखा परीक्षक जोशी एण्ड भण्डारी, चाटर् डर् एकाउन्टे न्ट्स योग्य रहे कोले िनज,
चाटर् डर् एकाउन्टे न्ट्सलाई हालकै शतर्ह�को अधीनमा रिह सो तथा कर लेखा परीक्षण गरे बापत
पािर�िमक मूल्य अिभवृि� कर बाहे क �.३,००,०००।०० (अक्षरेिप ितन लाख मा� ) िदने गरी
आ.ब.०८०/०८१ को लेखा परीक्षक तथा कर लेखा परीक्षकको �पमा िनयुि�को लािग लेखा
सिमितले िसफािरस गरे को छ । उ� िसफािरसलाई यस साधारण सभाबाट अनुमोदन गनुर् पन�छ ।

२०. स�ालक, �बन्ध स�ालक, कायर्कारी �मुख, अस्पतालका आधारभूत शे यरधनी वा िनजको नातेदार,
िनज संलग्न रहे को फमर्, कम्पनी वा संगिठत संस्थाले कम्पनीलाई रकम बुझाउन बाँकी भए सो कुरा :-
यस कम्पनीका शेयर धनीह�ले आ-आफ्नो नाममा कायम रहे को शेयर बापतको सम्पूणर् रकम चु�ा,
भु�ान गरी सकेको र अन्य कुनै पदािधकारी, आधारभूत शेयरधनी वा िनजको निजकको नातेदार वा
िनज संलग्न रहे को फमर् कम्पनी वा संगिठत संस्था नभएको र त्यसता संस्थाले कुनै रकम बुझाउन बाँकी
छै न ।

२१. स�ालक, �बन्धक, कायर्कारी �मुख तथा पदािधकारीह�लाई भु�ानी गिरएको पािर�िमक भ�ा तथा
सुिवधाको रकम :-
समीक्षा आ.ब.मा संचालकह�लाई सिमितको बैठक गरे बापत जम्मा �. २,३५,०००।- (�पैयाँ दु ई लाख
पै�ीस हजार मा�) मा लाग्ने अि�म कर क�ी गिर भु�ानी गिरएको छ ।

२२. सेयरधनीह�ले बुिझिलन बाँकी रहे को लाभांशको रकम :-

जम्मा �. ४,४९,९००।- (�पैयाँ चार लाख उनन्चास हजार नौ सय मा�)

२३. दफा १४१ बमोिजम सम्पि� खिरद गरे को कुरा :-

समीक्षा वषर्मा खिरद भएका खचर् भएर नजाने पुँजीगत सामानको िववरण वा�षक आ�थक िववरणमा
उल्लेख गिरए बमोिजम पुनः मूल्या�न सिहतको �स्थर सम्पि�ह� लगभग ५८८९.८२ लाखले थप
भएका छन् जस मध्ये ६७.६९ लाखको मे िडकल स�जकल उपकरणह� पछर् न् जसमा मुख्यतया नाक
कान घाँटी िवभाग अन्तरगतका िनदान तथा शल्यि�या सम्बन्धी उपकरणह� छन्, कम्प्युटर तथा
काय�लय उपकरणह�मा किरब २३ लाख, फ�नचरह�मा किरब २६.५० लाख लगायत रहे का छन् ।

२४. कम्पनी ऐनको दफा १७५ बमोिजम सम्ब� कम्पनी बीच भएको कारोबारको िववरण :-
कम्पनी ऐन २०६३ को दफा १७५ बमोिजम सम्ब� कम्पनी बीच कुनै कारोबार नभएको ।

२५. ऐन तथा �चिलत कानु न बमोिजम स�ालक सिमितको �ितवेदन खुलाउनु पन� कुरा :-
स�ालक सिमितले आफ्नो वा�षक �ितवेदनमा पारदश� भई खुलाउनु पन� िवषयका सम्बन्धमा सदै व
सचेत रहने छ र त्यसमा अझ सकेसम्म स्प� पाद� लिगने छ । हाल िनम्न कुराह�का सम्बन्धमा
िनम्नानुसार थप स्प� पािरएको छ ।
लेखा परीक्षण, मानव संसाधन सिमित लगायतका अन्य उप सिमितह�मा रहे को स�ालकह�लाई बैठक
भ�ा उपलब्ध गराइएको छै न ।

२६. अन्य आवश्यक कुराह� :-

क. अस्पतालको वतर्मान व्यवस्था :

अस्पतालमा अन्तर�, बिहर�, शल्यि�या, िविभ� िनदानात्मक परीक्षणह� लगायतका
कायर्ह�को अवस्थालाई दृि�गत गद� सन्तोष जनक रहे को छ । यसका आधारमा हालसम्मको
आ�थक अवस्था पिन रा�ो रहे को छ । आगामी वषर्मा मुनाफालाई बढाउन केही सकारात्मक
कदमह� चािलएका छन् र पिरणाम पिन दे ख्न पाइनेमा िव�स्त छ� ।

यस सम्बन्धमा चालू आ�थक वषर्को �थम चार मिहनाको समीक्षा वषर्को सोही अविध सँगको तुलनामा
�स्थित िन�ानुसारको रहे को छ:

आ.ब. आ.ब. गत वषर्को तुलनामा

२०८०/०८१ २०७९/०८० वृि�/(कमी) �ितशत

बिहर� िबरामीह� (ओिपिड पे सेन्ट) २६५४० २८१६५ (५.७७)

अन्तर� िबरामीह� (आईिपिड पे सेन्ट) १७०४ १५८५ ७.५१

इमज� न्सी िबरामीह� ६३८९ ७७७८ (१७.८६)

आइ.सी.यू िबरामीह� १६८ १७८ (५.६२)

शैया ओगटे को �स्थित (बेड अकुपे न्सी) ५५.७४ ५१.५२ ७.६२

�स्तुत आ�थक वषर् र चालू आ�थक वषर्को सु�को चार मिहनाको अस्पतालमा आउने िबरामीह�को
संख्या र सोबाट अस्पताललाई भएको आयलाई तुलनात्मक �पले हे द� बिहर� िबरामीह�को
संख्यामा ५.७७ �ितशतले कमी हु न गएको छ भने अन्तर� िबरामीह�को संख्यामा ७.५१ �ितशतले
वृि� भई शैया ओगटे को �स्थितमा ७.६२ �ितशतले वृि� भएको छ भने आक�स्मक र सघन उपचारमा
िबरामीको संख्या �मशः १७.८६% तथा ५.६२%ले कमी आएको छ ।

यसै सन्दभर्मा चालू आ�थक वषर् २०८०/०८१ को �थम चार मिहनाको आ�थक कारोबारको �स्थित
िवगत वषर्को सोही अविधको तुलनामा िनम्नानुसारले वृि� हु न गएको छ भने अनुमािनत आय व्यय
समे त संिक्ष�मा �स्तुत गिरएको छ । जसको फलस्व�प गत वषर्को दाँजोमा चालू वषर्को �थम चार
मिहनामा कूल आम्दानी २.७८% ले वृि� हु नुका साथै, संचालन �शासन खचर्मा १.२८% वृि� भइ
संचालन नाफा ७.७४%ले वृि� भएको तल िदएको तािलकामा दे ख्न सिकन्छ ।

(�. लाखमा)
गत वषर् र चालू आ.ब.
आ. ब आ. व आ. ब आ. ब
को �थम चार
२०८०।८१ २०८०।८१ ०८०/८१ ०७९/८० मिहनाको वास्तिवक
वा�षक चार मिहनाको चार मिहनाको चार मिहनाको आय / खचर् आिदको
तुलना वृि�/(कमी)
अनु मािनत अनु मािनत वास्तिवक वास्तिवक

कुल आम्दानी ५७५९.३५ २०१२.४२ १८५५.५० १८०५.३२ २.७८

व्यवसायीक संचालन
४४६२.०५० १५५६.७२ १४०४.३९ १३८६.६३ १.२८
एवं �शासिनक खचर्

स�ालन नाफा १२९७.२८ ४५५.७० ४५१.११ ४१८.६९ ७.७४

खुद नाफा (कर पिछ) ९७२.९६ ३४१.७७ ३३८.३३ ३१४.०१ ७.७४

स�ालन नाफामा व्याज खचर्, �ास खचर्, कमर्चारी बोनस तथा आयकर व्यवस्था क�ा गरी गत
वषर्को �थम चार मिहनाको खुद नाफा ३१४.०१ लाख बाट बढे र ३३८.३३ लाख भएको व्यहोरा
जानकारी गराउँ दछु । यु�को �भाव, िवदे शी मु�ा िविनयम दरमा भएको वृि�, �ार�म्भक मन्दीका
कारण आ�थक गितिविध मािथको असरह� भएतापिन यस चालू आ�थक वषर्मा कमर्चारी बोनस,
कर, �ास आिद क�ी गरी किरब �.९७२.९६ लाख खुद मुनाफा गनर् सिकने अपेक्षा गरे का छ� जुन
यस वषर्को �थम चार मिहनाको �वृित र आगामी िदनह�मा सामान्य �स्थित रहनेछ भ�े हा�ो
अपेक्षाको आधारमा सफलीभूत हु नेमा िव�स्त छ� ।

ख. भावी योजना :
“स्वास्थ्य संस्था स्थापना तथा स्तरो�ती मापदण्ड २०७७” अनुसार अस्पतालको स्वािमत्वमा रहे को
हालको क्षे�फल यथे� नभएको हु ँदा सो अनुसार व्यव�स्थत गनर् अ�सर हु ने । यसका साथै हाल
भएको भौितक संरचनाको व्यवस्थापन गरी बाल सघन उपचार कक्षको स्थापना गन�, सुिवधाह�लाई
अत्यािधक स्तरीय, आकषर्क एवं �ितस्पध�त्मक एवं उिचत शुल्क िलई आगन्तुक मै�ी बनाउने
योजना रहे का छन् । जसले गद� नमुना अस्पतालको �पमा स्थािपत गनर् सिकयोस् ।

२७. �स्तावह�

२७.१. साधारण �स्ताव

कम्पनीको गिठत लेखा परीक्षण सिमितका पदािधकारीह�लाई �ित लेखा परीक्षण सिमित बैठक
भ�ा बापत कर बाहे क �.५,०००।- िदने �स्ताव गिरएको र यसका लािग कम्पनीको िनयमावली
१९(ख) मा संशोधन �स्ताव गिरएको ।

२७.२. िवशे ष �स्ताव

क. �बन्ध प�को दफा ७ मा भएको व्यवस्था संशोधन गन� सम्बन्धमा ।
ख. �बन्ध प�को दफा ७ (ख) मा भएको व्यवस्था संशोधन गन� सम्बन्धमा ।
ग. कम्पनीको िनयमावलीको िनयम ७ मा भएको व्यवस्था संशोधन गन� सम्बन्धमा ।
घ. कम्पनीको िनयमावलीको िनयम ७ (ख) मा भएको व्यवस्था संशोधन गन� सम्बन्धमा ।
ङ. कम्पनीको िनयमावलीको िनयम १९ (ङ) थप गन� सम्बन्धमा ।
च. कम्पनीको हालको अिधकृत पुँजी, जारी पुज
ँ ी वृि� सम्ब�न्धत िनकायबाट स्वीकृत भई आए
प�ात् हाल कायम रहे का संस्थापक शेयरधनीह�लाई हालको चु�ा पुँजीको कर बाहे क
४८.८०९५१८५ �ितशतले अथ�त् �.१३,१७,८५,७००।- बराबरको बोनस शेयर िवतरण गरी
उ� चु�ा पुँजी �.४०,१७,८५,७००।- पुर्याउने । बोनस शेयर जारी गद� लाग्ने कर नगद
लाभांशमा समायोजन गिरनेछ । बोनस शेयर िवतरण गनर् शेयर संख्या यिकन गद� दशमलव
पिछको संख्या समायोजन गनर् व्यवस्था िमलाउने ।
छ. कम्पनी रिजस्टारको काय�लयबाट कम्पनीले �दान गन� बोनस शेयर िवतरण गनर् स्वीकृती �ा�
भए पिछ संस्थापक शेयरधनीह�को नाउँ मा बोनस शेयर जारी गरी कायम हु न आउने शेयरको
आधारमा १२ �ितशतले अथ�त् �.४,८२,१४,३००।- बराबरको हक �द शेयर जारी गिरनेछ ।
उ� हक �द शेयर जारी गद� दशमलव पिछको संख्या समायोजन गरी जारी गिरनेछ ।

