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Ind/ded Dep/ fin/p m/ relat/rest

Dep/n f/Adv/Circ/time/init/Adi

Dep/fin/Adv/circ/time/Final/Adi Dep/fin/p m/rela/rest


After having being defeated in the war that took place when my grandfather was still a young kid who just
GAP Dep/n /Adi/Ext
Depln f/vb/Post Pr/Od

Dep/Fin/Vb/Post Pre/Od Dep/ fin/p m/rela/rest


wanted to play with his toys, the general decided that it was too painful for him to stay in the city that had seen
Dep/n F/Vb/Post Pr/Od

Dep/n /Adv/Circ/Process/final/Adi

him fall and left without looking back ever again.

Ellipsis :
[The general
J compound complex

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