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1-Pronunciation of the final –ed

/t/ /d/ /Id/

/P/ – /s/- /k/- The rest: /d /– /t/
/f/- / /- / /- called added
/ / received educated
developed played
passed .
advanced .
Mixed .
Kicked ……
laughed ….

2- Pronunciation of the final –s

/s/ /z/ /Iz/

/P/ – /t/- /k/- /f/- / / The rest: /s /– /z/- / /- / /- / /-/ /
helps pupils misses
sports chairs produces
Kicks swims boxes
laughs . buzzes
baths . washes
. watches
…… manages
…. garages

3- Classify these words according to the number of syllables : ( 02 Pts)

restaurant water fish

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables

fish water restaurant

4- vowel sounds : 5- diphthongs: 6- consonants :
/i:/ see /eɪ/ pay [b] bad [t] ,[th] tea
/ɪ/ sit /aɪ/ five [d] did [v] van
/æ/ hat /ɔɪ/ boy [f] fall [w] wet
/ʌ/ cup /aʊ/ now [g] got [z] zoo
/ɑ:/ arm /ə ʊ/ go [h] how [ʒ] vision
/ɒ/ got / I ə / near [k], [kh] cat [dʒ]  june
/3:/ fur /e ə/ hair [l] leg [ʃ] she
/ɔ:/ saw /ʊə/ pure [m] man [tʃ ] chin
/u:/ too [n]  no [ð] then
/ə/ ago h
[p], [p ] pen /θ / thin
[r ] red / ŋ / sing
[s] so [j] yes

7- Add + a suitable suffix to form names of job /occupation: (er , or , ian , ist )

-er : teach teacher

- -or sculpt sculptor

-ian music musician

-ist art artist

8- The silent letter(s): light , Wednesday

9- - Add the right prefixes to form the opposites: ( il , im , in , ir , un , dis , )

il legal illegal / im polite impolite

in correct incorrect / ir regular irregular

un justice unjustice / dis obey disbey

10 - Words that have the same rhyme: my = buy / go = no

11 - Derive a noun : ation , tion, ion , sion….

Prepare preparation …….


**1- Classify these words according to their final '' ed '' pronunciation ( 02 Pts )
recorded – passed – invented – discovered .
/T/ /D/ / ID /

**Find in the text four words and complete the table according to the pronunciation of

their final “ ed ”

/T/ /D/ / ID /
- - -

*** Complete the phonetic transcription with the sounds : / d / or / id /

Spelling Transcription
Painted / peint............ /
Lived / liv….. ……./

2- **Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final ( s )

Perhaps boats passes learns

/s/ /z/ / Iz /

**Pick out from the text four words and complete the table according to the pronunciation of
their final “ s ”

/ iz / /z/ /s/
1- 1- 1-

3-Classify these words according to the number of syllables :

restaurant water family fish
1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables

4.5.6 Classify the following words according to the sounds ( / ei /, / ai / ))

Fine day clay my stay may .
/ ei / / ai /

4.5.6 Find in the text four words that have the following vowel sounds (2 points)

/e/ / i: / /i/
1- 1- 1-

7- Add a suitable suffix to these words:(02 pts)

Words Nouns of occupations

- music -
- write -
- sculpt -
- art -

7- Add a suitable suffix to these words to form nouns of occupations:

- music …………….
- art …………….

7 - Find in the text four words that have suffixes

8 Cross out the silent letter(s) in the following words: (02 pts)

half / Saturday / know / light

8 Pick out from the text four words that have silent letter(s)

9 - Add the right prefixes to form the opposites: ( il , im , in , ir , un , dis , )

legal …….. / polite ……….

9 Add the right prefixes to form the opposites:

Legal …………… / polite ……….

9 Find in the text four words that have prefixes:

9 Cross in the right box to form opposite:

dis un ir in im il

10 - Match the words that have the same rhyme

tie- go-
no- buy-

10 Read the text and find one word that rhymes with each of the following words :

may → .................. speak → .................

10 -Read the text and pick out four that have the same rhyme:

11 - Derive a noun using the right suffixes : ation , tion, ion , sion , ment , ness , ance….

Prepare ……….
1- Complete the table :

noun Verb
………. To Prepare

forgiveness …………..

4-5-6 *****In each list , pick out the word with a different vowel sound
a- beef - big - tea - meat
b- have - jam - car - lamb
c- milk - drink - bread - with

****** Transcribe the following words

Spelling Transcription

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