ज. कम्पनी रिजस्टार काय�लयबाट कम्पनीको जारी पुँजी वृि� भइ ५० करोड (�.१००।- दरको
५०,००,००० िक�ा शेयर) स्वीकृती भई आए पिछ कम्पनीले सवर्साधारणलाई छु �ाइएको जारी
पुँजीको १० �ितशतले हु न आउने �.१००।- दरका ५,००,०००।- िक�ा शेयर सवर्साधारणमा
जारी गनर् �स्ताव गिरएको छ ।

२८. कृतज्ञता ज्ञापन तथा धन्यवाद

यस अवसरमा अस्पतालको िवकासमा �त्यक्ष वा परोक्ष �पमा सहयोग पुर्याउने शेयर धनी
महानुभावह�, स�ालकह�, पूवर् स�ालकह�, सल्लाहकारह�, नेपाल सरकारका स्वास्थ्य तथा
जनसंख्या मन्�ालय, स्वास्थ्य सेवा िवभाग, िजल्ला जनस्वास्थ्य काय�लय काठमाड�, वातावरण िवभाग,
वाग्मती �दे श, स्वास्थ्य िनद� शनालय, �हरी काय�लय, स्थानीय सरकार, लगायत अन्य सम्ब�न्धत
सरकारी िनकायह�, सेवारत सम्पूणर् कमर्चारीह�, िचिकत्सकह�, स्थानीयवासीह�, एसोिसएसन
अफ �ाइभेट हे ल्थ इन्स्टीच्यूसन अफ नेपाल (अिफन) एवं शुभेच्छु कह� �ित पिन हा�दक आभार तथा
�दय दे िख नै धन्यवाद िदन चाहन्छ� साथै आगामी िदनह�मा पिन यस्तै सहयोगको अपेक्षा गदर् छ� ।
अन्त्यमा सम्पूणर् शेयर धनी महानुभावज्यूह�लाई कम्पनी र कम्पनीको स�ालक सिमित �ित दे खाउनु
भएको सहयोग, स�ाव र िव�ासको लािग हा�दक कृतज्ञता तथा धन्यवाद ज्ञापन गद� स�ालक
सिमितको �ितवेदन मािथ छलफल गरी अनुमोदनको लािग �स्तुत गदर् छ� ।


स�ालक सिमितको तफर्बाट
डा. �िदप कुमार यादव

मे िडकेयर ह�स्पटल िलिमटे डको
�बन्ध प�को �स्तािवत संशोधन ितन महले

दफा सािवकको व्यवस्था संशोिधत व्यवस्था
गनुर् कारण
दफा ७ ७) कम्पनीको अिधकृत पुँजी �. ७) कम्पनीको अिधकृत पूज
ँ ी १ कम्पनीको
पचास करोड हु नेछ । जसलाई अबर् हु नेछ । जसलाई �.१००।- क्षमता बृि�
�.१००।- दरको ५०,००,००० िक�ा दरको � १,००,००,००० िक�ा गनर् ।
शेयरमा िवभाजन गरीनेछ । शेयरमा िवभाजन गरीनेछ ।

दफा ७ (ख) ७(ख) कम्पनीको हाल जारी पुँजी ७ख) कम्पनीको हाल जारी पुँजी बोनस शेयर
�.३० करोड हु नेछ । जसलाई �.५० करोड हु नेछ । जसलाई जारी गनर्
�.१००।- दरको ३०,००,००० िक�ा �.१०० दरको ५०,००,०००
शेयरमा िवभाजन गरीनेछ र हाल िक�ा शेयरमा िवभाजन गरीनेछ
कम्पनीको चु�ा पुँजी । जसमध्ये संस्थापक समूहको
�.२७,००,००,०००।- बराबरको चु�ा पुँजी �.४५,००,००,०००।-
२७,००,००० िक�ा शेयर बराबर बराबरको �.१००।- दरको
हु नेछ । ४५,००,००० िक�ा शेयर हु नेछ र
सवर्साधारण समूहको
�.५००,००,०००।- बराबरको
�.१००।- दरको ५,००,०००
िक�ा शेयर हु नेछ ।

मे िडकेयर ह�स्पटल िलिमटे डको
िनयमावलीको �स्तािवत संशोधन ितन महले

सम्ब� िनयम सािबकको व्यवस्था संशोिधत व्यवस्था
गनुर् कारण
िनयम ७ ७. कम्पनीको अिधकृत पुज
ँ ी �.५० ७. कम्पनीको अिधकृत पूज
ँ ी �.१ कम्पनीको
अिधकृत पूज
ँ ी करोड हु नेछ । जसलाई �.१००।- अबर् हु नेछ । जसलाई �.१००।- क्षमता वृि�
तथा शेयर दरको ५०,००,००० िक�ा शेयरमा दरको �.१,००,००,०००।- िक�ा गनर् ।
िवभाजन गिरनेछ । शेयरमा िवभाजन गिरनेछ ।

िनयम ७ (ख) ७(ख) कम्पनीको हाल जारी पुँजी ७ख) कम्पनीको हाल जारी पुज
ँ ी
�. ३० करोड हु नेछ । जसलाई �.५० करोड हु नेछ । जसलाई
�.१००।- दरको ३०,००,००० �.१०० दरको ५०,००,००० िक�ा
िक�ा शेयरमा िवभाजन गिरनेछ र शेयरमा िवभाजन गरीनेछ । जसमध्ये
हाल कम्पनीको चु�ा पुँजी संस्थापक समूहको चु�ा पुँजी
�.२७,००,००,०००।- बराबरको �.४५,००,००,०००।- बराबरको
२७,००,००० िक�ा शेयर बराबर �.१००।- दरको ४५,००,०००
हु नेछ । िक�ा शेयर हु नेछ र सवर्साधारण
समूहको �.५००,००,०००।-
बराबरको �.१००।- दरको
५,००,००० िक�ा शेयर हु नेछ ।

िनयम १९ १९(ङ) कम्पनीको लेखा परीक्षण िनयम थप गनुर्

(ङ) सिमितका पदािधकारीह�लाई पन� भएकोले
लेखा परीक्षण सिमित बैठक भ�ा
संचालक सिमितको िसफािरस
बमोिजम साधारण सभाबाट िनणर्य
गिरए अनुसार हु नेछ ।


Report on the Audit of Financial Statements for FY 2079/80


We have audited the financial statements of Medicare Hospital Limited. (‘Company’) which
comprise the Statement of Financial Position as at Asad 31, 2080 (corresponding to July 16, 2023),
the Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, the Statement of Changes in
Equity, the Statement of Cash Flow for the year then, and notes to the financial statements,
including a summary of significant accounting policies.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements presents fairly, in all material respects, the
financial position of Medicare Hospital Limited. as at Asad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023) and its financial
performance, the Statement of Changes in Equity and the Statement of Cash Flow for the year then
ended in accordancewith the Nepal Financial Reporting Standards.

Basis for Opinion

We have conducted our audit in accordance with Nepal Standards on Auditing. Our responsibilities
under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the
financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the company in accordance with
the Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nepal’s code of ethics for professional accountants (ICAN
Code) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements
in Nepal and we have fulfilled our ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and
ICAN Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our opinion.

Key Audit Matter/s

Key audit matters are those matters that, in the auditor’s professional judgment, were of most
significance in the audit of the financial statements for the audit period. These matters were
addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole and in forming our
opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. We have determined
that there are no key audit matters to communicate in our report.

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial

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Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in
accordance with Nepal Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as
determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from
material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s
ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable matters related to going concern and
using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the
Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting

process.Auditor’s Responsibility for Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a
whole are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s
report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a
guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Nepal Standards on Auditing will always detect
a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to
influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with Nepal Standards on Auditing, we exercise professional

judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

• Identify and assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether
due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and
obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one
resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omission,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances but not for the purpose of expressing
an opinion of the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control.
• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management.
• Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of
accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty
exists related to events or conditions that may cause significant doubt on the Company’s
ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we
are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosure in the financial
statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are
based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future
events or conditions may cause theCompany to cease to continue as a going concern.

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned
scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in
internal control that we identify during our audit.

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We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant
ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other
matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

We have obtained information and explanations asked for which, to best of our knowledge and belief, were
necessary for the purpose of our audit. In our opinion, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Profit
and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, Statements of Changes in Equity and Statements of Cash
Flows, have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2063 and are in
agreement with the books of account maintained by the Company including relevant records relating to
preparation of the aforesaid financial statements so far as it appears from our examination of those books
and records of the Company.

To the best of our information and according to explanations given to us and so far, appeared from our
examination of the books of account of the Company, we have not come across cases where Board of
Directors or any employees of the Company have acted contrary to the provisions of law or committed any
misappropriation relating to the accounts or caused loss or damage to the Company or acted in a manner
to jeopardize the interest and security of the Company.

Gyanendra Subedi, FCA


Joshi & Bhandary

Chartered Accountants

Place: Kathmandu
Date: 29 Marg, 2080(15 Dec 2023)
UDIN: 231219CA004829csUT

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Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 Ashad, 2080 (July 16, 2080)
(All amounts are in NPR except stated otherwise)

Particulars Note As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079 As at Shrawan 01, 2078
Non-current assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 4.8 999,823,854.87 456,515,717.26 381,209,236.39
Capital Work in Progress 4.8.1 - - 1,555,020.30
Intangible Assets 4.9 94,920.00 216,960.00 433,920.00
Other Non-Current Assets 4.10 32,087,693.53 35,062,670.21 19,625,980.23
Deferred Tax Assets 4.21 - 5,123,565.65 3,036,616.21
Total Non-Current Assets 1,032,006,468.40 496,918,913.12 405,860,773.13
Current Assets
Financial Assets
Investments 4.11 - - 5,000,000.00
Trade Receivables 4.12 2,306,160.36 189,516.94 140,510.44
Cash and Cash Equivalents 4.13 68,625,777.96 14,704,417.99 17,411,174.93
Loans and Advances 4.14 3,349,611.25 4,524,861.32 6,379,822.61
Other Current Assets 4.15 26,625,792.09 30,231,458.24 19,851,465.78
Total Current Assets 100,907,341.66 49,650,254.49 48,782,973.76
Total Assets 1,132,913,810.06 546,569,167.61 454,643,746.89
Equity Share Capital 4.16 270,000,000.00 224,575,600.00 224,575,600.00
Reserve & Surplus 4.17 590,345,373.65 155,109,624.81 107,470,028.56
Total Equity 860,345,373.65 379,685,224.81 332,045,628.56
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 4.18 - 12,709,694.49 23,361,540.07
Lease Liability 4.19 48,403,003.53 49,222,098.00 -
Other Non-Current Liabilities 4.20 9,812,025.00 9,264,476.00 7,757,832.00
Deferred Tax Liabilities 4.21 117,949,286.34 - -
Total Non - Current Liabilities 176,164,314.87 71,196,268.49 31,119,372.07

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 4.18 - 13,396,832.60 13,776,819.66
Lease Liability 4.19 819,094.47 53,173.55 -
Other Financial Liabilities 4.22 47,473,022.37 42,235,445.50 55,831,009.02
Other Current Liabilities 4.23 6,671,082.98 4,486,512.61 5,489,173.73
Provisions 4.24 41,440,921.72 35,515,710.04 16,381,743.86
Total Current Liabilities 96,404,121.54 95,687,674.31 91,478,746.27
Total Liabilities 272,568,436.41 166,883,942.79 122,598,118.34
Total Equity and Liabilities 1,132,913,810.06 546,569,167.60 454,643,746.90
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these standalone financial statements

For & on behalf of the Management As per our report of even date attached

Place: Kathmandu
Date: 2080.08.29
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

For the year ended Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)
(All amounts are in NPR except stated otherwise)

Year ended Year ended

Particulars Note
Ashad 31, 2080 Ashad 32, 2079
Revenue from Operation 4.1 501,061,381.78 471,635,713.74
Other Income 4.2 1,294,480.97 1,023,699.59
Total Income 502,355,862.75 472,659,413.33
Hospital Operation Cost 4.3 207,955,939.60 204,009,020.24
Employee Benefit Expenses 4.4 105,557,611.66 101,901,520.99
Finance Cost 4.5 7,140,974.69 6,476,606.58
Other Expenses 4.6 39,498,772.35 34,987,119.24
Depreciation and Amortization 4.8 & 4.9 30,837,177.88 29,373,653.29
Total Expenses 390,990,476.18 376,747,920.34
Profit Before Tax 111,365,386.57 95,911,492.99
Current Tax 4.7 29,066,989.88 24,726,414.19
Prior Year Tax 4.7 - -
Deferred Tax 4.7 (13,862,942.63) (1,329,039.94)
Profit for the year 96,161,339.31 72,514,118.73
Other Comprehensive Income/(loss)
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss and
their related income
tax effects:
Revaluation of Property, Plant and Equipment 548,690,458.45 -
Re-measurements of the defined benefit plans (947,280.00) (3,031,638.00)
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to
profit or loss (136,935,794.61) 757,909.50
Other Comprehensive Income/(loss) 410,807,383.84 (2,273,728.50)
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss and
their related income
tax effects: - -

Total Other Comprehensive income for the year 410,807,383.84 (2,273,728.50)

Total Comprehensive Income for the year 506,968,723.15 70,240,390.23
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these standalone financial statements
As per our report of even date attached
For & on behalf of the Management

Place: Kathmandu
Date: 2080.08.29
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)
(All amounts are in NPR except stated otherwise)

Equity Share Retained Property Revaluation Re-measurements of Defined Corporate Social

Total Equity
Particulars Capital Earnings Reserve Benefit Plans Responsibility Reserve
Balance as at 31 Ashad, 2077 224,575,600.00 79,608,319.17 - - 1,811,076.64 305,994,995.81
Gain on Revaluation of Property - - - - - -
Re-measurements of defined benefit plans - - - 1,937,455.50 - 1,937,455.50
Net profit for the period - 35,341,957.25 - - - 35,341,957.25
Transfer to Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve - (349,221.59) - - 349,221.59 -
Payment of Dividend - (11,228,780.00) - - - (11,228,780.00)
Expenses from Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve - - - - - -
Bonus Share - - - - - -
Issue of Share Capital - - - - - -
Balance as at Ashad 31, 2078 224,575,600.00 103,372,274.83 - 1,937,455.50 2,160,298.23 332,045,628.56
Adjustments for Prior Period Items (143,233.98) (143,233.98)
Gain on Revaluation of Property - - - - - -
Re-measurements of defined benefit plans - - - (2,273,728.50) - (2,273,728.50)
Net profit for the period - 72,514,118.73 - - - 72,514,118.73
Transfer to Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve - (723,772.48) - - 723,772.48 -
Payment of Dividend - (22,457,560.00) - - - (22,457,560.00)
Expenses from Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve - - - - - -
Bonus Share - - - - - -
Issue of Share Capital - - - - - -
Balance as at Ashad 32, 2079 224,575,600.00 152,561,827.10 - (336,273.00) 2,884,070.71 379,685,224.81
Adjustments for Prior Period Items (278,279.58) (278,279.58)
Gain on Revaluation of Property - - 411,517,843.84 - - 411,517,843.84
Re-measurements of defined benefit plans - - - (710,460.00) - (710,460.00)
Net profit for the period - 96,161,339.31 - - - 96,161,339.31
Transfer to Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve - (961,613.39) - - 961,613.39 -
Payment of Dividend - (26,030,294.73) - - - (26,030,294.73)
Expenses from Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve - - - - - -
Bonus Share 45,424,400.00 (45,424,400.00) - - - -
Issue of Share Capital - - - - - -
Balance as at Ashad 31, 2080 270,000,000.00 176,028,578.70 411,517,843.84 (1,046,733.00) 3,845,684.10 860,345,373.65

For & on behalf of the Management As per our attached report of even date

Place: Kathmandu
Date: 2080.08.29
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Statement of Cash Flow

For the year ended Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)
(All amounts are in NPR except stated otherwise)

Year ended Year ended

Ashad 31, 2080 Ashad 32, 2079
A. Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Net Profit/(Loss) Before Tax 111,365,386.57 95,911,492.99
Depreciation and Amortization 30,837,177.88 29,373,653.29
Remeasurement Gain/(loss) of employee leave (947,280.00) (3,031,638.00)
Finance Income (742,591.71) (726,504.59)
Finance Cost 7,140,974.69 6,476,606.58
(Gain)/Loss on Disposal of Assets 986,911.65 1,175,948.33
Tax Paid (21,969,656.23) (22,473,377.74)
Prior Period Items (278,279.58) (143,233.98)
Cash flow from Operating Activities before changes in
Working Capital 126,392,643.26 106,562,946.88
(Increase)/Decrease in Current Assets (92,485.16) 7,216,150.88
Increase/(Decrease) in Current Liabilities (3,624,128.45) (8,834,296.97)
Net Cash From Operating Activities 122,676,030.75 104,944,800.80

B. Cash Flow from Investing Activities

Purchase of Property Plant and Equipments (40,190,416.06) (104,153,262.21)
Purchase of Intangible Assets (101,700.00) -
(Increase)/Decrease in Other Non- Current Assets 2,974,976.68 (15,436,689.98)
Sale of Property, Plant and Equipments 13,972,386.29 69,160.01
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities (23,344,753.11) (119,520,792.16)

C. Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Non-Current Borrowings (12,709,694.49) (10,651,845.58)
Lease Liability (819,094.47) 49,222,098.00
Non-Current Liabilities 547,549.00 1,506,644.00
Interest paid (7,140,974.69) (6,476,606.58)
Dividend paid (71,454,694.73) (22,457,560.00)
Finance Income 742,591.71 726,504.59
Increase in Share Capital 45,424,400.00 -
Expenses from CSR Reserves - -
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities (45,409,917.67) 11,869,234.43

Total Cash Flow (A+B+C) 53,921,359.97 (2,706,756.94)

Effect of Foreign exchange - -
Opening Cash & Bank Balances 14,704,417.99 17,411,174.93
Closing Cash & Bank Balances 68,625,777.96 14,704,417.99
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these standalone financial statements
As per our report of even date attached
For & on behalf of the Management

Place: Kathmandu
Date: 2080.08.29
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal
Notes forming part of accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)

4.1 Revenue from Operation

Year ended Year ended
Ashad 31, 2080 Ashad 32, 2079
Hospital Income 486,363,109.06 462,499,038.24
Rental Income 14,698,272.72 9,136,675.50
Total 501,061,381.78 471,635,713.74

4.2 Other Income

Year ended Year ended
Ashad 31, 2080 Ashad 32, 2079
Income from Electricity 161,190.30 172,945.00
Interest Income 742,591.71 726,504.59
Foreign Exchange gain - 124,250.00
Other Income 390,698.96 -
Total 1,294,480.97 1,023,699.59

4.3 Hospital Operation Cost

Year ended Year ended
Ashad 31, 2080 Ashad 32, 2079
Hospital Supplies 21,579,396.31 19,895,104.13
Doctor Counseling Fee 155,323,288.08 150,277,310.47
Pathology Expenses 31,053,255.21 33,836,605.64
Total 207,955,939.60 204,009,020.24

4.4 Employee Benefit Expenses

Year ended Year ended
Ashad 31, 2080 Ashad 32, 2079
Salary and Allowances 82,579,027.92 80,236,072.27
Leave Expenses 604,721.53 1,946,740.20
Employee Bonus 12,373,931.84 10,789,295.85
Retirement Fund Contribution 9,999,930.37 8,929,412.67
Total 105,557,611.66 101,901,520.99

4.5 Finance Cost

Year ended Year ended
Ashad 31, 2080 Ashad 32, 2079
Interest on Borrowings 980,335.24 1,864,277.03
Interest on Lease 6,160,639.45 4,612,329.55
Total 7,140,974.69 6,476,606.58
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal
Notes forming part of accounts for the year ended Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)

4.6 Other Expenses

Year ended Year ended
Ashad 31, 2080 Ashad 32, 2079
Advertisement Expenses 55,302.72 108,921.00
Audit Expenses 73,422.00 96,777.00
AGM Expenses 213,035.76 117,277.78
Bank Charges 456,634.53 509,919.42
BOD Meeting Allowances and Expenses 239,000.00 189,000.00
Cleaning and Sanitation Expenses 8,019,881.61 6,889,167.50
Consultancy Fee 146,576.00 256,510.00
Duties and Tax 1,074,511.00 1,064,234.47
Donation 1,800.00 -
External Audit Fees 180,800.00 124,300.00
Fuel Expenses 764,329.94 715,322.04
Insurance Premium 344,995.25 365,980.42
Audit Fee- Internal, Labour 282,500.00 101,700.00
Internet and Telephone Expenses 695,601.63 495,875.58
Legal Expenses 494,900.00 224,835.00
Loss on Sale of Assets 986,911.65 1,175,948.33
Meeting Expenses 238,193.00 129,076.00
Miscellaneous Expenses - 1,000.00
Office Expenses 182,530.00 172,574.00
Lease Utilization Expenses 2,974,976.68 2,706,303.47
Office Rent 0.00 -
Printing & Stationery 3,767,094.17 3,663,679.78
Festival & Ceremonial Expenses 589,119.70 154,145.00
Renew and Registration Expenses 337,281.65 521,490.00
Repair and Maintenance Expenses 8,376,300.71 6,847,542.66
Security Expenses 2,757,652.00 2,080,780.14
Software AMC 239,418.75 239,418.75
Transportation Expenses 28,405.00 24,920.00
Water and Electricity Expenses 5,977,598.60 6,010,420.90
Total 39,498,772.35 34,987,119.24

4.7 Other Expenses

Year ended Year ended
Ashad 31, 2080 Ashad 32, 2079
Current Year Tax 29,066,989.88 24,726,414.19
Prior Year tax - -
Deferred Tax (13,862,942.63) (349,370.55)
Total 15,204,047.25 24,377,043.65
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)

4.8 Property, Plant and Equipment

Medical and Computer and
Machinery and Furniture and Right-of-Use
Particulars Land Buildings Surgical Office Vehicles Total
Equipments Fixtures Assets
Equipments Equipments
Gross carrying amount
Balance as at Shrawan 1, 2078 198,512,055 132,478,245 245,483,609 19,231,568 8,932,566 16,659,446 4,719,955 - 626,017,444
Additions - 17,641,105 32,137,693 1,093,241 1,114,465 2,471,483 662,836 50,587,460 105,708,283
Acquisition - - - - - - - - -
Capitalisation - - - - - - - - -
Disposals - - (5,910,110) (272,500) (423,247) (676,000) - - (7,281,857)
Write-offs - - - - - - - - -
Revaluation - - - - - - - - -
Transfer/ adjustments - - - - - - - - -
Balance as at Ashad 32, 2079 198,512,055 150,119,350 271,711,192 20,052,309 9,623,784 18,454,929 5,382,791 50,587,460 724,443,869
Additions -
Acquisition - 28,204,422 6,769,578 228,688 2,649,899 2,337,829 - - 40,190,416
Capitalisation - - - - - - - - -
Disposals - (13,842,386) (16,500,877) (192,500) (26,301) (433,235) - - (30,995,299)
Write-offs - - - - - - - - -
Revaluation 497,087,945 51,602,513 - - - - - - 548,690,458
Transfer/ adjustments - - - - - - -
Balance as at Ashad 31, 2080 695,600,000 216,083,900 261,979,893 20,088,497 12,247,381 20,359,523 5,382,791 50,587,460 1,282,329,444
Accumulated depreciation and
Balance as at Shrawan 1, 2078 - 56,423,136 151,534,788 12,735,745 7,700,773 12,956,581 3,457,185 - 244,808,207
Depreciation - 4,299,607 17,475,964 1,095,745 467,940 1,475,215 360,759 3,981,464 29,156,693
Disposals - - (4,712,817) (262,526) (411,015) (650,391) - - (6,036,749)
Write-offs - - - - - - - - -
Impairment losses/reversals - - - - - - - - -
Transfer/ adjustments - - - - - - - - -
Balance as at Ashad 32, 2079 - 60,722,742 164,297,935 13,568,963 7,757,698 13,781,405 3,817,944 3,981,464 267,928,152
Depreciation - 4,722,157 17,638,352 1,041,685 1,072,965 1,840,963 315,851 3,981,464 30,613,438
Disposals - - (15,417,801) (187,123) (21,310) (409,767) - - (16,036,001)
Write-offs - - - - - - - - -
Impairment losses/reversals - - - - - - - - -
Transfer/ adjustments - - - - - - - - -
Balance as at Ashad 31, 2080 - 65,444,900 166,518,487 14,423,525 8,809,353 15,212,601 4,133,795 7,962,928 282,505,588
Net Carrying Amount
As at Ashad 31, 2078 198,512,055 76,055,109 93,948,821 6,495,823 1,231,793 3,702,864 1,262,770 - 381,209,236
As at Ashad 32, 2079 198,512,055 89,396,608 107,413,256 6,483,345 1,866,086 4,673,524 1,564,847 46,605,996 456,515,717
As at Ashad 31, 2080 695,600,000 150,639,000 95,461,406 5,664,972 3,438,029 5,146,921 1,248,996 42,624,532 999,823,855

4.9.1 Capital Work in Progress

As at Ashad 31, As at Ashad 32, As at Shrawan
Particulars 2080 2079 01, 2078
Capital Work in Progress- Building - - 1,555,020.30
Total - - 1,555,020.30
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)

4.9 Intangible Assets

Particulars Other Software Total
Gross carrying amount
Balance as at Shrawan 1, 2078 1,827,402 - 1,827,402
Additions - - -
Acquisition - - -
Capitalisation - - -
Disposals - - -
Write-offs - - -
Revaluation - - -
Transfer/ adjustments - - -
Balance as at Ashad 32, 2079 1,827,402 - 1,827,402
Additions -
Acquisition 101,700 - 101,700
Capitalisation - - -
Disposals - - -
Write-offs - - -
Revaluation - - -
Transfer/ adjustments -
Balance as at Ashad 31, 2080 1,929,102 - 1,929,102
Accumulated amortization and impairment
Balance as at Shrawan 1, 2078 1,393,482 - 1,393,482
Amortization 216,960 - 216,960
Disposals - - -
Write-offs - - -
Impairment losses/reversals - - -
Transfer/ adjustments - - -
Balance as at Ashad 32, 2079 1,610,442 - 1,610,442
Amortization 223,740 223,740
Disposals - - -
Write-offs - - -
Impairment losses/reversals - - -
Transfer/ adjustments - - -
Balance as at Ashad 31, 2080 1,834,182 - 1,834,182
Net Carrying Amount
As at Ashad 31, 2078 433,920 - 433,920
As at Ashad 32, 2079 216,960 - 216,960
As at Ashad 31, 2080 94,920 - 94,920
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)

4.10 Other Non-Current Assets

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Lease Utilization Asset 32,087,693.53 35,062,670.21 19,625,980.23
Total 32,087,693.53 35,062,670.21 19,625,980.23

4.11 Investments
As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Investment in Shares - - -
Sub-Total - - -
Term Deposit With Banks 5,000,000.00
Sub-Total - - 5,000,000.00
Total - - 5,000,000.00

4.12 Trade Receivables

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Unsecured Sundry Debtors 2,306,160.36 189,516.94 140,510.44
Total 2,306,160.36 189,516.94 140,510.44

4.13 Cash and Cash Equivalents

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Current Account 67,260,204.04 13,330,640.44 16,192,050.48
Cash Balances 1,365,573.92 1,373,777.55 1,219,124.45
Total 68,625,777.96 14,704,417.99 17,411,174.93

4.14 Loans and Advances

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Deposits 2,090,528.79 2,105,494.00 2,105,494.00
Advance Payment to Suppliers 684,220.00 1,969,078.82 2,687,836.89
Prepaid Expenses 479,057.46 245,896.00 324,403.97
LC Margin With Banks - - 1,221,000.00
Other Advances 95,805.00 204,392.50 41,087.75
Total 3,349,611.25 4,524,861.32 6,379,822.61

4.15 Other Current Assets

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Inventory of Goods 5,821,885.34 6,670,793.53 7,080,989.62
Advance Income Tax 20,803,906.75 23,560,664.71 12,770,476.16
Total 26,625,792.09 30,231,458.24 19,851,465.78
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)

4.16 Equity Share Capital

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Authorised capital 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00 500,000,000.00
Issued capital 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00
Paid up capital 270,000,000.00 224,575,600.00 224,575,600.00
Total 270,000,000.00 224,575,600.00 224,575,600.00

4.16.1 Share ownership detail

The shareholding pattern on the company is as follows
As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Domestic organized institutions 20.68% 20.68% 20.68%
Nepali Citizens 79.32% 79.32% 79.32%
Foreign - - -
Total 100% 100% 100%

4.16.2 Equity Share Capital – over the years movements

Paid up share capital of the Company has moved over the years as follows:
As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Opening Share Capital 224,575,600.00 224,575,600.00 224,575,600.00
Add: Issuance of Share 45,424,400.00 - -
Add: Calls in advance - - -
Closing Share capital 270,000,000.00 224,575,600.00 224,575,600.00

4.17 Reserve and Surplus

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Retained Earnings
Balance upto Last Year 152,561,827.10 103,372,274.83 79,608,319.17
Add: This Year Profit / (Loss) 96,161,339.31 72,514,118.73 35,341,957.25
Less: Adjustment for Prior Period Items (278,279.58) (143,233.98) -
Less: Transferred to Other Reserves (961,613.39) (723,772.48) (349,221.59)
Less: Distribution of Dividend and (22,457,560.00)
Issue of Bonus Shares (71,454,694.73) (11,228,780.00)
Balance at Year End 176,028,578.70 152,561,827.10 103,372,274.83
Property Revaluation Reserve
Balance upto Last Year - -
Add: Revaluation Surplus 411,517,843.84 - -
Balance at Year End 411,517,843.84 - -
Corporate Social Responsibility Reserve
Balance upto Last Year 2,884,070.71 2,160,298.23 1,811,076.64
Add: Transferred from Current Year Pr 961,613.39 723,772.48 349,221.59
Less: Expenses During the Year - -
Balance at Year End 3,845,684.10 2,884,070.71 2,160,298.23
Re-measurements of defined
benefit plans
Balance upto Last Year (336,273.00) 1,937,455.50 -
Add: Re-measurement gain/(loss) for
the year (710,460.00) (2,273,728.50) 1,937,455.50
Balance at Year End (1,046,733.00) (336,273.00) 1,937,455.50
Total 590,345,373.65 155,109,624.81 107,470,028.56
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)

4.18 Borrowings
As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Term Loan - Everest Bank Limited 12,709,694.49 23,361,540.07
Sub-Total - 12,709,694.49 23,361,540.07
Working Capital Loan - Everest Bank Limited 13,396,832.60 13,776,819.66
Sub-Total - 13,396,832.60 13,776,819.66
Total - 26,106,527.09 37,138,359.73

4.19 Lease Liability

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Lease Liability 48,403,003.53 49,222,098.00
Sub-Total 48,403,003.53 49,222,098.00 -
Lease Liability 819,094.47 53,173.55
Sub-Total 819,094.47 53,173.55 -
Total 49,222,098.00 49,275,271.55 -

4.20 Other Non-Current Liabilities

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Employee Leave Payable 9,812,025.00 9,264,476.00 7,757,832.00
Total 9,812,025.00 9,264,476.00 7,757,832.00

4.21 Deferred Tax Liabilities/(Assets)

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Deferred tax Assets 117,949,286.34 (5,123,565.65) (3,036,616.21)
Cash Balances - - -
Total 117,949,286.34 (5,123,565.65) (3,036,616.21)

4.22 Other Financial Liabilities

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Sundry Creditors 28,941,808.74 21,558,021.22 36,352,080.56
Salary Payable to Employee 161,878.57 1,189,150.24 6,130,047.29
Dividend Payable to Shareholders 449,900.00 229,900.00 83,600.00
Payable to Doctors 12,951,091.64 12,097,372.00 7,080,658.60
Retention Money Payable 2,890,972.23 2,068,881.57 2,118,881.57
Payable for Expenses 251,245.69 41,760.00 452,000.00
Deposit from Others 206,388.00 2,506,388.00 2,006,388.00
Deposit from Patient 1,604,338.00 1,338,018.00 1,607,353.00
Social Security Fund Payable 15,399.50 1,205,954.47 -
Total 47,473,022.37 42,235,445.50 55,831,009.02
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)

4.23 Other Current Liabilities

As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Employee Leave Payable 1,592,330.00 1,263,371.00 1,107,499.00
Local tax Payable 2,083,901.93 453,169.00 2,565,608.45
TDS Payable 2,994,851.05 2,769,972.61 1,816,066.28
Total 6,671,082.98 4,486,512.61 5,489,173.73

4.24 Provisions
As at Shrawan 01,
Particulars As at Ashad 31, 2080 As at Ashad 32, 2079
Employee Bonus Provision 12,373,931.84 10,789,295.85 4,698,554.67
Income Tax Provision 29,066,989.88 24,726,414.19 11,683,189.19
Total 41,440,921.72 35,515,710.04 16,381,743.86
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil Chowk, Kathmandu, Nepal

Computation of Deferred Tax

As at 31 Ashad, 2080 (July 16, 2080)
(All amounts are in NPR except stated otherwise)

Deferred Tax Liabilities/(Assets) as on Ashad 32, 2079

Temporary Deferred Tax
Particulars Carrying Amount Tax Base Rate of Tax
Difference Liabilities/(Assets)
Employee Leave Liability 10,527,847 - (10,527,847) 25% (2,631,962)
Property, Plant and Equipments and Intangible Assets 456,732,677 417,423,821 39,308,856 25% 9,827,214
Lease Liability 49,275,272 - (49,275,272) 25% (12,318,818)
Total Deferred Tax Liabilities/(Assets) 467,260,524 417,423,821 28,781,009 (5,123,566)
Opening Deferred Tax Liabilities/(Assets) (3,036,616)
Deferred Tax (Income)/Expense (2,086,949)
Routed Through OCI (757,910)
Routed Through PL (1,329,040)

Deferred Tax Liabilities/(Assets) as on Ashad 31, 2080

Temporary Deferred Tax
Particulars Carrying Amount Tax Base Rate of Tax
Difference Liabilities/(Assets)
Employee Leave Liability 11,404,355 - (11,404,355) 25% (2,851,089)
Property, Plant and Equipments and Intangible Assets 999,918,775 467,495,177 532,423,598 25% 133,105,900
Lease Liability 49,222,098 - (49,222,098) 25% (12,305,524)
Total Deferred Tax Liabilities/(Assets) 1,011,323,130 467,495,177 521,019,243 117,949,286
Opening Deferred Tax Liabilities/(Assets) (5,123,566)
Deferred Tax (Income)/Expense 123,072,852
Routed Through OCI 136,935,795
Routed Through PL (13,862,943)
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil Chowk, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)
Reconciliation of Statement of financial position as at Ashad 31, 2080

Amount as per Re-measurement Amount as per

Non-current assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 408,508,864.29 591,314,990.57 999,823,854.86
Capital Work in Progress - - -
Intangible Assets 94,920.00 - 94,920.00
Other Non-Current Assets 32,087,693.53 - 32,087,693.53
Deferred Tax Assets 4,907,217.25 (4,907,217.25) -
Total Non-Current Assets 445,598,695.07 586,407,773.32 1,032,006,468.39
Current Assets
Financial Assets
Investments - - -
Trade Receivables 2,306,160.36 - 2,306,160.36
Cash and Cash Equivalents 68,625,777.96 - 68,625,777.96
Loans and Advances 3,349,611.25 - 3,349,611.25
Other Current Assets 26,625,792.09 - 26,625,792.09
Total Current Assets 100,907,341.66 - 100,907,341.66
Total Assets 546,506,036.73 586,407,773.32 1,132,913,810.05
Equity Share Capital 270,000,000.00 - 270,000,000.00
Reserve & Surplus 170,173,348.37 420,172,025.27 590,345,373.65
Total Equity 440,173,348.37 420,172,025.27 860,345,373.65
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings - - -
Lease Liability - 48,403,003.53 48,403,003.53
Other Non-Current Liabilities - 9,812,025.00 9,812,025.00
Deferred Tax Liabilities - 117,949,286.33 117,949,286.33
Total Non - Current Liabilities - 176,164,314.87 176,164,314.87

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings - - -
Lease Liability - 819,094.47 819,094.47
Other Financial Liabilities 47,473,022.37 - 47,473,022.37
Other Current Liabilities 5,078,752.98 1,592,330.00 6,671,082.98
Provisions 53,780,913.01 (12,339,991.29) 41,440,921.72
Total Current Liabilities 106,332,688.36 (9,928,566.82) 96,404,121.54
Total Liabilities 106,332,688.36 166,235,748.04 272,568,436.40
Total Equity and Liabilities 546,506,036.73 586,407,773.32 1,132,913,810.05
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)
Reconciliation of Statement of profit or loss for the year ended Ashad 31, 2080
(All amounts are in NPR except stated otherwise)

Amount as per Local Re-measurement Amount as per

Revenue from Operation 501,061,381.78 - 501,061,381.78
Other Income 1,294,480.97 - 1,294,480.97
Total Income 502,355,862.75 - 502,355,862.75
Hospital Operation Cost 207,955,939.60 207,955,939.60
Employee Benefit Expenses 107,601,251.09 (2,043,639.43) 105,557,611.66
Finance Cost 980,335.24 6,160,639.45 7,140,974.69
Other Expenses 45,712,585.35 (6,213,813.00) 39,498,772.35
Depreciation and Amortization 26,855,713.94 3,981,463.94 30,837,177.88
Total Expenses 389,105,825.22 1,884,650.96 390,990,476.18
Profit Before Tax 113,250,037.53 (1,884,650.96) 111,365,386.57
Current Tax 29,066,989.88 - 29,066,989.88
Prior Year Tax - - -
Deferred Tax (491,151.24) (13,371,791.38) (13,862,942.63)
Profit for the year 84,674,198.89 11,487,140.43 96,161,339.31
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil Chowk, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)
Reconciliation of Statement of financial position as at Ashad 32, 2079

Amount as per Re-measurement Amount as per

Non-current assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 409,909,721.20 46,605,996.06 456,515,717.26
Capital Work in Progress - - -
Intangible Assets 216,960.00 - 216,960.00
Financial Assets
Loans and Advances 35,062,670.21 - 35,062,670.21
Deferred Tax Assets 4,416,066.01 707,499.64 5,123,565.65
Total Non-Current Assets 449,605,417.42 47,313,495.70 496,918,913.12
Current Assets
Financial Assets
Investments - - -
Trade Receivables 189,516.94 - 189,516.94
Cash and Cash Equivalents 14,704,417.99 - 14,704,417.99
Loans and Advances 4,524,861.32 - 4,524,861.32
Other Current Assets 30,231,458.24 - 30,231,458.24
Total Current Assets 49,650,254.49 - 49,650,254.49
Total Assets 499,255,671.91 47,313,495.70 546,569,167.61
Equity Share Capital 224,575,600.00 - 224,575,600.00
Reserve & Surplus 157,232,123.80 (2,122,498.99) 155,109,624.81
Total Equity 381,807,723.80 (2,122,498.99) 379,685,224.81
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 12,709,694.49 - 12,709,694.49
Lease Liability - 49,222,098.00 49,222,098.00
Other Non-Current Liabilities - 9,264,476.00 9,264,476.00
Deferred Tax Liabilities - - -
Total Non - Current Liabilities 12,709,694.49 58,486,574.00 71,196,268.49

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 13,396,832.60 - 13,396,832.60
Lease Liability - 53,173.55 53,173.55
Other Financial Liabilities 42,235,445.50 - 42,235,445.50
Other Current Liabilities 3,223,141.61 1,263,371.00 4,486,512.61
Provisions 45,882,833.90 (10,367,123.86) 35,515,710.04
Total Current Liabilities 104,738,253.61 (9,050,579.31) 95,687,674.31
Total Liabilities 117,447,948.10 49,435,994.69 166,883,942.79
Total Equity and Liabilities 499,255,671.90 47,313,495.70 546,569,167.60
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)
Reconciliation of Statement of profit or loss for the year ended Ashad 32, 2079
(All amounts are in NPR except stated otherwise)

Amount as per Local Re-measurement Amount as per

Revenue from Operation 471,635,713.74 - 471,635,713.74
Other Income 1,023,699.59 - 1,023,699.59
Total Income 472,659,413.33 - 472,659,413.33
Hospital Operation Cost 204,009,020.24 - 204,009,020.24
Employee Benefit Expenses 103,235,392.85 (1,333,871.86) 101,901,520.99
Finance Cost 1,864,277.03 4,612,329.55 6,476,606.58
Other Expenses 40,911,637.24 (5,924,518.00) 34,987,119.24
Depreciation and Amortization 25,392,189.35 3,981,463.94 29,373,653.29
Total Expenses 375,412,516.71 1,335,403.63 376,747,920.34
Profit Before Tax 97,246,896.62 (1,335,403.63) 95,911,492.99
Current Tax 24,726,414.19 - 24,726,414.19
Prior Year Tax - - -
Deferred Tax (349,370.55) (979,669.39) (1,329,039.94)
Profit for the year 72,869,852.97 (355,734.24) 72,514,118.73
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Notes forming part of accounts as at Ashad 31, 2080 (July 16, 2023)
Reconciliation of Statement of financial position as at Shrawan 1, 2078

Amount as per Re-measurement Amount as per

Non-current assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 381,209,236.39 - 381,209,236.39
Capital Work in Progress 1,555,020.30 - 1,555,020.30
Intangible Assets 433,920.00 - 433,920.00
Financial Assets -
Loans and Advances 19,625,980.23 - 19,625,980.23
Deferred Tax Assets 4,066,695.46 (1,030,079.25) 3,036,616.21
Total Non-Current Assets 406,890,852.38 (1,030,079.25) 405,860,773.13
Current Assets
Financial Assets
Investments 5,000,000.00 - 5,000,000.00
Trade Receivables 140,510.44 - 140,510.44
Cash and Cash Equivalents 17,411,174.93 - 17,411,174.93
Loans and Advances 6,379,822.61 - 6,379,822.61
Other Current Assets 19,851,465.78 - 19,851,465.78
Total Current Assets 48,782,973.76 - 48,782,973.76
Total Assets 455,673,826.14 (1,030,079.25) 454,643,746.89
Equity Share Capital 224,575,600.00 - 224,575,600.00
Reserve & Surplus 106,963,064.81 506,963.75 107,470,028.56
Total Equity 331,538,664.81 506,963.75 332,045,628.56
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 23,361,540.07 - 23,361,540.07
Lease Liability - - -
Other Non-Current Liabilities - 7,757,832.00 7,757,832.00
Deferred Tax Liabilities - - -
Total Non - Current Liabilities 23,361,540.07 7,757,832.00 31,119,372.07

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 13,776,819.66 - 13,776,819.66
Lease Liability - - -
Other Financial Liabilities 55,831,009.02 - 55,831,009.02
Other Current Liabilities 4,381,674.73 1,107,499.00 5,489,173.73
Provisions 26,784,117.86 (10,402,374.00) 16,381,743.86
Total Current Liabilities 100,773,621.27 (9,294,875.00) 91,478,746.27
Total Liabilities 124,135,161.34 (1,537,043.00) 122,598,118.34
Total Equity and Liabilities 455,673,826.15 (1,030,079.25) 454,643,746.90
Medicare Hospital Limited
Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements

For the year ended 31st Ashad, 2080

1. Reporting Entity

Medicare Hospital Limited (‘the Company’) is a public Company incorporated in Nepal. The address of its
registered office and principal place of business is at Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal. The main business of the
Company is to enhance the quality of life of patients by providing comprehensive, high-quality hospital
services on a cost-effective basis. Medicare Hospital Limited is expanding its operation in various ways in
order to provide better curative, preventive, and also rehabilitative facilities with the latest technologies to
the people at moderate and affordable cost within the country.

2. Basis of Preparation
2.1.Basis of Preparation

The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for certain financial instruments
that are measured at fair values at the end of each reporting period, as explained in the accounting policies
Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given in exchange for goods and
services. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an
orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date, regardless of whether that price is
directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique. In estimating the fair value of an asset
or a liability, the Company takes into account the characteristics of the asset or liability if market participants
would take those characteristics into account when pricing the asset or liability at the measurement date. Fair
value for measurement and/or disclosure purposes in these financial statements is determined on the basis as
given in NFRS 13.

2.2.Statement of Compliance

The Financial Statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with Nepal Financial
Reporting Standards and Nepal Accounting Standards (hereafter referred as NFRS), laid down by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal and has compliance with the requirements of the
Company Act ,2006. The Financial Statements under the provision are;

• Statement of Financial Position

• Statement of Comprehensive Income
• Statement of Cash Flow
• Statement of Changes in Equity and
• Notes to Accounts

2.3.Reporting Period

The Company follows the Nepali financial year based on the Nepali calendar. The Financial
Statements cover the period between 1st Shrawan 2079 to 31st Ashad, 2080 whereas comparative
figures cover the period from 1st Shrawan 2078 to 32nd Ashad 2079.
2.4.Approval of the Financial Statements by the Board of Directors (BOD)

The Financial Statements have been adopted by the BOD vide its meeting dated 29th Mangsir 2080
and recommended for the approval to the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the

2.5.Functional and Presentation Currency

The Financial Statement of the company has been presented in Nepalese Rupees (NPR) which is
the currency of the primary economic environment. There was no change in company’s presentation
and financial currency during the year under review.

2.6.Going Concern

The Financial Statements have been prepared on going concern basis, as the Board of Director of
the Company is satisfied that the Company has, at the time of authorization of financial statement,
adequate resources to continue its operation for foreseeable future and there are no material
uncertainties about its ability to continue as a going concern.

2.7.Use of Estimates, Assumptions, and Judgments

For the preparation of Financial Statements, management has made critical accounting judgments, estimates
and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets
(including contingent assets), liabilities (including contingent liabilities), income and expenses. Management
believes that the estimates used in the preparation of the financial statements are prudent and reasonable but
actual results may differ from these estimates.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis with historical experience and other
factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.
Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively in current and future periods.
Information about significant areas of estimate, uncertainty and critical judgments in applying accounting
policies that have the potential material impact on the amounts recognized in these financial statements are
included in the following notes:

1. Determination of useful life of property and equipment

2. Determination of useful life of intangible assets
3. Measurement of employee benefits and liabilities
4. Provision and contingencies
5. Determination of net realizable value
6. Key assumption used in discounting of future cashflows

2.8.Materiality and Aggregation

Each material class of similar item is presented separately in the financial statements. Items of
dissimilar nature or functions are presented separately unless they are immaterial.

2.9.Changes in Accounting Policies

The Company applies its accounting policies consistently from year to year except where deviations
have been explicitly mandated by the applicable accounting standards.

2.10. Significant Accounting Judgements, Estimates and Assumptions

The preparation of Financial Statements in conformity with Nepal Financial Reporting Standards requires
the management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting
policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from
these estimates.
Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates
are recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised and in any future periods affected.
The most significant areas of estimation, uncertainty and critical judgments in applying accounting policies
that have most significant effect in the Financial Statements are as follows:-

2.10.1. Useful Life of the Property, Plant and Equipment

The Company reviews the residual values, useful life and method of depreciation of property, plant and
equipment at each reporting date. Such life is dependent upon an assessment of both the technical life of the
assets and also their likely economic life, based on various internal and external factors including relative
efficiency and operating costs. Accordingly, depreciable lives, residual values and methods are reviewed
annually using the best information available to the Management.

2.10.2. Taxation
The Company is subject to income tax and judgment is required to determine the total provision for current,
deferred and other taxes due to the uncertainties that exists with respect to the interpretation of the
applicability of tax laws, at the time of preparation of these financial statements.

Uncertainties also exist with respect to the interpretation of complex tax regulations and the amount and
timing of future taxable income. Given the wide range of business relationships and the long term nature and
complexity of existing contractual agreements, differences arising between the actual results and the
assumptions made, or future changes to such assumptions, could necessitate future adjustments to tax income
and expense amounts that were initially recorded, and deferred tax amounts in the period in which the
determination is made.

2.10.3. Provisions for Liabilities and Contingencies

The Company may receive legal claims and litigations against it in the normal course of business.
Management makes judgments as to the likelihood of any claim succeeding in making provisions. The time
of concluding legal claims is uncertain, as is the amount of possible outflow of economic benefits.
Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Actual amount could differ from
those estimates, but differences are not expected to be materials. Such liabilities are not recognized in the
financial statements, however same has been disclosed in Notes to the financial statements 4.27.

3. Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these
Financial Statements, and deviations if any have been disclosed accordingly.

3.1. Property, plant and equipment

Property, Plant & equipment (PPE) are stated at cost of acquisition or construction less accumulated
depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any.
Cost includes inward freight, duties and taxes and incidental expenses related to acquisition. Expenses
capitalized also include applicable borrowing costs for qualifying assets, if any. All up gradation /
enhancements are charged off as revenue expenditure unless they bring similar significant additional
benefits. Subsequently, PPE can be measured on Cost model or Revaluation model.

3.1.1. Cost model

Property and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation less accumulated impairment losses.

3.1.2. Revaluation model

On revaluation of an asset, any increase in the carrying amount is recognized in ‘Other comprehensive
income’ and accumulated in equity, under property revaluation reserve or used to reverse a previous
revaluation decrease relating to the same asset, which was charged to the Statement of Profit or Loss. In this
circumstance, the increase is recognized as income to the extent of previous write down. Any decrease in
the carrying amount is recognized as an expense in the Statement of Profit or Loss or debited to the Other
Comprehensive income to the extent of any credit balance existing in the capital reserve in respect of that

The decrease recognized in other comprehensive income reduces the amount accumulated in equity under
property revaluation reserves. Any balance remaining in the revaluation reserve in respect of an asset is
transferred directly to retained earnings on retirement or disposal of the asset.
The Company has applied the revaluation model to its freehold land and building.

Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

An item of property, plant and equipment is de-recognized upon disposal or when no future economic
benefits are expected to arise from the continued use of assets. Any gain or loss arising on the disposal or
retirement of an item of property, plant and equipment is determined as the difference between the sales
proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognized in the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other
Comprehensive Income.
The Company has adopted Cost model for property, plant & equipment except for freehold land and building.
Carrying amount of assets has been assumed as fair value.

3.2. Capital Work in Progress

These are expenses of capital nature directly incurred in the construction of buildings, major plant and
machinery and system development, awaiting capitalization as PPE or Intangible assets. Capital work-in-
progress would be transferred to the relevant asset when it is available for use, i.e., when it is in the location
and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. Capital
work-in-progress is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment losses.

3.3. Intangible Assets

Intangible Assets that the Company controls and from which it expects future economic benefits are
capitalized upon acquisition and initially measured at cost comprising the purchase price (including import
duties and non-refundable taxes) and directly attributable costs to prepare the asset for its intended use.

The useful life of an intangible asset is considered finite where the rights to such assets are limited to a
specified period of time by contract or law (e.g., licenses) or the likelihood of technical, technological
obsolescence (e.g., computer software). If, there are no such limitations, the useful life is taken to be

Intangible assets that have finite lives are amortized over their estimated useful lives by the straight-line
method unless it is practical to reliably determine the pattern of benefits arising from the asset. An intangible
asset with an indefinite useful life is not amortized.

All intangible assets are tested for impairment. Amortization expenses and impairment losses and reversal
of impairment losses are taken to the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. Thus,
after initial recognition, an intangible asset is carried at its cost less accumulated amortization and / or
impairment losses.

Intangible assets include Computer application and software.

Intangible asset (Computer application) includes the cost of computer application development including
software, direct charges for labor, materials, contracted services and borrowing costs as per NAS 23.

Gains or losses arising from de-recognition of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the
net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and are recognized in the statement of profit and
loss when the asset is derecognized.

3.4. Financial Instruments


The entity recognizes financial assets and financial liabilities on the date it becomes party to the contractual
agreement (trade date) and recognizes changes in fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities from
that date.

Classification & Measurement

Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities are classified mainly under amortized cost, fair value through profit
or loss and fair value through OCI.

The basic concept for the categorization of these assets depends upon their characteristics of business model
and contractual cash flow model. Business model characteristics are whether the asset has been held to gain
trading benefits or it has been held to collect contractual cash flow. Similarly, contractual cash flow
characteristics determine whether the cash flow from the asset is solely the repayment of principal and
interest or not. Principal represents the fair value of the instrument at the time of initial recognition while
interest represents the time value of money and credit risk associated with the compensation.

1. Fair Value Through Profit or Loss:

Assets are categorized as fair through profit or loss if the asset has been held in-order to obtain trading gain
rather than to obtain contractual cash flows.

An asset can be recognized under this category if the company has made an irrevocable decision to categorize
an asset under this category in order to avoid accounting mismatch.

2. At amortized Cost:
Assets are categorized under this category if the business model is to obtain the contractual cash flow from
the assets and the contractual cash flow is the solely repayment of principal and interest

3. Fair Value Through OCI:

Assets are categorized under this category if the business model is to obtain the contractual cash flow from
the assets but the contractual cash flow isn’t solely repayment of principal and interest.

Financial Liabilities:

Classification of financial liabilities

 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss:
These include financial liabilities that the entity either has incurred for trading purposes or otherwise has
elected to classify into this category. Derivative liabilities are always treated as held for trading unless they
are designated and effective hedging instruments.

 Financial Liabilities at Amortized cost:

It is the default category for financial liabilities that do not meet the definition of financial liabilities at fair
value through profit or loss. All financial liabilities will fall into this category. Examples of financial
liabilities that generally would be classified in this category are account payables, note payables, issued debt
instruments, and borrowing from banks.

 Financial Liabilities through OCI:

An entity may use different methodologies when there are different economic relationships between the
characteristics of the liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss and the characteristics of the
other financial instruments. NFRS 7 requires an entity to provide qualitative disclosures in the notes to the
financial statements about its methodology for making the determination.
Amounts presented in other comprehensive income shall not be subsequently transferred to profit or loss.
However, the entity may transfer the commutative gain or loss within equity.


De-recognition of Financial Assets

Company derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset
expire, or it transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash flows in a transaction in which substantially
all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are transferred or in which the Company neither
transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership and it does not retain control of the
financial asset.

Any interest in such transferred financial assets that qualify for de-recognition that is created or retained by
the Company is recognized as a separate asset or liability. On de-recognition of a financial asset, the
difference between the carrying amount of the asset (or the carrying amount allocated to the portion of the
asset transferred), and the sum of (i) the consideration received (including any new asset obtained less any
new liability assumed) and (ii) any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognized in other comprehensive
income, is recognized in profit or loss.

In transactions in which the Company neither retains nor transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of
ownership of a financial asset and it retains control over the asset, the Company continues to recognize the

asset to the extent of its continuing involvement, determined by the extent to which it is exposed to changes
in the value of the transferred asset.
De-recognition of Financial Liabilities
A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or
expired. Where an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially
different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or
modification is treated as a de-recognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability. The
difference between the carrying value of the original financial liability and the consideration paid is
recognized in the Statement of Profit or Loss.

3.5. Fair Value Measurements of Assets and Liabilities

In accordance with NFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, the Company categorises assets or liabilities carried
on the reporting sheet at fair value using a three-level hierarchy. Assets or liabilities are categorised as Level
1 are valued using quoted market prices and therefore there is minimal judgement applied in determining
fair value. However, the fair value of Assets or liabilities categorised as Level 2 and, in particular, Level 3
is determined using valuation techniques including discounted cash flow analysis and other valuation
models. In addition, in line with market practice, the company applies credit, debit and funding valuation
adjustments in determining the fair value of its uncollateralised assets. A description of these adjustments is
set out as under.

These valuation techniques involve management judgement and estimates to the extent of which depends on
the complexity of the assets or liabilities and the availability of market observable information. Valuation
techniques for Level 2 financial instruments use inputs that are based on observable market data. Level 3
input for assets or liabilities are those where at least one input, which could have a significant effect on the
valuation, is not based on observable market data. Determining the appropriate assumptions to be used for
Level 3 assets or liabilities require significant management judgement. Further details of the company’s
Level 3 assets or liabilities and the sensitivity of their valuation including the effect of applying reasonably
possible alternative assumptions in determining their fair value are set out wherever required.

Valuation of financial assets and liabilities

Assets and liabilities carried at fair value or for which fair values are disclosed have been classified into three
levels according to the quality and reliability of information used to determine the fair values.

Level 1
Level 1 fair value measurements are those derived from unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for
identical assets or liabilities. Products classified as level 1 predominantly comprise equity shares, treasury
bills and other government securities.

Level 2
Level 2 valuations are those where quoted market prices are not available, for example where the assets or
liabilities is traded in a market that is not considered to be active or valuation techniques are used to determine
fair value and where these techniques use inputs that are based significantly on observable market data.
Examples of such assets or liabilities include most over-the-counter derivatives, financial institution issued
securities, certificates of deposit and certain asset-backed securities.

Level 3
Level 3 portfolios are those where at least one input, which could have a significant effect on the valuation,
is not based on observable market data. These are valued using various valuation techniques that require
significant management judgement in determining appropriate assumptions, including earnings multiples
and estimated future cash flows.

3.6. Impairment
At each reporting date the Company assesses whether there is any indication that an asset may have been
impaired. If such indication exists, the recoverable amount is determined. A financial asset or a group of
financial assets is impaired and impairment losses are incurred if, and only if, there is objective evidence of
impairment as a result of one or more events occurring after the initial recognition of the asset (a loss event),
and that loss event (or events) has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or group
of financial assets that can be reliably estimated.

The Company considers the following factors in assessing objective evidence of impairment:
 Whether the counterparty is in default of principal or interest payments.
 When a counterparty files for bankruptcy and this would avoid or delay discharge of its obligation.
 Where the Company initiates legal recourse of recovery in respect of a credit obligation of the
 Where the Company consents to a restructuring of the obligation, resulting in a diminished financial
obligation, demonstrated by a material forgiveness of debt or postponement of scheduled payments.
 Where there is observable data indicating that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash
flows of a group of financial assets, although the decrease cannot yet be identified with specific
individual financial assets.

In addition, for an investment in an equity security, a significant or prolonged decline in its fair value below
its cost is objective evidence of impairment. The Entity considers evidence of impairment for loans and
advances and held to maturity investment securities at both a specific asset and a collective level. All
individually significant loans and receivables and held-to-maturity investment securities are assessed for
specific impairment.

Impairment losses on assets measured at amortized cost are calculated as the difference between the carrying
amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the asset’s original effective
interest rate.

If the terms of a financial asset are renegotiated or modified or an existing financial asset is replaced with a
new one due to financial difficulties of the borrower, then an assessment is made of whether the financial
asset should be derecognized. If the cash flows of the renegotiated asset are substantially different, then the
contractual rights to cash flows from the original financial asset are deemed to have expired. In this case, the
original financial asset is derecognized and the new financial asset is recognized at fair value. The
impairment loss before an expected restructuring is measured as follows:

 If the expected restructuring will not result in de-recognition of the existing asset, then the estimated cash
flows arising from the modified financial asset are included in the measurement of the existing asset based
on their expected timing and amounts discounted at the original effective interest rate of the existing financial
 If the expected restructuring will result in de-recognition of the existing asset, then the expected fair value
of the new asset is treated as the final cash flow from the existing financial asset at the time of its de-
recognition. This amount is discounted from the expected date of de-recognition to the reporting date using
the original effective interest rate of the existing financial asset.

Impairment losses are recognized in profit or loss and reflected in an allowance account against loans and
receivables or held-to-maturity investment securities. If an event occurring after the impairment was
recognized causes the amount of impairment loss to decrease, then the decrease in impairment loss is
reversed through profit or loss.
Impairment losses on available-for-sale investment securities are recognized by reclassifying the losses
accumulated in the fair value reserve in equity to profit or loss. The cumulative loss that is reclassified from

equity to profit or loss is the difference between the acquisition cost, net of any principal repayment and
amortization, and the current fair value, less any impairment loss recognised previously in profit or loss.
Changes in impairment attributable to application of the effective interest method are reflected as a
component of interest income.
If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of an impaired available-for-sale debt security increases and the
increase can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized, then the
impairment loss is reversed through profit or loss; otherwise, any increase in fair value is recognized through
OCI. Any subsequent recovery in the fair value of an impaired available-for-sale equity security is always
recognized in OCI.

3.7. Investment Property

Accounting Policies

Investment properties are land or building or both other than those classified as property and equipment
under NAS 16 – “Property, Plant and Equipment”; and assets classified as non-current assets held for sale
under NFRS 5 – “Non-Current Assets Held for Sale & Discontinued Operations”. The Company has
recognized as investment property all land or land and building acquired/ developed except put for own
business use (owner-occupied). Investment Property is the non-current asset held by the entity for capital
appreciation or rental rather than owner-occupied. It is not held for consumption or for its own use.
The company has no land or building as its investment property.

Recognition and Measurement

Investment property shall be recognised as an asset when, and only when:

(a) It is probable that the future economic benefits that are associated with the investment property will flow
to the entity; and
(b) The cost of the investment property can be measured reliably.

As per NAS 40 – “Investment Property” Items of Investment Property are measured initially at cost less
accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. The company had followed the cost
model to record the investment property.

Any gain or loss on disposal of an item of Investment Property (calculated as the difference between the net
proceeds from disposal and the carrying amount of the item) is recognised within other income in profit or

Subsequent Costs

Subsequent expenditure is capitalized only when it is probable that the future economic benefits of the
expenditure will flow to the Entity. On-going repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred.


Depreciation is charged so as to expense off the cost of assets, other than land, using straight line method
over their estimated useful lives. The residual values, useful life and depreciation methods are reviewed at
least at each financial year end. If expectations differ from the previous estimates the changes are accounted
for as changes in estimates in accordance with NAS 8. Useful lives of material asset categories are disclosed


An item of Investment Property is derecognised on disposal or when no future economic benefits are
expected from the use of that asset. The gain or loss arising from the disposal of an item of Investment
Property is the difference between the net-disposal proceed, if any and the carrying amount.

Investment Property are subject to impairment assessment if there is any indication that the carrying value
may exceed the recoverable value of the assets. Such impairment assessment of assets is done on basis of
cash generating unit or if not possible on individual asset basis.

3.8. Depreciation and Amortization

Depreciation is recognized so as to write off the cost of assets (other than freehold land and properties under
construction) less their residual values over their useful lives, using the written down method.
1. Amortization is recognized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. The estimated useful
life and amortization method are reviewed at the end of each reporting period, with the effect of any
changes in estimate being accounted for on a prospective basis.
2. Depreciation is provided on the written down method based on the estimated useful lives of the assets
determined by the management. Depreciation on additions to fixed assets is charged on pro-rata basis in
the year of purchase.
3. Depreciation on right-of-use asset is charged on straight line method over the lease term.

The useful life of the assets and the corresponding rates at which the assets are depreciated are as follows:

Category of assets Estimated useful life Depreciation Rate

Building 58-59 years 5%
Plant and Equipment 18-19 years 15%
Office Equipment 10-11 years 25%
Furniture and fixtures 10-11 years 25%
Computers and accessories 10-11 years 25%
Vehicles 13-14years 20%

Computer software is amortized over an estimated useful life of 5 years on straight line basis.

4. Useful life is either the period of time which the assets is expected to be used or the number of production
or similar units expected to be obtained from the use of asset.

The estimated useful life, residual values an depreciation method are reviewed at the end of each
reporting period, with the effect of any changes in estimate accounted for on a prospective basis.

5. Office furniture, equipment, vehicles & plant equipment costing less than NPR 5,000 per unit is charged
to the profit and loss account in the year of purchase.

3.9. Impairment of non-financial assets

Non-financial assets subject to impairment testing include intangible assets and property, plant and
equipment. Impairment of material intangible assets under construction are tested at least once a year. Assets
subject to depreciation and amortization are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in
circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable.
An impairment test is performed by comparing the carrying amount of the asset or cash generating unit

(CGU) to its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is calculated as the higher of the fair value less
costs to sell and Value in use which is the present value of the future cash flows from an asset or CGU.

3.10. Employee Benefits

a) Short Term Employee Benefits

Short term employee benefits obligations are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expensed as the
related service is provided.

b) Post-Employment Benefits

Post-employment benefit plan includes:

i. Defined Contribution Plans

A defined contribution plan is a post-employment benefit plan under which the Company pays fixed
contributions into a separate entity and has no legal or constructive obligation to pay further amounts.
Obligations for contributions to defined contribution plans are recognized as employee benefit expenses in
income statement in the period during which the related service are rendered by the employees.

ii. Defined Benefit Plans

A defined benefit plan is a post-employment benefit plan other than a defined contribution plan. This plan
includes gratuity and medical facility. The defined benefit is calculated by an independent actuary using
Projected Unit Credit (PUC) method. The present value of the defined benefit obligation is determined by
discounting the estimated future cash outflows, using interest rates denominated in Nepalese Rupees with
maturity terms of the related liability. The present value of the defined benefit obligations depends on a
number of factors that are determined on an actuarial basis using a number of assumptions about discount
rate, future salary increment rate, mortality rates etc. Due to the long-term nature of these plans, such
estimates are subject to significant uncertainty. All assumptions are reviewed at each reporting date.
Accordingly, the employee benefit liability is based on the actuarial valuation as at end of reporting period.
The Company’s accounting policy for gratuity and medical facility is to recognize actuarial gains and losses
in the period in which they occur in full in the statement of other comprehensive income.

Interest is calculated by applying the discount rate to the defined benefit obligation. The Company recognizes
the following changes in the defined benefit obligation to the income statement:
 Service costs comprising current service costs and past service costs
 Interest expenses

Any changes in the liabilities over the year due to changes in assumptions or experience within the scheme
are recognized in other comprehensive income in the period in which they arise.

iii. Other Long-Term Employee Benefits

Other long-term employee benefits include benefits that are not expected to be settled wholly before twelve
months after end of the fiscal year in which employees render the related service. Sick and Home Leave are
the other long-term employee benefit plans provided by the company to its employees.
The Company recognizes all measurement gains and losses including all service cost and interest cost related
to other long-term employee benefits are expensed in income statement.

3.11. Provisions and Contingencies

In accordance with Nepal Accounting Standards (NAS) 37- Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets, a provision is required to be recognized where there is a present legal or constructive
obligation as a result of a past event that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of
economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, the timing or amount of which are uncertain.

The company has made provisions for all those obligations meeting the definition of NAS 37.

A contingent liability is a possible obligation that arises from past events whose existence will be confirmed
by the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one or more uncertain future events beyond the control of the
Company or a present obligation that is not recognized because it is not probable that an outflow of resources
will be required to settle the obligation. Contingent liability also arises in extremely rare cases where there
is a liability that cannot be recognized because it cannot be measured reliably. The Company does not
recognize contingent liability but discloses its existence in the financial statements.

A contingent asset is a possible asset that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed
only by the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control
of the entity.

Provisions, contingent liabilities, contingent assets and commitments are reviewed at each reporting period.

3.12. Government grants

Government grants are assistance by government in the form of transfers of resources to an entity in return
for past or future compliance with certain conditions relating to the operating activities of the entity.

Government grants can be Grants related to assets or Grants related to income. Under Grants related to assets,
there is a condition that the entity shall purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets. Grants
related to income are grants other than grants related to assets.

Government grants are recognized when there is reasonable assurance they will be received and the
corporation will comply with the conditions associated with the grant. Government grants that compensate
the corporation for expenses incurred are recognized in profit or loss in the same period in which the expenses
are recognized. Grants that compensate the corporation for the cost of an asset are recorded as deferred
revenue and recognized in other revenue over the service life of the related asset.

Government grants shall be recognized as income over the periods necessary to match them with the related
costs which they are intended to compensate, on a systematic basis.

Once a government grant is recognized, any related contingent liability or contingent asset is treated in
accordance with NAS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.

3.13. Borrowing cost

As per NAS 23, Borrowing costs are the costs incurred by the company in borrowing loans for construction
of assets or any capital goods. Borrowing cost also includes exchange differences to the extent regarded as
an adjustment to the borrowing costs. Borrowings can be general or specific. Borrowing costs are capitalized
till the construction of asset is complete and is ready for use.

3.14. Leases
At the commencement date, a lessee shall recognize right of use and lease liability. Subsequently lease
liability is measured at the present value of the lease payment at the reporting date. The lease payment is
discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease if that rate can be readily determined. If that rate cannot
be readily determined, an incremental borrowing rate is used. The company estimate 12.5% as its discounting
rate for lease.
For the subsequent measurement of right to use asset, cost model is applied unless it applies either of the
measurement model described in paragraph 34 and 35 of the Standard.

Disclosure required as per para 53 of NFRS 16 are:

Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Right-of-Use Asset 42,624,532
Lease Liability (Non-Current) 48,403,004
Lease Liability (Current) 819,094
Depreciation on Right-of-Use Asset 3,981,464
Lease Payment 6,213,813
Interest on lease liabilities 6,160,639

3.15. Inventories
Inventories of medical consumables, Lab Reagents, Chemicals, other Consumables, medicine and other
types of stores & spares are valued at lower of cost or net realizable value. Net realizable value represents
the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less estimated costs necessary to make the sales.
Cost of inventories are determined by following weighted average cost method. At the reporting date, the
company has inventories worth Rs. 5,821,885.34

3.16. Receivables and Payables

Receivables and payables are accounted on accrual basis. Balance amounts on year end are shown in
Statement of Financial Position under ‘Current Other Financial Assets’ and ‘Current Other Financial
Liabilities’ heading.

3.17. Income Tax

Current Tax
Provision for current income tax is made in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing Income Tax
Act, 2058 and Rules including amendments thereon. Current tax payable (or recoverable) is based on the
taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from the profit reported in the statement of profit or loss,
because some item of income or expense are taxable or deductible in different years or may never be taxable
or deductible.
Current tax assets and current tax liabilities have been shown on the face of a statement of financial position.
Table showing current tax calculation is as below:

Amount As
Amount for
Particulars per Income Adjustments
Tax Purpose
Sales Income
Revenue from Operation 501,061,381.78 - 501,061,381.78
Other Income 1,294,480.97 - 1,294,480.97

Total Inclusion as per Section - 7 502,355,862.75 - 502,355,862.75
Hospital Operation Cost- Section 13 207,955,939.60 - 207,955,939.60
Employee Benefit Expenses-Section 13 105,557,611.66 (604,721.53) 104,952,890.13
Employee Leave Encashment- Section 13 - 675,493.53 675,493.53
Finance Cost- Section 13 7,140,974.69 (6,160,639.45) 980,335.24
Rent Payment-Actual- Section 13 - 6,213,813.00 6,213,813.00

Other Expenses- Section 13 39,498,772.35 (9,414,685.03) 30,084,087.32

Repair and Improvement Expenses- Section 16 8,376,300.71 (6,670.25) 8,369,630.46

Depreciation- Section 19 and Schedule 2 30,837,177.88 (3,981,463.94) 26,855,713.94
Total Deduction of Expenses 399,366,776.89 (13,278,873.67) 386,087,903.22
Assessable income as per Income Tax Act, 2058 13,278,873.67 116,267,959.53
Less: Donation paid to tax exempt organization u/s
- -
Taxable income as per Income Tax Act, 2058 116,267,959.53
Tax @ 25% 29,066,989.88
Interest under Section 118 -
Total Tax Liability 29,066,989.88

Deferred Tax
Deferred tax is recognised in temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in
the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit. Deferred
tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences. Deferred tax assets are generally
recognised for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will
be available against which those deductible temporary differences can be utilized. Such deferred tax assets
and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from the initial recognition (other than in
a business combination) of assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither the taxable profit nor the
accounting profit. In addition, deferred tax liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises
from the initial recognition of goodwill. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when they relate to
income taxes levied by the same taxation authority and the relevant entity intends to settle its current tax
assets and liabilities on a net basis.
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at the end of each reporting period and reduced to
the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of
the assets to be recovered.
Deferred tax liabilities and assets are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period in
which the liability is settled or the asset realised, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or
substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period.
The measurement of deferred tax liabilities and assets reflects the tax consequences that would follow from
the manner in which the Company expects, at the end of the reporting period, to recover or settle the carrying
amount of its assets and liabilities.
Temporary differences arising as a result of changes in tax legislation. Accordingly, when additional
temporary differences arise as a result of the introduction of a new tax, and not when an asset or a liability
is first recognised, the deferred tax effect of the additional temporary differences should be recognised.
Details of Deferred Tax Assets or Liabilities are presented under Notes No.4.21.

3.18. Cash and Cash Equivalent
Cash and short-term deposits in the statement of financial position comprise cash in hand, cash at bank and
short-term deposits with a maturity of three months or less.

3.19. Revenue Recognition

The Company earns revenue primarily by providing healthcare services and sale of pharmaceutical products.
Other sources of revenue include revenue earned through rent, interest from bank etc.
Revenue is recognised upon transfer of control of promised products or services to customers in an amount
that reflects the consideration which the Company expects to receive in exchange for those products or
services. When there is uncertainty on ultimate collectability, revenue recognition is postponed until such
uncertainty is resolved.
Revenue from Healthcare Services
The Healthcare services income include revenue generated from outpatients, which mainly consist of
activities for physical examinations, treatments, surgeries and tests, as well as that generated from inpatients,
which mainly consist of activities for clinical examinations and treatments, surgeries, and other fees such as
room charges. The performance obligations for this stream of revenue include accommodation, surgery,
medical/clinical professional services, supply of equipment, investigation and supply of pharmaceutical and
related products.
The patient is obligated to pay for healthcare services at amounts estimated to be receivable based upon the
Company’s standard rates or at rates determined under reimbursement arrangements. The reimbursement
arrangements are generally with third party administrators. The reimbursement is also made through
national, international or local government programs with reimbursement rates established by statute or
regulation or through a memorandum of understanding.
Revenue is recognised at the transaction price when each performance obligation is satisfied at a point in
time when inpatient/outpatients has actually received the service. Revenue from health care patients, third
party payers and other customers are billed at our standard rates net of contractual or discretionary
allowances, discounts or rebates to reflect the estimated amounts to be receivable from these payers.

Interest Income
Interest income from a financial asset is recognised when it is probable that the economic benefits will flow
to the Company and the amount of income can be measured reliably. Interest income is accrued on a time
basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate
that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset to that
asset’s net carrying amount on initial recognition.

3.20. Foreign currency translation

The functional currency of the Company and its subsidiaries is determined on the basis of the primary
economic environment in which it operates. The functional currency of the Company is Nepalese Rupee.

Revenues and expenses resulting from transactions in foreign currencies are translated to Nepalese Rupee
equivalents at exchange rates approximating those in effect at the transaction date.

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Nepalese rupee at the
exchange rate prevailing at the reporting date. Translation gains and losses are credited or charged to Profit
or loss in the current period.

Exchange differences arising on the settlement of monetary items or on translating monetary items at rates
different from those at which they were translated on initial recognition during the period or in previous
financial statements has been recognized (using the closing rate of reporting date) as foreign exchange gain
or loss and adjusted with statement of Profit and Loss as per NAS 21.

3.21. Related Party Transactions

Related parties of an entity represent parent company, major shareholders, associated companies, directors
and key management personnel of the Group, and companies of which they are principal owners.

The names of these related parties, nature of these transactions and their total value have been set out in
accordance with the provisions of NAS 24- ‘Related Party Disclosures”.

Key management personnel refer to the person who have authority and responsibility for planning, directing
and controlling the activities of the entity either directly or indirectly.
The Company carries out transactions in the ordinary course of business with the parties who are defined as
related parties in the International Accounting Standard - NAS 24 (Related Party Disclosures), the details of
which are reported below. The pricing applicable to such transactions is based on the assessment of risk and
pricing model of the company and is comparable with what is applied to transactions between the company
and its unrelated customers.
Related party transactions also includes transaction with entities that are controlled, joint ventures or
significantly influenced directly by any key management personnel or their close family members.

4. Notes to the Accounts

4.25 First Time Adoption
As per para 21 of NFRS 1 “First time adoption of Nepal Financial Reporting standard” an entity’s first NFRS
financial statements shall include at least three statements of financial position, two statements of
comprehensive income, two separate income statements (if presented), two statements of cash flows and two
statements of changes in equity and related notes, including comparative information. These statements are
prepared to comply with the requirements of NAS 1 “Presentation of Financial statements”.

Financials statements of the company has been prepared complying the Para 21 of NFRS 1.

As per para 24 of NFRS 1, an entity’s first NFRS financial statement shall include:

a) reconciliations of its equity reported in accordance with previous GAAP to its equity in accordance with
NFRSs for both of the following dates:
(i) the date of transition to NFRSs; and
(ii) the end of the latest period presented in the entity’s most recent annual financial statements in
accordance with previous GAAP.
Reconciliation of Statement of financial position as at Ashad 31, 2080

Amount as per Re-measurement Amount as per

Non-current assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 408,508,864.29 591,314,990.57 999,823,854.86
Capital Work in Progress - - -
Intangible Assets 94,920.00 - 94,920.00
Other Non-Current Assets 32,087,693.53 - 32,087,693.53
Deferred Tax Assets 4,907,217.25 (4,907,217.25) -
Total Non-Current Assets 445,598,695.07 586,407,773.32 1,032,006,468.39
Current Assets
Financial Assets
Investments - - -
Trade Receivables 2,306,160.36 - 2,306,160.36
Cash and Cash Equivalents 68,625,777.96 - 68,625,777.96
Loans and Advances 3,349,611.25 - 3,349,611.25
Other Current Assets 26,625,792.09 - 26,625,792.09
Total Current Assets 100,907,341.66 - 100,907,341.66
Total Assets 546,506,036.73 586,407,773.32 1,132,913,810.05
Equity Share Capital 270,000,000.00 - 270,000,000.00
Reserve & Surplus 170,173,348.37 420,172,025.27 590,345,373.65
Total Equity 440,173,348.37 420,172,025.27 860,345,373.65
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings - - -
Lease Liability - 48,403,003.53 48,403,003.53
Other Non-Current Liabilities - 9,812,025.00 9,812,025.00
Deferred Tax Liabilities - 117,949,286.33 117,949,286.33
Total Non - Current
- 176,164,314.87 176,164,314.87

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings - - -
Lease Liability - 819,094.47 819,094.47
Other Financial Liabilities 47,473,022.37 - 47,473,022.37
Other Current Liabilities 5,078,752.98 1,592,330.00 6,671,082.98
Provisions 53,780,913.01 (12,339,991.29) 41,440,921.72
Total Current Liabilities 106,332,688.36 (9,928,566.82) 96,404,121.54
Total Liabilities 106,332,688.36 166,235,748.04 272,568,436.40
Total Equity and Liabilities 546,506,036.73 586,407,773.32 1,132,913,810.05

Reconciliation of Statement of financial position as at Ashad 32, 2079

Amount as per Re-measurement Amount as per

Non-current assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 409,909,721.20 46,605,996.06 456,515,717.26
Capital Work in Progress - - -
Intangible Assets 216,960.00 - 216,960.00
Financial Assets
Loans and Advances 35,062,670.21 - 35,062,670.21
Deferred Tax Assets 4,416,066.01 707,499.64 5,123,565.65
Total Non-Current Assets 449,605,417.42 47,313,495.70 496,918,913.12
Current Assets
Financial Assets
Investments - - -
Trade Receivables 189,516.94 - 189,516.94
Cash and Cash Equivalents 14,704,417.99 - 14,704,417.99
Loans and Advances 4,524,861.32 - 4,524,861.32
Other Current Assets 30,231,458.24 - 30,231,458.24
Total Current Assets 49,650,254.49 - 49,650,254.49
Total Assets 499,255,671.91 47,313,495.70 546,569,167.61
Equity Share Capital 224,575,600.00 - 224,575,600.00
Reserve & Surplus 157,232,123.80 (2,122,498.99) 155,109,624.81
Total Equity 381,807,723.80 (2,122,498.99) 379,685,224.81
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 12,709,694.49 - 12,709,694.49
Lease Liability - 49,222,098.00 49,222,098.00
Other Non-Current Liabilities - 9,264,476.00 9,264,476.00
Deferred Tax Liabilities - - -
Total Non - Current
12,709,694.49 58,486,574.00 71,196,268.49

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 13,396,832.60 - 13,396,832.60
Lease Liability - 53,173.55 53,173.55
Other Financial Liabilities 42,235,445.50 - 42,235,445.50
Other Current Liabilities 3,223,141.61 1,263,371.00 4,486,512.61
Provisions 45,882,833.90 (10,367,123.86) 35,515,710.04
Total Current Liabilities 104,738,253.61 (9,050,579.31) 95,687,674.31
Total Liabilities 117,447,948.10 49,435,994.69 166,883,942.79
Total Equity and Liabilities 499,255,671.90 47,313,495.70 546,569,167.60

Reconciliation of Statement of financial position as at Shrawan 1, 2078

Amount as per Re-measurement Amount as per

Non-current assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 381,209,236.39 - 381,209,236.39
Capital Work in Progress 1,555,020.30 - 1,555,020.30
Intangible Assets 433,920.00 - 433,920.00
Financial Assets -
Loans and Advances 19,625,980.23 - 19,625,980.23
Deferred Tax Assets 4,066,695.46 (1,030,079.25) 3,036,616.21
Total Non-Current Assets 406,890,852.38 (1,030,079.25) 405,860,773.13
Current Assets
Financial Assets
Investments 5,000,000.00 - 5,000,000.00
Trade Receivables 140,510.44 - 140,510.44
Cash and Cash Equivalents 17,411,174.93 - 17,411,174.93
Loans and Advances 6,379,822.61 - 6,379,822.61
Other Current Assets 19,851,465.78 - 19,851,465.78
Total Current Assets 48,782,973.76 - 48,782,973.76
Total Assets 455,673,826.14 (1,030,079.25) 454,643,746.89
Equity Share Capital 224,575,600.00 - 224,575,600.00
Reserve & Surplus 106,963,064.81 506,963.75 107,470,028.56
Total Equity 331,538,664.81 506,963.75 332,045,628.56
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 23,361,540.07 - 23,361,540.07
Lease Liability - - -
Other Non-Current Liabilities - 7,757,832.00 7,757,832.00
Deferred Tax Liabilities - - -
Total Non - Current
23,361,540.07 7,757,832.00 31,119,372.07

Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 13,776,819.66 - 13,776,819.66
Lease Liability - - -
Other Financial Liabilities 55,831,009.02 - 55,831,009.02
Other Current Liabilities 4,381,674.73 1,107,499.00 5,489,173.73
Provisions 26,784,117.86 (10,402,374.00) 16,381,743.86
Total Current Liabilities 100,773,621.27 (9,294,875.00) 91,478,746.27
Total Liabilities 124,135,161.34 (1,537,043.00) 122,598,118.34
Total Equity and Liabilities 455,673,826.15 (1,030,079.25) 454,643,746.90

b) a reconciliation to its total comprehensive income in accordance with NFRSs for the latest period in the
entity’s most recent annual financial statements. The starting point for that reconciliation shall be total
comprehensive income in accordance with previous GAAP for the same period or, if an entity did not
report such a total, profit or loss under previous GAAP.

Reconciliation of Statement of profit or loss for the year ended Ashad 31, 2080
(All amounts are in NPR except stated
Amount as per Re-measurement Amount as per
Revenue from Operation 501,061,381.78 - 501,061,381.78
Other Income 1,294,480.97 - 1,294,480.97
Total Income 502,355,862.75 - 502,355,862.75
Hospital Operation Cost 207,955,939.60 207,955,939.60
Employee Benefit Expenses 107,601,251.09 (2,043,639.43) 105,557,611.66
Finance Cost 980,335.24 6,160,639.45 7,140,974.69
Other Expenses 45,712,585.35 (6,213,813.00) 39,498,772.35
Depreciation and Amortization 26,855,713.94 3,981,463.94 30,837,177.88
Total Expenses 389,105,825.22 1,884,650.96 390,990,476.18
Profit Before Tax 113,250,037.53 (1,884,650.96) 111,365,386.57
Current Tax 29,066,989.88 - 29,066,989.88
Prior Year Tax - - -
Deferred Tax (491,151.24) (13,371,791.38) (13,862,942.63)
Profit for the year 84,674,198.89 11,487,140.43 96,161,339.31

Reconciliation of Statement of profit or loss for the year ended Ashad 32, 2079
(All amounts are in NPR except stated otherwise)
Amount as per Re-measurement Amount as per
Revenue from Operation 471,635,713.74 - 471,635,713.74
Other Income 1,023,699.59 - 1,023,699.59
Total Income 472,659,413.33 - 472,659,413.33
Hospital Operation Cost 204,009,020.24 - 204,009,020.24
Employee Benefit Expenses 103,235,392.85 (1,333,871.86) 101,901,520.99
Finance Cost 1,864,277.03 4,612,329.55 6,476,606.58
Other Expenses 40,911,637.24 (5,924,518.00) 34,987,119.24
Depreciation and Amortization 25,392,189.35 3,981,463.94 29,373,653.29
Total Expenses 375,412,516.71 1,335,403.63 376,747,920.34
Profit Before Tax 97,246,896.62 (1,335,403.63) 95,911,492.99
Current Tax 24,726,414.19 - 24,726,414.19
Prior Year Tax - - -
Deferred Tax (349,370.55) (979,669.39) (1,329,039.94)
Profit for the year 72,869,852.97 (355,734.24) 72,514,118.73

4.26 Related parties disclosures

(a) Identify Related Parties
Holding Company: None
Subsidiaries: None
Associates: None
Fellow Subsidiaries: None
Key Management Personnel: Board of Directors (BOD)/Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Name of key management personnel Position

Dr. Pradip Kumar Yadav, Chairman
Mr. Binay Kumar Shrestha, Director
Mr. Khem Raj Lamichhane, Director
Dr. Lokesh Bhattarai, Director
Mr. Mahal Sagar Shrestha , Director
Hari Bhakta Sigdel Administrative Manager
Dibakar Dhoj Khadka Finance Manager
Muna Bhandari Thapa Matron

(b) Key Management Personnel Compensation:

Current Year Previous Year
Short-term employee benefits 4,973,904.20 4,406,651.00
Post-employment benefits - -
Other long-term benefits - -
Termination benefits - -
Total - -
Note: No Board Member has been paid any remuneration in the form of Salary. Only board meeting
allowance was paid to board members at the rate of Rs.7,000.00 per meeting to Chairman and Rs.5,000.00
per meeting to other meeting attending board member/s after deduction of Tax at Source as applicable.
4.27 Contingent Liabilities
Mr. Gopal Prasad Pokharel and Forum for Protection of Consumer Rights Nepal jointly lodge a case against
the company with District Court of Kathmandu demanding compensation of Rs. 5,220,263.65 in connection
with the treatment of a patient done by the Company. The final verdict is yet to be given by the court and
management of the company believes that the decision would be in favor of the company and hence no
provision is made for the same.
Except for the matters disclosed above, there are no cases relating to contingent liability where the company
is involved.
4.28 Distribution to Shareholders
The company’s Board Meeting held on 29th Mangsir 2080 has proposed total dividend of 63.16% (NPR
170,526,315.79) out of which, 48.81% would be stock dividend (NPR 131,785,700) and 14.35% would be
cash dividend (NPR 38,740,615.79) including tax for stock & cash dividend for the fiscal year 2079/080
subject to approval from annual general meeting.
4.29 Events after the Reporting Period
No circumstances have arisen since the reporting date which would require adjustments to, or disclosure in
the financial statements.
4.30 Re-grouping and re-arrangement
Previous year’s figures are re-grouped and re-arranged as necessary to facilitate the comparison of the figures
of financial statements.


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